Safe burning of garbage in the country: types of devices. How to make a stove from a barrel for burning garbage in the country Drawings of a stove for burning garbage in the country

Construction, planting, storage of various vegetables, fruits, and other fruit crops are regularly carried out at the dacha. In this regard, everyone periodically raises the question of how to properly, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively dispose of garbage, waste, in order not to spend their money and take them out using specialized transport and services.

A waste incinerator is a way out, with the help of such an outdoor unit, you can use some of the garbage to process it in the combustion process, but this option must be extremely deliberate, implemented safely. Since suitable materials are not always used as fuel, many of them can release harmful substances that are hazardous to health quite imperceptibly. To achieve the safest, most comfortable conditions for use and operation, it is best to design the stove in the form of a sealed barrel.

Do-it-yourself oven assembly

The waste incinerator has a simple structure, which even a beginner can do with his own hands - this is certainly correct, since more complex design features and high assembly costs are not fully justified in this case.

If you want to do everything on your own, we recommend that you use a metal barrel as the basis for such a garden unit, steel has good strength, durability, it tolerates strong heat, temperature changes well, has no sharp corners, is completely sealed, will not let smoke through.

In order to assemble a stove for incinerating garbage in the country with your own hands, you need to buy and prepare in advance all the specialized tools, auxiliary accessories, such as:

  • Electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Heat-resistant paint and brushes.

It is important to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. The end of the frame is suitable for cutting out space for the door in this area. For this work, it is important to use a grinder and cut off a circle segment for it, having previously set aside the line in the form of a straight segment;
  2. Now the cut line is complemented by a drilled hole, the bottom of the structure is cut out with a jigsaw;
  3. It is necessary to make small holes in the door, which will be directly responsible for the supply, uniform circulation of air masses;
  4. The barrel must be cleaned of rust, any dirt with an emery disc;
  5. We take five metal profiles, which are pre-made from goats, installation work is carried out only at right angles, it is necessary to drill holes in the center and connect them with bolts;
  6. The whole structure is well primed and after that, it is painted with a heat-resistant composition of the selected color;
  7. The goats are assembled and after the structure has dried, they are installed on the stove;
  8. With the help of self-tapping screws, all structural elements are also fixed, such as: hinges, a door, a handle (it is best that it ends with a wooden lining that will not heat up);
  9. Now we turn to the assembly of the chimney, for this it is necessary to mark a circle in the upper part of the stove, with a diameter of 115 millimeters, and with the help of a grinder, drill at the indicated marks using sectors, and then bend each section. You get a picture resembling a flower with petals;
  10. The so-called petals must be bent from the outside and installed, fixed to them, by means of self-tapping screws, a metal pipe of optimal length, without slopes and bends;
  11. Now we turn to the assembly of the grate with our own hands, which is made of metal rods. The product is installed inside the unit, fixed, fixed.

A waste incinerator, which you can buy in specialized stores, of course, will cost an order of magnitude higher, but the cost will not be prohibitive, since the design features of such an installation are minimal, very simple, as well as functional. The advantages of purchased variations include the fact that you initially get a completely finished model, which is unnecessary to cut out, spend your free time and effort on it.

If you decide to buy a waste incinerator in the country, we recommend that you first of all pay attention to the manufacturer, the materials used, paint, accessories, which must be non-toxic and of high quality. The steel itself, which is used in most cases for assembly, has a fairly good thickness, does not burn through, and heats up quickly. Due to the special paint with which the surface is treated, the materials do not rust, corrosion does not form on the surface.

Brick garbage stove

Although the main material for assembling an incinerator is steel, often such a component is simply not at hand, and you don’t want to spend money. In this case, the second, alternative option will come to your aid, in which you can assemble a brick incinerator with your own hands.

It is believed that brick is the most durable, suitable material, since it is from it that all classic stoves used for heating houses and cottages are made.

The appearance of such an installation will be quite classic, aesthetic, this variation will be small in size, will not take up much space in the garden, in general, it will take about 100-120 bricks to assemble it with your own hands. Before using them, it is recommended to select the best of them, which will have a traditional shape, do not have cracks, chips, or deformations. The main disadvantage of this option, unlike a steel furnace, is that it will take much more effort, time and effort to assemble it. In order for the process to go as smoothly as possible, without causing any questions, it is necessary to determine a clear sequence of actions before starting work, to select the appropriate instruction and order.

To assemble a brick incinerator, we recommend using the following step-by-step detailed guide as a basis:


Site preparation

For such an option, since it has a small mass and dimensions, it is unnecessary to build a separate foundation, it is enough just to properly prepare the site on which it will be placed.

We pre-tamp a piece of land measuring about a meter per meter, after which we fill it with a layer of sand, the thickness of which will be no more than 4-11 centimeters.

First row and fixation

The first row must be laid correctly, without the use of a masonry base, it will be located strictly along the perimeter. In order for the future unit to have good traction, the air masses are evenly distributed, moved inside, you need to leave a small space of several centimeters between each brick. This option will allow you not to build a blower part.

After the first row is laid, it is necessary to lay and fix a grate on it, which can be based on a fairly thick wire, as well as reinforcing bars. Now we are starting to equip the ash pan, for it, it is necessary to acquire a steel sheet, on it all the residual products of combustion and decay of garbage will be collected, so they will be easy and simple to clean.

Masonry of the remaining rows

We proceed to the assembly of the remaining rows, each of which contains exactly five bricks. In order for the structure to remain as stable and durable as possible, the rows are periodically ligated.

Bandaging of rows is the laying of bricks in such a way that one brick overlaps the seam between the two previous bricks from the bottom row. Mortar is not used for masonry.

Features of the last row

In total, the stove consists of twelve rows, the last of which is completely solid, an iron cover is laid on it, which must be sufficiently tight. Previously, it is cleaned of all corrosion, rust, dirt, covered with a refractory composition.

With the help of such a cover, you can also control the level and intensity of the burning of the fire, if it is ajar, more oxygen will flow, the fire will flare up strongly, if it is completely closed, combustion will occur slowly.

It is important to choose the right place for installing such a stove, because only at first glance it seems that placement on the street is safe in any case. Do not place the device near the house, baths, gazebos, neighbors' houses, other buildings, plots, fences. Flammable liquids, materials (gasoline, wood) should not be located nearby. Clean well the place where the installation is planned, do not plant vegetation there, choose a site where there are no trees, various garden decor, if any, it will have to be removed.

Make sure that the structure is sufficiently tight, reliable, stable, especially for the brick variation, which is assembled without the use of masonry mortar. A steel barrel is often additionally lined with bricks - this will not allow you to get burned on it, it will become additional protection, the so-called portal.

As an option, you can assemble a garbage incineration stove with your own hands in a combined-type cottage, made of brick and steel, and instead of a barrel, you can use sheets from which the frame is assembled and cut. However, this option is very difficult to implement, it requires a special tool, suitable nozzles, impeccable possession of the welding machine, which is necessary for the adhesion of the individual walls of the stove.

Pay attention to the capacity of the tank, which will subsequently act as a firebox, it should not be very small, since in this case the burning of garbage will be carried out only in small batches and for a very long time.

Do-it-yourself garbage incinerator in the country house is a great way to save on the purchase of such equipment, as well as not pay for transport to companies that are engaged in transportation and processing. If necessary, the installation can be easily disassembled, modified, converted into a potbelly stove for a garage, greenhouses, individual elements can be replaced, repainted.

The video clip provides a brief overview of the incinerator in the country house made of brick and steel:

Eco-friendly homestead: Let's figure out what a garden stove for burning garbage in a country house is, is it needed in principle, and if so, which stove is better to choose - handmade or purchased?

When cleaning a summer cottage, any owner will inevitably have to deal with the need to dispose of plant residues and other debris. Usually, waste is simply burned in a fire, but this is dangerous for nearby houses and plantings. Often there is little space on the plots, because it is occupied by households. buildings and vegetation, and open flames can quickly start a fire. In addition, the high temperature of the fire kills microorganisms living in the soil.

The right decision, when incinerating waste, is to purchase a special furnace. It is presented in the form of a container where combustion takes place, which prevents sparks from falling to the ground. Also, the advantage of the stove is that there are no burnt spots left, and cleaning up the ashes becomes easier. There are different types of ovens on the market.

Typical waste incinerators

They are made of steel 2 mm thick, coated with refractory enamel. Small dimensions, which makes it easy to transport the oven in a passenger car. The combustion process takes place on the grate of the grate, which retains large debris and household waste, and also does not interfere with the flow of air from the bottom of the furnace.

Ash itself falls through the bars of the grate. Combustion is regulated by opening/closing the blower door through which oxygen enters. From there, the ash is raked out, which gardeners love to use as a fertilizer for the site. On top there is a cover that not only protects the flame from rain, but also serves as its limiter.

Furnace boiler

Such furnaces, in addition to burning garbage on the site, are also used as a heating boiler. The stove is equipped with a water heater, as well as a steam vacuum pump that serves to supply water directly to the house.

In the furnace, the smoke is cleaned, which allows us to call it environmentally friendly, since the combustion products are bound by water in the chimney. An oven filled with sawdust, unnecessary rags and other waste is enough to heat the house for 24 hours. A special furnace-boiler will help clean up the site and reduce fuel costs.

Do-it-yourself garbage incinerator

In addition to typical furnaces and special furnaces for heating boilers, home-made devices are used. So, for example, an ordinary old, slightly rusty, unnecessary barrel will serve as a simple furnace. Air enters through the holes made in the bottom and walls. To enhance the air flow, the barrel is placed on stones or bricks. When removing the bottom in the barrel, the combustion process will intensify. Such a barrel must be placed on a pre-dug groove that acts as an air duct.

The advantage of this design is the easy absorption of long waste.

When making a stove from a barrel yourself, you should choose a thick-walled barrel, otherwise it will burn out too quickly. If there is no such barrel, you can install a metal liner inside. The liner should be made of thick metal, 5 cm in diameter less than the barrel, install it on the grate.

Another home-made design can be a furnace made by welding from fittings or corners. Common forms are in the form of a rectangle or an inverted pyramid with a truncated top. Reinforcement bars are welded at a distance of 2–3 cm, which is a sufficient condition for an abundant air flow. Fire grates are placed at the bottom to remove ash from the furnace.

Such a stove will last much longer than a barrel stove, but the heavy construction will not allow it to be freely transported around the site.

How much does it cost to buy a garbage incinerator in the country?

Prices for furnaces of typical stationary structures start at 14 thousand rubles, while buying a furnace from a barrel of the same factory production will cost much less - around 7 thousand rubles. For even greater savings, you can make the oven yourself, especially if an old metal barrel is lying around. published

Construction, planting, storage of various vegetables, fruits, and other fruit crops are regularly carried out at the dacha. In this regard, everyone periodically raises the question of how to properly, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively dispose of garbage, waste, in order not to spend their money and take them out using specialized transport and services.

A waste incinerator is a way out, with the help of such an outdoor unit, you can use some of the garbage to process it in the combustion process, but this option must be extremely deliberate, implemented safely. Since suitable materials are not always used as fuel, many of them can release harmful substances that are hazardous to health quite imperceptibly. To achieve the safest, most comfortable conditions for use and operation, it is best to design the stove in the form of a sealed barrel.

Do-it-yourself oven assembly

The waste incinerator has a simple structure, which even a beginner can do with his own hands - this is certainly correct, since more complex design features and high assembly costs are not fully justified in this case.

If you want to do everything on your own, we recommend that you use a metal barrel as the basis for such a garden unit, steel has good strength, durability, it tolerates strong heat, temperature changes well, has no sharp corners, is completely sealed, will not let smoke through.

In order to assemble a stove for incinerating garbage in the country with your own hands, you need to buy and prepare in advance all the specialized tools, auxiliary accessories, such as:

  • Electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Heat-resistant paint and brushes.

It is important to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. The end of the frame is suitable for cutting out space for the door in this area. For this work, it is important to use a grinder and cut off a circle segment for it, having previously set aside the line in the form of a straight segment;
  2. Now the cut line is complemented by a drilled hole, the bottom of the structure is cut out with a jigsaw;
  3. It is necessary to make small holes in the door, which will be directly responsible for the supply, uniform circulation of air masses;
  4. The barrel must be cleaned of rust, any dirt with an emery disc;
  5. We take five metal profiles, which are pre-made from goats, installation work is carried out only at right angles, it is necessary to drill holes in the center and connect them with bolts;
  6. The whole structure is well primed and after that, it is painted with a heat-resistant composition of the selected color;
  7. The goats are assembled and after the structure has dried, they are installed on the stove;
  8. With the help of self-tapping screws, all structural elements are also fixed, such as: hinges, a door, a handle (it is best that it ends with a wooden lining that will not heat up);
  9. Now we turn to the assembly of the chimney, for this it is necessary to mark a circle in the upper part of the stove, with a diameter of 115 millimeters, and with the help of a grinder, drill at the indicated marks using sectors, and then bend each section. You get a picture resembling a flower with petals;
  10. The so-called petals must be bent from the outside and installed, fixed to them, by means of self-tapping screws, a metal pipe of optimal length, without slopes and bends;
  11. Now we turn to the assembly of the grate with our own hands, which is made of metal rods. The product is installed inside the unit, fixed, fixed.

A waste incinerator, which you can buy in specialized stores, of course, will cost an order of magnitude higher, but the cost will not be prohibitive, since the design features of such an installation are minimal, very simple, as well as functional. The advantages of purchased variations include the fact that you initially get a completely finished model, which is unnecessary to cut out, spend your free time and effort on it.

If you decide to buy a waste incinerator in the country, we recommend that you first of all pay attention to the manufacturer, the materials used, paint, accessories, which must be non-toxic and of high quality. The steel itself, which is used in most cases for assembly, has a fairly good thickness, does not burn through, and heats up quickly. Due to the special paint with which the surface is treated, the materials do not rust, corrosion does not form on the surface.

Brick garbage stove

Although the main material for assembling an incinerator is steel, often such a component is simply not at hand, and you don’t want to spend money. In this case, the second, alternative option will come to your aid, in which you can assemble a brick incinerator with your own hands.

It is believed that brick is the most durable, suitable material, since it is from it that all classic stoves used for heating houses and cottages are made.

The appearance of such an installation will be quite classic, aesthetic, this variation will be small in size, will not take up much space in the garden, in general, it will take about 100-120 bricks to assemble it with your own hands. Before using them, it is recommended to select the best of them, which will have a traditional shape, do not have cracks, chips, or deformations. The main disadvantage of this option, unlike a steel furnace, is that it will take much more effort, time and effort to assemble it. In order for the process to go as smoothly as possible, without causing any questions, it is necessary to determine a clear sequence of actions before starting work, to select the appropriate instruction and order.

To assemble a brick incinerator, we recommend using the following step-by-step detailed guide as a basis:


Site preparation

For such an option, since it has a small mass and dimensions, it is unnecessary to build a separate foundation, it is enough just to properly prepare the site on which it will be placed.

We pre-tamp a piece of land measuring about a meter per meter, after which we fill it with a layer of sand, the thickness of which will be no more than 4-11 centimeters.

First row and fixation

The first row must be laid correctly, without the use of a masonry base, it will be located strictly along the perimeter. In order for the future unit to have good traction, the air masses are evenly distributed, moved inside, you need to leave a small space of several centimeters between each brick. This option will allow you not to build a blower part.

After the first row is laid, it is necessary to lay and fix a grate on it, which can be based on a fairly thick wire, as well as reinforcing bars. Now we are starting to equip the ash pan, for it, it is necessary to acquire a steel sheet, on it all the residual products of combustion and decay of garbage will be collected, so they will be easy and simple to clean.

Masonry of the remaining rows

We proceed to the assembly of the remaining rows, each of which contains exactly five bricks. In order for the structure to remain as stable and durable as possible, the rows are periodically ligated.

Bandaging of rows is the laying of bricks in such a way that one brick overlaps the seam between the two previous bricks from the bottom row. Mortar is not used for masonry.

Features of the last row

In total, the stove consists of twelve rows, the last of which is completely solid, an iron cover is laid on it, which must be sufficiently tight. Previously, it is cleaned of all corrosion, rust, dirt, covered with a refractory composition.

With the help of such a cover, you can also control the level and intensity of the burning of the fire, if it is ajar, more oxygen will flow, the fire will flare up strongly, if it is completely closed, combustion will occur slowly.

It is important to choose the right place for installing such a stove, because only at first glance it seems that placement on the street is safe in any case. Do not place the device near the house, baths, gazebos, neighbors' houses, other buildings, plots, fences. Flammable liquids, materials (gasoline, wood) should not be located nearby. Clean well the place where the installation is planned, do not plant vegetation there, choose a site where there are no trees, various garden decor, if any, it will have to be removed.

Make sure that the structure is sufficiently tight, reliable, stable, especially for the brick variation, which is assembled without the use of masonry mortar. A steel barrel is often additionally lined with bricks - this will not allow you to get burned on it, it will become additional protection, the so-called portal.

As an option, you can assemble a garbage incineration stove with your own hands in a combined-type cottage, made of brick and steel, and instead of a barrel, you can use sheets from which the frame is assembled and cut. However, this option is very difficult to implement, it requires a special tool, suitable nozzles, impeccable possession of the welding machine, which is necessary for the adhesion of the individual walls of the stove.

Pay attention to the capacity of the tank, which will subsequently act as a firebox, it should not be very small, since in this case the burning of garbage will be carried out only in small batches and for a very long time.

Do-it-yourself garbage incinerator in the country house is a great way to save on the purchase of such equipment, as well as not pay for transport to companies that are engaged in transportation and processing. If necessary, the installation can be easily disassembled, modified, converted into a potbelly stove for a garage, greenhouses, individual elements can be replaced, repainted.

The video clip provides a brief overview of the incinerator in the country house made of brick and steel:

Garbage disposal is the number one problem in the suburban area. Waste disposal is an expensive pleasure, so most summer residents prefer the traditional way of getting rid of unnecessary trash - burning. Making fires is unsafe and impractical, it is much more efficient to burn waste in special containers. A ready-made garbage stove for the dacha can be purchased in stores, but a home-made design will cost much cheaper, and sometimes completely free of charge.

How to make a DIY incinerator

To make a garbage destroyer with your own hands, you do not need to be an oven master - any man can build this simple device.

Country stove from a metal barrel

A waste metal barrel is an ideal material for a recycling furnace. With the help of simple actions, it is easy to turn it into a container for the safe burning of garden waste and household waste. There are many options for transforming a barrel into a furnace, invented by craftsmen, the simplest and most effective are proposed below.

The second life of an old barrel

Option one: a barrel without a bottom

  1. Remove the bottom of an old metal barrel with a grinder or chisel.
  2. Drill a few holes in the bottom - they will provide traction during combustion.
  3. Dig a shallow oblong hole about a meter long, about 20 cm wide and one spade bayonet deep.
  4. Before disposal, a fire is kindled in the groove from dry twigs or paper, then a barrel without a bottom is placed on top so that air from the ditch freely enters the lower hole.
  5. Garbage should be laid down gradually, it is not necessary to cut long branches - thanks to good traction, they will quickly turn into ashes.

Option two: installation on bricks

  1. Drill or punch many holes in the bottom of a thick-walled barrel. Similar holes are also made in the lower part of the vessel, approximately to the middle of its height.
  2. Prepare a base of bricks, providing gaps for air intake.
  3. Set the barrel on a brick pedestal, put garbage in it and light a fire.

You can extend the life of a homemade stove from a barrel if you strengthen the walls with steel sheets or place a smaller container in it. After the internal parts burn out, they can be replaced with new ones.

Waste incinerator from an old stove

An old sauna stove should not be sent for scrap, even if it has burned out and rusted. A failed heater can be turned into a good waste disposal unit in the garden. To begin with, with the help of improvised tools, it is necessary to get rid of the internal parts, leaving only the body and the grate. Inside, the structure is reinforced with sheet iron, welded to the base.

Waste can be loaded directly from the top, but before loading large parts, it is recommended to start a fire using paper or dry twigs. During the burning of garbage, it is advisable to cover the stove with a metal sheet, placing a stone to ensure the exit of smoke.

Brick incinerator

A capital brick oven will last longer than a metal barrel, and its appearance will not spoil the design of the garden plot. For a small utilizer, 115 bricks will be required; if necessary, the dimensions of the structure can be easily increased.

First of all, they prepare the base for the furnace - they clear a section of 70 * 100 cm and fill it with a layer of sand at least 5 cm thick. The first row is laid around the perimeter without mortar, leaving gaps of about 15 mm between the bricks - they are important for providing traction. In total, there are 8 bricks in the first row: three at the bottom and top, and one at the sides.

For the construction of the furnace take refractory bricks

Next, a grate or strong bars are placed, pre-welded together or connected with a wire. For the design of the proposed size, 14 equity and three transverse bars are sufficient. The ash pan can be laid out of brick, made of steel sheet or poured from a cement-sand mortar.

The second row also consists of 8 bricks, but two bricks are laid on each side, observing the dressing. All subsequent rows are laid without mortar with small gaps. The last 12 row is made solid. A metal cover is installed on top.

Instead of a square stove, you can lay out a structure in the form of a cylinder. In this case, air gaps are also provided for draft and a grate is laid, which can be steel reinforcement or a strong metal mesh.

Round Brick Incinerator

Waste incinerators from manufacturers

For those who do not want to deal with brickwork or do not want to clutter up the site with ugly barrels, they produce ready-made cottage garbage stoves. The design of this device includes a combustion chamber, a firebox with a grate and a box for the accumulation of ash (ash pan).

Waste container inside

The shape of the recycling ovens are round, square and rectangular. They resemble barrels or airtight containers. The body of the product, as a rule, is made of durable steel and coated with a special fire-resistant enamel. In addition to simple containers for disposal, functional equipment with the ability to heat water can be found on sale.

When choosing a country stove, you should pay attention to the volume of the combustion chamber and correlate it with the amount of accumulated waste. Models with a chimney are considered the most efficient and safe - the pipe enhances combustion and removes smoke to the upper layers of the air.

The incinerator must be installed and operated in accordance with safety regulations. It is recommended to contact a specialist to find out the possibility of self-incinerating waste on the site and help in choosing the most suitable equipment for this.

Video: how to burn garbage