By taking the first step you can quote. Eugene Rein

I think that this summap will give an idea of ​​the book. And I'd rather talk about one useful tool.

Mental sculpture is the name of this instrument. Perhaps you've heard of directed imaging? So mental sculpture is a much more effective tool. And all this is only because it includes not only visualization, but also work with emotions and sensations. Yes, I've certainly heard of similar tools before. However, "heard" and "applied" the essence different concepts(I already once wrote that after the phrase "well done", the phrase "I heard about it" should be placed on the list of the most dangerous words). So the combination of mental sculpture and small steps played a role in the transition to action - now I use this tool all the time.

Small goals and big results

“Our life is shaped not by what we do from time to time, but by what we do constantly”.

Anthony Robbins

Again, I will not retell the content. And I will focus on the practical benefits of what I read.

The habit of unlearning and the habit of tracking the process of forming new habits is perhaps the most unexpected tool that can be taken out of a book on habit formation. However, this is exactly the case - I have quite a few habits that have developed naturally. The tool is not explicitly described in the book (although the whole book is just about this tool). I simply took as a basis the technology of forming small habits described in the book and applied it to replace one action (let's call it replaceable) with another (formed). To be honest, things are not moving very easily so far, and in this game I reserve far from every round. But the process itself is very exciting and gradually brings results.

In conclusion Here are two quotes that very accurately reflect the essence of the small steps approach and its place in life.

“The small steps approach is not just a means to cross the finish line. Try to treat kaizen as a process that will never be completed. Do not hide it in a distant box after the goal is reached. Kaizen teaches us to see life as an opportunity for continuous improvement, striving for high standards and expanding our potential.”

“Little Habits is not just a system that teaches you how to develop new good habits, it is also a great guide to self-control. Now you know how your brain works, why a motivational approach doesn't work, and how to manage your willpower for long-term progress. Use the acquired knowledge in any situation where action is needed. The more you take from small habits, the more you will achieve in all areas of life.

In reality, everything is different than in reality Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What do we not know about the one who said that “only the heart is vigilant, that you cannot see the main thing with your eyes”? About the sincere writer, philosopher with a childish soul, dreamy pilot and inquisitive person Antoine de Saint-Exupery?

We know him from the touching philosophical tale "The Little Prince", maybe someone from "The Citadel" and other works of the writer.

Perhaps we have encountered inspiring wise messages from this wonderful person:

  • To live is to be born slowly
  • There is only one problem - the only one in the world - to return spiritual content to people, spiritual cares ...
  • You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions and there is no other you
  • Only the fulfillment of one's duty allows a person to become something.
  • When we comprehend our role on earth, even the most modest and inconspicuous, then only we will be happy. Only then will we be able to live and die in peace, for what gives meaning to life also gives meaning to death.
  • It is easy to establish order in a society by subordinating each of its members to unshakable rules. It is easy to bring up a blind man who, without protesting, would obey the guide. How much more difficult it is to free a person by teaching him to rule over himself
  • Working only for material wealth, we are building our own prison
  • Never lose your patience, this is the last key that opens the door
  • True love begins where you expect nothing in return. Illumination only means that the Spirit has suddenly opened a slowly prepared path
  • Judge yourself. This is the hardest part. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise
  • Before you receive, you must give, and before you live in a house, you must build it.
  • There is such a firm rule, - the Little Prince told me after. - Got up in the morning, washed, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order
  • I finally understood why the Lord in His love created people responsible for each other and endowed them with the virtue of hope. For in this way all people have become messengers of the one God, and in the hands of each person is the salvation of all
  • I don't value physical courage cheaply; life taught me what true courage is: it is the ability to resist the judgment of the environment

Antoine lived a short but bright life, in which he strove to honestly fulfill his duty, not only in words, but also in deeds, followed what his living heart told him.

But in the life of every pilot, like every person, there are ups and downs. In the days of the most difficult trials in Antoine's life, this sincere prayer was born from the depths of his soul.

  • Lord, I ask not for miracles and not for mirages, but for the power of each day. Teach me the art of small steps.
  • Make me observant and resourceful so that in the variegation of everyday life I stop in time on the discoveries and experiences that excited me.
  • Teach me how to properly manage the time of my life. Give me a subtle flair to distinguish the primary from the secondary.
  • I ask for the strength of abstinence and measures so that I don’t flutter and slip through life, but reasonably plan the course of the day, be able to see peaks and distances, and at least sometimes find time to enjoy art.
  • Help me understand that dreams cannot be help. No dreams of the past, no dreams of the future. Help me to be here and now and take this minute as the most important.
  • Save me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth. Give me a clear understanding that difficulties, defeats, falls and failures are only a natural part of life, thanks to which we grow and mature.
  • Remind me that the heart often argues with reason.
  • Send me at the right time someone who has the courage to tell me the truth, but to tell it in love!
  • I know that many problems are solved if nothing is done, so teach me patience.
  • You know how much we need friendship. Let me be worthy of this most beautiful and gentle Gift of Fate.
  • Give me a rich imagination, so that at the right moment, at the right time, in the right place, silently or speaking, give someone the necessary warmth. Make me a person who knows how to get through to those who are completely “below”.
  • Save me from the fear of missing something in life.
  • Give me not what I want for myself, but what I really need.
  • Teach me the art of small steps...

A lot depends on our morning mood. I understood this during the experiment "". If as soon as you open your eyes, you feel a huge surge of energy, and you immediately want to work, then the whole day will pass productively. But most often in the morning you feel somehow overwhelmed and uncollected ...

In such situations, it helps me, a couple of and great sayings of people. If I already wrote about the first two methods (you can follow the links and read), then the last point has not yet been considered.

In fact, such quotes not only give strength, but also allow you to become more wise and aware. Of course, if you read them not for the sake of entertainment or constant quoting (I wanted to give a link, but then I remembered that I had not yet written a post about show-offs), namely, to reflect on the meaning and draw important conclusions.

I have plenty of such statements in my quote book, but I chose nine of them, which, in my opinion, most effectively tune in to a wave of success and self-confidence.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" - Lao Tzu.

It doesn't matter what goals you set for yourself. It does not matter the severity and length of the path. All journeys start the same way - with the first step. Without doing it, you will never know what you are worth.

Building your business starts with the first step. A successful managerial career will only begin when you take the first step. You can't set an Olympic record if you don't start training. You can do the first one right now, you can do it in a week, or you can postpone it indefinitely.

Just remember that this period may not come.

"Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will pave the way everywhere" - Albert Einstein

Use your imagination to create the life you want. Surely you have heard about the law of attraction and this is wonderful, but many people forget about the law of action.

Use your imagination to plant seeds of success in your mind, but then take action so that those seeds grow.

You can become whoever you want to be if you work hard at it every day. I often repeat these words out loud because they are really true, and I want you to understand this. I advise you to read the post "".

“Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been in pain. Dance like no one is watching you.” — Unknown

If you find a job that you would love to work for free, then you will find your true passion and calling in life. I don't think it's worth pointing out how many people go to jobs they hate every day just because they don't know what they want.

And people should not be treated with prejudice, as if everyone is trying to deceive you, but on the contrary, try to help others and people will respond to this. I am fully convinced that how you treat a person is how he treats you. Moreover, you do not need to listen to other people's opinions about someone and draw conclusions. I can give a lot of examples from own life when the people that most thought could never find mutual language became true friends.

And don't be afraid to do what you love. No matter how stupid you are called, no matter how they laugh at you and dissuade you, never go astray. Don't be afraid to dance as best you can, even when everyone is looking at you. After all, life is meant to be driven. It is so?

“We are what we do all the time. Perfection is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Courage, self-discipline, skills are not inherent in us from birth. Only by hard work can we develop all the necessary qualities and skills in order to achieve our goals. We can develop the habit of being productive, we can develop the habit of never giving up, we can develop the habit of doing something every day that brings us closer to our dreams.

The people we call successful did not sit idly by, but continuously moved forward. They overcame the force of gravity and move on by inertia. Most can't even do that.

The difference between successful people is that they continued to move forward even when problems got in their way, when the fear of failure completely enveloped the heart, when it seemed that moving on was unrealistic.

You are capable of doing the same. You can justify yourself at any time. Everyone on earth is capable of this. But you hide a huge potential that has yet to be revealed. If, of course, you want to do so.

I couldn't resist inserting one of my favorite videos here:

"Of the shots you didn't make, 100% missed the net" - Wayne Gretzky

How often do you regret that you could have done something and didn't? How often do you think about the fact that “I wish I could go back and…”

If you are like most people living, then this happens quite often. What can I say, I myself am often subject to such thoughts.

Use this feeling the next time you have a choice. Just take the first step right away, even if you don't realize it actually happened.

Sign up for a volleyball section, start doing yoga, adjust English language, take up painting or start creating a new website right now. You will be surprised how simple it really is.

"You can do anything, but not everything" - David Allen

At this point in time, as you read this post, you can do anything, but you can never do everything at the same time. You have to choose a few main tasks, goals and priorities and move in that direction. Most people suffer from the so-called dispersion, that is, they grab everything in a row, regardless of whether they need it or not.

It is advisable to choose one, the most priority direction for any period (month, year or 10 years) and move towards it. This direction can be and.

In addition to the fact that you can noticeably increase the speed of reaching real results, so it's also great motivating and inspiring to take serious action. Where is the probability of hitting more: if you throw all the balls into one basket or if you throw each ball into a different one? I think the answer is obvious.

"Remember that your own decision to succeed is more important than hundreds of others" - Abraham Lincoln

Only your own decision determines whether you can succeed in any area or not.

It doesn't matter how much failed attempts you had before. If you don't stop moving forward, you will inevitably succeed.

You can become successful, you can live a life full of adventure and passion, you can do whatever you want if make your own decision.

“Anxiety is like a rocking chair. You seem to be doing something, but you won’t get far with it.” – Van Wilder

We often worry more than the situation calls for. Remember such moments. Has your anxiety helped get rid of any problems? I think it only did harm.

Anxiety is such a weed that switches all attention to itself and does not allow you to look for a normal solution to the problem. This is tantamount to resentment (“”), from it, as a rule, only you become worse.

Therefore, you do not need to constantly think about how many things are planned for today. Just sit down and do it. Worrying about the result, we often make mistakes. Think of yourself in an exam. We had cases when even lost consciousness. Did the result get any better? Not at all!

“Only your mindset determines whether you are going to succeed or fail.” – Henry Ford.

Most people remain happy only because they do not look for any unnecessary problems in themselves and enjoy what they have. Recently I posted a parable about that, I advise you to read it.

One of the important characteristics of goal-oriented people is that they are positively motivated and don't cry every day about how cruel life is. They can easily run where most see a minefield, because for them it is a green meadow.

If you want to put your life in order, then you need to start with thoughts.

And to that I bid you farewell. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss a new interesting post. If after reading you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. Bye!

Eugene Rein

True New Year

The calendar has already broken, the meaningless distance of winter is visible,
By the frost, the turn and the new year and many other worries.
It is necessary to hold on, it is necessary in December, when there is snow and dusk in the yard,
And winter is outrageous outside the window, you need to hold on - do not go crazy.
And you need to dress warmly and you need to return as soon as possible.
To your home, where dinner is heated and closes you from all sorts of troubles,
Winters and blizzards, a warm wife, where everything is for you and scream and silence.
And carefully approaching the door, say to yourself a minute later,
"No, it's still early, it's early, it's not time." Winter, winter is a terrible time.
Whisper to yourself: "Will it be soon?" - "Barely." Meanwhile, February is near,
And the ice is already weakening on the river and your neighbor comes out in a jacket,
And inflamed, he says about that, - "They say, that's enough, it will be, he wore his coat."
Here it is necessary to prepare seriously, although frost is cracking on the street,
And with hoarfrost the cornice is completely overgrown, the winter is strong, like blue vitriol.
But this is only one appearance. Here the park will be taken away from the spindle
Last turns. April, April enters the calendar artel.
Here you need to go out into the garden or into the woods, expose your pale face to the rays,
Recall everything: Egypt, Carthage, Athens, Rome and this winter captivity
among your four short walls, where you lived without change,
But the snow melts at the black shoes and it becomes clear to you what
the indistinct smell of preli and grass - in April you are cruel and right.
All drawers, cupboards and chests - down to the last hidden board
revealed this evening. The end, a starling sways on a branch.
The last time you are at your table, the last time you returned to the house,
For the last time, the wife carries the cake, reflected across the glass,
she is already abandoned, she is left alone with the reflection.
Close your eyes and take the first step, now open - let it be unclear how
you found yourself on a strange land, in a strange uninhabited village,
in huge sickening cities in which you flourished, not withered -
let it be unclear how you got there, your movements are simple.
From death to death, from love to water, from a dragonfly on a woman's stomach
to the monster on the sweet hill, whose body is in scales and fringes.
And further to the spacious islands, on the shore there rises a wigwam,
there the leader's daughter, movies in the evenings, the years are counted by the trees.
And now the whole forest has been counted. The pleasures of all heavens have been known:
the oblivion of the sphere, the clouds of vanity and the sky of naked beauty,
fragrant clouds of idle sin. But these spheres are just nonsense,
in comparison with others, where the soul indulges in vice without sinning,
but knowing light and grace, which can never be unraveled.
but in the thirty-third sky there is a threshold beyond which the winter breeze blows,

and the snow is rushing about, and the window on the third floor is already on fire.
And that means winter is coming. And who lit the fire is your wife.
It got cold. Darkness howls. You understand everything when you are not a fool.
Home, home, where the stove, bed, soups. Rather cross that threshold.
Everything is as it was, just like then - here is ordinary food on the table,
and months have passed or years, it left no trace here.
While the celestial dance is visible, look at the firmament for the last time,
your star, turning pale and trembling, looks like a radiant hedgehog,
in the frosty haze goes down quickly. She left you - hold on.
In two million winters, winter comes. You have to hold on - don't go crazy.
The calendar has already broken, the meaningless distance of winter is visible.

Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes of great and famous people":

One step not only from great to funny, but also from funny to great.
Samuel Butler
Step, Humor

It often happens that a person considers happiness far from himself, but it has already come to him with inaudible steps.
Giovanni Boccaccio
Happiness and unhappiness, Step

The whole history of science at every turn shows that individuals were more right in their statements than entire corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers who adhered to dominant views ... The truth is often more open to these scientific heretics than to orthodox representatives of scientific thought. Of course, not all groups and individuals who stand apart from the scientific worldview have this great insight into the future of human thought, but only a few, few. But real people with the maximum true scientific worldview for a given time are always among them, among groups and individuals standing aside, among scientific heretics, and not among representatives of the dominant scientific worldview. It is not destined for contemporaries to distinguish them from the erring ones.
Vladimir I. Vernadsky
Personality, Thought, Scientists, Step

Be skillful in anger. If possible, let sober reflection prevent a violent outburst - for the prudent it is not difficult. The first step in mastering anger is to notice that you are succumbing to it, thereby getting the better of excitement, determining to what point - and no further - anger should reach; Thinking about this, you, overcome by anger, are already cooling down. Know how to stop decently and in time - the most difficult thing is to stop the horse at full gallop. The real test of sanity is to remain sane even in fits of madness. An excess of passion always deviates from the right path: remembering this, you will never violate justice, you will not transcend the boundaries of prudence. Only by curbing passion will you retain power over it, and then you will be the first "prudent on horseback", if not the only one!
Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Anger, Trials, Motivational Quotes, Step

Sound judgment. Some people are born sensible; with this gift of synderesis, they reach wisdom - half the path to success is passed. With age and experience, their mind fully matures, moderation reigns in their judgments; every whim is hateful to them as a temptation for prudence, especially in state affairs, where the great importance of any step requires complete confidence.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Age, Gift, Step

Not coping with the case is less of a problem than indecision. It is not running water that deteriorates, but stagnant water. Others will not take a step until you push them; and the reason is sometimes not in the dullness of the mind - the mind can be penetrating - but in its lethargy. It takes a lot of intelligence to foresee difficulties, but even more to find a way out. But others are not embarrassed, these are people of a great and resolute mind; they are born for big things, clarity of understanding gives rise to speed of action and success; they succeed by themselves ... Believing in their star, they get down to business with all determination.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Trouble, Deed and Labor, Step

Let no one deviate a single step from the honest path under the plausible pretext that this is justified by a noble goal. Any beautiful goal can be achieved by honest means. And if not, then this goal is bad.
Charles Dickens
Beautiful, Purpose and Ideal, Step

When you have already done everything you need to understand, accept and endure poverty, illness and your own shortcomings, there is one more step to take.
Albert Camus
Poverty, Step

The greatness of art lies in this eternal tension between beauty and suffering, love for people and a passion for creativity, the torment of loneliness and irritation from the crowd, rebellion and harmony. Art balances between two abysses - frivolity and propaganda. On the crest of a ridge along which a great artist walks forward, each step is an adventure, the greatest risk. In this risk, however, and in this alone lies the freedom of art.
Albert Camus
Painting, Art, Creativity, Step

From cunning to trickery is one step, the transition from the first to the second is very easy: it is worth adding lies to cunning - and you get cheating.
Jean de La Bruyère
Cunning, Step

And for the lion, unhappy days stand out, when everything goes topsy-turvy and misfortunes lie in wait at every step.
Leonardo da Vinci

To be at a distance of some step from the goal, or not to approach it at all, is, in essence, the same thing.
Gotthold E. Lessing
Purpose and Ideal, Step

Each step of a real movement is more important than a dozen programs.
Karl Marx
Movement, Step

As soon as we transgress the average measure of human kindness just one step, our actions arouse distrust. Virtue rests just "in the middle".
Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Virtue, Distrust, Deeds, Step

Learn to walk like a woman should. There is a kind of beauty in walking, which is not to be neglected. She either attracts or repels unfamiliar men. One woman moves gracefully, loosening her dress in the wind and walking proudly. The other one... walks around on her own, with huge steps.
Publius Ovid Nason
Beauty, Man, Neglect, Step

O soul! You have turned me into a servant. I feel your anger at every step. Why was I born into the world, if I can't change anything in the world anyway?
Omar Khayyam
Soul and Spirituality, Step

Giving free rein to desires, do not rejoice in beautiful things and do not allow yourself to be carried away by them. It is worth wishing for them at least once, and you will get bogged down a thousand fathoms deep. Indulging in thoughts about the truth, do not be afraid of difficulties and do not retreat before them. It is worth retreating before them even a step, and you will be thrown back over a thousand mountains.
Hong Zicheng
Desires and Aspirations, Step

On the narrow path, hold your step and let the wayfarer pass. Take a third part for your meal, and give the rest to your neighbor. Here is the secret of how to always be happy in this world.
Hong Zicheng
Secret, Happiness and Unhappiness, Step