Interesting facts about dolphins. Dolphins-obstetricians help to be born brilliant children (video) Dolphin therapy for pregnant women

Dolphin therapy arose more than one thousand years ago, however, as a direction in world psychotherapy has been developing since the 70s of the last century, and in domestic psychotherapeutic and neurological practice is a relatively new direction, the age of which is calculated in several decades.

Communication between humans and dolphins has been known since time immemorial. Numerous legends, various written sources testify to the friendliness of dolphins towards people, describe cases of dolphins helping people who are in trouble at sea. The author of these lines experienced such support in her early childhood. Being a ten-year-old child, she swam far from the coast and, not calculating her strength, came back with difficulty. In a moment of fatigue and despair, this wonderful sea animal suddenly appeared very close. Being somewhat distant, at a safe distance, the dolphin swam alongside as an escort. Forces came from somewhere, excitement and courage appeared, I wanted to row more actively, swim faster. Loudly pronouncing some banal phrases to the animal, she completely ceased to be afraid. So we swam with the dolphin to the shore. For the rest of my life, I remember the feeling of inimitable joy with which the meters of the sea surface, which seemed impossible to overcome before, swam.

The healing effect of dolphins was first reported by Lily. The substantiation and further development of dolphin therapy in the 70s of the last century is associated with the scientific works of D. Natanson and co-authors.

In our country, the priority in the field of dolphin therapy, undoubtedly, belongs to Lyudmila Nikolaevna Lukina, who has been conducting fundamental scientific research at the State Aquarium in Sevastopol for several decades. The results of these studies are reflected in many scientific publications are summarized in an excellent monograph.

A significant contribution to the development of dolphin therapy is made by a well-known scientist in our country and abroad - professor of the National medical academy postgraduate education them. P. L. Shupika Anatoly Pavlovich Chuprikov. In particular, the fruitful cooperation of this scientist with psychologists, doctors and dolphin therapists of the Odessa region gave a qualitatively new impetus to the development of this direction.

At the present stage of development of medicine, dolphin therapy is positioned as a non-specific method of strengthening defensive forces organism in people of different ages suffering from various kinds of disorders, including those that are not amenable to treatment by traditional methods. There are various approaches to understanding the mechanisms of action of dolphin therapy, among which physiological and psychological mechanisms are distinguished. The physiological mechanisms of influence of dolphins include ultrasonic, reflexotherapeutic, vibroacoustic, and relaxation effects. Published scientific studies on the physiological effects of the dolphin on humans allow them to be associated with certain neuro-electrical and neurochemical processes. Thus, it is assumed that low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations emitted by the dolphin stimulate electrophysiological and behavioral changes in the human body due to an increase in the level of endorphins as a result of the influence of the dolphin's electromagnetic field on the human pineal gland.

According to Professor A.P. Chuprikov, dolphin therapist of the Odessa Dolphinarium N.Yu. Vasilevskaya, psychologist G. Shpatakovskaya and co-authors, human interaction with dolphins is a powerful psychotherapeutic and psycho-correction tool. Existing extensive experience in the implementation of psychotherapy for children suffering from various neuropsychiatric diseases, developmental disorders, who have undergone various psychotraumas, allows specialists to talk about the effectiveness of the method and recommend its use in practice. At the same time, a psychotherapist working in parallel with a dolphin during a session of dolphin therapy effectively uses the methods of behavioral, game, body-oriented, art therapy. It has been proven that positive emotions from communicating with a dolphin can significantly stimulate mental, speech and physical development children. As a result of dolphin therapy sessions, the child expands the boundaries of his world, gains new communication experience and receives a huge positive charge that makes his life more lively, creative and vibrant.

In our opinion, the above physiological effects, combined with the established psychological mechanisms of the influence of dolphin therapy on the human body, allow us to consider the possibility of using this type of animal therapy to harmonize the processes of adaptation of a woman's body to pregnancy. This can be confirmed by the results of a study of such opportunities by specialists (psychologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, dolphin therapist), carried out for several years in the Odessa Dolphinarium. Programs of psychological preparation and adaptation of women to pregnancy, preparation for childbirth with the use of dolphin therapy have been introduced and are successfully operating here. And the combination of dolphin therapy with aqua and art therapy allows you to effectively combine the favorable possibilities of each of these methods.

Significantly popular among Odessans are the author's methods of preparing women for childbirth, proposed by the doctor of psychological sciences Gertrude Shpatakovskaya. These methods are based on a combination of psychological preparation, dolphin therapy, aqua and art therapy. The process of communication between pregnant women and dolphins after swimming continues with joint creativity. First, the animals draw colorful pictures on the tummies of pregnant women. At the same time, each of the dolphins creates their own, individual “masterpiece”, which differs not only in individual elements, but also in the preferred selection of colors. At the next stage of psychological preparation, the plot drawn by the dolphin is considered and discussed. Then the partner (husband, eldest child, or both) draws a picture on the woman's stomach. This is how joint creative family work turns out, accompanied by a significant surge of positive emotions.

Given the variety of influences that a pregnant woman is exposed to during a dolphin therapy session (psychological preparation, swimming, communication with dolphins), it is not easy to answer the traditionally asked question: “Does a dolphin affect an intrauterine child and how exactly?”. On the one hand, it is obvious that the joyful state of the mother, which is characteristic of such communication, can only have a beneficial effect on her intrauterine child. On the other hand, there are no real scientific, evidence-based methodological approaches to determine the reaction of an intrauterine child in the process of communication between a dolphin and a pregnant woman. Only observations are known, according to which the dolphin treats children and pregnant women with special care.

In the process of studying the possible reactions of the mother and the prenatal child to the sessions of dolphin therapy, we noted some features that are currently being subjected to statistical processing and scientific analysis. Thus, preliminary and subsequent psychological testing confirmed the expected effects - most women assessed their communication and swimming with dolphins as a very joyful, exciting event that improves their condition, improves their mood and activity.

The overwhelming majority of pregnant women during dolphin therapy noted pleasant fatigue after sessions, similar to that after happy and beloved holidays. As it turned out, the majority of fetal children slightly changed their motor activity during communication and bathing of mothers with dolphins (90%). For 77% of them, a decrease in motor activity during and activation after the session was characteristic. Only some of the interviewed pregnant women noted the motor reaction of intrauterine children directly during the mother's interaction with dolphins (5%). Comparison of individual indicators of external cardiotocography (CTG) strictly before and after bathing pregnant women with dolphins made it possible to establish some statistically significant patterns of the child's heart rate response depending on the gestational age (photo 8). In all the studied cases, reactive types of cardiotocograms were noted after swimming with dolphins (100%), even in those women whose children before swimming demonstrated the absence of heart rate reactivity (unreactive, monotonous type of CTG - 5%). At present, an in-depth statistical analysis of the results obtained is being carried out in order to develop clear recommendations regarding the possible impact of bathing pregnant women with dolphins on the state of the fetus.

A preliminary analysis of the outcomes of childbirth in women who swam with dolphins during pregnancy indicates a minimal incidence of complications among them. Anomalies of labor activity occurred in 1% of the subjects; trauma of the birth canal in 0.5%, fetal distress in 1%. There was a low rate of caesarean section (3%) among pregnant women who could potentially be delivered surgically. There were no cases of perinatal death, morbidity, and neonatal depression. Undoubtedly, the available data do not allow us to assess the direct impact of the interaction of pregnant women with dolphins on the condition of their prenatal children, since, in fact, it was combined with other influences (the relaxing effect of water, swimming). However, no differences were found in the reactions (motor and heart rate) of intrauterine children in pregnant women who enjoyed swimming and touching dolphins when compared with those in pregnant women who experienced some fear of animals. Perhaps this may be indirect evidence of the presence of direct reactions in utero patients, different from those of their mothers. Although so far this statement is nothing more than a hypothesis.

Taking into account the interest in communication with dolphins, which exists in pregnant women, it can be assumed that the accumulated experience, combined with an adequate analysis of the data obtained, will eventually determine the possibilities and role of dolphin therapy in the perinatal protection of the prenatal patient. So far, only the beneficial effect of this method on the condition of a pregnant woman is obvious. But in the conditions of modern society with its stress, polypharmacy and a tendency to aggressiveness, this is also not enough. Moreover, the thesis of G. Brekhman that a pregnant woman should be happy is fully observed in the situation of communication and bathing of pregnant women with dolphins. Leaving the dolphinarium, absolutely all the patients involuntarily uttered the same phrase: "It's such a thrill!!!".

An article about the positive impact of dolphins on health, mood and the benefits that communication with them brings to pregnant women

The fact that dolphins are very smart and understand people is confirmed by stories described two thousand years ago. Stories about dolphins that rescued people from shipwrecks, played with them, sought to communicate and helped in fishing, are found in many sources - from ancient to modern. And these are not only legends, but also real confirmed facts. Since ancient times, dolphins have been friends and helpers of man. They evoked awe and admiration, they were loved and deified. And although the mystery of the healing effect of dolphins on people has not been fully disclosed, there is still a lot of evidence that the charm, friendliness and benevolence of these animals has a positive effect on the human biofield.

Dolphin therapy

The word "dolphin" itself has Greek roots and is translated as "source of life." And this certainly has a special meaning.

In 1978, the beneficial effects of communicating with dolphins on children were first proven by scientists from the UK. Since then, the use of dolphin therapy as a method of psychological rehabilitation began in other countries. Now the effectiveness of this method is proved by the scale of its use in medical practice in some countries - Mexico, Germany, Great Britain.

Dolphins can help a person overcome many diseases, because communication with them helps to stimulate metabolic and immune processes, enhances the production of hormones, calms and strengthens the nervous system.

Dolphins are the embodiment of joy and optimism, which is so lacking in people today. Communication with dolphins creates conditions for psychological relaxation, very positively affecting not only the emotional state of a person, but also his health in general, and this happens at the cellular level.

The friendliness of dolphins, their constant willingness to play, is a huge support for anyone who needs positive emotions or feels lonely. Dolphin therapy is very effective method rehabilitation for people who have experienced violence.

After several sessions of spending time with dolphins, a person's working capacity increases, spiritual uplift is observed, and sleep improves.

Benefits of interacting with dolphins during pregnancy

The life of the fair sex is ruled by emotions. As for pregnant women, they are doubly emotional. Unstable psycho-emotional states are often observed, which are accompanied by constant changes in the body. The expectant mother is required to take responsible care of her health, especially emotional. In the womb, the baby feels everything, catches the slightest sensations, thoughts, feelings of his mother, her feelings and anxieties.

Communication with dolphins allows the expectant mother to get rid of worries and feel the joy of motherhood, to realize her own femininity, positively affects her psyche and, most importantly, even prevents some anomalies in the development of the fetus, for example, heart disease. A woman's mood is evened out, fears and anxious thoughts go away, health improves.

The benefits of communicating with dolphins are enormous, because just imagine, these animals feel that a woman is pregnant, even if the period is still very short. The ability to recognize pregnancy is an amazing ability of bottlenose dolphins, because this species is considered the most intelligent in the dolphin family. Their special, reverent behavior with expectant mothers causes inexpressible impressions. It is expressed in care and caring attitude to a pregnant woman. The dolphin will never touch the stomach, will not push, will not cause any harm. Being with him in the water is absolutely safe. He will swim, gently bending around the contours of the body of the future mother. Such special sensations as in a pool with a dolphin, a pregnant woman, probably, will not get anywhere else. Dolphin ultrasound helps the fetus develop properly, and interaction with dolphins, their positive bioenergy gives a pregnant woman a sense of calm.

It can be concluded that communication with dolphins is beneficial for everyone. Many girls will surely be very happy if applicants for the hand and heart invite them to the dolphinarium. A wonderful gift for loved one there will be swimming with dolphins in the pool.

Using the laws of nature , a person can do a lot for his health, and communication with animals, especially such amazing ones as dolphins, will give not only joy and peace, but also remind us that on this earth there are no creatures closer, sweeter, kinder and more affectionate to us than animals that make us better.

Pregnancy for any woman is a pleasant event in life. This is not a disease, as many people think, so you should not lie down and grab your stomach all the time during pregnancy. In modern gynecology, doctors advise expectant mothers to lead a moderately active lifestyle, unless, of course, there are contraindications. Girls in a position with growing tummies are easier to tolerate loads in the water. Therefore, going to the pool will be a great way to keep your body in good shape.

A visit to the pool for a healthy lifestyle of pregnant women

Swimming for pregnant women is practically indispensable, because this is a process that has a beneficial effect on the entire body of a woman in position. Her mood rises and her well-being improves. This is due to the fact that they are well suited for pregnant women.

In water, the body is as if in weightlessness. Because of this, expectant mothers do not experience strong physical exertion. Even with minimal activity during swimming, the body will be in good shape and at the same time relaxed. This removes the load from the lower back, back and thoracic and muscles are strengthened. With regular visits to the pool, the manifestations of varicose veins and swelling gradually disappear.

In the water, expectant mothers can perform exercises that are contraindicated on land. How used to be a woman in the position will begin to visit the pool, the better her well-being will be throughout the entire period of expectation of the child. Swimming for pregnant women is the best way to keep fit and healthy.

How to choose a pool for pregnant women?

Moms-to-be should take their choice as seriously as their choice of instructor. This person must be a high-level professional and have experience in similar work. After all, swimming lessons for pregnant women is a special process that requires special training and knowledge from the instructor.

How to choose a place to swim? Undoubtedly, you need to pay attention to how the water in the pool is disinfected. The disinfection method must be safe for the expectant mother.

It is better for women in position not to swim in chlorinated water, you should pay attention to this when choosing a pool. It is best that it has running or sea water.

Modern pools tend to have alternative ways to disinfect the water with non-chlorine products. These are systems based on ozone, ultraviolet, it is also possible to use ionizing units or oxygen-containing reagents.

In a swimming establishment, pregnant women, as well as ordinary visitors, must be asked for a health certificate from a dermatological dispensary.

for pregnant

Swimming has a very great benefit for a person, and for future women in labor and the fetus, this benefit is double. Water procedures have a positive effect on the body of the mother and her baby. So, why is swimming useful for pregnant women? When exercising in the pool, you can observe such changes as:

  • strengthening the muscles of the body;
  • increasing the body's endurance to stress (this is useful during childbirth);
  • improvement of blood circulation, elimination of blood stagnation in lower limbs and pelvic organs;
  • the load is removed from the lumbar spine;
  • the respiratory system is trained;
  • increases the chance that the child will take the correct position in the womb.

As you can see, swimming for pregnant women is a benefit for all systems of their body and the health of the unborn baby.

While visiting the pool, not only the body and spirit are strengthened, but immunity is also increased. Water procedures, as you know, harden, and pregnant women are vulnerable to infections of a different nature. Thus, additional stimulation of the body to develop immunity is another plus.


As with any physical activity, swimming in the pool for pregnant women may be contraindicated. The benefits and harms of classes may depend on the individual characteristics of each woman in the position and her well-being. This, as a rule, can be a threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, the woman will be shown bed rest, and it is better to postpone classes until full recovery.

There are a number of diseases that are contraindications for swimming:

  • manifestation of toxicosis;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • pressure instability;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • placenta previa;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the disinfectant compound in the water;
  • various infections.

Before visiting the pool, you should consult your doctor.

Classes in the pool at different stages of pregnancy

Swimming is beneficial throughout pregnancy. You can start exercising in the pool at any time, but it is better to start this useful process in the first weeks. Swimming in the pool for pregnant women later dates it is also not too late to start if there are no contraindications and your doctor is aware of your decision.

  1. In the first trimester, you can do it starting from 20 minutes, a couple of times a day.
  2. In the second trimester, there is no need to reduce the time of classes. Despite the fact that the fetus is growing, swimming has only a beneficial effect on the body. At the same time, ligaments and muscles do not feel increased loads in the water.
  3. The third trimester is not a contraindication. Swimming improves mood, relieves fatigue and trains the respiratory system, as well as the entire body for future stress during childbirth. It is worth considering buying a looser swimsuit.

Dolphin therapy

Swimming for pregnant women with dolphins, or, as it is also called, “dolphin therapy for expectant mothers”, is a kind of meditation that has a positive effect on the psychosomatic state of the expectant mother. Dolphins are known to be animals with a unique ability to recognize the state of pregnancy in women from the very first days. They treat the expectant mother carefully, supporting her in the water. This mammal will never touch the stomach and cause discomfort or pain.

Dolphin therapy, according to the latest research by scientists, is useful because dolphins emit ultrasonic signals while swimming with pregnant women, which, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and child. Such waves can prevent the occurrence of heart defects in the fetus, as well as a number of abnormalities in the development of the unborn baby. For example, the formation of hearing organs in a baby is better under the influence of "ultrasonic songs" of dolphins. Also, swimming of pregnant women with dolphins has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the mother. Anxiety decreases, mood improves, muscle tension and general overexcitation are relieved. The expectant mother becomes more calm, confident and is not burdened by negative thoughts and emotions.

Aqua aerobics

Water aerobics is a water fitness activity accompanied by rhythmic music. Such physical training is the best type of load on the body to prepare for childbirth. Water aerobics promotes a surge of vivacity, gaining health and improving mood.

When training in water, all muscles experience stress, while the aquatic environment facilitates them. contains exercises with a slight or light load, so you should not worry too much.

During water aerobics, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, and the heart system begins to work harder, dispersing blood throughout the body. Thus, the fetus receives vital important trace elements and oxygen in required quantity. This contributes to its proper development and eliminates the occurrence of pathology. During the vigorous activity of the mother, the baby also moves and strengthens his body.

Water exercises

Pregnant women must adhere to a certain program, such recommendations are given by experienced trainers. There may be special courses in the pool - swimming for pregnant women. Exercises in this case will be selected accordingly.

You should start your classes with light and uncomplicated exercises. For example, it can be stretching exercises. It is done by turning to face the sides and wall of the pool. During the lesson, the expectant mother tries to sit on the so-called longitudinal or transverse twine. Exercises of this kind do not require all the rules, you just need to try to do it with maximum comfort for yourself.

Standing next to the side, you can make turns in different directions. These can be exercises with bent legs, various squats in the water, the so-called "bicycle" with turns and other similar exercises.

The ability to relax will be useful to the expectant mother during labor. After all, between contractions a woman will have to be able to rest. Also, such a course of classes makes it possible to relieve tension from the back. You can simply lie on the water with your arms outstretched in different directions, or accompany the exercises with breathing exercises. Learn to relax while lying on the water surface and swaying on the waves.

If there are other pregnant women in the pool, group sessions can be arranged. You can, for example, play a kind of "brook". All participants stand in a row and spread their legs wide. Then each mother-to-be swims through the makeshift tunnel in turn. Such classes can be done if the woman is in excellent health.

The pool is a great place to train the respiratory system. Breathing exercises can be done individually or in a group. You can hold your breath for a few seconds. Such an exercise will help in childbirth and prepare the baby's body for the possibility of delaying or reducing the flow of oxygen. Such situations can happen during contractions and the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Each exercise performed or simple swimming for pregnant women is the best kind of physical activity. It is better to start with simple exercises, the implementation of which is designed for short periods of time, gradually increasing their intensity. If any activities in the water cause discomfort, it is necessary to stop exercising and rest.

Pool water quality requirements

According to the rules, the air temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher than the water temperature. This ratio is optimally comfortable when leaving the pool on land. At the same time, the temperature indicators of water for swimming for pregnant women are 21-26 degrees Celsius.

As a rule, the water in the pool is subject to systematic cleaning and disinfection. But for pregnant women, some compositions of cleansing mixtures can be harmful. For example, products containing chlorine are contraindicated during pregnancy, and expectant mothers should avoid them. Modern mixtures for water sanitation in swimming pools contain silver ions, oxygen compounds and other harmless and non-toxic components. There are also ultraviolet water purification systems. These do not change the composition of the liquid and, therefore, do not cause allergic reactions in visitors. They do not have a toxic effect on their body, which means they provide safe swimming for pregnant women.

In Minsk, for example, in every pool they comply with all norms and standards for water quality, and its temperature regime is strictly observed. That is why the pools of the capital of Belarus - the best place providing comfortable swimming for pregnant women. Krasnodar is no exception in this respect either. In the city, each pool is carefully monitored systematically.


In conclusion, it can be noted that a woman preparing to become a mother can visit the pool throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The exceptions are periods of deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother and the prohibition of doctors. By observing all the rules of behavior on the water and adhering to the training program drawn up by the coach, you can be sure that swimming is safe for a woman in position and her unborn baby.

If the mother-to-be chose the pool as a form of physical activity during this interesting period, then she did the right thing. After all, as it is now known, swimming for pregnant women is good for mother and child. Such classes will not be in vain and will be able to prepare the female body for all the trials and stresses that it will face during childbirth. And this can be ruptures of the tissues of the small pelvis, ligaments or severe pain. Breathing exercises on the water will prepare the lungs and set them up for proper functioning during childbirth. That is why, in the absence of contraindications, swimming in the pool is a great way to prepare your body and keep it in shape.

Dolphins- one of the most amazing animals on our planet. The ability of these animals to have a beneficial effect on people has long been noticed, improving mood and improving well-being. When communicating with them, the psycho-emotional state of a person stabilizes, and this is explained not only by the friendliness and charm of the dolphin, but also by its special ability to have a beneficial effect on a person.

One of the most unstable psycho-emotional states, as you know, is the state of a woman who is expecting a baby. A woman in a state of pregnancy becomes not only emotionally unstable, all mental processes undergo significant changes. Women who went through this period mark it as completely different, very strong in terms of the level of experiences, specific in terms of a complex of sensations.

Both positive and negative emotions have a strong effect on the body of a pregnant woman. Worries and fears, especially those associated with pregnancy, cause biochemical changes in the body. One of these biochemical changes is the production of catecholamines, which cause narrowing of the arteries and reduce blood flow to the internal organs. Since ancient times, dolphins have evoked awe and delight in people, they were associated with something mystical and mysterious, they were loved, they were worshiped, they were deified.

The friendly attitude of dolphins to humans is a unique phenomenon that causes positive changes in the psycho-emotional sphere of a person communicating with a dolphin. Positive emotions experienced when communicating with them reduce the possible impact of psycho-traumatic stress factors on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, and, of course, a pregnant woman. Water allows easy and free movement, the feeling of flight, it has a beneficial effect on the expectant mother and her baby. These mysterious creatures will be able to paint together with you, or for you, a picture that will remind you of this wonderful event.

Under the guidance of a perinatal psychologist, it is possible to acquire relaxation skills using the experience of communicating with dolphins. This makes it possible to use these techniques during the birth of a child and during the postnatal adaptation period.

The influence of the future mother on the development of the child in the womb is undeniable and is determined not only by heredity, but also by the characteristics of the emotional state during pregnancy. The anxieties that affect her own nervous system cannot and will not affect the child. The baby continuously captures the sensations, feelings, thoughts that the surrounding world causes in the mother.

Finding creative ways of behavior during pregnancy contributes to a more complete awareness of the joy of motherhood, one's own femininity, which will serve as an inexhaustible resource for further interaction with the baby.

During pregnancy, a woman feels especially light and free in the water.

Classes are held as follows:

1) Communication with a dolphin, stroking, playing. (10 min.)

2) Swimming with a dolphin, to specially selected music. (10 min.)

3) Joint drawing in a pair - a dolphin and a woman, aimed at subsequent interaction in a pair during childbirth, postpartum interaction with a baby. (5 min.)

4) Relaxation, to the music under which communication with the dolphin took place. (25 min.)

5) Usage maritime theme in art therapy in subsequent classes in preparation for childbirth.

6) Art therapy aimed at accepting the unborn child, one's motherhood, to the music, under which communication with the dolphin took place. (35 min)

7) Using the image of a dolphin, the experience of communicating with him, in acquiring self-regulation skills, breathing techniques, contact improvisation.

8) Body art involving a dolphin, with the subsequent use of meaningful images and symbols, in subsequent classes.

Dolphin lessons can be both individual and group. Future dads also take part in them, helping a woman to go down into the water, supporting an easel while drawing in pairs, and possibly participating in the drawing process. Collaborative drawing is often used in family therapy sessions to gain experience of non-verbal interaction in the family system. These classes can be aimed not only at obtaining a positive emotional mood, but also used in the future as elements of accompanying the family during the period of the birth of a child.

The birth of a child, especially the first, is a period of internal personal growth, a period of enrichment of personal characteristics, a transformation of knowledge and understanding of oneself, the world around, and a partner.

Dolphins are incredibly smart and friendly to humans, they have a cheerful disposition and are simply adorable animals. It is not without reason that these aquatic mammals deserve such a respectful attitude. Let's learn more about these amazing animals.

The word dolphin goes back to the Greek δελφίς (delphis), which in turn comes from the Indo-European root *gʷelbh- "womb", "womb", "womb". The name of the animal can be interpreted as "newborn baby" (perhaps because of the external resemblance to a baby or because the cry of a dolphin is similar to the cry of a child).

The dolphin is the only mammal whose birth literally begins with the tail, and not with the head! Young dolphins stay with their mother for 2 or 3 years.

In nature, there are almost forty species of dolphins, their closest relatives are whales and sea cows. Dolphins evolved relatively recently - about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Most species of dolphins live in salt water, but there are also freshwater animals.

Adult dolphins reach sizes from 1.2 m in length and weight from 40 kg (river dolphin) to 9.5 m and 10 tons (killer whale). The brain is the largest organ in the dolphin's body. During sleep, a part of the brain is awake, allowing the dolphin to breathe in sleep so as not to drown! The life of a dolphin is directly dependent on access to oxygen.

Dolphins have a weak sense of smell, but excellent eyesight and absolutely unique hearing. Emitting powerful sound impulses, they are capable of echolocation, which allows them to perfectly navigate in the water, find each other and food.

Dolphins are capable of making a wide range of sounds with the help of a nasal air sac located under the blowhole. There are roughly three categories of sounds: frequency-modulated whistles, explosive impulse sounds, and clicks. Clicks are the loudest among the sounds made by marine life.

Dolphins can swim at speeds up to 25 miles per hour for long periods of time. This is about 3 times faster than the fastest swimmers in the world.

The so-called. is associated with dolphins. "Grey's paradox". In the 1930s Englishman James Gray was surprised by the unusually high swimming speed of dolphins (37 km / h according to his measurements). Having made the necessary calculations, Gray showed that, according to the laws of hydrodynamics for bodies with unchanged surface properties, dolphins should have had several times greater muscle strength than was observed in them. Accordingly, he suggested that dolphins are able to control the streamlining of their body, maintaining a laminar flow at speeds for which it should already become turbulent. In the United States and Great Britain after the Second World War and 10 years later in the USSR, attempts began to prove or disprove this assumption. In the United States, they practically ceased from 1965-1966 to 1983, as erroneous conclusions were made on the basis of incorrect estimates that the "Grey's paradox" does not exist, and muscular energy alone is enough for dolphins to develop such speed. In the USSR, attempts continued in 1971-1973. the first experimental confirmation of Gray's conjecture appeared.

Dolphins have a system of sound signals. There are two types of signals: echolocation (sonar), used by animals to study the situation, detect obstacles, prey, and “chirps” or “whistles”, for communication with relatives, also expressing the emotional state of the dolphin.

Signals are emitted at very high, ultrasonic frequencies, inaccessible to human hearing. The sound perception of humans is in the frequency band up to 20 kHz, dolphins use frequencies up to 200 kHz.

In the "speech" of dolphins, scientists have already counted 186 different "whistles". They have about the same levels of organization of sounds as a person: six, that is, a sound, a syllable, a word, a phrase, a paragraph, a context, they have their own dialects.

In 2006, a team of British researchers from the University of St. Andrews conducted a series of experiments, the results of which suggest that dolphins are capable of assigning and recognizing names.

Communication with dolphins has a positive effect on the human body, especially on the child's psyche. British experts came to this conclusion back in 1978. Since that time, the development of "dolphin therapy" began. Now it is used to treat many physical and mental diseases, including autism, and other ailments. Swimming with dolphins relieves chronic pain, improves immunity and even helps children develop speech.

Dolphins are also used in pet therapy to treat people with ultrasonic sonar.

A dolphin and a pregnant woman off the coast of Ixtapa, Mexico. Ixtapa, MexicoPicture: CATERS

An absolutely unique feature of dolphins is that they can "look inside" a person, like an ultrasound device - for example, they quickly determine the pregnancy of a woman. The feeling of "new life" is often very emotionally exciting for dolphins, they react violently and joyfully to pregnant women, and, as a rule, pregnant women are not allowed to swim in enclosures (although this may be best time for communication) so as not to take away the attention of animals from other visitors, and to avoid an involuntary "emotional attack" on the unborn baby.

Incredibly romantic fact from the "private" life of dolphins - ethologists studying Amazon dolphins have discovered that males give gifts to potential mates. So, what gift is the female dolphin waiting for to consider her as a candidate for the continuation of offspring? Of course, a bouquet of river algae!

India has become the 4th country to ban the keeping of dolphins in captivity. Earlier similar measures were taken by Costa Rica, Hungary and Chile. The Indians call dolphins "a person or person of a different origin than "homo sapiens". Accordingly, the "person" must have its own rights, and its exploitation for commercial purposes is unacceptable by law. Animal behavioral scientists (ethologists) say it is very difficult to define the line that separates human intelligence and emotions from the nature of dolphins.

The United States and Russian law enforcement agencies have trained oceanic dolphins for military purposes. Fighting dolphins have been trained to detect underwater mines, rescue sailors after their ship is destroyed, and search and destroy. submarines using kamikaze techniques.

A dolphin has twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex as a human.

Dolphins not only have a "vocabulary" of up to 14,000 audio signals that allows them to communicate with each other, but they also have self-awareness, "social consciousness" and emotional empathy - a willingness to help newborns and the sick by pushing them to the surface of the water.

Dolphins are voracious predators, feeding mainly on fish, molluscs, and crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives.

Dolphins are mostly social, found in all seas and even rise into rivers.

Dolphins are famous for their playful behavior and for the fact that for the sake of entertainment they can blow air bubbles in the form of a ring under water with the help of a blowhole. These can be large bubble clouds, bubble streams, or individual bubbles. Some of them act as a kind of communicative signals.

Within a pack, dolphins form very close bonds. Scientists have noticed that dolphins care for sick, wounded and elderly relatives, and a female dolphin can help another female with difficult childbirth. At this time, nearby dolphins, protecting the female in childbirth, swim around her for protection.

Along with humans and bonobos (pygmy chimpanzees), dolphins are the only animal species that can mate for pleasure.

Another proof of the high intelligence of dolphins is the fact that adults sometimes teach their cubs to use special tools for hunting. For example, they “dress” sea sponges on their muzzles in order to avoid injury when hunting for fish that can hide in bottom sediments of sand and sharp pebbles.

Dolphin skin is very delicate and easily damaged by contact with other surfaces. That is why before petting a dolphin, it is necessary to remove all sharp objects, such as rings.

Dolphins have up to 100 teeth in their mouths, but they do not chew food with them, but only capture it. Dolphins swallow all their prey whole.

Dolphins can dive to depths of up to 305 meters, but they usually swim this deep only when hunting. Many bottlenose dolphins live almost in shallow water. In Sarasota Bay, Florida, dolphins spend considerable time at a depth of only 2 meters.

The oldest dolphin in captivity was named Nelly. She lived in the marine mammal park "Marineland" (Florida) and died when she was 61 years old.

When dolphins hunt, they use an interesting tactic to drive the fish into a trap. They begin to circle around the school of fish, close the ring, forcing the fish to huddle into a tight ball. Then, one by one, the dolphins snatch the fish from the center of the school, preventing it from leaving.

Dolphins can rise up to 6 meters above the water when they jump out of the water.