Insured property is a guarantee of peace of mind on vacation. Property insurance

"Financial newspaper. Regional issue", 2006, N 36

The process of property insurance involves the preparation and use of an insurance contract, in which the insurer undertakes, for a certain fee (insurance premium (contribution), upon the occurrence of an insured event, to compensate the insured or another person - the beneficiary - for losses caused to the insured property or other property interests of the insured.

What is included in the agreement

Parties - parties to the property insurance contract must come to an agreement regarding: objects of property interests; objects of insurance; insurance risks; sum insured; insurance premium (contribution); term of the property insurance contract.

The objects of property insurance may be property interests related, in particular:

with possession, use and disposal of property (property insurance);

with the obligation to compensate for the harm caused to other persons (civil liability insurance);

with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities (insurance of entrepreneurial risks).

The property interests of the insured are directly related to the objects of insurance. The objects of insurance can be: buildings, structures, construction in progress, transmission devices, power, working and other machines, equipment, inventory, products, raw materials, materials, goods, household property, exhibits and other types of property.

The policyholder declares his intention to insure the property against certain risks and submits an inventory of the objects of insurance.

The purpose of property insurance is to compensate for damage. After the occurrence of an insured event, the policyholder must maintain the financial position that existed immediately before the occurrence of the insured event.

In this regard, an important element of insurance relations is the determination of the value of the insured property. The sum insured is the amount within which the insurer is liable under the insurance contract in the event of an insured event. It is usually equal to or less than the value of the property. However, in cases where the insured is individual which insures residential buildings, country houses, apartments or household property, the principle "new for old" is often used, which involves insurance at replacement cost.

An essential point in the contractual relationship related to the insurance of movable property is the determination of the place of insurance. Usually the policyholder indicates the location of the insured object. If he uses several territories, then this must be stipulated in the insurance contract.

Guided by insurance rates, the insurer calculates the amount of the insurance premium (contribution).

In accordance with Art. 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property may be insured under an insurance contract in favor of a person (insured or beneficiary) who has a legal, otherwise legal act or contract an interest in the preservation of that property. A property insurance contract concluded if the insured or beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured property is invalid. Such an agreement in favor of the beneficiary may be concluded without specifying the name or designation of the beneficiary (insurance "at whose expense").

When concluding such an agreement, the policyholder is issued an insurance policy to the bearer. When the policyholder or beneficiary exercises rights under such an agreement, it is necessary to submit a policy to the insurer.

Stages of execution of contracts

Documentation of insurance contracts related to the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to property involves the following stages: preparatory; conclusion of the contract; maintaining the contract; completion of the property insurance contract.

The preparatory stage includes:

registration of the application by the insured;

drawing up an inventory of property;

appraisal of property claimed for insurance.

The stage of conclusion of the contract is formalized by the property insurance contract itself and (or) the policy. This fact is recorded in the register of concluded insurance (co-insurance) contracts. At the same time, a notification is sent to the accounting department of the insurance organization, which reflects information about the risks associated with property insurance, insurance premiums (contributions), contractual payment terms, the validity period of the insurance contract and the conditions for the beginning of liability.

Maintaining a property insurance contract involves:

amending the terms of the contract;

payments for individual insured events;

control over the condition and use of the insured property.

If during the term of the insurance contract there are changes that require additional entries in the accounting or tax accounting system, a notification of changes in the terms of the property insurance contract is sent to the accounting department. Accordingly, additional entries are made in accounting. The basis for the entries is an accounting statement drawn up on the basis of changes made to the insurance contract.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, an act on the occurrence of an insured event is drawn up. The fact of occurrence of an insured event is recorded in the register of losses and prematurely terminated insurance (co-insurance) contracts.

The process of concluding a property insurance contract associated with the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property begins with a written application from the insured. The application must contain all the necessary information about the object (objects) of insurance. At the same time, the insured must inform the insurer of all circumstances known to him under which an insured event may occur. This information is necessary for the insurer to determine the probability of an insured event and the possible amount of losses in the event of an insured event. If the policyholder provides deliberately false information, the insurer may demand that the entire insurance contract or part of it be declared invalid.

At the same time, the policyholder provides the insurer with an inventory of the property that it intends to insure.

The property insurance contract is concluded by the insurer with the inspection of the property intended for insurance. An inspection is necessary if it is difficult to draw an adequate conclusion about the degree of risk from the information provided by the insured. It is advisable to entrust the conduct of such inspections and the preparation of conclusions on the degree of risk and the actual value of the property to specialists.

When insuring parties of homogeneous property, the degree of risk may be assessed by the insurer on the basis of the documents submitted to it by the insured.

If the information provided by the insured about the property does not correspond to its actual condition, name, quality, insured value, the insurer has the right to refuse in full or in part in the payment of insurance compensation on the basis of the terms of the standard rules or demand that the contract be recognized as invalid in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 944 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the insured has the right to disagree with the conclusions reached by the insurer based on the results of risk assessment by analyzing the data presented to him. He may provide evidence that differs from the information of the insurer.

Based on the information contained in the application of the insured, the inventory of property and the assessment of the insured value of the property, the insurer makes a decision to conclude a property insurance contract.

Basic details of the contract

The property insurance contract is drawn up in any form and must contain the following information and details: contract number; heading; introductory part; general terms and Conditions; individual conditions; special conditions; terms of payment of the sum insured; conditions for early termination of the contract; jurisdiction of the treaty; signatures of the parties.

The text of the property insurance contract is drawn up by the insurer. In this case, clear and understandable wording for the insured must be used. Any ambiguities and ambiguities are interpreted in favor of the insured.

The insurance contract number is assigned by the insurer.

The title of the contract contains the name of the insurance company, the address of the head office of the insurance company, phone numbers and other necessary information.

The introductory part (preamble) contains information that the parties have concluded a particular type of insurance contract based on the policyholder's application.

Insurance contracts related to the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property are as follows:

property insurance legal entities;

property insurance for individuals.

The objects of property insurance of legal entities are:

voluntary insurance of means of land transport;

voluntary insurance of air transport means;

voluntary insurance of water transport means;

voluntary cargo insurance;

The objects of property insurance of individuals are:

voluntary apartment insurance;

voluntary insurance of country houses, dachas, garden houses;

voluntary vehicle insurance;

voluntary home property insurance;

voluntary insurance of other types of property.

The general conditions of the contract determine: the list of insured risks; the type of guarantees provided; mutual obligations of the parties. General conditions are determined based on the rules for insuring property of a particular type.

Particular attention when concluding a property insurance contract associated with the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property is paid to insurance risks included in the insurance contract. The most common types:

property fire insurance;

property insurance against water damage;

property insurance against theft;

property insurance against natural disasters;

accident property insurance;

property insurance against technical risks.

The list of insured risks is determined by agreement of the parties - the insured and the insurer.

The terms of the agreement provide:

information about the client-insured;

sum insured (size of the sum insured);

definition and enumeration of insured events in which the sum insured will be paid;

insurance premium (amount, form of payment, payment procedure);

validity period of the contract (date of beginning and end of the property insurance contract);

special additions (conditions for changing the content of the contract when changing the object of insurance, the location of the insured property or the risk).

The special conditions of the property insurance contract determine:

exclusions from insurance guarantees (for example, losses incurred as a result of hostilities, civil war, civil unrest and strikes, confiscation, requisition, arrest, destruction of property by order of military or civil authorities, nuclear explosion, radioactive contamination, intent, gross negligence of the insured, etc.).

Types of property, which is not covered by insurance coverage under the contract, are determined by the conditions of property insurance of citizens;

deductible, which is set within a certain percentage of the sum insured of the insured property or in a certain amount. The deductible can be applied both to the total value of the insured property and to the value of individual property items;

conditions for changing the contract (the terms of the insurance contract can be changed by agreement of the parties);

granting a deferment in the payment of the next insurance premium: the contract specifies the conditions and procedure for processing the provision of deferrals. In addition, possible changes in the sum insured or the term of the insurance contract depending on the share of the paid amount of the insurance premium (contribution) are stipulated.

The insurance contract establishes the procedure for providing evidence of the existence of an insured event; fulfillment of the conditions for payment of the sum insured.

The conditions for early termination of a property insurance contract are usually adequate to those prescribed in the rules for the type of insurance.

The contract determines the procedure for resolving disputes that may arise between the parties to the insurance contract.

The insurance contract is signed by the insurer - the head of the insurance organization or a person authorized by him; on the part of the insured - the insured.

M. Romanova

tax advisor

Russian Federation

The problems of the correlation of the business risk insurance contract with other insurance contracts (property and liability) are investigated. The topical and controversial issue of the features of the considered type of insurance is analyzed.

This article was copied from

Pages in the magazine: 64-67

R.R. Pospelov,

Postgraduate Student, Assistant of the Department of Civil and Business Law, Law School of the Far East federal university, Russia, Vladivostok [email protected]

The problems of the correlation of the business risk insurance contract with other insurance contracts (property and liability) are investigated. The topical and controversial issue of the features of the considered type of insurance is analyzed.

Key words: entrepreneurial risk, law, insurance business, property, interest, insurance.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of 1996 (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-I "On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Law on the Organization of Insurance Business), Russian legislation operates with three types of property insurance: property, liability, business risk.

The legal division of property insurance testifies to the independence of the business risk insurance contract, and, consequently, the corresponding object of insurance. However, not all researchers agree with the designated system of property insurance.

I.T. Balabanov, L.I. Korchevskaya and K.E. Turbina, L.N. Klochenko and K.I. Pylov distinguishes only property and liability insurance in property insurance, without mentioning the business risk insurance contract. As an argument, the researchers point to the lack of grounds for considering entrepreneurial risk as an independent object of insurance.

What is the reason for such an ambiguous attitude towards entrepreneurial risk? To answer this question, one should refer to the criteria for the legal classification of property insurance.

As correctly pointed out by N.A. Chigasov, for classification, researchers use different criteria, often even several criteria. The most common point of view is the need to distinguish between insurance industries depending on the object of insurance and the amount of insurance liability.

As follows from Art. 4 of the Law on the organization of insurance business, the object of insurance is always property interests. At the same time, the category of interest itself seems to be rather uncertain. The wordings widely used in the insurance rules, such as “the property interests of the insured related to ... are subject to insurance under the contract,” essentially do not disclose anything. It is important for both the insurer and the insured what exactly the insured has the right to demand in the event of an insured event, what the obligations of the parties are expressed in. In other words, the entrepreneur would like to know more not about abstract categories (the interest to ensure the safety of property), but about the real content of the insurance contract (how the insurance risk is realized, what losses and to what extent are covered by insurance compensation). It is these questions that are of interest to the parties to the insurance legal relationship. Therefore, when analyzing types of insurance, we propose to proceed not simply from the criterion of property interest, but from a combination of criteria "insurance interest - insured event - insurance compensation".

Let's analyze the types of property insurance in order to identify the features of business risk insurance.

Exploring property insurance, first of all, you should pay attention to the dual definition of insurable interest in relation to this type of insurance. By virtue of paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of the Law on the organization of insurance business within the framework of property insurance “property interests related to the possession, use and disposal of property are ensured”. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "insurable interest is the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property." Attention is drawn to the presence in the law of the categories "insurance interest" and "property interest", which must be distinguished. Property interest, according to the literal interpretation of the rule of law, can be defined as the desire to have and exercise the powers of the owner of the property. Insurable interest, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, essentially correlates with the risk of disappearance / negative change in the state of property. From the connection between the two categories under consideration, it follows that the insurable interest is aimed at protecting the rights of the owner of the property, i.e., at protecting the property interest. Consequently, the insurance interest is always secondary (derived) from the property interest. This conclusion finds support in the law, since, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 920 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "a property insurance contract concluded if the insured or beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured property is invalid." The expediency of singling out insurable interest in the legislation in the presence of property interest, in our opinion, is doubtful. The unequal definition of essentially the same interest of the insured in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and special insurance legislation inevitably leads to different content of the corresponding categories.

In the first case (insurable interest), the insured wishes to protect himself from obstacles and (or) inability to exercise our rights in relation to the property and, accordingly, to receive coverage for losses caused by such obstacles.

In the second case (property interest), the picture is different: the insurance payment will be based on the occurrence of losses caused by the loss (death), shortage or damage to certain property.

It seems that in the first case, losses are defined much more broadly: property may not be damaged or lost, but it is not possible to exercise individual powers in relation to property. A vivid example is a requirement of a negatory nature: a person rents a warehouse, which is dug in on all sides due to repair work, that is, access to it is limited. In this case, the warehouse is not damaged. That is, formally, the property interest of the warehouse owner is not violated. However, a person cannot sell the goods available in the warehouse, since he is deprived of access (the right to use) to the warehouse. Such a risk can be considered as the risk of not receiving the expected profit.

Thus, depending on the name of the interest and the approach of various legal acts to its content, we can qualify one situation either as the occurrence of an insured event or as its non-occurrence.

In this sense, it would be wrong to understand property insurance as the desire of the insured to minimize Negative consequences only damage and (or) loss of property. On the contrary, the Law on the Organization of Insurance Business allows us to derive, in our opinion, a more practical definition of losses that meets the interests of the insured - any negative consequences caused by the restriction and (or) deprivation of the owner (owner) of the rights in relation to property are subject to insurance.

In favor of choosing the latter interpretation of property insurance is also the definition of property, which includes not only the actual objects of the material world (things in the proper sense), but also property rights and obligations. In this regard, it would be highly incorrect to speak, for example, of a shortage or damage to the right to receive dividends on a share or the exclusive right to a commercial designation.

Liability insurance is also interpreted differently. The Law on the Organization of Insurance Business refers to the obligation to compensate for the damage caused by the insured to other persons. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation tells us in general about the risk of liability of the insured. In practice, in the first case, the policyholder shifts the obligation to compensate the harm (but not losses) to the insurer. Is it really about liability insurance? It appears not. In itself, compensation for harm comes from the fact of its infliction, which is general rule one of necessary conditions liability arises. That is, a person can cause harm to the victim innocently or lawfully. Or the tortfeasor does not meet the criteria of delictual capacity (underage). Interestingly, in all these cases, damage was caused, which, based on the literal interpretation of the Law on the organization of insurance business, must be compensated. At the same time, these tortfeasors do not always meet the conditions for bringing to responsibility. And if there is no liability, there are no grounds for paying insurance compensation.

The wording of liability insurance as a special insurable interest, in contrast to the wording of interest in property insurance, in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation looks more acceptable. In this case, we should talk about compensation by the insurer for losses caused by the insured guiltyly unlawfully if there is a causal relationship between the offense and the losses. As you know, liability by its legal nature arises as a result of an offense and has a negative additional character for the offender. For the purposes of civil legal relations, negative consequences are almost always in practice expressed in the obligation to alienate the property of the offender in favor of the victim (fine, penalty, compensation for moral damage, etc.). Therefore, by insuring liability, a person in the general sense minimizes the very possibility of alienating or reducing the size of his property, which can arise as a result of the illegal behavior of such a person. The following conclusion will be quite legitimate: according to a liability insurance contract, property is also insured in a certain sense.

However, compared to liability, property is insured regardless of the legality or illegality of the occurrence of an insured event. The property insured is afraid of the negative consequences of causing harm that any person may inflict on him in connection with infringements on the rights of the insured in relation to property. In liability insurance, the situation is, as it were, mirrored from property insurance: a person does not want to independently bear the obligation to compensate for harm, which itself can cause to an unlimited circle of people.

Let us turn to the analysis of entrepreneurial risk. Its definition is complex and ambiguous (the question of the definition of the category of entrepreneurial risk is considered in detail in another work and therefore is not disclosed in this article). By entrepreneurial risk, we mean the risk of occurrence in entrepreneurial activity of circumstances that can affect the amount of expected profit. Then the insured event should recognize the negative consequences of doing business in the form of the difference between the expected and actually received in a smaller amount of profit. At the same time, the entrepreneur's risk directly affects the amount of profit received. Unlike property insurance, business risk insurance is characterized by the focus of all the activities of the insured on the systematic profit. When insuring property, the main interest of the insured is to preserve the property in the state in which it is (ie, to ensure the static position). For an entrepreneur, this position is not interesting. Its purpose is to systematically extract profit from the use of property, that is, in essence, to increase the size of the property. In other words, if property insurance insures something that is already available at the time of concluding an insurance contract, then when insuring business risk, it is often about securing the receipt of property (profit) that does not yet exist, but is potentially possible to receive. Is it possible in this case to adequately correlate the insurance of the possibility of non-receipt of non-existing property and the insurance of existing property as a desire to minimize the negative consequences caused by the restriction and (or) deprivation of the owner (owner) of the rights in relation to the property? It appears not. No one restricts the entrepreneur in his rights to the property used in the process of entrepreneurial activity. On the contrary, he has freedom of action within the law. Moreover, his right to make a profit does not correspond to any obligation to provide (provide) this profit. It is quite possible to speak in this case about the incorrectness of operating with the category “right to profit”. Regarding property insurance in its classical sense, there is no doubt about the ancient legal axiom: the owner of property has rights in relation to property, which correspond to the general obligation of other persons not to violate such rights of the owner.

However, one can disagree with the proposed interpretation of the content of the business risk insurance contract. It is obvious that an entrepreneur still cannot but use property in the course of entrepreneurial activity: he purchases equipment, has rights to securities, rights of claim, etc. Moreover, he cannot but exercise the powers of the owner of the property. In addition, the amount of profit often depends on the safety and integrity of the property. For example, the destruction of coffee crops will a priori cause a decrease in the volume of products sold and, as a result, the amount of profit received. Accordingly, while insuring the risk of not receiving the expected profit, we still insure property.

However, the property in this type of insurance does not always exist at the time of the conclusion of the contract. In our opinion, the peculiarity of the considered type of insurance lies precisely in this. After all, in practice, we as entrepreneurs want to make a profit in the amount in which we want and expect to receive it. Accordingly, our insurable interest is that if, for any reason, we were not able to achieve the desired profit, then we would like to be compensated in the form of the difference between actual and predicted profit. In this case, we are not interested in why we did not receive the desired profit - due to a fire in the warehouse and the destruction of all goods, or because we could not deliver the products to the counterparty on time and were forced to pay penalties in favor of the latter. In other words, in this case, we are in principle abstracted from the existing (existing) property, since we are interested in obtaining new property in the future. The property interest of the owner of the property goes beyond its usual boundaries, transforming into an entrepreneurial interest to increase the already existing property.

Thus, we have considered all types of property insurance, starting from and comparing their content with property insurance. Any of the considered types of insurance provides for property insurance in a general sense. However, when insuring entrepreneurial risk, property that is not defined at the time of conclusion of the contract, the possibility of the appearance of which is due to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, may be insured.

Such specificity of the insurable interest in the business risk insurance contract does not allow agreeing with the proposals to consider business risk insurance as a sub-sector of property insurance.

Otherwise, with the same success it would be possible to consider liability insurance as a kind of property insurance, which we have attempted above. The criteria for dividing insurance into types should not be convenience for use, but a combination of doctrinal and practical criteria "insurance interest - insured event - insurance compensation". According to all these criteria, business risk insurance with its specific interest reasonably occupies an independent position in the insurance system along with property insurance and liability insurance.


1. Klochenko L.N., Pylov K.I. Fundamentals of insurance law: textbook. allowance. - Yaroslavl, 2002.

2. Pospelov R.R. Economic and legal approach to the definition of entrepreneurial risk // Law and Economics. 2013. No. 10. URL: http://base.

3. Insurance from A to Z / ed. L.I. Korchevskaya, K.E. Turbine. - M., 1996.

4. Chigasova N.A. General bases and principles of classification in insurance // Bulletin of TISBI. 2005. No. 2.

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Hello, friends! It would seem that the summer has already passed, which means that the season of mass holidays is already over, and the issue of property insurance seems to be not very relevant now. But let me disagree with you. Do not forget that it is already November, and then winter. And this means that we are waiting for a new series of holidays and weekends during the November and New Year holidays, new trips and vacation trips.

And for apartment thieves, just like during summer holidays, the real “golden” time is coming. In addition, for some reason, it is precisely in the absence of owners that other troubles most often occur in apartments, such as, for example, a flood due to negligent owners or due to the fact that pipes suddenly burst unexpectedly ...

The most important thing is that for some time we have to leave our property without a master's supervision, and this causes some concern. And sometimes gloomy thoughts prevent you from resting calmly, completely relaxing and forgetting about all your problems for a while.

You can, of course, drive these thoughts away from yourself by an effort of will. But, unfortunately, our experiences and bad forebodings cannot always be considered absolutely unfounded and groundless. After all, it is the time of holidays that is considered the most risky, because these days the number of burglaries and car thefts, the number of incidents and accidents are sharply increasing.

Alas, the statistics are disappointing and sad. Every minute in Russia, someone is left without a roof over their head because of an unturned iron, an unextinguished cigarette, an old electrical wiring caught fire, or simply because of someone's carelessness and criminal negligence. And someone, returning from work or vacation, suddenly discovers the loss of all valuables, an open door, a broken window.

But not only fires and theft are a cause for concern. For example, in Moscow, more than 10,000 accidents and bays occur per day. And this despite the fact that Moscow communications are more modern and reliable than, say, in any small town.

And the cost of repairs after a fire or flood in some cases may exceed the cost of the housing itself. Indeed, often you have to restore not only your housing, but also compensate for the damage to all neighbors who have suffered because of your trouble.

How can you protect your property and ensure a relaxing holiday? There is an exit. And in fact, this can be done much easier than we think. To do this, you just need to contact one or another insurance company and take out a property insurance policy.

What is property insurance and why is it beneficial for us?

As always, a little theory. What is property insurance and why we need it is probably clear to everyone. In short, this is the only (and inexpensive) way for owners of country houses, dachas and apartments to reduce their costs and damage in case of any incidents, such as flooding, fire, burglary, household gas explosion, natural disasters.

In our country, we ourselves decide voluntarily whether to insure our property or not. This freedom of action gives us the right to determine for ourselves what we want to insure, for how much and against what risks, and to choose the insurance program that suits us the most.

And the second plus of this type of insurance is the low cost of insurance. This is due to the low (for example, in comparison with transport insurance) unprofitability for this type of insurance.

What can be the object of property insurance?

In different insurance companies, the conditions and objects of insurance may vary. But the basic ones for everyone are a house, a summer house, an apartment, a building (garage, outbuildings, a warehouse), furniture and interior items, decoration, as well as civil liability of those who live in the apartment.

But there are exceptions to this rule, and some of the listed objects cannot be insured for a certain reason.

For example, these can be emergency and dilapidated buildings (structures), documents (plans, manuscripts, accounting documents, drawings), technical media (discs, cassettes), alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, food products, explosives. As well as property that is in a zone of increased danger due to natural disasters or military operations, leased property with a lease term that ends earlier than the expiration date of the insurance contract.

What property (risks) can be insured against?

It can be:

  • natural disasters (flood, hurricane, lightning strike, earthquake, fire)
  • bay (water damage) due to accidents in heating, plumbing, sewerage, fire-fighting systems or leaks from neighboring premises
  • fire
  • explosion (for example, household gas)
  • theft, robbery
  • falling objects

Insurance coverage excludes insured events that occurred as a result of deliberate actions of the insured himself or one of his family members, or if they violated fire safety standards and sanitary requirements during the operation of household appliances. And also if, in the event of an insured event, the insured did nothing to prevent further damage to the object and reduce the damage.

Basic insurance programs

There are two types of insurance programs: classic programs and "boxed" products.

Classic Insurance implies individual work representative of the company with the client and the object of insurance (its inspection, a detailed inventory of the object, etc.)

"Boxed" products is a type of insurance with a pre-designed program and a certain set of risks, conditions and sums insured.

A “boxed” product is issued quickly, with a minimum set of documents, without a pre-insurance inspection and analysis of the risks associated with the insurance of this object.

The “boxed” product, as a rule, includes insurance for the structure of the apartment (partitions, walls, ceilings), interior decoration (covering the floor, ceiling, walls, interior doors), movable property (furniture, household items, household appliances) and damage third parties (civil liability).

What documents are needed for property insurance?

In each case, this is determined individually, depending on the requirements of the insurance company.

But in most cases, to draw up an insurance contract under the classic program, the insured will need:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Certificate of ownership or inheritance, a contract of sale, that is, documents that can confirm your property rights
  • Documents confirming the cost of repair work and finishing (in case of interior decoration insurance)
  • When insuring real estate and valuable property, documents confirming their value must also be submitted.
  • Photos of the insurance object taken during the preliminary inspection.

But if an individual draws up a “boxed” product, only the passport of the insured, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, is required.

The cost of property insurance

Consider how to insure property using the example of the Uralsib insurance company. The insurance policy of this company "City Apartment" is just an example of "boxed" insurance, which involves protection against fires, bays (including compensation for damage to neighbors whom you flooded), from all kinds of accidents due to burst pipes, sewer leaks and defective batteries, from household gas explosions, from natural hazards (such as, for example, lightning strikes, hurricanes, floods), from burglaries and robberies.

The cost of the policy may vary. It depends on the list of insurance objects and on the sum insured, which you choose yourself. For example, in the Uralsib company, you can issue two types of the City Apartment policy: for 2,000 and for 5,000 rubles.

Let's see how they differ.

By purchasing a policy for 2,000 rubles, you purchase insurance for a year with coverage of 300,000 rubles. In this case, household property (housing, furniture, valuables) is insured for 165,000 rubles, and the decoration of the apartment and its repair are also insured for 165,000 rubles.

By purchasing a policy for 5,000 rubles, you will receive insurance for a year with a coverage of 830,000 rubles, broken down by household property - 415,000 rubles and 415,000 rubles for the repair and decoration of the apartment.

How to apply for a policy?

Traditionally, by contacting the insurance company. Or, which is much easier, via the Internet, literally in one minute. And you don't have to go anywhere. You can pay for the policy in any way that is convenient for you. After that, all that remains is to receive the policy on your email and print it. If an insurance policy is issued online at the Uralsib insurance company, it begins to operate within 5 days after payment.

What to do if an insured event occurs?

The first thing to do is to quickly inform the insurance company about what happened, and not late specified by the insurer in the contract.

To receive insurance payments, you must provide the policyholder's passport, insurance policy, insurance contract, receipt of payment for the insurance policy, documents from the competent authorities confirming the occurrence of the insured event.

Now you know how to protect your home from trouble and save your money. This is especially true if you are often absent from home, rent or rent an apartment, just made repairs and bought new furniture and appliances.

The main thing is to choose the right insurance company (you should pay attention to how long the company has been operating on the market, ratings and reviews) and carefully consider the drafting of the contract (study the insurance rules in this company, insurance terms, stipulate the necessary risks and insurance payments), because a correctly and accurately drafted contract will allow you to quickly and easily receive an insurance payment.

If you need help with obtaining an insurance policy, please contact us.