Light lettering. Tattoo inscriptions for girls with translation: choose a beautiful phrase with meaning from the photo

A tattoo inscription for men is a classic version of a tattoo when you need to briefly and concisely express the meaning. The inscriptions will never go out of fashion, they are simple, clear and always look appropriate. Depending on the font of the tattoo, the inscription can be either small and inconspicuous or large, detailed and complex.

tattoo inscriptionfor men -Popular places:

Quotes for a tattoo in English:

When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it

When inspiration doesn't come to me, I go out to meet it.

Success is the child of audacity

Success is the child of courage (Benjamin Disraeli)

Be wiser than other people, if you can, but do not tell them so

Be smarter than others if you can, but don't tell them about it (Lord Chesterfield)

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge

Admitting one's ignorance is a great step towards knowledge (Benjamin Disraeli)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success

Success is not the key to happiness. This happiness is the key to success (Hermann Cain)

Any quote you like or a capacious word that reflects your views can become a tattoo. You can also fill in the names of dear people, important dates and motivating slogans for yourself.

Tattoos have firmly entered the everyday life of most men, and in most cases they suggest a deep meaning. When one drawing is not enough to correctly perceive the meaning of a tattoo, men resort to such an addition as inscriptions. Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men can be on different languages, starting with Latin, uploading in Russian.

To add to the drawing more sense, it is important to pay attention not so much to the language as to words and phrases, their location, style processing, as well as to the composition, which will turn out as a whole. The article will offer top phrases of 2018-2019 with translation.

Popular phrases and phrases can be designed using different fonts, scales, patterns, additional symbols. But the first thing a man should start with is to choose a phrase that will give the tattoo a certain meaning, as well as decide on the language of execution. It can be Latin, Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic or Hebrew.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Inscription tattoos for guys today are most often performed on English language, since this is the most common international option, and therefore the most accessible and understandable to most. In 2018-2019, the most top tattoo inscriptions in English are as follows:

A life is a moment Life is one moment.

Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.

You don't become what you want, you become what you believ e - you do not become what you want to become, you become what you believe you will become.

Everyone is the creator of one's own fate- everyone is the creator of his own destiny.

Just do it- just do it.

French inscriptions with translation

The French language is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication, it looks beautiful and sounds melodious. So, in this language, masters often beat tattoos in the form of inscriptions about love, friendship, family and philosophical quotes. For example:

Mieux vaut tard que jamais- better late than never.

L'amour fait passer le temps, et le temps fait passer Love kills time, and time kills love.

Sauve et garde- bless and save.

Croire a son etoile- I believe in my star.

Ayant risqué une fois-on peut rester heureux toute la vie- once risking, you can stay happy for life.

Inscriptions in Spanish with translation

The Spanish language is famous for its sensual and dynamic intonation, temperament and sensuality. The owner of a tattoo with an inscription in Spanish is also a passionate passionate person. Popular phrases in Spanish in 2018-2019 are as follows:

Mi vida - Mi elección, Mi error - Mis lecciones My life is my choice, my mistakes are my lessons.

Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre When one door closes, another opens.

Agradezco a mi destino I thank my destiny.

Camino se hace al andar- the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja- flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee.

Inscriptions in Italian with translation

In Italian, motivating inscriptions look beautiful and original, which temper the will and fortitude. But in choosing an inscription in Italian, accuracy with translation is important, since it has many tenses and variations of word endings. Examples of popular tattoo inscriptions in Italian:

A buon intenditore poche parole- the wise understands perfectly.

C'è sempre una via d'uscita- there is always a way out.

Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri- what is happening today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.

Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.

Vivere, lottare, amore- live, fight, love.

Inscriptions in German with translation

tattoo inscriptions on German most often they prefer brutal, courageous and daring men, this is how the words in this language sound like. Examples of popular lettering tattoos in 2018-2019:

Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem- everything that happens, everything is for the best.

Gluck ist immer mit mir Luck is always with me.

Wer den Wind sat, erntet den Wirbelwind Whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Hoffe dich auf das Beste- hope for the best.

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum Without music, life would be stupid.

Hebrew inscriptions with translation

Despite the fact that Hebrew existed for a relatively short time, phrases and quotations in it sound especially wise and valuable. Therefore, today most tattoos are performed in this language, and the most popular inscriptions are as follows:

כאשר הנשמה מואר, ערפל ממושך אפילו השמיים מקרינה אור נעים — when the soul glows, even the foggy sky radiates a pleasant light.

להישען על הלב שלך - rely on your heart.

תהילה טוב הוא טוב יותר עושר - good fame is better than wealth.

דמיון חזק מוליד את האירוע — a strong imagination generates an event.

את דרכו פזורים ורדים – his path is strewn with roses.

Inscriptions in Latin with translation

Latin is the most ancient and mysterious language, which is available only to a few. Therefore, the most sacredly deep and mysterious inscriptions for tattoos can be drawn by men in this format, for example:

Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi Our gold is not the gold of the crowd.

Aliis inserviendo consumer- shining on others, I burn myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori Either win or die.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae Every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est- power over yourself is the highest power.

Arabic inscriptions with translation

The Arabic language is beautiful primarily from the aesthetic side, in addition, it is the language of the eastern sages. The highlight of this language is that it is written from right to left, and the words are similar to ligature. For example:

في بعض الأحيان، آسف جداً عن ذلك، قال الناس كلمات غالية رخيصة - sometimes you so regret that you said expensive words to cheap people.

القارئ اليوم، وغدا زعيما — reader, leader tomorrow.

الرب فوق كل شيء - The Lord is above all.

سفيركاج، مثل الماس - sparkle like a diamond.

حيث هناك جيدة ومسقط رأس - where it is good, there is the Motherland.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Choosing a language for tattoo inscription is not just a matter of aesthetics or knowledge. Each language implies its own character and characteristics, which should correspond to the character, image and lifestyle of a man, as well as the semantic message of the tattoo itself.

Popular Quotes

Quotes are not a couple of words, but a phrase with a deep meaning, which means that such inscriptions can be an independent tattoo without additional elements and pictures. Quotes can relate to different topics - love, family, friendship, life, freedom, religion.

About love

The most popular topic for a tattoo is love, most often today men fill the following tattoos with inscriptions:

in love and war all methods are good- in love and war, all methods are good;

everyone is attracted by his passion- each carries his passion;

Never forget you- you never won't forget;

while I breathe, I love and believe- as long as I breath, love and trust;

one love, one destiny- one love, one destiny.

About friendship

Friendship is a no less relevant topic, especially among young guys, as in a friend you can find support and support in difficult times. So, tattoos with inscriptions about friendship have been and will be relevant, for example:

a friend is a person who gives you the strength to be yourself- a friend is a person who gives you the power to be yourself;

man friend to man— man man friend;

friendship is the salt of life— friendship the salt of life;

it is allowed to learn from the enemy— study and allowed the enemy;

the longer you live, the less friends, but their value is higher- the longer you live, the less friends, but above their value.

About life

You can also philosophize about life with beautiful and mysterious quotes in the format of a tattoo on your body. Today, men most often prefer the following inscriptions about life and being:

who once taught people to fly, he moved all the boundary stones- who once taught people to fly, he shifted all border stones;

everyone has their own way- everyone has one's own path;

remember who you are- remember who you are;

my life my rules- my life - my rules.

About freedom

A special charm is given to a man by his love of freedom, independence and self-sufficiency. So, tattoos about freedom in the form of quotes will always be relevant. Today in the top are some interesting ideas:

man is destined to be free- the man is fated to be free;

freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you do not feel them- freedom is not where there are no walls, and where they do not feel;

the most important freedom is to be yourself- most home freedom - be yourself;

believe in the dream, believe in freedom- believe in your dream, believe in freedom;

life without freedom is nothing life without liberty is nothing.

About family

Family is the most important thing that every adult aspires to. You can show your devotion to the family and love for its members with the help of a beautiful inscription on the body, for example:

family starts with children— family begins with children;

family is always in my heart- family are always in my heart;

my family is my state- my family-my State;

the best marriage is a marriage between a blind wife and a deaf husband- the best marriage-marriage between blind wife and a deaf husband;

to marry means to reduce freedom and increase responsibility- to marry means to reduce freedom and increase liability.

About religion and faith

Religious views and faith in God - this is what helps to survive difficulties and believe in a brighter future. Most often, men stuff the following quotes about God:

with God in my heart— with God in heart;

only God can Judge Me— only God is my judge;

Man proposes, God disposes— Man proposes, but God disposes;

in front of God— in the mind of God.

original phrases

The text of the tattoo inscription for a man can be either a quote or an original phrase, a motivator or a manifestation of his character. Short inscriptions and phrases that are easy to perceive and understand will look interesting and mysterious. For example:

randomness is not accidental- Accidents are not accidental;

legio nomen mihi est (lat.)- my name is Legion;

free your mind- free your mind;

veni, vidi, vici (lat.)- came, saw, conquered;

after the clouds-the Sun- after the clouds - the sun.

Important! When choosing a language for the inscription and the text itself, decide on the purpose. Either you are trying to tell something about yourself to the environment, or the inscription suggests a purely personal and non-trivial message.

What places on the arm are men more likely to apply tattoos with inscriptions

The place of tattooing is an important choice, which can affect its sacred meaning and influence. It's no secret that any wearable pattern involves an impact on fate and karma. So, carefully select the place on the body and the inscription, taking into account their meaning and significance.


The most spacious area on the body where a man can fill an inscription or a whole quote is the forearm. If a man is by nature a confident and purposeful person, the so-called "salt of the earth", a workaholic and a researcher by nature, then a tattoo with an inscription on his forearm will be in harmony with his inner world.

Wrist tattoo

The wrist on the hand, as you know, is a vulnerable part of the body, since it is possible to listen to the heartbeat here. This means that the wrist is an area where a tattoo with an inscription and other elements can “echo” with the soul, suggesting a strong sacred and sensual meaning.

Tattoos on the palm, on the hand and fingers

Much more often, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are applied to secluded places on male hands - fingers, palms and hands. It is known that it is with his hands that a man can influence the world and the environment. This means that motivating, giving strength and self-confidence, creative inclinations of quotes and phrases are applied here.

Are there any recommendations for applying a tattoo with inscriptions on the arm?

Before you head to a tattoo parlor to get a lettering tattoo, it's important to think through all the details. Namely:

  • decide on the theme of the inscription, taking into account life priorities and what is most important to you;
  • choose a language that will be in harmony with the meaning and message of the inscription;
  • select the font and the way the text is displayed;
  • take a photo with a finished sketch, it should be unique, and not someone else's idea;
  • learn about the rules for preparing for a tattoo and care after the procedure;
  • select the area on the body where the master will transfer the sketch;
  • find a reliable salon and an experienced specialist;
  • find out about the cost of work in advance.

Think about the purpose for which you need a tattoo. Estimate your pain threshold and your tolerance level, based on this criterion when choosing the length and scale of the inscription.

Are there any tattoos on your body that you would like to remove?


How to choose a tattoo sketch in relation to the place on the arm?

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and distinct, rely on the principle of proportionality when choosing a place for the inscription. For example:

  • long quotes - so that the text fits and is not compressed, they choose mainly the forearm area;
  • short inscriptions in a few words - for such sketches, brushes, palms and wrists are selected;
  • one word - it can be a name, date, etc., fingers are suitable for a small inscription.

The fact that it will be important for you to hide the tattoo in a working and official setting can help in choosing a place on the body for a tattoo.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To get quality work, you will need to contact a tattoo parlor that is licensed and authorized to provide such services. The inscriptions are the simplest sketch for a tattoo, which means that even a young specialist will cope with the work. But this does not mean that you can turn to self-taught and home-based masters, since they do not give any guarantees, except for the risk of injury and infection.


The inscription is the fastest and easiest tattoo, which rarely acts as an independent sketch, but more often complements an existing underwear pattern. The text can be made in different styles and in different languages ​​of the world. The most mysterious and mysterious are Arabic, Latin. Spanish, Italian, French sounds beautiful and melodious. German is the choice of real men, and English is considered the traditional and most understandable language.

A tattoo inscription is a great way for girls to decorate their body with meaning. In addition, filling in the inscription for a tattoo is much faster and more economical than a large-sized artistic image. It is these factors that attract many ladies who decide to get their first tattoo. Below we consider the sketches of the tattoo on different parts bodies, as well as inscriptions translated from Latin and other languages.

Wrist tattoo for girls

The inscriptions on the wrist are the most popular tattoos among girls of all ages, because they look concise and stylish. On the wrist, you can fill a short but meaningful phrase or word. These can be a life motto, words of motivation, philosophical sayings, etc.

It is quite convenient that such a tattoo is easy to hide from strangers by covering it with a watch, bracelet or long sleeve. So she can't interfere professional activity where tattoos can be skeptical.

Tattoo inscriptions for girls on the arm

A hand lettering tattoo for girls is a great way to demonstrate to others their views on life, character, preferences or their own style.

If a girl appreciates her family, creates home comfort and warmth of a family hearth, then phrases for a tattoo about parents, names of children or a spouse, etc. will look good on her hand.

In the event that this direction is not suitable, you can get a tattoo on your arm with meaning, which has a philosophical meaning. Such tattoos are considered more versatile, not losing their relevance over time.

Tattoo inscriptions on the neck for girls

The tattoo for girls on the neck looks elegant, as it can be used to brighten up even a casual look. But it is worth remembering that due to the presence of protruding vertebrae on the neck, tattooing can be very painful.

Women's tattoo inscriptions on the ribs

Phrases for tattoos in girls are perfectly located on the body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs. A large area allows you to apply rather long texts: excerpts from a book, phrases from a movie or words from a song. But small tattoos made in a minimalist style look no less interesting.

Since this part of the body, like the chest area, is hidden and intimate (because it is not visible to everyone), the inscriptions for a tattoo can have absolutely any meaning that is closest to you, for example, a declaration of love.

Women's tattoo inscriptions on the back

The back is an elegant part of the body, so the tattoo in the form of an inscription looks very feminine, attractive and elegant on it.

However, this area is quite painful due to the proximity of the vertebrae and shoulder blades to the skin. This fact must be taken into account if you intend to get a tattoo along the spine.

Women's inscriptions for a tattoo on the collarbone

A collarbone tattoo is a great choice for fashionable girls: it always looks very impressive.

For drawing on this place, words about love or the meaning of life are best suited. In addition, the tattoo inscription on the collarbone can always be supplemented with a heart, feather or pattern, thereby putting even more meaning into it.

Tattoo with an inscription on the leg

Tattoos on the legs can be placed in several places: the thigh, ankle or the outer part of the foot. Women's tattoos on the hip are attractive, original, moreover, they are easily hidden from prying eyes.

The most beautiful ankle tattoos are short inscriptions or a single word that has a deep meaning. Below you can see good ideas for tattoos.

A great place for a tattoo with the inscription is the foot. Phrases printed in this area look stylish, especially in open sandals.

Inscription for a tattoo with a translation for girls

Choosing an inscription for a tattoo is sometimes a long and difficult process. After all, there are a lot of popular expressions in various languages ​​that you really want to stuff on your body. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the original meaningful phrases in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin, which can be successfully located on the body in the form of a future tattoo.

Tattoo inscription in English with translation

  • Even angels fall. Even angels fall.
  • My life is my art, my art is my life. My life is my art, my art is my life.
  • Live by faith, not by sight. Live by faith, not by sight.
  • Love me for who I am. Love me for who I am.
  • Too wild to live, too rare to die. Too wild to live, too rare to die.
  • Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love bears a memory no one can steal. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Love carries a memory that no one can steal.
  • Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. Life's most violent storms prove the strength of our anchors.
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Fluttering like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
  • have faith. Have faith.
  • How sweet the sound. What a sweet sound.

Phrases for a tattoo in French with translation

  • Penser positivement. Think positive.
  • Croire en soi. Believe in yourself.
  • Comme le vent, je suis libre. I am free as the wind.
  • Aime ce que tu fais. Love what you do.
  • Les heros sont retenus - les legendes ne meurent jamais. Heroes are remembered - legends never die.
  • Agis sans attente. Act without waiting.
  • L'enfer est vide et tous les demons sont ici. Hell is empty - all the demons are here.
  • Parfois tu as besoin de laisser les choses partir. Sometimes you have to let go.
  • Suis ton propre chemin. Follow your path.
  • Jamais une blessure, toujours une leçon. Never an injury, always a lesson.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation into Russian

  • La vida no es un problema para resolver, sino un enigma para ser vivido. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.
  • No recordamos dias, recordamos momentos. We don't remember days, we remember moments.
  • La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es crearlo. The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Los mejores sueños ocurren cuando estas despierto. The best dreams happen when you're awake.
  • Solo se vive una vez. You only live once.
  • Mejor estar solo que con nadie. Better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Con dolor viene la fuerza. With pain comes strength.
  • Siempre hay esperanza. There is always hope.
  • Inhala el futuro…exhala el pasado. Breathe in the future... breathe out the past.
  • No te dejes caer jamas. Never let yourself fall.

Inscription for a tattoo in Italian with translation

  • Insieme per sempre. Together forever.
  • Sei nel mio cuore. You are in my heart.
  • L'amore domina senza regole. Love rules without rules.
  • La calme and la virtu dei forti. Calmness is a virtue of the strong.
  • La Vita e Bella. Life is Beautiful.
  • Che sara sara. What will be will be.
  • I frutti proibiti sono i più dolci. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
  • Non c'è niente di meglio nella vita di una famiglia amichevole. There is nothing better in life than a friendly family.
  • Se vivo nella tua memoria, non sarò solo. If I live in your memory, I will not be alone.
  • Tempo di fiducia. Trust the time.

Inscription for a tattoo in Latin with translation

  • Carpe Diem. Live the moment.
  • Fatum meum es tu. You are my Destiny.
  • Frigus calculation. Cold calculation.
  • Nosce te ipsum. Know yourself.
  • Amor vincit omnia. Love overcomes everything.
  • Libertas inaestimabilis Res. Freedom is beyond any price.
  • Agnoscote. Appreciate yourself.
  • Amor mutat populo. Love changes people.
  • Tempus fugit. Time flies.
  • Nil manet aeternum. Nothing is eternal.

Everyone has a different attitude towards tattoos. Some are against them, while others are for them. Some do not like women with tattoos, others find such women more attractive. Everyone treats tattoos in their own way, because everyone has their own opinion. Well, the opinion of others is ambiguous, so if you want to get a tattoo, then do it!

Tattoos are not only large and bulky, but also small and stylish.

Lettering tattoo

AT last years the fashion for tattoos is moving from abstract paintings and images to inscriptions and famous quotes. As an inscription, you can use both known expressions and catchphrases, and come up with your own to emphasize your individuality.

The most popular languages ​​for inscriptions:

  • Chinese characters;
  • Latin;
  • English language;
  • Italian;

Choosing a place for a tattoo is another important point. The size of the phrase and the phrase itself will depend on where you want to get a tattoo. So, for example, you are unlikely to be able to make a large inscription on the ankle, and for example, you can prick a whole poem on your back. When choosing a place, you should remember that with age your body does not get younger, which means that if you fill a tattoo in a place that tends to lose shape, then such a tattoo will not look very attractive.

Popular places for tattoos:

  1. The hips are the most successful place, the tattoo on the female beret is not only very sexy and can emphasize and highlight attractive curves, but is also easily disguised if necessary to hide it.
  2. Shoulder blades, back - for a tattoo on the back or shoulder blade there is a very large space for maneuver, however, just on the back, the tattoo will smear over time.
  3. The neck is a very attractive place for a tattoo, and it looks quite impressive, but you can’t hide it;
  4. Belly - very often tattoos are made on this part of the body to hide scars or stretch marks after childbirth;
  5. Hands, lower leg - ideal for inscriptions in the form of bracelets;
  6. Ankle - in terms of convenience, a very good place, but suitable for short phrases;
  7. The chest is a popular, but not the best place.

Latin inscriptions

  • Amor Vincit Omnia (love conquers all)
  • Vincit qui se vincit (the most difficult victory is the victory over yourself)
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (man is the creator of his own destiny)
  • Esto quod es (be who you really are)
  • Vita est speciosa (life is beautiful)
  • Vivere in momento (life is made up of moments)
  • Minima maxima sunt (the smallest things are the most important in life)
  • Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus (what doesn't kill me makes me stronger)
  • Si vis amari ama (if you want to be loved, love yourself)
  • Actum ne agas (What's over, don't go back to it)
  • Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them)
  • Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare (I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey)
  • Certum voto pete finem (Set yourself only achievable goals)
  • Damant, quod non intelegunt (They condemn because they don't understand)
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo (While I breathe, I love and believe)
  • Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas (Eat to live, not live to eat)
  • Esse quam videri (To be, not to appear)
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis (Actions are stronger than words)
  • Fidelis et forfis (Faithful and brave) Finis vitae, sed non amoris (Life ends, but not love)
  • Fortunam suam quisque parat (Everyone finds his own destiny)
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet (Taste is not subject to laws)
  • Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi (Forgive others often, never yourself)
  • Imago animi vultus est (The face is the mirror of the soul)
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est (To command oneself is the greatest power)
  • Potius sero quam nunquam (Better late than never)
  • Procul negotiis (Get out of trouble)
  • Qui sine peccato est (Who is without sin)
  • Suum cuique (To each his own)
  • Trahit sua quemque voluptas (Everyone is attracted by his passion)
  • Vale et me ama (Goodbye and love me)
  • Vita sene libertate nlhil (Life without freedom is nothing)
  • Bene vobis (may everything be fine)

Cool tattoo fonts:

Photo of tattoo inscriptions for girls:

side tattoo

side tattoo

side tattoo

Tattoo on the forearm

back tattoo

shoulder blade tattoo

back tattoo

Ankle tattoo

Tattoo on the neck

Tattoo on the thigh

back tattoo

Tattoo near the chest

Tattoo on the hips

back tattoo

Tattoo on the arm

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo near the chest

chest tattoo photo

Tattoo on hips photo

chest tattoo photo

Tattoo on arm photo

Tattoo on hips photo

tattoo on finger photo

back tattoo photo

Tattoo on hips photo

back tattoo photo

Tattoo on arm photo

Other tattoos

  • Tattoo with the image of an alluring rose. This flower is most often used as a symbol of love. The color and shape of the flower matters a lot! If the rose only grows and begins to bloom, then its owner is in a relationship, and they bloom! If the rose is colored purple, then its owner has a very strong love. Black withered roses mean a sign that a woman close and dear to her has died, without whom it is very difficult for her.
  • A very popular tattoo is the dreamy butterfly tattoo. These cute creatures have always attracted, and will attract the human eye. You can prick such a pattern on any part of the body. If a girl is the owner of such a tattoo, then this means that she has closed the door to the past and started a new life.
  • Cute and beautiful tattoo ladybug. These creatures will make anyone smile! Most often, such tattoos are made so that you can understand the mood in a sad moment!
  • Some girls prick themselves with the image of angels, thereby showing that the girl is under the protection of her guardian angel.
  • An image of a lotus, this flower was respected by the ancient Egyptians and other peoples. Most often, this flower symbolizes some kind of achievement on the way to the goal. Such a tattoo, according to palmists, can protect against adversity and danger.
  • Hummingbird tattoos are very popular! These are small, but very beautiful and fast birds. They work hard. If a girl has pinned such an image, then most likely she has a stubborn and impulsive character.
  • Image of a dandelion, a warm and beautiful flower! These flowers are reminiscent of childhood and joyful moments! If a person has such a tattoo, then most likely he is dreamy and purposeful.
  • Relevant in recent times and a tattoo with the image of an anchor. This small tattoo speaks of a person who has a balanced character and he makes decisions quickly, but at the same time he thinks everything through well. Such people most often know in advance what they want to receive from life.
  • A luxurious diamond, such tattoos indicate that a person has a strong and strong-willed character!
  • Tattoos depicting swallows are most often done by girls who give themselves completely to the family. As you can already understand, the swallow means loyalty and devotion to the family.


The girl is tuned to beat the tattoo

¿Hablas español?You are in good company. So, why not get your next Cervantes and Neruda tongue tattoo? Decorate your body with a lyrical phrase in Spanish to highlight your inclinations or get inspired by something calledla vida apasionada (life full of passion).

Spanish Romance

The language of love is often forced, sometimes life-loving, always expressive and emotional. Complement your favorite quote with vibrant red roses on your chest or arm. Get a dainty ribbon tattoo on your wrist. You can also engrave evidence of your past sadness on the ankle. The lessons of the past will decorate your body, moments of euphoria or grief, on the chest, the spiritual principle that moves you will find its expression in a tattoo.

Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.

Translation: " Love is short, memory is long ". Chilean poet and laureate Nobel Prize Pablo Neruda wrote these beautiful lines about lost love in his poem Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche or“Tonight I will write the saddest lines.”

Tu eres mi sol.

Translation: " You are my sun". A line from a songEres mi sol popular love song by Alex Campos. Campos is a Grammy Award winner with a large fan base in Latin America.

Te quiero con toda mi alma.

Translation: " I love you with all my heart . This is a Spanish expression that speaks of your serious intentions.

Te quiero no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo.

Translation: " I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I am with you. ". The author of this beautiful quote is Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, another Latin American Nobel laureate known for his magical realism novel."One Hundred Years of Solitude" .

Te amo más que a mi propia piel.

Translation: " I love you more than my skin ". This is a quote from the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose tumultuous relationship with her husband, the mural painter Diego Rivera, was as ardent and passionate as her famous self-portraits.

Wise men and rebels

Hot Latin American patriots and revolutionaries, and Spanish sages of all times have left their marks in the language. Their immortal words can still be seen on the walls of houses and heard from the lips of the opposition. Sophisticated Hispanic speakers benefit from the wisdom of the great minds of other cultures. Why not inscribe some fiery, time-tested message on your leg or arm, on your lower back or on your wrist? This will remind you of wildness and wisdom every time you look at your tattoo.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado.

Translation: " Better to die standing than to live on your knees ". These are the famous words of the heroine civil war in Spain, Dolores Ibarruri Gómez "Pasionaria" (Spanish for "passionate" or "passion flower"), a flamboyant speaker whose official statement is: "!No pasarán!" (They will not pass!), uttered against the troops of Francisco Franco, was a battle cry for the rebels. The quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata, the leader of the peasant rebellion during the Mexican Revolution.

Sed realistas, pedid lo imposible.

Translation: " Be realistic, demand the impossible ". The expression of the Argentine Marxist rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara, inspired by the revolutionary movement in Latin America, one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.

Translation: " Traveler, bridges do not exist, they are built where they are going to pass on them ". Mexican-American researcher Gloria E. Anzaldua addressed this advice to travelers on the road of life, reminding them that there is no ready-made map or time-honored way of exploring individual problems.

Persevera y triunfaras.

Translation: " Persevere and you will succeed ". This is the Spanish equivalent of "If you don't succeed at first, try again and again." A popular Spanish expression is a simple instruction for perseverance and the ability to cope with difficulties on the way to your goals.

El tiempo pasa inexorablemente.

Translation: " Time moves inexorably forward ". An analogue of the expression: “time waits for no one”. This is a Spanish translation of a quote from Chaucer. The English poet of the Middle Ages, Geoffrey Chaucer, reflected this observation about time and nature in his"Canterbury Tales" as a warning against delay and missed opportunities.

Arte Publico

Your life is a work of art, and what could be more public than the recognition of this in the form of a “stuffed”, for example, on the neck, somewhere on the arm or on the back of an elegant tattoo with lyrical words? Famous Spanish artists, from painters and sculptors to singers and actors, express their lives and work in words, sometimes poems, worthy of being tattooed.

El espectaculo del cielo me abruma.

Translation: " The action of heaven amazes me ". The Catalan painter Joan Miro was a romantic who turned his back on bourgeois life and painted pictures in his imagination. His avant-garde works are full of magical realism and fantastic imagery, where the vast background of blue and blue tones is emphasized by unusual shapes, lines, scribbles or multi-colored spots.

Pedir por mas.

Translation: " asking for more ". This is a quote from Shakira, a Colombian singer/dancer/songwriter, music competition winner and famous Latin American star with millions of records sold, philanthropist. “Ask for more” in both English and Spanish is her life motto, stating that you should never settle for less than you can achieve.

Yo no busco, yo encuentro.

Translation: " I don't seek, I find ". This simple phrase is attributed to Pablo Picasso. He was an artist who claimed that his work was the result of the manifestation of his inner muse. He was open to art and said that it had found him because he opened himself to it every day.

Yo no tomo drogas. Yo soy una droga.

Translation: " I don't do drugs. I myself am a drug ". This unusual quote is attributed to Salvador Dali. He was an early 20th century surrealist artist who twisted reality to express his extravagant and dreamlike vision. His work was unique and exciting, and he himself continued to be an extraordinary personality all his life.

Soy mas grande que la vida.

Translation: " I am larger than life ". Academic award winning Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno has made her life an art. Her bold assertion that being bigger than life itself is not that hard for her is an expression of self-belief, a formula for success.

Sometimes one single word takes over emotions, causes a strong desire to do something, awakens a moment of truth so much that there is a desire to remember this word. A tattoo can be a daily reminder of a deep thought gained from experience. Choose your word or a short phrase that is large enough to fit on your finger, back, neck, behind the ear, or around a pierced belly button. For example:

  • Destino: Fate
  • Felicidad: Happiness
  • Serendipia: Luck
  • vivir: Live
  • Parasiempre: Forever and ever
  • Vida magica: Wonderful life
  • Que sera, sera: Come what may
  • Sigue a tu corazon: Listen to your heart

Phrases in Spanish

Even Spanish is not your native (second) language, the power and eloquence of words are worthy of becoming an adornment of your body. Let there be phrases on your body that you will never be ashamed of later. And the applicability and significance of the phrases and quotes given here have been proved by life itself.

Good luck!

Lindsay Lohan tattoo in Italian, meaning "beautiful life", was supposed to mean "life is beautiful"

Italian tattoos appear in all variety of forms and contents. Italian cross, “Italian boot”, green-white-red Italian flag (in its many variations, such as the flag in the form of an outline of the borders of Italy or in the form of stars). I even had to see a tattoo with a pattern on my arm Italian food: a plate of pasta and meatballs, a jug of wine and cannoli. Fortunately, unlike Latin (which is considered a bookish language), Hebrew and Arabic (which are quite complex and use their own alphabets of letters, requiring correct spelling depending on the place of the letter in a word, etc.) or Gaelic (which many dialects), Italian is easy to translate.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged ,

Phrases for tattoos in German with translation

Phrases and aphorismswith translation into

Only a mother's love lasts forever.
Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig.

Bless and save.
Rette und bewahre.

Thank you parents for life.
Danke den Eltern fur das Leben.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged ,

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

French phrases, aphorisms with translation.
Phrases for a tattoo translated into French.

Telle quelle.
As she is.

Il n'est jamais tard d'être celui qu'on veut. Execute les rêves.
It's never too late to be who you want to be. Fulfill your dreams.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged ,

Phrases for a tattoo in Arabic with translation

Below are the most popular tattoo lettering in Arabic with translation.

Eternal love - حب أبدي
He knows no fear جريء
I will always love you-
Silence engulfs my thoughts
Susanna - سوزانا
Live today, forget about tomorrow

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged ,