Stories within 40 days after death. How the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives and when it leaves the body

Death loved one for the family is a great grief. Relatives mourn and mourn. They want to know where the soul goes after 40 days, how to behave and what to say. There are many unanswered questions that need to be answered. The article will talk about this in detail and highlight important points.

During life, the body and soul of a person are inseparable. Death is a stop for the body, as well. Up to 40 days there are "walks" through heaven and hell. The "excursion" to paradise is much shorter. It is believed that more bad deeds than good deeds are committed in the past life.

In hell, ordeals begin. There are twenty of them. This is a difficult and responsible stage. A kind of exam that tests all passions. How strong are they in terms of evil. For example, take the passion for theft. One takes insignificant money from the pocket of a friend or acquaintance, the other forges documents, the third takes large bribes.

Sloth, envy, pride, anger, lies and other trials are a test of how much the devil has taken possession of a person. The devil cannot captivate the human soul, but by dominating the soul, he shows its failure before the Kingdom of saints. Therefore, when going through ordeals, it is revealed whether there was unity with God and with the laws prescribed in the Bible.

During life on earth, a person can repent and ask for forgiveness for the sins committed. The Lord will accept every sinner who prays sincerely. The underworld does not provide such a chance. Here everything is in full view: what you did, you got. Therefore, in the analysis of deeds, the slightest misconduct is taken into account.

What does the 40th day after death mean?

On the 40th day, the soul appears before God's judgment. A guardian angel becomes a lawyer for her, who protects a person all his life. He reveals good deeds, and the sentence becomes more lenient. If the activity was commensurate with pure thoughts, then the punishment is not too severe.

The torments of hell are avoided by doing the right thing. But in modern world hard to resist the temptations. If you adhere to the basic rules of God, do good deeds and take communion at the slightest deviation from the right path, trials will pass easier and faster. A person should think about the upcoming ordeals so as not to subject the soul to difficult tests.

After 40 days, the soul is given the right to return to earth, go around their native places and forever say goodbye to those who are especially dear. Usually the relatives of the deceased no longer feel his presence. Going to heaven, the soul makes a decision that was made by the court for the deeds committed during life: a dark abyss or eternal light.

For the departed, the prayer of relatives is the best demonstration of boundless love. In monasteries where services are held every day, you can order a magpie (daily commemoration for 40 days). The word of prayer is like a drop of water in the desert.

Activities of relatives up to 40 days

  • Do not touch anything in the room of the deceased.
  • Don't share things.
  • Don't say bad things about him.
  • Try to do good deeds on behalf of the deceased.
  • Read prayers these days and keep fasting.

Where does the soul go after 40 days? This is a kind of milestone, after which she goes to heaven or hell. But we must understand that hell is not the end point. Thanks to the attention and desire to intercede, the fate of the soul is sometimes changed for the deceased. During the Last Judgment, a reassessment of all people will take place, and the fate of everyone will depend on their own actions and activities in society and the family. Take the time to change and get on the right path.

According to Orthodox traditions, the fate of the human soul is decided on the fortieth day. And it is we, living people, who by our actions can achieve a better fate for the deceased. About what you need to do and how to spend this day, we will tell in this article.

40 days from the date of death is a very important and responsible date, because it is on this day, according to Orthodox canons, that a verdict is issued on the soul of the deceased regarding its further location. And if the soul itself is no longer able to change and correct anything for the sake of a better fate, then the relatives of the deceased can do it. We will tell you about what to do after 40 days, as well as how the living can save the soul of the deceased.

The first and most important thing to do not only on this particular day, but also on all the previous ones, is to pray. Prayer is the simplest and surest way to persuade higher powers to be merciful and change the verdict for the better. Prayer for 40 days can be both home and church. If you pray at home, you can read the kathismata from the psalter, but in the church the magpie is ordered. For everyone, except for suicides, the priest and parishioners will pray with you. Also, for people who independently made the decision to die, it is impossible to submit funeral notes. However, even in this case there may be exceptions. If you have received a blessing from a priest, then you have every right to ask for service for a loved one. If you were unable to obtain such permission, remember that no one can forbid you to pray for the soul of the deceased on your own. It will also be useful to confess yourself and bring your loved ones to confession.

Together with a prayer in the name of saving the soul of the deceased, you can sacrifice your renunciation of any sin, at least for a while. For example, you can give up cigarettes or alcohol - this will also benefit the soul of your loved one. Even a simple refusal to watch TV in favor of prayer will be a great comfort and joy for the deceased.

Another important tradition for 40 days is holding a wake. Believing people should be at the memorial dinner, since those who do not believe in God will not be able to help a person’s soul by their presence alone. It is necessary to celebrate 40 days with lean and simple food, without culinary delights, especially when the commemoration falls during fasting. If there are no posts at this time, try also not to spend a large amount on pleasing guests. Know how to prioritize: the money that you are going to spend on expensive meals is better to give to the needy (the poor, the disabled, orphans). By doing this, you will bring the soul of the deceased much more benefit. The main dish should be kutia, which symbolizes the rebirth of the soul. Each of those present must eat at least one spoonful of it, after which they can proceed to other dishes.

Do not take the memorial 40 days as an opportunity to gather with friends and family. Remember that this is not a social event or a feast. Fun, songs and alcohol, of course, are prohibited by the church, but you yourself must understand that the remembrance of the deceased cannot be combined with jokes and laughter. Pay close attention to the conversation as well. It often happens that during the commemoration people gather who have not seen each other for a long time. And when conversations about the deceased smoothly turn into conversations about everyday affairs, pressing problems, or, even worse, about what and who will inherit from the deceased, the commemoration should be completed.

Be sure to visit the cemetery for 40 days. Take a candle and flowers with you. The most popular flowers for the dead are carnations, tulips and orchids, but you can also bring irises, violets, feces and roses to the grave of a loved one. For the deceased, it is customary to bring an even number of flowers, which has a simple explanation. The fact is that even numbers are a symbol of life and death, that is, the beginning and end, but odd numbers indicate continuation and movement. By laying flowers for 40 days on a tombstone, you show respect to the deceased, show your great love for him, and also emphasize the importance of loss.

All 40 days for the deceased must observe mourning. It implies a special behavior and clothing. The clothes we wear help create a certain mood for us and even encourage us to pray. Therefore, all these days, try to wear simple, strict and closed clothes without frills.

In preparing and holding the fortieth day, it is first of all important to think about the deceased and his soul, and the details of the menu, the number of flowers and other similar things are a secondary matter.

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You will find a dining room, cafe or restaurant for organizing a funeral table in the section Conducting a commemoration of our portal

One of the eternal questions to which humanity does not have a clear answer is what awaits us after death?

Ask this question to the people around you and you will get different answers. They will depend on what the person believes. And regardless of faith, many are afraid of death. They don't just try to acknowledge the very fact of its existence. But only our physical body dies, and the soul is eternal.

There was no time when neither I nor you existed. And in the future, none of us will cease to exist.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter two. Soul in the world of matter.

Why are so many people afraid of death?

Because they relate their "I" only with the physical body. They forget that each of them has an immortal, eternal soul. They do not know what happens during and after death.

This fear is generated by our ego, which accepts only what can be proven through experience. Is it possible to know what death is and whether there is an afterlife “without harm to health”?

All over the world there are a sufficient number of documented stories of people

Scientists on the verge of proof of life after death

An unexpected experiment was carried out in September 2013. at the English Hospital in Southampton. Doctors recorded the testimonies of patients who had experienced clinical death. Study team leader cardiologist Sam Parnia shared the results:

“Since the early days of my medical career, I have been interested in the problem of “incorporeal sensations”. In addition, some of my patients have experienced clinical death. Gradually, I got more and more stories from those who assured me that in a state of coma they flew over their own body.

However, there was no scientific confirmation of such information. And I decided to find an opportunity to test it in a hospital setting.

For the first time in history, a medical facility was specially refurbished. In particular, in the wards and operating rooms, we hung thick boards with colored drawings under the ceiling. And most importantly, they began to carefully, down to seconds, record everything that happens to each patient.

From the moment his heart stopped, his pulse and breathing stopped. And in those cases when the heart was then able to start and the patient began to recover, we immediately wrote down everything he did and said.

All behavior and all words, gestures of each patient. Now our knowledge of "incorporeal sensations" is much more systematized and complete than before.

Almost a third of patients clearly and clearly remember themselves in a coma. At the same time, no one saw the drawings on the boards!

Sam and his colleagues came to the following conclusions:

“From a scientific point of view, the success is considerable. The general sensations of people who, as it were, have been established.

They suddenly begin to understand everything. Completely free from pain. They feel pleasure, comfort, even bliss. They see their dead relatives and friends. They are enveloped in soft and very pleasant light. Around the atmosphere of extraordinary kindness.”

When asked if the participants in the experiment thought they had been to “another world,” Sam replied:

“Yes, and although this world was somewhat mystical for them, it still was. As a rule, patients reached a gate or some other place in the tunnel, from where there was no way back and where it was necessary to decide whether to return ...

And you know, almost everyone now has a completely different perception of life. It has changed due to the fact that a person has passed a moment of blissful spiritual existence. Almost all of my wards admitted that, although they do not want to die.

The transition to the other world turned out to be an unusual and pleasant experience. Many after the hospital began to work in charitable organizations.”

The experiment is currently ongoing. Another 25 British hospitals are joining the study.

The memory of the soul is immortal

The soul exists, and it does not die with the body. Dr. Parnia's confidence is shared by the UK's biggest medical luminary.

The famous professor of neurology from Oxford, the author of works translated into many languages, Peter Fenis rejects the opinion of the majority of scientists on the planet.

They believe that the body, ceasing its functions, releases certain chemical substances which, passing through the brain, really cause extraordinary sensations in a person.

“The brain does not have time to carry out the “closing procedure,” says Prof. Fenis.

“For example, during a heart attack, a person sometimes loses consciousness at lightning speed. Along with consciousness, memory also disappears. So how can you discuss episodes that people are unable to remember?

But since they clearly talk about what happened to them when their brain activity was turned off, therefore, there is a soul, spirit or something else that allows you to be in consciousness outside the body.

What happens after dying?

The physical body is not the only one we have. In addition to it, there are several thin bodies assembled according to the principle of a nesting doll.

The subtle level closest to us is called ether or astral. We simultaneously exist both in the material world and in the spiritual.

In order to maintain life in the physical body, food and drink are needed, in order to maintain vital energy in our astral body, communication with the Universe and with the surrounding material world is necessary.

Death terminates the existence of the densest of all our bodies, and the astral body breaks the connection with reality.

The astral body, being released from the physical shell, is transported to a different quality - to the soul. And the soul has a connection only with the Universe. This process is described in sufficient detail by people who have experienced clinical death.

Naturally, they do not describe its last stage, for they fall only on the closest to the material substance level, their astral body has not yet lost its connection with the physical body, and they are not fully aware of the fact of death.

The transport of the astral body into the soul is called the second death. After that, the soul goes to another world.

Once there, the soul discovers that it consists of different levels intended for souls. varying degrees development.

When the death of the physical body occurs, the subtle bodies begin to gradually separate. Thin bodies also have different densities, and, accordingly, a different amount of time is required for their decay.

On the third day after the physical, the etheric body, which is called the aura, disintegrates.

Nine days later the emotional body disintegrates, in forty days mental body. The body of the spirit, soul, experience - casual - is sent to the space between lives.

Suffering greatly for departed loved ones, we thereby prevent their subtle bodies from dying at the right time. Thin shells get stuck where they shouldn't be. Therefore, you need to let them go, thanking for all the experience lived together.

Is it possible to consciously look beyond the other side of life?

As a person puts on new clothes, discarding the old and worn out, so the soul incarnates in a new body, leaving the old and lost strength.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 2. Soul in the material world.

Each of us has lived more than one life, and this experience is stored in our memory.

Every soul has a different experience of dying. And it can be remembered.

Why remember the experience of dying in past lives? To take a different look at this stage. To understand what actually happens at the moment of dying and after it. Finally, to stop being afraid of death.

At the Institute of Reincarnation, you can experience dying using simple techniques. For those in whom the fear of death is too strong, there is a safety technique that allows you to painlessly view the process of the exit of the soul from the body.

Here are some student testimonials about their experience of dying.

Kononuchenko Irina , a first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

I looked through several dying in different bodies: female and male.

After a natural death in a female incarnation (I am 75 years old), the soul did not want to ascend to the World of Souls. I was left to wait for my husband, who still lived. During his lifetime, he was an important person and close friend to me.

Feels like we lived soul to soul. I died first, the Soul came out through the area of ​​the third eye. Understanding the grief of her husband after “my death”, I wanted to support him with my invisible presence, and I didn’t want to leave myself. After some time, when both of them "got used to and got used to" in the new state, I ascended to the World of Souls and waited for him there.

After natural death in the body of a man (harmonious incarnation), the Soul easily said goodbye to the body and ascended to the world of Souls. There was a feeling of a mission accomplished, a lesson successfully passed, a feeling of satisfaction. Immediately there was a discussion of life.

In a violent death (I am a man dying on the battlefield from a wound), the Soul leaves the body through the chest area, there is a wound. Until the moment of death, life flashed before my eyes.

I am 45 years old, my wife, children ... I so want to see them and hug them .. and I’m like this .. it’s not clear where and how ... and alone. Tears in the eyes, regret for the "unlived" life. After leaving the body, it is not easy for the Soul, it is again met by the Helping Angels.

Without additional energy reconfiguration, I (the soul) cannot independently free myself from the burden of incarnation (thoughts, emotions, feelings). It seems like a "capsule-centrifuge", where through a strong rotation-acceleration there is an increase in frequencies and a "separation" from the experience of incarnation.

Marina Kana, 1st year student of the Institute of Reincarnation:

In total, I went through 7 experiences of dying, of which three were violent. I will describe one of them.

Girl, Ancient Rus'. I was born in a large peasant family, I live in unity with nature, I love to spin with my girlfriends, sing songs, walk in the forest and in the fields, help my parents with the housework, nurse my younger brothers and sisters.

Men are not interested, the physical side of love is not clear. A guy wooed, but she was afraid of him.

I saw how she carried water on a yoke, he blocked the road, pesters: “You will still be mine!” To prevent others from wooing, I started a rumor that I was not of this world. And I’m glad, I don’t need anyone, I told my parents that I won’t get married.

She did not live long, she died at the age of 28, she was not married. She died of a strong fever, lay in the heat and delirium all wet, her hair matted with sweat. Mother sits nearby, sighs, wipes with a wet rag, gives water to drink from a wooden ladle. The soul flies out of the head, as if it is pushed out from the inside when the mother went out into the hallway.

The soul looks down on the body, no regret. The mother enters and begins to cry. Then the father comes running to the screams, shaking his fists at the sky, shouting to the dark icon in the corner of the hut: “What have you done!” The children huddled together, hushed and frightened. The soul leaves calmly, no one is sorry.

Then the soul seems to be drawn into a funnel, flying up to the light. The outlines are similar to steam clubs, next to them are the same clouds, spinning, intertwining, rushing up. Fun and easy! Knows that life has lived as planned. In the World of Souls, laughing, the beloved soul meets (this is unfaithful). She understands why she left life early - it became not interesting to live, knowing that he was not in incarnation, she strove for him faster.

Simonova Olga , 1st year student of the Institute of Reincarnation

All my deaths were similar. Separation from the body and a smooth rise above it .. and then just as smoothly up above the Earth. Basically, these are natural deaths in old age.

One overlooked the violent (cutting off of the head), but she saw it outside the body, as if from the outside and did not feel any tragedy. On the contrary, relief and gratitude to the executioner. Life was aimless, female incarnation. The woman wanted to commit suicide in her youth, as she was left without parents.

The body and soul are one, however, the body is mortal, but the soul is not. When a person dies, his soul has to go through ordeals - a kind of exams. We will tell you what these tests are and how long they last.

Those who are faced with terrible grief - the death of a loved one, are probably interested in what happens next with the soul of a person, what path does it go through and why are 40 days considered important? We will tell you about the trials that lie ahead for the human soul, how long they last, and how its final fate will be decided.

Living earthly life, our body is one with the soul, however, when a person dies, his soul is separated. At the same time, all the passions and habits, good and bad deeds, character and affections that have been formed over the years, this soul does not forget. And after death, she has to answer for all her actions and actions.

40 days after death are the most difficult for the human soul. In Orthodoxy, this day is considered almost as tragic as the day of death itself. All this time the soul remains in ignorance of what fate is prepared for it. In 40 days, she is destined to go through many trials and fully account for her life.

If six days before that the soul was in paradise, looked at the blissful life and the righteous, then it follows on an “excursion” to hell. There begins the most difficult and responsible part for the human soul - ordeal. It is believed that there are twenty of them - while this is not the number of sins, but the number of passions, which include many varieties of vices. For example, there is the sin of stealing. However, it manifests itself in different ways: someone directly steals other people's money right out of their pocket, someone tweaks accounting papers a little, someone takes bribes. It's the same with all other ordeals. Twenty passions are twenty examinations for the human soul.

The journey through hell lasts until the fortieth day. This is a much longer walk than a journey through paradise, which is not surprising, because a person is much more subject to such weaknesses as hatred, anger, envy, slyness and pride than to virtues. Therefore, it takes much longer to answer for your vices.

It is also interesting that during earthly life a person has the opportunity to repent for his sins and receive forgiveness - you just need to confess from a pure heart. In the afterlife, there is no such possibility. Moreover, if during confession a person can hide some of his vices, then here he is deprived of this right: a person appears as he really is, with his goals, aspirations and secrets.

Of course, the soul does not remain defenseless before strict judges. The guardian angel acts as a lawyer of the soul, which accompanies a person from birth. He will be ready for any sin to find a good deed. The main thing is to have something to look for. In order to avoid the torments of hell, a person must live his life as close as possible to monasticism. This is extremely difficult in the modern world, full of temptations, but if during life you are faithful to God, do good deeds, be pure in soul and heart, take communion, then it will be much easier to pass each prepared test.

After 40 days, the soul descends to earth for the last time and bypasses places that are especially important for it. Many people who have lost loved ones admitted that they saw in their dreams how the deceased on this day says goodbye to them, says that he is leaving forever. Many people also claimed that after 40 days of death they no longer feel the presence of the deceased nearby: no more steps and sighs are heard, no smell of a person is felt.

What happens next when 40 days have passed? On the fortieth day, the soul again goes to God, now for judgment. Only the Lord will not judge a person, he will not condemn or reproach for his vices. Man is his own judge. Therefore, it is believed that, being in front of the Holy Face, the soul will either connect with this light, or fall into the abyss. And this decision is made not by willpower, but by the spiritual state that has become the result of human life.

The soul waits 40 days for the decision of its fate, however, according to the church, this is not the last judgment. There will be another, Last Judgment, final. It is believed that the fate of many souls can change on it.

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40 days after death is an important date. What does it mean and how is it right, according to Christian traditions, to commemorate the dead so that they find eternal peace and God's grace. This question is often asked by people who are far from Orthodox traditions, but if the family of the deceased wants to pay a debt of memory and respect to a relative, everything should be done correctly. Therefore, we will tell you how to remember for 40 days after the death of a loved one.

Christians should remember dead friends and relatives not only on mourning days. True believers pray for the souls of their loved ones every minute. But there are dates when it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the priest. These are three, nine and forty days from the date of death.

The fortieth day is the most important for the soul of the deceased, she receives news of where she will wait for the Last Judgment.

But until this time, the soul is nearby, it is on earth: it sees, hears, yearns. That is why one should not indulge in grief for a long time, weep bitterly and ask the deceased to return. A person already suffers from the inability to change something, and grieving relatives bring even more confusion.

Wake for 40 days is an important and responsible event.

At this moment, the Orthodox should pray for the deceased, set the table, remember the earthly affairs of the departed to another world, visit the cemetery, put a candle in the temple for the repose. Order a prayer service in memory of the newly deceased servant of God. These actions facilitate the soul's transition to another world, help those who mourn to endure a bitter loss.

How should a believer react to the death of a loved one?

Our ancestors believed in an afterlife, the whole earthly path was preparing for the transition to a new state. Modern Orthodox Christians and Catholic brothers also believe in the existence of the soul after death. After death, we no longer influence where the incorporeal shell will be determined, but relatives and friends are obliged to sincerely and fervently ask for indulgence in order to soften the Lord. Only faith sacred words and warm memories can alleviate the fate of the newly deceased. Therefore, it is never too late to express grief and ask the Almighty for mercy. The man died, but close relatives are asking for him.

Go to church, remember kind word who is dear.

Death is a stage life path. Sooner or later, everyone will have to die. After earthly existence, there comes a period of retribution for what has been done. There is no need to be afraid of the end of life, one should be afraid of punishment for unrighteous deeds and deeds.

The meaning of the date in Christianity

Burying a loved one is hard. 40 days after death, what does the date mean and how to properly commemorate the dead - these questions are asked by people faced with death. How to express grief, organize a farewell and memorial service, what to serve. In a difficult moment, relatives are lost, they do not know how to behave properly.

There is no exact answer to the question why exactly the fortieth day is taken as the key point of the soul's farewell to the earth. But the Orthodox faith says that the power of prayer on this day is able to decide the fate of the soul going to heaven. This is the last chance given to influence the higher decision. That is why it is so important to observe the commemoration calendar.

The fortieth day is counted from the moment of death. It does not matter whether the mournful event happened in the morning or in the evening. In the same way, it is customary to count the ninth day. These dates in the Orthodox tradition are called the days of memory. It is necessary to observe all the rituals and traditions so that the soul of the deceased is easy and calm.

A Christian, a baptized person is commemorated with a prayer. It is spoken in church and at home. They hold a memorial dinner, distribute alms to those in need. It is allowed to organize a mournful meal outside the house where the deceased lived.

40 is a sacred number. We can find confirmation of this fact in the Bible. So, Moses led the people in the wilderness for 40 years; Forty days later, Jesus ascended into heaven.

After death, the soul goes on a journey: for the first 9 days, it worships the Creator. Then, the angels lead her through the afterlife, show Heaven and Hell. Finally, God announces a verdict regarding her continued existence. After making a decision, the soul goes to permanent rest. Where awaits the Last Judgment and resurrection.

During these hours, it is important that people pray in the church and at home. To do this, order services.

  • Sorokoust
  • Mortuary Psalter
  • memorial service

How to spend the fortieth day

There are strict requirements for the mournful dinner.

  • No alcohol.
  • Appropriate clothing.
  • Prohibition of loud conversations and funny songs.
  • You can’t take a commemoration as an occasion to meet with friends and talk on abstract topics. For secular communication, find a different place and time.
  • Those gathered at the table must adhere to Orthodox faith. Only they can help the soul of the newly deceased.

Remember, wakes are not gatherings of old friends. You can’t turn a commemoration into an ordinary feast, this is a sin.

Praying for the deceased should not only be on mourning dates. It is necessary to turn to the Lord with requests starting from the first minutes of death. So it will be easier for the soul to find peace.

Main dishes of the funeral table

The funeral meal is simple. The rules are tightened when she falls into office. But even if there are no restrictions on this day, give up meat food. cook meatless dishes: vegetables, fish. You can not donate fast food to the temple.

For the church table, they bring products such as cereals, bread, vegetable oil. They bring milk and eggs. Candies are suitable to please the children.

Mandatory meals at the funeral meal.

  • Kutya
  • Fish (baked or boiled)
  • Pancakes
  • vegetable salads
  • Olivier or vinaigrette with herring
  • Lenten cabbage rolls

Add the list of dishes, following the advice of the confessor. He will tell you what to cook for the farewell dinner.

From drinks, preference is given to jelly, kvass, traditional dried fruit compote.

Important! Ignorant people leave vodka on the grave. Orthodox Church categorically forbids following the barbarian custom. In a faceted glass, which is placed near the photo of the deceased house, water is poured, not strong drinks. Do not forget about traditions and stop attempts to mix pagan rituals with Orthodox canons.

Memorial words

In order to properly commemorate the deceased, a few words should be said about him. It is customary to make speeches at a mourning dinner. But it would be better if those gathered at the feast honor the memory of a friend and relative with a moment of silence. A sad meeting at the memorial table is a time of memories: tell us how wonderful person there was a dead man, what he loved, what virtues he possessed. Event Tips:

  • The mourning speech is delivered standing up.
  • The leader is chosen by a person close to the family. He must be collected and keep the situation under control. Do not succumb to emotions, be able to calm inconsolable relatives.
  • The master of the ceremony thinks over the speech in advance, preparing soothing phrases in case the words are interrupted due to sobs.

Speech at the wake is always short so that everyone has the opportunity to speak. It is important to remember that death is not forever. The soul of the deceased has passed into a new state. The death of a loved one is a serious test, but try to distract yourself from sad thoughts, support friends and relatives.

Is it possible to remember before forty days

Life is unpredictable: someone goes on a long business trip or gets sick, so they cannot come to the memorial on the appointed day. One of the questions that people ask is whether it is possible to move the date and commemorate the deceased by 40 days ahead of schedule.

The Church does not set strict time frames, but goes towards parishioners. The main thing is not to forget about the person: they read a prayer, ordered a service, commemorated in the church. If the forties fall on a Sunday or great post, then you can move the memorial dinner and exit to the cemetery. This rule also applies to the year from the date of death. It can also be celebrated earlier.

Significant dates of the memorial calendar are three, nine, forty days, the anniversary of death.

Relatives leave things that remind them of a relative.

What prayer to read for 40 days

For the repose of the soul, prayers are read at home. It is not necessary to learn the words by heart. The main thing is that they come from the heart. Priests say that God hears us when we sincerely ask for help. They also say a prayer to Saint Ouar:

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable, with zeal for the Mistress of Christ we kindle, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered for Him, and now the Church honors you, as if glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness to Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the Highest, and see the Holy Trinity clearly, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance, remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful generation of your prayers freed you from eternal torment , so remember the fir-trees buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we will praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Whatever events happen in life, sad or joyful, people should remember that God is watching over them. Supports in difficult times, encourages, instructs, rejoices when life is getting better. This statement is first of all worth remembering when death comes to the house. In the first minutes and hours, it is important not to lose heart, to help the incorporeal essence of the deceased safely pass the trials on the way to Paradise.

Commemoration of the deceased is not a tribute to traditions or unquestioning observance of Christian customs. Prayer uttered without faith is a meaningless set of words. This is painstaking and difficult work, which is placed on the shoulders of those who remained on earth. Our task is to provide the soul with a comfortable transition to another world, to give the opportunity to rest in Christ, to atone for lifetime sins.