Herbal rose cultivation. Eustoma, lisianthus or Japanese rose

Japanese rose, French, Irish, Chinese - they name this wonderful plant. In Mexico it is called the "prairie bell" and can be found in Texas, Nebraska, Colorado and South America. These flowers of extraordinary beauty simply do not allow you to pass them by. People fell in love with this wild flower so much that they decided to adapt it to home conditions.

There are several varieties of indoor plants called Japanese rose. But the representatives of the species are united by unusual colors and elegance of shapes and colors. The most popular and refined varieties are “Camellia” and “”.

The Japanese rose "Camellia", which belongs to the tea family, is particularly decorative and has delicate, exquisite flowers. Japan is considered the birthplace of the plant; camellia also grows in nature in China, on the islands of Java and the Philippines. An evergreen shrub with dense glossy foliage and beautiful bright roses that fits well into any interior.

The plant is not picky and with minimal care pleases its admirers with the elegance of flowering.

Camellia leaves are dark green and oval in shape. Flowers are simple and double. Camellia flowers come in a variety of colors: white, pink, red and even yellow. Petals can be decorated with stripes, spots and stains of different shapes and colors. With their shape, camellia flowers can resemble a rose, peony, anemone or carnation.

Camellia is a light-loving plant, but still it does not accept direct sunlight and requires shading in the summer. For the correct formation of the crown, the flower pot must periodically be turned towards the light with the side that needs the branches to grow.

During the flowering period, the rose should not be disturbed; it can shed already formed buds.

The flower requires regular watering with soft water, but only after the top of the soil has completely dried. It is better to drain excess water, since waterlogging is undesirable and can lead to rotting of the root system.

In the process of caring for a plant, it is very important to create the most suitable temperature regime in the room individually for each season:

  • in summer, the temperature should not be higher than 22-25 degrees above zero
  • in spring and during the flowering period it is better to maintain the temperature within + 15-17C
  • in winter, the temperature should be + 10-15C

The rose is replanted in the usual way: there is drainage at the bottom, oxidized soil on top, always diluted with humus. If it is not diluted, the leaves will turn yellow and may fall off. The container should match the plant: for a small plant, the pot should also be small.

It is best to propagate Camellia by cuttings from semi-lignified shoots of the plant in the spring. After two years, the camellia will delight you with riotous flowering.
You need to wear gloves when replanting and processing the flower, as it is poisonous.

A plant grown at home can also get sick, the reason for this is improper care. Rose is often sick:

  1. cucumber mosaic (leaf veins turn yellow), this disease is treated with insecticides
  2. fungal diseases (gray spots on the foliage), they are eliminated
  3. oidium (gray spots throughout the plant) - leaves are treated with soapy water

If you detect any signs of plant disease, there is no need to despair. By choosing the right treatment method, you can save your home rose from any ailment without much effort.

The indoor Japanese rose, lisianthus or grandiflora eustoma belongs to the flowering plants of the Gentian family. In nature, it grows both in lowlands and on river slopes, its homeland is the southern United States, but it is often found in Mexico and the Isthmus of Panama. The height of the plant reaches up to 90 cm; its branched stem has large green leaves and purple inflorescences. One bush can bloom with 20 buds, which will bloom one by one and create the impression of a constantly blooming rose.

Modern Japanese breeders are developing many new varieties of eustoma. Now, in addition to the natural purple color, the flowers are pink, white, yellow, apricot and even light green. Varieties differ not only in color, but also in flower shape.

Eustoma is a pearl among all types of Japanese rose.

It has thick leaves and large flowers that can reach 8 centimeters in diameter. Flowers come in incredibly beautiful colors: purple, white with edges of various shades, soft pink, yellow and greenish. They can be simple and velvety, and one dense branch of the plant, which can reach a height of 80 cm, looks like a whole bouquet, because there are up to 30 flowers on it.

When half-opened, the flower has the shape of a full, unusually delicate rose, and after opening it looks more like a poppy. A cut eustoma flower retains its marketable appearance for a long time, so flower growers in many countries around the world are engaged in breeding roses and consider it the best flower for cutting. The rose is so popular that there are more and more varieties of this unusual flower. If previously plant seeds were available only to professional flower growers, now they can easily be purchased by a simple flower lover.

With a huge variety of roses, plant varieties are divided into two types: tall and short. The first group is used for growing in gardens and greenhouses for commercial purposes, the second - for keeping on window sills. Flowers can be simple or double, of various shapes and colors - there is a rose for every taste.

Japanese roses reproduce by seeds, since dividing the bush can lead to disruption of the integrity of the root and subsequently to the death of the entire plant. Cuttings of eustomas are contraindicated, since the cut part of the plant dies without taking root.

As for the seeds, they can be purchased at flower shops or extracted from their already faded buds.

Seed collection is carried out from November to February. The rose blooms after about 20 weeks of germination, which means that a plant planted in the spring will delight its owners with its blooms the following year.

Seeds can be planted in small plastic cups filled with moist peat soil, sand and a small amount of perlite. 4 seeds are not pressed deeply into each cup, lightly sprinkled and covered with a plastic bag or jar. After a month and a half the plant.

Conditions for seedling growth:

  • (bright, diffuse)
  • (only in dry soil)
  • (after 1-1.5 months)
  • (if necessary)

If these conditions are met, the seedlings will sprout and be healthy.

You need to plant an indoor rose in a pot in early March. It is planted in pre-prepared containers, that is, pots, the diameter of which does not exceed 8 cm. Eustoma, transplanted into a large pot, will devote all its energy to strengthening and growing the root, and to flowering. The pot for replanting the crop must be filled with drainage and special soil for this flower (not acidic).

Seeds are collected from the flower in the last months of autumn, when the rose has finally faded and seed pods form in place of the flowers. Plants of the first and second generations are suitable for collecting seeds; from the third you should not take them. Unfortunately, not all Japanese rose seeds have high germination rates. To guarantee quality, it is better to choose hybrid varieties (F1 markings).

Eustomas growing indoors are less susceptible to diseases; only when overwatered they can be affected by gray rot. Thrips and whiteflies are dangerous for garden plants. They should be controlled with insecticides and fungicides.

More information can be found in the video:

Indoor eustomas are pinched off at the top when they are still seedlings. Before storage, a biennial plant is pruned to two between nodes. There is no need to be afraid to trim eustoma flowers for a bouquet; it can be done after several flowers have opened; it will definitely bloom several more times in 4-5 weeks. Pruning even stimulates the meager flowering of garden roses.

Plant and grow Japanese rose. Of course, it will require your attention and take a little time, but it is worth it. The unusual beauty and grace of the flower is so mesmerizing that you want to continuously look at it and admire it. The flower will thank you and your loved ones for your care with beautiful delicate roses.

One of the most unusual beautiful plants is considered to be eustoma or as it is also called lisianthus. It originates from Central America and is also found in countries with a humid climate, in Mexico and South America. Belongs to the Gentian family.

Florists, when composing flower arrangements, repeatedly use the Irish rose, because it not only makes bouquets more beautiful, but also lasts in a vase for about three weeks. Particularly popular are half-bloomed flowers that resemble roses. P After the buds fully open, they look like poppies. A flower similar to a rose, eustoma, can be either perennial or annual.

Perennial lisanthus description

perennial pink eustoma

It is an ornamental plant with numerous funnel-shaped double and non-double flowers, as well as bluish leaves with velvet fluff.

The bushes have similarities with roses, but differ from them in that they do not have characteristic thorns on the shoots, which is why they received the “name” - rose without thorns.

The strong stem, starting from the middle, branches into many shoots decorated with several buds. Thanks to this, just one small branch looks like a full-fledged and original bouquet.

Depending on the variety, the unusual bush can grow up to 90 cm. From July to October you can enjoy its flowering. The circumference of the flowers reaches up to 8, and sometimes up to ten cm. And when there are also a lot of them on the peduncle, just imagine how beautiful it is!

The main advantage of lisianthus is its long-lasting freshness when cut. Basically, all tall varieties are grown for cutting into bouquets.

Types and varieties

Perennial eustoma can come in a wide variety of shades. So you can enjoy purple, yellow, snow-white, pink, blue, coral, and bicolor flowers. Depending on the variety you choose, the size of the bush, the shade and diameter of the flowers will depend. Can be planted in greenhouses and garden plots, and dwarf species in pots.

  1. Annual specimens do not require care and reproduce without much difficulty. Even the most inexperienced amateur gardener can grow them.
  2. If you decide to grow a perennial type of Irish rose, then you need to work hard. If you do everything right, you can enjoy longer and more luxuriant flowering. It is often grown in pots on windowsills or in greenhouse conditions.
  3. The indoor variety is low-growing flowers, not exceeding 30 cm in height. As a rule, they grow well in well-lit rooms.

Irish rose varieties

Large-flowered Russell's lisanthus

It is considered the most beautiful and spectacular species. Found in Central America. It is characterized by a straight stem on which there are rather large flowers attached to long peduncles. The variety is similar to poppy. Regardless of what flowers decorate your shrub, you will be able to enjoy its beautiful blooms. There is a slight waxy coating on the gray-green leaves.

Eustoma cutting Mage mixture

  • Maje Deep Rose with delicate pink inflorescences similar to small roses
  • Blue Rome with exquisite blue flowers
  • Maj Red with catchy red-scarlet large peduncles soaring above the green foliage
  • Maj Yellow boasts bright golden-yellow poppies of gigantic proportions.

Double or non-double flowers can be colored blue, beige, purple, mauve, or snow-white. You can also decorate your garden with bicolor flowers that include these unforgettable colors.

Variety Matador mix - Matador mix

The height of the low-growing shrub does not exceed 25 cm. The diameter of the flowers is about 6 cm. It is a variety of Japanese selection with double flowers. All flowers are fixed above the leafy part of the plant.

Endowed with a good root system. Looks great in flower beds, but looks much more effective when planted in pots. It will last a long time in bouquets.

Has different varieties:

  • White buds similar to snow-white roses
  • Matador Blue sky blue petals
  • Rose Pink color of pink glow


It belongs to the early flowering varieties, the height of which varies from 0.9 to 1.2 meters. The shoots are decorated with double flowers of heavenly, pink and snowy white colors. Irish rose Aurora can be bred indoors or in greenhouses in winter.

Flamenco - Flamenco

Thanks to its long, strong stem, reaching up to 1.2 meters, the variety is grown for cutting into bouquets. Flowers can reach 8 cm in circumference. You can find snow-white, red, deep blue and bicolor flowers.


It is most popular among gardeners who grow lisianthus for cutting. Spreading branches reach up to 70 cm and are strewn with large buds. They begin to bloom early, opening their flowers over several weeks. There are about 11 different solid and two-tone shades.

Types and varieties of eustoma video review:

Florida pink

Indoor eustoma, which is grown indoors and is famous for its abundant flowering. Beautiful flowers bloom on 90cm shoots, which can be of various colors from the most delicate pink to bright crimson. There are about 15 shades.


The herbal rose will feel great in a pot. It grows no higher than 15 cm. There are 5 cm flowers on a branched shoot. You can enjoy the blooming purple, white, blue and pink lisianthus petals.

Little Bell

Refers to dwarf plants, reaching up to 25 cm in height. The bush is decorated with bell-shaped flowers. Most suitable for growing in a house or apartment.


The bush is completely covered with small snow-white flowers. It grows about 20 cm. It is often used in home indoor floriculture.

When compared with other flowers, eustoma is a long-term planting and care plant at home that does not require much effort.

How to propagate

Since dividing the shrub is difficult, the use of the vegetative method is not recommended. Also, the delicate root system is not easy to divide without damaging it.

The French rose, as a rule, reproduces by seeds. There were times when it was almost impossible to find eustoma seeds. Nowadays, you can easily buy the most suitable plant species for you.

After you acquire seedlings, you should not waste precious time, but start sowing as quickly as possible. After all, the acquired material must be planted on time.

Once your flowers grow, you can collect the seeds yourself.

Seed planting and care

Having become the owner of a beautiful flowering shrub, you need to prepare it for planting in the soil. Remember that the soil must be sterilized by steaming it or using hot potassium permanganate for this purpose. You can also use peat tablets, which will be no less effective.

It is worth abandoning the calcination of the soil in the oven, which some gardeners like to use. Due to this method, the nutrients contained in it will be lost, and the thornless French rose eustoma is too sensitive and may die in such soil.

From now on you should wait for the first shoots to appear. As a rule, seedlings are sown in the first days of February or March.

If you decide to sow them later, you are unlikely to see them bloom. At the time of germination, be sure to maintain the temperature, which should be 20-25 degrees.

How to care for seedlings

Growing eustoma from seeds, when the time comes to plant, needs some care.

  1. The first thing you need to do regularly is to aerate the sprouted seeds at least once a week. Thanks to this, the condensate will evaporate.
  2. In addition, ventilation will allow you to find out in time whether the seedlings need watering or not. If you notice that the soil has dried out a little, you should moisten it with a thin stream of water, which is poured along the edge of the glass.
  3. When all the necessary procedures have been carried out, be sure to cover the young plants.

You already know how and when to sow eustoma flowers from seeds at home. Now it's time to learn how to properly care for seedlings.

  1. From the first days of planting, you need to carefully monitor future bushes.
  2. If you grow them indoors, then lack of lighting can cause seedlings to stretch out. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide them with diffused light.
  3. In the last weeks of February, be sure to move the container with seedlings to a south-facing windowsill. As soon as the sun's rays warm the lisanthus, it will begin to grow more actively.
  4. After about 3 weeks, sprouts will begin to sprout.
  5. After they reach 2 cm, you need to start picking. But remember that this procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, since the Irish rose is very delicate and can easily be damaged.

Growing in peat tablets

This method is quite popular, because thanks to such tablets, lisianthus germinates much better. In addition, it will be much easier for you to transplant the plant into open ground. Eustoma or Irish rose will develop excellently in five-centimeter peat tablets, which should be placed in containers.

  • First you need slightly moisten the tablet without allowing it to swell. Never leave water in it.
  • Using tweezers, place the seedlings into the tablets and press down lightly.
  • Using a spray bottle, moisten the seedlings.
  • As soon as several leaves appear, you need to send the tablets to a special container.
  • It is very important to ensure that the root systems of neighboring seedlings do not become intertwined.

Picking seedlings

A few months later, after the seedlings have been planted, they can be planted in personal containers. But this procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to harm the sprouts.

Transfer rules

  1. In order not to harm the lisianthus, it is customary to use a thin awl for replanting. With its help, thin young plants are lifted and transferred to separate cups.
  2. But do not forget to prepare the soil in the container in advance and make holes in it using a pencil. Deepen the flowers right down to the leaves.
  3. Before you start replanting, water the soil, and after it is completed, it is worth covering the young plants for several weeks, which will allow them to take root.

The seedlings easily cope with transplantation, so after a few days they actively begin to grow.

How to water seedlings correctly

Eustoma perennial planting and care photo, showing the simplicity of this procedure, requires gardeners to take some nuances when watering seedlings.

Important! The first thing that novice gardeners should remember is that they should moisten the soil with extreme caution. Young shoots that have just appeared should be watered only in the morning, which will avoid diseases such as blackleg, which affects young shoots. Why? Yes, just in a day, the soil has time to dry out and excess moisture does not accumulate, which provokes blackleg.

Also, do not forget to get rid of infected sprouts, because you cannot cure them. In addition, if you leave them close to healthy plants, they can become infected. Covering each glass with a separate bag will help avoid infection.

Since lisianthus is very tender and is constantly in moist soil, the risk of contracting the disease is too great for it. Do not forget to take into account that the first shoots are very sensitive to changes in air temperature and draft. That is why, when installing a container in a certain place, make sure that nothing will threaten it.

Root planting

When purchasing roots, be careful as they have many elements similarities with phlox and hostas, and many sellers will sell you these instead of lisanthus.

Eustoma perennial root planting in the fall is sometimes carried out. The roots are quite delicate and very easy to damage, so if you do not want the plants to die, carry out this procedure with extreme caution. Eustoma propagation by cuttings and dividing bushes is also not recommended due to the tenderness of the roots, which can be damaged during transplantation.

How to plant in open ground

Before planting in the garden, choose a well-lit place where there will be no drafts or cold wind in the future. Bushes should be replanted on cloudy days, keeping intervals between young shoots of about 20 cm.

  • Handling the earthen lump of each bush, it is necessary to move them to pre-prepared holes.
  • As soon as the procedure is completed, cover the bush with a transparent plastic bottle cut into two parts.
  • Thanks to such unique greenhouses, you can protect the eustoma from returning frosts, direct sunlight, and also prevent moisture from evaporating.
  • When you are sure that the frost has passed and will not return, get rid of the shelter.
  • After 4 weeks, the plants will take root and at this point you need to start feeding them.

Important! Remember that the Irish rose eustoma prefers universal fertilizers used for flowering plants. But at the same time, the concentration of the solution should be reduced by 25% than indicated on the package. For this purpose, it is recommended to use plantafol, kemira, kemira lux.

Based on the time at which the seeds were sown, the time is determined when the first flowers on the plant will begin to bloom. Around July, seedlings take root in the areas where they were planted. After some time, flowers begin to bloom. Flowering lasts until the first frost.

Propagation by cuttings

Remember that eustoma does not tolerate cuttings, so you should not use this method for propagation. Be sure to spray your seedlings so that they are not attacked by a disease such as blackleg. If you do not do this, the bush will probably die.

In order to enjoy the lush flowering of lisianthus, be sure to prune the shoots after the first wave of flowering has ended.

Perennial eustoma after flowering, what to do

If you decide to cut flowers, then do not worry, as the bush feels great during this process. In addition, due to the fact that the stems are cut, new shoots will begin to actively form. The inflorescence includes about 30 flowers, which can stand in a vase for about a month, and sometimes for several months. Even though the shrub is not easy to grow, the fact that it blooms profusely makes lisianthus popular among gardeners.

Eustoma flowers photo, which shows all its beauty; after flowering ends, it goes into hibernation. During this period, all metabolic processes slow down, and the plant practically does not grow. From this moment, stop fertilizing the flower, reduce its watering and slightly reduce the temperature in the room. If you want it to please you with lush flowering again after a year, be sure to cut off all the shoots, leaving no more than 3 special points.

Irish rose, what to do in winter?

Lisianthus is afraid of frosty days, so you need to carefully prepare it for winter. Be sure to move the shrub into a container and transfer it to the loggia. When is eustoma used? growing in the Urals or Siberia, then many gardeners, in order to avoid constant replanting, initially place it in a pot and, with the onset of summer, bury it outside, and with the arrival of autumn, transfer it back indoors. This method is most popular for these cold regions.

When you choose to grow eustoma in a greenhouse for cutting in Siberia, this is even better. This method helps to obtain flowering shrubs much earlier than when propagating it in the usual way. Be sure to provide the plant with light. If there is a lack of natural light, create and add artificial light. Fluorescent lamps will do the job perfectly. Thanks to this, you will be able to grow a healthy perennial specimen that will delight you with lush flowering.

How to grow a houseplant at home

If you have grown eustoma in the garden, growing and caring for it in your apartment will not be difficult. It will look effective on a windowsill and will decorate any room.

  • Only dwarf specimens are used for planting in pots.
  • It is better to install the container on a western or eastern window, where bright diffuse lighting will prevail. If you decide to place the pot on a south-facing window sill, be sure to shade the window glass.
  • It is worth refusing to grow a bush on the north side of the building, because the absence or lack of sunlight will lead to a slowdown in development and growth.
  • If you purchased an adult plant, then it must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually, as they can harm its foliage.

How to prevent diseases

  • It is best to water seedlings both before and after planting with foundationazole.
  • Spray the sprouts with epin or zircon. Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to ensure healthy growth for your shrub, and also will not allow it to depend on negative environmental phenomena.
  • Eustoma home perennial planting and care photo showing all the procedures that need to be carried out, requires periodic spraying with Ridomil Gold. With this product you will not allow your thornless rose to wither due to fusarium. This problem is also quite common when growing flowers.

Important! But! It is still better not to spray young seedlings, as this may affect their growth. In order for it to feel good after the procedure, wait until at least 4 leaves appear on the sprouts.


Eustoma is loved not only by those who like to decorate their garden in some unusual way, but also by seasoned professionals. With its help, you can create a beautiful, unforgettable garden plot that will be completely filled with lush, bright blooms. In addition, you can decorate apartments with Irish multi-colored roses.

Divorcing it will not be difficult, the main thing is to follow all the necessary rules. In addition, you should remember that eustoma does not welcome propagation by cuttings, so opt for the option of seedlings. Follow the rules, do not forget to water and fertilize the bushes and soon you will be able to enjoy the most beautiful flowers of the extraordinary lisianthus.

The content of the article:

Eustoma is a very beautiful plant with an elegant flower shape, which is why it got its second name - Japanese rose. In Latin, the plant is known as Eustoma, and is part of the large Gentian family. For this last feature, eustoma is sometimes also called lisianthus, from the Latin term lisianthus, which means bitter flower.

The habitat of eustoma is the southern part of the continent of North America, where the flower is found in the southern United States, the Isthmus of Panama and Mexico.

Description of Japanese rose

The main advantage of eustoma is its attractive appearance with large funnel-shaped leaves and flowers that can be velvety or ordinary. The color of the flowers is very diverse, and their size in large-flowered species reaches 8 cm in diameter. The most common shades are white, lilac, pink, violet, white with a border of various colors, etc.

When lisianthus flowers are in a half-opened state, their significant similarity with rose buds is visible, which was the reason for assigning the second name. And at the moment of full opening, the eustoma flower becomes more like a poppy. The stems are quite strong and can stretch up to 85 cm in height, starting to branch strongly from the central part. Because of this feature, even one plant can look like a full-fledged bouquet, which sometimes grows 3-4 dozen flowers!

In each variety of eustoma, the peduncles are of considerable length, so the flowers are convenient to cut, and, by the way, after that they retain their beautiful appearance in the vase for a very long time.

The decorative qualities of lisianthus are so highly appreciated by everyone who sees this plant that it quickly became widespread throughout the world. In Holland, where, as is known, floriculture is on a conveyor belt, eustoma confidently retains its leadership and is one of the ten most popular cut flowers.

Varieties of eustoma

The number of individual species and varieties of this beautiful plant increases from year to year. Not so long ago, seeds were available only to those who were involved in growing flowers professionally, but now every amateur gardener can purchase them without any difficulty. When purchasing, you should take into account that all varieties are conventionally divided into two large groups - low- and tall-growing. The last group is intended for cultivation in gardens, as well as for commercial cutting purposes. Low-growing varieties are used as indoor crops and will decorate a home windowsill or balcony.

If you buy tall eustoma for the garden, then preference should be given to annual plants, since biennial varieties require appropriate painstaking care and cultivation in equipped greenhouses.

According to their type, flowers are divided into double and simple. The first ones look especially beautiful and impressive, so when choosing, you should take this point into account. If you look at the shades of the flowers themselves that are now available, then you can safely choose any one, since all the color options for lisianthus look simply amazing.

Of the interesting varieties available from us, two series can be distinguished - ABC F1 and Echo F1. The first includes Misty Blue, Pink, Blue Rome and Purple. Secondly, Deep Blue, Champagne, Rose Picoti, etc. Each of these varieties is distinguished by strong and long shoots that are decorated with large flowers with an elegant terry texture.

How to grow eustoma seedlings at home?

Eustoma is propagated exclusively by seeds. Attempts to use other common methods, unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases end in failure. An adult plant negatively perceives any impact on the rhizome, so the parts separated for reproduction die. Cuttings are also ineffective because the cut parts die before they can take root.

Propagation by seeds is quite easy, despite the fact that there is a common misconception that this procedure requires special knowledge or skills. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions and carefully maintain them for 1–2 months.

  • Sowing seeds they begin in winter, usually choosing its beginning or middle, since flowers appear approximately 4–5 months from the moment the shoots appear. Therefore, if planting begins in the spring, then the eustoma simply will not have time to bloom before the cold weather. Eustoma seeds are planted in small (50 gram) plastic glasses, into which a mixture of wet peat soil with perlite or sand is added. You can use one of the ready-made substrates, for example, the soil that is sold for Saintpaulias works well. Place 4-5 seeds per glass, lightly pressing them into the earthen mixture. This economical distribution of seed material is explained quite simply, because after 1–1.5 months they are picked. After the seeds are planted, each cup is covered with a glass jar or bag to create the desired microclimate. You can use a convenient alternative method for sowing seeds. Some amateur gardeners plant them in a peat tablet previously softened with water. There is no need to press them, just put the seeds in the hole, and the tablet itself is placed in a transparent container and covered. The advantage of this method is the complete absence of the likelihood of one of the common diseases or injury to the roots during transplantation.
  • The conditions for germination are quite simple. It is required to ensure a comfortable temperature regime of 22–23 degrees Celsius. Typically it will take 10–20 days to sprout. After planting, approximately on the 5th day, it is necessary to open the film or remove the cans to eliminate the possibility of dangerous condensation. At first, such ventilation is done for 10–15 minutes, then the time is gradually increased, adding another 10–15 minutes daily. As soon as this time period grows to 3 hours, the protective coating can be removed.
  • Lighting during the first 2 months from the moment of planting the seeds it should be diffused and bright. It is best to place glasses with eustoma seed material on shelves that are artificially illuminated by fluorescent lamps. Somewhere towards the end of winter, that is, approximately 1.5–2 months after planting, their sprouts can be placed on the windowsill, where there is the most sun. If there are no special racks at home, then you can simply carefully place the glasses with future seedlings on any convenient flat place and place a lamp with daylight above them.
  • Watering the seeds In the first 2 months it is not necessary to do this, since the initially moistened soil and polyethylene/glass cover are enough to provide a sufficient level of moisture. Moreover, due to temperature changes, condensation forms on the inside of the shelter, so the film that covers the seedlings must be periodically removed and turned inside out. At the same time, control over the condition of the soil should still be carried out; if it is noticeable that it is very dry, then you can pour in a little water, carefully adding it along the edges of the glass. Preventive measures against seedling disease. To prevent the occurrence of various diseases, eustoma can be watered with Fundazol. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of Fundazol per liter of water. Then the plant should be watered with this mixture no more than once a week. As an additional measure, it is recommended to spray the seedlings once with a solution of zircon or epin. This will prevent the possibility of blackleg disease and help the sprouts become stronger.
  • Picking. After planting the seeds, wait approximately 1–1.5 months for the seedlings to strengthen, after which they are planted in separate cups. The picking process is simple, but requires care. It is usually carried out using a thin awl, which is used to carefully pry up the eustoma sprouts, removing them from the ground. Plant the sprout in a separate cup, where a small depression is first made. The seedling is placed so that the leaves are flush with the ground, after which the soil, which must be pre-watered, is gently pressed from the sides, fixing the eustoma sprout. After completing these steps, the plant is covered with a plastic bag and left there for 1.5–2 weeks.

Planting eustoma seedlings outdoors and at home

It is best to plant eustoma seedlings in the garden in the evening, carefully moving the plant along with the earthen ball into previously prepared and watered holes. The recesses must be made so that after planting the lisianthus is at the same level as it was in the pots. After finishing planting, you should cover each plant. Cuts from plastic bottles are well suited for these purposes, as they help retain heat and moisture, protecting seedlings from frost. In this covered form, the eustoma grows for about 3 weeks.

The choice of landing site should be based on the level of illumination. Lisianthus loves to grow in the sun, and its flowers will be a worthy decoration of the garden. Therefore, you can safely choose the sunniest and most visible place. There is no need to specially prepare the soil, since our common black soil soils are excellent for growing Japanese roses.

Planting in pots for indoor floriculture is usually carried out in early March. To do this, stock up on pots in advance, the diameter of which is about 8 cm. You can take a larger size, but it has been proven that eustoma likes to grow in a small space. The bottom of the pot is filled with any composition that will ensure good drainage. For such purposes, zeolite, expanded clay or even foam can be used.

  • Watering. Lisianthus is afraid of excessive watering, so it is important not to overdo it. The plant should be watered based on the condition of the soil, ensuring a moderate supply of water to it as it dries. During the flowering period, it is important to ensure that drops of water do not fall into the buds and flowers themselves, as this can contribute to the formation of putrefactive processes and spoil the appearance of such a beautiful plant as eustoma.
  • Feeding. Fertilizer application to the soil can begin from the moment the seedlings take root. This usually occurs approximately 25–30 days after planting. Fertilizing is carried out using any good mineral fertilizer intended for flowers and soluble in water. For example, “Plantafol” has proven itself to be excellent in everyday life. If you choose this type of fertilizer, you can first use Plantafol Rost, which contains a large amount of nitrogen. In July and August, you can already switch to “Plantafol Budding”, which contains less nitrogen, but more useful phosphorus during the flowering period. Instead of Plantafol, you can use varieties of Kemira fertilizer, as well as any other high-quality options. The main thing in the feeding process is not to overdo it. Eustoma is undemanding to the intensive application of nutrients and does not like acidic soils, so it is better to apply the main types of fertilizers in concentrations that will be less than those recommended by the manufacturer.

Flowering and collecting seeds from eustoma

The flowering period, if the seeds were planted in December, begins in the second half of July and continues until October inclusive. In anticipation of the appearance of the first flowers, the eustoma begins to branch in the middle of the stem, as a result of which several dozen buds are formed on it. When they open, many beautiful and quite large flowers appear on one stem, which are pleasantly pleasing to the eye. If you don’t cut flowers for a vase, you can admire each lisianthus for 1.5–2 months! But even if you put the plant in a vase, in water it begins to take root and bloom again! But the likelihood of flowers reappearing on the street directly depends on the climate. If the autumn is warm for a long time, then eustoma will delight you with beautiful flowers for a long time.

Seed collection occurs in late autumn after the eustoma has faded and characteristic capsules have formed on it. Not all types of Japanese rose produce equally good seeds that will have a high germination rate. For these purposes, it is best to select varieties from the hybrid series labeled F1. They have beautiful flowers and a large number of good quality seeds. Plants of the first and second generations are suitable for collecting seeds; it is better not to take them from the third, since they will have many obvious and usually negative differences compared to the original type of parental eustoma. Flowers planted from second-generation seeds will also have some differences, but usually they are quite insignificant.

Control of diseases and pests of eustoma

To prevent the occurrence of various unpleasant diseases of lisianthus, due attention should be paid to preventive measures in the form of timely treatment with fungicides. During rainy periods, it is extremely important to spray the plant with Fundazol or Ridomil Gold, which protect it from major diseases. Among the latter are: powdery mildew, gray mold, fusarium, etc. When preventing with the help of chemicals, it is allowed to use an integrated approach, alternating 2-3 different drugs.

More information about growing eustoma in this video:

Eustoma (lisianthus, Japanese rose, Irish rose) is all one plant from the Gentian family, which has nothing to do with real roses, but is not inferior to them in decorativeness.

The plant is native to the southern part of North America.


Varieties of eustoma

There are almost 60 species in total, but they are conventionally divided into several groups:

By type of cultivation:

  • Tall ones are used for the garden and for cutting: Aurora, Echo, Flamenco, Heidi, etc.;

  • Low-growing ones include Russell eustomas, which are used for growing in pots at home: Mermaid, LittleBell, FloridaPink Fidelity, etc.

According to the duration of the growing season:

  • Annuals are more suitable for hobbyists as they are easier to grow;
  • Two-year-olds - for professionals;
  • There are no perennials.

By flower type:

  • Simple: “Mermaid”, “Sapphire”, “Kyoto”, “Twinkie”;

  • Terry: ABC F1: Misty Pink, Purple, Misty Blue, Blue Rim, Echo F1: varieties Deep Blue, Champagne, Rose Picoti and others.

Propagation by seeds


Reproduction is possible only with the help of seeds, since it does not tolerate disturbance of the roots, therefore replanting with the help of roots and dividing the bush is impossible, and cuttings do not produce roots at all.

Seeds can be bought at the store or collected yourself if eustoma is already in the garden. The advantage of purchased seeds is that they are all first-generation F1 hybrids and have all the characteristics declared for the variety. The second generation, grown independently, is also similar to the previous one, and the third one gives a strong split in characteristics and the decorativeness decreases.

It is better to sow seeds from November to February, since eustomas bloom only 15-20 weeks after germination. Therefore, if you plant plants in the spring, they will not have time to bloom.

Planting seeds includes the following steps:

  • Prepare moist and loose soil. To do this, you need to mix wet peat and wood humus with sand. If you can’t prepare the soil yourself, you can purchase soil for Saintpaulia;

  • Sow the seeds by lightly pressing into the soil;
  • Cover with plastic bags or glass, leaving small holes for air circulation. Once every 10-14 days they should be removed and turned inside out to remove excess condensation. If at the same time it is clear that the soil has dried out slightly, then it is better to water it a little;
  • Place in a room with diffused and bright light so that the seedlings do not stretch. The best option is sunlight or fluorescent lamps;
  • The most optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees;
  • After 12-15 days, seedlings appear;

  • After 40-45 days, the seedlings need to be planted in different containers, for example, plastic cups, which will accelerate their growth;
  • After 2-2.5 months, transfer the plants from the cups along with the earthen lump into a larger container with a diameter of 6-8 cm;

  • Gradually remove the bags, first for a short time, accustoming the plants to future living conditions;
  • Foundationazole is suitable for preventing diseases of seedlings; it should be watered as needed. You can also spray with epin, it will help the seedlings grow and serve as a disease prevention.


It is necessary to maintain moderate humidity; if it is excessive, the eustoma may develop blackleg.


  • Transplantation is done in May if there are from 4 to 8 leaves;
  • It is better to plant in the evening or when it is cloudy;
  • Plants should be taken out with a lump of earth and planted in soil fertilized with humus at the same level as they grew in containers;
  • Plant at a distance of approximately 12-15 cm from each other;
  • Cover the top with a cut plastic bottle for about three weeks, which will protect against late frosts and maintain moisture;
  • When 6-8 leaves appear, the top can be pinched for better branching.

Caring for garden eustomas

The plant prefers sunny places and fertile soil. Plant care comes down to the following:

  • Moderate watering when dry;

  • Fertilizing with Plantafol or Kemira fertilizers one month after planting, as well as in July or August;
  • Removing faded flowers;
  • Protection against various diseases (gray rot, fusrial wilt, powdery mildew) is carried out throughout the entire growing season (Ridomir gold, foundationazol, etc.). The most common pests are slugs, whiteflies, aphids; confidor, fitoverm, etc. can be used against them;
  • With the onset of frost, it is better to transplant the plant along with the soil into a pot, without disturbing the roots, and place it at home;
  • After the leaves turn yellow, the stems should be cut to 2-3 internodes and left in a cool, ventilated room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees with virtually no watering or fertilizing until spring.

Caring for indoor eustoma


Indoor eustoma is quite successfully grown in pots and differs from garden eustoma, only in lower growth.

To grow it at home, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Scattered light;
  • Temperature 20-22 degrees;
  • Ventilation;
  • Moderate watering with soft, settled water;

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight; the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening - 55-60 and late ripening - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.