Application for the transfer of foreign currency sample filling. Recommendations for filling out an application for a foreign currency transfer

Real Rules are the main document, which determine the procedure and correctness of filling out the transfer application, are intended for the Bank's employees to perform control functions and are provided to assist the transferor and respondent banks.

All additions and corrections in the text of the transfer application, certified by the signature of authorized persons, must be submitted to the bank before the payment is sent.

Basic terms:

Transferor - the initiator of the payment, the payer, the sender of funds;

Beneficiary - the final recipient of funds;

Field 32 "Currency and amount of transfer"

Transfer amount 1. in digits

2. in words.

Transfer currency 1. in digits (currency code)

2. in words


10 000 – 54 USD (Ten thousand 54/100 USD)

Field 50 "Translator"- required field. Filled in Latin, the name and address of the transferor, TIN and / or date and place of birth (for individuals), KIO (for non-residents). When transferring funds to the customs authorities, it is also necessary to indicate the OKPO of the transferor.

Field 56 "Intermediary bank" - Filled in Latin, optional field. It is filled in if, according to the terms of the contract, the payment must be made through a specific correspondent bank, or in the cases described below.

Field 57 " Beneficiary's bank" - Filled in Latin, required field. The details of the beneficiary's bank can be given in various formats. The beneficiary's bank is always the bank (or branch of the bank) where the beneficiary holds the account specified in the application.

The details of the beneficiary's bank are considered sufficient to make the payment if the application contains the following data:

Name of the bank (bank branch) of the beneficiary;

Address of the bank (bank branch) of the beneficiary;

City, country;

Preferably (and preferably) the code of the beneficiary's bank in the SWIFT system, or the code of the bank in the national clearing system (if they exist and are known to the transferor).

In cases where the beneficiary's bank cannot be identified by the BIC code (CHIPS, FedWire, BLZ, etc.), and the payment is made in a currency other than the national currency of the beneficiary's bank, field 56 of the transfer request must indicate correspondent bank through which the beneficiary's bank receives payments in the currency indicated by the transferor in the application.

If in the above case the correspondent bank is not indicated by the transferor, and the bank employee cannot determine it using directories, the application is returned to the transferor for clarification with the beneficiary of payment instructions.

SWIFT (S. W. I. F. T.) code format (or BIC - Bank Identifier Code) - 8 or 11 characters. The difference in the number of characters from the specified one is an error in determining the beneficiary bank and may serve as a basis for returning the application to the transferor in the absence of other accurate data on the beneficiary's bank in the application.

Field 59 "Beneficiary"- Filled in Latin, required field. The account number and the name of the beneficiary and his address are indicated. The name and address of the beneficiary must be indicated in the application without abbreviations in the language in which they are registered. In case of transfer of funds to a resident of the Russian Federation, the name of the beneficiary is indicated in Latin, as well as the TIN and / or date and place of birth (for individuals), KIO (for non-residents). When transferring funds to the customs authorities, it is also necessary to indicate the OKPO of the beneficiary.

If the IBAN of the beneficiary is known, it must be indicated. The absence of an IBAN when making transfers in the currencies of European countries may lead to a payment delay and additional commissions.

Field 70 "Purpose of the transfer" - Filled in Latin here, the originator provides information for the beneficiary, which helps the latter to accurately identify the payment belongs to a particular transaction (contract number, invoice number, etc.). It is recommended to fill in this field concisely and accurately, without excessive detail - for example, do not use the "extra" words " import payment contract no....".

It is also highly recommended to indicate the name of the goods and services for which payment is made. The absence of this information does not exclude the possibility of a transfer being executed by a foreign bank, but may lead to a delay in payment and / or correspondence between banks, which may entail additional costs on the part of the transferor.

Field 71A "Expenses"- to whose account (translator, beneficiary, in half) are the costs of the transfer.

Field 72 "Additional information" - Filled in Latin, optional field. It is used when it is necessary to transfer information that cannot be transferred in other fields.

If the information specified in this field is a continuation of the field, 59), then the line should begin with the number 56 (respectively 57, 59).

Field "Information for currency control" - In Russian the required information for the purposes of currency control is indicated, for example - PSI, GTD, etc. For Bank transferrs using the "Transfer-Bank" system: this is the only field that can be filled in Russian. To correctly fill in this field, you should keep in mind that this field contains two lines of 256 characters each - that is, the lines go off the screen.

It is undesirable to duplicate information from other fields - for example, it is not necessary to indicate the contract under which the payment is made in paragraph 70 and in this field.

1.2. For translation Money in foreign currency, the client must submit to the Bank for execution the completed Application form for foreign currency transfer (hereinafter referred to as the Application). The format of the form complies with the standards of the SWIFT system and the existing technology for processing payments in foreign currency in the Bank's settlement system.

1.3. The application form is divided into three blocks. The first block contains the information of the Payer with instructions to the Bank for making the transfer. The second block is filled in with contact information about the Payer. The third block contains information for the purposes of currency control.

1.4. To select a filling option, a mark in the form of an “x” is made in the corresponding box.

1.5. The following signs are not allowed in the Application:

№ % # $ & @ ” = \ { } ; * « » ! _ .

1.6. The fields of the Application are divided into mandatory and optional fields. If the client does not fill in at least one of the required fields, the Application is not accepted by the Bank for execution.

1.7. If incorrect (incomplete) information about the payer, beneficiary, beneficiary's bank (beneficiary's bank branch), intermediary bank and purpose of the transfer is indicated, the transfer may be returned without execution or the transfer will be subject to correspondence to clarify the necessary details, which will lead to a delay in its execution and incurring additional costs. Commissions for investigations may be charged not only by correspondent banks, but also by other banks involved in the payment. If incorrect or incomplete details are submitted to the Bank, the Bank is not responsible for the timing of the transfer.

1.8. The Application is accepted for execution, drawn up in one copy, certified by the seal and signatures of authorized persons in accordance with the card of signature samples and seal imprint.


2.1.Field 20 "PAYMENT ORDER" - the serial number of the Application is indicated. The field format for the number is no more than 5 numeric characters.

2.2.Field 32A "DATE" - Date of the Application - indicate the day, month, year in figures in the YYMMDD format. Example: 130610.

The application is valid for 10 calendar days from the date of issue (excluding the day of issue).

2.3.Field 33B "INSTRUCTION CURRENCY" – specify the currency (letter code of the currency) 1 . The field size is 3 alphabetic characters. Example: USD

2.4.Field 33B "ORDER AMOUNT" - the transfer amount is indicated with two decimal places. The field size is 15 numeric characters. Example: 5100,35 2

Field "AMOUNT IN SPEECH" - the amount of the transfer is indicated in capital letters. whole part the amount is decrypted in full, the fractional part is indicated in the format 00/100.

It is allowed to fill in the field in Russian.

Example: Five thousand one hundred US dollars 35/100.
In case of discrepancies in the amount indicated in figures and in words, or when the letter code of the currency does not correspond to the name of the currency in words, as well as in the presence of corrections in the amount and name of the currency, the Application for execution is not accepted.

2.5.Field 50 F "ON REQUEST" – the full (or abbreviated depending on the length of the field) trade name of the Payer is indicated on English language, corresponding to the information provided earlier to the Bank, the TIN or KIO number, the payer's account number, the address of the location in accordance with the payer's charter (street, house / building number, city, country, postal code), as well as OKPO, if the funds are sent to the customs authorities , in the following sequence:

Account number,

address (name or street number, house number, apartment number) - no more than 33 characters,

location (country code 3 / city name (additionally, region, district, postal code can be indicated separated by commas) - no more than 33 characters,

TIN / KIO if available.

The field length, including TIN/KIO and payer's account number, cannot exceed 140 characters.

Example : 40702840304600000441



2.6. Field 56 "INTERMEDIARY" - the details of the intermediary bank (Intermediary Bank) are indicated in full, without abbreviations. This field is optional, however, if the payment is made in a currency other than the national currency of the beneficiary's bank, it is desirable that the Application specifies the intermediary bank through which the beneficiary's bank receives funds in the currency specified by the payer.

The details of the intermediary bank are considered sufficient for the transfer if the Application contains the following data:

  • SWIFT intermediary bank code or intermediary bank code in the national payment system (if they are known to the payer). SWIFT bank code consists of 8 or 11 characters (combination of Latin letters and numbers). Codes of national payment systems are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Recommendations;

  • full name of the intermediary bank (branch of the intermediary bank);

  • address of the intermediary bank (branch of the intermediary bank) indicating the city and country.

SWIFT code 4 ,

account number (if known) 5

name - no more than 33 characters,

address (street name, house number, apartment number) - no more than 33 characters),

location (city, country or country code, additional information separated by commas) - 33 characters in total.

Options for filling in the details of the correspondent bank:

If there is no information in this field, the Bank reserves the right to independently choose the payment route.
2.7. Field 57 "BENEFICIARY'S BANK" –Beneficiary Bank – the bank (branch of the bank) where the account specified in the Application is opened for the recipient. This field is mandatory. The details of the beneficiary's bank are indicated in full, without abbreviations. The details of the beneficiary's bank are considered sufficient for the transfer, if the Application contains the following data:

  • SWIFT code of the beneficiary's bank or bank code in the national payment system (if they are known to the Payer);

  • full name of the beneficiary's bank (branch of the beneficiary's bank);

  • address of the beneficiary's bank (branch of the beneficiary's bank) indicating the city and country. For transfers to the United States, the state must be indicated;

  • correspondent account number of the beneficiary's bank with the intermediary bank (if it is known to the Payer) in case of specifying the details of the intermediary bank.

Some options for filling in the details of the beneficiary's bank:

Non-compliance of the SWIFT code specified in the Application with the name and / or location of the bank in accordance with the data of the international directory "The Bankers Almanach" (published by "Reed Business Information", UK) 6 , as well as a discrepancy in the number of characters in the SWIFT code, is the basis for a return Applications to the Payer without execution to clarify the details.
2.8. Field 59 "RECIPIENT" – the details of the Recipient of funds in foreign currency are indicated. This field is mandatory. The field length is 140 characters, and each individual line should not exceed 35 characters. In this field, it is necessary to clearly indicate the details of the Recipient in strict sequence, namely:

  • account number or IBAN for transfers sent to the countries specified in Appendix 2 to the Recommendations;

  • full name of the Recipient;

  • the full address of the Recipient, including the name or street number, house number, city and country.
Information is indicated in the following sequence:

account number (IBAN code 7 is indicated, if it is absent, the account number is indicated),


address (street name, house number, apartment number),

location - (city, country or country code, additional information separated by commas),

taxpayer code 8 .

Example: 828476


12, The Shrubberies, George Lane

London, UK
IBAN number (International Bank Account Number) is an international standard for a client's account number in a bank, which includes: country code, code of the bank and its branch, client's account number in this bank 9 . The list of countries where the IBAN number is mandatory is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Recommendations.

You can check the correctness of the IBAN on the following sites on the Internet:


In the absence of the name and address of the Recipient (city, country), the Application for execution is not accepted.
2.9.Field 70 "PAYMENT INFORMATION" – is intended for the Payer to indicate information that allows the Recipient to identify whether the transfer of funds belongs to a particular transaction (name of goods, work performed, services rendered, contract number and date, contract number, invoice number, etc.).

This field is mandatory. Information is indicated only in English and is located on four lines of 35 characters each. The maximum number of characters is 140.

Example: CTR 05/79-103 DD 2013/02/13, INVOICE 002003000456
2.10.Box 71 "YOUR COMMISSIONS/COSTS" - is subject to mandatory completion and is intended for the Payer to indicate the party at whose expense the costs are incurred and commissions for the transfer are paid.

  • at our expense (OUR) - the Payer pays the Bank's commission for the transfer;

  • at the expense of the recipient (BEN) – the Bank's commission will be deducted from the transfer amount.

Applications that do not contain a mark on the method of withholding the commission are not accepted for execution.
2.11.Field "EXPENSES OF CORRESPONDENT BANKS" – is intended to indicate by the Payer the party at whose expense the costs and commissions of intermediary banks involved in the transfer are made.

The client marks the choice of option with an “x” sign:

  • at our expense (OUR) – the Payer pays commissions of intermediary banks for the transfer;

  • at the expense of the recipient (BEN) – commissions of intermediary banks will be deducted from the transfer amount.
Filling in the field is optional.

If the client indicates in field 71 a mark on the payment of the Bank's commission by the Payer, and in the field "Expenses of correspondent banks" a mark on the withholding of the commission of intermediary banks from the transfer amount, the SHA code is used in the MT 103 payment order.
2.12.Field 72 "SENDER'S INFORMATION TO RECIPIENT" – is used to transfer by the Bank information intended for banks participating in the payment. The field size is 210 characters. Filling in the field is optional.

The information can be located on six lines, the first line indicates the code word and 30 characters, the lines from the second to the sixth can contain 33 characters per line.

Additional information may be for:

with code word /REC/ - for Vozrozhdeniye Bank 10 ,

with code word /ACC/ - for the beneficiary's bank 11 ,

with the code word /INT/ - for an intermediary bank.
2.13. Field "AMOUNT TO TRANSFER" - indicates the method of transferring funds. The choice of the transfer method is marked by the client with an “x”. Filling in the field is optional.
2.14.The field "When executing the order at our expense, please debit the commission from our account No." – the number of the Payer's account from which the commission for the transfer will be deducted is indicated.

The account number may differ from the account number specified in the "By order" field.
2.15.BUSINESS MANAGER field - handwritten signatures of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant are affixed, which are certified by the seal of the organization.

A legal entity or an individual entrepreneur affixes signatures and a seal of the organization in accordance with the card of signatures and seals.
2.16.Block with contact information - the full name is indicated. a representative of the client authorized to resolve the issue of transferring funds in foreign currency and his contact phone number. The data can be supplemented with an email address.

The numeric country code of the beneficiary's bank is indicated 12 .
2.17.Block with information for currency control:

2.17.1 indicate the code of the type of currency transaction in accordance with the current currency legislation 13 ;

2.17.2 indicate the number of the transaction passport issued by the Bank. If the transfer is related to settlements under a contract (loan agreement) that does not require the issuance of a transaction passport, the field is not filled in.


1. General requirements on filling out an application for a transfer in foreign currency
When filling out an application for a transfer in a foreign currency, it is allowed to use letters of the Latin alphabet, a space, numbers and the following symbols:










The use of Cyrillic and other characters in the fields is NOT ALLOWED.

Additional requirements of Kazakhstan and China when transferring funds in the currencies of these countries (Kazakh tenge (KZT) and Chinese yuan (CNY) are presented in Section 3.

2. Filling in the fields of the transfer application


Field name

Filling rules

Transfer Application

Required to fill

The serial number of the application for transfer is indicated

the date

The date of the application for transfer is indicated


Amount and currency

Required to fill

Specify the payment amount and currency code



Required to fill

The details of the client making the transfer of funds are indicated:

The number of the client's account from which funds are debited during the transfer;

The name of the client, full or short, provided for by the constituent documents of the client;

TIN (taxpayer identification number) of the client;

Full address

City, country


Intermediary bank

Details of the bank in which the beneficiary's bank (field 57A) has a correspondent account are indicated:


The beneficiary's bank

Required to fill

The details of the bank in which the beneficiary has an account (field 59) are indicated:

SWIFT international payment system code (consists of 8 or 11 characters) or

National clearing code;

Correspondent account number of the beneficiary's bank in the intermediary bank (if any);

Name and address of the beneficiary's bank (if the national clearing code is indicated).


Required to fill

The details of the beneficiary are indicated:

Account number in the beneficiary's bank (field 57A);

When transferring funds in favor of clients of banks in the countries of the Europayments zone, the account number is indicated in the formatIBAN. A table of countries is provided in Section 4.

Name of the client or full name of an individual;

Full address of the beneficiary.


Purpose of payment

Required to fill

Information about the transfer is indicated:

The purpose of the transfer (payment for goods, services, education, vouchers, real estate, etc.);

Number and date of the contract, invoice.


Translation costs
Required to fill

It is indicated at whose expense commissions are paid when making a transfer. This indicates one from codes:

BEN - transfer costs are borne by the payee; commissions of all banks participating in the transfer are deducted from the transfer amount.

SHA - transfer costs are shared between the sender and recipient of the payment, commissions of some banks participating in the transfer may be deducted from the transfer amount.

OUR - transfer costs are borne by the sender of funds. In some cases (due to agreements between the participating banks of the transfer), the transfer fee may be deducted from the payment amount.


Additional Information

The field is optional

Specifies information for the banks involved in the payment processing.

The code word /FULLPAY/ is indicated, which means that the client uses the service of guaranteed receipt of a transfer in US dollars to the beneficiary in the full amount (used only with the code word OUR in field 71).

3. Additional requirements for transfers in national currencies (KZT, CNY)
For transfers toKZTnecessary:
- indication of the beneficiary's account in IBAN format in field 59;

Indication of the BIN / IIN of the beneficiary in field 59;

Indication of payment purpose code (KNP) at the beginning of the first line fields 70. The table of payment purpose codes is located at the link ;

Duplication of the SWIFT code of the beneficiary's bank (field 57) in field 72.
For transfers toCNYnecessary:
- indication of payment purpose codes in favor of beneficiaries located in the mainland of China (a distinctive sign of the bank's belonging to the mainland of China is the letters CN in the bank's SWIFT code) in field 72. The table of payment purpose codes is indicated in Section 5.

Specifying the SWIFT code branch the beneficiary's bank in field 57 if the beneficiary's bank is a Bank of China branch, for example:


- indication of the code of the CNAPS (China National Advanced Payment System) payment system of the beneficiary's bank in field 57 (in addition to the SWIFT code), if the beneficiary's bank is not the Bank of China, for example:
57:/CN10231 1 762100



Codes SWIFT and CNAPS should be requested from the partner in China

4. List of countries and territories using the codeIBANfor international payments




Virgin Islands


5. Table of codes for the respective payment formats inCNYand a list of operations:


Operation & Description


Payment for goods:

Payment for goods, including transactions of individual entrepreneurs, purchases of any nature, payment under documentary letters of credit, collections, advance payments, etc.



Refund for goods (full)

Refund of goods (partial)


Service payment

Payment for services, including operations of individual entrepreneurs, services of any nature (communications, transport, construction, installation, insurance, financial, computer, housing and communal services, information, rent, licensing, advertising, auditing, booking, sports and entertainment, research , medical, registration, etc.)



Refund for services (full)

Refund for services (partial)


Capital operations

Operations with non-financial assets, capital changes (increase/decrease), direct investments, shareholders' investments, lending, securities, etc.



Repayment of capital transactions (full)

Repayment of capital transactions (partial)


Other operations

Current operations, transfer of profits, bonuses, dividends, taxes, scholarships, pensions, etc.

6. Fulfillment of requests for outgoing transfers in foreign currency.
(request about the fate of the transfer / change of payment details, request to cancel the transfer) by the Bank on the basis of a written application of the client (the form is given below) are carried out.


to conduct an investigation on an outgoing payment in foreign currency of a client-legal entity

Account N ________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter - Account)
Name of client ________________________________________________________

□ Please cancel the payment.
□ Please ask the beneficiary's bank for the date on which the beneficiary's account will be credited.
□ Please find out the reason for the banks withholding an additional commission in the amount of _____________ from the transfer amount _______________________________________.

□ Please change the payment details to the following:

Payment date ________________________________________
Currency code and payment amount (in figures) ____________________________________________

Commission of PJSC "CHELINDBANK" for conducting investigations, as well as commissions of third banks participating in the investigation of this Application, if any are presented:
□ Please debit our account No. ____________________________________________
□ Commitment to pay

To be completed by a Bank employee:

Commission charged:
_______________________/______/ "____" _________ 20__

(full name, signature, date)