In which movie do Ron and Hermione kiss? Hermione Granger's First Kiss

This week has been a good one for me and I was finally able to get out to London to interview the cast on the set of Harry Potter. Today I want to tell you about Rupert Grinte, who played the red-haired, beloved Ron Weasley.

Is it true that you had to leave the set during the kiss between Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Hermione (Emma Watson) because you couldn't stop laughing?
Yep, it was the case. Emma and Dan kissed with silver body paint to make the scene surreal.

Was Dan also asked to come out when you were kissing Emma?

Was this film more physically demanding than the others? How did you manage filming?
Yes, the seventh part is physically more difficult than the previous ones. The heroes are no longer at Hogwarts, but in the real world full of dangers. Wherever they go, they risk their lives. There were a lot of running loads, which I'm not used to. Of course, in other films there were also chases, but in the seventh part they took on an aggressive character.

What was it like working away from Hogwarts?
I enjoyed filming scenes outside of school without all those annoying props. We slept right under the open sky, it was an amazing time.

In parallel, you starred in other films. How much free time did you have? After all, in the seventh part you are in almost every scene.
You are right, I worked almost every day, and there was almost no free time left. When I took a vacation for a few months, I immediately wanted to try myself in a new role. I'm glad that I managed to light up in other films besides Harry Potter. On top of all that, I was able to get some rest.

By taking time off and doing other projects, did you gain the experience to continue filming Harry Potter?
Certainly. Than with big amount the people you work with, the more you learn. It's really curious to see how other films are made. Harry Potter gave me a unique shooting experience. I know I won't experience anything like this again, so it's interesting to watch other directors work.

Daniel and I talked about shooting the first and last films. Has anything changed since the arrival of David Yates? Did your character stay the same or did the director change as well?
Oh, David is a great director! He gave us more freedom and gave us the opportunity to play this or that scene at our discretion. During these 10 years, I was able to get used to my role, so I did not have any problems.

Soon the first Harry Potter films will be shown on television. Probably after watching you will say: "Oh my God, how have I changed?"
Yes, it is simply impossible not to notice the difference, especially in the first films. Everything happened before our eyes. All previous films are like home videos of my growing up. [Laughter] I can always go back to it and remember the old days.

Tom Felton told us that he learned a lot interesting facts about Draco thanks to JK Rowling. How well do you know Ron?
I don't think I know everything about him. Joan didn't give me any advice or comment. I acted according to the book and most of all I was afraid to find out that in the end my hero would die.

Did you turn to books before you started filming?
Of course, I re-read the books before every movie to refresh my memory.

When did you find out Ron and Hermione were going to be together?
Already in the first part, notes of love were traced. This became especially noticeable after the scene of jealousy. It was clear that Ron and Hermione's kiss was indispensable in the final film. But most of all, I was surprised by the epilogue when I found out that we would have children together.

Do you take advice from the Harry Potter directors? In all these years, what advice have they given you?
Of course, I was lucky with the directors. I have learned something from each of them. All of them have their own approach to the film. But I think that only David Yates was consistent and kept close to history. It was very easy and interesting to work with him.

What is Yeats like at work?
David had complete confidence in the actors and provided complete freedom. Maybe because we justified his hopes. All in all, he is a great director.

Talking about filming an epilogue is hard for each of us. But it is in the epilogue that the most interesting events take place, which it is simply a sin not to ask about.
Yes it is. At the first meeting with the children in the film, we all remembered ourselves in childhood. They were so similar to us that I was even a little scared. [Laughter] I'm looking forward to Ron's daddy scene. [Laughs] I'm not a grown man, but I hope it didn't turn out so bad.

The scene with the medallion was really scary. How was it for you to work on the green screen and provoke strong emotions?
This is a great moment for Ron, where he can finally feel like a hero by destroying the Horcrux. The medallion began to manipulate him, talking about family and Hermione, but Ron stood up to the Horcrux. This was the best scene, despite the fact that it was given to me with difficulty.

What do you know about this episode?
I was informed that in this scene there will be a kiss between Daniel and Emma.

What do you value most about Ron?
Ron has always been my favorite character in the book. I felt a strong connection with him, and a little with Ginny. I just liked the laid-back nature of my character.

Did you reread the essay about your character that Alfonso Cuarón asked you to write?
I think Dan and Emma wrote something [Laughs] But I didn't write anything, I really don't remember why. Oh yes. I was taking my exams at the time.

Do you remember anything from the set of Harry Potter?
It's hard to say goodbye to a movie without taking anything with you. On the last day, I screwed up Ron's house number. And they gave me a deluminator, which I was incredibly happy about!

I know the Deathly Hallows will burn Hogwarts. What other surprises did you provide us with in the final part?
The second part is just awful. It reminded me of a war movie. People are dying all over the world. The Gryffindor common room where I grew up is in pieces. This is the last movie. Everything, end. There will be no continuation. And this is very sad to realize.

After 10 years of filming, how long will you move away from being Ron?
I don't know how long it will take and don't want to go into details. Shooting took half of my life. I don't remember life before that.

The most anticipated kiss of a feature-length series about a boy wizard with a scar on his forehead took place without the participation of Harry Potter. The love affair in two parts of the final seventh Harry Potter movie will be built on the relationship between Hermione and Ron, and the key moment of their love story has already been filmed.

Actress Emma Watson for the final part of the adventures of Harry Potter was the only one of the trio of bosom friends who never had a kiss on the big screen. Daniel Radcliffe was the first to be baptized in “The Order of the Phoenix”, in “The Half-Blood Prince” Ron also enters the image of a womanizer - however, for the “first contact”, the red-haired joker does not choose Hermione. Nevertheless, both Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, and millions of fans of the magical saga knew perfectly well where everything was going.

“Rupert and I were very worried. First of all, because we desperately wanted this moment to finally be filmed and left behind, but just because of this, the kiss could look like something unremarkable, Emma recalls. - This kiss was supposed to express 10 years of tension, a rampage of hormones and established chemistry between the heroes - and in just one moment. We had to deal with it." “It's not like we were looking forward to this moment,” corrects co-star Rupert Grint. “It’s a rather strange thing to even think about.”

Despite trying to take a serious tone in the conversation about kissing, yesterday's teenager Watson, who turned from an ugly duckling into a swan during the filming of the Potter series, still modestly wrinkles her nose. “Kissing in movies is always so awkward,” Reuters quoted the most beautiful girl sixth film. “Kissing is always awkward for some reason.”

Daniel Radcliffe was also dissatisfied with his last kiss - so much so that he even asked for forgiveness from the audience for him. In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter's attention is completely captured by Ron's sister Ginny. “I watched the movie again a couple of days ago and found that my lips are like the lips of a horse when kissing,” lamented the lead actor in the film.

The sixth film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" can be seen on July 16th. The seventh picture of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will be released in two parts: the first is expected by the end of 2010, the second - in the summer of 2011. The creators have not yet revealed in which of them Ron and Herimone will finally reveal their feelings to each other.

Meanwhile, this final kiss is the only hope left for the fans. Over the years the trio spent on the set, they never once gave rise to anyone suspecting anything more than a friendly relationship between them. On the eve of the premiere of the sixth film, Watson advised Potter fans to once and for all leave any thoughts that the title trinity in real life will ever be tied by love bonds. “We grew up together and perceive each other exclusively on a family level. So I must disappoint you: there were no couples in our company, ”Emma categorically cut off.

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If you are one of those who are still waiting for a letter from Hogwarts, then this post is for you.

Until it comes website invites you to digress and learn the secrets of the magical world.

1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley never officially graduated from Hogwarts

After Voldemort was killed and his minions surrendered, neither Ron nor Harry wanted to return to Hogwarts and graduate. Only Hermione (unexpectedly) wanted to pass all the exams and participate in the graduation. However, all this did not prevent the guys from getting a job at the Ministry of Magic. Harry and Ron became Aurors (fighters with dark magic), and Hermione received a post in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. If we take into account The Cursed Child (this is a play and a script book), then she also became the Minister of Magic.

2. How old were Dumbledore and Voldemort at the time of death?

Dumbledore was really old, at the time of his death he was 115 years old, almost reached 116. Voldemort, no matter how much he wanted to become immortal, died at only 71 years old.

3 Harry, Ron And Hermione Appeared On Chocolate Frog Cards

Moaning Myrtle - a ghost girl - was about a year old at the time of her death. Interestingly, she was entrusted to play the adult actress Shirley Henderson, who coped with her task remarkably, despite the fact that she was years old at the time of shooting Goblet of Fire.

6 Hagrid Didn't Have His Own Patronus

Due to the fact that this spell was very difficult for him, the giant could not defend himself against the Dementors. It's a good thing he never met them after Azkaban.

7 Rupert Grint Was Kicked Off Set While Filming Hermione And Harry Kiss

It is not known what made Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) laugh so much that he laughed so deafeningly when Daniel and Emma pretended to kiss Harry and Hermione, but he was even removed from the set to finish the scene calmly.

8. Hogwarts is a free school

When the Internet calculated the approximate cost of studying at a school of magic, Rowling categorically denied that Hogwarts takes money for education. According to her, it is the Ministry of Magic that pays all the school expenses. If only it were so in our world.

9. It took 40 people 7 months to build Hogwarts for the movie.

The decorators did a great job building the layout of the building in such a short time. Moreover, the work did not end throughout the filming, as the required angles changed from film to film. But their work did not disappear even after all the films were shot. This layout can be seen in the current theme park.

10. Until the age of 11, wizard children are homeschooled.

By virtue of the "Statute of Secrecy", wizards under the age of 11 must be brought up at home, since it is believed that before this age they cannot control their magical power and ordinary people can expose them

11. Glasses are Daniel Radcliffe's favorite prop.

Harry Potter's calling card is round glasses. No wonder they sunk into Daniel's heart so much. In total, during the filming, he "demolished" 160 pairs.

12. JK Rowling's favorite mythical character is the phoenix

13 Dumbledore's Biggest Dream Is His Family Reunion

The professor saw his family together in the mirror of Einalezh (a mirror showing the innermost desire of a person). His father, mother and sister are alive, and his brother again began to warmly communicate with him. This is what Dumbledore saw instead of the woolen socks he told Harry Potter about.

14. Dean Thomas always thought he was a Muggle because he was raised by his mother and foster father - common people

A classmate of Harry, Ron and Hermione, Dean Thomas, thought in vain that he was from a Muggle family. Indeed, his mother and stepfather were ordinary people, but Thomas' real father is a wizard. He never revealed to his wife who he was because he feared for her life. Killed by the Death Eaters due to his refusal to join them.

15. Ordinary people on the site of Hogwarts see the ruins

Part 1.
Chapter 1.
Hermione gnawed at her pen nervously, the right thought slipping away all the time, besides, the buzz in the Common Room interfered. The students were laughing, joking, talking loudly and didn't seem to think about the lessons at all. In the corner, the girls were playing "magic knots", and laughter was constantly heard from there. Hermione was frowning, angry, but decided not to leave until she finished her essay. There was only one last paragraph, the most important one. Finally, despite the noise, Hermione managed to successfully formulate the idea that tormented her, and she began to write it hastily.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that she noticed Ron hovering guiltily at the table. And it seems like it's been a long time.
Hermione glared at him angrily.
- What do you have today? Again an essay to correct?
Ron was a little taken aback by her rude tone and mumbled uncertainly:
- Yes, an essay… this… please.
“It’s high time to learn to write yourself,” the excellent student snapped mercilessly.
- Soon the game, you know. Harry asked to be sure to be in training today. And this damn essay is due tomorrow.
Ron looked miserable. Hermione gave him an icy look, completely Snape-like.
- All right, come on. But this is the last time.
The parchment moved into her hands, and Ron immediately happily disappeared out the door. She looked after him, pursing her lips in resentment: like this always, write, correct, prompt, help ... And they themselves have fun with Quidditch, while she laboriously corrects their mistakes. Friends are called...
The mood deteriorated, and I got tired of doing it. The bursts of laughter were annoying. At another time, she, perhaps, having finished her work, would have joined the players. But today someone else's fun unbearably acted on the nerves.
Hermione finished her essay and began collecting numerous books and parchments.
- Where are you going? Sit with us, - Parvati called her, looking up from the game.
"I'll go and rest," Hermione waved her hand vaguely and almost dropped one of the books.
Arriving in her room, she casually threw her textbooks on the bed, which she had never done before, and suddenly burst into tears. The essay, which was spent so much precious time, fell to the floor and crumpled, feathers rolled under the bed. Hermione didn't pay any attention. She was unbearably offended. Her friends, her only closest friends, had completely forgotten her, traded her for Quidditch, for Lavender Brown, for someone else... No, they didn't forget to contact her regularly for help with their studies, but they had fun without her.
Ron kissed Lavender around the clock, taking breaks only for food and Quidditch. She bumped into this couple everywhere and everywhere. And Harry... No, Harry hasn't kissed anyone yet. But she had recently noticed how fondly he looked at Ginny Weasley, how he talked to her at Quidditch practice.
And why is she, Hermione, worse? Why isn't she invited to Hogsmeade or a date by the lake? Although you have to give Seamus Finnigan credit, he tried. True, nothing good came of the date. Hermione would rather go out with her friends. As always. Like before.
She sobbed, remembering her recent trip to Hogsmeade, and wiped her eyes. Harry and Ron invited her and she gladly accepted. But before the three of them reached the village, Lavender and Ginny caught up with them.
- Oh, Bon-Bon! Lavender squealed and immediately hung around Ron's neck.
And Ginny had a lively conversation with Harry about Quidditch. Hermione felt superfluous and quietly withdrew towards Hogwarts.
Minutes flowed slowly, dreary evil thoughts slowly crept. The sun has long since set. Hermione finally woke up to find herself in total darkness. I had to turn on the light and put myself in order.
“We need to study,” she decided firmly, aiming her wand. - Accio, feathers! And to hell with romance!
Now it was necessary to consistently implement decision, ignoring trifles like love notes, dates by the lake, and moonlight walks. No sooner said than done. And when Harry once approached her in the library, he was surprised to find that the mountain of textbooks in front of his friend was twice the usual size.
He walked around the fortress wall of books, found a small gap and whispered softly:
"Hermione, let's go for a walk while the weather is nice."
- A? What? – disheveled head emerged from behind a mountain of books.
Harry winked conspiratorially.
- The weather, I say, is good. Let's go to the lake.
Hermione waved absently.
"Ah, no, Harry, I can't right now. There is something else to read here.
- Well, okay, as you know.
And Harry started walking towards the exit. It wasn't until five minutes later that Hermione realized exactly what he had said to her. Understood - and her eyes immediately treacherously pinched. Harry suggested that she go for a walk. Myself. But she refused, she exchanged a friend for these damned textbooks! And she burst into tears again, since no one saw her behind a huge pile of books.
Unbeknownst to herself, she became touchy, taciturn and irritable. She tried to convince herself that it was easier to live if you did not hope for anything and did not notice that attentive eyes were constantly watching her.
Valentine's Day didn't bode well for her. She did not expect valentines from anyone, and she herself did not write to anyone. And, unlike the other students, she sat at the table, gloomy and taciturn, leafing through the newspaper. Everyone around laughed, joked and launched flying hearts. One fell near her plate. Hermione eyed the pink misunderstanding suspiciously.
"Here, this is for you," Ginny giggled under her arm.
She herself had just received a huge postcard, which sang a love song in a disgusting squeaky voice.
Hermione grimaced: the song was stupid and the performance left a lot to be desired, but Ginny was remarkably pleased. Well, to each his own. She held out her hand to take the heart, but it fluttered out and flew somewhere towards the Hufflepuff table.
"Probably got the wrong address," Ginny stated, enjoying her song for the third time.
Hermione didn't answer and left the table looking gloomy. Again, she did not notice that she was being watched.
In the evening, sorting through books and notebooks, Hermione suddenly found a valentine. The usual pink heart with flowers, as expected, unsigned. She opened it in disbelief. Inside were poems, the simplest, about roses, the sky and all that. At first Hermione thought it was someone's stupid joke, but then she noticed the inscription: for Hermione Granger.
Her heart skipped a beat and her hands trembled as Hermione recognized the handwriting. She hurriedly reached into her bag and pulled out one of the parchments to compare. Yes, that is right. The handwriting is the same!

Chapter 2
Hermione went to Hogsmeade with Harry. Not that he invited her on purpose, no, somehow it just happened. At first they, as usual, went in a large Gryffindor crowd. Ginny, however, was not there, she remained "resting" in the Hospital Wing: the day before, she landed unsuccessfully in training. And Ron and Lavender quickly fell behind everyone. And then the rest dispersed. Harry and Hermione entered the Sweet Kingdom together.
"Look," said Harry, pointing to the shelf. “This is where Ron and I recently discovered new candy. Sugar hearts. Amazingly delicious.
Hermione tried. Sweets, indeed, turned out to be wonderful, with some subtle pleasant aftertaste. Their mood immediately improved. And it could not be spoiled either by the unexpectedly starting rain with snow, or by Malfoy spinning near the counter.
Harry and Hermione took two packs of multi-colored hearts at once, then Harry chose another present for the sick Ginny, and the Slytherin cast suspicious glances at them and tediously bickered with the saleswoman about sweets: it didn’t suit him, it didn’t suit him, it was too expensive, but that didn’t best quality. The saleswoman had already begun to lose patience, and Hermione suddenly felt funny, Malfoy arguing over trifles looked very ridiculous.
Outside, she said to Harry:
"Have you ever noticed how stupid Malfoy seems when he puffs up?"
"Yes," Harry agreed, carefully holding the bags as a gust of wind tried to knock them out of his hands. - I would have swaggered less, I would have looked like a person.
So, chatting and laughing, they reached Hogwarts. Then we went to the Hospital Wing to visit Ginny. On the way they were joined by Ron and Lavender. And strangely, this eternally kissing couple ceased to annoy Hermione.
The wonderful day ended, she went to bed in a great mood, although the cherished words that she secretly hoped for did not sound.
"There's a time for everything," Hermione reasoned philosophically, looking at her priceless pink valentine. - Will have to wait".
We didn't have to wait long. A few days later, right at the lesson, she found in her notebook a note written in familiar handwriting. The note invited her to the Astronomy Tower after dinner.
Hermione glanced over her shoulder at Harry, who was raptly discussing something in whispers with Ron. It is strange that he did not say anything to her personally and behaves as usual. Although…maybe Harry is just shy.
She read the note again furtively. No doubt, meeting at the Astronomy Tower.
"What do you have, Miss Granger?" Snape's voice was harsh.
She shuddered and blushed.
- Nothing.
The Slytherins giggled wickedly.
- Nothing? But it seems to me...
Snape took a quick step towards her desk, but the note melted in Hermione's hands. Indeed, nothing.
But the professor was not embarrassed:
- Minus five points from Gryffindor.
And he turned to his pulpit. The Slytherins' giggles got even more disgusting.
"Damn you," thought Hermione. The mood was spoiled, but the upcoming date warmed the soul.
She ran to the tower a few minutes before the right time, sat down in a corner and opened the book she had taken with her. But she couldn't read. My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Hermione never thought she'd be so excited on a date. And she didn’t have any dates, Viktor Krum and Seamus Finnigan don’t count
Footsteps were heard, Hermione convulsively grabbed the book, as if for salvation. Harry appeared. He stepped towards her, smiling sunnyly, and held out a box of sugar hearts.
- Help yourself, I have one more box left.
Hermione accepted the candy gratefully, and immediately felt better. She felt confident again, because this is Harry, her best friend!
The rain that had been drizzling all day suddenly ended, and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. They sat, basking in its rays, choosing sweets from a box (how tasty they turned out to be, tastier than last time!) And chatting about trifles.
- You have changed a lot lately, you are nervous, angry all the time, has something happened? Harry began cautiously.
Hermione pulled out another sugar heart.
- You know, nerves, probably naughty. These disappearances, the constant threat of Voldemort... I'm afraid for you, Harry! And then there's Ron with his Lavender. It seems to me that you have forgotten me, that you do not need me.
"You're wrong," Harry said softly. - We need you. And Ron. And me.
He said it very seriously, and Hermione's heart skipped a beat again. To hide her embarrassment, she again reached for the candy.
"Harry, why don't you take it?" I'll eat everything now.
He smiled.
- Yes, and eat, I saved it especially for you.
Hermione was embarrassed

The new Harry Potter movie ("...and the Deathly Hallows") is somehow prettier than the previous one ("...and the Half-Blood Prince"). Although, like all "Potters" directed by David Yates, this is just an illustration for the novel. Good, but not essential. Warm Hogwarts, Quidditch, butterbeer parties, Christmas trees - all behind. Harry, Ron and Hermione are no longer children, and it's time for them to go to the last battle against evil. David Yates knows how to create a tense atmosphere: all you have to do is darken the frame, let in more shades of black, gray and brown. In two and a half hours, the bright sun will appear once (and even then it is covered by clouds, through which the Death Eater rushes like an ink stream). Yates tries to maintain the color and atmosphere, as in Perov's painting "The Drowned Woman": heroes with lean faces wander either through picturesque rocks, or through gloomy forests, or along the dusty corridors of dull houses. However, all this darkness is just a move by the director, who was going to gently nightmare the viewer for five hours (and this is the total duration of two episodes) with the sole purpose of making him more happy with the scene in which the dead Voldemort is lying on the floor of the Hogwarts assembly hall in the dazzling rays of the dawn sun to universal applause. We will see this frame in July, when the second series of The Deathly Hallows will be released, but any person with minimal imagination and familiar with the work of Rowling and Yates can mentally draw it now. Five naive questions about the painting 1. Is the movie very different from the book? There are differences. For example, the first scene is not Voldemort's party, but the Minister of Magic's press conference. It is followed by episodes in which young heroes leave their parents' houses... And the relationship between Harry and Hermione is more complicated (see below). But in fact, the changes are purely cosmetic. 2. Can you watch the film if you haven't seen the previous films? If you have not read Rowling's books and have not seen their film adaptations, then you have nothing to do with this film. Even someone who read the novel three and a half years ago struggles at times to remember who Mundungus Fletcher or Mad-Eye Moody are. 3. Why isn't the movie in 3D? Studio Warner Bros. calculated that she would not be able to translate the first part of the "Deathly Hallows" in 3D before November. The second part of the "Deathly Hallows", which will be released in July next year, will be in 3D. 4. Is there a chance that Potter will continue? Previously, Rowling had solemnly promised that she would complete the Potter series in the seventh volume. But in a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, she suddenly announced that she could “easily” write the eighth, ninth and tenth books of the series. This gave rise to a wave of gossip. Daniel Radcliffe immediately commented: even if A new book oh Harry, he's definitely not going to be in the movie adaptation. However, a little later, he told reporters that Rowling had sent him an SMS, in which she assured that she would not write anything more about Potter. 5. Is it true that Harry and Hermione kiss there? There is a scene where Harry and Hermione dance to Nick Cave's O Children (there doesn't seem to be a dance in the novel). In the "real" world, this is the maximum closeness they achieve. But in the hellish vision that appears at some point to Ron, there really is an episode where half-naked Harry and Hermione merge into an embrace. Commenting on this moment, Radcliffe on one program said that Emma Watson kisses passionately like an animal. Watson got angry. “When we walked off the red carpet at the premiere of “Harry Potter”, she turned to me and said: “So you called me an animal?” Well, why, yes, we had such an animal kiss ... I think most men will agree that this is a positive epithet, ”Radcliffe later justified in another interview. WHAT DO THE SPELLS IN HARRY POTTER MEAN? Most of the spells in Rowling's novels are in Latin. Moreover, this Latin, as a rule, is intuitively understandable to the English-speaking reader - in English, a huge number of words have Latin roots. "Accio!" - a spell with which you can quickly attract the right thing to the magician - is translated from Latin as "I call!". "Avada Kedavra!" - A death spell that kills a person. Rowling said: "This is an ancient spell in Aramaic, from which came" abracadabra ", and it means" Let it die! ". Initially, with the help of this spell, they tried to heal people, while destroying the disease. But I decided that "it" in the spell means a person. In general, I allow myself a lot of liberties, twisting things and making them mine. Some translate "avada kedavra" as "I kill with my word" and recall that the name of the Jewish demon Abadonna, who appears in the Apocalypse and in The Master and Margarita, came from "avada", in particular. The word "kedavra" to the English reader reminds the word cadaver, which came from Latin, - "corpse". "Expelliarmus!" - a spell that can be used to disarm another wizard by tearing his wand out of his hands. Derived from the Latin expellere ("pull out") and arma ("weapon"). "Crucio!" - a torture spell, because of it, the person at whom the magic wand is directed begins to suffer and writhe. From the Latin crucio - "I torment". "Lumos!" - turns a magic wand into a flashlight. From the Latin lumen - "light". How Daniel (and his hero Harry) has changed Now that Daniel Radcliffe has grown into some kind of moose, it's already ridiculous to remember that nine years and seven films ago he was a quiet touching boy with glasses. However, we tried...

2001 "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" Harry in the story is 11 years old, Daniel Radcliffe at the time of filming - too. "Wow! It's an honor for me to play Harry. It's just wonderful, because Harry Potter has such a interesting life! As for fame, my mom and dad told me to just enjoy being recognized on the streets. There are worse things in life!”

2002 "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" Harry and Daniel are 12 years old. "I really like that the new film is darker than the first and I can showcase Harry's dark side - he's not as innocent as you think."

2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry is 13, Daniel is 14. “I'm going through what any thirteen or fourteen year old boy goes through right now. Hormones are an interesting thing; I blow off steam by listening to a lot of rock music."

2005 "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" Harry is 14, Daniel is 15. “In an ideal world, I would go to the Christmas ball with Natalie Portman. Or with Scarlett Johansson.