Until how many years is Casco insured. The emergence and development of life insurance in Russia

OSAGO is a policy compulsory insurance civil liability for owners of vehicles (TC). With the help of OSAGO, you can compensate for the damage that was caused to the car and other participants in the accident. The minimum term of OSAGO insurance depends on the category vehicle .

Having insured your civil liability with the help of OSAGO, you will get rid of the worries of compensating the damage caused to the victims. Your insurance company will take care of the compensation.

Minimum OSAGO period

To determine the minimum period of OSAGO insurance, you need to set the category of the vehicle. Each category has its own minimum term for motor insurance. There are 3 categories of vehicles: vehicles registered in the territory of another state and entered the territory Russian Federation; Vehicles entering the territory of Russia in transit; Vehicles permanently operated on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the current legislation, the minimum period of auto third party liability insurance in 2020 is three months.

The shorter the term of insurance, the cheaper it will cost the owner of the vehicle. To calculate the cost of a policy for several months, the coefficients indicated in the table are used:

Insurance period, months
(total per year)
Cost from annual insurance or term coefficient (Kc)
3 0,5
4 0,6
5 0,65
6 0,7
7 0,8
8 0,9
9 0,95

Additional Information:

  • It is more profitable to purchase a compulsory insurance policy for the whole year at once. Insurance for several months will cost more.
  • The price of annual car insurance corresponds to the figures indicated in the policy and does not change during the year, even if the price of insurance increases. When applying for a policy for a short period, be sure to find out the cost of annual OSAGO insurance. It is always possible to make insurance for several months and pay extra only if necessary to extend the period of use.
  • The insurance period is divided into several parts. Thus, when making an application, you can paint the entire insurance year in advance (two months in winter, a month in summer, three in autumn, etc.). When paying, only the total number of months in a calendar year is taken into account.

OSAGO validity period

Owners of a vehicle registered in another country and temporarily located on the territory of the Russian Federation (for a period not exceeding two weeks) must purchase a policy for 5 or 15 days.

Cars going to the place of permanent operation and cars going to the technical inspection point (PIK) must be insured for a period of 20 days. If the owner of the vehicle does not issue a permanent OSAGO policy after this period, he will be forced to leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

For other cars operated on the territory of the Russian Federation, the term of the compulsory car insurance contract is one year. Please note that the insurance year is not always equal to the calendar year.

The provisions described above apply only to car owners who regularly operate their vehicle. If the vehicle has been operated for less than a year, OSAGO is issued for a shorter period. The cost of insurance will be reduced by a proportionate amount.

Method of calculating insurance for a shorter period

Insurance companies prefer to sell insurance for a full period (1 year), which is why “short” insurances are more expensive when calculated for a year. Thus, in order to get insurance for 3 months, a motorist will need to pay 50% of the annual cost of OSAGO, and 6 months will cost 70% of the cost. The purchase of OSAGO for 10-11 months will cost the cost of one "full-weight" year.

How to extend the period of use of OSAGO

The annual cost of an OSAGO policy is a constant value. By general rule, the compulsory auto insurance contract is always concluded for one year - this information is indicated in the upper right corner of the policy.

If the vehicle is to be sold, it is insured for a minimum period. This step allows the car owner to significantly save money.

If for some reason the sale does not take place, insurance can be extended until the end of the policy year. For the remaining 9 months, you will need to pay half the annual cost of OSAGO (the same as for the first 3 months). Thus, having paid 0.7 annual OSAGO for the first 6 months, for the next you will pay 0.3 annual insurance.

How to save on OSAGO policy

OSAGO rules do not provide for the payment of civil auto insurance in installments. But the driver can pay for insurance in stages as follows: make an initial payment for 3 months (0.5 of annual insurance), extend the policy for 3 months (0.2 of annual insurance), and then pay 0.3 of the annual amount for the remaining 6 months.

Do not forget to extend the period of use of insurance in advance. Otherwise, you will be fined with an increasing term coefficient (Kc).

Penalty for driving a vehicle during the period of use not covered by the OSAGO policy

For driving a car in a period not covered by the OSAGO policy, you can be fined 500 rubles. A more severe punishment follows for failure to comply with the requirement to insure under OSAGO. You will be fined for not having an OSAGO agreement for 800 rubles.

If a traffic accident occurs during the non-insurance period - Insurance Company will pay the victim part of the damage, after which he will present a recourse claim to the unscrupulous insured and demand reimbursement of his expenses.


So, for how long can you issue OSAGO? The car owner can conclude an OSAGO agreement for a limited time period (the minimum period is 3 months). The insurance premium for the initial months is calculated with a multiplier, and the policyholder has the right to extend the period of use for any number of months - paying extra for them until the end of the policy. The total cost of motor third party insurance is always the same and does not change throughout the year.

Interested not only owners of new cars. Sometimes the owner of an “old woman” who is in perfect condition, she is no less dear than the latest model of a branded foreign car to someone. But it turns out that issuing a CASCO policy for a used car has its own characteristics and limitations.

What age cars can be insured under CASCO?

Each insurance company sets its own limits on the “age” of cars accepted for insurance. Most insurers adhere to the maximum mark of 7-10 years (7 years for domestic vehicles and 10 years for foreign cars). For such cars, full-fledged CASCO programs are provided, when the car owner can choose any insurance options. Including the option “payments without taking into account depreciation”, which is, of course, extremely important for this segment of the fleet.

Some companies (by the way, there are more and more of them) have already lowered the “age” bar to 12 years, but at the same time they set a number of mandatory conditions. For example, the condition of payment only taking into account wear and tear, non-reimbursement of the cost of consumables and the cost of repair work, insurance only against damage, etc.

Even older cars can also be insured under CASCO, but you will have to look for an insurance company that will meet the needs of the car owner and agree to conclude an individual contract with him. The only question is how hard it will "hit the pocket."

Also, when insuring a heavily used car, the company may require an appraisal examination to determine its insurance value and check the technical condition.

Large companies take on insurance and rare cars (in Europe they are called "oldtimers"), but this is a topic for a separate discussion. As they say, "any whim for your money."

CASCO cost for an old car

The opinion that the older the car, the more expensive the CASCO for it, is a delusion.

Yes, indeed, in any insurance company there is a dependence: with each year of operation of the vehicle, the CASCO tariff increases. But the cost of the policy is determined not only by the tariff (percentage of the insured value of the vehicle), but also by the insured value itself, which is much higher for new cars. Let's explain with examples.

  • Suppose that the tariff for a new car manufactured in 2013 worth 800,000 rubles is 6%. That is, the CASCO policy will cost its owner 48,000 rubles.
  • In turn, a used car, valued at a market value of 150,000 rubles, is insured at a rate of 12%. Accordingly, CASCO will cost 18,000 rubles.

There are also various special CASCO programs that allow you to save a lot, for example, "50 to 50" or "for one insured event." And some insurers already have CASCO in their assets, specially adapted for “age” cars.

Ultimately, CASCO for the "old woman" may not be burdensome for any wallet at all.

Should you insure a used car?

Of course, the issue of insurance needs to be addressed individually in each specific case, depending on the conditions of insurance, the cost of insurance, the condition of the car. And if you have found a profitable option, why not buy yourself peace of mind and protection in the form of a CASCO policy?

It is only important to understand that it is much more profitable to insure an old car with the “payment without depreciation” option, in order to receive new high-quality spare parts instead of old parts in the event of an insured event.

Hello, dear readers of the Helpkasko.ru blog. I recently looked through the statistics of requests from Internet users who own cars or are just planning to buy a car, and noted that quite a few car owners are interested in the following question: “ Up to what age are cars insured under CASCO? Therefore, I decided to devote a small article to this issue. In fact, it's quite important question for drivers who want to protect their iron horse from all sorts of unexpected damage (chips from a flying stone, theft, fire, PDTL, etc.) using CASCO insurance.

For owners of newer cars, another problem is relevant: repairing an “age” foreign car at a dealer is more expensive than repairing a new one, so the owner of a used car pays the same or even more for insurance than for a new car, which, given the lower cost of the car itself, is perceived negatively .

CASCO for cars older than 7 years

This is explained by the fact that in case of an insured event, the insurance company pays for repairs, the cost of which will be approximately the same for both a new car and an old one, since the cost of new parts replaced during repairs and the cost of a specialist will not differ.

CASCO policy for an old car

  • the cost of the CASCO insurance policy. Many insurance companies offer various programs of voluntary auto insurance, which allows the car owner to choose the most optimal insurance product for himself at an affordable cost. For example, CASCO 50x50;
  • sum insured. The amount of the maximum insurance payment depends on the sum insured. Whether there is enough compensation for the repair of a particular car, it is necessary to decide on an individual basis;
  • insurance conditions. The essential conditions are: insurance risks against which the policy protects, the choice of an organization to carry out restoration repairs in case of damage, the installation of new (used) parts during repairs or cheaper analogues, the amount of the deductible (the amount by which the amount of insurance payment is reduced), and so on. Further;
  • rules for determining the degree of wear of a vehicle and its impact on insurance premiums. For example, if the depreciation of the car is 70%, then it will be possible to receive compensation for damage only in the amount of the remaining part, that is, 30%.

Is it possible to insure an old car under the CASCO policy? Cost, tariffs and age of the car

This category includes vehicles that were bought not so long ago, when the purchasing power of the population was much higher than now. But in the case of repairing a car that has been in an accident, the price of spare parts will not differ from those that will be on a new car.

CASCO for old cars

Each insurance company sets its own limits on the “age” of cars accepted for insurance. Most insurers adhere to the maximum mark of 7-10 years (7 years for domestic vehicles and 10 years for foreign cars). For such cars, full-fledged CASCO programs are provided, when the car owner can choose any insurance options. Including the option “payments without taking into account depreciation”, which is, of course, extremely important for this segment of the fleet.

Casco insurance: a question of age

Secondly, the terms of insurance may provide options for the use of deductibles (part of the damage not compensated by the insurer), or the insurance contract may be concluded on the terms of incomplete property insurance(the declared sum insured is less than the actual value of the vehicle).

Terms of payments and repairs under CASCO according to the law

After the formation of the insurance case, the insurer's employees will analyze the received package of documents and, in case of a positive decision, they will transfer the case for payment of insurance compensation or prepare a referral for repairs, depending on what the insured has chosen.

Until what age is Casco insured

In the same way as a new car, you can call the insurance company and invite the insurance agent at least to work, even at home, and I do last years- they have been fighting for a client for a long time and they will come to you anywhere - (example - now I’m on a plane at the equator at 14 o’clock and sms abandoned my phone - insurance offices-stsuki - where does the infa come from that my OSAGO ends only after a month ) - so insure your car for a year and your driving experience will be taken into account and then they will tell you where to have your car inspected - since January of this year, you need a MOT coupon for insurance - good luck to you

Why cars older than 10 years are not insured

  • some companies calculate the depreciation period of such a vehicle, starting its journey directly from the car dealership, minus up to 15% after the first year of use and adding up to 10% to this amount for each subsequent year
  • other companies add 10% every year for each old car

Features of mini CASCO in Rosgosstrakh in 2020

  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • documentation for the car, which includes a vehicle passport, a contract for the purchase of a car, certificates from customs, etc.;
  • driver's license;
  • old sample policy, if any;
  • loan documentation (if applicable);
  • documentation for the anti-theft system.

CASCO for cars older than 10 years

A CASCO policy for used cars is far from a cheap pleasure, and sometimes even an unbearable amount for some. After all, the older the vehicle, the higher the cost of insurance. This is due not only to a greater loss of the insurer, but also to some factors that affect the price of the policy in the calculation. If a new car can be insured for 5-8% of its value, then an old car can be insured for at least 13%, and sometimes up to 20%. These are the most important indicators that make up the assessment of insurance:

Does CASCO justify itself for a car older than 7 years

We have already talked about the acute reluctance of insurance companies to deal with cars 7 years and older. Voluntary insurance does not have strict state control, but compulsory motor insurance has other tasks. Let's try to answer why old cars are not insured under OSAGO, and what to do in this situation.

CASCO for old cars

In addition, there are several ways to significantly reduce the cost of the policy: for example, choose the condition of non-payment for repairs, which is often offered when insuring old cars. The essence of this condition is that the insurance company pays only the cost of parts according to the calculation, and the driver himself pays the cost of repairs, independently choosing where to carry out repairs. On this condition, you can save up to 40-45% of the cost of a CASCO policy for old cars.

Terms and periods of validity of CASCO

Long-term CASCO is more profitable and convenient for careful drivers, as well as for those people who are not going to change their car for a new one in the near future. In any option, such a policy is beneficial for any driver, despite the fact that you need to spend a certain amount on the purchase, which may seem quite large to many. After all, no one is immune from the possibility of getting into an accident, and payments under the issued policy will be calculated for each individual case.

This type of contractual relationship is regulated, first of all, by the legislation of Russia. There is a law "On the organization of insurance business", which was adopted on November 27, 1992, as well as several other state acts.

According to legislative norms, the insurance company is obliged to pay the corresponding amount to the people indicated in the document if the person died, which is listed intreatye. Thus, a relative often leaves financial support for his family if he has an accident.

The legislation makes it possible to terminate the contract with the insurance company at any time, if there is a need or desire for this.

Features of life insurance

Life insurance in the event of death is a type of contract in which the client pays the company cash contributions on time, and the company undertakes to pay the amount if an insured event occurs. Money is paid to a specific person or several persons. In the contract they are called the beneficiary.

But before the insurance company concludes an agreement with the client, its employees will study in detail the situation of the insured. This is necessary to identify and assess the risks of death during the duration of the agreement.

To conclude a contract, the client must undergo a detailed medical examination., through which it will become known about chronic and acute diseases or their absence. This condition is mandatory. It was created in order to check whether the client is a terminally ill person.

According to the results of the survey, bonus payments are determined.

By the way, a person can have one or more insurance policies in one or different companies.

The most important thing is to make payments under the concluded contract in a timely manner.

Varieties of life insurance

In modern insurance, there are three main types of such insurance:

  • Term insurance. Also called - survival insurance. Insurance payments are made when the customer reaches the established age. If the client dies before the specified age, the company pays no compensation or pays a small part of the deposited amount. Term insurance is more suitable for saving money for old age. By the way, some insurance companies allow you to extend the contractual terms.
  • Life insurance. The contract is concluded for an indefinite time - until the death of the customer. Contributions can be made for life or only for a certain period. All this describes the terms of the contract. Worth noticing - if the contributions are for life, the compensation is much higher. This type of insurance is especially popular abroad. In this case, two options for the death of the customer are considered:
  1. After incapacitation: the person must be no more than 60 years old and no less than 16.
  2. After an unsuccessful operation: the customer must be no more than 75 years old and no less than 16.
  • Endowment insurance. Combines both types of insurance. An insured event is considered to occur earlier. Often in the event of the death of the customer, the amount is higher. This type of insurance is the most common in Russia.

There are also such types of life insurance by mass:

  • individual - the life of one specific person is insured;
  • collective - the whole team is insured when employees are exposed to serious danger at work.

In addition, life insurance can be:

  • voluntary - at the client's own request;
  • compulsory - such insurance is subject to the military, civil servants - money is allocated for this from the state budget. All passengers of trains, cruise liners and planes are also required to be insured - the cost of insurance is already included in the ticket. Also, in some cases, a person is obliged to insure his life - for example, if he takes out a mortgage.

Insurance participants

Life insurance involves the contact of several objects:

  1. The insured is an adult individual in a capable state.
  2. The insurer is a firm, or entity that provides this insurance service.
  3. The insured person is an adult natural person who, at the time of termination of the contract, will be no more than 70 years old.
  4. Beneficiary - one or more persons chosen by the insurer with the consent of the insured person to receive monetary compensation. During the term of the contract, the customer can change the beneficiary.

There are three groups of objects for concluding a contract:

  • The customer insures his life - he is both the insured and the insured at the same time.
  • The customer insures another person, such as a parent or child. In this case, the customer will be the insured, and the parent or child will be the insured.
  • Joint insurance. It is not uncommon for a wife and husband to conclude an agreement with a firm. Payments are received by one of the spouses when the other dies.

Agreement conditions

The most important condition for payment of compensation is the occurrence of an insured event, in other words, the death of the insured. The contract is concluded for at least one year and no more than 20 years.

In this case, the insured death is considered to be the one specified in the terms of the contract. There is a list of situations that do not belong to the insured event:

  • suicide - this is clearly stated in any type of contract;
  • cosmetic procedures and operations;
  • violation of the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor;
  • additional risk to life that a person takes consciously - for example, extreme sports.

Attention - the amount of compensation after the occurrence of an insured event is indicated by the client.

Cost of insurance

The price for life insurance in case of death depends primarily on the type of contract

  • age, which is denoted by the variable x and is calculated in years;
  • the number of people (L) who live to the specified age x.

However, there are several other factors that affect how much the service costs:

  • gender of the customer - men usually form a higher cost;
  • age - than older man the higher the insurance premiums;
  • lifestyle of the customer bad habits;
  • risk group - the amount is calculated based on the place of life and work of a person: the more risky the conditions, the higher the cash rate;
  • indicators of human health - are identified after a medical examination;
  • duration of insurance - life and term insurance implies a reduction in the amount for contributions if the term of the contract is long;
  • special conditions in the contract - the amount of contributions is affected by the desired sum insured, as well as additional programs provided by the insurance company;
  • reserves of the insurance company;
  • demographic statistics for the country;
  • customer's insurance history.

Video: life insurance calculation

Rules for issuing life insurance

When drawing up the contract, you must adhere to the conditions that may later affect the receipt of insurance compensation. It is necessary to specify:

  • place, date, time of registration of the contract, its participants and validity periods;
  • credible and detailed information about the person whose life is insured;
  • possible insured events;
  • a specific amount of compensation in the event of the death of a person.

If any facts are missing or distorted, the contract may be invalidated, and the person who was supposed to receive a monetary refund will receive nothing.

Documents for life insurance and compensation

The list of documents that you need to take for the execution of the contract is as follows:

  • passport;
  • application on the letterhead of the insurance company;
  • opinion of medical workers on the applicant's state of health.

Also, the client in the insurance company will be given to fill out a questionnaire, with the help of which specialists will be able to assess insurance risks.

The list of documents that are necessary for the beneficiary is prescribed in the legislation:

  • a statement containing personal data and information about the concluded contract;
  • original insurance contract;
  • a photocopy of the death certificate of the person who was insured;
  • medical descriptions that explain the cause of death;
  • inheritance documents;
  • beneficiary's passport.

Banks for life insurance

According to statistics, there are more than 70 insurance companies operating in Russia that can provide life insurance in case of death. With each service becomes more and more popular.

  • a savings agreement is concluded for a minimum of 5 years, a maximum of up to 50 years;
  • age limit - 18-50 years;
  • possibility to conclude various types of life insurance;
  • service of accumulative life insurance for children for long periods - 10-20 years;
  • the insurance program operates around the clock around the globe;
  • the client chooses the frequency insurance premium- monthly, quarterly or annually.

So, consider the most popular banks for life insurance:

Bank's name Insurance conditions Peculiarities
Renaissance insurance - the contract is concluded for a period of 5 to 10 years; - there is no minimum and maximum contribution standard; - the possibility of paying compensation up to 100,000 rubles. The possibility of high-speed life insurance for one year using the prompt payment system
Alpha Life Insurance - the minimum monetary contribution is made for 189 days or for one year; - the amount of the deposit depends on the region of residence - for Moscow it is 50,000 rubles / year, for other settlements - 30,000 rubles / year. Contributions are accepted foreign currency- 2000 euros or 2000 dollars
Russian Standard Insurance - ordinary type of insurance: premium 3,000 rubles, payments in the event of an insured event - 300,000 rubles; - an elite type of insurance: a deposit of 10,000 rubles, additional risks from road accidents are taken into account in the terms of the contract The possibility of insuring children - for insurance deposits from 1000 to 5000 rubles. At the same time, the amount of monetary compensation is hundreds of times higher than the contributions.
Rosgosstrakh Life — contract term for 5-10 years; - contributions - 5000-8000 rubles. — payments exceed contributions by 10-30% Possibility of accumulative insurance for children and families
Sberbank Insurance - tariff percentages for efficiency reach from 2% to 150% - contributions from 1000 rubles. The bank is focused on corporate and collective insurance

So, you can insure life in almost all major banks in Russia. However, before concluding a contract, you need to weigh all the advantages and nuances of this type of insurance. Most often, it justifies its costs, but still there is a certain risk - if the contract expires and the insured event does not occur, all investments will be in vain. It is also worth carefully studying the conditions of the insurance company before concluding a contract and providing reliable information about the person who will be insured.

Nowadays, many people pay great attention to proper and nutritious nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and plastic surgery. Therefore, it is difficult to say what kind of person can be called elderly.

The aging process is different for everyone. It is not determined by the number of years lived. For someone after 50, health leaves much to be desired, while others, even at 70, do not know what a hospital and medicines are. Therefore, older people are an age group with specific characteristics, interests, needs and values.

Russian legislation defines pensioners as those who have already reached retirement age. For men, this is 60 years, and for the fair half, 55 years.

When do you need insurance for the elderly?

In the Western world, the term "third age" is increasingly being used. It refers to the most active period of people's lives. It starts after retirement. At this age, many begin to travel especially actively, attend all kinds of cultural events, start new interests and hobbies.

Important! People of the "third age" have negative features - high trauma.

In young and middle-aged people, injuries often end in abrasions and bruises. But the fall of the elderly can turn into a fracture or something more serious. The consequences can be disability or even ruined life.

Age restrictions of Russian insurance companies for insurance of the elderly

Russian ICs allow you to issue insurance for the elderly abroad They have the following age restrictions:

  • Renaissance - up to 64 years
  • Tinkoff, Sberbank Insurance, Assistance - up to 75 years
  • Arsenal, Absolute, Zetta - up to 80 years
  • Reso Guarantee, Allianz – up to 85 years
  • RosGosStrakh - up to 89 years
  • Consent, VTB Insurance, Uralsib, ERV - up to 90 years
  • Alfa Insurance, Liberty, Ingosstrakh, Russian Standard - up to 100 years

Risks that may arise while traveling

Life insurance for the elderly pays great attention to the risks, in the event of which the policy will cover the costs associated with the provision of first aid (transportation of a person to the hospital, treatment, diagnostics, and much more).

In practice, the risks of injury are mainly associated with such negative events:

  • change in diet and poor digestion;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • fractures, bruises and cuts;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • heart attacks and strokes.

The cost of insurance for the elderly and the possibility of reducing it

Today, not all insurers are ready to cooperate with clients over 65 years old for honey. insurance abroad. The execution of such a policy carries great risks for the UK, since they are associated with the health of the insured.

At its core, insurance for the elderly when traveling abroad is no different from honey. insurance. But the latter type is considered mandatory by most companies when making a tourist tour, and besides, it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

Attention! Tariffs for insurance of the elderly in comparison with other groups of clients have been increased many times due to high risks and high mortality.

Old age makes its own adjustments to the price of the policy - than more years face, the more you will have to pay. For example, people aged 65 to 69 will need to pay 1.75 times the base rate. For persons aged 70-74 years, the coefficient is 2.25. Older people with a chance of 80 percent will be denied in the UK in the post-Soviet space. The reason is the poor development and low demand for insurance for the elderly.

You can reduce the cost of insurance by issuing a policy with a deductible or refuse a number of risks. If several people are entered into the document at the same time, this will allow you to get a nice discount.

Payments upon the occurrence of insured events

In case of an insured event insurance for the elderly can cover:

  • provision of first aid;
  • expenses for medicines prescribed by a doctor when providing first aid;
  • costs of inpatient treatment (each case is considered individually).

Sometimes the diagnosis reveals that urgent surgical intervention is required to provide the necessary medical care. In some cases, for certain reasons, it cannot be provided in the foreign country in which the policyholder was located. In such a situation, the insurance policy will cover the cost of evacuation to your homeland.

You can apply for insurance at one of the offices of the insurance company or through the official website. In the latter case, you must go to the page with a special form and fill in all the required fields. After that, the system will calculate and display it on the screen. If everything suits you, you just have to make a payment. In just a few minutes, a digital policy will be sent to your email box. Online insurance is in no way inferior to a policy received at the company's office with a wet seal.

Insuring your life and health old man will ensure your safety. This is especially true when traveling to another country. In the event of an accident, the insurance company will cover medical and other expenses. And the insured himself will be provided with highly qualified medical assistance.