What does an energy engineer do? Chief Power Engineer: Requirements, Knowledge and Responsibilities

The demand for the profession of power engineer in the labor market is high. After all, our modern life it is impossible to imagine without a TV, computer, microwave, trolleybuses, metro, electric trains, etc. We do not even think that we use all these achievements thanks to the hard and persistent work of power engineers. Without such people, not a single branch of production will be able to fully function.

The power engineer is a specialist whose functions include the development, production, and operation of energy and thermal supply systems. The work of representatives of this profession is very responsible. It is they who decide whether a particular company needs to modernize existing energy saving systems and how to carry out technical re-equipment at the enterprise.

The power engineer not only makes such decisions, but also draws up drawings, installs systems, and sets up and starts electrical equipment. He takes part in the development of norms for the consumption of thermal, electrical and other types of energy. In his work during the repair and operation of equipment, the specialist uses all the most modern and advanced technologies, in the testing of which he also participates.

The peculiarity of the power engineering profession is that there are a lot of functions that people of this specialty can perform. Therefore, the duties assigned to them directly depend on the organization in which they work. For example, in commissioning and design companies, specialists in this field are engaged in the restoration and design of electrical networks. Directly at the enterprises themselves, the work of power engineers is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of systems and, if necessary, repair them.

Of course, the chief power engineer has much more duties and responsibilities than ordinary representatives of this profession. It is in his competence to organize the correct operation, timely repair of equipment and systems, provide the entire production not only with electricity, but also with gas, steam, water, etc. The duties of the chief power engineer include:

  • drawing up the necessary calculations and applications for the purchase of materials, spare parts and equipment;
  • development of all measures to reduce energy consumption;
  • introduction of new, more reliable and economical equipment;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • checking automation, signaling, protection of underground structures and communications, and much more.

As in any other type of activity, the profession of energy has its pros and cons. Almost all enterprises need such specialists, so employers are interested in good employees in this industry, for whose work they offer a decent salary. But on the other hand, remote regions of our country also need such professionals. Such specialists are also needed in snow-covered cities, where they can be distributed after graduation. In addition, it is worth noting that the working day of the power engineer is very busy, busy and stressful. Therefore, people in this profession are hardworking and hardy.

Personal qualities

Representatives of this profession must be disciplined, responsible, attentive, able to focus their attention, sociable, balanced. The power engineer should have analytical skills and technical thinking.

Education (What do you need to know?)

The specialist must have PC skills, be able to draw up and understand drawings, know engineering systems, draw up the necessary technical documentation. To become a power engineer, one should receive a secondary specialized technical or higher professional education.

Place of work and career

Specialists in this field work at hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, in construction companies, in housing and communal services, at enterprises and industrial complexes of energy systems. By improving their qualifications and having organizational skills, an experienced representative of this profession can become the chief power engineer at an enterprise or apply for a leadership position.

Profession power engineer

An endless stream is pouring from TV screens and from the pages of newspapers information reports about the "problem No. 1" that has confronted humanity. And this problem, of course, is energy. The bright illumination of the streets, the work of the largest factories and enterprises, the provision of comfortable living conditions for millions of people - all this requires not only significant resource costs, but also the daily, hard work of power engineers. Today, not a single branch of production can do without power engineers - such specialists are needed like air.

The history of this glorious profession is inextricably linked with electricity. Ever since the first power plant, created by Thomas Edison, appeared in 1882, there has been a need to train qualified personnel to service complex installations. In Russia, the “era of power engineers” began with the design by Heinrich Graftio of large facilities in St. Petersburg, which then became the basis for huge networks that require special knowledge and skills.…

To date, young power engineers graduating from universities are, as they say, "grabbed with their hands." First of all, specialists involved in the study of problems at the intersection of several sciences are in demand. For example, the activity of an energy physicist, concerned with obtaining energy from new, more economical sources, is considered the "profession of the future." On the other hand, power engineers are still needed in any production.

Each specialist chooses career prospects for himself. One of the simplest is considered to work in construction and installation organizations. A completely different level of qualification is required at design and commissioning enterprises. For those who are not attracted to work in production, research institutes open their doors, each year presenting interesting novelties to the world.

As soon as the doors of the alma mater are closed for energy specialists, leading companies from all over the country begin to “compete” for valuable personnel. Only one problem can arise here: it is mainly the remote areas of our vast Motherland that need professionals in this field. So you need to be ready for distribution to work in distant snow-covered cities.

Today many technical universities provide an opportunity to obtain a specialty in energy. According to experts, the competition in such establishments remains relatively low - about 2-5 people per place. But it is not so easy to enter there if you have not received a specialized secondary education. For this, there are annual preparatory courses at universities.

Energy engineer - a specialist with a higher technical education in the development, production or operation of systems designed for thermal or electrical supply.

The power engineer is engaged in the design and installation of power equipment, monitors the uninterrupted power supply and heat supply of various facilities, regularly checks the operation of power equipment, electrical networks, heating networks and gas pipelines, repairs them, and eliminates various problems.

Job Responsibilities

Ensuring uninterrupted power supply and its distribution;

Regular inspection, modernization and repair of electrical systems and equipment;

Preparation of calculations and control of the process of energy consumption by workshops and other divisions of the enterprise;


Development of a process for monitoring the effective functioning and safety of electrical systems and equipment.

Required knowledge

Decrees, orders, orders, methodological and regulatory materials for the operation of power equipment and communications;

Organization of energy economy;

Prospects for the technical development of the enterprise;

Technical characteristics, design features, operating modes and rules for the technical operation of power equipment;

Unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;

Organization and technology of repair work;

Methods of installation, adjustment, adjustment and repair of power equipment; the procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources,

Equipment, materials, spare parts, tools; rules for the delivery of equipment for repair and acceptance after repair;

Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise; requirements for the organization of labor in the operation, repair and modernization of power equipment;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and repair of power equipment; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

Qualification Requirements

Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years.

Opportunities for career growth in the power industry are present, first to the position of a foreman, then to the head of a section, workshop, and chief power engineer. The power engineer can also go into science: to solve global scientific problems.

Energy Engineer is a specialist who is engaged in the development, production and operation of thermal and energy supply systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Energy engineers work in power plants in boiler houses, at thermal power plants, at individual power plants, in research institutes in the relevant industry, in design and construction and installation organizations.

Short description

An energy specialist knows how much energy a particular enterprise needs. He can make a competent decision on the technical re-equipment of the company, on the modernization of existing energy supply systems. In accordance with this decision, the power engineer prepares applications for the purchase of the necessary equipment, materials, spare parts, and concludes contracts for the repair of equipment with contractors.

The engineer is directly involved in the installation of electrical equipment in the enterprise. He not only draws up drawings, but also deals with the installation of the system, commissioning. Also, its important task is the implementation of technical supervision, control over the correct operation of energy and electrical installations.

An energy engineer is a guarantor of the energy security of an enterprise, uninterrupted power supply. He checks the relay protection and automation system, draws up schedules for limiting energy consumption during peak hours of the power system, etc.

Functions of a power engineer in an enterprise

  • Control over the provision of uninterrupted power supply and its distribution;
  • Timely and scheduled inspections and repairs of electrical systems and equipment, as well as troubleshooting
  • Training necessary calculations and monitoring the process of energy use by the company's divisions
  • Development and submission of proposals for modernization in the entrusted area, as well as their implementation
  • Organization of control over the effective functioning and safety of entrusted facilities
  • Carrying out the necessary calculations
  • Interaction with representatives of third-party organizations on issues within its competence
  • Monitoring compliance with fuel consumption standards and all types of energy

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of regulatory materials and standards for the operation of power equipment and communications, including resolutions, orders, orders, methodological materials
  • study of methods of organizing energy management at the enterprise
  • possession technical specifications, features, modes of operation and rules for the technical operation of power equipment and communications at the enterprise
  • knowledge of a unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment
  • skills in organizing and carrying out capital, planned and ongoing repairs
  • knowledge of the methods of installation, adjustment and repair of power equipment, as well as the order of the form for drawing up applications for energy resources
  • own advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources
  • ability to draw and read drawings, as well as the ability to work in specialized programs, such as AutoCad
  • knowledge of the rules and regulations of labor protection

Pros and cons


power engineers are in demand various enterprises power systems.


low wages in the European region of Russia.

Place of work and career

The traditional, historically most significant industry in Russia is fuel energy. The country has significant reserves of energy resources and the potential of renewable sources, and is one of the ten countries with the most energy resources. But residents of the central region are reluctant to move to work in the environmentally polluted cities of Siberia. However, only workers in remote extractive areas have high earnings in this area. Gazprom, Rosneft, Atomenergoprom, RusHydro, subsidiaries of RAO UES - Fuel and Energy Complex employ more than 5 million Russians.

As a starting point for a career as an energy engineer, a graduate can choose from one of the many construction and installation organizations. Here he will need to organize energy and heat supply of buildings under construction, ensure uninterrupted operation, and in buildings already in use, repair power equipment, electric and heat networks and gas pipelines.


Salary as of 01/09/2020

Russia 25000—70000 ₽

Moscow 60000—105000 ₽

Energy Engineer Training

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Few people know that in large factories and enterprises, one of the most important people is the chief power engineer. He monitors the distribution of energy resources: electricity, heat. He also organizes reliable power supply, competent technical operation of energy systems, which affects the profitability of any enterprise. At any more or less large plant, this position is held in high esteem, but it requires a huge amount of knowledge and experience.

Main responsibilities

Chief Power Engineer deals with the organization of proper operation, repair and installation of power equipment, uninterrupted and reliable power supply for production. Given executive controls spending compliance with the regime of their economy. The Department of the Chief Power Engineer deals with the planning, organization and implementation of the efficient operation of the energy sector, develops schedules for the repair of equipment and electrical networks, plans for the production or consumption of electricity, fuel, gas, steam, water. This deals with the preparation of applications and settlements for them for the purchase of equipment, spare parts and necessary materials, for the supply of energy, for connection, if necessary, additional power. Plans the prospects for the development of the energy sector, improving the overall efficiency of production, prepares proposals for the reconstruction of the enterprise, introduces process automation tools.

Gas service, which includes employees involved in the repair and operation of gas systems.