Coastal grapes, or fragrant - Vitis riparia. Coastal or fragrant grapes Selection of grape seedlings

Grape family (Vitaceae).

Homeland - North America.In the conditions of St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Baltic States, it freezes slightly, but it recovers well; in Belarus and Ukraine, in Transcaucasia and Central Asia it is winter-hardy, bears fruit; in Primorsky Krai (Russia) it can freeze slightly, but bears fruit.

Folk (non-scientific) names - River Bank Grape, Frost Grape (English).

Liana 10-12 m high, with a dense crown. It climbs onto supports with the help of antennae.

The leaves are large (up to 18 cm long and wide), three-lobed, bright green, shiny. Coverage is good. The beginning of leaf blooming is in the first half of May, massive leaf fall is in the first half of October. The duration of the foliage period is 163 days (from May 6 to October 15).

Dioecious dioecious plant. The flowers are fragrant, inflorescences up to 18 cm long. It blooms in July.

Berries with a diameter of about 0.8 cm, black, with a thick bluish pruin bloom. Ripen in September.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively (lignified and green cuttings). Seeds germinate well after 30-40 days of warm or cold stratification before spring sowing. Seeding depth - 2.5 cm. The best sowing time is autumn and early spring. It is recommended to carry out pre-sowing preparation, similar to Amur grapes.

Stratification of seeds should be carried out at a temperature of +1 + 10 (5) ° C for 4 months.

Fairly winter hardy. Withstands temperatures down to -30°C. In the south of Primorsky Krai it winters without shelter. No damage from exposure to winter conditions has been identified. The attitude to the soil is optimal (medium demanding), but it responds positively to increasing its fertility. Medium photophilous. However, the best development and fruiting is achieved with sufficient sunlight. Fast growing. It tolerates urban conditions (dust, soot, gases). Smoke and gas resistant.

Vitis riparia

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The grape family. It differs from other species in powerful growth (rises to a height of up to 25 m), broadly ovate, mostly 3-lobed, bright green leaves, coarsely serrated along the edge.

Flowers in large inflorescences up to 18 cm long. The fruits are purple-black, with a thick bluish bloom, inedible, up to 0.8 cm in diameter. Seeds can be stored at room temperature for up to 1 year without loss of viability. Seeds need to be stratified at 1-10°C (optimum 5°C) for 4 months. It is better to germinate stratified seeds after pre-heating for a week at 30 ° C for 3 hours 2 times a day. Embedding depth up to 1.2 - 1.5 cm.

It is undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant, withstands frosts down to -30 ° C, has a form with edible, early ripening fruits - (f. praecox).

One of the best ornamental grapes with beautiful bright green leaves, fragrant flowers, the halls of which resemble the smell of mignonette, for which it received its second name. There are several hybrid varieties. In culture since 1656. Used for vertical gardening.

Vitis, Grape. Climbing creepers with simple, deeply palmately lobed leaves. The flowers are bisexual, or dioecious (then the plants are dioecious), small, fragrant, collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a juicy berry in a complex raceme.

Types and varieties of grapes

The genus includes about 70 species, mostly distributed in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, 3 of them grow wild in Russia.

In culture, several species are grown and cultivated wine grapes.

Amur grape (Vitis amurensis)

Homeland - the forests of Primorye, China and Korea.

Liana up to 5-10 m long (in nature up to 20-25 m). The bark is dark brown, exfoliating in longitudinal strips. Young shoots are green or reddish. The leaves are rounded, up to 20-30 cm in diameter, 3-5-lobed, wrinkled, dark green, in autumn - red, purple-carmine, brownish-chestnut. Blooms from 3 years in July. Fruits in September. The berries are black with a bluish bloom, up to 1.2 cm in diameter, edible (from sour to sweet in taste). It is used as a rootstock for cultivars.

Widely used for vertical gardening in cultivation. Introduced into the culture of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden in the middle of the XIX century.

USDA zone 3. The most winter-hardy of all species.

Coignet grapes, or Japanese grapes (Vitis coignetiae)

Powerful liana, originally from South Sakhalin and Japan. Blooms in June. Berries are juicy, tart, edible.

Forest grape (Vitis sylvestris)

Liana, in the absence of support, takes the form of a creeping shrub. The berries are black (sometimes white), small, edible, but sour. Used for hybridization with cultivars.

Fox grapes (Vitis vulpine)

North American liana up to 5 m long (in nature up to 20 m). The flowers are small, very fragrant, collected in paniculate inflorescences up to 15-20 cm long. Young leaves may be damaged by late spring frosts.

Coastal grapes, or fragrant grapes, riverside grapes (Vitis riparia)

North American look. Used in breeding when breeding rootstocks for varieties in the conditions of the southern regions

Deciduous liana. It is hooked to the support with the help of antennae. The leaves are bright green, broadly ovate, mostly 3-lobed, shiny. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, but fragrant, collected in racemose inflorescences. Blooms in June-July. The berries are small purple-black with a thick bluish coating up to 0.8 cm in diameter. Ripen in September. Not edible - with a bland taste.

Coastal grapes, spring

Labruska grape (Vitis labruska)

Species native to North America. A liana climbing high on a support, capable of forming dense thickets. Blooms in July. Fruits with sweetish pulp, ripen in September. They are eaten both fresh and dried, wines, jams, syrups are prepared.

Winter hardiness is high.

Currently, more than 10,000 varieties are known, and thanks to the work of breeders, grapes can be grown in central Russia in open ground without the use of film shelters.

Cultivated grapes, or wine grapes, vine (Vitis vinifera)

A large liana of hybrid origin (unknown in the wild, presumably, now extinct forms were the ancestors). Widely distributed in culture, currently the number of varieties has reached several thousand. In the southern regions it reaches a length of 30 m. The leaves are rounded, up to 20 cm in diameter, with lobes. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in panicles. Fruits differ in shape, size and taste. Needs annual short pruning, without which it runs wild.

USDA zone 5-6. It is winter-hardy at annual shelter.

Varieties of cultivated grapes with increased winter hardiness: ‘ Kodryanka’, ‘Muromets’, ‘Agat Donskoy' and others. An interesting winter-hardy variety ‘ Brant', it has a very beautiful autumn color - red and purple leaves with green and yellow veins.

Fruit grapes, age 15 years, winter-hardy without shelter

Popular wine grape varieties:

"Vavilovskiy"- a vigorous vine, high-yielding with an average ripening period. Frost resistance is low, grown only in the southern regions;

"Korinka Russian"- a vigorous vine of early ripening. The cluster is small, the berries are rather small. Frost resistance is high;

"Beauty of the North (Olga)"- a vigorous, high-yielding variety, very early ripening. Frost resistance is quite high;

"Astronaut"- the variety is similar to the "Beauty of the North" variety;

"Muromets"- a vigorous variety of early ripening, high-yielding;

"Tambov white"- a high-yielding variety, frost resistance is high.

Varieties with black fruits require more heat than varieties with light fruits.

Grapes in culture are grown and formed in the form of a bush of various shapes. Parts of a bush of a grape plant have their own names.

bush head- a thickening in the lower part of the plant, resulting from pruning, from which perennial branches diverge - bush sleeves. On the sleeves are ramifications ending horns- shortened biennial stems. fruit shoots- annual shoots located on the horns (fruiting is observed only on annual growths). If the fruit shoot is cut short - by 1-3 buds - you get a knot used to restore the elements of the bush. A longer pruning - by 5 or more eyes - allows you to form a fruit shoot, the main element of the fruit part of the grape bush.

All fruit varieties in the middle lane are covered for the winter, decorative species and varieties for the winter are not removed from the supports and do not cover. The opening of the bushes in spring begins after the soil thaws in mid-late April.

Grape care

Grapes are a light and heat-loving crop, prone to damage by autumn and spring frosts. It is better to plant in the spring. Planting grapes is carried out on the south side of the buildings. Soils are preferred medium loamy breathable. Groundwater should be located closer than 1.5 m from the soil surface. When growing creepers, it is necessary to foresee the installation of supports (individually for each bush) or trellises (for several plants).

From June to August, creepers actively grow, they are tied to supports and formed. Lateral branches are cut into 2-3 buds, strong whips by 1/3 of the length. Regularly feed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

grape propagation

Varietal plants are propagated by winter cuttings and layering, species are also propagated by seeds.

Eastern and southeastern regions of North America. It grows in moist thickets of shrubs, along the banks of rivers.

Differs in powerful growth (rises to a height of up to 25 m), broadly ovate, mostly 3-lobed, bright green leaves, coarsely serrated along the edge. Flowers in large inflorescences up to 18 cm long. The fruits are purple-black, with a thick bluish bloom, inedible, up to 0.8 cm in diameter.

In GBS since 1951, 3 samples (11 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from the culture. At 17 years old, height 5.4 m. Vegetation from the first decade of May to the end of October. The growth rate is average. Blooms from the end of June to the end of the first decade of July, about 2 weeks. The fruits ripen annually, in September. Winter hardiness is low. Seed viability 80%, germination rate 10%. Rooted summer cuttings.

It is undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant, has a form with edible, early ripening fruits - (f. praecox).

One of the best ornamental grapes with beautiful bright green leaves, fragrant flowers, the smell of which resembles the smell of mignonette, for which it received its second name. There are several hybrid varieties. In culture since 1656. Used for vertical gardening.

Edible forms, and forms with increased winter hardiness (-30 C) make sense to use for breeding. In Primorye, a number of excellent varieties have already been created with the participation of this grape. I recommend, like the previous view, for well-heated, wind-protected areas.

The last North American species of particular interest to breeders is Rock grape - Vitis rupestris.

Eastern and southeastern regions of North America. It grows on hills, on the slopes of mountains, on sandy shores. Weakly climbing vine up to 2 m high with red-violet shoots. A few antennae are poorly developed and easily fall off or are completely absent. The leaves are rounded, sometimes three-lobed, young pubescent, folded in half along the main vein. Mature leaves on both sides are bare, thin, smooth, shiny. The plant is dioecious. Blooms from late June to mid-July. The fruits ripen in September. The berries are spherical, 6-14 mm in diameter, black-purple or violet, with a thin skin, pleasant taste.

In GBS since 1963, 1 sample (8 copies) was grown from seeds obtained from the culture. At 8 years, the length of the shoots is 4.5 m. Vegetation is from the first half of May to the second half of October. Doesn't bloom. Winter hardiness is high (winters under the snow).

Grows well in full sun or partial shade. Fertile, light, non-calcareous soils are preferred. Drought-resistant, does not tolerate stagnant water. Relatively winter-hardy. It is better to remove young plants from the support for the winter so that they are covered with snow. When wintering under snow, it practically does not freeze, in snowless winters it can freeze slightly. On wet soils, it is easily affected by root mold. Tolerates long droughts.

Coastal grape (Vitis riparia) is a powerful high-climbing vine. Antennae interrupted. Large leaves are broadly ovate (8-18 cm), usually three-lobed.

This grape stands out with bright green coloring of shiny leaves and very fragrant flowers.

Due to the aroma of flowers, the Germans call it "mignon grapes". Dim flowers are collected in inflorescences 8-18 cm long.

Small spherical berries are purple-black, with a thick bluish wax coating, with colored juice, have a grassy taste.

It grows along the banks of the rivers of North America from Nova Scotia to Manitoba, Kansas, Colorado and Texas.

A distinctive feature of coastal grapes is significant frost and heat resistance.

It tolerates temperature drops down to -30 °C and temperature rises up to +40 °C.

In addition, grapes are resistant to phylloxera, grow well when grafted, and are easily cut from cuttings. If you use it as a rootstock, then you must remember that grapes on it bear fruit earlier and more abundantly when grown on good nutritious soil.

With hybridization and selection in order to obtain new varieties of grapes, this species is indispensable for the promotion of viticulture to the north and east. I. V. Michurin, by pollinating coastal grapes with pollen from Amur grapes, obtained an excellent frost-resistant variety Buitur.

From coastal grapes come varieties Northern white, Northern black, Taiga emerald (Seedling Minnesota), etc. This species has been introduced into cultivation since 1656.

In the CIS, in the conditions of Leningrad, Moscow, the Baltic States, it freezes slightly, but recovers well; in Belarus and Ukraine, in Transcaucasia and Central Asia it is winter-hardy, bears fruit; in Primorsky Krai it freezes somewhat, but bears fruit.

It is necessary to test in the north and east of the European part of the CIS and in a number of regions of Siberia and the Far East.

Source of Liana. N. V. Osipova