Calculation of fire capacity. Fire reservoirs: above-ground and underground, requirements and standards Determination of the tactical capabilities of a unit without installing a fire truck at a water source

It is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of a fire, therefore owners of enterprises and organizations, owners of private buildings and structures, as well as tenants must take care of the correct selection and placement of fire tanks.

Special conditions for placing containers

To extinguish a fire, water sources are used - natural or artificial reservoirs. If there are none near the enterprise, a fire tank is needed, a container for storing water in case of need for fire extinguishing.

To place the tank, specialists carefully select the location and type of tank that meets the needs of the enterprise. For the calculation, factors such as the rate of filling the container with water, supplying water to the fire hydrant, the possibility of freezing, and evaporation are taken into account. If there is a threat of water freezing, the container is deepened deep into the ground, or placed in a heated room, and during evaporation, an additional flow of water is provided. In milder climates, placement on the ground surface is possible.

Types of containers according to the material used

  • Metal - made of thick sheet steel by welding, with an anti-corrosion coating applied. They are made either horizontal cylinders or vertical (volume from 100 to 5.0 thousand cubic meters). Sometimes, for this purpose, used railway tanks with a capacity of 20 - 100 cubic meters are used, connected from below by a pipeline;
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete or assembled from panels with monolithic corner and bottom connections - tanks with a volume of over 5.0 thousand cubic meters. m. contain openings for water intake. The volume of the container depends on the design calculations of the protected object;
  • Plastic containers have been actively used lately. They are light in weight. Water retains its qualities. Experts express opinions about possible operation for up to 50 years. The volume of tanks reaches 200.0 thousand cubic meters. m.

Classification by location and purpose

There are fire containers, both stationary, described above, and portable by vehicle (car, helicopter). Mobile tanks have a lightweight design, are quickly connected and filled with water, and are reliable in operation.

Fire tanks must meet regulated parameters and meet certain parameters. The volume of water stored in the reservoir should be sufficient to extinguish fires from external hydrants and internal taps.

Depending on the purpose, the volume of the container is divided into:

  • emergency;
  • firefighters;
  • additional;
  • regulating.

Emergency the volume is intended in case of an unforeseen situation related to a breakdown of the water supply system, to replenish the water supply. It provides the necessary inflow from the network while the water supply breakdown is being repaired.

Firefighter designed for the use of water during fire extinguishing and related production needs associated with the taming of the elements.

Additional it is used if the object is located outside the settlement and more than 40 liters of water per second are needed to extinguish.

Regulatory is calculated according to a special formula, taking into account the schedule for filling and adding water, if it is supplied without interruption.

Design features of the container

The fire container consists of the following elements:

  • inlet and outlet pipes;
  • ventilation;
  • overflow device;
  • drain pipe;
  • stairs;
  • hatches

It is possible to install additional elements: overflow prevention sensors, water level control devices, skylights, flushing pipelines.

The supply pipe at its end has a diffuser located one meter above the water level. A confuser with a grille is installed in the outlet pipe at the bottom. The difference between the maximum supply and the minimum withdrawal of water represents the characteristic of the overflow device. The bottom of the tank has a slight slope towards the drain pipe connected to the sewer or ditch.

The location of the hatches is arranged in such a way as to get free access to the inlet and outlet pipes. Where potable water is to be stored, hatches must be securely locked and sealed. The tank is equipped with ventilation, and in the case of drinking water - filters to protect against polluted air.

Calculation of container volume

Fire safety regulations require that the enterprise has at least two fire extinguishing tanks, which must be located independently of each other and filled with water at least half the volume.

The fire capacity is calculated using a special formula. To do this, determine the amount of water required:

  • to extinguish a fire lasting three hours,
  • for economic needs related to fire fighting,
  • for watering nearby objects to prevent them from catching fire.

This is the definition of the original volume. The values ​​that reduce it are made up of the rate of water supply, the possibility of replenishing the stock during a fire.

Service radius is:

  • 100 - 150 m when the tank is equipped with fire pumps;
  • 200 m - in the presence of fire extinguishing stations and pumps;
  • Up to 10 m - 1st and 2nd fire resistance categories;
  • 30 m - 3rd and 5th categories.

External water supply must be present at every industrial and agricultural facility. For rural areas, the figure is somewhat different and is 5 l / s, and in urban areas when servicing high-rise buildings, for example, for a 12-story building, the flow rate is 35 l / s.

Tank locations

Fire tanks should be located in such a way as to provide convenient access for fire engines and the Ministry of Emergency Situations during a fire. The entrance to them must be open at any time of the day. It is necessary to calculate the capacity and location of the tanks so that they provide a jet of water at least 4 meters above them.

Properly calculated container volumes serve as a reliable guarantee of successful fire extinguishing and preventing fires in neighboring buildings and areas.

Based on experience and statistics from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, unfortunately, it is clear that no matter how carefully the owners of buildings/structures, management of companies/organizations, government agencies; and also the tenants were not concerned about ensuring safety at their premises, but it is simply impossible to exclude the possibility of a fire 100%.

Where and why are needed

If an emergency occurred, then, of course, the presence of APS, , efficient, equipped PCs in most cases will help to localize and then eliminate the source of the fire in the early stages, preventing it from spreading to adjacent rooms and upper floors; which can only be prevented by fire doors, hatches, and factory-made windows certified according to fire safety requirements that are correctly installed in construction/technological openings.

But this is not always possible for objective reasons - depending on the flammable load, the danger of substances/materials present in the building, circulating/transported in devices, installations of technological equipment, stored in warehouses for raw materials and commercial products, and the specific situation.

In this case, from the spread of fire throughout the entire territory of the estate of a residential/country house, industrial enterprise, settlement from a small holiday village to a regional center, city; and even if, according to the “law of meanness,” a strong wind is blowing at this time, which, according to statistics, is far from uncommon in such emergency, difficult situations, only the following can really save:

  • , which will not allow scattering flaming, sparkling firebrands, strong thermal effects from burning buildings, structures, and structures to ignite neighboring buildings.
  • Local units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as departmental and private firefighting units that have special equipment for fighting fire, members of the traffic police of enterprises, organizations, institutions where motor pumps/fire extinguishing stations are available.
  • Fire-fighting external water supply, which is the only one that can provide the supply of that huge amount, the total volume of water, almost every time necessary both for and for further watering of all places of its occurrence, development, in order to avoid repeated fires.

Without such a water supply, no fire-fighting units can cope with a fire, even if they have, in the same megacities, a huge staff of special equipment. After all, the volume of water carried in its containers is not so large, it is calculated only in minutes of intensive work when supplying trunks to extinguish a fire; and time for refueling/replenishment of supplies, installation of additional pumping stations for pumping from afar, as a rule, is extremely critical in conditions of a spreading, growing fire.

In cities, these are, of course, external fire-fighting water supply networks, usually laid underground to protect against freezing in winter, installed on its mains, side branches, up to distant, outlying, including dead-end lines; fire hydrants - technical devices installed in special wells for maintenance, which are designed to connect fire trucks and mobile pumping stations to them.

In smaller settlements - regional centers in rural, steppe, taiga areas, towns, villages, in the territories of separate production facilities located far from the city limits, industrial enterprises, various objects for both civil and defense purposes - these are piers on rivers and lakes , ponds, for installing special equipment with pumps; artificial reservoirs - fire reservoirs with an emergency reserve, specially designed and created to fight fire. They come in different types, both in design and in materials and methods of construction.

Important! Despite the widespread opinion, existing even among the engineering and technical personnel of enterprises/organizations, drilling any underground wells in waterless areas, even with a gigantic constant water flow, will in no case replace the construction of fire reservoirs/reservoirs. The norms/rules of industrial safety established by the state are categorically opposed to this.

The reason is simple and clear - they are too unreliable a source. The supply of water from underground may decrease to unacceptable flow rates for firefighting purposes or stop altogether at any time; which is not at all uncommon with intensive, maximum technically possible selection over the period necessary to completely eliminate the fire and its consequences.

But using them to fill and maintain the required supply of water in fire tanks is the right decision, well-founded from both a technical and economic point of view. After all, in simple terms, transporting water far away is not the smartest decision in such situations.

Above ground and underground

To this day, in Russian cities you can find water towers that were once used, including as fire tanks for extinguishing fires and refueling equipment. Today, for the most part, if not demolished, they are used as public buildings, having been reconstructed, converted into public catering establishments, clubs, and museums.

Fire tanks included in this list may be part of the general engineering water supply system of the protected facility, then they are connected by pipelines to pumping stations, and then to internal water supply, installations of automated/manual start-up automatic fire control systems; or serve as the main or additional source for water intake in the event of an emergency by mobile special equipment of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, departmental units or traffic police.

Definition: According to the same official document, a fire tank, usually metal/reinforced concrete, is considered an engineered tank structure. Its only purpose is to store a supply of water for extinguishing.

The specific requirements of the standards (clause 4.1. SP 8.13130.2009) are as follows - external water supply for fire fighting must be available in the territory of all settlements and enterprises/organizations.

At the same time, it is permissible to use it from artificial sources - reservoirs, reservoirs for the following protection objects:

  • Settlements with a population of less than 5 thousand people.
  • Located outside the boundaries of settlements, detached buildings in the absence of the possibility of installing a water supply network that provides flow for external extinguishing of a possible fire.
  • Any buildings when the flow rate does not exceed 10 l/s.
  • Low-rise buildings, when the area does not exceed the permissible fire compartment for them according to the standards.

The water consumption required for protected objects varies greatly - from 5 l/s for rural settlements, to 35 l/s if the height of buildings reaches 12 floors and the building area exceeds 50 thousand square meters. m.; what should be taken into account by employees of design organizations when calculating the total volume of fire tanks, which should also:

  • Distribute in at least two containers, 50% of the total volume in each.
  • Provide fire extinguishing for all rural settlements, separately located enterprise buildings, including closed lumber warehouses - for at least 3 hours.

With the exception of:

  • Buildings I, II SO, categories G, D – 2 hours.
  • Warehouses, open storage areas for timber – 5 hours.

After the end of extinguishing, and, consequently, a significant reduction in the water supply, up to the emptying of fire tanks, the standards establish a maximum recovery period:

  • For industrial enterprises with categories A, B, C, as well as settlements, if they are on their territory - no more than 1 day.
  • Categories D, D - 1.5 days.
  • For agricultural enterprises and populated areas – 3 days.

The following service radius has been established for fire tanks in the territories of settlements and enterprises, as well as distances (fire breaks) to buildings:

  • If the tanks are equipped with fire pumps - from 100 to 150 m, depending on the type and purpose of the buildings.
  • Equipped with pumps/fire extinguishing stations – up to 200 m.
  • From fire resistance category I, II – no closer than 10 m.
  • From III–V – 30 m.

It is permissible to place pumping stations for fire tanks in the industrial enterprise buildings they serve, separated by fire barriers with REI 120 software, with a separate exit to the outside.

When developing working documentation, one should be guided by the principle of accessibility for the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and members of the DPD at any time of the day, which should be ensured both by the layout of the location on the territory, the entrance, and by constructive and technical execution.

When designing fire above-ground/underground tanks, the following safety standards and rules are used:

  • Basic information on (as amended).
  • ), regulating the creation of networks in the territory.
  • Everything needs calculation. Fire tanks are too important for the safety of people, the preservation of buildings, structures, equipment, property, and inventory items in them; to limit oneself to one used railway container, shallowly buried on the territory of a village or a separate enterprise, and proudly report this to the GPN inspector during the inspection. It is unlikely that his reaction will please the settlement administration or the management of the enterprise.

Calculations of forces and means are performed in the following cases:

  • when determining the required amount of forces and means to extinguish a fire;
  • during operational-tactical study of an object;
  • when developing fire extinguishing plans;
  • in the preparation of fire-tactical exercises and classes;
  • when carrying out experimental work to determine the effectiveness of extinguishing agents;
  • in the process of investigating a fire to assess the actions of the RTP and units.

Calculation of forces and means for extinguishing fires of solid flammable substances and materials with water (spreading fire)

    • characteristics of the object (geometric dimensions, nature of the fire load and its placement at the object, location of water sources relative to the object);
    • time from the moment a fire occurs until it is reported (depends on the availability of the type of security equipment, communication and alarm equipment at the facility, the correctness of the actions of the persons who discovered the fire, etc.);
    • linear speed of fire spread Vl;
    • forces and means provided for by the schedule of departures and the time of their concentration;
    • intensity of fire extinguishing agent supply Itr.

1) Determination of the time of fire development at various points in time.

The following stages of fire development are distinguished:

  • 1, 2 stages free development of fire, and at stage 1 ( t up to 10 minutes) the linear speed of propagation is taken equal to 50% of its maximum value (tabular), characteristic of a given category of objects, and from a time of more than 10 minutes it is taken equal to the maximum value;
  • Stage 3 is characterized by the beginning of the introduction of the first trunks to extinguish the fire, as a result of which the linear speed of fire propagation decreases, therefore, in the period of time from the moment the first trunks are introduced until the moment of limiting the spread of the fire (the moment of localization), its value is taken equal to 0,5 V l . When localization conditions are met V l = 0 .
  • Stage 4 - fire suppression.

t St. = t update + t report + t Sat + t sl + t br (min.), where

  • tSt.– time of free development of the fire at the time of arrival of the unit;
  • tupdate time of fire development from the moment of its occurrence to the moment of its detection ( 2 minutes.– in the presence of APS or AUPT, 2-5 min.– with 24-hour duty, 5 minutes.– in all other cases);
  • treport– time of reporting a fire to the fire brigade ( 1 min.– if the telephone is located in the duty officer’s premises, 2 minutes.– if the telephone is in another room);
  • tSat= 1 min.– time of gathering of personnel on alarm;
  • tsl– travel time of the fire department ( 2 minutes. on 1 km of way);
  • tbr– combat deployment time (3 minutes when feeding the 1st barrel, 5 minutes in other cases).

2) Determination of distance R traversed by the combustion front during the time t .

at tSt.≤ 10 min:R = 0,5 ·Vl · tSt.(m);

at tbb> 10 min:R = 0,5 ·Vl · 10 + Vl · (tbb – 10)= 5 ·Vl + Vl· (tbb – 10) (m);

at tbb < t* ≤ tlok : R = 5 ·Vl + Vl· (tbb – 10) + 0,5 ·Vl· (t* – tbb) (m).

  • Where t St. – time of free development,
  • t bb – time at the moment of introduction of the first trunks for extinguishing,
  • t lok – time at the time of localization of the fire,
  • t * – the time between the moments of localization of the fire and the introduction of the first trunks for extinguishing.

3) Determination of the fire area.

fire area S p – this is the area of ​​​​the projection of the combustion zone onto a horizontal or (less often) vertical plane. When burning on several floors, the total fire area on each floor is taken as the fire area.

Fire perimeter P p – this is the perimeter of the fire area.

Fire front F p – this is part of the fire perimeter in the direction(s) of combustion propagation.

To determine the shape of the fire area, you should draw a scale diagram of the object and plot the distance from the location of the fire on a scale R traversed by fire in all possible directions.

In this case, it is customary to distinguish three options for the shape of the fire area:

  • circular (Fig. 2);
  • corner (Fig. 3, 4);
  • rectangular (Fig. 5).

When predicting the development of a fire, it should be taken into account that the shape of the fire area may change. Thus, when the flame front reaches the enclosing structure or the edge of the site, it is generally accepted that the fire front straightens and the shape of the fire area changes (Fig. 6).

a) The area of ​​the fire with a circular form of fire development.

SP= k · p · R 2 (m2),

  • Where k = 1 – with a circular form of fire development (Fig. 2),
  • k = 0,5 – with a semicircular shape of fire development (Fig. 4),
  • k = 0,25 – with an angular form of fire development (Fig. 3).

b) Fire area for a rectangular fire development.

SP= n b · R (m2),

  • Where n– number of directions of fire development,
  • b– width of the room.

c) Fire area with a combined form of fire development (Figure 7)

SP = S 1 + S 2 (m2)

a) The area of ​​fire extinguishing along the perimeter with a circular form of fire development.

S t = kp· (R 2 – r 2) = k ·ph t (2 R - h t) (m 2),

  • Where r = R h T ,
  • h T – depth of extinguishing trunks (for hand trunks – 5 m, for fire monitors – 10 m).

b) Fire extinguishing area around the perimeter for a rectangular fire development.

ST= 2 hT· (a + b – 2 hT) (m2) – along the entire perimeter of the fire ,

Where A And b are the length and width of the fire front, respectively.

ST = n·b·hT (m 2) – along the front of the spreading fire ,

Where b And n – respectively, the width of the room and the number of directions for feeding the barrels.

5) Determination of the required water flow to extinguish the fire.

QTtr = SP · ItratS p ≤S t (l/s) orQTtr = ST · ItratS p >S t (l/s)

Intensity of supply of fire extinguishing agents I tr – this is the amount of fire extinguishing agent supplied per unit of time per unit of design parameter.

The following types of intensity are distinguished:

Linear – when a linear parameter is taken as a calculated parameter: for example, front or perimeter. Units of measurement – ​​l/s∙m. Linear intensity is used, for example, when determining the number of shafts for cooling burning tanks and oil tanks adjacent to the burning one.

superficial – when the fire extinguishing area is taken as a design parameter. Units of measurement – ​​l/s∙m2. Surface intensity is used most often in fire extinguishing practice, since in most cases water is used to extinguish fires, which extinguishes the fire along the surface of burning materials.

Volumetric – when the extinguishing volume is taken as a design parameter. Units of measurement – ​​l/s∙m3. Volumetric intensity is used primarily for volumetric fire extinguishing, for example, with inert gases.

Required I tr – the amount of fire extinguishing agent that must be supplied per unit of time per unit of the calculated extinguishing parameter. The required intensity is determined based on calculations, experiments, statistical data based on the results of extinguishing real fires, etc.

Actual I f – the amount of fire extinguishing agent that is actually supplied per unit of time per unit of the calculated extinguishing parameter.

6) Determining the required number of guns for extinguishing.

A)NTst = QTtr / qTst– according to the required water flow,

b)NTst= R p / R st– along the perimeter of the fire,

R p - part of the perimeter for extinguishing which guns are inserted

R st =qst / ItrhT- part of the fire perimeter that is extinguished with one barrel. P = 2 · p L (circumference), P = 2 · a + 2 b (rectangle)

V) NTst = n (m + A) – in warehouses with rack storage (Fig. 11) ,

  • Where n – number of directions of fire development (introduction of trunks),
  • m – number of passages between burning racks,
  • A – the number of passages between the burning and adjacent non-burning racks.

7) Determining the required number of compartments for supplying barrels for extinguishing.

NTdepartment = NTst / nst department ,

Where n st department – the number of barrels that one compartment can supply.

8) Determination of the required water flow for the protection of structures.

Qhtr = Sh · Ihtr(l/s),

  • Where S h – protected area (floors, coverings, walls, partitions, equipment, etc.),
  • I h tr = (0,3-0,5) ·I tr – intensity of water supply to protection.

9) The water yield of a ring water supply network is calculated using the formula:

Q to the network = ((D/25) V in) 2 [l/s], (40) where,

  • D – diameter of the water supply network, [mm];
  • 25 is a conversion number from millimeters to inches;
  • V in is the speed of movement of water in the water supply system, which is equal to:
  • – at water supply pressure Hв =1.5 [m/s];
  • – with water supply pressure H>30 m water column. –V in =2 [m/s].

The water yield of a dead-end water supply network is calculated using the formula:

Q t network = 0.5 Q to network, [l/s].

10) Determination of the required number of trunks to protect structures.

Nhst = Qhtr / qhst ,

Also, the number of barrels is often determined without analytical calculation for tactical reasons, based on the location of the barrels and the number of protected objects, for example, one fire monitor for each farm, and one RS-50 barrel for each adjacent room.

11) Determination of the required number of compartments for supplying trunks to protect structures.

Nhdepartment = Nhst / nst department

12) Determining the required number of compartments to perform other work (evacuation of people, material valuables, opening and dismantling of structures).

Nldepartment = Nl / nl department , NMCdepartment = NMC / nMC department , NSundepartment = SSun / SSun dept.

13) Determination of the total required number of branches.

Ngenerallydepartment = NTst + Nhst + Nldepartment + NMCdepartment + NSundepartment

Based on the results obtained, the RTP concludes that the forces and means involved in extinguishing the fire are sufficient. If the forces and means are not enough, then the RTP makes a new calculation at the time of arrival of the last unit at the next increased number (rank) of the fire.

14) Comparison of actual water consumption Q f for extinguishing, protection and drainage of the network Q water fire water supply

Qf = NTst· qTst+ Nhst· qhstQwater

15) Determination of the number of ACs installed on water sources to supply the calculated water flow.

Not all the equipment that arrives at a fire is installed at water sources, but only the amount that would ensure the supply of the calculated flow rate, i.e.

N AC = Q tr / 0,8 Q n ,

Where Q n – pump flow, l/s

This optimal flow rate is checked according to accepted combat deployment schemes, taking into account the length of the hose lines and the estimated number of barrels. In any of these cases, if conditions permit (in particular, the pump-hose system), combat crews of arriving units should be used to operate from vehicles already installed at water sources.

This will not only ensure the use of equipment at full capacity, but will also speed up the deployment of forces and means to extinguish the fire.

Depending on the fire situation, the required consumption of fire extinguishing agent is determined for the entire fire area or for the fire extinguishing area. Based on the results obtained, the RTP can conclude that the forces and means involved in extinguishing the fire are sufficient.

Calculation of forces and means for extinguishing fires with air-mechanical foam in an area

(fires that do not spread or conditionally lead to them)

Initial data for calculating forces and means:

  • fire area;
  • intensity of supply of foaming agent solution;
  • intensity of water supply for cooling;
  • estimated extinguishing time.

In case of fires in tank farms, the design parameter is taken to be the area of ​​the liquid surface of the tank or the largest possible area of ​​flammable liquid spillage during fires on aircraft.

At the first stage of combat operations, the burning and neighboring tanks are cooled.

1) The required number of barrels to cool a burning tank.

N zg stv = Q zg tr / q stv = n π D mountains I zg tr / q stv , but not less than 3 trunks,

Izgtr= 0.8 l/s m – required intensity for cooling a burning tank,

Izgtr= 1.2 l/s m – required intensity for cooling a burning tank during a fire in ,

Tank cooling W res ≥ 5000 m 3 and it is more expedient to carry out fire monitors.

2) The required number of barrels for cooling the adjacent non-burning tank.

N zs stv = Q zs tr / q stv = n 0,5 π D SOS I zs tr / q stv , but not less than 2 trunks,

Izstr = 0.3 l/s m is the required intensity for cooling the adjacent non-burning tank,

n– the number of burning or neighboring tanks, respectively,

Dmountains, DSOS– diameter of the burning or adjacent tank, respectively (m),

qstv– productivity of one (l/s),

Qzgtr, Qzstr– required water flow for cooling (l/s).

3) Required number of GPS N gps to extinguish a burning tank.

N gps = S P I r-or tr / q r-or gps (PC.),

SP– fire area (m2),

Ir-ortr– required intensity of supply of foam agent solution for extinguishing (l/s∙m2). At t vsp ≤ 28 o C I r-or tr = 0.08 l/s∙m 2, at t vsp > 28 o C I r-or tr = 0.05 l/s∙m 2 (see Appendix No. 9)

qr-orgps GPS productivity for foaming agent solution (l/s).

4) Required amount of foaming agent W By to extinguish the tank.

W By = N gps q By gps ∙ 60 ∙ τ R ∙ K z (l),

τ R= 15 minutes – estimated extinguishing time when applying high-frequency MP from above,

τ R= 10 minutes – estimated extinguishing time when applying high-frequency MP under the fuel layer,

K z= 3 – safety factor (for three foam attacks),

qBygps– capacity of the gas station for foaming agent (l/s).

5) Required amount of water W V T to extinguish the tank.

W V T = N gps q V gps ∙ 60 ∙ τ R ∙ K z (l),

qVgps– GPS productivity for water (l/s).

6) Required amount of water W V h for cooling tanks.

W V h = N h stv q stv τ R ∙ 3600 (l),

Nhstv– total number of trunks for cooling tanks,

qstv– productivity of one fire nozzle (l/s),

τ R= 6 hours – estimated cooling time for ground tanks from mobile fire fighting equipment (SNiP 2.11.03-93),

τ R= 3 hours – estimated cooling time for underground tanks from mobile fire fighting equipment (SNiP 2.11.03-93).

7) The total required amount of water for cooling and extinguishing tanks.

WVgenerally = WVT + WVh(l)

8) Estimated time of occurrence of a possible release T of oil products from a burning tank.

T = ( H h ) / ( W + u + V ) (h), where

H is the initial height of the combustible liquid layer in the tank, m;

h is the height of the bottom (bottom) water layer, m;

W - linear speed of heating of a combustible liquid, m/h (table value);

u - linear burnout rate of a combustible liquid, m/h (table value);

V – linear speed of level decrease due to pumping, m/h (if pumping is not performed, then V = 0 ).

Extinguishing fires in rooms with air-mechanical foam by volume

In case of fires in premises, they sometimes resort to extinguishing the fire using a volumetric method, i.e. fill the entire volume with air-mechanical foam of medium expansion (ship holds, cable tunnels, basements, etc.).

When applying VMP to the volume of the room, there must be at least two openings. Through one opening, the VMP is supplied, and through the other, smoke and excess air pressure are displaced, which contributes to better advancement of the VMF in the room.

1) Determination of the required amount of HPS for volumetric quenching.

N gps = W pom ·K r/ q gps t n , Where

W pom – volume of the room (m 3);

K p = 3 – coefficient taking into account the destruction and loss of foam;

q gps – foam consumption from GPS (m 3 /min.);

t n = 10 min – standard fire extinguishing time.

2) Determining the required amount of foaming agent W By for volumetric extinguishing.

WBy = NgpsqBygps ∙ 60 ∙ τ R∙ K z(l),

Hose capacity

Appendix No. 1

Capacity of one rubberized hose 20 meters long depending on diameter

Throughput, l/s

Sleeve diameter, mm

51 66 77 89 110 150
10,2 17,1 23,3 40,0

Application 2

Resistance values ​​of one pressure hose 20 m long

Sleeve type Sleeve diameter, mm
51 66 77 89 110 150
Rubberized 0,15 0,035 0,015 0,004 0,002 0,00046
Non-rubberized 0,3 0,077 0,03

Application 3

Volume of one sleeve 20 m long

Appendix No. 4

Geometric characteristics of the main types steel vertical tanks (RVS).

No. p / p Tank type Tank height, m Tank diameter, m Fuel surface area, m2 Tank perimeter, m
1 RVS-1000 9 12 120 39
2 RVS-2000 12 15 181 48
3 RVS-3000 12 19 283 60
4 RVS-5000 12 23 408 72
5 RVS-5000 15 21 344 65
6 RVS-10000 12 34 918 107
7 RVS-10000 18 29 637 89
8 RVS-15000 12 40 1250 126
9 RVS-15000 18 34 918 107
10 RVS-20000 12 46 1632 143
11 RVS-20000 18 40 1250 125
12 RVS-30000 18 46 1632 143
13 RVS-50000 18 61 2892 190
14 RVS-100000 18 85,3 5715 268
15 RVS-120000 18 92,3 6691 290

Appendix No. 5

Linear velocities of combustion propagation during fires at facilities.

Object name Linear speed of combustion propagation, m/min
Administrative buildings 1,0…1,5
Libraries, archives, book depositories 0,5…1,0
Residential buildings 0,5…0,8
Corridors and galleries 4,0…5,0
Cable structures (cable burning) 0,8…1,1
Museums and exhibitions 1,0…1,5
Printing houses 0,5…0,8
Theaters and Palaces of Culture (stages) 1,0…3,0
Combustible coatings for large workshops 1,7…3,2
Combustible roof and attic structures 1,5…2,0
Refrigerators 0,5…0,7
Woodworking enterprises:
Sawmill shops (buildings I, II, III SO) 1,0…3,0
The same, buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance 2,0…5,0
Dryers 2,0…2,5
Procurement shops 1,0…1,5
Plywood production 0,8…1,5
Premises of other workshops 0,8…1,0
Forest areas (wind speed 7...10 m/s, humidity 40%)
Pine forest up to 1.4
Elnik up to 4.2
Schools, medical institutions:
Buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance 0,6…1,0
Buildings of III and IV degrees of fire resistance 2,0…3,0
Transport facilities:
Garages, tram and trolleybus depots 0,5…1,0
Hangar repair halls 1,0…1,5
Textile products 0,3…0,4
Paper in rolls 0,2…0,3
Rubber products in buildings 0,4…1,0
The same in stacks in an open area 1,0…1,2
Rubber 0,6…1,0
Inventory assets 0,5…1,2
Round timber in stacks 0,4…1,0
Lumber (boards) in stacks at a moisture content of 16 ... 18% 2,3
Peat in stacks 0,8…1,0
Flax fiber 3,0…5,6
Rural settlements:
Residential area with dense buildings of fire resistance class V, dry weather 2,0…2,5
Thatched roofs of buildings 2,0…4,0
Litter in livestock buildings 1,5…4,0

Appendix No. 6

Intensity of water supply when extinguishing fires, l / (m 2 .s)

1. Buildings and structures
Administrative buildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.06
IV degree of fire resistance 0.10
V degree of fire resistance 0.15
basements 0.10
attic spaces 0.10
Hospitals 0.10
2. Residential houses and outbuildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.06
IV degree of fire resistance 0.10
V degree of fire resistance 0.15
basements 0.15
attic spaces 0.15
3.Livestock buildings:
I-III degree of fire resistance 0.15
IV degree of fire resistance 0.15
V degree of fire resistance 0.20
4. Cultural and entertainment institutions (theaters, cinemas, clubs, palaces of culture):
scene 0.20
auditorium 0.15
utility rooms 0.15
Mills and elevators 0.14
Hangars, garages, workshops 0.20
locomotive, wagon, tram and trolleybus depots 0.20
5. Industrial buildings, sites and workshops:
I-II degree of fire resistance 0.15
III-IV degree of fire resistance 0.20
V degree of fire resistance 0.25
paint shops 0.20
basements 0.30
attic spaces 0.15
6. Combustible coverings of large areas
when extinguishing from below inside the building 0.15
when extinguishing outside from the side of the coating 0.08
when extinguishing from outside when a fire has developed 0.15
Buildings under construction 0.10
Trade enterprises and warehouses 0.20
Refrigerators 0.10
7. Power plants and substations:
cable tunnels and mezzanines 0.20
machine rooms and boiler rooms 0.20
fuel supply galleries 0.10
transformers, reactors, oil circuit breakers* 0.10
8. Hard materials
Paper loosened 0.30
balance at humidity, %:
40-50 0.20
less than 40 0.50
lumber in stacks within one group at humidity, %:
8-14 0.45
20-30 0.30
over 30 0.20
round timber in stacks within one group 0.35
wood chips in piles with a moisture content of 30-50% 0.10
Rubber, rubber and rubber products 0.30
thermoplastics 0.14
thermosets 0.10
polymer materials 0.20
textolite, carbolite, plastic waste, triacetate film 0.30
Cotton and other fiber materials:
open warehouses 0.20
closed warehouses 0.30
Celluloid and products made from it 0.40
Pesticides and fertilizers 0.20

* Supply of finely sprayed water.

Tactical and technical indicators of foam supply devices

Foam supply device Pressure at the device, m Concentration of solution, % Consumption, l/s Foam ratio Foam production, m cubic/min (l/s) Foam supply range, m
water BY software solution
PLSK-20 P 40-60 6 18,8 1,2 20 10 12 50
PLSK-20 S 40-60 6 21,62 1,38 23 10 14 50
PLSK-60 S 40-60 6 47,0 3,0 50 10 30 50
SVP 40-60 6 5,64 0,36 6 8 3 28
SVP(E)-2 40-60 6 3,76 0,24 4 8 2 15
SVP(E)-4 40-60 6 7,52 0,48 8 8 4 18
SVP-8(E) 40-60 6 15,04 0,96 16 8 8 20
GPS-200 40-60 6 1,88 0,12 2 80-100 12 (200) 6-8
GPS-600 40-60 6 5,64 0,36 6 80-100 36 (600) 10
GPS-2000 40-60 6 18,8 1,2 20 80-100 120 (2000) 12

Linear rate of burnout and heating of hydrocarbon liquids

Name of flammable liquid Linear burnout rate, m/h Linear speed of fuel heating, m/h
Petrol Up to 0.30 Up to 0.10
Kerosene Up to 0.25 Up to 0.10
Gas condensate Up to 0.30 Up to 0.30
Diesel fuel from gas condensate Up to 0.25 Up to 0.15
Mixture of oil and gas condensate Up to 0.20 Up to 0.40
Diesel fuel Up to 0.20 Up to 0.08
Oil Up to 0.15 Up to 0.40
Fuel oil Up to 0.10 Up to 0.30

Note: with an increase in wind speed to 8-10 m/s, the rate of burnout of flammable liquid increases by 30-50%. Crude oil and fuel oil containing emulsified water may burn out at a higher rate than indicated in the table.

Changes and additions to the Guidelines for extinguishing oil and oil products in tanks and tank farms

(information letter of the GUGPS dated 19.05.00 No. 20/2.3/1863)

Table 2.1. Standard rates of supply of medium expansion foam for extinguishing fires of oil and petroleum products in tanks

Note: For oil with impurities of gas condensate, as well as for oil products obtained from gas condensate, it is necessary to determine the standard intensity in accordance with current methods.

Table 2.2. Standard intensity of low expansion foam supply for extinguishing oil and oil products in tanks*

No. p / p Type of petroleum product Standard intensity of supply of foaming agent solution, l m 2 s’
Fluorine-containing foaming agents are “non-film-forming” Fluorosynthetic “film-forming” foaming agents Fluoroprotein “film-forming” foaming agents
to the surface per layer to the surface per layer to the surface per layer
1 Oil and petroleum products with a temperature of 28° C and below 0,08 0,07 0,10 0,07 0,10
2 Oil and petroleum products with a temperature of more than 28 °C 0,06 0,05 0,08 0,05 0,08
3 Stable gas condensate 0,12 0,10 0,14 0,10 0,14

Main indicators characterizing the tactical capabilities of fire departments

The firefighting manager must not only know the capabilities of the units, but also be able to determine the main tactical indicators:

  • possible extinguishing area with air-mechanical foam;
  • possible volume of extinguishing with medium expansion foam, taking into account the available foam concentrate on the vehicle;
  • maximum distance for supplying fire extinguishing agents.

Calculations are given in accordance with the Fire Fighting Manager's Handbook (RFC). Ivannikov V.P., Klyus P.P., 1987

Determining the tactical capabilities of a unit without installing a fire truck at a water source

1) Definition formula for operating time of water trunks from a tanker:

tslave= (V c –N p V p) /N st ·Q st ·60(min.),

N p =k· L/ 20 = 1.2·L / 20 (PC.),

  • Where: tslave– operating time of the barrels, min.;
  • V c– volume of water in the tank, l;
  • N r– number of hoses in the main and working lines, pcs.;
  • V r– volume of water in one sleeve, l (see appendix);
  • N st– number of water trunks, pcs.;
  • Q st– water consumption from the trunks, l/s (see appendix);
  • k– coefficient taking into account terrain unevenness ( k= 1.2 – standard value),
  • L– distance from the fire site to the fire truck (m).

In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that in the RTP reference book Tactical capabilities of fire departments. Terebnev V.V., 2004 in section 17.1, exactly the same formula is given, but with a coefficient of 0.9: Twork = (0.9Vc - Np Vp) / Nst Qst 60 (min.)

2) Definition formula for possible extinguishing area with water STfrom a tanker:

ST= (V c –N p V p) / J trtcalculation· 60(m2),

  • Where: J tr- the required intensity of water supply for extinguishing, l / s m 2 (see appendix);
  • tcalculation= 10 min. – estimated extinguishing time.

3) Definition formula for operating time of foam supply devices from a tanker:

tslave= (V solution –N p V p) /N gps Q gps 60 (min.),

  • Where: V solution– volume of aqueous solution of foaming agent obtained from the filling tanks of the fire truck, l;
  • N gps– number of GPS (SVP), pcs;
  • Q gps– consumption of foaming agent solution from GPS (SVP), l/s (see appendix).

To determine the volume of an aqueous solution of a foaming agent, you need to know how much water and foaming agent will be consumed.

KV = 100–C / C = 100–6 / 6 = 94 / 6 = 15.7– the amount of water (l) per 1 liter of foaming agent to prepare a 6% solution (to obtain 100 liters of a 6% solution, 6 liters of foaming agent and 94 liters of water are required).

Then the actual amount of water per 1 liter of foaming agent is:

K f = V c / V by ,

  • Where V c– volume of water in the fire truck tank, l;
  • V by– volume of foam agent in the tank, l.

if K f< К в, то V р-ра = V ц / К в + V ц (l) – the water is completely consumed, but part of the foaming agent remains.

if K f > K in, then V solution = V in ·K in + V in(l) – the foaming agent is completely consumed, and some of the water remains.

4) Determination of possible formula for the area of ​​extinguishing flammable liquids and gases air-mechanical foam:

S t = (V solution –N p V p) / J trtcalculation· 60(m2),

  • Where: S t– extinguishing area, m2;
  • J tr– required intensity of supply of PO solution for extinguishing, l/s·m2;

At t vsp ≤ 28 o C J tr = 0.08 l/s∙m 2, at t vsp > 28 o C J tr = 0.05 l/s∙m2.

tcalculation= 10 min. – estimated extinguishing time.

5) Definition formula for the volume of air-mechanical foam received from AC:

V p = V solution K(l),

  • Where: V p– volume of foam, l;
  • TO- foam ratio;

6) Definition of the possible air-mechanical extinguishing volume foam:

V t = V p / K z(l, m 3),

  • Where: V t– volume of fire extinguishing;
  • K z = 2,5–3,5 – foam safety factor, taking into account the destruction of high-frequency MP due to exposure to high temperature and other factors.

Examples of problem solving

Example No. 1. Determine the operating time of two shafts B with a nozzle diameter of 13 mm at a head of 40 meters, if one hose d 77 mm is laid before the branching, and the working lines consist of two hoses d 51 mm from AC-40(131)137A.


t= (V c –N r V r) /N st Q st 60 = 2400 – (1 90 + 4 40) / 2 3.5 60 = 4.8 min.

Example No. 2. Determine the operating time of the GPS-600, if the head of the GPS-600 is 60 m, and the working line consists of two hoses with a diameter of 77 mm from the AC-40 (130) 63B.


K f \u003d V c / V by \u003d 2350/170 \u003d 13.8.

Kf = 13.8< К в = 15,7 for 6% solution

V solution = V c / K in + V c = 2350/15.7 + 2350» 2500 l.

t= (V solution –N p V p) /N gps ·Q gps ·60 = (2500 – 2 90)/1 6 60 = 6.4 min.

Example No. 3. Determine the possible extinguishing area of ​​medium expansion VMP gasoline from AC-4-40 (Ural-23202).


1) Determine the volume of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent:

K f \u003d V c / V by \u003d 4000/200 \u003d 20.

K f \u003d 20\u003e K in \u003d 15.7 for a 6% solution,

V solution = V in ·K in + V in = 200·15.7 + 200 = 3140 + 200 = 3340 l.

2) Determine the possible extinguishing area:

S t \u003d V r-ra / J trtcalculation60 \u003d 3340 / 0.08 10 60 \u003d 69.6 m 2.

Example No. 4. Determine the possible volume of fire extinguishing (localization) with medium expansion foam (K=100) from AC-40(130)63b (see example No. 2).


VP = VsolutionK \u003d 2500 100 \u003d 250000 l \u003d 250 m 3.

Then the volume of extinguishing (localization):

VT = VP/ K s \u003d 250/3 \u003d 83 m 3.

Determining the tactical capabilities of a unit with the installation of a fire truck at a water source

Rice. 1. Scheme of water supply for pumping

Distance in sleeves (pieces) Distance in meters
1) Determination of the maximum distance from the fire site to the lead fire truck N Goal ( L Goal ).
N mm ( L mm ), working in pumping (length of the pumping stage).
N st
4) Determination of the total number of fire engines for pumping N auto
5) Determination of the actual distance from the fire site to the lead fire truck N f Goal ( L f Goal ).
  • H n = 90÷100 m - pressure on the AC pump,
  • H development = 10 m – pressure loss in branching and working hose lines,
  • H st = 35÷40 m - pressure in front of the barrel,
  • H input ≥ 10 m – pressure at the inlet to the pump of the next pumping stage,
  • Z m – the greatest height of ascent (+) or descent (–) of the terrain (m),
  • Z st – maximum height of ascent (+) or descent (–) of trunks (m),
  • S – resistance of one fire hose,
  • Q – total water consumption in one of the two busiest main hose lines (l/s),
  • L – distance from the water source to the fire site (m),
  • N hands – distance from the water source to the fire in the hoses (pcs.).

Example: To extinguish the fire, it is necessary to supply three trunks B with a nozzle diameter of 13 mm, the maximum height of the rise of the trunks is 10 m. The nearest water source is a pond located at a distance of 1.5 km from the place of the fire, the rise of the terrain is uniform and amounts to 12 m. Determine the number of AC tank trucks 40(130) for pumping water to extinguish a fire.


1) We accept the method of pumping from pump to pump along one main line.

2) We determine the maximum distance from the fire site to the lead fire truck in the hoses.

N GOAL = / SQ 2 = / 0.015 10.5 2 = 21.1 = 21.

3) We determine the maximum distance between fire trucks working in pumping in the hoses.

NMR = / SQ 2 = / 0.015 10.5 2 = 41.1 = 41.

4) Determine the distance from the water source to the fire site, taking into account the terrain.

N P = 1.2 · L/20 = 1.2 · 1500 / 20 = 90 sleeves.

5) Determine the number of pumping stages

N STUP = (N P − N GOL) / N MP = (90 − 21) / 41 = 2 steps

6) Determine the number of fire trucks for pumping.

N AC = N STUP + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 tank trucks

7) We determine the actual distance to the lead fire truck, taking into account its installation closer to the fire site.

N GOL f = N R − N STUP · N MP = 90 − 2 · 41 = 8 sleeves.

Consequently, the lead vehicle can be brought closer to the fire site.

Methodology for calculating the required number of fire trucks to transport water to the fire extinguishing site

If the building is combustible, and the water sources are located at a very large distance, then the time spent on laying hose lines will be too long, and the fire will be fleeting. In this case, it is better to transport water by tanker trucks with parallel pumping. In each specific case, it is necessary to solve a tactical problem, taking into account the possible scale and duration of the fire, the distance to water sources, the concentration speed of fire trucks, hose trucks and other features of the garrison.

AC water consumption formula

(min.) – time of AC water consumption at the fire extinguishing site;

  • L – distance from the fire site to the water source (km);
  • 1 – minimum number of ACs in reserve (can be increased);
  • V move – average speed of AC movement (km/h);
  • W cis – volume of water in AC (l);
  • Q p – average water supply by the pump that fills the AC, or water flow from a fire pump installed on a fire hydrant (l/s);
  • N pr – number of water supply devices to the place of fire extinguishing (pcs.);
  • Q pr – total water consumption from water supply devices from the AC (l/s).

Rice. 2. Scheme of water supply by delivery by fire trucks.

The supply of water must be uninterrupted. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary (mandatory) to create a point for filling tankers with water at water sources.

Example. Determine the number of AC-40(130)63b tank trucks for transporting water from a pond located 2 km from the fire site, if for extinguishing it is necessary to supply three trunks B with a nozzle diameter of 13 mm. Tank trucks are refueled by AC-40(130)63b, the average speed of tank trucks is 30 km/h.


1) Determine the travel time of the AC to the fire site or back.

t SL = L 60 / V MOVE = 2 60 / 30 = 4 min.

2) Determine the time for refueling tank trucks.

t ZAP = V C /Q N · 60 = 2350 / 40 · 60 = 1 min.

3) Determine the time of water consumption at the fire site.

t EXP = V C / N ST · Q ST · 60 = 2350 / 3 · 3.5 · 60 = 4 min.

4) Determine the number of tank trucks to transport water to the fire site.

N AC = [(2t SL + t ZAP) / t EXP] + 1 = [(2 · 4 + 1) / 4] + 1 = 4 tank trucks.

Methodology for calculating water supply to a fire extinguishing site using hydraulic elevator systems

In the presence of swampy or densely overgrown banks, as well as at a significant distance to the water surface (more than 6.5-7 meters), exceeding the suction depth of the fire pump (high steep bank, wells, etc.), it is necessary to use a hydraulic elevator for water intake G-600 and its modifications.

1) Determine the required amount of water V SIST required to start the hydraulic elevator system:


NR= 1.2·(L + ZF) / 20 ,

  • Where NR− number of hoses in the hydraulic elevator system (pcs.);
  • VR− volume of one sleeve 20 m long (l);
  • K− coefficient depending on the number of hydraulic elevators in a system powered by one fire engine ( K = 2– 1 G-600, K =1,5 – 2 G-600);
  • L– distance from AC to water source (m);
  • ZF– actual height of water rise (m).

Having determined the required amount of water to start the hydraulic elevator system, compare the result obtained with the water supply in the fire tanker and determine the possibility of starting this system into operation.

2) Let us determine the possibility of joint operation of the AC pump with the hydraulic elevator system.

And =QSIST/ QN ,

QSIST= NG (Q 1 + Q 2 ) ,

  • Where AND– pump utilization factor;
  • QSIST− water consumption by the hydraulic elevator system (l/s);
  • QN− fire truck pump supply (l/s);
  • NG− number of hydraulic elevators in the system (pcs.);
  • Q 1 = 9,1 l/s – operating water consumption of one hydraulic elevator;
  • Q 2 = 10 l/s - supply from one hydraulic elevator.

At AND< 1 the system will work when I = 0.65-0.7 will be the most stable joint and pump.

It should be borne in mind that when drawing water from great depths (18-20m), it is necessary to create a pressure of 100 m on the pump. Under these conditions, the operating water flow in the systems will increase, and the pump flow will decrease against normal and it may turn out that the amount of operating and the ejected flow rate will exceed the pump flow rate. The system will not work under these conditions.

3) Determine the conditional height of water rise Z USL for the case when the length of hose lines ø77 mm exceeds 30 m:

ZUSL= ZF+ NR· hR(m),

Where NR− number of sleeves (pcs.);

hR− additional pressure losses in one hose on a section of the line over 30 m:

hR= 7 m at Q= 10.5 l/s, hR= 4 m at Q= 7 l/s, hR= 2 m at Q= 3.5 l/s.

ZF actual height from the water level to the axis of the pump or tank neck (m).

4) Determine the pressure on the AC pump:

When taking water with one G-600 hydraulic elevator and ensuring the operation of a certain number of water trunks, the pressure on the pump (if the length of rubberized hoses with a diameter of 77 mm to the hydraulic elevator does not exceed 30 m) is determined by table 1.

Having determined the conditional height of water rise, we find the pressure on the pump in the same way according to table 1 .

5) Determine the maximum distance L ETC for the supply of fire extinguishing agents:

LETC= (NN– (NR± ZM± ZST) / S.Q. 2 ) · 20(m),

  • Where HN pressure at the fire truck pump, m;
  • NR pressure at the branch (assumed equal to: NST+ 10), m;
  • ZM height of ascent (+) or descent (−) of the terrain, m;
  • ZST− height of ascent (+) or descent (−) of trunks, m;
  • S− resistance of one branch of the main line
  • Q− total flow rate from the shafts connected to one of the two most loaded main lines, l/s.

Table 1.

Determination of the pressure on the pump when water is taken by the G-600 hydraulic elevator and the operation of the shafts according to the corresponding schemes for supplying water to extinguish a fire.

95 70 50 18 105 80 58 20 – 90 66 22 – 102 75 24 – – 85 26 – – 97

6) Determine the total number of sleeves in the selected pattern:


  • Where NR.SIST− number of hoses of the hydraulic elevator system, pcs;
  • NMRL− number of branches of the main hose line, pcs.

Examples of solving problems using hydraulic elevator systems

Example. To extinguish a fire, it is necessary to apply two barrels to the first and second floors of a residential building, respectively. The distance from the fire site to the AC-40(130)63b tank truck installed on a water source is 240 m, the elevation of the terrain is 10 m. The access of the tank truck to the water source is possible at a distance of 50 m, the height of the water rise is 10 m. Determine the possibility of collecting water by the tank truck and supplying it to the trunks to extinguish the fire.


Rice. 3 Scheme of water intake using the G-600 hydraulic elevator

2) We determine the number of hoses laid to the G−600 hydraulic elevator, taking into account the unevenness of the terrain.

N Р = 1.2· (L + Z Ф) / 20 = 1.2 · (50 + 10) / 20 = 3.6 = 4

We accept four arms from AC to G−600 and four arms from G−600 to AC.

3) Determine the amount of water required to start the hydraulic elevator system.

V SYST = N P V P K = 8 90 2 = 1440 l< V Ц = 2350 л

Therefore, there is enough water to start the hydraulic elevator system.

4) We determine the possibility of joint operation of the hydraulic elevator system and the tank truck pump.

I = Q SYST / Q N = N G (Q 1 + Q 2) / Q N = 1 (9.1 + 10) / 40 = 0.47< 1

The operation of the hydraulic elevator system and the tanker pump will be stable.

5) We determine the required pressure on the pump to draw water from the reservoir using a G−600 hydraulic elevator.

Since the length of the hoses to G−600 exceeds 30 m, we first determine the conditional height of water rise: Z

3.1. Calculation of the amount of fire extinguishing agents in the tank.

In tank farms of special equipment, as a rule, fire extinguishing with air-mechanical foam of medium expansion should be provided. Powder compositions, aerosol spray water and other extinguishing agents and methods may be provided, justified by the results of scientific research and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Fire extinguishing at ELV can be carried out by the following installations:

stationary automatic fire extinguishing, stationary non-automatic fire extinguishing and mobile. The choice of fire extinguishing installations should be provided depending on the capacity of the fire extinguishing system, the volume of installed individual tanks, the location of the fire extinguishing system, the organization of fire protection at the emergency vehicle, or the possibility of concentrating the required amount of fire equipment from fire stations located nearby within a radius of 3 km.

A stationary automatic foam fire extinguishing installation consists of:

From the pumping station;

Points for preparing a foaming agent solution;

Tanks for water and foaming agent;

Foam generators installed on the tanks in the upper part;

Dosing equipment;

Pipelines for supplying foam concentrate solution to foam generators;

Automation tools.

A stationary installation of non-automatic foam fire extinguishing on ground tanks consists of the same elements as a stationary automatic one, with the exception of automation equipment.

Mobile installation - fire trucks and a motor pump, as well as means for supplying foam. Water supply is provided from an external water supply network, fire-fighting tanks or natural water sources.

The choice of foam fire extinguishing installation is determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations.

Fire extinguishing agents are calculated based on the intensity of supply of chemical foam, based on the fire extinguishing time. The intensity of supply of fire extinguishing agents is their quantity per unit area (l/s ∙ m2).

Duration of submission, i.e. The estimated fire extinguishing time is the time it takes to supply fire extinguishing agents until it is completely eliminated at a given supply intensity.

To determine the water requirement for the formation of chemical foam, a multiplicity factor is used, showing the ratio of the volume of foam to the volume of water used for its formation (the multiplicity for chemical foam is: k = 5).

Water and foam lines of the fire extinguishing system are calculated based on water flow, the speed of which should not exceed v = 1.5 m/s.

The length of the foam pipelines should be in the range l = 40 – 80 m.

The amount of water in reserve is taken to be at least 5 times the water consumption for fire extinguishing and cooling of tanks.

Determination of the surface area of ​​the oil product in the RVS - 10000 m 3

where D is the diameter of the tank, m

Substituting the value, we get

Fp = ------ = 6.38 m2

Determining the amount of chemical foam supplied to extinguish a fire in a tank using the formula:

Qn = q n sp ∙ Fp ∙ τ ∙ K z.v.

Where Qn is the total amount of foam for extinguishing a fire, m 3;

q n beats - intensity of foam supply, l / s ∙ m 2 (for diesel fuel

take q n beat = 0.2 l/s ∙ m 2)

Fp - area of ​​the oil product mirror in the tank, m 2, 60 -

transfer min. in sec.; 0.001 - conversion of volume from l to m 3;

To z.v. – foaming agent safety factor

(assuming = 1.25)

τ - extinguishing time, hour. (assuming = 25)

substituting the values, we get:

Qn \u003d 60/1000 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 638 (Fp) ∙ 25 ∙ 1.25 \u003d 241 m 3

Determining the amount of water to form foam:

Where K is the expansion factor for chemical foam

(accept = 5)

Qв = 241/5 = 48 m 3

Determination of water consumption for cooling the burning tank and neighboring tanks (water must be spent on cooling the walls of the burning tank and neighboring tanks located at a distance of less than 2 diameters from the burning tank; cooling is carried out with water jets from fire hoses).

Determination of water consumption for cooling a burning tank:

Q v.g.r. = 3600/1000 ∙ Lp ∙ q sp.v.g. ∙ τ oh.g.

Where 3600 is the conversion of hours to seconds, 1000 is the conversion of liters. in m 3

Lp - tank circumference, m

(L = π ∙ D = 3.14 ∙ 28.5 = 89.5 m)

q sp.v.g - specific water consumption for wall cooling

of the burning reservoir, l/m ∙ s (accept = 0.5)

τ oh.g. - cooling time of a burning tank, hour.

(accept = 10 hours)

substituting the values, we get:

Q v.g.r. = 3600/1000 ∙ Lp ∙ Np ∙ q sp.v.s. ∙ τ o.s.

Where Np is the number of neighboring tanks at a distance of less than

2 diameters (in each case N = 3 is taken)

τ is the cooling time of the adjacent tank, hour.

where L B is the required fan capacity, m/h;

N - pressure created by the fan, Pa (numerically equal to N s); n in - fan efficiency;

n p - transmission efficiency (fan wheel on the electric motor shaft - n p = 0.95; flat belt drive - n p = 0.9).

Select the type of electric motor: for general and local exhaust ventilation systems - explosion-proof or normal design, depending on the contaminants to be removed; for the supply ventilation system - normal design.

The installed power of the electric motor for the exhaust ventilation system is calculated using the formula:

where K 3.M is the power reserve factor (K zm = 1.15).

For the selected fan, we will accept a 4A112M4UZ electric motor of normal design with a rotation speed of 1445 rpm and a power of 5.5 kW (see Table 3.129).

3.4.6 Calculation of fire water reserve

The required supply of water for external fire extinguishing, m3, is determined by the formula:

where g H is the specific water consumption for external fire extinguishing, l/s (accepted according to the data in Table 3.130);

T p - estimated time to extinguish one fire, hours (take T p = 3 hours);

n n - the number of simultaneously possible fires (with an enterprise area

less than 1.5 km 2 n p = 1, with an area of ​​1.5 km 2 or more n p = 2).

Table 3.130 - Specific water consumption for fire extinguishing

Such a capacity of the fire tank should provide the necessary supply of water for external and internal fire extinguishing.

  1. Environmental Safety

In this section of the RP, the results of the analysis of the enterprise's facilities as sources of environmental pollution (types of pollution, their properties, quantitative and qualitative characteristics) are presented.

where g B is the water consumption per jet for an industrial building up to 50 m high (assumed to be g B = 2.5 l/s); m is the number of jets (m = 2).

Then the total capacity of the fire tank will be:

where g n is the specific water consumption for external fire extinguishing for buildings with a volume of 5 ... n p - the number of simultaneously possible fires with the area of ​​the enterprise less than 1.5 km (n p =1).

Volume of water required for internal fire extinguishing:

where Q T is the regular supply of water for economic and technical needs, m 3.

Example3.12. Let's determine the capacity of the fire tank for extinguishing a free-standing barn for 400 heads, the volume of which is 11214 m 3. The building has a III degree of fire resistance. Technological water supply Q T = 20 m3.

Solution. Volume of water required for external fire extinguishing:

where g B and m are, respectively, the water consumption per jet and the number of jets (for industrial buildings and garages up to 50 m high g = 2.5 l / s and m = 2; for industrial and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with a height of more than 50 m g = 5 l/s and m = 8).

The total capacity of the fire tank, m3, is determined by the formula:

The volume of water required for internal fire extinguishing, m 3, is calculated depending on the performance (flow rate) of the jet and the number of simultaneously operating jets:

Based on the results of the analysis, measures are developed to reduce environmental pollution.

In the second part of this section, it is necessary to carry out calculations of pollutant emissions and pollution charges.

3.5.1 Calculation of emissions of pollutants at the production sites of the enterprise

When cleaning parts and assemblies, the gross emission of a pollutant is determined by the formula:

Table 3.131 - Specific emissions of pollutants when cleaning parts and assemblies

The maximum one-time emission is determined by the formula, g/s:

When calculating emissions of pollutants from tire repair work, the following initial data are used:

    specific emissions of pollutants during the repair of rubber products (accepted according to the data in tables 3.132 and 3.133);

    the amount of materials consumed per year (glue, gasoline, rubber for repairs);

    operating time of roughening machines per day.

Table 3.132 - Specific dust emission during roughening

where q i is the specific emission of a pollutant, g/s*m2 (Table 3.131); F is the area of ​​the washing bath mirror, m2; t is the operating time of the washing unit per day, h; n is the number of days of operation of the washing installation per year.

Table 3.133 - Specific emissions of pollutants during the repair of rubber products

where t is the vulcanization time on one machine per day, h; n is the number of days the machine operates per year.

Calculation of the gross emission of pollutants for all types of electric welding and surfacing work is carried out according to the formula, t/year:

where B" is the amount of gasoline consumed per day, kg; t is the time spent on preparing, applying and drying glue per day, hours.

The maximum one-time emission of carbon oxide and sulfur dioxide is determined by the formula, g/s:

where q B i is the specific release of a pollutant, g/kg of repair materials, glue during its application followed by drying and vulcanization (see Table 3.133);

B is the amount of repair materials consumed per year, kg.

The maximum single emission of gasoline is determined by the formula, g/s:

where q n is the specific dust emission during the operation of a piece of equipment, g / s (see Table 3.132);

n is the number of days of operation of the roughening machine per year; t is the average “net” operating time of the roughening machine per day, hours.

Gross emissions of gasoline, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are determined by the formula, t/year:

Gross emissions of pollutants are calculated using the formulas below.

Gross dust emissions, t/year:

where g c i - specific indicator of emitted pollutant g/kg, consumable welding consumables (accepted according to table 3.134);

B is the mass of welding material consumed per year, kg.

Table 3.134 - Specific emissions of harmful substances during welding (surfacing) of metals (g per 1 kg of electrodes)

where B is diesel fuel consumption per year for testing, kg; g i - specific emission of pollutant, g/kg (Table 3.135).

Table 3.135 - Specific indicators of pollutant emission during testing and adjustment of diesel fuel equipment

where b is the maximum amount of welding materials consumed during the working day, kg;

t - “net” time spent on welding during the working day, hours.

When testing diesel fuel equipment, the gross pollutant emission is determined by the formula, t/year:

The maximum one-time emission is determined by the formula, g/s:

where m 1 is the amount of solvents consumed per year, kg;

f 2 - the amount of volatile part of the paint in% (see Table 3.137);

f pip - the amount of various volatile components in solvents in%

(see table 3.137);

f pik - the amount of various volatile components included in the paint (primer, putty), in% (see Table 3.137).

Table 3.136 - Release of pollutants during painting and drying, %

where m is the amount of paint consumed per year, kg;

8 K is the proportion of paint lost in the form of an aerosol during various painting methods, % (accepted according to the data in Table 3.136);

f 1 - the amount of dry part of the paint, in % (accepted according to table 3.137).

The gross emission of volatile components in the solvent and paint, if painting and drying are carried out in the same room, is calculated using the formula, t/year:

where t is the “net time” of testing and inspection per day, h;

B" - diesel fuel consumption per day, kg.

The main source of harmful substances released when painting machines and parts are paint aerosols and solvent vapors. The composition and quantity of emitted pollutants depends on the quantity and brands of paints and varnishes and solvents used, painting methods and the efficiency of cleaning devices. Emissions are calculated separately for each brand of paint and varnish materials and solvents used.

The gross emission of aerosol for each type of paint and varnish material is determined by the formula, t/year:

The maximum one-time emission is determined by the formula, g/s:

Table3.137 - Composition of enamels and primers,%

The gross emission of a pollutant contained in a given solvent (paint) should be calculated using formula (3.340) for each substance separately.

When painting and drying in different rooms, gross emissions are calculated using the dependencies below.

For a painting room, t/year:

For drying room, t/year:

The total amount of gross emissions of similar components is determined by the formula, t/year:

The maximum single amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere is determined in g per second during the most intense work hours, when the largest amount of painting materials is consumed (for example, on the days of preparation for the annual inspection). This calculation is made for each component separately according to the formula, g/s:

where t is the number of working hours per day in the busiest month, h; n is the number of days the site is open this month;

P" is the gross emission of paint aerosol and individual solvent components per month, released during painting and drying, calculated using formulas (3.339)...(3.343).

Running in and testing of engines after repair is carried out on special stands in two operating modes - without load at idle and under load. The calculation is carried out for toxic substances emitted during the operation of automobile engines: carbon monoxide - CO, nitrogen oxides - NO x, carbons - CH, sulfur compounds - S0 2, soot - C (only for diesel engines), lead compounds - Pb (when using leaded gasoline).

Engine running-in is carried out both without load (idling) and under load. At idle, pollutant emissions are determined depending on the displacement of the engine being tested. During running-in under load, the emission of pollutants depends on the average power developed by the engine during running-in.

The gross emission i-ro of pollutant M i is determined by the formula, t/year:

where M ixx is the gross emission of i-ro pollutant during idling run-in, t/year;

M iH - gross emission of i-ro pollutant during running under load, t/year.

The gross emission of i-ro pollutant during idling run-in is determined by the formula, t/year:

where P ixxn is the emission of i-ro pollutant during running-in of the nth model engine at idle, g/s;

t xxn ~ running-in time of the nth model engine at idle, min; n n - the number of run-in engines of the nth model per year.

where q ixx B, q i ххД - specific emission of i-ro pollutant by gasoline and diesel engine of the nth model per unit of working volume, g/hp;

V hn - engine displacement of the nth model, l.

The gross emission of i-ro pollutant during engine running under load is determined by the formula, t/year:

where R i NP is the emission of the i-th pollutant during running-in of the n-th model engine under load, g/s;

where q iHB , q i D - specific emission of the i-th pollutant by a gasoline or diesel engine per unit of power, g/l.s*s;

N cp B, M avg ~ average power developed during running-in of the most powerful gasoline and diesel engine, hp;

AB, AD - the number of simultaneously operating test benches for running-in gasoline and diesel engines.

Table 3.138 - Specific emissions of pollutants during running-in of engines after repair on stands

If the enterprise has only one stand where gasoline and diesel engines are tested, then the values ​​​​for engines with the highest emissions for the i-th component are taken as the maximum one-time emissions G i.

where q i NB, q i ND - specific emission of the i-th pollutant by a gasoline or diesel engine per unit of power, g/hp;

N cpn is the average power developed during running under load by the nth model engine, hp.

The values ​​of q ixx B, q ixx D, q iH B and q iH D are given in Table 3.138. The values ​​of V hn, t NP, N cp p are taken from reference literature.

Pollutant emissions are calculated separately for gasoline and diesel engines. Pollutants of the same name are summed up.

The maximum one-time emission of pollutants G i is determined only at load mode, because in this case, the greatest release of pollutants occurs. The calculation is made according to the formula, g/s:

t H P - running-in time of the nth model engine under load, min.

% to mass

The operating time of engines indoors is: when warming up - 2 minutes; when installed on a maintenance station (line) - 1.0...1.5 min; when traveling and leaving (entering) - 0.2...0.5 minutes; for every 10 m of travel when moving from post to post under your own power - 1.0...1.5 min; when adjusting the engine - 10... 15 min.

    Calculation of fees for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

In order to interest service enterprises in the implementation of environmental protection measures at stationary emission sources for

The amount of lead aerosols when running a carburetor engine on leaded gasoline will be equal to:

Where Q D - amount of harmful emissions from a running diesel engine, kg/h;

V C is the working volume of the engine cylinders, l;

T - engine operating time, min.

When running a carburetor engine:

If the enterprise only performs cold running, then the calculation of pollutant emissions is not carried out.

In the premises of diagnostic and maintenance areas, the amount of harmful emissions from a running diesel engine is determined by the formula:

pollutants into the atmosphere, economic levers and incentives from government agencies are needed. The amount of payment established to enterprises for environmental pollution should be high in order to stimulate their efforts to develop effective measures to reduce pollution and carry out environmental protection measures.

The modern payment system is based on a methodology for determining the economic efficiency of environmental protection measures and assessing the economic damage caused by environmental pollution.

The effectiveness of environmental protection measures should be assessed from the perspective of nature, society and the service enterprise. With a properly constructed payment system, the option that is most effective from the position of the service enterprise should provide greater effect for nature and society as a whole.

The payment for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere P is determined as the total value for the ingredients of pollution S based on the basic standards of payment B s and the mass of the main ingredients of pollution m s, as well as adjustment factors to the basic standards that take into account the environmental situation in the region and the natural and climatic features of the territory , the importance of K es objects and indexation in connection with changes in the price level K ind.

In general, the amount of payment in rubles is calculated using the formula:

The procedure for determining the fee is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2003 No. 344 “On approval of the procedure for determining the fee and its maximum amounts for environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects” and supplementary by-laws, in particular, orders of the heads of local administrations on the procedure for calculating payments and indicating fees in the relevant territory.

Pollution charges are a form of compensation for economic damage caused by the release of pollutants into the environment. In accordance with the approved procedure, two types of basic standards for payment B S for emissions of 1 ton of pollutants into the atmosphere have been established: within the established permissible standards for emissions B HS; within the established emission limits B L S .

When determining the payment for pollution in pollutants compared for each ingredient L S, the calculation is carried out depending on compliance with the conditions, that is, depending on the ratio of actual, standard and limit emissions:

when the actual mass of the contaminant ingredient is less than the established standard (m s< m S норм).