Blue irises. Amazing monochromatic irises: discovering the secret of each color

Irises are unusually beautiful flowers that adorn the area around the house and garden plots. Most species bloom by early summer, although there are "late" varieties. Flower growers fell in love with irises largely due to the variety of bright colors and unusual shape.

Irises are unusually beautiful flowers that decorate the area around the house and garden plots.

Irises (popular names: "Kasatiki" and "Petushki") are flowering plants from the genus of the same name and the Iris family. Botany knows about 800 species. Irises have long been used in the design of plots, because the appearance of flowers, remotely similar to orchids, is truly unique.

The main attraction of the iris is its whimsical flower. It consists of 6 petals: the lower ones are bent to the ground, and the upper ones rush to the sky. Impressive variety of colors which can be monophonic, but more often motley. No wonder the plant is called "iris", which in Greek means "rainbow". Flowers can shimmer in different shades. Many species have a contrasting "eye" spot on the lower petal. Often the flowers are decorated with a delicate fringe around the edges.

Irises are flowering plants from the genus of the same name and the Iris family.

Irises are characterized by the presence of a rhizome, from which short roots depart. The stems can be located singly, less often - in small bunches. At the base, they are surrounded by several elongated sword-shaped leaves with a waxy coating. They are very thin, and because of the hard edges, they can even cut themselves.

In the wild, irises are found in regions of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate and subtropical climate. There are especially many of them in the Mediterranean region, in the territory of South-Western and Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.). It is from there that most of the ornamental species grown today in flower beds originate. Irises love the sun, so they grow mainly in the fields, in the semi-steppe zone, on the bright edges of forests or mountain slopes.

Types of irises (video)

Blue and blue varieties and types of irises

Garden flowers are very attractive, the petals of which are painted in various shades of blue: from rich dark to azure. German iris has many such varieties.

The most popular of them is the Baltic Sea: it has solid blue petals with a light groove. The “calling card” of this variety is the strong corrugation of the petals along the edges. This is a large plant, the height of which reaches almost 1 m. Up to 9 buds are formed on one peduncle. Due to the high density of Baltic Sea petals, its flowers can easily withstand bad weather: strong wind and rain.

Other varieties:

  1. Cosmic dance- deep blue petals with purple undertones. The height of the plant reaches about 90 cm. Like the Baltic Sea, its petals are strongly corrugated.
  2. Abiqua Falls differs in monophonic blue color with a sapphire shade. Height - about 1 m. The variety is considered one of the best among the "heavenly" irises. In addition, it has other advantages: an enviable resistance to diseases and rapid growth.
  3. Absolute Treasure- another "heavenly" view. But he, unlike Abiqua Falls, has an uneven color: a light spot flaunts on the lower petal with a gradient transition to blue. The golden grooves on the flowers are pronounced. Absolute Treasure can be called a giant: its branching peduncles rise above the ground to a height of up to 107 cm.

Gallery: iris flowers (61 photos)

Purple and lilac varieties of irises

Irises with purple color are no less beautiful. Here are some of these varieties:

  1. ACCESSIBLE, belonging to the bearded irises. All petals are bright purple. The uniqueness of the variety lies in the presence of the lower petals of an almost black spot (foul) with a velvety texture. Brick grooves add brightness to the colors, which makes this iris one of the most unusual varieties.
  2. About Town with wavy edges of the lower petals (bright purple) and corrugated upper ones (light lilac). This combination is diluted with orange grooves. This variety, which is 90-100 cm tall, is also colorful, but more delicate than ACCESSIBLE.
  3. Autumn Jester- dwarf (not higher than 40 cm) dark purple variety, blooming in August in the conditions of the Moscow region. Excellent for the first level of mixborders, "solo" planting in groups and decoration of borders in the garden.
  4. "Black dragon" distinguishes the inky color of large flowers, reaching 15 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is monophonic, it can cast purple or blue. A plant of medium height - about 1 m. Feels great in the conditions of the middle lane, because the variety is characterized by frost resistance.
  5. blue sapphire with a bright azure color.

No less beautiful are irises with a purple color.

Botanical description of white irises

White irises planted in a flower bed look elegant and attractive. Their white color adds to the appearance of tenderness and airiness.

Most of the varieties of white irises belong to the German variety, which in turn belongs to the "bearded iris". All of them are distinguished by the presence of villi-fringes on the petals, for which they were named so by biologists. The height, color and characteristics of the varieties are different for each. Thanks to artificial selection, plants with a unique look and high decorative characteristics, undemanding in care, have appeared. Here some of them:

  1. elegant "The Snow Queen" with white petals and a yellow base. This is a medium-sized plant: the height of the peduncle is about 70 cm. The flowers are moderately corrugated.
  2. Immortali- a variety with snow-white, moderately corrugated flowers of large size: they are able to reach a diameter of 18 cm, which is almost a record for irises. Other advantages of "Immortal" - abundant flowering, starting in May. Peduncles grow to about 1 m.
  3. "Bianca"- undersized iris up to 60 cm. The flower is completely white. Its flowering falls on the border of spring and summer. Among all varieties, one of the most photophilous, so "Bianca" can be planted in open areas without fear.
  4. All Aflutter distinguished by a pale blue border on white petals and brick grooves. Fairly tall plant growing up to 90 cm in height.

How irises breed (video)

Beautiful red and pink varieties of irises

Red and pink irises rise like bright clouds above the flower beds. The intensity of their coloring and coloring directly depends on the variety, and indirectly - on growing conditions, especially illumination. Here are 5 of them:

  1. Alice Goodman- a variety of medium-late flowering (it occurs approximately in July). Its petals have a rich pink color with a lighter, sometimes almost completely white foul. The final "touch" is coral grooves. The flowers are large, corrugated - their edges are decorated with wide "frills". The height of the plant is a little over 80 cm.
  2. Medici Prince- high grade: the stems stretch up to 1 m. Each of them produces up to 14 buds, so the duration of flowering of Medici Prince is one of the longest of all garden irises, lasting an average of 1.5–2 months. The flowers are crimson, with a bright burgundy foul.
  3. Persian Berry boasts a lilac-crimson overflow and soft corrugation. The height of the peduncle is 85–90 cm.
  4. Spice Lord- an unusual variety: white falls flaunt on its red petals, and the base is salmon.
  5. Raptor Red- a bright variety with a red color. Large flowers rise above the ground by 85 cm.

Alice Goodman - mid-late flowering cultivar

Names and descriptions of yellow irises

Of course, it is impossible not to notice the yellow irises. Their color is associated with the sun and gives a good mood. There are a lot of yellow varieties of iris. 4 beautiful examples:

  1. - a variety of medium early flowering, reaching a height of 90 cm. The petals are yellow, on their surface there are original burgundy blotches, similar to stripes and splashes of paint diverging from the center.
  2. ADD IT UP- a typical representative of dwarf irises, the stems of which do not grow above 35 cm. The color is light yellow, depending on growing conditions: it can be more peach. Petals adorn shaggy tangerine-colored beards with a blue tip.
  3. BATTERUP- yellow petals are decorated with a wide white foul. Blooms by early June. The height of an adult stem is about 90 cm.
  4. maui moonlight- an unusual lemon variety without interspersing other colors. It grows rapidly and blooms for a long time. Despite its beauty, it is recognized by flower growers as unpretentious. Average height - up to 60 cm.

Irises Butter up - yellow petals are decorated with a wide white foul

Irises in landscape design

The beauty of irises is difficult to spoil with the wrong placement, but they will be more advantageous if you think about their location in the garden and combination with other flowers. You need to focus on their height and color.

In a prefabricated flower garden, tall varieties should be planted in the "background" or in the middle tier when creating a mixborder. Both coniferous, for example, juniper) and deciduous ones, for example, spirea or barberry, are suitable for the background for the irises themselves. When planting two-color irises, you need to make sure that there are not a large number of flowering plants of various shades nearby, otherwise the flower garden will look too colorful, and the individual beauty of its inhabitants will be lost in the general riot of colors.

Dwarf irises are planted along the paths, as well as in rockeries and alpine slides. Blue and yellow varieties look especially impressive in combination with gray stones. If there is an artificial reservoir on the site, then its banks will be a great place to land. It is only necessary to prevent stagnation of moisture at the roots. Another option is a flower bed exclusively with irises. By combining varieties, you can achieve interesting color transitions and harmonious combinations.

How to transplant irises (video)

Irises are versatile yet very beautiful ornamental flowers. Their diversity and elegant appearance surprise even experienced flower growers. In total, there are 60,000 varieties of this ornamental plant, and about a hundred new ones are bred every year.

Attention, only TODAY!

Varieties of irises

Iris- a flower of incredible beauty, moreover, absolutely unpretentious. Therefore, it has become a favorite of all gardeners and florists.

Flowers are quite popular, they can often be seen growing in flower beds, suburban areas, in yards and even in pots. They are indispensable in many flower arrangements and. And all because irises come in different sizes, shapes and colors. There are approximately 250 species of them. And the number of varieties reaches almost 4 thousand.

Iris classification

bearded iris- got its name from the presence of colored hairs on the recurved petals, which are very similar to a beard. All possible varieties of garden iris belong to it. And this is about 80 thousand. varieties. Among the bearded, 6 main groups are distinguished:

  • Miniature Dwarfs;
  • Standard Dwarfs;
  • High Miniatures;
  • curbs;
  • Sideshow;
  • Standard High.

beardless iris- he does not have a beard, but the flowering is large and plentiful. It includes 4 groups:

  • Siberian;
  • Japanese;
  • Spuria;
  • Irises of the Water Garden.

bulbous irises- differ in early flowering, these include:

  • Iridodictium;
  • xifium
  • Juno.

The most original types of irises

Each group includes many different varieties. Therefore, we consider only the most unique options from the above.

Louisiana iris - moisture-loving, loves sunny places, great for cutting, feels great on the shore of a reservoir, can grow on the bottom, when immersed in water by 10-15 cm.

Iris Regelia - named after the botanist Eduard Regel, bred from heat-loving varieties, grows well and blooms in our conditions.

Iris Iridodictium Vinogradova - graceful, distinguished by an original pattern on the flowers, loves sunlight and does not tolerate an abundance of moisture.

Iris Dutch Xifium - a pretty, colorful flower occupies one of the first places, among other irises, in the winter assortment of the flower market.

Iris Juno - boasts refined petals and rich colors, and interestingly, new varieties of this plant are still being found.

Japanese iris - whimsical and thermophilic, grows up to 1 meter, does not like transplantation and excessive dampness.

Iris Spuria - little known and unique, its advantage is that the lifespan of a flower lasts about a week.

Flowers- a source of good mood and positive emotions. When choosing them in, pay attention to irises, they are great for both, and

Irises Their varieties

Iris variety ‘Joan Valdez’ or ‘John ​​Valdez’

Very beautiful light brown variety with wavy edges of the petals, dedicated to the French actor. Peduncles 60-70 high

Iris variety ‘Carl and Sissy’ ​​or ‘Karl and Sissy’

Perhaps the creator of the Black variety is a fan of the movie "Sissy" directed by Ernst Marischka, filmed in 1955, or the cartoon of the same name, or rather the whole series. Romantic heroes and romantic iris with light blue top and pink-lilac bottom; red beard. The variety was created in 2002.

Iris variety ‘Betty Simon’ or ‘Betty Simon’

An interesting iris with a two-tone color: the top is light yellow, the bottom is light lilac, the beard is yellow. Flowering is long. The aroma is sweet floral, the notes of which are traditionally called white iris in perfumery. Height up to 85 cm. Created in France in 1975

Iris variety ‘Cherry Glenn’ or ‘Cherry Glenn’

A very bright iris with a rich cherry-plum color, wavy edges, an orange beard and a luxurious aroma. It is no coincidence that the connection of iris with Madame Rochas toilet water (Mademoiselle De Paris Glenn Perri) can be traced.

Iris variety ‘Cozy Calico’ or ‘Cozy Calico’

Beautiful purple iris, lower petals with a white center. Height 70-80 cm.

Iris variety ‘Edith Wolford’ or ‘Edith Wolford’

Luxurious yellow-blue variety, awarded the highest award of iris growers - the Dykes medal in 1993. The variety was created by Hager in 1986. Peduncles up to 60-70 cm high

Iris variety ‘Jean Hoffmeister’ or ‘Jean Hoffmeister’

A magnificent blue variety of iris with wavy petal edges; the beard is light blue with yellow tips. Peduncle height up to 1 m. Created by Gatty in 1982.

Iris variety ‘Lovely Kay’ or ‘Beautiful Kay’

A very delicate, pink, lacy variety of iris, created by Hamblen back in 1979. The beard is red-orange. Peduncles up to 80 cm high. The variety in 1984 was awarded an award for quality.

Iris variety ‘Martile Rowland’ or ‘Martile Rowland’

Gorgeous yellow iris with a contrasting red beard; the edges of the petals are wavy. Peduncle up to 1 m high.

Iris variety ‘Mary Frances’ or ‘Mary Francis’

A titled variety, and among its many awards - the highest - the Dykes medal received in 1979. The variety was created by Larry Gaulter in 1973. Named after the breeder's granddaughter, who became a famous American designer. The flower is light blue in color, the edges are wavy, the beard is white. Peduncle up to 85 cm high.

Iris variety 'Picasso Moon' or 'Picasso Moon'

Cheerful bright yellow variety dedicated to the famous Spanish painter and sculptor - Pablo Picasso. The edges are wavy, the beard is orange. Peduncle over 90 cm high.

Iris variety ‘Ring Around Rosie’ or ‘Ring Around Rosie’

Very showy white iris; petals with a yellow wavy border and a pattern consisting of purple dots; lace.

Iris variety ‘Vanda Song’ or ‘Wanda Song’

Luxurious bicolor variety with pink top and dark cherry bottom.

Iris variety ‘Victoria Falls’ or ‘Victoria Falls’

Blue-blue iris, awarded the Dykes medal in 1984. The variety was created by Schreiner in 1977. It blooms for a long time. A white spot on the lower petals with a white beard gives a special charm to the flower.

Iris variety ‘Secret Melody’ or ‘Mysterious Melody’

An unusually beautiful variety of iris, the beauty of which is in tune with a mysterious melody. The top is apricot pink, the bottom is patterned, raspberry pink; beard orange-red. Peduncle height up to 80 cm. Created by Schreiner in 1988.

Iris variety ‘Celebration Song’ or ‘Celebration Song’

A beautiful profusely flowering variety of iris, the gentle beauty of which sounds like a festive song - a hymn to all that is beautiful on earth. Blooms for a long time. Top light apricot pink, bottom light lavender blue; tangerine beard. The beauty of this variety has been appreciated: in 2000 he was awarded the John C. Wister medal (a special award for tall bearded irises, the highest award in the class of tall bearded irises), in 2003 - the Dykes medal. Peduncle height up to 90 cm. Created by Schreiner in 1993.

Iris variety ‘Song of Norway’ or ‘Song of Norway’

Exquisite profusely flowering variety of iris. Its beauty seems to convey the cold beauty of the northern country of Norway, softening it with a delicate aroma of vanilla. Large single-color smoky-blue flower with silver pollination; the beard is dark blue. Peduncle height up to 105 cm. Created by Luihn in 1979.

Iris variety ‘Soul Music’ or ‘Music of the Soul’

A mysterious variety of iris, the large flower of which is dark purple; reddish beard. Like some incomprehensible secret - the music of the soul is hidden in its mysterious petals. Peduncle height up to 1 m. Created by Mick in 1978.

Iris variety ‘Stop the Music’ or ‘Stop the Music’

Magnificent variety of iris: burgundy-red upperparts, rich brownish-red patterned underparts with a silvery-white central blotch; the beard is light yellow. Peduncle height 95 cm. Created by Schreiner in 1985. The beauty of this iris, its caramel aroma was appreciated by experts, and in 1988 it was awarded a commendable review.

Iris variety ‘Delta Blues’ or ‘Delta Blues’

Luxurious variety of iris pure blue color. The richness of the flower is enhanced by the corrugation, openwork of the petals and the exquisite floral aroma. Up to 11 flowers bears a peduncle up to 90 cm high. Created by Schreiner in 1994. Awarded a quality award in 1994.

Iris variety ‘Got the Blues’ or ‘There are Blues’

Distinguished by sophisticated elegance, irises have long been used in decorative floriculture. Of the abundance of species cultivated throughout the world today, blue and blue irises enjoy constant success.

It is they who are recognized as the most exquisite flowers and are most often used to decorate garden interiors. But irises of blue-blue colors are only an impressive part of many species of this most interesting plant and do not stand out as a special type. The proposed publication will discuss the cultivation of irises, the rules of agricultural technology and competent care for them.

Species: bearded irises

There are almost seven hundred varieties of this culture, and each of them has its own admirers. The impressive category of plants with intricate flowers - bearded irises - enjoys the well-deserved attention of flower growers. The name of this species comes from an exotic form of inflorescence, on the long petals of which there are fluffy hairs. Bearded irises are classified by size: tall, medium, standard, curb, dwarf. The most common of the bearded category is

Varieties and names in this group are stiff in English and sometimes quite difficult to remember. Nevertheless, we present the most popular and beloved in many countries of the world:

Baltic Sea - ruffled blue iris with striking blue stripes.

Bewilderbest is a crop with fringed purple flowers streaked with yellow and white.

Acoma - a variety with beautiful cornflower blue inflorescences, edged with a bright lavender stripe.

Irises unbearded

There is also a conditional group of non-bearded irises, consisting of such species as Siberian, Japanese, Louisiana, California, marsh, spuria and other species cultures. Remarkable varieties of coloring of flowers which includes the whole palette of blue-blue and purple shades.

This also applies to Siberian species, which is also a very conventional designation, since the shades of the flowers of this group vary from yellowish to pale pink and purple. When choosing a variety of Siberian species, the flower grower should remember that these flowers are devoid of aroma and, for all their sophistication, cannot be fragrant. (xiphoid, or Kempfler) with large flowers resembling an orchid in shape, also has absolutely no smell.

Another representative of the group of non-bearded species is the iris Spuria. Large, unusual, elegant and similar to bulbous xifiums, Spuria is a hardy hardy species. It includes such beautiful irises as:

Lemon Touch - bright lemon with an outstanding dark golden signal, growing up to 1 m in height.

Transfiguration - high (up to 1 m) purple or blue irises with an antique bronze color signal.

Stella Irene - Gorgeous purplish-black flowers with a slight golden signal.

In the category of non-bearded irises, varieties are considered special in that they can develop qualitatively only in moist soils and are often used by landscape designers in decorating reservoirs.

The predominant shades of flowers of this group of culture are yellow, pink, pale purple. The most popular and in demand varieties:

Iris blooms are a magnificent sight. Various shapes and colors of flowers attract both experienced flower growers and beginner gardeners. There is an opinion that the agricultural technique of caring for irises is time-consuming and tedious, however, some subtleties that a gardener needs to know will make this exciting activity easier. Let's talk about growing irises, their preferences and requirements.

Irises: planting and care in the open field. We take into account all the nuances

There are features of the plant that you need to know:

Irises are rhizomatous plants, which, growing horizontally, often expose the rhizomes. For the winter they need to be covered, sprinkled with soil and peat, in the spring this layer is carefully removed.

The rapid growth of the rhizome leads to a significant displacement, often violating the intended composition. Proper planting will help to streamline the rows - irises are planted, focusing on a fan of leaves, it should be located along the row, and not across.

Landing holes are made shallow. Excessive deepening of the rhizome will not allow the plant to bloom.

When and where to plant irises

You can plant and transplant blue irises, like all others, in spring, autumn or summer, immediately after flowering. Transplants are necessary every 3-5 years, since overgrown plants no longer give full flowering and gradually degenerate.

All irises are light and heat-loving, they prefer fertile, slightly acidic garden soils, well-drained and not subject to close groundwater. Before planting a crop, the selected piece of land is dug up, introducing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (50-60 g / m 2). Excessive acidity of the soil is neutralized with wood ash or dolomite flour (200 g / m 2). Clay and loamy soils are diluted with peat and sand, and clay is added to sandy ones. Before planting, the site is treated with a fungicide, for example, "Fundazol", or shed with a weak solution of manganese.

Spring plantings

The acquired planting material, whether it be blue irises of bearded species or related to non-bearded counterparts, is treated with growth stimulants, such as Epin, Zircon or Ecogel. Long, dried or rotted adventitious roots are carefully cut, the rhizome is disinfected in a manganese solution for 20-30 minutes.

The technology for planting bearded irises is as follows: sand is poured into the hole with a mound, on which the rhizome is laid horizontally, the roots are straightened and covered with soil so that the top of the rhizome remains above ground level. The soil is then compacted and watered well.

But the rhizomes of non-bearded varieties, when planted, on the contrary, are slightly deepened and mulched with peat or wood chips. The interval between plants should be maintained within half a meter.

Autumn transplants

Overgrown plants are usually transplanted in autumn or late summer. Do this after flowering and until the end of September. They dig up an iris bush with a pitchfork, divide the rhizome into annual links with a leaf spatula, carefully shorten the roots, removing damaged areas, and place them in a cherry-colored manganese solution for 2-3 hours. Then, to improve the elasticity of the tissues of the rhizomes, they are dried in the sun for 4-5 hours. Prepared delenki are planted in the same way as described above.

Care features: watering and weeding

Irises (except marsh species) need reasonable watering, strictly controlled during the budding period. In this phase, the plant should receive a sufficient amount of moisture; at other times, irises are watered only when the soil at the roots becomes completely dry.

Weeds must be removed throughout the growing season. Weeding is carried out manually, without using the usual garden tools, since the roots close to the surface of the earth are damaged. A couple of times during the summer you will have to loosen the soil under the plant to improve the aeration of the roots. These manipulations are also carried out carefully, without violating the integrity of the rhizome shell.

Dried flowers must be removed, as pathogenic microorganisms or insect pests can settle in them. Both of them can significantly complicate the care of the plant and negatively affect its decorative effect.

top dressing

For plants planted in spring, fertilizers applied during site preparation are quite enough. In subsequent years, irises are fed once a season in the spring, during active growth, with a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They are brought in at the root. But it is impossible to fertilize irises during the flowering period.

Crop care after flowering

If an autumn transplant is not planned, then after the plant has finished flowering, you need to cut off the flower stalks. The xiphoid leaves of iris retain a well-known decorative effect until the very cold. White iris is famous for its especially beautiful leaves. The leaves that begin to turn yellow are cut off, and the foliage is completely removed in late autumn, cutting it off at a height of 10-15 cm above the ground.

We have listed the main stages of growing such a crop, as in the open field, upon closer examination, they are completely simple, and the exquisite beauty of the plant will make the grower forget about some of the difficulties in agricultural gardening.

Iris is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick, fleshy and creeping rhizome. Usually the stem of the plant is branched at the top. Basal leaves are xiphoid, blue-green in color, stem leaves are linear.

The flowers are large, solitary, located on the tops of the branches in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a three-celled multi-seeded pod. Iris got its name from the different shades of its flowers. They can be: white, yellow, sky blue, purple, resemble a rainbow. The word iris translates as rainbow.

Iris is a champion in the variety of colors of flowers. In its petals - all the colors of the rainbow: from warm sunny, red-orange-yellow to cold blue-violet and deep dark purple, almost black.

Irises are a special group of plants and in it each flower is a gift skillfully created by nature. Find a lighted spot or a lightly shaded spot in yours and plant a collection of irises. Plant it, you won't regret it!

Irises photo - the best varieties

  1. For your review, varieties of bearded irises are offered, beautiful, graceful, large:

Variety - Paradise bird (Paradise bird)

The petals are silky, shiny lilac-crimson with a wavy frill along the edge and a red-coral beard.

Sort - Sunset in Avalon (Avalon sunset)

These irises are like a gift of the passing day in the soft reflection of the sun and delicate subtle aromas. Intense warm and joyful orange in the ruffled petals of large flowers glows with coral, apricot and salmon shades of happiness.

Variety - Silkirim (Silkirim)

Delightful, refined and elegant. The upper petals are lush, strongly wavy, brownish-pink with beige shades of "baked milk" of the graceful lower petals, bordered by a slightly ruffled lingonberry-brown frill.

Variety - Mission Ridge (Mission ridge)

The flowers are large, corrugated, air-silk. A soaring white-blue sail of the upper petals against the background of a wide blue-blue wave of the lower ones.

Variety - Victoria Falls (Viktoria falls)

The coolness of the azure sky and the waving picturesque water stream are reflected in chic blue flowers with large petals bordered by a light wavy frill. Irises conquer the purity and richness of color, exquisite form of flowers.

Variety - Amsterdam (Amsterdam)

The luxury, richness and royalty of the lower petals with a thick, almost inky veining on a purple background, in perfect harmony with the spirituality and nobility of the delicate, graceful and wavy upper petals. This union is strengthened and emphasized by a contrasting bright coral-red beard with radiant, radially diverging short pearl-white stripes.

Variety - Player (Depht of fild)

Flower of great life-affirming power, bright, orange. The petals are wavy, textured, with pronounced venation and a corrugated frill along the edge.

Variety - Lace and frills (Ruffles and lace)

Coquettish irises, glowing with the joy of the dawn with delicate transparent pink flowers. The petals are light, wavy with pronounced venation and openwork, like lace, a frill along the edge.

Variety - Muffin (Golden Muffin)

The flower is always beautiful and sunny with golden and wavy upper petals and velvet lower ones. Along the central vein of the lower petals is a reddish-bronze light path with maroon stripes.

Variety - Wine and roses (Wine and roses)

Harmony of beauty and grace. Above the wavy wine-red lower petals bordered by a soft lilac frill, a magical dance of light wavy orchid-pink upper petals with a thin pattern of cherry bud-colored veins, illuminated by the warm rays of a golden coral beard.

Variety - Pretty pink (Pretty pink)

The flower is airy and light like a statue, all in lace and ruffles. The petals seem to be made of printed silk, textured with a pronounced light crimson veining and a corrugated edge.

Variety - Cherry garden (Cherry garden)

Very expressive dwarf variety. The petals are a rich dark cherry color with a deep purple hue and a beard glowing with sapphire rays.

Variety - Autumn fiesta (Fall fiesta)

A very attractive cultivar with creamy white wavy upper petals that blend harmoniously with pastel terracotta honey hues. Irises exude a pleasant delicate aroma of lily of the valley.

Variety - Windsor Rose (Windsor Rose)

Crystal pink petals with a graceful wavy frill around the edge delight with their beauty, give tenderness, envelop with delicate aromas of spring and blooming summer.

Variety - Brown Lasso (Brown Lasso)

Beautiful and expressive flowers with golden, like the sun, upper petals against the background of corrugated lavender lower petals with a wide light brown border. The beard is silky, fluffy, egg-yellow, like a chicken.

Variety - Attention! (Attention please)

Stop sign, impossible to pass by! A delightfully beautiful flower of bright dark cherry shades, in contrast with the golden yellow background of the lower petals and an orange-yellow beard.

Variety - Flamengo (Flamemco)

The contrast of color resembles a storm of passions and emotions of the upper petals with illumination of the white-hot golden sheen of the lower petals with a wide corrugated border of dense red-terracotta speckling.

Variety - Sapphire dawn (Sapphire dawn)

A flower with the charm of the blue southern sky before dawn. The petals are strongly wavy with a corrugated frill, at the base of the lower petals there is a “moon path” with a fluffy pale blue beard in the center.

Variety - Black dragon (Black dragon)

An exclusive one-color variety with velvety blueberry-black flowers with a violet tint and a black-violet beard.

2. Before you varieties of xiphoid irises. This variety of irises begins to bloom later than the bearded iris, prolonging and repeating this beautiful moment. The flowers are very large, open, long-lived:

Variety - Pink Ice

Very delicate charming flowers with wavy and light chiffon petals of touching shades of pink flamingo and warm, like a fragile hope for a thaw, sunbeams in the center.

Variety - Exciting (Moonlight waves)

Irises with the color of the radiant whiteness of lunar silence. Magnificent, very large flowers with open pearl-white wavy lower petals and small upper petals, shining at the base with light golden highlights.

Variety - Graceful

An elegant, graceful and impeccable variety - an aristocrat with airy-light white flowers, like a cloud, painted on the edge of the petals with bluish-purple shading.

Variety - Scallops (Cascade crest)

A flower with luminous purple sparkles and stripes with a contrasting lemon-yellow radiant spot in the center of the petals.

3. Louisiana Irises:

Variety - Rhett

Very strong magical temperament of purple-red shades of ripe cherry color with a piercing, like an arrow of cupid, a dark purple beam in the middle of the lower petals.

4. Siberian irises. Noted as unpretentious and long-lived:

Variety - Snow Queen

Always spectacular and inimitable in its splendor, with wavy snow-white petals, illuminated by golden sunlight at the base.

Sort - Dance, ballerina, dance (Dance ballerina dance)

This is one of the most popular varieties. Lavender pink, graceful, airy and light, like a ballerina's dance.

Variety - Explosive character (Temper tatum)

It appears as a temperamental fusion of the energy of red, blue and violet. The flowers are "velvet" with an amazing play of red-purple and blue-lilac shades.

Sort - Lady Vanessa

Irises show the power of magic of these delightful flowers in harmony of magnificent lilac-lavender-purple hues, juicy and expressively saturated, on wavy, slightly corrugated lower petals with a white speck at the base, and light, touchingly tender upper petals on thin silk.

5. Japanese Irises:

Variety - Smile (Laughing)

Irises with graceful and very expressive cheerful lemon-yellow sparks of laughter at the base of bright purple petals.

Variety - Cayun Capers

Delicate and charming Louisiana iris, the closest relative of the Siberian iris. The flowers are open, with a golden-yellow radiant center and orchid-pink wavy petals, skillfully painted with thin purple threads of well-defined venation.

Sort - Charming frills

Amazingly good! Refined and irresistible. Flowers with a magnificent wavy amethyst-bluish border around the edge of snow-white petals and a radiant golden-olive center.

Japanese irises are early flowering and late flowering. Choose varieties correctly to prolong flowering on the site.

Feel free to decorate the landscape design of your garden plot and irises will answer you with their magnificence and tenderness.