How to choose a bike for a child - important details. How to make the right choice when buying a bike? Choosing a bike from 3 years

A bicycle is an integral attribute of childhood, which becomes not only entertainment. Cycling affects the development of the child, forms agility, endurance and independently. Develops a sense of balance, coordination and the ability to navigate in space, strengthens muscles. It is important to choose a child of high-quality and reliable equipment that will be easy to use and at the same time ensure the safety of the crumbs.

To date, manufacturers offer models that differ in design and appearance, in functionality and materials of manufacture, in terms of parameters and configuration. In this article, we will look at what criteria you need to focus on when choosing a children's bike. And we will learn in detail how to choose the right bike for your child.

Types of children's bicycles

  • A tricycle is chosen for the youngest children from the age of one year. Such models have a stable and comfortable soft seat with a back, often an unregulated steering wheel and a handle for parents. This guarantees safe riding. Some products additionally contain wings and a canopy or an umbrella, a footboard and a basket;
  • Devices with a parent handle are popular products. They combine the properties of a tricycle and. Due to the long handle, parents can, if necessary, control the equipment, control the baby or lead, as in a stroller. At the same time, the baby learns to pedal;
  • A balance bike is an intermediate option between two- and three-wheeled bicycles. Not every kid can quickly transfer from a device with three wheels to a two-wheeled design. Then the runbike comes to the rescue. Models are made without pedals and are suitable for children older than a year. To ride, the baby pushes off the asphalt with its legs. Thus, he learns to steer safely without being distracted by the pedals. At the same time, he can easily and at any time slow down, which is difficult for a beginner with a pedal bike. Which company's balance bike is better to buy for a child, see;
  • Products with removable additional wheels are great for learning to balance while riding and ensure a safe transition to a classic two-wheeled bike. Due to the additional wheels, the bike does not fall to the side. In addition, it gives safe braking. And when the baby feels confident and will not be afraid to ride, you can remove the wheels and ride a standard two-wheeled bicycle.

How to choose a bike for a child

To choose a high-quality, practical, reliable and safe children's bike, pay attention to a number of factors. First of all, it is the age and height of the child. Choose a design that is suitable for the level of physical development and age. But remember, not all children grow according to statistics. Therefore, growth data must also be taken into account. It is best to choose products that have adjustable seat and handlebar heights. Then you can adjust the model to the height of the child.

Special attention is paid to the quality of materials and assembly of the structure. Steel and aluminum frames are durable and reliable, do not crack and last a long time. At the same time, the aluminum frame is distinguished by light weight, so they are easy to operate. But such models are more expensive than with a steel frame.

For children, models with rear and hand brakes are well suited. The first provides a reduction in speed, and the second is used for emergency and sudden braking. Thus, driving safety is increased. For rear braking, cantilever or foot structures are used. The first is more rigid, therefore, for children's models, a rear foot brake is often installed.

Selected products must have branded tires and bottom brackets. Many parents are interested in the question of which wheels to choose. The size of the wheels is selected depending on the age and height of the child. Wheels with a size of 12 inches are designed for babies up to three years old, with parameters of 14-16 inches are suitable for children from three to six years old. Pick up models with 18-20 inch wheels for schoolchildren of six to nine years old, and products with 24 inch wheels are already used for teenagers aged 9-12.

Before choosing a tricycle with or without a handle, check the availability of seat belts. They are needed for still very small crumbs at the age of one or two years, who have just sat on such equipment. These straps will securely fix the crumbs on the seat. It won't fall out or fall. Products should be soft, but durable. In any case, you need to buy a children's bike only in specialized branded or sports stores. Be sure to check the quality certificate!

Rules for choosing a bike by age and height of the child

To choose a children's bike for height, place the baby above the frame in front of the saddle so that the latter rests against the coccyx, while the frame is located between the legs. Thus, a suitable gap between the frame and the crotch should be 5-10 centimeters. Put the child on the seat and check if he easily reaches the pedals, if he does not slouch while riding. Such a “fitting” will help you choose the most suitable model.

The choice of the size of bicycle wheels depends on the age and height of the child. Details are provided in the table below. By the way, if the age and height of the baby do not correspond to each other, be guided by the growth data.

Do not buy a bike "for growth"! The model is chosen according to the height, age and physical abilities of the child. It is important that the baby is comfortable, comfortable and safe to ride a bike. Improper technique will lead to control problems, frequent falls and injuries. We offer a few more recommendations on which bike is best for a child.

Which bike to choose

  • For babies 1-2 years old who have recently sat in a stroller, choose a tricycle. For the little ones, a model with a parent handle and footrest, an awning or a canopy from the sun and rain, a deep soft seat and safety belts will be a suitable solution. In addition, you can find models with a built-in music panel that will distract and develop the baby. And an additionally installed basket will allow you to take the necessary things on bike rides or add purchases;
  • For children of two to four years old, we choose three-wheeled products without a parent handle. This will teach the baby to independently control the bike. It is desirable that the product does not weigh more than 4-5 kilograms, otherwise the baby will not cope with a heavy device if it gets stuck or falls. The most practical and convenient will be non-slip pedals, on which the leg is securely fixed;
  • For kids 3-6 years old with a height of 95-115 centimeters, we choose four-wheeled bicycles with additional side wheels for safety. The steering wheel and seats of such products must be adjustable in height. The device must have chain and steering wheel protection, the necessary reflectors;
  • Schoolchildren of elementary grades of six to nine years old are selected with a two-wheeled bicycle with an underestimated frame and a combined brake system. Choose lightweight and reduced models. Do not forget about the adjustment of the steering wheel and seat, protection elements. The most practical and convenient folding designs that do not take up much space during storage. Some items may include baskets or trunks;
  • For children over 10-14 years old, you can use teenage models, and then move on to adults. Stunt bikes with different speeds are suitable for already confident cyclists. Choose stunt devices with an all-welded frame and a mandatory hand brake.

The best bikes for kids

Model Description Characteristics Price
STELS DOLPHIN 12 For children 2-5 years old, up to 105 cm tall; bright colors and design; rigid increased steel frame and shock absorber on the seat; steering wheel can be adjusted rear foot brake; affordable price Wheel diameter - 12 inches; frame size - 8.5 inches; one speed; steering wheel protection included - luggage rack and a basket with a mount on the steering wheel 3,500 -3,900 rubles
PUKY 4125 ZL 12-1 ALU Universal and reliable bike for a child 2-4 years old, up to 105 cm tall; wide choice of colors and original design; aluminum rigid frame, but no shock absorber Wheels - 12 inches; one speed; rear foot brake; quite heavy weight - 8 kg 17,000 - 19,000 rubles
KETTLER 8174-400 SUPERTRIKE Tricycle for a child over two years old; great for learning to drive independently; lightweight and durable design with a low weight of 7 kg For learning; includes handle for parents, height-adjustable steering wheel, comfortable seat with backrest; but no seat belts 4 500 rubles
Baby Trike WS909 Inexpensive children's tricycle without a handle for parents; suitable for a child 1.5-3 years old; comfortable soft and deep seat with backrest; lightweight design - 5.8 kg Comfortable seat and straight steering wheel; wide choice of colors; included - rear basket 2 600 rubles
NOVATRACK ASTRA 14 Comfortable and affordable model for a child 3-5 years old; low steel frame; protection on the chain and handlebars, but no handbrake and heavy construction - 8.8 kg Wheels - 14 inches; one speed; foot rear brake; Includes luggage rack and side wheels 5 000 rubles
Smart Trike Recliner Stroller Modern and stylish tricycle with visor and handle for parents; suitable for babies 1-3 years old; this design can also be used as a summer stroller Rubber wheels and seat belts, soft comfortable seat with backrest; Includes fabric cape, rear basket and footrest 7 000 rubles
JAGUAR MS-142 ALU For a child 3-5 years old, for height up to 115 cm; mirror color of the frame and wheel rims; treaded tires improve grip; lightweight aluminum frame Wheels - 14 inches; one speed; foot rear brake; side wheels included; chain protection 8500 rubles
S'COOL XXLITE 16 The safest model for children four to six years old; treaded wheels provide powerful grip on the road surface; easy and fast braking; aluminum frame, but heavy weight - 9.5 kg Wheels - 16 inches; one speed; protective cover on the steering wheel and brake levers on the front wheel; foot rear brake; protective pad on moving parts 12,000 - 18,000 rubles
AUTHOR STYLO 16 Child 4-6 years old, easy control and braking; light weight aluminum frame; robust construction and protection for the chain Wheels - 16 inches; frame - 9 inches; one speed; foot rear brake 14 500 rubles
STELS PILOT 170 20 Bicycle for a child aged 5-9 years up to 135 cm; lightweight aluminum frame and rims; bright coloring, stylish design and original construction, but very heavy weight - 14.8 kg Wheels - 20 inches; frame size - 9.5 inches; one speed; foot rear brake; side wheels included; handlebar and chain guard 8,000 -9,000 rubles

How to teach a child to ride a bike

Start training with a balance bike. With the help of such a device, the child will understand what balance and balance are, how to hold the steering wheel evenly and fit into turns. Don't forget a helmet, if necessary, buy knee pads and elbow pads. When the baby is already riding confidently and is not afraid of speed, you can change to a two-wheeled bicycle.

Many experts believe that children who first rode balance bikes do not need additional wheels. Do not forget that the purchased bike should be suitable for height and age, and also be light. The kid will easily lift the lightweight structure and quickly get out if the bike gets stuck. To lighten the weight of the device, remove the heavy trunk, basket and other additional optional items.

Valeria Petrova | 03/23/2015 | 8653

Valeria Petrova 03/23/2015 8653

It's getting warmer outside, which means you can spend a lot of time outdoors. Buy a bike for your child to enjoy the walks.

The choice of this vehicle should be approached very carefully. After all, the safety of the child and his "authority" among peers is at stake. The bike will become a personal possession that the child will groom and cherish.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not regret buying an “iron friend”, follow our advice.

Child's age and height

Perhaps you have a tricycle gathering dust on your balcony or a children's transport with attached wheels, on which a child cut through the streets several seasons ago. Now you can switch to a more adult, two-wheeled version. Such models are designed for children from 7 to 13 years old, whose height is 115-155 cm.

The height of a child is a very important indicator when choosing a bike. The fact is that the growth of not all children corresponds to the average values ​​for a particular age. One child at 7 years old can be below the norm or, conversely, above.

The diameter of the wheels depends on the height. Children's bike wheel sizes are measured in inches and are as follows:

To determine the required size, you need to divide the height of the child by 2.5, and the resulting figure by another 2.54. If the child's height is 120 cm, divide by 2.5 and 2.54. The output is the number 18.8. So, the wheels need 18 or 20 inches.

In addition to the size of the wheels, the length of the frame is of no small importance. The child should not "hang" on it.

Build quality

When choosing a bike directly, you should pay attention to the quality of parts and the reliability of the foot brake.

Do not buy bicycles with a handbrake: there is a chance that a child of this age simply cannot cope with it.

Important points we would like to draw your attention to:

  1. The pedals should turn easily, in no case should they scroll.
  2. The bike should be light and not bulky.
  3. Be sure to adjust the seat and steering wheel.
  4. You should carefully examine the frame and the quality of the "seams".
  5. Included with the bike should be bells and reflectors (reflectors).

We do not recommend buying a bike "for growth" for the sake of savings. Indeed, due to an uncomfortable fit, a child can reject a bicycle and will not ride it. In addition, bikes that are not tall can cause frequent falls and injuries.

"Trying on" in the store

Before buying, the child must necessarily "try on" the bike. If he feels comfortable, his legs reach the ground (in a sitting position), does not hang from the frame, you can safely go to the checkout.

For children, the color of the bike is of no small importance. Listen to the desire of the child: if the child wants a pink or bright orange version, it is better to meet him halfway. After all, for him it is a personal "cool" transport, which should correspond to his tastes.

Child safety

To make cycling as safe as possible, we advise you to buy additional protective accessories:

  • helmet;
  • knee pads;
  • elbow pads;
  • gloves.

After buying a bike, be sure to have an explanatory conversation with your child: say that you should ride only in safe places, in no case should you go onto the roadway. Of course, at first the child should ride only under your supervision until he gets used to the bike.

Leading a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is becoming more and more popular every day. You can adhere to a healthy lifestyle in different ways: nutrition, giving up bad habits, spiritual development, a physically active life. Playing sports not only helps to keep fit, but also gives pleasure. Cycling is such a pleasant and useful pastime. Adults and children, men and women can afford to ride a bicycle. For the positive effect of cycling and reducing the risk of injury, it is very important to choose and buy the right bike for yourself.

How to choose the right bike?

When choosing a bicycle, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the person who will use it:

  • age;
  • height;
  • experience;
  • the area to be driven on;
  • affordable price;
  • preferred manufacturer.

How to choose the first bike?

When buying your first bike, you should follow some rules. It is not recommended to make such an important purchase in hypermarkets. In them, you run the risk of acquiring a low-quality fake.

Also, do not buy the cheapest model. Such a bike, although it will not break in the first season, will require increased attention. To determine the optimal price for the first bike, you need to find out the minimum price of the bike in the store and add about 25% of it. In addition to the cost of the bike itself, additional accessories (helmet, pump, first aid kit, water bottle, spare tube) should be considered in the budget.

There is no need to focus on a specific brand or country of origin, since all bike elements are made in Asia, and the brand only collects them together. Where price is not an issue, beginners are advised to opt for a mid-range bike.

For those who are going to ride off-road, a mountain bike is ideal. For driving around the city and long trips, a hybrid bike is more suitable. It is adapted to any road surface.

How to choose a children's bike?

Every parent wondered how to choose a bike for a child? For kids, a stable and easy-to-use tricycle horse is suitable. For children aged 3 to 6 years, there are special models with additional removable safety wheels. Before choosing a teenager's bike, you need to measure the height of the child and decide on its type (mountain, road, touring, stunt, hybrid).

How to choose a bike for an adult?

When choosing a bicycle transport, it is necessary to take into account the features of all its components.

To choose the right bike, it is important to pay attention to the frame. Its height should be 10 cm below the waist. Frames are made from a variety of materials, from steel to titanium. The advantage of steel frames is their strength and low cost. Aluminum frames are strong and light, while titanium frames are just as strong but heavy. The quality of frames depends not only on materials, but also on manufacturing technology.

An important element of a bike is the seat. If the bike itself suits the buyer, but the saddle does not, then it can always be replaced.

Depending on the intended area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of cycling, wheels are selected. Large diameter wheels (more than 28 inches) with 32 spokes are suitable for long distance driving, and up to 26 inches with 36 spokes for mountainous terrain.

Shock absorbers are designed to mitigate vibrations, so they are especially relevant for mountain bikes.

Focus on the speed switch. It is mounted on the steering wheel and can switch speeds using a rotary ring or two levers.

High-quality brakes guarantee the safe operation of the bike. It is better to choose hand brakes, because. foot are not always convenient to use. Hand brakes are divided into hydraulic and cable.

How to choose a bike for a woman?

When choosing a women's bike, there are also some features. When purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is recommended that the frame be made of aluminum, be of high quality and not the cheapest, as driving performance depends on it.
  2. The dimensions of the frame and the size of the bike itself should be chosen taking into account the height of the woman.
  3. The form of clothing in which the lady will ride depends on the level of the frame. For example, a lowered frame will allow you to ride in a skirt.
  4. The steering wheel in a women's bike is narrower, longer and thinner than in a man's.
  5. The suspension in the women's bike is soft, for maximum comfort when moving.
  6. Of course, design plays an important role. Modern models of women's bicycles have a design worked out to the smallest detail. What helps the girls to choose their original cycling.
  7. It is advisable to buy a two-wheeled vehicle of well-known brands. This ensures the high quality of the product.

How to choose a bike for a man?

Features of the design of the men's bike:

  1. The difference between a men's bike and a women's bike is its weight. The male model is slightly heavier.
  2. Since men pedal more actively, wide and soft seats do not suit them. For convenience in men's models, narrowed seats are used.
  3. The high frame guarantees the strength and stability of the design of the bike.
  4. For a comfortable hand position, the steering wheel is made low and wide.
  5. Control elements are manufactured in standard sizes.
  6. The structural features of the male body are taken into account, therefore elongated connecting rods are produced.

Overview of the best bike manufacturers

  1. Stels;
  2. Merida;
  3. cube;
  4. TREK;
  5. Giant;
  6. Specialized;
  7. Schwin;
  8. author;
  9. forward.

1. In the first place is a Russian manufacturer - Stels. The company has been operating since 1998. Under this brand, in addition to bicycles, various motorcycle equipment and spare parts are produced. The crisis of 2008 did not have a big impact on Stels, and it became the first in terms of bicycle production in Europe. The cost of Stels bicycles varies from 10,500 to 32,500 rubles.

2. In second place is the company - Merida. This is an American manufacturer that has been manufacturing bicycles since 1978. The model range is presented from women's, men's, mountain, stunt, children's, city and road bikes. The amplitude of price fluctuations is quite wide from 16,000 to 350,000 rubles.

3. The third place is occupied by a German company cube. Russian consumers fell in love with the goods of this company for their high quality. The company was founded in 1993 by a student from Germany. Bicycle components are purchased from the Asian market, assembled in Bavaria, and then sold under a German brand. The cost of one bicycle can be from 40,000 to 550,000 rubles.

4. Fourth in the ranking of bicycle manufacturers was Trek, which is one of the best representatives of the American bicycle industry. Trek products are often found on world champions and Olympic teams. In Russia, Trek has not become very popular due to the lack of advertising. You can buy an amateur bike of this brand from 20,000 rubles, the price of a professional bike will be an average of 100,000 rubles.

5. Rounds out the top five Giant Bicycles Co. Ltd is the largest bicycle manufacturer in the world. Unlike its competitors, the company was opened precisely as a production company. Giant now produces 55% of its "branded" bikes, including Trek and Scott. The price range is designed for a consumer with any income level, the cost of a bike is from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles.

6.Specialized is one of the largest bicycle manufacturers. It is believed that this company produces bicycles and accessories for them of the best quality. She is a major innovator in the cycling industry. The company is not very popular on the Russian market due to the rarity and high cost of developments that are virtually unavailable in Russia. The price range is from 9,000 to 750,000 rubles.

7.Schwinn is a legend among bicycle companies. Each specialized bike shop considers it their duty to display 1-2 Schwinn cruisers in the hall. The range of bicycles of this company is small, and prices are above average.

8. Company GT- quite popular. High quality and a wide range of models allows you to satisfy the desires of any customer, in almost every corner of the country. The average price of a bicycle is about 40,000 rubles.

9.Author is a Czech brand made from Asian ingredients, the business model is similar to Cube and Stels. A wide range, affordable price and high-quality marketing have made these bikes popular in Russia. The cost of a bike representative of this company varies from 15,000 to 120,000 rubles.

10. The second representative of the Russian bicycle industry in the ranking is forward. The company was founded on the basis of the Perm Bicycle Plant and produces budget bicycles. This increases the availability of goods for the consumer (price range from 5,500 to 38,000 rubles), but does not guarantee high quality at all.

A bicycle is a great way to introduce your child to outdoor activities. Bicycle rides are available for kids from two years old. Many letki begin the path of a young athlete on a balance bike even earlier than at 2 years old.

Parents should know how to choose the right bike for their child. But buying a "two-wheeled horse" is half the battle. It is important to teach toddlers and older children to ride a bike. How to act, what to pay attention to? Tips from experienced cyclists and coaches on what kind of transport is suitable for children of different ages - these and other questions are discussed in the informative article.

Dear Parents! Remember the main parameters that you need to consider when buying a bike of any make and model. For children, it is age and height. Classification of children's bicycles is carried out according to the diameter of the wheels (in inches).

How to choose a children's bike? Before going to the store or when ordering via the Internet, look at the special table. You will find the ratio of height, age and size of the wheels. The main one is growth. In two thirteen-year-old boys, height often differs by 4-5 cm, it is impossible to focus only on age.

Important! Son or daughter "stretched out" stronger than their peers? Focus more on height, look for the diameter of the wheels in the corresponding line, age will fade into the background. The sales assistant will tell you which model is suitable for a young athlete. In the next section you will find the technical specifications of the popular children's transport. Carefully study the parameters for a certain age.

Which bike is right for a child

Consider the recommendations of experienced instructors who have been involved in cycling for more than a year. The choice of a "two-wheeled horse" in a hurry, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby, without knowing the technical characteristics of the model, often leads to not very pleasant consequences. With a design that is unsuitable for growth or certain parameters, it will be more difficult for a child to cope, orthopedic problems may appear.

Take note:

  • the model is selected, the technical characteristics are taken into account, the child is satisfied. Check out another important detail: a young cyclist sits in the saddle, tries to reach the pedals;
  • in the "correct" model, the legs should be fully extended in the lower position. The child must press the pedal with the central (middle) part of the foot. If the baby barely reaches the pedals, turns his toes, the bike is not suitable for growth;
  • try adjusting the height of the saddle and handlebars. If these manipulations do not give the desired result, choose a model of another category.

Up to 2 years

Choice features:

  • the smallest is suitable for a tricycle with a parent handle. While driving, the baby learns to sit correctly, pedal, drive, brake correctly;
  • the only minus of the three-wheeled "friend" is that the child does not learn to balance. For this purpose, buy a balance bike for your child. The new type of transport is suitable for children closer to two years. The balance bike not only develops a sense of balance, but also strengthens the leg muscles well.

2 to 4

Choice features:

  • after three years, buy your baby a two-wheeled bicycle with small safety wheels;
  • check if the balancing wheels can be adjusted in height;
  • a prerequisite is the presence of a foot brake, protection of the chain and connecting rods.

3 to 6

Important points:

  • transport in many ways resembles the previous category, but the size of the frame and wheels increases, models become more stable, and cross-country ability increases;
  • there is a hand brake for the front wheel, chain protection, foot brake. There is only one speed for this category;
  • after four years, children develop strength, dexterity, it is easier for a young cyclist to do without safety wheels;
  • if the child is physically and mentally ready, remove the extra wheels. Teach your child to keep balance, spend a few lessons, and your son or daughter will certainly ride a two-wheeled model without side wheels.

5 to 8

Model features:

  • details of "adult" transport appear: gear shifters, front shock absorber for a faster, more comfortable ride;
  • both brakes are transferred to the steering wheel.

8 to 13

How to choose a bike for a teenager? Main characteristics:

  • for this age, manufacturers offer dozens of models of bright colors. Most of the options are a mountain bike or a city bike (a smaller copy);
  • there are models with one speed and multi-speed options, the number of shock absorbers: one, two, sometimes without them;
  • an older child loves speed: remember to buy a children's helmet;
  • the young cyclist has grown a lot? Height - 140 cm or more? Buy an adult model with a lower frame, the optimal wheel diameter is 26 inches.

What to buy

For a young cyclist, you will need not only a “two-wheeled friend”. There are a few things to keep in mind.

Be sure to pick up a son or daughter:

  • Bike helmet. Many parents neglect protective gear. But falls, especially in the first time after mastering a new mode of transport, are inevitable. The helmet will protect the head, give the baby confidence that everything will be all right with him even if he falls;
  • comfortable shoes with good soles (having good cushioning, not quite stiff). Flat sandals with an open heel are a bad option, comfortable sneakers are what you need;
  • clothing for cycling: comfortable shorts, T-shirt or T-shirt. For the first time, high-quality knitwear that absorbs sweat well will do. If you and your family often go on bike trips, buy a special cycling uniform for your child.

Advice! Daughter asks for a bike ride in the yard? Gather the girl's hair. Fluttering curls distract from observing the road, impair visibility. While driving, nothing should interfere with the little cyclist.

How to teach a child to ride

How to choose a bike, you already know. This step-by-step guide is a great help for parents who don't know how to prepare a young cyclist for their first ride. Some kids can easily cope with the task, others are shy, afraid of falling, they just can’t get used to the fact that a two-wheeled bicycle no longer has insurance in the form of tiny extra wheels.

Helpful Hints:

  • parents should show maximum patience, cheer up their son or daughter, correctly explain how to act. Threats, offensive words, haste are inappropriate. Nervousness, excessive guardianship, “ooh - aah”, a tragic facial expression if the baby fell are no less harmful;
  • prompt, encourage, explain, but within reasonable limits. Try to make the baby understand how to keep balance;
  • when the baby feels like one with the bike, things will quickly go smoothly. The task of parents is to suggest the optimal direction of classes, to offer the “right” exercises;
  • think about which parent will teach their son or daughter to ride. More often, classes are conducted by dad, who is more calm about falls, does not fuss, does not lament in case of failures.

A dexterous, flexible, physically developed child will quickly learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Children actively climbing the Swedish wall, exercising on sports equipment, control their body, know how to manage it. Conclusion: from an early age, introduce the baby to physical education, do not forbid climbing hills, ladders, horizontal bars, just insure the young "climber".

Reusable diapers for newborns: which ones are better? Reply page.

At the address, look at the review of compression inhalers for children from cough and runny nose.

Stages of learning

Experts advise every day to learn a new element of the bike. Once you master one skill, you can move on to another.

The first day:

  • offer the child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle himself: this is how the baby feels how his personal transport is moving. You need to hold the bike by the seat, not by the handlebars;
  • it’s not so easy, the transport sways, “wags” every meter, but such training will allow the child to level the position by tilting the structure, and not by the steering wheel;
  • the task of parents is to distract the baby with conversations, gently cheer, but not focus on actions. Let the child, his body feel how to react to the tilt of the bike. After the fall, let the baby himself lift the transport, align it, roll on;
  • with each unsuccessful attempt, invaluable experience is accumulated. The optimal training time is 40-45 minutes. You will see that by the end of the lesson, the baby will be able to roll the bike by the saddle. If the child is tired, continue classes the next day, but until this stage is mastered, do not move further.

Second day:

  • the task is to consolidate the experience to maintain balance;
  • Today, a young athlete does not have a bicycle, but a “scooter”;
  • starting position: both hands on the steering wheel, one foot on the pedals. The second must be repelled;
  • walk along while moving. Do not worry, the young cyclist will not fall: on the one hand, you will insure if the transport falls to the other side, the child will be held by an outstretched leg;
  • it is important to drive slowly: it is more difficult to maintain balance. After a while, the child should change his leg;
  • the optimal duration of training is about an hour.

Day three:

  • find a good skating area with a flat surface. No one should interfere with you: the fewer “spectators”, the better. If the baby is not shy, it is easier for him to master a new type of transport;
  • start your classes with the “scooter” exercise. A small cyclist must confidently push off, "feel" the transport;
  • did everything go well? Offer to ride a two-wheeled "friend";
  • most children fall at the start: they lose their balance, push off poorly, do not have time to pedal;
  • instructors advise finding a platform with a long step, then it will be easier for the child to push off than from the ground;
  • explain that when tilting the bike to the sides, you need to put your legs out to prevent falls. Demonstrate how to dismount properly by holding the handlebars with both hands. If the kid masters this science, he will not be afraid of falls, he will always rest with his foot. Be sure to show how to brake with your foot on the ground. This skill will also help to avoid falls, prevent injuries;
  • prepare the baby psychologically, tell us how you learned to ride (without heartbreaking details), support, but do not "lisp". Say that you are always there, insure him. Be warned that failures are possible: all riders go through this;
  • when the baby calms down, check the starting position: one foot on the step, the second child should comfortably put on the pedal. It remains to push off ... And now the baby has already gone. Surely, the transport with the young racer will immediately “wag”, after a few meters a fall is possible, but the main thing is done: the kid felt independent movement, realized that he could drive a two-wheeled friend.

Now you know which bike is suitable for a child, taking into account age and height. Always focus on the diameter of the wheels, look at the table before buying, consider all indicators. Check with the seller with which seat it is better to choose a bike, which model is suitable for a girl / boy. Ask your friends and experts what brands they consider optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. Teach your kid to ride, taking into account the recommendations of experts, and soon the young cyclist will pedal confidently.

Video - tips on how to choose a bike for a child:

Dear parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and just good people who have decided - for this you should erect a monument. Nowadays, very few think about how to attract a child to active recreation and pastime. We spend fabulous sums on expensive purchases, trips to entertainment centers, on junk food and do not always pay attention to mandatory and vital things.

What is an essential part of any living organism? Of course, movement! And the more it is present in our lives, the healthier, more beautiful, more resilient, smarter we are, and so we can continue indefinitely. An active lifestyle brings up a leader in each of us, because doing any kind of sport, we subconsciously set ourselves certain goals and go towards their fulfillment or overfulfillment (run 1 km, drive 10 km, pull up 15 times, etc.)

It is considered a teenage type and is suitable for children with a height of 130-150cm. Often, such models are a smaller copy of adult bicycles, have a full-fledged multi-speed transmission and even a suspension fork.

When you should be careful. Seasonal factors should be taken into account. Simply put, if you decide to buy a bicycle for a child at the end of the season, be careful - after all, during the autumn-winter period, the child will gain a couple or even more centimeters, and he will no longer be comfortable on a purchased, seemingly correctly selected bike. Think ahead, but don't overdo it ;).

What threatens the wrong diameter of bicycle wheels for a child?

If you thought that all children's bikes differ only in the diameter of the wheels, then we dare to disappoint you. Depending on the size of the wheels, the length and height of the frame, the width of the steering wheel and the seat change. Also, a bicycle can be with or without attached wheels, which is important for small children who cannot ride.

When choosing a children's bike with wheels more than necessary:

  • the child will always reach for the pedals, as a result of which the fifth point will rub and the riding time will decrease significantly;
  • as a rule, larger bikes are heavier, respectively, they are harder to carry and accelerate;
  • the child’s hands will be tense all the time, because he will have to reach for the steering wheel, which is installed further than necessary.

When choosing a bike for children with wheels smaller than necessary:

  • it will be inconvenient for the baby to pedal and the steering wheel, he can touch the handles of the steering wheel with his knees.
  • the weight of the child will be distributed over the seat area, much less than he needs, respectively, this is fraught with unpleasant sensations - pressure and rubbing of the fifth point.
  • the legs of the child will not fully unbend and he will not be able to fully accelerate, ride and enjoy the ride.