How to treat peonies. Fungal diseases of peonies and the fight against them, photo

How much grief wilted flowers bring. This short guide will hopefully help you recognize the disease and deal with the infection.

Gray rot, or botrytis - affects the stems, leaves, buds and flowers of the peony. Young shoots growing in spring are especially damaged.

The disease is manifested by the sudden withering of young peony shoots, which break at the base and fall. Near the soil surface, the stem becomes brown-black and rots. Later, the stems can also wither and die, and the rot rises up to 10 cm from the base of the stem. Large, brown, spreading spots appear on the tips of the leaves.

Peony leaves are deformed and dry out. Small buds turn black and also dry up. Larger buds, when damaged, stop growing, acquiring a brown tint, sometimes flowers bloom only from one side. When the infection penetrates the roots, they begin to rot. The development of the disease is facilitated by cold, rainy spring and summer, sudden changes in temperature.

The disease develops more intensively if peonies are planted on heavy clay soils and in areas with close groundwater, on plants covered in autumn to protect against winter frosts with manure or not opened on time, on thickened, poorly ventilated plantings.

Measures to combat gray mold. Sick parts are destroyed as they appear. In autumn, peony stems are cut and burned. Two sprayings are carried out: at the beginning of the growing season (the appearance of buds above the ground) and after 10-12 days, both the peony bush and the soil under it are thoroughly moistened at the same time with a 0.6-0.7% solution of copper oxychloride or 1% Bordeaux liquid. Consumption: 2-3 liters per bush.

Brown spotting, or septoria. The disease manifests itself on peony leaves in June in the form of bilateral brown-brown, rounded or elongated spots with a darker rim. Initially, the spots are single, scattered, then they merge and change color to brown with an ash-gray tint.

First, the lower, older leaves are affected, then the disease spreads higher along the stem, and with a strong lesion, the leaves completely dry out, but do not fall off for a long time. Septoria adversely affects the flowering of peonies and, weakening plants, their winter hardiness. The development of the disease is facilitated by rainy and cool weather in spring and summer. Measures to combat septoria are the same as with gray rot.

Rust. In the middle of summer, rusty spots of various sizes and shapes appear on the upper side of the leaves. On the underside, small yellowish-brown pads of fungal spores form on the spots. Affected leaves curl and dry up.

The intermediate host for this disease is Scots pine. In humid, warm weather, rust is especially rampant, causing the leaves to dry out already in July, weakening plants and adversely affecting winter hardiness and flowering next year.

rust control measures. During the growing season, peonies are regularly fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. When the first sign of the disease appears, the affected leaves are removed from the plant and the plant is sprayed at intervals of 10-14 days (alternately) with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid and a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride. In autumn, cut and burn the stems with leaves.

Brown leaf spot. In the first half of summer, large brown spots appear on the peony leaves, which gradually grow, merge and often cover the entire leaf. Gradually, the spots darken, become dark brown, and the sheets look as if burnt. Sometimes stems, buds and flowers are affected.

Elongated reddish-brown spots form on young shoots. The entire stem darkens and becomes covered with smoky sporulation of the fungus. The buds turn brown, the petals fall off and, falling on the leaves, cause their infection. In wet weather, a smoky velvety coating forms on the underside of the leaves in the center of the spots.

Measures to combat brown spotting. In autumn, peony stems are cut and burned. When the first signs of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with copper preparations.

Ring mosaic of leaves. On peony leaves, rings and half rings appear between the veins, lighter than the normal color of the leaf. A characteristic blurred marble pattern is created on the leaves. By the end of the growing season, these marble spots become necrotic. The disease spreads during vegetative reproduction of the peony.

Measures to combat the peony ring mosaic. It makes sense to destroy diseased peony bushes only if single plants are affected by the virus, since this virus only infects peonies, in general, without weakening them too much and without affecting other crops. A well-groomed, properly grown peony to some extent fights the disease itself, at least it can drive it into a latent (hidden) form. They fight against root gall nematodes.

Powdery mildew. Peonies are amazed by it in the declining summer. A rare cobweb coating forms on the upper part of the leaves. This disease on peonies, fortunately, does not bring much harm and does not occur too often.

Powdery mildew control measures. It is possible to spray the plants when the first signs of the disease appear with a solution of soda ash with soap.

Phyllostictosis. Initially, small brown spots with a dark purple rim form on the leaves of the peony. Later, the spots increase in size, become rounded or oblong, brighten in the center and become covered with numerous convex dark dots. The disease with strong development causes premature drying of the leaves. Control measures are the same as with gray mold.

Root rot. The disease is detected during transplantation or during reproduction of the peony by dividing the bush. The roots and rhizomes of diseased plants turn brown, rot and die. On the surface of rotten roots in conditions of high humidity, a whitish, grayish or pinkish coating forms. The source of infection is the soil, as well as diseased rhizomes.

Control measures. When dividing the bushes, rotten roots are carefully cut out to healthy tissue, the rhizome is disinfected for half an hour before planting in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Places of cuts are rubbed with crushed charcoal.

Unlike other flowers, peonies are not afraid of many diseases. But they can also suffer from various ailments and be attacked by pests. Peonies can be affected by numerous diseases, among pests there are few species that can destroy a flower. When the disease manifests itself, the problem should be immediately eliminated, otherwise terrible consequences will appear in the form of the death of lush flowers.

The life expectancy of peonies is 50 years, but if the flower begins to fade, then most likely it has undergone some kind of disease that needs to be eliminated. This factor is also influenced by water, which must be provided to the plant in due measure. It often happens like this that gardeners stop caring for peonies: cut, fertilize and water, due to this, the decorative effect of the flower decreases, and in the future it can dry out and die, so do not forget about the proper care of any plant.

Why do peony leaves curl?

The peony plant has luxurious flowers, they are in great demand. Their gardeners grow not only for sale, but also draw up sections. Beautiful flower beds look great near the entrance of a multi-storey building or from the side of the street of a summer cottage.

Peonies are unpretentious in care, but they can get sick, the first symptoms are manifested in the fact that the leaves begin to curl, turn yellow and dry. Most viruses are activated in the spring. During this period of spring, proper care of the flowers should be ensured.

For the healthy growth of a peony, all the rules of care should be followed.- do not strongly moisten the ground, the distance between the flowers should be free, then the soil will be properly saturated with oxygen. Flowerbeds need to be weeded and fertilized in a timely manner.

The peony leaf begins to curl only if the plant has undergone an infectious disease. Today there are many about chemicals that perfectly help solve problems in the field of floriculture. For example, effective remedies include such drugs: ground sulfur, Topsin-M, Fitosporin-M, Fundazol.

Probable peony diseases and methods of treatment

Often, peonies can be affected by various fungi, but there is also a wide variety of infections.

Powdery mildew on peonies

This disease in most cases affects adult specimens of flowers. The disease is recognized by visual inspection of the plant, if the leaf has a whitish coating on the tops, then the peony is 100% infected with powdery mildew. The virus is not strong enough and will not bring much harm, but it must be eliminated.

Treatment methods:

  • infected flowers are treated with a solution of laundry soap and soda ash, re-treatment is performed after a week;
  • this method of struggle consists in treating the peony with Figon liquid, which effectively eliminates powdery mildew.

leaf spot on peony

Fungus spores form along the perimeter of the inner part of the leaf, and blue, purple and pale brown appear on the reverse side.

Treatment methods:

  • moderate nitrogen fertilization and lack of planting density help to avoid disease;
  • during rains, the leaves of the plant should be sprayed with Bordeaux solution.

gray mold on peonies

This virus is considered one of the most dangerous, it is able to destroy the entire plant, starting to spread from the stem and ending with the bud. In the spring, the infection is most active, especially when young shoots appear, which, in the case of gray rot, begin to gradually fade. In the process of spreading the infection, mold (gray plaque) can be detected.

The diseased flower begins to wither and die, in order to see the symptoms, it is necessary to examine the part of the stem located near the root. It is covered with brown spots. Damp weather contributes to the rapid reproduction of gray rot.

Treatment methods:

  • the diseased parts of the plant are immediately removed, in the winter season the stems should be cut, but very briefly, in the spring the plant is treated with Bordeaux solution;
  • it should be remembered that ants are carriers of gray rot infection, at the first manifestations of the disease on peonies, it is necessary to treat the flowers with a solution of Tiram suspension, but after removing the infectious areas on the flowers.

Rust on peonies

Unlike other viruses, rust is quite easy to recognize, it is worth examining the plant, it will have brown spots on it. A diseased flower can also be covered with orange spots and a red tint, with the presence of pillows - they contain spores of the fungus. The disease can spread through the wind and infect other plants, so it is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate the disease.

Treatment methods:

  • rust must be prevented to save the plant. To do this, infectious leaves are cut off and burned on fire;
  • a flower in the active phase of the disease is treated with a solution of a Bordeaux substance.

Peony verticillium wilt

This disease manifests itself only when the flower begins to bloom. Usually, in appearance, the flower does not look sick, but at the same time its stem and leaf begin to wither, this is the first sign of damage to the plant by verticillium wilt.

After the penetration of the pathogen inside, blackening of the vessels occurs in the region of the transverse section on the shoot. To cure a flower, you need to spend a lot of effort, it is better to remove the plant. The virus has features of wintering in the root system, so it is almost impossible to cope with it.

Treatment methods:

  • salvation, in this case, becomes an incredibly difficult matter, it is easier to plant a new specimen, the infectious plant is removed and burned, but it is necessary to eliminate it with an earthen clod, and the place of elimination is treated with formalin or lime bleach.

Lemoine's disease

To this day, it is impossible to determine the source of the disease, but by external signs there are ways to detect the virus by examining the flower. Characteristic signs of the disease: weakly developing shoots, lack of flowering, swollen formations on the root system. The gall nematode and Lemoine's disease damage the peony identically, so it is easy to confuse such infections. Also, on the basis of such symptoms, it was generally concluded that this particular pest could be the source of the virus.

Treatment methods:

  • the disease is considered incurable. If a flower becomes ill with the Lemoine virus, then it must be eliminated and destroyed at the stake, thus reducing the possible risk of spread.

Mosaic of leaves on a peony

A peony carrying a mosaic virus appears as spots on the foliage. The annular mosaic affects the leaf plates, after which pale green stripes form, they can be combined with a black-green tint, as a result, a mosaic pattern appears. In some cases, necrotic foci appear on the peony foliage, they are small in size.

Treatment methods:

  • this disease is incurable, in the event of such an infection, the peony with the root should be removed, then it should be destroyed with fire.

Harmful insects and methods of struggle

Peonies require regular attention, if this is not provided, then they may be attacked by harmful insects.

1. Thrips. Pests are small in size, and their color is black. During the growing season of the plant, there is a huge risk of the formation of such insects. The greatest harm occurs during the period of bud development, thrips feed on the juice of a peony leaf. Their sizes are so small that complicates the process of their detection. Control methods: karbofos is an effective tool in the fight against thrips, spraying is done at least twice in one season, treatment with millennium and dandelion infusion is also allowed.

2. Hop spinner. These caterpillars pose a serious threat to peonies. Their diet is the root of the flower. As a result, it becomes lethargic, its further growth stops, and at the end the plant dies. Control methods: under the bushes it is necessary to pull out weeds and loosen the ground - this will reduce the risk of their appearance; if pests have been noticed, then they should be sprayed with the chemical Spark.

3. Gall nematodes. The nematode is identified by the swellings of the horses that they damage. It is in this place that small worms begin their active phase of peony destruction. Control methods: to prevent spread, the flower should be removed from the root, because there are no ways to eliminate worms from the root system; Formalin solution is applied to the site of the lesion; in order to protect the peony from such a fate, the soil must be dug up well before planting itself, and all remaining plants must be removed after harvesting.

4. Ants. The peony bud has the ability to secrete sugar syrup, which, in turn, attracts ants, who do not mind eating such sweets. Ants that appear on flowers can eat not only sweet syrup, but all sheets. Methods of struggle: dealing with ants is quite simple, it is enough to process the soil near the flower and the plant itself with the help of a repellent.

5. Pest - bronze. The insect has a golden yellow color and is a threat for the period of May and ending in August. Sitting on a peony, he eats all the foliage, stems and bud. Control methods: to prevent bronze, it is recommended to loosen the soil in the last days of summer - at this time the insect pupates; there are preparations for spraying that repel the pest, you can also use the processing of the peony with the help of tincture of tomato tops; and the easiest way to fight - manual collection of beetles.

6. Aphid. Small pests are green in color, they prefer to gather together at the top of the shoots, as well as around the perimeter of the bud. They suck out all the juice from the peony, after which the flower begins to wither at an accelerated pace. Control methods: if there are few pests, then they are destroyed by manual collection from the plant, it is also allowed to wash off the pests with the help of strong water pressure; with their large number, the peony is processed by Aktellik and Fitoverm.

To grow peonies, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for growth, as well as protect them from all kinds of pests and infectious diseases. Do not over-fill the flower beds with water, and weeds are removed at the very initial stage of growth. Qualitatively grown peonies produce beautiful and lush inflorescences with a pleasant smell.

Those who are already breeding or just going to decorate their garden with peony bushes need to know what “surprises” to be wary of. Conventionally, all the troubles that can harm a flower can be divided into the following categories:

  • fungal, these include gray rot (Botrytis), rust and spotting (white or brown);
  • viral, this includes the annular mosaic of leaves;
  • pests, caterpillars, aphids, bronzovka and others especially love this plant.

All of them greatly affect both the decorative qualities of the flower and its vital activity. But do not despair, we will help you in the treatment of peonies. Your task is to free the plant from all unwanted "guests". And you will have to do it on your own. We will analyze each of the types of damage separately.

Gray rot is not the easiest opponent

The second name of this disease - Botrytis - is very sonorous. Unfortunately, it has little to offer. Its causative agent is a fungus, the spores of which do not die even in winter. They feel great on the rhizome of the bush and even in the upper layer of the earth where it sits. In the spring, the fungus begins to actively develop and simply captivates the entire plant, which can cause it to wither. Particular vigilance must be exercised if the spring turned out to be cold and damp.

Gray rot feels especially comfortable on clay soil or soil with a close occurrence of groundwater, in areas flooded with melt water. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers can also provoke the disease. Recognizing this enemy is not difficult. A dark coating first appears on the stem, from which the stem darkens, weakens and breaks. Sometimes brown spots appear on young leaves (at their tips). Soon they dry up, deform and fly around. The same thing happens with fresh buds.

It is known that the fight against the fungus is a rather difficult and long process. Here are some important farming tips to avoid disease:

  1. planting peonies should not be thick;
  2. an excess of mineral fertilizers should not be allowed;
  3. in autumn, after pruning, it is necessary to burn all the remnants of foliage and stems;
  4. if groundwater is close, it is necessary to carry out drainage.

And the treatment can be carried out with the help of fungicidal preparations purchased at the store. These include: copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur. Although these are chemical agents, their use will not only not harm, but will also perfectly complement the agrotechnical measures for getting rid of the causative agent of gray rot. Each of these measures separately, unfortunately, will not give an effect.

When applying fungicides, attention should be paid to the precautions indicated by the manufacturer on the label and the processing time. Tip from experienced gardeners: in the fight against, spray peonies with a solution of nitrofen (200 g per 10 liters of water). It is best in the fall after cutting the bush. Another way is to treat with garlic infusion (a teaspoon of ground garlic per 1 liter of water).

How to deal with rust?

Another fungal attack of all types of peonies is rust. She waits for the moment when the plant fades, and appears on the leaves in the form of brown spots with a purple tint. If you turn the leaf over, you can see the spores. They are easily carried by the wind and infect healthy plants in just two to three days. As a result, in a short period, all pion plantings can be lost, even over large areas.

Rust is insidious in that, like any mushroom, it is resistant to frost, and the pathogen overwinters well in mycelium. In the spring, it spreads with renewed vigor and sucks out the nutrients of the plant. Accordingly, the kidneys do not develop, the body weakens and dies.

In the fight and prevention, all methods are good. As in the case of gray rot, it is necessary to use a set of agrotechnical measures and spraying with fungicides (their set is the same as in the first case). It is also important to be vigilant: as soon as you notice fungal lesions on the leaves, cut them off and burn them immediately.

Spotting - agrochemistry against the disease

We have already said that it is white or brown. Their symptoms are the same. As a rule, the lesion begins in early summer and appears on the leaves. Spots appear, at first small, with a dark border. If you do not localize the disease at the very beginning, the spots spread and merge. In these places, spores of the fungus are formed, the leaves dry up, the plant dies.

For the prevention and treatment of peonies in the fall, spraying with a weak solution of copper sulfate or DNOC is used. And in the spring, before their budding - copper chloride or cineba (0.5%). After the plant has faded, you can continue processing with Bordeaux mixture or take Abiba Peak, Fitosporin-M. Experienced gardeners successfully use celandine for these purposes, which grows like a weed, but is very effective in the fight against fungi.

The solution is easy to make, you need to soak the plant in water for 2-3 days, then strain. Scientists have identified several more types of spotting, in addition to brown and white. These are septoria and ascochitosis, which are distributed mainly in the west of Russia, and phyllosticosis (typical for the steppe zone). The same treatment and prevention applies to them as for all fungal diseases of pions.

Ring mosaic of leaves - remove camouflage from peonies

Recall that this pion disease is a viral infection. It is dangerous because both healthy and infected shoots can grow on the same bush. It is necessary to recognize the sick in time: stripes or rings appear on the leaves, from light green to yellow. The disease is transmitted by cutting knife and secateurs, so if the plant is infected, it is necessary to heat treat the tools.

It is not difficult to treat the annular mosaic of leaves. In the spring, when the buds open, mercilessly cut off diseased shoots down to the rhizome and burn them. If a relapse occurs, and the disease has resumed, destroy the plant completely. If you are a drug addict, you can try Alirin. It is produced in tablets - how to dilute it, you need to read the instructions for use.

Pests and their weaknesses

This is perhaps the most difficult problem for gardeners, because pests are living creatures that tend to breed. But with proper care for peonies, diseases and pests do not need to be afraid. In our time, there is a possibility of complete disposal of them.

  • Aphid. Insects are easy to spot and cluster in small clusters on the leaves, as do mites and thrips. To combat them several times a season, you need to spray. Suitable insecticides: Agravertin, Chlorophos, Fitoverm And Confidor. The manufacturer's instructions will help you prepare the solution, and you need to process it in the proportion of 1 liter of solution per 10 m 2 of planting.
  • Bronzovka. The insect eats everything that gets in its way - petals, stamens, pistils. If you see bright golden-green beetles on the flowers, this is a call to action! It is easy to deal with bronzovka: in the morning, collect the beetles directly from the bush and burn them. By the way, this method is also effective when attacking peonies with caterpillars and larvae. Apply one of the preparations to the soil under peonies: Initiative, Medvetoks or Thunder. As an effective spray even for affected flowers, it is recommended to use a pesticide solution. Calypso.
  • gall nematodes. These microscopic pest worms work with the root system of the peony, completely affecting it. Of course, the bush first withers, and soon dies. It is difficult to recognize the enemy, because he is not visible like beetles or aphids. It is necessary to carefully examine the root system before. If you notice knotty formations on it, then there is a lesion with gall nematodes. If, nevertheless, the root was attacked by a pest, dig up and destroy the bushes, and pour formalin solution (1%) into the hole formed. After dig this place well and apply mineral fertilizers.
How many diseases and pests does a peony have? How to process peonies

The peonies are sick. What to do

Find out from the message what pests can leave you without flowers for the next season. How to get rid of annoying ants and many other pests in flower beds and gardens.

Signs and measures to combat peony diseases

Peonies are quite resistant to diseases, but they are also affected by such as:

1. Gray rot (botrytis)

Signs: brownish rings appear on the stems and near the root neck of the plant. In a short time, the affected shoots wither. Further, leaves and buds become infected. The base of the stems is covered with a grayish coating. Over time, the stems darken and fall. The disease most often occurs in rainy and cool spring weather.

Control measures:

After the first autumn frosts, we cut the stems of flowers and burn them. The base of the bush is poured with a 0.1% solution of foundationol. When shoots appear in spring, we treat peony bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If shoots damaged by gray rot are found in spring and summer, we remove them, and treat the flowers with foundationazole (0.5 l / 1 bush).

2. Leaf spot

Signs: spots of different colors appear on the leaves of peonies. They are caused by a variety of fungal diseases.

Control measures:

We treat diseased flowers with 1% Bordeaux liquid, and pour 0.5 l of 0.1% foundationol into the base of the plant bush.

3. Rust

Signs: the leaves are covered with brownish spots located on both sides. At the bottom of the leaf blade are clusters of fungal spores.

Control measures:

In autumn, we dig deep into the ground, turning over the layers of soil. In the middle of spring, we spray flower bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid, 0.7% copper oxychloride.

4. Ring mosaic of leaves

Signs: Pale green ring-shaped spots appear on virus-affected peony leaves.

Control measures: we dig up diseased bushes and burn them. For the prevention of the disease, we use Alirin.

5. Powdery mildew

Signs: the leaves are covered with a whitish bloom. Over time, they turn yellow and die.

Control measures:

In autumn, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower beds. If a disease occurs, we spray the flowers with a soapy-copper solution (200 g of laundry soap, 20 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water.).

6. Brown spotting

Signs: asymmetrical spots of brown shades appear on the leaves. Then they spread to the buds, from which the flowers turn brown and crumble. Most often, this disease occurs with high humidity.

Control measures:

In the spring, immediately after the peonies bloom, we spray the bushes with one of these preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, 0.7% copper oxychloride, Abiba Peak, Tsineb, Fitosporin-M.

7. Phyllostictosis.

Initially, small brown spots with a dark purple rim form on the leaves of the peony. Later, the spots increase in size, become rounded or oblong, brighten in the center and become covered with numerous convex dark dots. The disease with strong development causes premature drying of the leaves. Control measures are the same as with gray mold.

8. Root rot is the most dangerous disease for a peony!

The disease is detected during transplantation or during reproduction of the peony by dividing the bush. The roots and rhizomes of diseased plants turn brown, rot and die. On the surface of rotten roots in conditions of high humidity, a whitish, grayish or pinkish coating forms. The source of infection is the soil, as well as diseased rhizomes. Affected plants - will not survive the winter period, as a rule, such plants are doomed.

Control measures.

When dividing the bushes, rotten roots are carefully cut out to healthy tissue, the rhizome is disinfected for half an hour before planting in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Places of cuts are rubbed with crushed charcoal.

Signs and measures for pest control of peonies

Pests include:

1. Bronze

Bright beetles with a characteristic green-golden color. They feed not only on flower petals, but also on stamens and pistils.

Signs: the presence of beetles on plants and flower petals eaten by them. Most often, bronzes affect light-colored varieties of peonies with fragrant flowers.

Control measures:

We collect beetles directly from the bushes in the morning, when they are least active. We introduce preparations Medvetoks, Thunder or Pochin (15 g / 10 sq.m.) into the ground under peonies. We spray the flowers affected by pests with a 0.3% solution of Calypso.

2. Gall nematodes

Control measures:

Periodically inspect the root system of pions. After the end of the growing season, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower bed. Infected bushes are dug up and destroyed. Pour 1% formalin solution into the pits from under dug out flowers.

3. Sod Ant

Signs: bud petals eaten away by a pest.

Control measures: we process peonies and soil in the flower bed with ant preparations such as Anteater.

4. Scoop Caterpillars

Signs: eaten buds of plants.

Control measures:

We dust peonies in the morning with lime - fluff and crushed wood ash. We process flowers 3-4 times. We process bushes with Fitoferm, Agrovertin, Zeta, Inta-Vir preparations.

5. Aphids, mites, thrips

Signs: the presence of insect pests on different parts of plants. Peonies lose their decorative effect.

Control measures:

Several times a season we spray plants with insecticides such as Agrovertin (4 ml / 1 l of water), Fitoverm (2 ml / 1 l of water), Confidor (1 ml / 10 l of water). We process flowers at the rate of 1 liter of the prepared preparation per 10 sq.m.

And more about ants. These insects are attracted by the sweet syrup secreted by the peony buds. Hunting for him, they eat and foliage. To combat ants, you need to spray the plant and the area around it with special preparations (natural or chemical repellents). If there are a lot of insects, it is necessary to treat peonies with a systemic insecticide (Fitoverm, Aktellik)


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How many diseases and pests does a peony have? How to process peonies

The peonies are sick. What to do

Find out from the message what pests can leave you without flowers for the next season. How to get rid of annoying ants and many other pests in flower beds and gardens.

Signs and measures to combat peony diseases

Peonies are quite resistant to diseases, but they are also affected by such as:

1. Gray rot (botrytis)

Signs: brownish rings appear on the stems and near the root neck of the plant. In a short time, the affected shoots wither. Further, leaves and buds become infected. The base of the stems is covered with a grayish coating. Over time, the stems darken and fall. The disease most often occurs in rainy and cool spring weather.

Control measures:

After the first autumn frosts, we cut the stems of flowers and burn them. The base of the bush is poured with a 0.1% solution of foundationol. When shoots appear in spring, we treat peony bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If shoots damaged by gray rot are found in spring and summer, we remove them, and treat the flowers with foundationazole (0.5 l / 1 bush).

2. Leaf spot

Signs: spots of different colors appear on the leaves of peonies. They are caused by a variety of fungal diseases.

Control measures:

We treat diseased flowers with 1% Bordeaux liquid, and pour 0.5 l of 0.1% foundationol into the base of the plant bush.

3. Rust

Signs: the leaves are covered with brownish spots located on both sides. At the bottom of the leaf blade are clusters of fungal spores.

Control measures:

In autumn, we dig deep into the ground, turning over the layers of soil. In the middle of spring, we spray flower bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid, 0.7% copper oxychloride.

4. Ring mosaic of leaves

Signs: Pale green ring-shaped spots appear on virus-affected peony leaves.

Control measures: we dig up diseased bushes and burn them. For the prevention of the disease, we use Alirin.

5. Powdery mildew

Signs: the leaves are covered with a whitish bloom. Over time, they turn yellow and die.

Control measures:

In autumn, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower beds. If a disease occurs, we spray the flowers with a soapy-copper solution (200 g of laundry soap, 20 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water.).

6. Brown spotting

Signs: asymmetrical spots of brown shades appear on the leaves. Then they spread to the buds, from which the flowers turn brown and crumble. Most often, this disease occurs with high humidity.

Control measures:

In the spring, immediately after the peonies bloom, we spray the bushes with one of these preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, 0.7% copper oxychloride, Abiba Peak, Tsineb, Fitosporin-M.

7. Phyllostictosis.

Initially, small brown spots with a dark purple rim form on the leaves of the peony. Later, the spots increase in size, become rounded or oblong, brighten in the center and become covered with numerous convex dark dots. The disease with strong development causes premature drying of the leaves. Control measures are the same as with gray mold.

8. Root rot is the most dangerous disease for a peony!

The disease is detected during transplantation or during reproduction of the peony by dividing the bush. The roots and rhizomes of diseased plants turn brown, rot and die. On the surface of rotten roots in conditions of high humidity, a whitish, grayish or pinkish coating forms. The source of infection is the soil, as well as diseased rhizomes. Affected plants - will not survive the winter period, as a rule, such plants are doomed.

Control measures.

When dividing the bushes, rotten roots are carefully cut out to healthy tissue, the rhizome is disinfected for half an hour before planting in a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Places of cuts are rubbed with crushed charcoal.

Signs and measures for pest control of peonies

Pests include:

1. Bronze

Bright beetles with a characteristic green-golden color. They feed not only on flower petals, but also on stamens and pistils.

Signs: the presence of beetles on plants and flower petals eaten by them. Most often, bronzes affect light-colored varieties of peonies with fragrant flowers.

Control measures:

We collect beetles directly from the bushes in the morning, when they are least active. We introduce preparations Medvetoks, Thunder or Pochin (15 g / 10 sq.m.) into the ground under peonies. We spray the flowers affected by pests with a 0.3% solution of Calypso.

2. Gall nematodes

Control measures:

Periodically inspect the root system of pions. After the end of the growing season, we remove all the remains of plants from the flower bed. Infected bushes are dug up and destroyed. Pour 1% formalin solution into the pits from under dug out flowers.

3. Sod Ant

Signs: bud petals eaten away by a pest.

Control measures: we process peonies and soil in the flower bed with ant preparations such as Anteater.

4. Scoop Caterpillars

Signs: eaten buds of plants.

Control measures:

We dust peonies in the morning with lime - fluff and crushed wood ash. We process flowers 3-4 times. We process bushes with Fitoferm, Agrovertin, Zeta, Inta-Vir preparations.

5. Aphids, mites, thrips

Signs: the presence of insect pests on different parts of plants. Peonies lose their decorative effect.

Control measures:

Several times a season we spray plants with insecticides such as Agrovertin (4 ml / 1 l of water), Fitoverm (2 ml / 1 l of water), Confidor (1 ml / 10 l of water). We process flowers at the rate of 1 liter of the prepared preparation per 10 sq.m.

And more about ants. These insects are attracted by the sweet syrup secreted by the peony buds. Hunting for him, they eat and foliage. To combat ants, you need to spray the plant and the area around it with special preparations (natural or chemical repellents). If there are a lot of insects, it is necessary to treat peonies with a systemic insecticide (Fitoverm, Aktellik)


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