How to process a peony from green worms. Peony diseases and their treatment

Peonies are unusually beautiful flowers, which have not only a magnificent appearance, an abundance of colors, but also a pleasant aroma. In our country, they became popular in the eighties of the last century. And now they are found almost everywhere. In addition to all the previously mentioned advantages, these flowers have another, very important quality, they are resistant to adverse environmental factors. But a number of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of various diseases have a negative impact on them.

The most terrible enemy of all peonies are viruses. In most cases, the cause of infection is the purchase of infected planting materials. Also, pests, such as aphids, can become carriers of viral diseases. They, living on infected plants, will gladly transfer the disease to the still healthy inhabitants of the site.

The good news is that some types of peonies are not prone to severe disease development. Most of the varieties of the first generation do not show their disease at all. But modern species are less resistant to infections and, if first aid is not provided, they can simply die. This applies, for example, to American terry hybrids. Therefore, it is necessary to responsibly treat the issue of protection and prevention.

The causative agent of viral diseases is rarely a single infection, often a combination of several diseases. In the laboratory, they are easy to determine, but with home cultivation it is almost impossible. But still, for a better understanding, we decided to give a brief description of several types of viruses.

Rattle virus. He is usually the first to attack your plants. Formerly referred to as "peony ringspot virus". Among the main symptoms:

  • the appearance of rings between the veins of the leaves;
  • stripes of different colors and shades (from green to yellow);
  • There is a combination of these characteristics and, as a result, the formation of a spotty, marbled pattern.

That is, it is not difficult to notice it, it is enough to carefully examine your pets in the May period. The first manifestations fall on the transitional spring-summer stage, covering two months, May and June.

Tolerability of the disease by a plant organism directly depends on the species characteristics. The previously mentioned Americans, with proper care, can exist for several decades. But in case of violation of the recommended standards, the variety may completely die.

Peonies planted nearby garden crops become infected:

  • yellow bean mosaic;
  • a mosaic of cucumber, rezuha, narcissus;
  • barley dwarfism;
  • tomato aspermia.

These viruses act as additional components, and the main one is the rattle or tobacco mosaic virus.

Not only viruses are dangerous to your flower garden. Peonies are even infected with fungal diseases. One of the most terrible is rust, it is she who will become the central heroine of our article.


Rust manifests itself immediately after flowering, in late June - July, that is, in the middle of summer. In order to infect your entire garden, this fungus only takes a couple of days. Therefore, it is important to identify and neutralize it at the initial stages. This infection loves warm, humid weather, it is in such conditions that it will destroy your garden with lightning speed. The leaves of the flowers will gradually begin to dry out, the growing season will decrease, and by next year the peonies will not delight the eye with lush color. And they may not survive the winter, as frost resistance will reach minimum levels.


  • the appearance of brown, yellow, brown spots on the upper side of the sheets;
  • brown frame of spots;
  • orange or brown pads underneath infected leaves. It is here that spores of the fungus are stored, which are carried by gusts of wind throughout the territory of the flower garden. At the end of summer, these pads transform into columns, completely cover the leaf, causing complete drying.

In autumn, these columns (teleitospores) turn into basidia. Infect the intermediate carrier, as a rule, choose pine trees. It overwinters like a mycelium, making trees a perennial source of infection. In the spring, in the form of small yellow-red tumors, rust appears on the branches and stem bark. After the expiration of time, they are torn apart and again go in search of peonies. But the infected tree branches are severely deformed, thicken, take on a painful appearance, and eventually die. From the middle of summer, the fungus actively attacks the leaves of peonies, again forms columns and remains to winter among the fallen leaves.

It is worth noting that the roots of peonies are not affected by rust, it is only interested in green leaves.

Fighting disease

  • Initially, it is worth choosing sustainable species, namely: Gaidar, White Sail, Varenka;
  • Planting should be carried out in places far from pine representatives of the flora;
  • Conduct regular inspection of plants, when infected leaves appear, immediately remove them and burn them;
  • Do not plant bushes too densely;
  • As a prophylaxis, treat with specialized preparations, for example, "Topaz";
  • To eliminate infection, it is necessary to use products containing copper ("Hom", "Oksihom", copper sulfate or soapy-copper solution);
  • Repeat treatment with antifungal drugs once every three weeks or as it is washed off. In most cases, three treatments per season are sufficient;

Among other things, plants need to be nourished with useful substances, fertilize, and monitor their condition. These measures will avoid the occurrence of not only rust, but also other, no less terrible diseases.


Rust- a disease caused by fungi, characterized by the appearance of yellowish-brown, orange or reddish spots on both sides of the leaves. It mostly appears in the second half of summer. Affected leaves usually curl and dry quickly, and lose their decorative effect. If measures are not taken in time, it is very difficult to stop the spread of the disease: the spores of the fungus are easily carried by the wind, which leads to infection of other plants.

What to do?

Sick leaves during the growing season must be collected and destroyed - burned. Also, at the first signs of illness, the plants should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid. For preventive purposes, peonies are recommended to be fed with phosphorus-potassium and microfertilizers: this makes the plants more resistant.

powdery mildew

powdery mildew- a disease caused by fungi, usually affecting already adult peonies. It can be recognized by the whitish powdery coating that appears on the top of the leaves. As a result, the affected leaves are deformed and dry out.

What to do?

Sick people should be sprayed with a 0.5% solution of soda ash with the addition of laundry soap. A total of 2 treatments are required: the second is carried out 10 days after the first. Another option is to spray the plants with a 0.2% Figon solution.


Cladosporiosis, septoria, ascochitosis and other spotting- diseases caused by fungi and affecting leaves. They lead to a decrease in decorativeness and often to premature death of the leaves. In some cases, stems, buds and flowers are also affected. Outwardly, the diseases manifest themselves in the form of various spots (with cladosporiosis - dark brown with a dark border, with septoria - grayish-brown with a thin dark border, with ascochitosis - grayish-brown).

What to do?

Prevention of these diseases is the destruction of plant residues in which the causative agent of the disease can persist, and low autumn pruning of stems. At the first signs of the disease during the growing season, plants can be sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

Lemoine's disease

Lemoine's disease- a disease, the causes of which remain unknown. Affected plants become smaller, their shoots develop poorly, they stop blooming. At the same time, swellings appear on the roots, very similar to those that form when infected with a root-knot nematode. Because of this circumstance, some believe that it is she who is the causative agent of this disease.

What to do?

There is no cure for Lemoine's disease, so all that remains is to dig up the sick and quickly destroy it before the disease spreads.

Gray rot

Gray rot- one of the most dangerous diseases for peonies, manifested in the spring. It affects the entire plant - buds, stems, leaves - and often leads to its withering. After some time, brown spots appear on the leaves of the affected plants, covered with a gray coating (mold). Spots often appear around the stem near the root neck of the peony.

Ideal conditions for the spread and development of gray rot are wet weather, flooding of the plant with melt water, sudden temperature changes and dense plantings.

What to do?

In case of severe infection, the diseased parts must be cut and destroyed, and the plants themselves should be sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 l of water) or copper sulphate (0.6-0.7% solution). You also need to remove the top layer of soil, pouring fresh.

If cases of damage are isolated, peonies can be treated with a solution of celandine (400-500 g of freshly harvested raw materials, pour 5 liters of hot water and insist 1-1.5). Spraying is carried out several times, with breaks between treatments of 5-6 days.

It is also advised to spray the plants with fungicides: "Fundazol" (0.2% solution), "Sumilex", "Rovral" and others.

As a preventive measure, ants and aphids should be dealt with: often they become carriers of gray rot.


Withering- a disease that mainly affects weak plants during the flowering period. At the same time, peonies may look healthy, but their leaves and stems wither. One of the markers of the disease is vessels darkened on the cross section of the shoot. The fungus that causes wilting is able to overwinter in the roots and root neck of plants, so getting rid of the disease is not easy.

What to do?

It will no longer be possible to save the peonies, all that remains is to dig up the plants along with an earthy clod and burn them. The pit remaining after this should be treated with formalin or bleach.

root cancer

root cancer- a bacterial disease, which is characterized by the formation of growths on the root neck of plants.

What to do?

Infected plants will have to be dug up and burned, and the holes remaining after that should be filled with a 1% formalin solution and covered tightly with earth.


Phyllostictosis- a disease caused by fungi that manifests itself during the period of mass flowering. A distinctive feature is dark brown necrotic spots on the leaves. With severe damage, the leaves may die prematurely. In addition, plants weakened by phyllosticosis become susceptible to diseases caused by mold fungi.

What to do?

Affected plant parts must be destroyed. Also, during the budding period and in September, peonies should be sprayed with a 3-4% solution of copper sulfate. As a preventive measure, be sure to burn plant residues: the infection can persist in them.

Ring spot (mosaic)

Ring spot (mosaic)- a viral disease that manifests itself on the leaves of peonies in the form of yellowish spots and strokes, usually in the form of rings or semi-rings. Over time, parts of the leaves may turn brown. Due to the disease, plant growth is inhibited, the flowers turn pale, peonies bloom less intensively.

What to do?

It is practically not treated, so you need to destroy infected plants. Prevention of ring spot involves the control of insects that contribute to the spread of the virus.

Peony pests and their control


Bronzovka especially dangerous from May to August: it eats the petals, stems and leaves of plants. It is easy to recognize this beetle by its golden-green back, thanks to which it got its name.

What to do?

Gall nematodes

Gall nematodes predominantly attack the roots of plants. Diseased peonies can be distinguished by knotty swellings, in which these pests usually gather.

What to do?

Affected plants must be removed and burned to prevent the spread of nematodes. After that, it is better to disinfect the soil with a 1% formalin solution.

For preventive purposes, you need to carefully select planting material, dig deep into the soil before planting peonies, and do not forget to destroy all plant debris during site cleaning.


Aphids dangerous because they drink juice from the plant. Usually they accumulate on the tops of the shoots, around the buds and flowers. If there are too many of them, the plant begins to weaken, the flowers may become smaller, and the leaves may curl up and discolor. In addition, these insects can be carriers of viral diseases.

What to do?

If there are very few aphids, you can collect them manually or wash them off the bush with a strong pressure of water (or soapy water). If there are a lot of them, you will have to treat peonies with insecticides (for example, Actellik).

Sod Ants

Sod Ants, attracted by the sweet syrup secreted by the buds, often gnaw on the petals of plants, and sometimes the buds themselves.

What to do?

Plants affected by ants, as well as the soil around them, should be sprayed with repellents. You can spill the soil with a solution of "Anteater" (1 ml per 10 liters of water), add "Thunder", "Thunder-2" or "Ant" to the soil or anthill (20-30 g per 10 m 2). Infusions of insecticidal plants are also used: garlic, celandine, wormwood, etc.


thrips often found on peonies during the growing season. They feed on plant sap - they cause especially great damage during the budding period. Because of them, the fabrics become discolored and turn yellow. They also carry viral diseases. It is quite difficult to notice traces of their presence on the flowers with the naked eye: thrips are very small.

What to do?

You can fight thrips by spraying peonies with "Karbofos", "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik" - usually the treatment is carried out before flowering. From folk remedies, tincture of dandelion or yarrow is used. Plants infested with thrips must be isolated to prevent pests from spreading.

Hop spinner

Hop spinner eats the roots of peonies: because of this, the plants stop growing and bloom poorly.

What to do?

For prevention, you need to regularly loosen and weed the soil, as well as remove weeds in time. If the pests have already been noticed, you can spray the bushes with the Iskra preparation.

Illustrations to the material: Oksana Kapitan

They need care in early spring. It is worth starting to take care of the health of lush bushes immediately after the retreat of winter, as soon as it thaws.

Taking cover

This event has a universal “recipe”: clean it up when the snow finally melts off, the night frosts disappear and a stable positive temperature is established. Opening the bushes is worth gradually by first letting them just get used to the temperature.

In order for the formed young buds that have become unaccustomed to the sun not to get burned, open them in cloudy weather, and then shade the bushes for the first time.

Inspection of bushes after winter

Before flowering, peonies should be fed at the rate of 15 g of saltpeter per 10 liters of water, and when the plant grows up, water the leafy part of the peony with mineral fertilizers. Adding one tablespoon of washing powder or soap shavings to the solutions helps not to roll top dressing from the leaves immediately into the ground.

Did you know?It is customary to give peonies on the twelfth wedding anniversary.


Peony bushes during flowering sag under the weight of the tied buds, so during this period it is necessary to take care of the props for the bushes. To do this, you can use wooden rods bent into an arch, plastic or metal fittings. If you are a beginner and have encountered this for the first time and suddenly, then the stems can be temporarily heaped up.


Despite the fact that the peony has a rather spreading bush and the leaves create a shadow near the root area, the young plant needs additional. It is especially necessary to retain moisture after fertilizing. As mulch, you can use tree bark, hay, large stones. For peonies, it is best to use stones: this will also serve as a decor.

Preventive treatment

Usually, 2-3 preventive treatments are carried out with an interval of one and a half to two weeks: the first is watering when buds appear; the next two are spraying the plants with one of the solutions below. Often stems and leaves suffer, leaves and, it is these that can ruin a whole bush in a matter of days.

Also, a lot of harm can be done to peonies: which they carry, can destroy not only the ovaries of the buds, but also the crop of the adjacent ones. From peonies, the following means are most often used.

Did you know? The peony has been the state flower of Indiana (USA) since 1957.

Peonies are considered unpretentious flowers: they grow well on almost any soil and do not require transplantation for several decades. However, with improper care and violation of the watering schedule, even these plants can develop diseases. Diseases of peonies with a photo will help to correctly identify the pathology and begin its proper treatment.

The main diseases of peonies, pests of these flowers and ways to deal with them will be described in detail in this article, and photos and videos will help to properly protect plants.

Peony diseases

Most often, peonies are affected by diseases of a fungal and viral nature. Among the ailments caused by the fungus, the most widespread are gray rot, rust and various types of spots (Figure 1).

Viral infections are represented by tobacco rattle, strawberry ring spot, raspberry ring spot, cucumber mosaic, and alfalfa mosaic.

Note: As a rule, flowers are not affected by any one virus. Most often there is a mixed viral infection, which complicates the treatment.

Figure 1. The main symptoms of diseases in flowers

In addition, viral infections are easily transmitted by contact, that is, through planting material, soil, garden tools, and various pests.


The main reason for the development of fungi is high humidity. Thus, crops are affected by gray rot in cold rainy weather in spring and summer. But damp warm weather contributes to the development of rust. Factors that increase the risk of fungal diseases are also an excess of nitrogen in the soil and significant shading of plantings.

Viral diseases affect crops regardless of weather conditions. They can be transmitted from other vegetables and fruit crops such as tobacco, cucumber, raspberries through common garden tools, soil contact and spread by insects.


The most dangerous fungal disease is gray rot, which affects all parts of the crop. You can suspect it in the early stages by the withering of young shoots in the spring. Later, the disease is manifested by the appearance of a gray coating on various organs of the plant and brown spots around the stem in the region of the root collar.

Rust is easily recognizable by brown (reddish) spots on leaves, consisting of spores of the fungus. A white coating on the upper part of the leaves of adult plants indicates a disease such as powdery mildew. As for viral diseases, they can be recognized by various spots, light-colored stripes, as well as necrotic spots.


Any ailments of horticultural crops can be identified from the photo, and, accordingly, their treatment can be started, depending on the type of pathology and its characteristics.

Figure 2. Disease control methods

The danger of rust disease is that the spores of the fungus that causes it are quickly carried by the wind, and the pathology is transmitted to other plants. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately remove and destroy diseased leaves, as well as spray the bush with 1% Bordeaux mixture (Figure 2).

Note: The same solution is used to prevent damage by gray rot, spraying the bushes in the spring. Preventive methods also include the fight against ants, which are carriers of this disease. If affected areas of the plant are found, they are immediately cut and destroyed, and the bush itself is shed with 0.6% Tiram suspension.

In the fight against powdery mildew, spraying the bushes with a 0.5% solution of soda ash is used. This treatment is carried out twice, and the interval between procedures is 8-10 days. Effective in the fight against powdery mildew will also be the use of a 0.2% Figon solution.

Pathologies caused by various viruses, unfortunately, cannot be cured. Therefore, all affected bushes or parts thereof must be removed from the flower garden and destroyed. In this case, the main method of struggle is prevention. So, during the growing season, it is necessary to remove weeds in the flower garden, because they can be sources of infection. Garden tools should be kept clean: be sure to disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate after cutting diseased plants (their parts). It is also important to remember that many insects are also carriers of viral infections, so it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with insecticides.

Peony diseases: treatment and video

Diseases of peonies and the fight against them are perfectly reflected in the photo, but for greater awareness regarding the elimination of ailments, we recommend watching a video that describes in detail the main pathologies of the culture and how to treat them.

Types of peony diseases (causes, symptoms and treatment)

Just like other garden crops, peonies are subject to various diseases. Most often they are affected by diseases caused by a fungus, as well as a variety of viral infections.

The main place among all diseases is occupied by gray rot. It is able to infect all parts of the plant, both aboveground and underground (Figure 3).

Note: Most often, gray rot affects young bushes during the period of active growth of shoots. Especially wet and cool weather contributes to this.

Figure 3. Symptoms of gray mold

The main symptom of the disease is a gray coating that appears at the base of the stem. Over time, the plaque darkens, and the stem breaks and falls. The main method of combating gray rot is the observance of agricultural technology: timely watering and loosening of the soil, weed control and top dressing. Also, for the purpose of prevention, the treatment of plantings with fungicides in early spring is practiced.


Rust is a fungal disease. It infects leaves and appears as yellow-brown spots, which are clusters of spores (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Signs of rust on plants

The main methods of struggle are preventive. They provide for the timely removal and destruction of plant debris in the fall, digging up the site, spraying the plants in the spring with Bordeaux mixture.

Curling leaves may indicate a lack of potassium in the soil. This pathology requires treatment, since without certain measures, plants can simply die (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Treatment of leaf curl

Correcting the situation will help timely top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer at important stages of the growing season: during the growth of shoots, at the stage of budding and after flowering.

Pests of peonies and their control: photo

In addition to diseases of a fungal and viral nature, crops are also affected by various non-insect pests, the methods of combating which will be described below, and the photo will help determine which pest appeared on the plants and how to deal with it correctly.

bronze beetles

Bronze beetles harm not only peonies, but also many other plants. They live in manure and plant debris, feed on stamens, pistils and flower petals (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Bronze beetle pests

Gall nematodes

The most common among all pests are gall nematodes. They settle in the root system, hitting it (Figure 7). As a result of their vital activity, nodular formations appear on the roots of the plant, which soon disintegrate, and the plant dies.

Figure 7. Root infestation by root-knot nematodes

It is rather problematic to fight nematodes, therefore, preference is given to preventive measures: regular inspection of the root system, careful selection of planting material, application of complete mineral fertilizer to the soil, cleaning and destruction of all plant residues at the end of the growing season.

The soddy ant causes significant damage to flowers by eating the petals of the buds and feeding on their secretions (Figure 8). To combat these insects, soil and plants are treated with special repellent preparations.

Treatment of peonies in the spring from diseases and pests

For preventive purposes, in early spring they begin to carry out a whole range of measures aimed at preventing ailments. Treatment in spring against diseases and pests includes spraying plants with fungicides three times during the entire growing season: during germination, at the stage of bud formation and after flowering.

Figure 8. Defeat of bushes by turf ants

For preventive treatments, solutions can be used: Bordeaux liquid (1%), foundationazole (0.2%), topaz (0.1%), copper oxychloride (0.5% -0.7%), as well as fungicide Maxim. To treat one bush, you will need 2-3 liters of one of these solutions.

Among natural remedies, celandine is used. 500 g of fresh herbs are poured into 5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. The diseased plants are sprayed with infusion twice, with an interval of 5 days.

Prevention of diseases and pests of peonies

Since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, it is recommended that certain preventive measures be taken. Firstly, it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology (watering, weeding, fertilizing, loosening). Secondly, only healthy planting material should be used for planting.

In addition, for the purpose of prevention, plants are treated three times with special chemicals throughout the season, and garden tools are kept clean.

The decorativeness of peonies and their resistance to negative environmental influences are significantly reduced when viral and fungal diseases occur on these plants. Among their pathogens, fungi are in the lead, although viruses also appear more and more often every year. in the country are prone to many diseases, some of which are very dangerous. The most common fungal diseases of peonies: rust, botrytis, brown spot. Serious viruses include ring mosaic.

Fortunately, gardeners who love peonies, the number of pests that can hit such a wonderful flower is very small. These include bronzovki, gall nematodes, soddy ants, scoop caterpillars. Pests that rarely live on peonies include aphids, mites, thrips, and some caterpillars.

Peonies are quite resistant to diseases, but they are also affected by such as:

Gray rot (Botrytis)

Brownish rings appear on the stems and near the root collar of the plant. In a short time, the affected shoots wither. Further, leaves and buds become infected. The base of the stems is covered with a grayish coating. Over time, the stems darken and fall. The disease most often occurs in rainy and cool spring weather.

Treatment of the disease

After the first autumn frosts, we cut the stems of flowers and burn them. The base of the bush is poured with a 0.1% solution of foundationol. When shoots appear in spring, we treat peony bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If shoots damaged by gray rot are found in spring and summer, we remove them, and treat the flowers with foundationazole (0.5 l / 1 bush).

leaf spot

Spots of different colors appear on the leaves of peonies. They are caused by a variety of fungal diseases.

How to treat

We treat diseased flowers with 1% Bordeaux liquid, and pour 0.5 l of 0.1% foundationol into the base of the plant bush.


The leaves are covered with brownish spots located on both sides. At the bottom of the leaf blade are clusters of fungal spores.

Fighting methods

In autumn, we dig deep into the ground, turning over the layers of soil. In the middle of spring, we spray flower bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid, 0.7% copper oxychloride.

Ring mosaic of leaves

Pale green ring-shaped spots appear on the leaves of peonies affected by the virus.

How to fight

Sick bushes are dug up and burned. For the prevention of the disease, we use Alirin.

powdery mildew

The leaves are covered with a whitish bloom. Over time, they turn yellow and die.

Prevention and treatment

In autumn, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower beds. If a disease occurs, we spray the flowers with a soapy-copper solution (200 g of laundry soap, 20 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water.).

brown spot

Asymmetrical spots of brown shades appear on the leaves. Then they spread to the buds, from which the flowers turn brown and crumble. Most often, this occurs with high humidity.

How to treat

In the spring, immediately after the peonies bloom, we spray the bushes with one of these preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, 0.7% copper oxychloride, Abiba Peak, Tsineb, Fitosporin-M.

Description of the signs of peony pests, how to deal with them

Pests include:


Bright beetles with a characteristic green-golden color. They feed not only on flower petals, but also on stamens and pistils.

The presence of beetles on plants and the flower petals eaten by them. Most often, bronzes affect light-colored varieties of peonies with fragrant flowers.

Control measures

We collect beetles directly from the bushes in the morning, when they are least active. We introduce preparations Medvetoks, Thunder or Pochin (15 g / 10 sq. M.) into the ground under peonies. We spray the flowers affected by pests with a 0.3% solution of Calypso.

Gall nematodes

Fighting methods

Periodically inspect the root system of pions. After the end of the growing season, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower bed. Infected bushes are dug up and destroyed. Pour 1% formalin solution into the pits from under dug out flowers.

sod ant

Bud petals eaten away by a pest.

Ways to fight

We process peonies and soil in a flower bed with ant preparations such as Anteater.

Scoop caterpillars

Eaten buds of plants.

How to fight

We dust peonies in the morning with fluffy lime and crushed wood ash. We process flowers 3-4 times. We process bushes with Fitoferm, Agrovertin, Zeta, Inta-Vir preparations.

Aphids, mites, thrips

The presence of insect pests on different parts of plants. Peonies lose their decorative effect.

Fight them

Several times a season we spray plants with insecticides such as Agrovertin (4 ml / 1 l of water), Fitoverm (2 ml / 1 l of water), Confidor (1 ml / 10 l of water). We process flowers at the rate of 1 liter of the prepared preparation per 10 square meters. m.