How to get rid of alcoholism conspiracy. Magic cures for drunkenness

AT modern world There are many ways to deal with a destructive disease, but not always they are effective. The encoded person, after some time, again begins to experience cravings for alcohol and returns to a dangerous habit. In this case, it is worth turning to folk wisdom: strong conspiracies from healers will help overcome the love of alcohol and get rid of drunkenness once and for all.

In order for the conspiracy to work, you must adhere to certain rules. Healers give some advice on how to make the spell most effective.

  • You do not need to tell anyone around you about the ceremony, even those closest to you. You must keep everything a secret even after the plot works. If you are going to save not yourself, but another person from the disease, then hide your intention from him and say the conspiracy secretly.
  • According to healers, conspiracies to get rid of drunkenness are most powerful if they are read during the waning moon. It is best to conduct the ceremony 2-3 days before the new moon.
  • In order for the conspiracy against drunkenness to be effective, it must be pronounced on the right day. Women speak on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and men on the rest of the week except for Sunday. On Sunday, this ritual is strictly prohibited.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

Helping you get rid of drunkenness strong conspiracy to holy water from Siberian healer. The ceremony is performed at night, before going to bed.

Put a glass of water on the table and right hand take the lit church candle. Baptize the glass with a candle, pronouncing the text of the plot:

The water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as moisture will never be reconciled with fire, so I cannot get along with alcohol. Moisture will get inside me, the fire inside me will flood, and the addiction will go away. The candle will go out - the sin will be dispelled by smoke. Amen.

Drink water, put out the candle and cross yourself, and then go to bed. In the morning you will wake up a healthy person.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness on the waning moon

This rite is also intended for people who have decided to get rid of a fatal disease. The plot is read on the moon in the last quarter phase, that is, the day before the new moon. If the moon is visible from your home, you can perform a ritual before open window if not, it's better to go outside. Look closely at the waning moon and read the plot:

The moon is waning, and my illness is taking with it. In the morning the moon will leave, there will be no trace of addiction. A new moon will be born - a new life will begin. God help me. Amen.

After the ritual, try to avoid prolonged looks at the moon, otherwise the effectiveness of the conspiracy may decrease.

A conspiracy from drunkenness on a photo

Healers advise applying this conspiracy to a person who does not want to get rid of alcohol addiction on their own. Do not forget that the ritual must be carried out in secret from this person.

For a conspiracy, you will need holy water and a picture of an addict. Look at the photo through a container of water and say the words:

Water cleanses the body and spirit, water will save you from drunkenness. Just as the righteous did not eat alcohol, so the servant of God (name) will forget the taste of the potion, and the water will be sweeter than wine for him. The trouble will go away, the Lord will help. Amen.

After that, sprinkle the photo and cross it three times. Remove the picture away from the eyes so that no one finds it and does not pick it up until the addict is cured. Give the rest of the water to drink to the person you spoke to.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on soap

A conspiracy to get rid of a loved one from addiction is read on the soap that only he uses. The ceremony is performed at night after midnight. Take the soap in your hands and start speaking it:

You wash yourself with soap, you forget the taste of alcohol. The soap will melt, and your addiction will melt. As soap will not increase back, so you will not return to drunkenness. Amen.

Such a conspiracy does not imply an instant effect, but alcohol addiction will fade away every day.

Vanga's strong conspiracy for water

The plot of the famous healer Vanga is intended for those who want to save one of their male relatives from drinking: husband, brother, father. The plot is read over water, which is then poured into the food or drink of an addicted person for seven days. To apply this method, read the following words over a jug of water:

The water is pure, the water is sinless, giving life to everything. Give a new life to the servant of God (name), so that he does not take anything but water in his mouth, does not poison his life with anything. Cleanse him from sin and protect him from the sinful potion. Amen.

After seven days, the addiction will leave the person. In no case should you pour the conjured liquid into alcohol, otherwise the conspiracy will give the opposite result.

Conspiracies from drunkenness will help get rid of terrible addiction, regain health and joy of life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Most detailed description: a strong prayer from her husband's drunkenness to read over the sleeping ones - for our readers and subscribers.

Words backed by faith can work wonders. They can forever destroy the life of another person, but they can also help when the situation has become hopeless. Very often, a woman who is tired of her husband's alcoholism finds solace in this: sometimes in the words of prayer, sometimes in magical conspiracies. The fight against alcohol addiction at home with rituals and conspiracies has always been popular, and in the modern world this popularity has begun to rise in waves again.

Everything has to be done right

Three main conditions for the successful conduct of a conspiracy against alcohol addiction:

  1. Right timing. A conspiracy against a husband’s alcoholism should be read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for maximum effect - with a full moon or a month that begins to wane.
  2. Firm self-confidence. A person who reads prayers or makes conspiracies must be 100% sure that this tool will help the first time. Only faith in a positive result will help save the husband from alcoholism, and not endless attempts to "improve the technique."
  3. Secret mode. The fact that the wife of a drinking person decided to read a conspiracy against the harmful addiction of her husband, no one should know, neither before the ritual, nor after its successful completion.

An important rule for conducting a conspiracy designed to save a husband from alcoholism is seriousness. You can’t read prayers or ask higher powers for help for the sake of laughter or just in case (“what if it works out”). It is also important to remember that it is very difficult to rid a person of the problem of drunkenness in cases where he is associated with bad company. Reading conspiracies and prayers is recommended only after careful “preparation”, starting at least with excommunication from the house of drinking buddies. Only a serious approach to business and a clear understanding of what will happen can guarantee the result of the measures.

From the simplest

There is a huge amount to find the most effective and strong conspiracy against drunkenness. Another thing is that not everyone is recommended to trust. The simplest conspiracies are for water and food, since it is easiest to work with this “material” at home.

An easy way to save a drinking spouse from alcohol addiction is a water conspiracy:

  1. It is necessary to take water from a spring or well (in extreme cases - from the tap, but first stand in the dark for a week) water.
  2. Above the water, you should read the corresponding plot.
  3. On the charmed water, you can make tea or coffee for a drinking husband, you can give it a drink just like that. Important: you should drink all the charged water.

The food conspiracy is even simpler: you can take any food that will then be served to the alcoholic, and read the necessary words of the conspiracy over it, and then make sure that the food is eaten completely without a trace.

A simple conspiracy that helps with alcoholism is effective, which you need to read for fish:

  • Take two glasses - empty and with an alcohol-containing drink, fresh fish, a knife.
  • You need to open the fish with a knife, extract bile and dip your finger twenty times alternately in it, then in the drink, reading the words of the conspiracy.
  • The charmed intoxicating drink should be added drop by drop to the husband’s drinks, after which the craving for alcohol will begin to pass.
  • to more complex

    More serious and complex is the conspiracy of the healer Vanga, designed to save her husband from craving for alcoholic alcoholic beverages once and for all.

    1. On the 19th of any month, you need to take clean spring water and pour it into a glass container.
    2. Above the water, you need to read the healer's conspiracy, then say "Amen" three times and spit three times over your left shoulder.
    3. Water, spoken in this way, should be added to the drinker's drinks or his food, it can even be sprinkled on her husband.

    In addition to the conspiracy, Vanga's recommendation is a special herbal decoction made from wormwood and thyme (80 gr each). Herbs should be chopped, mixed, take 20 gr. mixture, pour clean water (500 ml.) And simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Infused for an hour, this decoction is filtered and given to the drunken husband to drink 100 ml three times a day. A month later, a set of measures “conspiracy plus decoction” will help rid the alcoholic of craving for alcohol.

    Miscellaneous differences

    You can save a drinking husband from the problem of alcoholism by conspiring for a variety of things. The ritual is carried out over everything: from a towel, with which the drunkard must dry himself for a week after the ritual, to a photograph on which they “recite” a slander by the light of a candle. You can speak any thing - a tie, a button, a key chain - belonging to a drinking person:

    1. Take a thing, wipe it with holy water - to cleanse the object of the negativity accumulated during the time of its owner's use of alcoholic beverages.
    2. Place the object to be ritualized in a saucer of water.
    3. Light a candle, drain the first drops of wax on the sides of the saucer, drip the rest on the thing and read the plot.

    After the ritual, the charmed thing should be cleaned of wax and returned to the owner. The conspiracy will take effect immediately after the alcoholic touches her. The final action will be to first reduce the craving for intoxicating drinks, then the aversion and rejection of alcohol.

    The ritual over a photograph has always been considered the most powerful (a woman reading a plot works with an aura imprint or a trace of her husband’s energy), although not the most difficult. It should be done after sunset.

    1. It is necessary to take a photo of a drunkard and three church white candles.
    2. In an empty room, you need to put candles in a row, set fire to it, put a photograph in front, then sprinkle it with holy water.
    3. After reading the corresponding plot three times, you can remove the picture to where no one will find it.

    Improvements will come within the first week, and to consolidate the result, it is recommended to repeat the “session” in a month.

    What to Expect

    Experts say that all conspiracies and rituals aimed at curing a drinking husband from alcoholism refer to the so-called white magic, which, by definition, cannot harm either the woman using the technique or the man who is being helped. Serious consequences after such manipulations should not be feared. On the part of the health of an alcoholic, one should expect the usual reactions of a physiological and psychological plan, which are also characteristic of the rehabilitation period after traditional anti-alcohol therapy.

    After successful conspiracies against addiction, the likelihood is especially high that the former drunkard will experience discomfort associated with the weaning of the body from the artificial stimulation of alcohol components, which may lead to the need for medical help or traditional medicine preparations.

    Better to trust the experts

    Every loving wife desirous enough to cure her husband of drunkenness can independently carry out any conspiracy against alcohol. However, it is better to entrust such an important and energy-consuming event to specialists. Greater energy potential, stronger willpower, self-confidence - all this helps professionals to significantly influence the situation for the better.

    Turning to professional healers, it is worth remembering some rules:

    • you need to take with you photos of the drinking person and some of his things;
    • on the way to the session, as well as on the way home, you can’t talk to anyone;
    • to enhance the effect of a specialist, it is better to visit more than once;
    • after completing the treatment of an alcoholic, everything that would remind of addiction should be removed from the house;
    • it is extremely important to believe that the conspiracy will be effective, that it will help the drunkard, because for the most part all the “magic” of the rituals is associated with the woman’s sincere desire to rescue her spouse from the trap of alcoholism.

    It does not matter what remedy will be used - whispering over water, Vanga's recipe or a conspiracy over a photograph. Words can help in the fight against alcohol cravings, but only if backed up by faith and a certain “baggage” of knowledge. If the wives of alcoholics believe in a positive outcome of their actions, any ritual will be effective. And, of course, do not forget that alcoholism is also a medical problem, so after recovery, the drunkard may need support with traditional medicines or funds generously provided by alternative medicine.

    Conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness for reading at home

    Prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness often help in the treatment loved one on your own when a long and expensive stay in the clinic, consultations with a narcologist and coding from a destructive habit are powerless. Faith is the main component of healing from any disease, including alcoholism. The created prayer is the expressed hope for recovery, the conviction in the correct choice of the method of getting rid of the vice that destroys the lives of the drinker and those around him.

    • What is important to know?
    • We cure the son
    • Conspiracies from alcoholism

    What is important to know?

    Rites and prayers aimed at aversion from drunkenness can be carried out at home, without involving third parties in the circle of their difficult problems. It is important to know a number of rules, under which the treatment will be as effective as possible.

    1. Patients suffering from alcoholism should be treated on the days of the waning moon, unless specific dates for reading akathists are specified.
    2. Conspiracies during Great Lent, on days of great patronal feasts, on Sundays are not read.
    3. The implementation of the ceremony must be approached with the utmost seriousness and a sincere desire to help.
    4. The words of prayers, uttered for the sake of dubious fun, will not only not bring the desired result, but will also aggravate the ailment.
    5. Conspiracies from alcoholism of men should be read on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On other days, a ritual is performed with female drunkenness.
    6. If, according to the conditions of the ceremony, water is used, it must be clean, fresh, not boiled and not drunk. When water is used that is not from a spring or well, it must be allowed to settle.
    7. Initiation into the plans for the rituals of outsiders who are not involved in the problem is highly undesirable.
    8. You can not be distracted and interrupted while reading prayers and pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.
    9. If a woman says prayers, her head should be covered with a scarf.
    10. Anyone who reads prayers from drunkenness not on himself should not have tattoos.
    11. If the request for help is a conscious action of the patient himself, before starting treatment with prayers, the alcoholic must fast for several days, refrain from smoking and alcohol.

    How to wean a husband from hard drinking without his knowledge?

    When a husband drinks, not realizing, not accepting the fact of his dependence on alcohol, not even wanting to hear about any treatment, the rites of aversion from drunkenness can be performed without the knowledge of the patient.

    Conspiracies without the presence and consent of the husband are carried out on

    One of the most powerful is the ritual with the use of water consecrated in the temple. At midnight from Sunday to Monday over holy water they read three times:

    “You, healing water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) with his heavy addiction, his pernicious habit. Let his body not accept alcohol, let any alcohol reject, from this day until the end of days. As seven nights pass, so will the craving of the servant of God (name) for vodka forever go away. May what is said come true. Amen."

    For a week, the spoken water is added daily to any drink for the patient.

    Stand over the sleeping husband, whisper on the wax from the church candle:

    “Dawn is a dawn, a red maiden, a mother and a queen, the moon is bright, the stars are clear, take insomnia, sleeplessness, night owl from me. In the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a mother - a queen. And lay off me, and take away from me the accursed power, and give me the hand of the Savior, the Mother of God castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy, Satan, give up on me. I am baptized with a cross, I protect myself with a cross, I call upon an angel with a cross, I drive away the evil one with a cross. I know holy signs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Sew the wax into the husband's clothes, which he wears without frequent washing.

    To perform a ritual over a photograph, they choose pictures taken not so long ago, in which the husband is depicted alone, with a natural expression on his face. You should first go to church, ask the priest for prayer for a servant of God (such and such). Arriving home, light the candle bought that day in the temple and say over the photo until it burns out completely:

    “As the moon wanes, so the alcohol addiction of the servant of God (name) recedes, moves away and completely leaves. I said - the moon did. Amen."

    If the ceremony did not give the quick expected result, it is repeated after a month.

    Orthodox prayers, the reading of which gives the most powerful positive result even with severe, chronic binges, turn to the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Strong prayers from the drunkenness of her husband

    If the husband drinks, they ask Nikolai Ugodnik to get rid of the disease

    “Wonderworker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Have mercy generously and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastate his craving for a drunken libation. He will not take a sip, he will not swallow, and he will not pour harmful drink without a shudder. And he will take a sip and pour out property into the womb of holy water. May your will be done. Amen."

    You should pray in solitude, with burning church candles. Once every 10 days, a note of health is served in the church indicating the name of the drinker in the accepted church spelling.

    To get rid of cravings for alcohol, the head of the family often prays to the Holy Matrona of Moscow. This rite has its own characteristics.

    For prayer, 9 church candles are bought, holy water is collected in a container. Three lit candles are placed to the images of the Blessed Old Woman Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, a vessel with holy water is placed nearby. First, they read the prayer “Our Father” three times, repeatedly overshadow themselves with a cross, take 3 sips of water and begin to read the prayer:

    “Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Protect my husband from painful drunkenness and wash his mouth with holy water. Let her drive away the craving for alcohol and calm his satanic trembling. As he takes a sip, he will sober up a bit. How to make two - drunkenness will come out in full. May your will be done. Amen."

    Read for three days. The water prayed in this way can be added to the drink for the husband.

    Home prayer to the Martyr Boniface for the deliverance of her husband from drunkenness is also carried out according to certain rules. To the icons of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Martyr Boniface, they put 3 burning candles and a container with holy water. Three prayers to Saint Boniface are read at least three times in the following order.

    Boniface Martyr, Defender and Savior. I bow my head with faith in you, forgive me for making me angry, praying. Have mercy to appease alcohol, save your husband from drunkenness if you please. May he reject his death, Saint Boniface, I pray three times. May your will be done. Amen."

    “Saint Boniface, the demon tempts us, he drives his husband to the grave with drunkenness. We deserve your punishment, but still I pray on my knees. You ask God for forgiveness, without him we will not deserve humility. Let the alcohol that my husband drinks, immediately pour it back out of him. May your will be done. Amen."

    “Martyr Boniface, Messenger of Christ. Accept repentance for me and my husband and reduce the burden of holy punishment. The demons of drunkenness entered the spouse, they found a weak soul for sorrow. I beg to forgive sins, sprinkle him with holy water. As alcohol takes it in the network, let the demon come out of prayer. May your will be done. Amen."

    Often a man, being weak-willed and falling under the influence of drinking friends, cannot independently cope with cravings for alcohol, although he is aware of his alcohol addiction. In this case, in addition to prayers, a conspiracy using 13 candles will help. They should be bought in an Orthodox church, without participating in a church service. When leaving the church, you need to turn around and say to yourself:

    “Ahead of me is male constancy, I leave drunkenness behind. Amen."

    Upon arrival home, light candles, mentally imagine the image of a husband who is disgusted with alcohol. Then repeatedly emotionally reprimand the words:

    “How bitterly the face frowns, let my beloved man not drink. On alcohol I send a slander, it will be like an eternal shutter. It will twist it, stir it up, this conspiracy will prohibit drinking. Persuasion will not lure him, and his friends will not force him to take a sip. From now on, there will be an end to drinking, my fellow will unlearn at once. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    The energy reception should be repeated before the feast, when alcohol is supposed to be consumed.

    We cure the son

    When the son is drunk, they read:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For evil allowances and for all humiliations, forgive me. Destroy the vile addiction and bring on the son a daring will. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith will remain forever. May your will be done. Amen."

    The mother's prayers for a son who drinks bitter help to get rid of the vice of drunkenness. It is effective to read prayers for aversion to alcohol and universal prayers for health.

    I beseech you, Lord God, and ask for holy remission. Help my drinking son get rid of cravings for alcohol and protect him from imminent death. May your will be done. Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Send my son good health, mind and will, strength and spirit. Protect him from the influence of pernicious and direct him on the path leading to Orthodoxy. May your will be done. Amen.

    A conspiracy against an alcoholic son, performed on Maundy Thursday, is considered especially powerful. Thoroughly wash all windows in the house. The water left after washing the glasses is poured onto the back of the son, saying:

    “As I gave birth to you, I fed you with my milk, so you, servant of God (name), would not drink alcohol, mash, would not pour wine into your mouth. The windows are washed and you are clean. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Prayer to the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice

    Orthodox, wanting to get rid of the disease of drunkenness, most often turn to the Holy Mother of God, depicted on the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. This is a strict and therefore especially effective rite.

    1. You can spend it at any time, but the prayer will be most effective if you offer it on May 18, the Day of the Celebration of this icon.
    2. Before the ceremony, it is necessary to withstand a 40-day fast, refrain from alcohol and smoking.
    3. It is necessary to serve prayers to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Martyr Boniface and Panteleimon the Healer with the blessing of water.
    4. Drink holy water every day before eating.
    5. Say the prayer while standing, only in front of the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, with a lit candle.
    6. The entire text of the prayer must be pronounced 12 times.

    If the prayer is said by the alcoholic himself, it will be more effective:

    “I ask you, my Lord Jesus Christ, for help. Help me change my cruel fate and show me the way to liberation from the liquid poison. For he takes away my strength and mind, corrodes my soul. Heavenly fire send, Lord. I don't enjoy drinking. I suffer only suffering from drunken drinking.

    I pray to you, Heavenly Father, for deliverance from addiction. Let the life force return to me when I give up the bitter poison to take. Let the joy of renewal come, and life will be filled with new meaning. And the burning thirst for damned vodka will leave me. Amen."

    If the prayer is read by someone close, the following version is used:

    “Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and direct and lead to saving abstinence. Ask Christ our God to forgive us our sins and strengthen us in chastity and sobriety. Accept, Mother of God, the prayers of mothers, wives, children, the lost, those who drink bitter vodka, and all of us who fall at Your feet. And may our cry and weeping, by Thy prayers, reach the Throne of the Most High. Amen."

    The same prayer is also read after healing, so that the disease does not recur.

    Conspiracies from alcoholism

    To help prayers for drunkenness, conspiracies are often additionally used. From a huge number of them, you need to choose those to which the soul lies more, or the implementation of which will not cause difficulties. Conspiracies for food, alcohol, a towel are considered the most effective.

    Here is some of them:

    You need to catch or buy a fish, the main thing is that it is alive. Pour red wine into it for a few minutes. Then pour the wine out of the fish, and then cook it in any way. Before feeding this fish to an alcoholic, they say:

    “How this fish fluttered and choked from wine, so that you, the servant of God (name), suffocated at the sight of wine, never touched wine for centuries. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

    They slander alcohol three times during the waning moon at midnight:

    “Just as a dead person does not rise from a coffin, does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink dawn in the morning, or at noon for the day, or from evening to night. Amen."

    Read on a new towel, which is then given to the patient for use:

    “Lord, the royal dress on the shoulders, sleep and peace to the servant of God (name). Cover, Lord, his mind, strengthen, Lord, his body. Save, Lord, his soul. Lord, as Mother washed and washed you in childhood, dressed you in clean clothes, so you, merciful Lord, strengthen the servant of God (name) in the pure consciousness. Amen."

    A towel after seven days of use is buried in the ground or burned away from home.

    Consequences of using conspiracies

    Dangerous are conspiracies associated with the burial places of the dead and cemetery land. Such rituals are performed by trained and experienced people: the slightest inaccuracy or mistake can affect the health of those involved in this.

    After carrying out the rituals associated with the cemetery paraphernalia, services should be ordered in the temple, and the “Our Father” should be repeatedly reprimanded. Despite this, it is better for true believers and those who have just begun to try their hand at self-healing, it is better to adhere to traditional Orthodox rituals, reading canonical prayers aimed at getting rid of drunkenness.

    Will not negative consequences from the application of rites, if they are performed correctly, sincerely, with confidence in a successful result. Conspiracies are not a combination of random phrases. The selection of sounds, their height and alternation enhance the action and direction of the word.

    In a person who gets rid of drunkenness with the help of prayers, as well as in treatment medical methods both physiological and psychological problems associated with alcohol withdrawal may occur. At these moments, it is important to strengthen the support and motivation of the patient, remembering that all family members should pray for the healing of a loved one.

    No disease is cured instantly. Therefore, if something does not work out after the first rite, do not give up. It is required to maintain a positive attitude and faith in the power of words. What kind of prayer will be read is not so important, the main thing is the purity of intentions. Only under such conditions is it possible to achieve recovery, preserve the spiritual and physical integrity of a loved one, return peace and goodness to the house.

    Relatives of a person suffering from alcoholism by any means try to help him. They resort to coding, tantrums, fights and scandals, hypnosis and drug treatment. If nothing else helps, then various conspiracies can be used to heal a loved one. Everyone can use this method, because the ritual can be performed even at home. The only thing that is required is faith in one's own strength and that the conspiracy will work.

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        Healing your own spirit

        It will be much easier to achieve the desired result if the patient understands the danger of the disease and wants to get rid of it himself. Some people immediately run to the witches and healers, but you can perform the ritual yourself at home. Without escalating the situation in the family and without attracting outsiders.

        • To get a good result, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties of the ritual. For 4-6 days before the ceremony, it is imperative to adhere to the strictest fast. In addition, you will need to visit the bathhouse and then put on new and clean clothes. At the next stage, the alcoholic must draw clean water (from a tap, spring, from a stream) into a transparent vessel, read the words of the conspiracy three times over it and drink this water.

          It is important that during the ritual it is necessary to imagine every second that alcohol addiction is going away.

          Lapel from alcohol to water

          One of the best ways to get rid of addiction is to drink water. It is not known exactly who created it, but it is assumed that this is some kind of Siberian healer.

          The ceremony is performed at night, before going to bed. For this you need:

          • put a glass of holy water on the table;
          • set fire to a church candle;
          • take a candle in your right hand;
          • cross a glass filled with water, while saying the words of a prayer.

          You need to drink water, cross yourself and go to bed.

          Conspiracy by photo

          Many conspiracies provide for the presence of a photograph of the person to whom the impact is directed. If the "doctor" has a photo, then we can assume that half the battle is done. It will be easier to discourage a loved one from alcohol. The right conspiracy will help increase the chances.

          A magical rite involves pronouncing the magic words of a conspiracy or a prayer over a photograph of a person addicted to alcohol. The ritual is performed exclusively on the waning moon. A prayer or a conspiracy is read exactly three times from memory. The ceremony is performed by the light of a church candle, which must burn out to the end. If you do not comply with all requirements, it can only get worse.

          Any prayer is said, for example, "Our Father."

          To achieve an additional positive effect, some pre-ceremonial actions will help:

          • go to church for a service during which you need to pray for an alcoholic;
          • buy church candles;
          • go to the bath;
          • put on clean clothes.

          Only after that can the ceremony be performed.

          Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

          People who have recovered from addiction advise the slander of this Siberian healer. Natalya Stepanova has developed a variety of conspiracies against alcoholism, but the following conspiracy is the most effective and simple.

          During the ritual, you must always think about the person who needs to be cured. Imagine how a person is added to the mind, strength of mind and will, wisdom. It is necessary to imagine a person completely healthy and full of strength. The conspiracy does not provide for the mandatory presence of a photograph of the patient. The ritual is performed on the waning moon after midnight.

          The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times from memory.

          Strong conspiracy Vanga

          In a difficult situation related to the alcohol addiction of a loved one, a strong conspiracy of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga will help. This prayer will help any male and female relatives.

          With greater force affects the son or daughter.

          To conduct the ceremony, it is necessary to pour water, preferably spring water, into a transparent jug, whisper a conspiracy over it:

          The charmed water must be imperceptibly added to food and drink for a person with alcohol addiction for about a week. In seven days, the addiction should go away.

          It is forbidden to pour the charmed water into alcoholic drinks, this can only exacerbate the situation.

          Hex from drunkenness on soap

          The author of this conspiracy against alcoholism for soap is also the Bulgarian seer Vanga. It will help wean a person from the bottle. To carry out the ritual, it will be necessary to prepare a small bar of soap, which the alcohol-dependent relative will use when washing their hands. A church candle is lit at night, always during the waning moon. The following words are read exactly nine times:

          After the conspiracy, we put the soap in the bathroom on the washbasin. It is desirable that a loved one wash himself with this soap as often as possible. This plot is quite strong, so you can not use it more than once every two weeks. If the soap is over, we buy a new one and start talking again.

          Conspiracy on ice

          An excellent way to help in the fight against alcoholism is a conspiracy on ice. It must be read on the waning moon. Ice prepared in advance is placed in any container and placed on the windowsill so that it gets Moonlight. The next morning, when the ice melts, it is necessary to speak a conspiracy over the water:

          These words are read three times at night during one week. When the eighth day comes, you can begin to add the charmed water to the patient in food and drink. It is better to use all the water in one day.


          Burial places of people or animals have long been considered quite strong in terms of energy. In the modern world, such a place is a cemetery. The cemetery was often considered a place of various witches and sorcerers, evil spirits and other dark entities. It is in the cemetery that various rituals are carried out, including the lapel from alcoholic beverages. Such a ritual is carried out strictly without the knowledge of the addict.

          For the ritual to be:

          • come to the cemetery with a check of vodka;
          • find an abandoned grave;
          • put a bottle on it.

          Cross yourself three times and say the words of the conspiracy aloud:

          Such a conspiracy is very strong and works in almost all cases. However, it is also dangerous. If the ritual is not carried out correctly, the situation can only get worse and it will not work to save the person.

          Secret slander over the sleeping

          Rituals to get rid of alcohol addiction can be performed without the desire of the patient. Everything can be done quietly and calmly without the knowledge of a person, while he is sleeping. The plot written below will help desperate relatives to rid a loved one of addiction. To do this, you need to make sure that the patient is sleeping soundly, pronounce a conspiracy over him from drunkenness:

          The deeper and stronger the dream, the stronger the effect of the spell. And most importantly - the faith of the pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. It should be pronounced exclusively by a loving and close person, the grandmothers of the witch in this case will not be able to help. It is the love and desire of loved ones that plays a big role in this ritual.

          After the ritual, it remains to wait for positive results, which should manifest themselves in the near future.

          There is another version of the conspiracy against drunkenness, which is pronounced over a sleeping person. This plot is very old and has been tested large quantity of people. This ritual was usually performed in small villages. The result of the conspiracy more than suited everyone.

          In order for the plot to work, it is necessary to fulfill all its subtleties correctly. The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced by one of the close relatives, it is better that it be the wife. The ritual is performed from 3 to 4 in the morning, at the time of the greatest activity of various creatures and magical powers. You need to read the plot carefully so that the addict does not wake up. The plot is pronounced eight times in a half-whisper. You need to sit next to a loved one, put your hand on his shoulder and say a conspiracy:

          The action of the conspiracy should begin in a week. An aversion to alcohol will begin to appear in a previously drinking person, and every day it will only grow.

          Against drunkenness on a towel

          Another effective way getting rid of alcohol addiction - a plot on a towel. To carry out this ritual, you will need a new hand towel, and the conspiracy will be read on it. After midnight, it is necessary to light a church candle and say the following words three times from memory over a towel:

          Now it is important to make sure that a loved one with addiction wipes his hands with this towel. After that, you immediately need to tie the towel into a strong knot and say over it:

          “May it be as I wish! »

          The towel is removed in a place inaccessible to anyone. You can’t untie the knot, other people can’t touch it either. Nobody else should know about the ritual.

          Conspiracy for hair

          To perform the ritual, you need to get a few hairs of a person who needs to be cured of alcoholism. The hair is placed in a handkerchief or cloth that the patient has used. The handkerchief is buried with the words:

          Lapel from salt addiction

          To carry out this conspiracy, you will need salt and a bag. It is advisable to sew the bag with your own hands. Iodized or sea ​​salt falls asleep in a bag. When a person addicted to alcohol falls asleep, a ritual can be performed.

          To do this, you need to read the plot on the bag of salt three times and hide it under the pillow. If there is a fear of being revealed, then you can put it under the mattress. In the morning, take out the salt and sprinkle raw meat with it. Feed a piece of meat to a dog or cat. Bury the rest of the salt in the yard. The plot is read in the evening or at night.

          Before the ritual, you need to fast for several days - this allows you to cleanse yourself spiritually. It is advisable to go to the bath and cleanse your body. And the rite itself should be carried out in a clean nightgown. They pronounce these words:

          voodoo method

          To rid a person of alcohol addiction, you can use the voodoo ritual, which is called "The Firmament". The ritual can be performed even by a person who is not connected with magic. For the ceremony you will need a set of the following items:

      1. 1. 8 small potatoes.
      2. 2. Vegetable broth powder.
      3. 3. Coconut.
      4. 4. New lace.

      Potatoes need to be boiled until mashed, add one teaspoon of powder to it vegetable puree, also grate a few tablespoons of coke. Mix it all up to make a kind of dough. From this substance form eight balls of the same size. Fold the balls on lace, and after reading the plot, tie it:

      During the celebration, imagine how the words penetrate the balls and remain there. On Sunday, take the bundle and take it to the nearest park.

      Conspiracy for Christmas

      Often people get rid of diseases during the Christmas holidays. People find such an alternative when medicine cannot help. Almost all Christmas conspiracies against drunkenness are carried out using holy water and lighted candles. By the light of a candle, it is necessary to sprinkle things and bed linen of a person, all the while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

      You can hold a special ceremony on Christmas Eve. To do this, you need to light three candles, and put a glass inside, from which an alcoholic usually drinks. Above this glass, pronounce the words of the conspiracy, and then cross it.

      Ritual at a distance

      At a distance, turning to God and the saints will help. The following prayers are among the most effective and powerful. Their message is sent to the famous healer Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow. It is read by the light of church candles on water, which will imperceptibly pour into alcohol.

      No less effective is the following prayer. It will allow you to save your husband from alcohol addiction as soon as possible. This prayer must be read not once, but every time the drunkard starts drinking vodka, wine or other alcohol. It must be read at some distance from the person who needs to be cured. You can stop reading the prayer when the husband has a strong aversion to alcoholic beverages.

      All conspiracies and prayers are read so that the patient does not see this and does not know about it. It is desirable that this happens at a considerable distance. You can ask a friend or a good friend and imperceptibly say the words of prayer at her place. It is possible not to hide it from a friend, but the rite must be performed alone.

      Each person chooses the ways that he can do. With confidence that it will not cause harm to the drinker. And also with the hope that a loved one will stop drinking and go into a binge.

      Intended Consequences

      Alcohol addiction is a disease. It is necessary to try to get rid of it medically, only then resort to magical methods. Such interventions as conspiracies, prayers do not always work as we would like. At first, the disease becomes aggravated and becomes stronger, only after a while the disease begins to pass. Addiction is corrected from within, destroying itself. It's like the action of an antibiotic: microbes are first activated, and then die.

      Conspiracies and magic are not jokes, you need to be very careful during the rites and rituals. Even one incorrectly spoken word can aggravate the situation and bring the patient to a near-death state.

      In more serious cases, you should immediately contact the professionals. A person who knows and understands this will conduct the necessary energy cleansing and the ritual itself. This is necessary so that the body of a long-drinking person begins to perceive magical messages.

      If the magical ritual is carried out in accordance with all requirements, then the patient's craving for alcohol will begin to decrease. But it is important to understand that this will not happen immediately. At first, a person will feel very tired, weak in the whole body, he will be lethargic and dull. Even sudden mood swings are possible, sometimes a person can fall into a state of depression. After a while, everything will begin to improve, the desire to live will return and the desire to drink will disappear.

      All conspiracies are effective only if they are carried out with faith and love for a patient with alcoholism. All requirements in the rituals must be fulfilled unquestioningly and according to the instructions. If everything was done correctly, then there should not have been any negative consequences. If something went wrong, then you need to contact a professional who will try to fix everything.

    In this article:

    According to official statistics, in Russia every fifth man suffers from alcoholism, while many are already in the first stage of this disease, but still refuse to admit their own problems. Endemic drunkenness leads to the development of serious diseases, destroys families and destinies of people of all ages.

    Alcohol must be fought with all available means, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy against drunkenness. This is a special magical ritual aimed at eradicating addiction.

    If such a disaster has come to your house, you cannot wait long and hope that the man will be able to get rid of it on his own. bad habit, you need to try to convince him to break with alcohol, help him get on the right track, help stop drinking. But this is not always possible, since alcoholics do not recognize their problem, and any hints lead to hostility, and sometimes aggression. We live in a society where a person cannot be treated for alcoholism without his consent, and therefore, the hands of relatives, most often, are tied.

    In such a situation, a conspiracy from drunkenness is almost the only means of combating alcohol.

    Such rituals are carried out without the knowledge of the target, affect her subconscious and can convince the alcoholic to quit drinking on their own.

    It looks like a miracle, and therefore many question the effectiveness of magic, however, when there are no other options left, even skeptics turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

    The effectiveness of rituals against drunkenness

    Practice shows that magical rituals are very powerful and have a very positive effect on alcoholics, however, not a single, even the most effective and proven ritual can guarantee a 100% result. There are a large number of factors that can both increase the power of the rite, and reduce its impact to nothing.

    The most terrible opponent of rituals is the company of a person - the people who surround him.

    If you want to rid your loved one of alcohol addiction, but his drinking companions prevent this, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greatly reduced.

    In this case, without the desire of the alcoholic himself and his will, it is difficult to achieve deliverance.

    And yet, do not despair, even if some people pull your husband or son to the bottom. With the help of powerful, time-tested rituals, for example, using a photo ritual, you can reduce the rate of development of alcoholism or awaken in the person himself the desire to give up alcohol.

    Strong conspiracy option

    This ritual must be performed every morning in complete solitude. Before reading the words of the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire to help a loved one, and also believe that you will be able to achieve what you want. Conspiracy words:

    “Let heaven hear, let heaven see. What I want to do with the body and mind of the servant of God (name of the target).

    The sun is bright, the sun is free, you ascend into my yard. There are neither people nor animals in my yard. Young month, red month, come down into my cage, where there are no doors, no bottom.

    Far away stars, clear stars, descend into my cup, where the water is clear and cold. The sun is bright, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine.

    The month is red, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. The stars are clear, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. In an open field, in a blue, deep sea, the key with the lock lies. No one can open that lock, no one can find that key. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Husband's alcohol conspiracy

    This conspiracy, which must be pronounced on any alcohol that the target later drinks, has already managed to prove its effectiveness. It is perfect to save a person from constant binges. The words:

    “The abbot called the priest to him and together they made a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a bad passion, from a drunken adversity. Let him not know the drunken maety from this day to the grave. Just as a fat pig cannot cross the ocean alone, so the servant of God (name) will not drink alcohol from this day on, do not hold it in his mouth, and do not desire at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    The methods are quite serious, but you can’t get off here at once, you need complex work

    After the alcoholic drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he must stop drinking.

    Lapel potion for drunkenness

    Preparing an alcohol-repellent potion is a difficult task even for experienced practitioners, as it will not be easy to get all the necessary components, however, if all the necessary ones are collected, then the potion guarantees a persistent dislike for alcohol in the target.

    • The first component is a crayfish, which was caught on a full moon so that the appearance of the full moon coincided with the last calendar day of the month. Raka must be dried in a Russian oven and then ground into powder.
    • The second component is the root of plakun-grass. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried.
    • The third is grass from a nest abandoned by birds. It is also washed and dried.
    • The fourth is the root of the grass, it is washed and dried.
    • Fifth - seeds and flowers of wormwood.
    • The sixth is thyme herb.
    • Seventh - white snowdrop flowers.

    All ingredients must be ground into powder by hand, using a mortar and pestle.
    When the day corresponding to the alcoholic's birthday arrives, boil all the components with water taken from three different houses. The owners should not know how you will use this water. After that, you need to cool the broth, wash the person with it and let him drink 12 sips at a time. If a person begins to shake, or he will experience itching, then all the infection leaves his body. During the preparation of the decoction, you need to read the plot:

    “I (name) conjure saliva and blood, brain, mouth, joints and liver, breath and half-joints, veins and hamstrings, and the heart. I conjure the whole skeleton of a person from any hop, from daytime, lunchtime, nighttime and morning hops, from daily and semi-daily hops. At home, at a party, in the authorities, in oak towers, in stone chambers, he should not drink. The Lord created the Universe in seven days, and the seven parts of my body in this house will create peace and rest for the servant of God (the name of the goal) from all drunken passion. Now and right now. Amen".

    Conspiracy for water

    Read on pure spring water or any other non-alcoholic liquid that the target drinks. The words:

    “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One person was born, baptized, lived, and passed away. As he is dead, so (the name of the target) does not take alcohol in his mouth, does not drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, so the other’s hand does not pour wine, does not carry to his mouth, does not pour vodka into his mouth. (Target name) does not pour more wine into the cup, does not drink alcohol. I (name) am baptized with a cross, and I protect myself with a cross, but I am saved from wine. Ivan the Baptist, help me, be a servant of God (name of the target) a deliverer from wine. My word is strong, no one can interrupt. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Alcohol addiction often leads to quarrels, conflicts and crimes that can end in crime. The problem of alcoholism creates a lot of trouble in families, the husband or wife suffers, and their children do not receive all the warmth and affection that parents should give. If a man or woman drinks a lot, it can cause an aversion to alcohol. This will help a conspiracy from drunkenness.

    A conspiracy from drunkenness helps develop an aversion to alcohol

    Drunkenness in the history of Russia

    In Russia, people did not grow vineyards, but each person prepared alcoholic drinks on their own, such as fermented honey and beer. Initially, such drinks were consumed exclusively on holidays and feasts, which were arranged by the inhabitants before the start of important matters, during rituals and other games.

    Later, Christians began to celebrate pagan rites. Even a person on his last journey to the cemetery was escorted with alcohol.

    The first drunkenness appeared closer to the 16th century. But it only became a social problem when alcohol became part of the country's income.

    Even Ivan the Terrible allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a special house, which was called "tavern". And as soon as alcohol and income in the state became one, drunkenness developed more and more every day. All the alcohol campaigns that were held failed to overcome drunkenness, but only led to an increase in people who fell into alcohol addiction and ended their lives ahead of time in the cemetery.

    Rules for rituals from alcoholism

    Conspiracies from drunkenness have great power, since we are talking about saving not one person, but the whole family. You can carry out such a conspiracy at home, so that a loved one stops drinking alcohol.

    It is important to remember that alcoholics are the first to go to the cemetery. If you decide to turn to magic for help and try a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, then it is recommended to know the main rules:

    Faith is the most important thing, the success of the conspiracy depends on it.

    1. Faith is the first thing to take care of before you turn to magic for help.
    2. The ritual should be performed only on specific days of the week. If a man drinks, then in order for him to stop drinking, you need to perform a ritual on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Rescuing a lady from alcohol addiction, choose Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.
    3. You should read conspiracies from drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon, you do not need to go to the cemetery at midnight.
    4. Don't disturb the energy field. If you decide to read the plot and you want the person to really stop drinking, then you do not need to carry out several rituals at the same time. Give him time to work, and do not rush to try everything.
    5. When conducting a ritual in secret from a person who does not stop drinking, you cannot tell anyone, especially if it worked.
    6. When a person refused help, but you decided to secretly read a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, you need to make the most of your faith in order to have the desired result.
    7. You should read the conspiracy against drunkenness in a half whisper and alone, without helpers and witnesses.
    8. Buy an icon and ask the saints for help. You need to regularly read a prayer in front of the shrine.
    9. In the morning, you can take a couple of sips of holy water.
    10. Before the ceremony, experts recommend fasting. The minimum fasting period is three days.

    3 strongest conspiracies from drunkenness

    The essence of the conspiracy lies in the fact that a person develops an aversion to drinking alcohol unexpectedly for himself, and the result is that he stops drinking harmful drinks altogether. Relatives are always worried about loved ones, their health and do not want to visit the cemetery and their graves, but spend a long and happy life with them.

    On the water

    A conspiracy from drunkenness to water is best done on a person so that he stops drinking, which is against encoding and other methods of treatment. Few people agree to treatment at home.

    A water spell is a powerful method to get rid of alcohol cravings

    To save a loved one against addiction, you can try a water conspiracy. He is strong, he can be carried out on himself. A person loses his attraction to alcohol, and such actions, unwillingness to drink, he will not be able to explain and understand.

    This plot is required to be read three times in a glass of water. Choose a time so that the speaker is after a hangover and asks you for a glass of water to relieve thirst. You can prepare ahead and wait for the right moment. The text of the plot is as follows:

    “Hop, prince, your little head is wild! Do not wave your hair down, but pour yourself down to the bottom. I don't know you, I haven't been to your house. Climb to the sovereign to the top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not fall on the person (name) dashing words and your evil deeds. Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Hop, prince, sit in your own place, like a king sits on his kingdom, but don’t go to my house!

    Another water plot can only be carried out on the 19th of each month. Take water and say the words to it:

    “As the Lord God Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not endure; like a mother Holy Mother of God and all the saints did not know the drink, did not drink and did not endure, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink forever and ever, amen.

    Add charmed water to tea, coffee, soups, compotes and other dishes. Acts immediately or gradually. Sometimes it may be necessary to speak several containers of water in order to have a result.

    Having spoken water, it must be added to coffee


    You can effectively talk from drinking alcohol with the help of a photo. A photograph in itself stores the energy of a loved one and a little aura. It is important that the photo is fresh, so it must have a strong energy. Also prepare three candles purchased in the church and holy water.

    To start reading a conspiracy, and in order for a strong conspiracy to work, you can pronounce words only after sunset. Your actions: you must close alone in an empty room, put the candles in a row, and put a photo in front of them. Sprinkle the photograph with holy water and read:

    “Lord Holy God, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy from booze, wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

    Repeat three times and hide the photo so no one can see it. After a month, repeat the ritual, if necessary, with the same photo.

    Ritual for yourself

    A conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences are not terrible if a person believes in himself and recognizes the fact that he is sick and needs treatment. At home, you can conduct a strong ritual against alcohol addiction for yourself.

    If you understand the whole essence of the problem and do not strive to get into the cemetery in your youth, then act immediately. It is difficult to force yourself to stop drinking, because you need a strong character and will. But, it’s easier to talk to yourself and not ask for help from an outsider.

    The most effective conspiracy is on yourself

    First of all, fast for a few days. After that, you must definitely go to the bathhouse and completely change all the linen to clean and fresh. Draw not drinking, but clean water from the spring. Above the water in the container, read a strong addiction plot:

    “In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Hop and braga! To the tombstone, for all ages from me, a servant of God, leave! All cravings for wine and hops are gone! The wind is violent, take my dashing passion! Drinking in the forest, get away from me, to black birds, and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I do not know grief. From my stomach for all time, step back dashingly dashing! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

    After drinking the charmed water to the bottom. Spend it to stop drinking on the waning moon. Quitting drinking, drinking alcohol is easy if there is support from magic and the faith of the person himself. None of you wants to get to the cemetery ahead of time, and excessive drinking will lead to it.

    Spell Consequences

    All the rituals and conspiracies that you use to get rid of a bad habit are associated with white magic, and not with black magic. Do not trust anyone, what negative consequences can be here.

    It is necessary to get rid of drunkenness with the help of white magic

    The only thing that can be expected is the psychological and physiological limitations of the person you are relieving of the disease. This is a normal phenomenon that will accompany a person if a person refuses the habitual use of alcohol. Often such people need qualified medical help.

    But remember, if you support it, then even getting rid of a bad habit at home will be successful and without consequences. A number of rituals can be performed at home, or in a cemetery.

    To perform the ceremony, you need to go to the cemetery, stand near the fence and wait for the funeral ceremony to take place. You need to have an alcoholic drink with you, which the addicted person likes to drink. Arriving home, put the bottle in a prominent place, it is important that the lover sees it. If the alcoholic himself took the bottle and drank the contents, then the actions will give a positive result, and the conspiracy from alcoholism will help.