Ledum planting and care in the open field watering reproduction. All about growing and propagating fragrant wild rosemary Ledum growing conditions

Dahurian rhododendron or wild rosemary (Rhododendron dauricum) is a very interesting plant. Depending on the growing conditions, it can be either deciduous or evergreen.

The height of the bush is usually from 0.5 to 2 meters. Plants are strongly branched with a wide-spreading crown, the branches are directed upwards. The leaves are oblong, on short petioles, up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide.

Flowering begins in the second half of April and lasts approximately 30-40 days. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, pink.

Fruit ripening occurs in August-September.

An important feature of wild rosemary is polymorphism. Its numerous wild forms differ greatly in appearance, and therefore R. Dahurian is often confused with closely related species - Ledebour's rhododendron, small-leaved rhododendron and Sikhotinsky rhododendron.


Daurian rhododendron is common in Asia east of the Altai Mountains. It received its specific name from the word "Dauria" - this is how part of Transbaikalia used to be called.

Features of biology

Growth rate: 5 ... 7 cm per year.

Lifespan: about 50 years old.

Light requirements: photophilous, but prefers slight shading.

Soil requirements: Prefers gravelly, well-aerated, slightly acidic soils.

Moisture requirements: moderately moisture-loving, does not tolerate prolonged drought.

Winter hardiness: it tolerates even severe frosts well, during winters with frequent thaws, part of the flower buds die.

Varieties of R. Dahurian

April Reign

An early flowering variety of rhododendron. The flowers are double, pink, flowering early (begins in mid-April). The height of the bush is about a meter.

April Snow

Also an early flowering variety. Shorter than April Reign, tolerates frosts down to -28º. Early flowering, white flowers.

Rhododendron P.J.M. Group, bred by Edmund Mesitte. The group was bred as a result of crossing Daurian Rhododendron with Caroline Rhododendron.

Varieties of Rhododendron P.J.M. group

Variety Elite

Tall shrub - specimens up to 450 cm high are known. Flowers are pink. Tolerates frosts down to -32ºС. High growth rate.

Variety Northern Starburst

The tetraploid variety of Ledum has a compact crown, thick shoots and leaves, and large flowers.

Variety Checkmate

Slow growing, dwarf variety. The maximum height of old bushes is about 240 cm, but even at the age of 10 ... 12 years they barely grow to 120. The flowers are small, pink.

Variety P. J. Mezitt

A very interesting variety. With the onset of autumn, some of the leaves fall off, but the small leaves just darken and curl up. In the spring they straighten out and turn green. This phenomenon is also characteristic of the wild form of wild rosemary.

Flowering occurs in spring, sometimes begins even in mid-April. The flowers are red-purple.

P.J.M. Compact Form

P.J.M. Lavender

Semi-shrub early flowering cultivar with pale pink flowers. In late autumn, the foliage acquires a brown-purple color and retains it until the onset of spring heat.

P.J.M. Princess Susan

Slow growing dwarf variety. The flowers are light purple.


Very similar to the Elite variety, but blooms a little earlier.


An early flowering variety with a compact crown.

Where can I buy

Daurian Rhododendron seedlings rarely go on sale. Sometimes they can be bought on podvorje.ru for 2 ... 3 thousand rubles apiece, sometimes there are offers from collectors and amateur flower growers. A completely different matter is foreign online stores, where wild rosemary seeds and seedlings are sold in a much larger assortment.

Rhododendron Dahurian - planting and care

Ledum is a fairly easy plant to grow.

For growing rhododendron in the garden, you should choose a place protected from wind and direct sunlight. The soils are light, well aerated with a pH of 4.5 - 5.0. Heavy loams and clays, especially in areas with high groundwater, are unsuitable for growing wild rosemary. Good soil is considered to be a mixture of leafy soil with peat and coniferous litter - this is exactly the soil on which wild rosemary grows.

The best time for planting is spring. Ideally, it is better to dig a hole about 50 deep and about 60..70 cm wide in advance. The distance between the holes depends on the size of the bush: for dwarf forms, the distance is only 70..80 cm, for tall ones - up to 2 meters. Crushed stone or broken brick is placed at the bottom of the pit, which performs the function of drainage. Please note: crushed stone should not be lime. Lime alkalizes the soil, which is critical for the plant.


When planting rhododendrons, care must be taken not to deepen the point where the underground part passes into the aboveground. It is better that it be slightly above ground level. After planting, the bushes are abundantly watered and a near-stem hole is formed. A layer of mulch can be poured on top: since most of the rhododendron roots are located at a shallow depth, they may suffer from drying out.


Care comes down to weeding, watering and fertilizing

It is not necessary to weed too often - rosemary grows well and blooms surrounded by weeds.

Watering is necessary only in hot and dry seasons. Watering should be every 15-20 days. The watering rate for an adult bush is about 10 liters. It is very important to water the plant well before leaving for the winter (before the ground freezes).

It is not recommended to use hard water for irrigation, as it alkalizes the soil. Collected rainwater is perfect. If there is none, but at the same time you know the exact hardness of tap water, you can use it, after acidifying (softening) with acids (oxalic, citric, acetic and even sulfuric will do). If the hardness of the water is unknown or there is no desire to do calculations, you can simply add 100 ... 150 grams of acid peat to a bucket of water and leave the water for a day.

Top dressing is desirable to do every two to three years:

  • in the spring, organic fertilizers are applied to the trunk circle (about 10 ... 12 kg of humus or rotted manure);
  • spring top dressing with mineral fertilizers is possible with a rate of approximately 30 ... 40 gr. per m2. The ratio of NPK (nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium) - 2:1:1.5;
  • after flowering, fertilizing with phosphorus potash fertilizers (ratio 2: 1) is possible. This is necessary to form more generative buds and maintain the plant as a whole (during flowering and fruiting, plants consume a lot of phosphorus and potassium);
  • if possible, the introduction of large doses of superphosphate should be avoided, since phosphoric acid binds iron and makes it unavailable to plants;
  • It is not recommended to use fertilizers containing chlorine and lime.

Other features of rhododendron care

  1. Since the roots of the rhododendron are located in the upper layer of the soil, loosening should be carried out very carefully, and not at all near the mulch.
  2. In the first year of planting a seedling in a permanent place, it is recommended to remove all the buds so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering and fruiting. This will make him stronger.

Frost protection

Daurian rhododendron is an extremely frost-resistant plant, but in severe winters its shoots and especially flower buds can freeze. To protect against severe frosts, it is recommended to cover the bushes with spruce branches. Low-growing plants are recommended to be covered with a dry oak leaf or a special covering material that is stretched over the frame.

Diseases and pests of wild rosemary

For Rhododendron Dahurian (Ledum) as a whole, the same diseases are characteristic as for other representatives of this genus. You can read about them in the article "Diseases and Pests of Rhododendrons".

Reproduction of Rhododendron Dahurian

Reproduction by seeds

Wild rosemary is usually propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown in bowls and boxes in early spring and plentifully watered with soft water (melt, rain, acidified tap water at the rate of 3..4 grams of oxalic acid per 10 liters of water). Before germination, the boxes are covered with film or glass to maintain high humidity. The soil for sowing is a mixture of sand and peat.

Ledum germinates slowly: the first shoots may appear only after 3-4 weeks. After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, seedling boxes are transferred to a room with an air temperature of 8 ... 12ºС: this increases the resistance of plants to diseases. In summer, boxes can be kept outdoors, choosing lit places, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight.

Seedlings need regular watering: even with a single drying, they can die. Seedlings are watered through the pan: it is simply filled until the water soaks all the soil in the box. After that, excess water is drained from the pan.

Small plants are very picky about daylight hours, which should ideally be around 16 hours.

In June, seedlings are seated and dive for the first time. When transplanting, the distance between seedlings should be approximately 2 cm. In this state, they are transferred indoors closer to mid-autumn.

Around February, the seedlings are planted again, increasing the distance between them to about 4 cm.

In the third year of life, some Dahurian Rhododendron bushes begin to bloom. These flowers are best removed so that the plant does not waste energy in vain.

Reproduction by green cuttings

Cuttings are usually used to propagate the cultivated forms of Ledum.

Cuttings are cut in the second half of July. To do this, use strong shoots without damage, the length of the cuttings is 5 ... 8 cm, the lower cut should be oblique. Each cutting should have 2-3 top leaves, the rest should be removed.

For rooting, a substrate is used, consisting of a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1. Alternative options are sawdust with sand 3:1 or perlite: peat: sand 2:2:1

The cuttings are immersed in the substrate at an angle of 30 degrees, pressed and moistened the substrate. After that, the boxes are covered with film or glass and placed in heat (the optimum temperature is about 24 ... 26 ° C).

It takes about 45 ... 60 days for the rooting of Dahurian rhododendron cuttings. The proportion of successfully rooted cuttings is approximately 85%. Rooted cuttings are transferred to pots and trays with a mixture of acid peat and pine needles in a ratio of 2:1. Growing is carried out at a temperature of about 8 ... 12ºС. In spring, plants can be transferred to growing in open ground or grown in pots for 1-2 years. After that, the seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place.

It blooms on the hills, - ”a word popular in the 70s of the last century.

The song designates one of the places of growth of this shrub of the Heather family.

Depending on the species, it is found in various conditions.

But wild rosemary is interesting not so much for its habitat, but for its medicinal properties.

Where does wild rosemary grow?

  • wild rosemary feels comfortable in swampy forests, swamps and peat bogs,
  • trailing wild rosemary(stretched) - in larch woodlands and near loaches,
  • wild rosemary- in mountain coniferous forests and larch.

Greenlandic and large-leaved used by gardeners in decorating plots. But of the many species, only marsh rosemary is useful.

It is an evergreen low-branched shrub with a strong intoxicating aroma. It can reach a height of 20 cm to one meter.

Young shoots are covered with a red edge. Ledum leaf is leathery, elongated, perennial. Inflorescences with umbrellas attract the eye with their pristine whiteness. The halo of stamens creates the impression of trembling and ephemeralness. Walking through such flower beds is fraught with fading!

By the end of August, small fruits ripen - oblong, pubescent boxes of glandular color.

The essential oil of marsh rosemary shoots contains palustrol and ledol, as well as arbutin, tannins, and flavonoids.

Medicinal properties

It is well known in folk medicine as:

Dangerous properties of wild rosemary

In Russian, "ledum" came from the old verb "bagulit" (poison). The name itself reflects its whole essence - stupefying, tart, suffocating.

The ancient Greeks extracted incense from it and called it - "ledon", in Latin - "ledum" ( Ledum).

Collect raw materials for medicinal purposes all summer: in June - young shoots with inflorescences and leaves; at the end of August - shoots with ripened fruits

It is necessary to harvest and dry the plant with great care in a dry, well-ventilated room, at a temperature not exceeding +40 degrees. The balsam aroma of wild rosemary is very intoxicating, causes headache, dizziness.

To a certain extent this:

  • There are known cases of poisoning with honey collected by bees from wild rosemary plants.
  • Infusions can cause both excitement and increased drowsiness. May lead to depression of the central nervous system.
  • It is not recommended to take medicines with wild rosemary if you are going to drive.

Any treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

Growing wild rosemary

The bright properties of rosemary warn against growing it in small front gardens or near apiaries.

However, the essential oils of the plant are a powerful antiseptic, they purify the air well.

In nature, rosemary likes to grow on acidic soils of moss swamps or coniferous wetland forests and on a deep peat cushion.

Vegetative breeding

The most acceptable method of cultivation in gardens is vegetative. The bush is divided by root offspring and layering in early spring.

When cuttings, rooting occurs only after a year, so this method is rarely used.

Ledum does not require special care. Swamp wild rosemary may require abundant watering only during severe drought.

The creeping wild rosemary is accustomed to rocky slopes - it doesn't need anything. In the wild, it reproduces well by seeds.

Dahurian rhododendron


In the Far East of Russia and in Siberia, the Daurian is classified as rosemary.

This amazing guest from the mountainous regions of East Asia and the Caucasus deserves special attention. Belonging to the Vereskov family, it is represented not only by various types of shrubs, trees, but also by indoor plants.


Some types of rhododendron ( Fori, Schlippenbach, Azalea Pontica) are protected and listed in the Red Book. Ornamental garden plants are cultivated from some wild varieties.

Many varieties feel good in the climatic conditions of the Northwest.

Main types:

  • deciduous,
  • evergreen large-leaved species and Finnish varieties.

Ensuring favorable conditions

In care, it is necessary to take into account the specific requirements of the plant. Even in early autumn, buds are laid in the thin superficial roots of rhododendron for the next year. It is very important to keep them from possible winter vagaries.

Buy seedlings better in trusted stores. They will help you choose the right variety and introduce you to the conditions of detention.

Purchased seedlings are usually found in containers with a light peat substrate, therefore, it is useful to pre-soak the root ball in bacterial preparations.

Plant different varieties rhododendrons better in partial shade or diffused light. Harmful neighbors with a powerful and prostrate root system.

And the desired neighborhood is wild-growing or varietal pines. And they give shade in early spring, and top dressing for fertilizer. Wind, transplanted or flooded places are contraindicated for garden rhododendrons.

Azalea room


A welcome guest in the houses is a beauty. Its bright, colorful flowers warm the soul with lush bouquets on frosty winter days. Many myths and legends have been shrouding the mysterious charmer since ancient times.

Azalea was popular in ancient Greece and India. Translated from the Greek "Azalea" means "dry".

Yes, the leaves of the plant are dry and velvety to the touch, the bush itself is not particularly remarkable. Everything changes immediately when it's time to bloom. The veil of secrecy falls and a riot of floral luxury begins.

similarity to rhododendron

For a long time, botanists questioned the commonality of azalea and rhododendron. In the end, they agreed that this subgenus has a place in the vast genus of rhododendrons.

For gardeners, the main difference is only the place of cultivation: large plants on the street, smaller ones indoors.


Outdoor plants are hardier than indoor plants.

They thrive especially in the warm, foggy autumn with nighttime air temperatures around ten degrees. These conditions are as close to native as possible.

Indoor azalea loves the coolness of the loggia. Drafts and bright light are contraindicated for her, she hardly gets used to changes and cannot stand neighbors during flowering. During this period, the capricious beauty can be separated by a partition from other plants. The most difficult thing is to save the azalea after flowering.


Planting with seeds takes a long time, but it guarantees the uniqueness of the plant.

It is important to choose the right soil or buy ready-made in the store. With self-laying of the substrate, you will need: coniferous earth, peat and sand. Loose soil will provide the necessary water exchange and acidity.

When buying seeds, you should take into account that not all of them will germinate, so it is better to take with a margin.

Azalea is capricious from the very seeds, it requires a lot of light and care. Seeds planted shallowly in the soil are covered with a transparent film.

The division of the bush

An easier way to propagate is to carefully divide one bush into several or by cuttings.

It is important to trim and pinch the azalea in a timely manner. It is necessary to remove weak or overgrown shoots, as well as shoots near flower buds.

With a lot of effort and patience, this beauty will ennoble and decorate the interior of your home with the lush luxury of a chic bouquet.

Perhaps the first acquaintance with this family was in elementary school for many.

The Scottish ballad by Robert Stevenson fascinated with picturesque images and drama of the plot.

The Ledum genus from the Heather family, which does not number even a dozen species, had a chance to become the subject of scientific disputes. At the end of the last century, European botanists transferred it to the genus Rhododendron. Russian scientists did not support the version. And already in the current millennium, justice has been restored - 6 species of evergreen shrubs are named Ledum.

Plants grow in regions of the Northern Hemisphere with fairly severe climatic conditions. Lying stems, growing in all directions, take root. From them, in turn, rising shoots depart. Only the sprigs that have appeared are completely covered with a reddish fluff. With age, in some species the bark becomes bare and acquires a gray-brown color.

Small linear or elliptical leaves sit on short, strong petioles. The edges of the leathery leaf blades are bent, the front surface is glossy with clearly visible golden veins. Purl - pubescent.

In spring and summer Ledum blooms. Tiny white or pinkish flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The five-petalled flowers are fragrant. However, the aroma of the plant is "insidious". A pleasant smell at first provokes severe headaches and nausea. Ledum fruit is a small box with flat seeds.


Ledum is an unpretentious plant suitable for growing in garden plots. It is adapted to existence on depleted and wet soils. Feels most comfortable near the shores of water bodies. The average life expectancy is 30 years.

The plant practically does not get sick. Its rich aroma repels pests, so the "companions" of this plant receive reliable protection.

Ledum does not need pruning. But frozen branches in the spring are recommended to be removed.

The plant reproduces well by self-sowing. However, winged seeds often not only scatter around the site, but also leave its boundaries. Therefore, the owner will have to take care of the collection of planting material.

The easiest way to propagate Ledum is by dividing the bush. It is better to carry out the procedure in early spring, planting delenki in acidic or sandy soil. The rhizome should be deepened by 20 cm, the soil should be compacted and watered abundantly.

Propagation by cuttings is a long and ineffective process. They are cut in the summer, kept in a solution of a root formation stimulator for a day. Planted cuttings in a container with an acidic substrate. Keep indoors until next spring. It should be borne in mind that the roots will appear only after a year and, at best, only a third of the cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Not subject.


Seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

First steps after purchase

Holes up to 40 cm deep are dug at a distance of half a meter from each other. It is advisable to pour pebbles or perlite at the bottom, as well as add a little peat. After planting, the plant needs to be watered.

When purchasing seeds, you should pay attention to the packaging date. They retain their germination for a very short time, so it is better to refrain from buying "last year's" bags. Sow seeds in open ground in autumn. The soil must be acidic. Seedlings appear only in spring.

Success Secrets

Ledum feels good in lighted areas and in partial shade. The level of illumination does not affect either the development or the decorativeness of the plant.

In the summer, Ledum is abundantly watered once a week. In young plants, the soil must then be loosened. Adult Ledum also need a similar procedure, but you should be extremely careful. The roots of the plant are located near the surface, and the risk of damage is not excluded. Another mandatory event after watering is mulching.

Ledum is fed once a season. Complex mineral fertilizers are applied in spring. It should be borne in mind that the concentration for young plants should be halved.

Ledum is frost-resistant. However, in regions with snowless winters, a light cover made of spruce branches or non-woven fabric is required.

Possible difficulties

If Ledum leaves dry and twigs droop, most likely the plant lacks moisture. After watering, it recovers quickly. For the best effect, it is recommended to acidify the water for irrigation.

A plant that has not received top dressing blooms poorly. Some types of wild rosemary refuse to bloom for no apparent reason. The time-out can last from one to four years. Sometimes after flowering the fruits are not formed.

Ledum should not be planted in places accessible to animals. Herbivores who have eaten the plant suffer from indigestion, dogs get "drunk" from the smell. The honey collected from Ledum is poisonous, therefore it is also undesirable to keep it near the apiary.

The Russian name "ledum" means intoxicating, poisonous, strong, which accurately characterizes this shrub with a suffocating smell. The ancient Greeks obtained an aromatic resin - frankincense - from wild rosemary.


Rosemary (Ledum) belongs to the heather family. Assigned by botanists to the genus (Rhododendron). In regions with a cold and temperate climate, 6 species of wild rosemary grow, and 4 species are registered in Russia.



Ledum is a branchy shrub with evergreen, leathery leaves. Shoots of dark gray color grow up to 80 cm. Whole-edged, elongated leaves have a wrapped edge and another arrangement.

A feature of the shrub is a strong, intoxicating aroma emitted by branches and leaves, which contain a high concentration of essential oil. Oil has a toxic effect on the human body, affecting the nervous system. Leads to dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting, in some cases - to loss of consciousness.

During the flowering period, on the edges of last year's branches, umbellate inflorescences appear on long pedicels, formed from five-dimensional flowers of white or whitish-yellow color.

After pollination of bisexual flowers. a fruit begins to form, which, after ripening, resembles a box with five nests. The fruit splits at the base and small, winged seeds appear.

Common types of wild rosemary

How to land

Ledum is shade-tolerant, unpretentious in care and loves wet areas. Ledum planting is carried out in the spring. In order to immediately get an attractive, bright bush and not wait until one plant grows, make a group planting of several specimens, placing them at a distance of 50-70 cm.

For the perennial, solid pits are prepared, dug to a depth of 30-40 cm. The bottom of the prepared pit is filled with drainage from a mixture of river pebbles and sand 5-7 cm thick. The soil for the full development of wild rosemary should be acidic. The pit is covered with a composition of 3 measures of peat, 2 measures of coniferous soil and 1 measure of sand. The root system of wild rosemary during planting is located in a pit at a depth of 20-25 cm. New plantings are mulched.

Certain types of wild rosemary are less demanding on the composition of the soil and grow well on scarce sandstones. These include the Greenland wild rosemary and the large-leaved wild rosemary. When preparing soil mixtures for them, more sand is mixed in.

Ledum care

Ledum responds positively to waterlogging of the earth, but does not tolerate overdrying and compaction of the soil.

In the hot summer months, wild rosemary is watered at least 1-2 times a week at the rate of 5-8 liters of water under 1 bush. It is recommended to periodically carry out light loosening, acting carefully so as not to damage the superficially located roots of the shrub. Wet, loose soil is covered with peat or mulch to retain moisture.

Due to the frightening, pungent smell, the shrub is resistant to disease and insect pests.

The required level of acidity in the soil is maintained by watering twice a month with acidified water. Root top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer is carried out in the spring. Top dressing is distributed around the bush in April-May. You can sprinkle with a thin layer of earth or dig in. For 1 adult bush, 50-70 g / m2 is enough, for young plantings - 30-40 g / m2.

Ledum reproduction

Under natural conditions, wild rosemary reproduces by seed. In cultivated species, cuttings are carried out, rooting by layering, division of the bush and planting of new, root shoots.

For effective rooting, the cuttings are left for a day in a 0.01% heteroauxin solution. Then they are washed and placed in a container with a nutrient substrate. With spring cuttings, the root system will grow only next year.

Ledum is endowed with grace and decorative appeal, and in any case will become a decoration of the garden. The shrub is successfully used to form group plantings, as a hedge and in solitary compositions.

The fragrance of the leaves destroys bacteria and repels blood-sucking insects.

Do not forget that rosemary emits toxic substances that cause headaches, so it is not recommended to plant it near residential buildings and next to the apiary. Honey from its flowers is called "drunk" and it can be eaten only after mandatory boiling.

Medicinal properties

Ledum contains a rich set of useful substances that are actively used in folk medicine. The essential oil of rosemary includes ledol and palustrol, cineol. Tannins, coumarins and resins, flavonoids were found in the ground part of the plant.

The plant has the following effect:

  • Antispasmodic
  • diaphoretic
  • expectorant
  • Diuretic
  • Wound healing
  • soothing
  • Antiseptic and pain reliever

Ledum helps with all types of respiratory diseases, including pneumonia and bronchial asthma. It is prescribed for diseases of the stomach and liver, dysentery, cystitis and urethritis, diabetes and cancer.

Baths and lotions are effective for boils, frostbite, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, bruises and eye diseases. Compresses are applied to wounds for healing. An infusion of wild rosemary shoots helps to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood flow. Ledum is used for insomnia and hypertension.

Based on rosemary, the production of pharmaceutical preparations in the form of tablets, infusions, herbal preparations, essential oils, ointments and drops has been established.

See also video

Daursky is known to the inhabitants of Siberia, the Caucasus, the Far East.

Usually it is a plain-looking shrub that transforms when it begins to bloom, turns into a handsome man.

It becomes a fragrant bush, all in purple flowers.

The people often began to call rhododendron, although they belong to the same genus of heather bushes, but still they are different plants.

If a grower sees a rhododendron in its natural habitat, he will definitely want this shrub to bloom in his area.

The pluses include the fact that the rhododendron is not whimsical in care and is popular in ornamental gardening.

If in February or March you cut off a branch of rhododendron and put it in water in a warm room, then in a week it can bloom.

Therefore, it is not difficult to grow Dahurian rhododendron in a garden plot, while creating the necessary conditions for growth and proper care.


In Greek, the name of the plant sounds like "rose tree". If you disassemble the word in parts, then you can distinguish two roots, in the translation "rose" and "tree", because during flowering the rose bush is beautiful, like a rose.

The use and cultivation of rhododendron to decorate gardens and parks began in the 17th century in England.

Two centuries later, this shrub began to appear on personal plots. Although in Japan, China, Korea, in the eastern parts of Russia, the rhododendron bush has long been known and used in oriental medicine.

As in wild rosemary, rhododendron contains vitamins, phytoncides, fruit sugars, and essential oils. Sometimes the petals of these flowers were even used for salad, so the dish became sweeter and acquired flavor.

Because of the beauty of flowering, rhododendron bushes are popular among gardeners. In shape, the flowers resemble bells of a pink, purple hue, which are collected in tassels at the ends of the branches.

In one such brush there can be about twenty flowers. The leaves of rhododendron have a glossy sheen, which emphasizes their beauty.

Types of Dahurian rhododendron

There are approximately 18 plant species. At the same time, three of them are the most popular in Russia, while outwardly they differ little.

But botanists divide them into three types according to their habitat and leaf shape.

Rhododendron spiky, it grows in coniferous-deciduous forests of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Korea, Northern China, and Japan.

This type of plant has the largest leaves with pointed ends, hence the name. The wrong side of the leaves of light green honey agarics, closer to winter, they begin to fall off, but not completely.

Sikhotinsky rhododendron grows on acidic soils near the sea coast of Primorsky Krai.

Since the plant is endemic, it is listed in the Red Book.

This type of rhododendron has leaves with a blunt end and more rigid than other species. In winter, unlike other species, the leaves of the plant do not fall off, but roll along the central vein of the leaf into a tube.

When spring comes, the leaves return to their previous shape and then fall off, after which new young leaves appear at the bush.

Sikhotinsky rhododendron can bloom twice a year - in early spring and if it was a warm autumn.

Dahurian rhododendron grows in coniferous and deciduous forests of eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan. It can be up to four meters in height.

At the same time, the branches tend upward, at the ends of their small edge. It has small leaves that are dark green on top and rusty or brown below with thick down.

In winter, part of the foliage falls off, part remains on the bush. Dahurian rhododendron is frost-resistant, can withstand even frost at 40 degrees, and a small need for sunlight. In Canada, America, Europe, hybrid varieties are grown with this type of plant.

It is precisely such qualities of the plant as unpretentiousness and frost resistance that helped the spread of rhododendron in horticulture.

Rhododendron takes root well in a group with plants such as Ainu, sirens, barberry, wild rosemary. In addition to the fact that the plant calmly tolerates a small shade, it is resistant to pests.

I must say that rhododendron cannot be grown at home, it is not adapted to this. For home cultivation, it is better to choose an azalea, it is from the genus of rhododendrons, but of small height with beautiful flowers.

How to plant and care for Dahurian rhododendron

This type of plant does not require complex care, and propagates easily, so even novice gardeners can grow a beautiful bush.

Choice of location and soil

The best option for planting a rhododendron would be a small shade in a place protected from the wind.

The soil is better to choose acidic, enriched with nutrients, with drainage and good air permeability.

An important condition is not to allow water to stagnate in the ground, otherwise the roots will rot. For this reason, heavy soil, clay soil, areas where groundwater occurs nearby are not suitable for the plant. Peat is more suitable here.

Pit preparation

Planting should be done in the spring.

To begin with, they prepare a pit for planting, at least half a meter deep and wide.

In the pit, you need to pour the finished substrate, silt peat, leafy soil, compost, make coniferous litter, add humus, river sand.

It is important to lay rubble or parts of bricks on the bottom so that there is good drainage. No need to add lime to the ground for planting, the plant does not tolerate alkaline soils.

When a seedling is buried, it is necessary that the root part of the neck is not underground, let it protrude above the ground. At the end of planting a rhododendron, you need to form a near-stem hole and water the plant well.

A mound of mulch can be placed on top of the ground to protect the roots near the surface. Caring for shrubs is not difficult.

The main thing that is required from the gardener is regular watering, fertilizing the plant, and removing weeds.

Loosening the soil should be carried out with caution, since the roots of rhododendrons are located close to the ground.


In young rhododendron bushes, the bush is not pruned, otherwise development may slow down. The bush grows slowly, but in the future it lives and blooms for a long time, for ten years the bush will be decorative.

In order for the first few years the bush of the plant to grow well and not waste energy on flowering, flower growers cut off the buds that begin to tie. And you can enjoy the beautiful flowers of rhododendron four years after planting in the soil.


Winter is a dormant time for the rhododendron, at which time the bush sheds its leaves and the juice flow stops. If frosts in winter exceed forty degrees, then the plant needs to be protected from the cold.

In this case, the bush needs to be wrapped with spruce pine branches; for a very young rhododendron plant, you can make a greenhouse to protect it or pour oak leaves on top.


Watering the rhododendron is required once every two weeks, especially if it is hot and dry. Watering is carried out in the near-stem hole about two buckets of non-rigid water, without chlorine. Rainwater is a great option for this.

If you water with tap water, then you can add a little acetic or citric acid to it, you can also add half a glass of sour peat.

Water with additives should be left for a day. Before the onset of frost, you need to cut the rhododendron bush well, before the soil freezes, this will allow the plant to winter well.

top dressing

Top dressing of the rhododendron bush should be carried out after the flowering period and in the spring once every three years. In the spring, you need to fertilize the plant with organic, mineral fertilizers with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium.

When choosing fertilizers, you need to pay attention to the content of lime, chlorine, and an increased proportion of phosphoric acid.

Rhododendron does not like when alkalization of the soil occurs.

Reproduction of rhododendron

The division of the bush

The easiest way to propagate rhododendron is to dig up a young bush in nature and transplant it in your area. This should be done in early March or September, avoiding the flowering period.


With experience, gardeners can use propagation by seeds and cuttings. Propagation using seeds is usually used for wild-growing Dahurian rhododendron.

Its seeds have a high germination rate, and if they are put in a jar and tightly closed, they can be stored for up to three years. Sowing seeds usually takes place in February-March by pouring out on a sand-peat mixture, it is not necessary to deepen.

Good watering with rainwater or ordinary acidified water is required.

And when there are three leaves on the sprouts, then the box with them must be transferred to a bright, but cooler room to harden the plant and increase endurance.


Cultivars of rhododendron are propagated by cuttings. This method is considered more effective than using seeds.

After the first half of summer, stronger shoots up to 10 centimeters long should be cut from the bush along an oblique line. Remove the leaves from the cutting, except for the top 2-3 leaves.

Plant in the ground at an angle of 30 degrees in a box where there will be a substrate of sand and peat. If there is no peat, you can take sawdust. The cuttings in the box must be moistened and covered with glass or film and removed to a warm room, where the temperature is about 23 degrees.

Two or three times a week you need to water abundantly, then the percentage of rooting of rhododendron cuttings increases.

After two months, the cuttings should be planted in pots and placed in a bright and cool place.

When spring comes, the plants can be transplanted outdoors or, if necessary, left in pots for a year or two.