Terraces on the slope where to start. Terracing a site on a slope

Terracing. How to arrange terraces on a slope?
Despite the fact that from the point of view of landscape design, a relief area with a height difference is much more interesting than a regular flat one, there is still an opinion that arranging a sloping area is a difficult and tedious task. However, if we consider slope landscaping as a creative process, here you are given a huge scope for imagination. The layout of such a site, as a rule, is not complete without interesting, original ideas and unexpected solutions. Of course, the design of a summer cottage on a slope will require more effort than arranging a garden with minimal relief differences, you need to terracing the site, you will need to install retaining walls, special structures, etc. But upon completion of the garden arrangement, all efforts will be rewarded handsomely. Landscaping on the slope will look very impressive and intricate.
Terracing is the formation of flat areas and differences between them. It can be organized, for example, using retaining walls and stairs. The terraces consist of a platform (cloth), excavation (internal) and bulk (external) slopes, as well as a berm - an untouched part of the slope between two terraces. Slopes can be both inclined and vertical (in this case, they must be reinforced with retaining walls). Often the terraces are arranged in the form of steps, so that the cut slope of the lower terrace is the bulk slope of the upper terrace, and there is no berm. The arrangement of terraces not only allows you to maximize the use of the area of ​​the site, but also helps to fix the soil, prevents its erosion, and makes it possible to optimize the level of soil moisture. With excessive moisture in the area, drainage terraces are built with a small longitudinal slope, with insufficient moisture - terraces with a water-retaining roller, the so-called "edge". The creation of terraces on a site with significant slopes and irregularities solves several applied problems at once. Firstly, the formed new flat plots of land instead of useless slopes increase the functionality of the land without disturbing the overall composition of the garden; secondly, the space of the territory and its individual sections is visually enlarged against the background of unusually picturesque areas - terraces.

Landscaping on the slope. strengthening
The width of the terraces and the height of the slopes depend primarily on the slope - the steeper the slope, the narrower the terrace should be. The height of the terraces usually does not exceed 60-80 cm, but if necessary, it can be greater - up to 2 m. The width, as a rule, is at least 4-5 m. With a small difference in height, the slope can be made inclined, but at the same time it must be strengthened. This can be done using sod, which is laid on top of the embankment and fixed with wooden pegs, stones (at the same time, large stones are laid at the base of the slope, smaller ones are placed higher up the slope; stones should not be pressed into the soil, but laid out in specially prepared recesses), boards ( they are placed on the edge at an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the slope, arranging square cells in which the turf is laid; the gaps are covered with soil and sown with grass). In addition to the "ready" turf, the sloping slope can be strengthened with a lawn. To do this, first fix the soil with the help of a biomat or the same crate of boards, then sow the grass (it is advisable to choose a mixture that quickly rises and “holds” the ground well). In the same way, a berm is strengthened if its natural vegetation is damaged during construction work. However, most often the slopes are made vertical, strengthening them with the help of supporting walls made of wood, concrete, rubble concrete, natural stone, and also brick. If the terraces are small (in height and width), low decorative walls are made. They can be built independently, without special calculations. If the height of the supporting wall should exceed 1 m, it is necessary to invite a specialist to select its design solution and parameters (thickness, length, height, shape, material), because in this case, erroneous calculations can lead to the destruction of the walls and "sliding » terraces. Curved and broken retaining walls are stronger than straight walls and look more attractive, but in most cases they require more material. However, a straight wall can be reinforced with pilasters or buttresses (by the way, stairs or ramps leading from terrace to terrace can also serve as them). When constructing retaining walls made of heavy materials (brick, stone), a foundation should be laid. Its thickness and depth depend both on the parameters of the wall (height, thickness, material) and on the type of soil on which it will be built. With a wall height of up to 30 cm, a foundation is usually not required. For walls 30-80 cm high, the foundation is made 15-30 cm deep, for walls 80-150 cm high - 30-50 cm deep. The foundation is made of concrete, gravel, crushed stone, sand (compacted with heavy clay or cement mortar). When erecting retaining walls, it is also necessary to arrange a drainage system, since water usually accumulates behind the wall, this can lead to stagnant waterlogging of the soil (as a result, plants on the terrace may die) and the gradual destruction of the retaining wall. To prevent such phenomena, drainage (longitudinal or transverse) is laid along the inner side of the wall with such a slope that the water goes beyond the terrace into a nearby water intake. In addition, a drainage layer of gravel 70-100 mm thick is poured between the wall and the ground, which ensures normal water flow to the drain holes and prevents them from clogging with soil.

A terraced plot is the dream of any landscape designer. It provides ample opportunities for decorative landscaping, because on each terrace you can create an individual composition of evergreen or flowering plants and even plant fruit trees. Low herbaceous plants (petunia, nasturtium, bindweed) or shrubs (Cossack juniper, Japanese spirea) look very nice on the terraces. You can also arrange a watercourse with ledges and mini-waterfalls, imitating a natural stream or a cascade of two or three small reservoirs, organized on adjacent terraces so that water overflows from one reservoir to another. Even a retaining wall can be skillfully decorated, for example, by spreading evergreen ivy over the entire height of the wall, which over time, clinging to ledges, will turn a not-too-aesthetic structure into a living, eye-pleasing green carpet. Thus, the terracing of the site and the installation of retaining walls allows you to fully express your imagination when decorating the garden.

It is important
On the slopes, it is desirable to plant plants with a powerful, wide-spread root system that are able to "hold" the soil. Of the shrubs, these are, for example, deren, climbing types of roses, wild rose, barberry. Of the conifers - dwarf spruce, Canadian spruce, thuja spherical, juniper, cotoneaster.

Decoratively decorated terraces look very impressive. Thanks to the elevation differences in the landscape, the site looks much more territorial and diverse.

Arrangement slope sites can complicate clay soils and the openness of the area to the wind. Also, a site on a slope somewhat limits the choice of garden style. This applies to the classic regular garden, which is created only on flat terrain.

In this article, we will offer you ideas that will help you equip a site that has a noticeable slope. We hope that our advice will help you turn the presence of a slope from a disadvantage into an advantage of the site, its highlight and the most noticeable element of landscape design.

Usually, a flat relief is positioned as the main advantage of the house adjoining area. In fact, on such an allotment it is easier to carry out construction, arrange landscape design, you can choose any project you like.

However, if your plot of land has a noticeable slope, you should not give up and assume that nothing can be done about it. There are several options for turning the slope into the most beautiful element of the allotment. The most interesting of them we will offer you in this article.

Equipping a site with a slope, one should not forget about convenient ways of movement. If the slope is very noticeable, of course, you can’t do without ladders and steps.

1. Deck

Above the slope, you can build a real deck from a decking board. This area will offer a beautiful view, and the deck itself will be an ideal place for outdoor recreation. Most often, such sites are equipped near the house, but they can be built in any part of the garden that differs in slope.

The deck can be supported by poles or a solid concrete foundation. A terrace board is used, which perfectly withstands all temperature changes and is not afraid of moisture.

The deck above the property will, of course, feature garden furniture that will transform the outdoor area into a cozy area for outdoor family dining.

2. Alpine slide

This element of landscape design traditionally rises above the site, and when arranging an alpine hill, you usually have to make an embankment. So why not use a natural slope, which will be the perfect location for such a "stone bed".

To create an alpine slide, flowers are used that feel good on rocky soil and slopes, strengthen the earth. This arrangement will emphasize the "stony flower bed", highlighting it from the surrounding space.

3. Terracing

Have you ever seen rice fields located on the slopes on separate steps? The same method can be used in the country. Experts advise creating three or four terraces in areas with a height difference of about three meters. For their arrangement, retaining walls are used, created from concrete, reinforced mesh, stones or boards.

Each such terrace can have its own function - beds with vegetables will appear on one, shrubs on the second, and a flower bed on the third. These will be clearly defined separate zones with their own borders, united, for example, by an inclined path, stone or wooden steps. Terracing is done across the slope.

The disadvantage of terracing is that the supporting walls themselves will take up a lot of space, so there will be less land left for flower beds and beds.

Experts advise building the outer side of each terrace with a slope towards the slope to ensure natural water runoff during heavy rains.

Metal plates can also serve as retaining walls. In this case, professionals advise adding natural materials and elements, for example, large boulders, which will soften the coldness of the metal.

Gabions can be used as a retaining wall on a site with a slope.

4. Stream and waterfall

If your site has a slope, this is a great opportunity to create an artificial stream or waterfall. To do this, you do not have to equip the embankment and worry about the flow of water, everything will happen naturally. A water cascade can also decorate a retaining wall supporting one of the terraces.

The slope is already there, it remains to take care of the course of the future stream and think about where exactly your future river will flow

A cascade stream on a slope, surrounded by lush juniper thickets, looks very natural, it seems created by nature itself

5. Vertical garden

On a site with a slope, the most noticeable part will, of course, be the upper wall or fence. Its design should be given special attention, for example, to create a beautiful vertical garden.

Along the most visible, located at the top wall of the site, you can arrange tall plants in flowerpots or pots. You can use vertical gardening techniques on the wall itself. Climbing plants are ideal, such as parthenocissus, honeysuckle, common ivy or vichi grapes.

6. Observation deck with a bench

A site with a slope usually does not offer a place to relax - only terraces and paths with steps connecting them. Allocate one terrace for a small seating area - plant a tree there, and install a bench in its shade. It will turn out a beautiful observation deck, where it will be so nice to sit with a book or just admire your lush garden. Of course, for the arrangement of the viewing area, it is better to choose one of the upper terraces to provide a beautiful view.

Find a place on the site for a swing sofa or a regular bench and you will get a great seating area with a view of the entire lower part of the site.

7. Ornamental garden

A plot, even with a strong slope, is not a reason to abandon the cultivation of herbs, spices and vegetables. True, the arrangement of the beds will have to be taken care of additionally. High beds in special flowerpots are perfect.

This site has a strong slope, but this did not stop the owners from equipping a garden that looks attractive and will bring a good harvest.

In a cramped space between two retaining walls made of stone, in any case, there will be enough space for cabbages and greens.

8. "Wild" slope

It is not at all necessary to bring your site with a strong slope in perfect order. It is quite possible to leave it in its natural state, providing only a convenient descent-ascent in the form of steps or stairs. And on the sides of the path, let such plants that do not require constant care grow, such as crocuses, botanical tulips, mint and lemon balm, bluebells, St. John's wort, ayuga.

By the way, all ground cover plants perfectly strengthen the slopes. In addition, for this purpose, you can plant sea buckthorn, broom, wild rose, lilac, cotoneaster, Japanese quince - all these shrubs do not require special care and feel great on an inclined surface, holding the soil with their roots.

Who said that a site on a slope must necessarily be decorated with regular flower beds with their clear boundaries, have a “sleek” civilized look? Do natural slopes with their wild flowers and shrubs look less attractive?

In conclusion, we note that landscape design experts are confident that it is easier to design a plot with a slope when the house is on a hill. However, if there is no other way out and the cottage had to be located at the very bottom of the slope, do not despair - many of our tips can also be used for such an arrangement, which is considered the most disadvantageous.

In general, many professionals are convinced that a flat terrain is too boring, but a natural slope can be used "to the fullest", turning it into an unusually beautiful place. Try it, perhaps, after the completion of the work, you will also be convinced of their correctness!

Tame the wild landscape

Turning an uneven terrain into a beautiful, comfortable and at the same time easy-to-care garden is much more difficult than doing it on a flat area. In such difficult situations, we use slope terracing. Yes, this requires special knowledge and attention from our architects, engineers and teams, but we love to solve complex problems. Especially when it comes to such a task as slope terracing.

What is slope terracing and how is it done?

This is the creation of stepped more often horizontal platforms, each of which is strengthened by a retaining wall or slope. The diagram below will show you how to do this.

Needless to say, almost every landowner dreams of a flat plowed area, which can only be planned to your liking and planted on it with decorative trees and flowers. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Many of our customers like lands with interesting topography. Let's talk about the possible improvement of the site, which has a significant slope, for example, located on the banks of the river, near the ravine. Full alignment in such situations is impractical. When geoplasticizing a site, we will spend much less physical effort and financial resources than when leveling. Having carefully looked at the territory, as well as at its geodetic plan, the designer determines how many terraces to make, how wide each of them should be, how high the “step” between the terraces should be.

As a rule, when terracing a summer cottage on a slope, it is enough to organize two to four terraces. To prevent soil erosion, they are separated in a certain way by slopes or retaining walls, which is absolutely necessary, regardless of the configuration of the terraces themselves, which are usually oriented across the slope. Terracing a garden plot with a slope is ideal for arranging a small pond, which is best located on the lower platform. A cascade of two or three small reservoirs looks even better, organized so that water overflows from one to another. Along the cascade, you can plant a mixed plant group of various trees, shrubs and herbs, thus complementing the composition. Looks great quality rolled lawn, which protects the earth from erosion. You can build a watercourse that mimics a natural stream, with ledges and mini-waterfalls. A multi-tiered site already in itself implies ample opportunities for decorative landscaping, since each tier can be designed individually if desired. A children's and sports ground, a gazebo with a barbecue, a recreation area - everything has its place when terracing the slope.

Types of terraces and their features. Design and work order. Vertical planning, strengthening of slopes and decorative design.

The content of the article:

Terracing a site is a set of measures aimed at creating horizontal platforms in the presence of uneven terrain with a predominance of hills and slopes. They prevent the top layers of the soil from being washed away and are used for planting ornamental plants. About how to make terracing of the site, our today's material.

Types and features of terraces

The functions and design features of the terraces that are created on the slopes depend on the slope of the soil surface and the thickness of its fertile layer.

There are four main types of terraces:

  • Ridged. Created on terrain with a slope of no more than 0.12. Their construction involves the construction of earthen ramparts across the slope, having a height of up to 40 cm. Such terraces are used for planting grapes, fruit plants and do not exceed 50 cm in width.
  • Stepped. They are the most reliable, attractive in appearance and therefore the most popular. Such terraces are arranged on ground slopes up to 0.25, have a width of 3 m and are reinforced with stone masonry, which makes them strong and stable. Stepped terraces are suitable for planting fruit and forest crops, grapes and vegetables.
  • Trench. Such terracing is carried out with a terrain slope of up to 0.18 or more. The fertile layer of soil in this case is very thin. In the process of work, the subsoil layer is removed from the trenches, then they are filled with soil and the shafts are poured. Trench terraces are good for growing citrus or tea.
  • terraced ditches. They are arranged on site slopes up to 1 with a thin fertile layer of soil. In the process of work, soil is taken from the ditches to collect or drain water and the shafts are poured. Such terracing allows planting fruit plants.
For independent terracing of a plot with a slope and turning it into a magical land, you need to consistently perform a series of activities, while showing patience, diligence and accuracy:
  1. Mark the area to be processed, it should be fenced with a cord stretched over driven stakes;
  2. Cut off the soil in the upper part of the slope and pour it into the lower part, thereby reducing the slope of the site;
  3. Make a drainage system, and, if necessary, lay water supply pipes;
  4. Mount retaining walls and make steps;
  5. Design waterfalls, mixborders or alpine slides;
  6. Perform wall cladding;
  7. Pave the paths of the site with stones or tile;
  8. Prepare terraces for planting;
  9. Install architectural elements;
  10. Fill artificial reservoirs.

Advantages of landscape terracing

The result of proper terracing of a land plot is not only a neat surface of its relief, but also a decorative arrangement of the territory.

The advantages of the vertical and horizontal layout of the personal plot include:

  • Soil erosion prevention;
  • Possibility of simple drainage device;
  • Convenient division of the territory into business zones;
  • Huge design possibilities;
  • The uniqueness of the result of the work;
  • Long service life of terraces;
  • The possibility of turning the disadvantages of natural relief into the advantages of an artificial landscape.
Terraced squares with steps look flawless. They can be placed on slopes or they can be used to decorate approaches to artificial or natural reservoirs, vineyards, etc. Ornamental plants can be planted along the edges of such sites. In any case, such a design of the territory leads only to a positive result.

How to terracing a plot with a slope

The construction of terraces involves excavation of soil from the upper part of the slope and backfilling into its lower part until a flat plane is formed.

Preparatory work before terracing the site

Before terracing a summer cottage, it is important to take into account several nuances that affect the design of the sites:
  • The level of occurrence of soil water in the most "wet" seasons of the year - in autumn and spring;
  • The slope of the site;
  • The composition of the soil and its features;
  • Differences in the height of the relief, as well as changes in its slopes in the horizontal and vertical direction.
Having determined these parameters, it is possible to calculate the number of sites, their dimensions, the method of operation and the height of their slopes. In addition, a preliminary study of the land will help resolve the issue of the need for the construction of drainage or drainage communications. After analyzing the soil and local topography, it will be possible to determine the functionality of the site, create the right composition of platforms and steps, select plants for decorating the terraces, and, finally, draw up a work plan.

Before terracing, the site should be divided into fragments that meet all the rules of dimensional binding. When planning complex objects, for example, a reservoir, a flower garden or alpine slides, you will need to draw up a layout plan.

Creating Contours

In order for the sites to be within the horizontal, you need to create conditional lines for them using cords and pegs. First, the peg must be driven in on the slope, and then the site should be divided into parts corresponding to one and a half width of the planned terrace.

The remaining points for placing pegs must be determined using a level. After the formation of the first horizontal, you can do the rest. Then the soil should be backfilled, creating sites according to the project. They should be with a slight slope, necessary for the runoff of rainwater.

Strengthening slopes

There are three main ways of such strengthening to protect terraces from soil washing out:
  • Planting ornamental shrubs or trees along the edges of the sites. This is the easiest method to prevent soil erosion from terraces. Plants to be used for planting should be able to create a dense network with their root system, located in the upper layers of the soil. Usually it is lilac, juniper or hawthorn. This method is used to strengthen inclined slopes.
  • Grid or geogrid installation. It is used for the same purpose and can be combined with planting. At the same time, the branched roots of shrubs, intertwined with the grid deployed on the slope, form a very strong reinforcing structure.
  • Laying concrete slabs. They are also used to strengthen sloped slopes and need to be firmly fixed to the ground to prevent slipping during heavy rains. In addition to concrete slabs, paving slabs can be used.

Strengthening vertical slopes

The device of retaining walls is the most practical and most common method of strengthening vertical slopes when terracing a site. Such structures can be light and capital. Lightweight structures have a height of up to 1 m; a foundation is not required for their construction. For permanent retaining walls up to 3 m high, cushions of gravel or concrete blocks buried in the ground are required. Laying blocks should be given special attention - they must support a large mass of soil. The thickness of such a foundation should be 60-70 cm, and the width should be at least 25 cm.

For the device of retaining walls, you can use logs, concrete blocks, brick and stone, as well as monolithic concrete. Most of these materials are natural stone - limestone, rubble, etc. Facing or ordinary clay brick looks good on the wall. However, it is inferior in terms of weather resistance to natural stone. If the terrace has a slight slope, retaining walls for it can be built from short logs with dense wood, such as larch.

In terms of decorative design, retaining walls provide great opportunities for artistic creativity. With their help, you can create beautiful compositions in different styles, ranging from medieval to modern. Such structures can be decorated with lanterns, wooden and stone stairs and other attributes of garden architecture.

Among the advantages of retaining walls, one can note their solid service life and easy maintenance. Despite this, it is important to know that such a design is a complex engineering structure. If it is not built correctly, it can collapse and become dangerous for the owners and guests of the house.

Therefore, during its construction, one should be guided by the following rules:

  1. The buried foundation must be solid.
  2. The ratio of the height of the wall to its width should be 3:1.
  3. A conduit must be made in front of the top of the supporting wall in order to avoid washing away its base with irrigation or rain water.
  4. To increase stability, the supporting wall should be erected with a slight slope towards the top of the terrace.
  5. The construction of the structure must begin from the bottom of the site.

Construction of stairs

When terracing a site on a slope, all sites must be interconnected by ladders. Their appearance and location should be considered at the design stage. Moreover, it is necessary to approach the issue of their installation from a practical standpoint.

If stairs should lead to those objects that are used all year round, it is recommended to make them convenient for walking, clearing ice and snow. The steps of such stairs should not be slippery. On steep stairs, you need to install railings and provide them with lighting.

Standard garden stairs are usually gentle, the width of their steps is about 30 cm, and the height is not more than 10 cm. If the structure does not carry a large load, it can be made of natural stone or wood.

Terrace decoration

It can be performed when the terraces are completely ready. When decorating, it is difficult to do without beautiful flowers. Thanks to them, you can create unique compositions from various varieties of these plants. On the slopes you can safely plant fruit trees. An excellent view can be given to the terrace by herbaceous plants - nasturtiums or petunias. In the decor, you can use juniper bushes or Japanese spirea.

In addition, terraces are convenient for organizing drains, in which there can be mini-waterfalls imitating forest streams, or a cascade consisting of several small ponds located on neighboring terraces. It looks especially beautiful if a large area has been allocated for terracing.

When decorating retaining walls, it is useful to plant ivy near their head. This evergreen plant will eventually transform any structure into a green carpet or chic hedge.

When planning a terrace for planting any plants, it should be borne in mind that only one degree of site slope is enough to shift it by climatic factors by 8 km in the direction of the slope. In practice, it looks like this: if the site has a slope of 20 in the direction of the north, this means that it is recommended to plant plants on the terrace such as in an area located at a distance of about 180 km north of your garden.

How to make a terracing site - look at the video:

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that all terracing options make it possible to implement many design solutions, giving the territory on the slope an individuality and a beautiful view. Compliance with the requirements when performing these difficult works will allow you to do the terracing of the site with your own hands, completely eliminating the need for financial costs to attract employees.

The technology for creating terraces on a slope is somewhat different from the construction of these buildings on a flat surface. In order to build a high terrace on pillars, it will be necessary to make a bearing base with horizontal plank sheathing, and a fence held by special protective curtains. You will learn how to build a terrace on a slope by reading this material.

How to make a high terrace on a slope (with photo)

If the house is located on a slope and even the first floor seems to be hovering over the garden, then it would seem that there is no place for a terrace here. However, it can be put on high racks and raise the flooring to the level of the zero mark of the house. Such a terrace on pillars, rising above the sea of ​​greenery, like a captain's bridge, will harmoniously fit into the design of the house, and easily lowered fabric screens will protect the terrace from wind, direct sunlight and create a cozy atmosphere.

The terrace of the house, standing on a slope, consists of two parts: a supporting base with horizontal plank sheathing, installed on, and a fence, the frames of which hold protective curtains. Under the terrace raised above the slope, a large space is formed, convenient for storing a variety of items that will hardly be visible behind the sheathing, surrounded by climbing plants planted around the perimeter.

See how beautiful the high terraces look in these photos:

Before you make a terrace on a slope, you need to build a frame. A lot of lumber is required to build such a structure, but the work, in fact, is not so difficult, so only the main structural elements are described here. The dimensions of the building must correspond to the geometry of its site and the size of the house. Beams for a terrace on the slope of the site can be purchased in any section, taking into account the possibility of using the available fasteners.

As a rule, the frame is assembled from bars with a section of 50 x 150 mm using perforated metal mounting angles. The external framing beams rest on posts attached to the foundation supports with the help of anchor thrust bearings. Such fastening of the racks will prevent their decay and relieve the attacks of woodworms.

Between the outer strapping beams and the beams attached to the walls with the help of metal fixing perforated corners, transverse logs of the same section are installed.

Before you make a terrace on a slope, you need to strengthen the frame. Installation of the terrace frame begins with attaching one of the beams to the wall of the house with the help of anchors, after setting it strictly horizontally. The end of this beam protruding to the width of the terrace is supported on a temporary support and fixed with a clamp.

In the same way, when constructing a terrace on a slope, the remaining support beams are installed along the walls, forming the side of the terrace adjacent to the building profile. Having fixed all the wall beams, they install and fix the external piping beams on temporary supports.

As can be seen in the photo, during the construction of the terrace of a house standing on a slope, the transverse beams-logs are cut to the size of the width of the building and laid in increments of 80 cm:

They are attached, like all elements of the base, in place with self-tapping screws to the wall beam and the external strapping beam using steel perforated corners.

How to fix the pillars of a high terrace with your own hands

The corner temporary supports of the terrace on the slope, erected by one's own hands, are replaced by stationary posts.

Under them, along the long side of the terrace, they put several concrete pillars. Their number depends on the size of the structure and the type of soil at the construction site.

Concrete pillars are made by pouring mortar into plastic pipes (which are used, for example, for sewers) installed in drilled pits. The depth of the support foot of the foundation column is determined by the depth of freezing and the characteristics of the soil. However, before drilling the hole, make sure you accurately mark out the perimeter of the deck. Pay great attention to the foundation, as it is very important to do it right.

Mark the contour of the terrace with pegs, mark the places where the beams will lie and the support posts will stand. Stretch the cord between the pegs and make sure that all the foundation posts are on the same line - and only after that you can start digging holes.

Before you make a terrace on a slope with your own hands, remove a layer of fertile soil from the site where the structure will be located. After forming the foundation, cover the cleaned surface with geotextile and pour a layer of gravel several centimeters thick on it. Thus, you will prepare a flat area for work, and when the terrace is ready, the space formed under the deck will be free from weeds.

When the pits are ready, pour crushed stone pillows on their bottom, install pipes and pour concrete into them. Before pouring from above, insert an anchor plate with a galvanized bracket into each formwork pipe, to which the terrace posts will subsequently be attached. Leave the poured columns with anchor inserts for several days, during which the cement mixture will harden.

After the concrete bases have hardened, place on each of them in the anchoring bracket and bolt the support posts from a beam with a section of 100 × 100 mm. The supports must first be set in one line and strictly vertical. Saw off the upper ends of the racks at the level at which the support beams of the lower trim will lie.

In the process of fixing the terrace pillars, the connection of the racks with the beams should be further strengthened on both sides with fasteners made of metal perforated plates. Such fasteners are used when assembling the entire frame of the terrace.

It is with the help of metal plates that short transverse logs are attached to the longitudinal beams. They are placed in the grooves of the fasteners and connected by hammering nails or screwing screws through the holes.

These photos of the construction of the terrace of the house on the slope show how the pillars are attached:

How to make a terrace on a slope with your own hands: frame sheathing

The position of the decking boards of the terrace frame, taking into account the selected gap between them, is marked on the railing posts. The first rack is pre-drilled along the markup and then used as a template for the rest.

Racks of a high terrace to the house are set according to the markup and level, and then screwed to the beams of the supporting structure. The boards of the upper trim of the terrace frame are attached to the upper ends of the fence posts, controlling their horizontal position.

After the short fence posts with handrails are attached around the perimeter of the terrace, the top trim is assembled along the corner posts of the fence. Before attaching the auxiliary structural elements to the supporting frame, they must be securely fixed with clamps. In the manufacture of a fence around the perimeter of the terrace, a board is first attached to the walls of the house, and already to it - the lining of the fence.

When building a high terrace with your own hands, the side plank sheathing is mounted to the remote boards, which are pre-attached to the posts so that the sheathing planks are in the same plane with the railing.

To connect the railings in the corners, the boards are sawn down “on the mustache”. From the inside, they are attached in one plane to the upper horizontal sheathing board, and in the corners - to the fence posts.

Terrace sheathing can be made not only solid, but also openwork, that is, with gaps between the planks.

In order to maintain uniform gaps, the skin strips are first installed through one, and then the remaining ones are placed between the installed ones.

When constructing a fence, you need to take into account that lumber of different sizes is on sale. First determine how much gap you would like to leave between the boards, then choose the optimal board width and calculate the amount of lumber needed. A gap of 20 mm can be considered optimal.

The sheathing of the plinth of the terrace begins with the top board, which is attached to the racks from the outside. Subsequent boards are connected to the frame with screws from the inside.

Terrace decking boards can be nailed to beams and joists with galvanized nails or screws.

Safety curtains for a high terrace on a steep slope

To protect the terrace on a steep slope from wind, sun and prying eyes, you can sew curtains from a special awning fabric with a width of no more than 2 m.

These curtains are quite simple and easy to deploy by hand. Manual control and reliable fixation, as well as the absence of any mechanical devices, make them less vulnerable to all sorts of adverse effects.

As a material for curtains, it is desirable to use a synthetic fabric that is resistant to wind loads and moisture. It is most convenient to cut it on a heat-resistant substrate with a hot tool designed for this purpose, but you can even use a soldering iron with a sharpened tip, using a metal ruler to stop.

If you use ordinary scissors, then the cut line will then need to be melted or hemmed, otherwise the fabric fibers may crumble.

To make one curtain, you will need the following materials:

  • synthetic canvas 2000 x 1030 mm;
  • two semicircular pine slats 28 x 14 × 2000 mm;
  • two pine slats 35 x 10 × 2000 mm;
  • three studs M6x60 with washers and hex nuts;
  • three threaded bushings M6;
  • 1 m rubber cord 3 mm (for top and bottom loops);
  • three threaded hooks;
  • screws for chipboard;
  • moisture resistant wood glue.

Pay attention to the photo - when building a high terrace with your own hands, the panels from below and from above are fixed between the profiled rails:

At the bottom, the curtain fabric is fixed between the semicircular slats on glue and screws. Three holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled in the lower rails for rubber loops. These loops hook onto hooks mounted on railing posts to keep the curtains down from blowing in the wind.

In flat rails, between which the upper edge of the curtain is fixed, three 10 mm holes are drilled to fasten the curtain to the upper trim of the terrace frame. In addition, two more 4 mm holes are provided in the upper fixing rails for rubber loops 6 cm long, which are necessary to hold the curtains rolled up. The advantage of elastic loops is that the roll can be easily and quickly inserted into and out of the loop.

After assembly, the fabric of the curtain is manually wound around the round strips of the lower edge into rolls, which are threaded into loops attached to the upper strips.

To mount the rails, you can use furniture connectors or threaded studs with washers and cap nuts. For them, holes of the required diameter are drilled in the upper fixing rail.

Curtains are mounted to the racks from the inside in the upper part of the fence, attaching with a step of 30 mm. In the corners of the terrace, this distance should be somewhat greater so that the curtains rolled into rolls do not touch each other. The curtain is fixed with clamps in the place intended for it and the position of the fastening screws is marked.