Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: signs and interesting facts about this divine holiday of the Orthodox calendar. Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Kontakion of the Nativity of the Virgin

The Virgin Mary in Orthodoxy has always been revered in a special way, and therefore many holidays have been established in her honor. An example of this is the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. However, few people know that most Orthodox holidays established by no means out of reverence for the saints, but in order to provide an alternative to the pagans after the Baptism of Russia. Previously, instead of this holiday, the day of the autumn equinox was celebrated, which is why many rituals and traditions are so unlike Christian ones. Let's find out more about this holiday.

The Story of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to the existing Tradition, the place where the Nativity of the Virgin took place is in Jerusalem. However, in the Russian Orthodox Church, a version has spread that the parents of the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth and that is where she was born.

The parents of the Virgin Mary enjoyed universal love and respect. However, one grief depressed them: they were childless, which among the Jews was considered a sign of God's punishment. They constantly asked God to send them joy in a child. One day he heard from a certain Reuben a harsh reproach: “Why do you want to bring your gifts to God before others? After all, you are unworthy, as barren!” Out of great grief, Joachim withdrew into the desert for fasting and prayer.

Upon learning of this, the righteous Anna, pleading guilty to their childlessness, also grieved and began to pray even more fervently to God that He would hear her and send her a child. In one of these moments of prayer, the Angel of the Lord appeared to her and said: “Your prayer has been heard by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, above all earthly daughters. For Her sake all the generations of the earth will be blessed. Call her Mary.” After the prescribed period of gestation, the righteous Anna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Mary, as the Angel commanded her.

After a year, St. Joachim arranged a feast, to which he called the priests, elders, and all his acquaintances. At this feast, he raised his Blessed Daughter and, showing it to everyone, asked the priests to bless Her.

Traditions for Christmas

Holy Mother of God 2017 is fasting, but the church allows fish and seafood. As traditional dishes, pies stuffed with fish were served at the table.

There were also mushroom pies. All women in every household were to generously give gifts to the poor and needy. If for some reason this could not be done, then it was considered a great misfortune - the woman risked remaining barren, and well-being and prosperity could leave the house.

Among the Eastern Slavs, the day is dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is being completed: harvesting, exporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. On this day, they honored and thanked the Mother of God (Mother - Cheese-Earth) for the harvest. It was believed that she gives prosperity, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers. In some places, commemorations for the dead are sent, as on Dmitrievskaya Saturday.


    • Previously, it was believed that by September 21, the holiday should be harvested from the fields. On this festive occasion, people arranged great feasts. The richer the table was set, the richer the next year's harvest will be. This is a kind of gift to nature for its generosity. Depending on what kind of harvest was harvested, the celebration lasted for so long: a great harvest was celebrated for two weeks, and a small one for only three days.
    • On a church holiday on September 21, 2016, the old people passed on their experience to young couples. We went to the newlyweds and passed on wisdom from grandparents. If the young people listened carefully and followed all the advice, it was believed that their life would be happy and comfortable.
    • The Holy Mother of God feast of September 21 was considered the day when autumn fully entered into its legal rights. From that day on, it started to get colder. If on this day the weather pleases with its good warmth and sun, then the autumn will be warm and clear. If, on the contrary, it is gloomy and cloudy for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can’t do without umbrellas and warm clothes in the fall.
    • We also looked at vegetables. The more husks on the onion, the more severe and cold the winter will be, if you believe the signs.
    • There is even a sign concerning pets for this day. Since earlier everyone in the villages kept cattle or other domestic animals, it was believed that to see a ghost in the house - to the imminent death of one of the pets. But this could have been avoided by taking the wool from the animal, it was necessary to burn it in the place where the ghost appeared. In this case, misfortune could be avoided.

What not to do on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Engage in heavy physical labor: work around the house, in the garden and in the garden.
    • Sweep crumbs on the floor during a family feast. If there was bread left after a meal, it was given to pets.
    • Quarrel with loved ones and conflict with others (try to resolve any controversial issues peacefully).
    • Raise your voice to loved ones (this is a sin!), Evil to others or think badly about someone.
    • Consume meat and alcohol. On the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, fasting was supposed to be observed.


Troparion for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Your Nativity, Virgin Mary,
bring joy to the whole universe:
From Thee has risen the Sun of Truth, Christ our God,
and, having broken the oath, gave a blessing,
and, abolishing death, gave us eternal life.

Kontakion of the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (tone 4)

Joachim and Anna reproach of childlessness
and Adam and Eve are freed from mortal aphids, Most Pure,
in your holy Christmas.
This is what your people celebrate,
rid of the guilt of sins,
always call ty:
barren fruits gives birth to the Mother of God and the Nurse of our Life.

Glorification of the Mother of God (tone 4)

We glorify you
Blessed Virgin,
and we honor your holy parents,
and all-glorious we glorify Thy Nativity.

Dedicated to the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (tone 8)

Magnify, my soul,
glorious Nativity of the Mother of God.
Virginity is alien to mothers,
and strange to virgins childbearing:
on Thee, the Mother of God, both settled down.
Thee, all the tribes of the earth, unceasingly magnify.

September 21 Orthodox Church celebrates big celebration. It was on this day that the Mother of God the Virgin Mary was born - the one who gave the world our Lord Jesus Christ. The Mother of God became an invisible bridge between the Lord and man, between Heaven and earth. On this day, Orthodox all over the world congratulate each other on the holiday and give nice words. And in honor of the holiday, we have collected for you beautiful and sincere congratulations in verse. Here you will also find short congratulations for sending SMS.

Beautiful congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in verse

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,

May happiness always await you!

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you today
May Mary keep you from sorrows,

I wish you peace and joy

The Mother of God surrounds with joy
And will give you a lot of good.

Holy Mother of God -
Queen of heaven and earth!
Wax candle in the temple
It's on fire for her.
Congratulations on this holiday
From the bottom of my heart I really want
Glorify Mother Mary for centuries
And wish: wonderful feelings,
Goodness, success and prosperity,
Joyful surprises in fate,
So that everything is always in order
Today, tomorrow and all the time!

Nativity of the Virgin - with us,
This is such a wonderful holiday!
We congratulate you in simple words,
We wish you well with all our heart,

And we wish you good luck
So that success never goes away!
We congratulate you today with verses,
And in honor of the holiday, we will sit down at the table!

I pray to you, Holy Mother of God -
Send love and grace to friends,
Let the house be filled with comfort and prosperity,
To not know illnesses, troubles and bitterness.

Take care of the family with divine caress
And surround all loved ones with attention,
So that their life was a beautiful fairy tale,
Where there is no pain, trouble and lies.

May it be covered with hope and faith
Their path to happiness, prosperity, goodness,
May cherished dreams always come true
To make life feel like magic.

May our hearts be filled with happiness
May grace come down to us from heaven,
Faith will save sinful souls.
To the Mother of God Virgin Mary
We turn our prayers
We ask that her kindness, strength
She saved us, saved and forgave us ...

On the great feast of the Mother of God of birth
Compiled this charming congratulations!
A wonderful, heavenly sign -
Blooming suddenly, inadvertently, a flower!
The light will come, the goodness of the Lady herself,
Clouds are scattered in the sky...
And every believer will suddenly rise in his soul,
And the burden will become like a fluff, light!
Rejoice: joy has descended,
And there is no more evil in the world!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
The holiday is bright, great and joyful,
In honor of the most worthy birthday girl,
The bell ringing is heard, blessed!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
May Faith live in your soul,
I wish you great happiness
May happiness always await you

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All sorrows and sorrows will go away.
May your soul be filled with happiness
And prayers will reach heaven.
May our heavenly intercessor,
It will help you in your undertakings.
Life will become like a fairy tale,
It's like heaven has arrived on earth.

Under the whisper of golden foliage
And the blessing of the melodious ringing,
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Merry Christmas to you Blessed Virgin!
Celebrate that wonderful moment
When she appeared to the world
And a miraculous bright face,
What gives us warmth and strength!
Let the Lady go your way
The most faithful will indicate in life,
Where sadness will disappear forever
There will be no grief, evil and filth!
Live with faith in good
Under the care of the Mother of God,
For the sun of joy to rise
Filling the house with warmth and laughter!

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Let the soul be filled with bright faith.
You - love, kindness and patience,
To remove all doubts.
So that beautiful happiness shines on you,
It would not be a bad time.
And healthy so that all loved ones are
The sun would warm!

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary,
Christians celebrate the holiday all over the world,
The temple is open and waiting for the arrival, go with the whole family,
And say a prayer for health out loud.
Mother of God Mary, mother of Jesus,
I pray for you and for your family on this day,
Congratulations to all friends and enemies of the innocent,
So that we always communicate without reproaches and resentment.

Congratulations on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I congratulate you today
And I wish - let in life from now on
Happiness with joy is always found.

Let in your soul tender, vulnerable
Faith in a miracle lives to the end,
If you believe, with divine help
Miracles always happen!

Merry Christmas my dear
My dear friend!
On this holiday, be happy
And let there be friends.

Christmas means everything will work out!
The Mother of God will give help,
You pray - and the desire will come true,
Only the Lord will not betray you!

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May all hopes, plans come true,
Live a century without sorrow, need.
On the day of world happiness and joy,
Pray to the Most Holy Heavens.
Rejoice and create without fatigue
The bright world of beauty and kindness.

On a fine September day
We celebrate the birth of Mary,
The one in early January
Giving Jesus to the world!
Everyone calls her pure,
And that's why I wish
To your family now
Good came in. like paradise
From now on, your life will be
The soul will be cleansed and the body!
I want my heart to go up
And happiness knew no bounds!

Mother of God Virgin Mary,
Cover us from trouble, protect us.
You, who gave birth to a son for God,
Forgive us, your sinful children.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let him revive faith in souls,
Holy Mother of God

Merry Christmas to you
Congratulations, sincerely!
May the heavens be pure and gentle,
And let peace live in the soul forever.
May health never fail
Let love warm you with warmth.
I sincerely congratulate you!
Congratulations on a wonderful celebration!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Hundreds of candles burn in temples,
And go to kneel
There are millions of people before the saint.

Mother of God Virgin Mary,
From trouble hide, protect,
You who gave birth to God the Son,
Forgive us, your sinful children.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let him revive faith in souls,
Holy Mother of God
May he bless us for good.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
I want to ask for love
To make it come true that the soul really wants,
And my heart was beating in my chest.
May the Lord save from despondency
And saves you from anger
Turn to heaven in prayer
And the Lord will not pass by words.

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
May she be with you forever
Let sorrows and sorrows disappear
And love will reign in the soul.
May the Mother of God keep you
And always gives health
Let it cover with the warmth of grace,
Giving life without worries and hassles!

Merry Christmas
I heartily congratulate you.
Let the soul be filled with joy
In this joyful, festive hour.

I wish warm, sincere prayers
For family, for myself and friends.
Grace from heaven, like a spark,
Illuminate so that life becomes fuller.

May the Mother of God by her holy power
Will fill souls and fill every home
Boundless happiness, pure light and peace,
Kindness, love, faith in God and warmth.
Happy Mother of God Day, I congratulate you,
Let only kind words sound
Let the joy in life not leave you -
With all my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas!

You just look out the window -
What a pleasure!
After all, everyone around rejoices
Great birth!
Mary the Virgin was born
Beautiful and light.
And in life she made her own
She is notable.
Honor this Virgin
She is the mother of the Lord.
Do only good deeds
And bright today!

Short SMS congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary -
This holiday is filled with love!
I congratulate you on him and wish
So that the Angel clings to the headboard!

May Mary keep you from sorrows,
May the family be happy.
I wish you peace and joy
Mercy, warmth in the heart,
The Mother of God surrounds with joy
And will give you a lot of good!

Merry Christmas
Congratulations to the Orthodox people!
I wish you patience and joy,
So that everything turns out nicely in life!

Merry Christmas
Glorious Mother of God!
Let in the world day after day
All dreams will come true!
Let everything be just like that
What do you want in life?
Taking the first step, fortunately,
Expect more!

The Nativity of the Virgin is here again!
I want happiness to await you.
So that faith lives in your heart,
And the hope in the soul could not die!

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
Congratulations, today, accept!
Let the soul not languish from sadness,
And blooms from mutual love!
May our Heavenly Intercessor,
Inspire you to win
And then it will surely come true
Your life is a happy dream!

The Nativity of the Mother of God entered your house,
I wish that the holiday is immensely lucky,
So that you can do good things,
To make life interesting and bright!

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you today.
May there be health and strength
May the family be happy.
Let the Queen of Heaven keep
From troubles and despondency, from quarrels.
Let it be filled with light
Beautiful, worthy of your house.

On this day, the Mother of God was born!
May he be happy, bright and clean,
Gives joy! Dreams will all come true
And life will be filled with love!

The sky lit up with radiance -
On this day, the Mother of God was born!
Happy holiday to everyone,
Peace, good health.
We live with her image
We carry faith in our hearts.
Take care of our souls
Save and save us!

The holy holiday has come to us -
Birth of the Virgin Mary!
May the Lord today
Gives you a blessing.
Give bread to the hungry
Will heal all ailments
Will make everyone better
In business, it promises good luck!

In the Mother of God good birth
Let the confusion go away
And let worries pass by
Sadness, longing, let it not drive you crazy.
Let your heart beat evenly
And the soul remains calm!

This holiday is bright and clean -
Virgin Mary's birth.
May this wonderful day
Give you salvation
From earthly troubles, sins,
From envy and other things.
And everything will be in life
Excellent, good!

Filling my heart with joy,
The holiday is coming to you great.
Fulfilled all the prophecies
Enlightening hearts and faces.
Birth of the Mother of God -
The news is truly wonderful!
Let the blessing come
Happiness sent down to you!

What fell like a lot -
Unbreakable plan always!
On land, in water and in the sky -
The will of the Lord is firm!
God's mercy appeared
The one that is pure,
Mother of God appeared
For the birth of Christ!

Queen of heaven and earth
They named Mary the Virgin.
For many, you are salvation
And give healing.

Great holiday in the yard
Let's wake up together at dawn.
The house is full of holy prayer,
Let us rejoice together in it.

That's all the verses for congratulations on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We remind you that on the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is necessary to observe not only the Lenten table, but also spiritual purity, as well as to do virtue, to help people in word and deed. On this day, any physical work, abuse, quarrels and condemnation of others are prohibited. Happy Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Peace and goodness to you!

A big holiday is approaching for all Orthodox - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 2018, as in previous years, the celebration will be celebrated on September 21. The number falls on a Friday. It so happened that the Orthodox honor the Mother of God no less than the Lord and his son, Jesus Christ. The date is celebrated with special reverence. In addition to religious canons, pagan customs and signs were reflected in the great holiday. In this quintessence lies the very essence of the feminine and the meaning of faith for the current generation.

What can you do on this day

Many are interested in whether it is possible to play a wedding on this holiday. The answer is yes. Moreover, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the hearth and female happiness. If the wedding falls on September 21, this will be an additional amulet to create a strong union. Be sure to pray on the feast of the Mother of God for the health of children and mothers. If there is no child in the house yet, and difficulties arise with conception, be sure to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to help. Maria will hear calls for help and contribute to solving difficulties. You can go to church and light a candle for the whole family to live in health and tranquility.

On this holiday it is customary to rejoice. All believers thank the Virgin Mary for Jesus. On this solemn day, the priests put on festive clothes and pray together with the parishioners to the glory of the Mother of God.

What not to do on this day

On the Birthday of the Mother of God it is forbidden:

swearing and cursing with loved ones, yelling at children;

- abuse alcohol;

- be rude and offend parents, old people;

- do hard work

- arrange lavish festivities with alcohol.

Signs and traditions

Since in Russia all church holidays were intertwined with Slavic ones, the onset of the autumn season, Osenina, was celebrated on the Birth of the Virgin. Most of the harvest has already been gathered from the fields and they thanked the Lord and nature for it.

For young girls, this time was for gatherings. Future suitors were called to them, they gave tea and treats, and the guys wooed.

If beggars or lepers beg, give them some money. Refusal can threaten a woman with infertility or failures in family life.

On the Birthday of the Virgin, they tried to burn all the rubbish in the house. It was believed that this removes the evil eye.

There were many signs for Osenina. All of them are mainly associated with the onset of autumn and preparation for winter:

- On September 21, we watched the weather. E If the day is warm, the winter will also be good;

- you need to bury a fly or midge in the ground - insects will not bite;

- if there is dew on the grass, then frosts are approaching;

- if the stars are not visible in the sky, the winter will be cold;

- if the wind blows on this day, then there will be little snow in the winter.

How to celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The birth of the Virgin is an excellent occasion to gather the whole family at a round table. Parents, grandparents, children are invited to their place for lunch or dinner. A young family invites all relatives to visit. Housewives cook pies and prepare various dishes. If the meeting with relatives took place in a warm atmosphere, then life will be cloudless and happy. Crumbs from the table are not thrown away, but given to birds or animals. With the Birth of the Savior, the beginning of a new period in life is marked, so if there are candles in the house, you can light up the corners so that all lawsuits and hardships go away.

Before the holiday, it was customary to clean the house and decorate the home with autumn flowers. As a rule, the day begins with a prayer to the Mother of God, in which believers ask for forgiveness of their sins and protection from life's hardships. Earlier on this day, women went to church and lit candles near the icon of the Mother of God. They wrapped them with notes with wishes. It was believed that if the candle burned down completely along with the paper, then the wishes would come true.

On the holiday, it is allowed to visit relatives in order to convey congratulations to them and treat them to something tasty, such as oatmeal cookies. Even before the holiday, special bread was baked for all family members and for treats.

What can be prepared for the table

The first thing they do is bake bread. If possible, use for cooking oat flour, but if it is not there, then ordinary wheat will do. Guests and household members are treated to fresh bread. The rest of the bread is dried on crackers and stored at home. If someone close to them is ill or morally depressed, they give him a cracker and illuminated water. The patient will definitely get better.

Together with bread, they cook pies with vegetable or berry fillings from the fresh harvest. You can take any filling, whether it be apples, plums, cherries, cabbage and other crops that have grown in the garden.Baked pies with fresh onion and egg are perfect for a festive dinner.

From drinks, jelly is made from berries or fruits. Homemade wine can be served. As a dessert, guests are treated to fresh honey or honeycombs.