Instructions on fire safety measures in a gas boiler room. Fire safety measures in the boiler room

The development of the domestic thermal power industry is inextricably linked with the names of Russian scientists and engineers. The foundations of heat engineering science were laid in the middle of the 18th century. the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. In 1766, the talented Russian heat engineer I.I. Polzunov created in Barnaul the world's first thermal power plant for driving factory mechanisms, which included a steam boiler. The practical use of steam power plants provided a new source of energy and played an important role in the development of industrial production. A number of theoretical and experimental works on the study of the working processes of boiler plants were carried out at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 11th centuries. scientists V.V. Petrov and Ya.D. Zakharov.

Boiler plants according to the type of heat carrier produced are divided into:

Steam (for generating steam);

Water heating (for the production of hot water).

A hot water boiler house has one heat carrier - water, in contrast to a steam boiler house, which has two heat carriers - water and steam. In this regard, in a steam boiler house, it is necessary to have separate pipelines for steam and water, as well as a tank for collecting condensate.

Boiler plants are equipped with water treatment devices, instrumentation and appropriate automation equipment, which ensures their uninterrupted and reliable operation. Hot water boiler plants are designed to produce hot water used for heating, hot water supply and other purposes.

Hot water and steam boilers differ depending on the type of fuel used, the design of boilers, furnaces, etc. The structure of both a steam and a water-heating boiler plant usually includes several boiler units, but not less than two and not more than four or five. All of them are interconnected by common communications - pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.

Boiler plants, depending on the type of consumer, are divided into:


Industrial and heating;


Power boiler plants produce steam for steam turbines in thermal power plants. Such boiler houses are equipped, as a rule, with boiler units of large and medium power, which produce steam with increased parameters.

Industrial heating boiler plants (usually steam) produce steam not only for industrial needs, but also for heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

Heating boiler plants (mainly water-heating, but they can also be steam) are designed to service heating systems, hot water supply and ventilation of industrial and residential premises.

Depending on the scale of heat supply, heating boiler houses are divided into local (individual), group and district.

According to the material of boiler structures - cast iron and steel.

According to the aerodynamic regime of the furnace - with a vacuum and with a pressurization.

According to the movement of combustion products and water - gas-pipe, water-pipe, gas-water-pipe.

According to design features: cylindrical, horizontal water tube, vertical water tube.

By the nature of the circulation of the working fluid - with natural or forced circulation.

In terms of transportability - stationary and mobile.

According to the currently accepted label steam stationary boilers in accordance with the circulation scheme of the coolant in them, they have the following designations:

E - with natural circulation;

Ep - with natural circulation and intermediate superheating of steam;

PR - with multiple forced circulation;

P - straight-through;

Pi - direct-flow with intermediate steam overheating;

Kp - with combined circulation and intermediate steam reheating.

To the designation of the boiler in numbers add:

steam capacity, T/h;

absolute pressure, kgf/cm 2 ;

furnace index (G - gas, M - fuel oil);

if the furnace is pressurized - the letter "n";

steam superheat temperature is shown in brackets.

For example: E-10-14G; Ep-16-14-GM(250).

Hot water boilers with a heat output of 4 ... 180 Gcal / h is denoted by the letters KV. The type of fuel burned (in letters), the heat output Gcal / h (in numbers), and the temperature of the heated water C are added to the designation.

For example: KV-GM-10-150.

Functionally, the boiler and its equipment can be divided into several parts (figure):

Fuel supply system;

Air supply system;

Burner devices;

Water supply system;

Boiler drum.

Figure - Functional diagram of the boiler

In accordance with the above diagram, the boiler unit itself includes:

A combustion device in which fuel is burned and flue gases are formed - highly heated combustion products;

Boiler (metal container), inside which the coolant circulates and through the surface of which heat is transferred from gases to the coolant;

A system of gas ducts used to remove flue gases into the atmosphere;

Devices for supplying fuel and air to the furnace, removing fuel combustion residues and combustion products, coolant circulation;

Pipeline systems for water, steam, air, structurally made as a single unit with the boiler unit.

Boiler plant - a set of one or more boiler units installed in one room and equipped with common auxiliary devices for fuel preparation, ash removal, water treatment and boiler feed, gas cleaning and removal.

to auxiliary elements boiler room include:

blowers required to supply air to the boiler furnace;

smoke exhausters-fans, contributing to increased draft and thereby reducing the size of the chimney;

feeding devices (pumps) necessary for supplying water to the boilers;

feed water treatment devices that prevent scale formation in boilers and their corrosion.

a water economizer is used to heat the feed water before it enters the boiler;

the air heater is designed to heat the air before it enters the furnace with hot gases leaving the boiler unit;

thermal control devices and automation equipment that ensure the normal and uninterrupted operation of all parts of the boiler room.

Armature boilers are devices and devices that ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of boilers and boiler equipment.

Boiler plants in accordance with Federal Law-116 "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" belong to the category of hazardous production facilities with all the ensuing consequences regarding the requirements for ensuring safe operation.

Safety requirements for the operation of boilers are set out in the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers (Decree of the State Technical Supervision Service of the Russian Federation No. 88 dated 11.06.2003).

Allowed to work with boilers faces:

not younger than 18 years old;

with appropriate training;

passed the test of knowledge of the rules of operation;

who have been instructed.

The results of examinations and periodic testing of the knowledge of the attendants must be documented in a protocol signed by the chairman of the commission and its members and recorded in a special journal. Persons who have passed the exams are issued certificates signed by the chairman of the commission and the inspector of boiler supervision.

Permission is issued by order. Re-testing the knowledge of the operating personnel of the boiler room should be carried out periodically, at least once every 12 months.

Personnel servicing heat-using installations and heat networks must clearly understand the technological features of their enterprise (organization) and its significance for National economy, know and comply with these Rules, safety regulations, instructions and other directive materials.

During operation the operator (driver) of the boiler house is obliged:

receive and check the serviceability of the equipment, record the readings of instrumentation and A;

do not leave the workplace;

to ensure compliance with the mode of operation;

when performing work inside the boilers - the obligatory execution of a work permit signed by the beginning. boiler room;

daily check of serviceability of instrumentation (with an entry in the duty log);

checking safety valves (with an entry in the duty log).

During planned shutdown of boilers :

burn unused fuel;

when working on gas - reduce the gas supply, stop its supply, turn off the air supply;

blow and ventilate the firebox.

Stop the boiler immediately (with simultaneous notification to management and emergency services) in the following cases:

unregulated increase in temperature and pressure inside the boiler above the technological parameters;

lowering the water level;

faulty control and measuring equipment;

detection of cracks, bulges, ruptures of pipelines and other structural violations in the main elements of the boiler and casing.

It is forbidden:

clutter the room with foreign objects;

leave a working boiler unattended;

allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room;

use flammable liquids when kindling boilers and keep them indoors;

carry out any repairs during the operation of boilers;

Extinguish the fire in the furnace with fresh fuel or water.

Causes of accidents and prevention of steam boilers

Leakage of water often leads to explosions causing great destruction and accidents. Organizational reasons - violation of rules and regulations, absence of a fireman at the workplace. Technical reasons - the absence or malfunction of the sound indicator of the limiting water levels, the temperature sensor, the malfunction of the water-indicating glass.

1. Accidents of steam boilers due to unsatisfactory water conditions occur when untreated water is added to the boiler, scale appears on the boiler pipes, the locking latch on the furnace doors of the firing holes is absent or malfunctioning, through which flame, ash, slag and steam are often ejected, which leads to its turn to injury.

Prevention: regular monitoring of the quality of feed water, its chemical treatment, purging and rinsing, mechanical cleaning of boiler heating surfaces.

2. Accidents associated with the phenomenon of alkaline corrosion of metals occur as a result of the simultaneous impact on the metal of increased local stresses close to the yield strength or exceeding it, and alkaline-aggressive boiler water. All this is exacerbated by sudden changes in the operating mode of the boilers (fluctuations in loads and steam parameters, forcing kindling and cooling down of steam boilers). The danger arises at an alkali concentration of 100 g / l, i.e. at a 10% solution. The aggressiveness of water increases with an increase in its alkalinity. To control it, it is necessary to use indicator devices.

Prevention: regular inspections (detection of salt deposits on the outside of rivet joints or in places of pipe rolling, and during hydraulic tests, it is necessary to monitor the flow of water through leaky joints and joints); easy tapping of surfaces with a hammer (in the presence of “brittle” fractures, the rivet heads fall out of the holes); flaw detection.

3. Accidents in steam boilers due to excess operating pressure occur for the following reasons: malfunction or absence of pressure gauges of purge cocks, safety valves, their deliberate jamming or lack of adjustment to the allowed pressure; operation of the boiler at high pressure.

Organizational reasons: lack of training of personnel, violation of the requirements of the instructions or their absence, violation of the firing mode of the boiler.

4. Accidents of steam boilers due to the wear of their elements occur when the requirements of the rules for the safe operation of boilers are violated or ignored during preventive maintenance hours and when replacing defective components, parts, instruments and control devices.

Instructions on fire safety measures in a gas boiler room

1. The territory of the gas boiler house must be kept clean, cleaned in a timely manner of combustible waste, garbage, etc. It is not allowed to arrange landfills of combustible waste on the territory and premises of the gas boiler house.

2. The road, entrance and passages to the gas boiler should always be free, kept in good condition, and in winter be cleared of snow and ice. Fire trucks should be provided with access to the boiler house building.

3. The area adjacent to the gas boiler room must have outdoor lighting sufficient to quickly find a fire-fighting water source, entrances to the boiler house building.

4. For all premises of the gas boiler room, the categories of explosion and fire hazard, as well as the class of the zone according to the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), which must be indicated on the doors of the premises, must be determined.

Standard safety signs should be posted near boilers.

5. The fire protection systems of the boiler house building must be kept in good working order at all times.

6. In the building of the boiler house it is not allowed to place household and service premises that are not intended for the personnel of the boiler room, as well as workshops that are not intended for the repair of boiler equipment.

7. Exit doors from the boiler room must open outwards. Doors from office, household, and also auxiliary and production premises to the boiler room must be equipped with springs and open towards the boiler room.

8. The head is obliged to prevent the penetration of unauthorized persons into the premises where the boilers are located.

9. The boiler room must have a clock and a telephone to communicate with consumers, as well as with technical services and the manager.

10. Persons who are not related to the operation of boilers and boiler room equipment should not be allowed into the boiler room. In necessary cases, unauthorized persons may be allowed into the boiler room only with the permission of the head and accompanied by his representative.

11. Before the start of the heating season, boiler rooms must be checked and repaired. Faulty heaters are not allowed to operate.

12. During repair work in a gassed environment, non-ferrous metal tools should be used that exclude the possibility of sparking. The working part of ferrous metal tools should be generously lubricated with grease or other lubricant.

The use in a gassed environment of electrical tools that produce sparks, prohibited.

13. Fire-retarding devices (flaps, dampers, valves, etc.) in air ducts, blocking devices for ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm installations, automatic ventilation shutdown devices in case of fire must be checked on time and kept in good condition.

14. In case of gas ignition due to leakage from a low-pressure gas pipeline, the flame must be extinguished, depending on the nature of the source, in one of the following ways:

  • covering the gas outlet with clay;
  • throwing wet tarpaulins or felt mats on the flame;
  • knocking down the flame with a jet of water, air or an inert gas (nitrogen, carbon dioxide).

15. If a gas leak is detected, measures must be taken immediately to prevent the penetration of gas into the premises. At the same time, measures must be taken to eliminate the gas leak.

16. When operating boiler plants not allowed:

  • allow to work persons who have not undergone special training and have not received the appropriate qualification certificates;
  • store liquid fuel in boiler rooms and heat generating rooms;
  • use as fuel waste oil products and other flammable liquids (flammable liquids) and combustible liquids (FL) that are not provided for by the technical conditions for the operation of the equipment;
  • operate heat-producing installations in case of gas leakage from fuel supply systems;
  • supply fuel with extinct gas burners;
  • ignite installations without first purging them;
  • work with faulty or disabled control and regulation devices provided by the manufacturer;
  • dry any combustible materials on boilers and steam lines.

17. When using installations for burning combustible gases (GG) prohibited:

  • operation of gas appliances in case of gas leakage;
  • attaching parts of gas fittings using a sparking tool;
  • checking the tightness of connections using open flame sources (including matches, lighters, candles);
  • repair of gas-filled cylinders.

18. When a fire is discovered, you must:

  • immediately report this by phone to the fire brigade (in this case, you must give the address of the object, the place of the fire, and also give your last name);
  • report the occurrence of a fire to management and duty services;
  • take measures to evacuate people, extinguish the fire and preserve material assets.

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Local documents on labor protection

Instruction on labor protection for workers performing loading and unloading and storage work with acids and alkalis

1.1. Acids and alkalis are categorized as toxic and dangerous goods to handle.

1.2. To carry out loading and unloading operations and storage operations with acids and alkalis, persons over 18 years of age are allowed, who do not have contraindications for health reasons, who have passed an introductory briefing on labor protection and instruction on labor protection at the workplace, as well as testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, electrical - and fire safety.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not allowed to work with acids and alkalis.

1.3. Loading and unloading and storage work with acids and alkalis may only be carried out under the direct supervision of a responsible person (storekeeper, warehouse manager, etc.).

1.4. Persons admitted to work must perform only the work assigned by the head.

1.5. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you must immediately contact the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

1.6. In case of temporary transfer to another job, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the working conditions, the work assigned, and also be instructed on labor protection during its performance.

1.7. If it is impossible to perform the previous work for health reasons in accordance with the medical report, it is necessary to inform the management of the enterprise about this.

1.8. In the process of work, the worker may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors: moving machines, transported and stored goods, increased dust content in the air of the working area, microclimate. Improper handling of acids and alkalis can cause chemical burns and poisoning.

1.9. When working with acids and alkalis, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the container and prevent its damage, check the inscriptions on labels and stencils, and ensure that the container strictly corresponds to the type of goods packed in it.

1.10. Joint storage of paint and varnish, polymer, household and building materials, acids and alkalis are not allowed.

1.11. It is allowed to store acids and alkalis in various parts one building or in different compartments, while the distance between the compartments must be at least 5 m.

1.12. Works with dangerous goods must be carried out in the daytime and, as an exception, at night, provided that the places of work are illuminated in accordance with established standards, with explosion-proof lamps.

1.13. Packaging of raw materials in storage areas is not allowed. Special facilities must be provided for this purpose.

1.14. Rest and smoking is allowed only in specially designated and equipped places.

1.15. Workers performing work with dangerous goods must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect and put on overalls, fasten or tie the cuffs of the sleeves, tuck in the clothes so that there are no hanging ends.

2.2. If, according to the working conditions, the use of personal protective equipment and safety devices is required, then it is necessary to check their completeness and serviceability.

2.3. Inspect the workplace, remove from it everything that may interfere with work, clear the aisles and do not clutter them up. If the floor is slippery (doused with water, oils, etc.), then you should wipe it or sprinkle it with sand.

2.4. Before using a mechanism or device in work, it is necessary to make sure that it is in good condition, and when working with electrical equipment, that the protective grounding is reliable.

3.1. When performing loading and unloading and storage operations with acids and alkalis, safety requirements must be observed, taking into account that:

  • vapors, gases and dust of caustic substances have toxic properties and cause poisoning if they enter the respiratory tract;
  • careless handling of caustic substances is associated with the risk of burns and other lesions of the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nose;
  • violation of the rules for transporting caustic substances leads to damage to the vehicles themselves.

3.2. Acids and alkalis are transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

3.3. Each package and batch must have marking data and a document certifying the quality of the product and its compliance with the state standard or technical specifications.

3.4. In addition to general data, the marking must have the inscriptions: "Beware of Burn", "Danger", "Corrosive", "Acid".

3.5. Rail tank cars and tank trucks must have the appropriate distinctive color, color stripes, inscriptions.

3.6. Before loading and unloading acids and alkalis, it is necessary to carefully check the container. If there are any malfunctions in the packaging, the absence of plugs, lids, etc., stop work and inform the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

3.7. Before starting loading and unloading operations with acids and alkalis packed in barrels, drums, flasks, cans, bags, bags in a mechanized way, they should be formed on flat pallets.

3.8. Installation of bottles with acids and alkalis on the pallet should be carried out by two workers.

3.9. Carefully inspect the bottom of the basket before carrying, as the bottle of acid may fall through, shatter, and burn the workers' feet.

3.10. When loading and unloading acids and alkalis packed in glass containers, it is necessary to use trolleys or stretchers equipped with sides.

3.11. It is not allowed to carry acid bottles on the back.

3.12. When loading and unloading metal drums with acid, it is forbidden to subject them to shocks and roll them on the floor.

3.13. Bottles with acids should be placed on the floor of the warehouse no more than 100 bottles in two or four rows with passages of at least 1 m. Storage of bottles with acid on two-tier racks is allowed only if the second tier is located at a height of no more than 1 m from gender.

3.14. When storing alkali, the height of a stack formed from paper bags should not exceed 2 m, and from drums - 1.5 m.

3.15. Repair of tanks, barrels, pumps is allowed only after they have been freed from acids and washed with water. Open flame work is not permitted.

3.16. Transfusion of acid from bottles should be done using stands with tilting devices or siphons in specially equipped rooms.

3.17. Bottling of liquid products (acids and alkalis) from tanks should be carried out using measuring devices, liquid meters with cut-off valves, weight dispensers or other devices that measure the amount of products dispensed. One device is installed per product.

3.18. Persons admitted to work with acids and alkalis must be provided with personal protective equipment. When loading and unloading dilute acids and alkalis, it is allowed to use a cloth suit as special clothing.

3.19. To work with concentrated acids, workers are required to wear rubberized aprons and sleeves, rubber gloves and boots, as well as rubber-rimmed safety goggles over special clothing.

3.20. During work related to the repacking of alkalis, workers must additionally be provided with a filtering industrial gas mask with a brand A cartridge, goggles of the PO-2 type or universal gas masks of the BKF brand.

3.21. Shipping bottles must be filled no more than 95% of the volume, carefully sealed, and the packaging chips impregnated with a flame retardant compound.

3.22. The installation of containers with acids and alkalis in the car body is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • glass containers with liquids are installed vertically (caps up);
  • each package must be well secured in the body in such a way that during movement, stops and turns, the possibility of spontaneous movement of the load along the floor of the body or its tipping over is excluded;
  • it is not allowed to install the cargo in glass containers in two rows without appropriate gaskets to ensure the safety of the cargo.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In case of violation of the rules of safe handling and storage operations with acids and alkalis, leakage of caustic substances, poisoning, chemical burns are possible.

4.2. In the event of a fire, personnel must call the fire brigade and take all measures to extinguish it.

4.3. In case of an accident, immediately stop work, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance if necessary, save the situation if possible (if this does not lead to an accident or injury to others), inform management.

4.4. If broken bottles are found, it is necessary to immediately neutralize the spilled acid with lime mortar, then sprinkle this place with sand, after which the sand is carefully removed, and the flooded area is washed with water.

4.5. If various acids get into the eyes or on the skin, wash them off with plenty of water.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Turn off the equipment in use.

5.2. Tidy up the workplace, put the tools and fixtures in the place provided for storage or hand over to the shift worker.

5.3. Remove and put in order overalls, personal protective equipment and deposit them in the prescribed manner.

5.4. Wash face and hands with warm soapy water or take a shower.

5.5. Report to the work manager about any malfunctions noticed in the process of work, and take measures to eliminate them.

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Local documents on labor protection

Instruction on labor protection for a copier

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. A person who has reached the age of 18 (hereinafter referred to as a pile driver) is allowed to work with a pile driver, who has passed:

  • medical examination and admitted for health reasons to work;
  • induction training;
  • fire safety briefing;
  • initial briefing at the workplace;
  • electrical safety training in the workplace.

1.2. The copier can be affected by dangerous and harmful production factors:

  • moving machines and mechanisms and their moving parts;
  • transported and stored goods;
  • increased dust content in the air of the working area;
  • increased noise and vibration in the workplace;
  • increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
  • cutting and piercing objects (protruding nails, pieces of metal tape or wire, etc.).

1.3. The copywriter must pass:

  • mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (surveys) for recognition as fit for work;
  • training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, briefing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.4. The copywriter must:

  • comply with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization;
  • comply with the requirements of this Instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
  • ensure the safety of protective equipment, tools, devices, fire extinguishing equipment and documentation on labor protection at their workplace.

1.5. Work must be carried out in special clothing (using personal protective equipment), special footwear and a protective helmet in accordance with established standards.

1.6. In the course of daily activities, the copier must:

  • maintain order in the workplace;
  • be attentive during work and prevent violations of labor safety requirements;
  • be able to provide first aid to the victim in case of accidents;
  • know where the first-aid kit is located, and, if necessary, ensure the delivery (escort) of the victim to a medical institution.

1.7. The copier must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated areas and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.

1.8. The copier operator is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of every accident that occurs at work, or of a deterioration in his health.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Show the certificate of knowledge verification to the work manager safe methods work, receive a task and be instructed at the workplace on the specifics of the work performed.

2.2. Tidy up your overalls, fasten or tie up cuffs, put on a helmet.

2.3. Immediately inform the person responsible for the safe performance of work, as well as the person responsible for maintaining the installation in good condition about a malfunction of the pile driver; Do not start work until the problem is corrected.

2.4. Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment.

2.5. Check the workplace and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements.

2.6. Check the availability and serviceability of auxiliary inventory devices (guides, hooks, hooks, ladders, etc.) necessary for the performance of work, in accordance with the project for the production of works or the technological map.

2.7. Check the lighting condition of the workplace.

2.8. Prepare the workplace for safe work:

  • ensure the availability of free passages;
  • check the stability of the production table, the rack, the strength of the equipment fastening to the foundations and supports;
  • to accept the load-handling devices, making sure that they are in good condition, that they have stamps or tags indicating the number, test date and load capacity;
  • check the serviceability of the container and the presence on it of an inscription about its purpose, number, own weight and maximum weight of the cargo for which it is intended to be transported;
  • make an external inspection of the ropes, slings, traverses and make sure they are in good condition;
  • select lifting devices that correspond to their weight and the nature of the lifted load (packed-piece, large-sized, agricultural machinery, etc.);
  • check the illumination of the working platform in the area of ​​​​the crane. In case of insufficient lighting, it is necessary to inform the person responsible for the safe performance of work on the movement of goods by cranes;
  • convenient and stable placement of the tool;
  • check by external inspection:
  • the absence of hanging and bare ends of the electrical wiring;
  • serviceability of household appliances;
  • availability and reliability of grounding connections (absence of breaks, strength of contact between metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment and the ground wire).

2.9. Check by external inspection:

  • availability, serviceability, correct installation and reliable fastening of the guards of moving parts, heating surfaces of the equipment;
  • check the serviceability of all components of the mechanism, inspect the inner surface of the drum, make sure that the blades are in good condition, that there are no foreign objects in the drum;
  • absence of foreign objects inside and around the equipment used;
  • the condition of the floors (no potholes, unevenness, slipperiness, open ladders);
  • serviceability of the used inventory, devices and tools.

2.10. Check the serviceability of the ballast equipment (starters, switches, etc.).

2.11. Check the condition of the site and fencing, temporary roads, the location of external and underground utilities. Signs must be posted at the places where underground utilities pass.

2.12. Check the places and dimensions for storing piles, parts of pile drivers and other materials, the presence of passages between the crane and protruding parts of ground structures, cargo stacks, etc.

2.13. Check the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment, the availability of personal protective equipment, the operation of ventilation systems, and electrical equipment. All open and accessible moving parts of the equipment must be protected with fixed guards.

2.14. Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other malfunctions to your immediate supervisor and start work only after they have been eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Perform only the work for which he has been trained, instructed in labor protection and for which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work has been admitted.

3.2. Do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to work.

3.3. All moving parts of the installation must be protected by removable shields or casings and secured.

3.4. Strapping or hooking of structures should be carried out in accordance with the slinging schemes.

3.5. Slinging of structures with loops, trunnions should be carried out with inventory slings for all loops and trunnions provided for lifting in the appropriate position.

3.6. When hanging a load on two-horn hooks, pull ropes and chains are applied so that the load is distributed evenly on both hook horns.

3.7. When lifting a load with two cranes, tying and hanging it should be carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe production of moving goods by cranes.

3.8. Make sure that the piles, parts of pile drivers and other materials intended for lifting are not reinforced, pinched, littered or frozen to the ground.

3.9. Ensure that the lifting ropes of the crane are in a vertical position before lifting the load.

3.10. When slinging structures, it is prohibited:

  • to make a hitch of a pile, details of pile drivers for damaged loops;
  • put your hands under the load when tying it;
  • hammer the pin (hook) of the sling into the mounting loops of reinforced concrete products;
  • adjust the branches of the slings on weight with hammer blows, crowbars or other objects;
  • use ladders for hooking and tying, in such cases, attached platforms should be used;
  • carry out slinging of cargo covered with earth, frozen to the ground, laid down by cargoes, filled with concrete, etc.

3.11. Before each operation for lifting, moving and lowering piles and parts of pile drivers, it is necessary to give an appropriate signal to the crane operator.

3.12. Make sure that there are no foreign objects (tools) on the site, piles.

3.13. When moving cargo, you must:

  • give a signal in advance to lift the load to a height of 200–300 mm, the mass of which is close to the maximum load capacity of the crane, in order to make sure that the slinging is correct, the tension of the slings is uniform, the crane brakes are working properly, and then give a signal to lift the load;
  • when moving the load horizontally, make sure that the load is raised to a height higher than the obstacles encountered on the way, by at least 0.5 m;
  • when moving the load with a crane, make sure that it is not located above people and its protruding parts do not come closer to the crane structural elements closer than 1 m;
  • if the load moves out of sight, then the position relative to the elements of the crane must be monitored by the crane operator;
  • make sure that when lifting the load, the oblique position of the cargo rope is excluded;
  • immediately give a signal to the driver to stop lifting and moving the load by the crane in the event that unauthorized persons appear in the crane operation area.

3.14. When lowering the load, the copier must:

  • inspect the place where the piles and parts of the pile drivers should be laid, and make sure that it is impossible for the load to fall, tip over or slide;
  • pre-lay strong pads at the unloading site so that pull ropes or chains can be easily and without damage removed from under the load;
  • the laying of piles and parts of pile drivers should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions established for warehousing cargoes, an exception can be made when loading timber, when pulling devices should not have fastening parts that prevent pulling out the pulls;
  • remove the slings from the load or hook after the load is securely installed or stowed in place;
  • after unhooking the load, hang the slings to the crane hook and give a signal to pull the slings to a safe height.

3.15. When lifting, moving and lowering the pile and parts of the pile driver, the pile driver is prohibited from:

  • move cargo by drag;
  • to release with a crane the removable load-handling devices (slings, traverses, etc.) pinched by the load;
  • lift a load that is incorrectly tied, in an unstable position;
  • lift and move the load with a crane if there is a danger of hurting people in the crane operation area;
  • pull (pull) the load during its lifting, moving and lowering with an oblique direction of the cargo ropes;
  • lift incorrectly strapped cargo and unreliable load-handling devices;
  • be on the load during its lifting or moving, as well as allow the lifting or moving of the load if there are unauthorized people on it;
  • to be under the lifted load;
  • stack cargo on electric cables, pipelines, temporary ceilings, scaffolding not intended for cargo stacking;
  • lift the load in case of insufficient illumination of the site, heavy fog, snowfall;
  • pulling piles stacked in piles, lying on the edge of the pit, as well as clamped by other products (materials) or frozen.

3.16. If there is a permit, metal beams and pipes can be pulled by a cable of a pile driver (crane or base machine) from the top row of the stack under the following conditions:

  • the presence of free space near the stack of piles;
  • stack height should not exceed 1.2 m;
  • the stack after pulling off the next pile from it maintains a secure position of the piles lying in it and ensures the safety of work on the slinging of the next pile;
  • the area where the stack is located does not have other stacks or structures nearby that can be disturbed or deformed by the pulled pile; the base of the site, when the pile is pulled onto it, is not subjected to destruction requiring restoration repairs;
  • pulling of piles is carried out only using the lower (bypass) block, located above the ground level at least 1 meter.

3.17. Pulling (dropping) of reinforced concrete piles from a pile is strictly prohibited.

3.18. Mooring of the pile by the hammer and simultaneous lifting of the pile with the hammer are prohibited. The pile is lifted after the hammer is fully raised to the required height.

3.19. It is allowed to unroll the pile after it has been lifted to a vertical position and placed with the tip on the ground only with the help of special keys.

3.20. In order to avoid swinging and impacts of the pile on the structure of the pile driver during its lifting, special hemp rope braces should be used.

3.21. In the raised state, the pile for the safety of its installation on the driving axis during the rotation of the pile driver (excavator) platform must be attached to the lower part of the pile driver boom with an annular sling or mechanical grippers. These mechanical grippers also serve to improve the accuracy of pile driving.

The safety of gas boilers has many aspects. This is the possibility of ignition of the boiler room, gas explosion, poisoning of personnel with combustion products. To ensure complete safety, a set of measures and a wide range of different equipment is required.

Design solutions for the detection of gas contamination in the boiler room

The first priority is to ensure control of gas leaks by monitoring the composition of the air in the boiler room. Methane is lighter than air, so CH4 sensors must be placed under the ceiling to detect the methane concentration in a gas boiler building.

The project provides for the control of gas contamination in the premises with the help of stationary gas analyzers. Hazardous gas detectors (CH 4) have two thresholds.

At the 1st threshold (0.5% volumetric concentration) - a warning alarm is triggered.

At the 2nd threshold (1% volume concentration):

- an alarm is triggered;

- the gas supply is stopped by closing the solenoid valve at the inlet;

- technological ventilation is switched off;

- emergency ventilation is switched on;

- at the entrance, red signal lamps light up and a local sound alarm is triggered

Gas contamination signals are sent to the process control system.

Fire safety system design

Fire safety includes:
- Stops the physical supply of gas in case of fire or smoke in the gas boiler
- Design of external fire water supply with a supply of water for at least 3 hours.
- The correct location of the entrances to the gas boiler fire equipment, the supply time should not exceed 10 minutes.
- Device for exhaust and supply smoke ventilation
- Arrangement of emergency exits
- Design of automatic fire extinguishing installation
- Installation of a modern fire alarm
- Installation of evacuation lighting and warning systems

When a signal is received about smoke (fire) in the premises from fire detectors installed on the ceilings to the common control panel of the boiler house building, the systems are turned on depending on the prevailing situation and the general ventilation is turned off.

Design of a process control system for a gas boiler house

All security systems are combined with a single process control system. The boiler house project includes a set of sensors and measuring instruments, signal dispatching systems and the premises of a single control room for a gas boiler house. The design also includes the development of software and the operator's workplace.

Design solutions for grounding and lightning protection

Common causes of fire are lightning strikes and electrical discharges from industrial activities. To ensure the electrical safety of gas boilers, it is necessary to develop a system for equalizing potentials and lightning protection.

fire safety requirements

The territory of the site, production facilities, boiler and auxiliary equipment, sites and other structures must be kept clean and tidy.

Entrances to the installation, fire hydrants, approaches to fire escapes are kept in good condition, and cleaned in winter. Evacuation routes and exits must always be free.

The workshop area must have outdoor lighting sufficient to quickly find fire hydrants, fire escapes, and building entrances.

Smoking in the workshop is allowed only in a designated area.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment must be kept in good working order, installed in conspicuous places with free access to them. When accepting and handing over a shift, the service personnel must check the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment with the results recorded in the shift log according to the inventory list.

Location of fire equipment and equipment at the steam boiler plant:

A box with sand and a shovel in the filtration room, in the boiler room;

Fire extinguishers in the control room, at the GRU, in the filtration room, in the ammonia facility, in the boiler room, in the laboratory, on the second floor;

Fire cocks in the filtration room, in the boiler room, in the water treatment plant and the boiler room.

Each worker of the workshop must know their location and be able to use them.

Do not allow the storage of combustible liquids and flammable liquids in the boiler room.

To wash equipment, products and parts, non-flammable technical detergents, fire-safe methods should be used.

Heating of frozen pipelines, drains should be carried out hot water, ferry and other safe ways. The use of open fire for these purposes is not allowed.

It is forbidden to hang clothes to dry, and also to put any combustible materials on hot surfaces of pipelines and devices. In special pockets It is forbidden to leave oiled rags and other cleaning material on clothes. Leave a special clothes are not allowed in the workplace. Storage of cleaning material in the premises of pumping, ventilation installations, in the boiler room is prohibited. Cleaning material should be stored in a metal box with a tight-fitting lid. To collect the used cleaning material, it is also necessary to install a metal box with a tight-fitting lid. The box must be cleaned in a timely manner.

It is prohibited to use electric heaters without the permission of the chief power engineer and the agreement with the fire brigade. The electric stove and electric kettle must have a stand made of non-combustible materials. The electric stove must have a closed heating element, comply with class 01. All electrical appliances must be earthed.

All hot work must be organized and performed in accordance with the requirements of the production instructions.

The process pipeline tray of the workshop must be clean.

Pump bearings must be adequately lubricated. Overheating of bearings above passport data is not allowed.

The workshop must have a sign with the name and position of the employee responsible for compliance with fire safety rules.

In the event of a spill of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, they must be immediately eliminated.

The boiler room of the workshop is provided with automatic safety and alarm systems.

Gas alarms are installed directly on the boilers and in places of a possible increase in the concentration of fuel gas.

Steam boilers DE 25-24-250 are equipped with safety automatics, which provide for shutting off the fuel to the boiler with sound and light signaling in the operator's room.

The fuel supply is turned off according to the following parameters:

A) extinguishing the torch;
b) decrease in gas pressure - 1.8 kPa;
c) increase in gas pressure - 50 kPa;
d) decrease in air pressure - 0.2 kPa;
e) increase in the water level in the drum - +80 mm;
f) lowering the water level in the drum - -80 mm;
g) reduction of vacuum in the furnace - -10 kPa.

Gas alarms are installed at the unit to ensure control of gas contamination in places where an explosive concentration of fuel gas may form. They are installed at the purge wells, in the area of ​​the GRU. The signaling devices give a sound signal to the control room when the concentration of fuel gas increases by more than 1% by volume.

In addition, explosive valves are installed on the boilers:

2 pcs. on the flue - membrane;
- 2 pcs. on the economizer - folding.

The condition of the membrane is checked every shift. Explosive valve diaphragms must comply with the design data in terms of material type and thickness.

Boiler emergency stop

The boiler must be stopped in an emergency in cases stipulated by the production instructions. Wherein:

A) maintain the water level in the boiler above average;
b) stop the supply of fuel to the furnace;
c) disconnect it from the steam pipelines, by the main steam valve, after the complete cessation of combustion in the furnace, open the superheater purge.

Boiler ignition:

A) ventilate the boiler furnace for 15 minutes. with open dampers on the gas duct;
b) close the damper of the air duct and gas duct completely;
c) inspect the burner, combustion chamber and check for the presence of air, gas;
d) ignition of the burner is carried out remotely - with an igniter or manually with a portable torch;
e) the igniter flame during ignition must be stable and long enough to reliably ignite the gas. If there is an ignition torch in the loophole, it is necessary to smoothly open the fuel supply.
f) after ignition of the flame of the main burner, close the shut-off valves on the gas supply line to the igniter. Adjust the air supply to the burner and the vacuum in the furnace;
g) in case of extinction or separation of the flame, immediately stop the gas supply to the burner, find out the reasons for the extinction, and eliminate them.
Ventilate the furnace for 15 minutes and only then repeat the ignition of the boiler in the prescribed manner.

It is forbidden:

A) ignite the boiler without preliminary ventilation for 15 minutes;
b) operate faulty boilers, as well as in case of faulty gas equipment, safety automation, alarm control, absence of vacuum in the furnace, gas leaks.

In case of a fire at the plant, immediately inform the plant dispatcher by phone at 1-47, 1-48 and the gas rescue service at 1-01, 3-65, give your name, place of work and place of fire, take measures to immediately eliminate the source fire, provide a meeting and entry to the installation of combat crews of the fire brigade.

Burning electrical equipment must be de-energized before extinguishing. Smoke exhausters and fans are switched off by the "Stop" button directly at the unit or on the board in the operator's room. Roof fans are turned off by a button on each fan and on the switchboard near the control room. The ventilation system in the ventilation chamber is switched off on the panel in the ventilation chamber. The pumps are switched off by switches located at the units and in the PTS room.

Extinguish burning electrical equipment with a powder fire extinguisher.

In the event of a fire on the gas pipelines of the boiler plant, the gas pressure is reduced to a minimum, and then the flame is extinguished and after that the gas is completely blocked.

Rules for the use of fire extinguishing agents

The service personnel of the installation, when accepting and handing over the watch, must check the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment according to the inventory and enter the results in the watch log.

The use of primary fire extinguishing equipment other than for its intended purpose is strictly prohibited. For loss, damage or rendering fire extinguishing equipment and equipment unusable, the perpetrators are subject to disciplinary and financial liability in accordance with the current regulation.

The write-off of fire extinguishing equipment that has become unusable is carried out on a general basis in agreement with the Health and Safety Department.

The movement of fire equipment and equipment from one room within the building and structure is carried out with the permission of the head of the workshop in agreement with the Health and Safety Department.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment should be installed in prominent places with free access to them.

A loaded fire extinguisher must be hung or installed in a vertical position, but not higher than 1.5 m from the floor to the sole of the fire extinguisher.

The actuation of the fire extinguisher must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions on the body of each fire extinguisher.

Successful use of fire extinguishers requires:

A) put fire extinguishers closer to the place of burning, so as not to waste extinguishing agent in vain:
b) act quickly with a fire extinguisher, because fire extinguisher operation is short-term;
c) when extinguishing burning substances with powder fire extinguishers, the entire burning surface should be covered with powder.

The sand in the boxes should be regularly inspected and dried and sifted if lumped or wet.

Sleeves of internal fire hydrants must always be dry, well rolled up, one end of the sleeve must be attached to the trunk, and the other to the internal fire hydrant. The connecting heads of fire hydrants and sleeves must have gaskets. The fire cabinet must be sealed. The pressure in the internal fire hydrants must be checked at least twice a year.

Fire extinguishers, boxes for sand and fire hoses, handles of shovels must be painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Sand boxes should be designed to store 0.5 m3 of sand, painted red, should have a tight-fitting lid and an inscription in white paint: "For extinguishing a fire." Each crate should have a shovel-type shovel or shovel.

Ministry of Fuel and Energy
Russian Federation.
Order dated 04.07.1995 No. 144.

By the decision of the Presidium
Central Committee of the Russian Trade Union
chemical industry workers
dated December 26, 1994
Protocol N21.


TOI R-112-09-95

1. General requirements security

1.1. This Instruction provides for the basic requirements for safety measures during the operation of steam boilers with an excess steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa, hot water boilers and water heaters with a water temperature of not more than 115 degrees. C (hereinafter referred to as "boilers").
1.2. Responsible for the safe operation and technical condition of the boilers is a person from among the specialists of the enterprise who have experience in operating boilers, who have passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner and who have the appropriate certificate.
1.3. In case of violation of the rules for the safe operation of hot water and steam boilers, an employee may be exposed to thermal burns, electric shock, and dynamic shock during the explosion of the boiler.
1.4. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained in the relevant program, tested their knowledge by a qualification commission and received a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service hot water and steam boilers.
1.5. Re-testing the knowledge of the boiler house employees is carried out by the qualification commission at least once a year, as a rule, at the beginning of the heating season, as well as:
when transferring boilers to another type of fuel;
when employees switch to servicing boilers of a different type.
1.6. The admission of workers to independent maintenance of boilers must be issued by order of the enterprise.
1.7. The enterprise must develop and approve by the chief engineer an instruction on the mode of operation and safe maintenance of boilers. The instruction must be located at the workplace and issued to employees against receipt.
1.8. Boiler switching diagrams should be posted at workplaces.
1.9. Workers servicing boiler rooms must be provided with overalls and safety shoes in accordance with applicable standards:
cotton suit;
combined mittens;
The boiler cleaner must be provided, in addition:
leather boots or tarpaulin boots;
helmet with shoulder pads;
knitted balaclava;
1.10. The boiler room must have fire extinguishers of the brand OHP-10 (2 pcs.) And OP-10.
Workers serving boiler rooms must be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.
It is forbidden to use fire equipment for other purposes.
1.11. The presence of persons not related to the operation of boilers and boiler room equipment is prohibited in the boiler room. In necessary cases, outsiders may be allowed into the boiler room only with the permission of the administration and accompanied by its representative.
1.12. Boilers and boiler equipment must be kept in good condition. It is forbidden to clutter up the boiler room or store any materials or objects in it. Passages in the boiler room and exits from it must always be free.
1.13. It is not allowed to place tanks with flammable liquid fuel, as well as stocks of fuel and lubricants in the room where the boiler is installed.
1.14. Supervision of the technical condition of the boilers during the period of operation by external inspection should be carried out:
every shift by employees of the boiler room with an entry in the shift log;
daily by the person responsible for the safe operation and technical condition of the boilers;
periodically at least once a year by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
The results of periodic external inspection should be reflected in the boiler inspection report.
1.15. When working in the boiler, on its platforms and in gas ducts for local lighting, portable rechargeable lamps in an explosion-proof design with a voltage of not more than 12 V should be used, which must be turned on and off outside the explosive zone.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Wear the prescribed clothing.
2.2. Check the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment, familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log and check the serviceability of the serviced boilers and equipment related to them, as well as the serviceability of emergency lighting, telephone communications (or sound alarms) for calling representatives of the administration in emergency cases and communication of the boiler room with places of steam consumption .
2.3. The acceptance and delivery of a shift is recorded in a shift log signed by the persons responsible for the shift. The entries in the logbook are checked daily by the person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers.
It is not allowed to take and take off duty during the elimination of an accident in the boiler room.
2.4. Before firing up the boiler, check:
serviceability of the furnace and gas ducts, locking and control devices;
serviceability of control and measuring devices, power devices, fans, as well as the presence of natural draft;
serviceability of equipment for burning liquid or gaseous fuels;
water level in the boiler, tightness of flanges, valves, hatches;
the absence of plugs on the purge, drain and feed steam lines, fuel oil lines, gas pipelines, as well as before and after the safety valve;
the absence of foreign objects in the furnace and gas ducts.
2.5. It is forbidden to put into operation boilers with faulty: fittings, feeders, automation equipment, emergency protection and signaling equipment.
2.6. Immediately before the boiler is kindled, the furnace and gas ducts must be ventilated for 10 - 15 minutes.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. The kindling of boilers should be carried out only if there is an order recorded in the shift log by those responsible for the safe operation of the boilers.
3.2. The time of starting the kindling and putting the boiler into operation should be recorded in the shift log.
3.3. The firing mode of the boilers must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's documentation.
It is not allowed to use flammable oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.) when kindling a solid fuel boiler.
3.4. Tightening bolted connections, hatches, etc. during the ignition of the boiler, it must be carried out with the necessary precautions in the presence of a person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler, using standard keys without using extension levers.
3.5. During the duty, the boiler house employees must monitor the health of the boiler and all the equipment of the boiler room and strictly observe the established operating mode of the boiler.
Faults detected during the operation of the equipment should be recorded in a shift log. Workers must take immediate action to eliminate malfunctions that threaten the safe and trouble-free operation of the equipment. If the faults are corrected on your own is not possible, it is necessary to inform the person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers and take measures to stop the operation of the boiler.
3.6. During operation, the following should be maintained:
the water level in the boiler and its uniform supply with water. At the same time, the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible lower level or rise above the permissible higher level;
steam pressure. It is not allowed to increase the steam pressure above the allowable one;
superheated steam temperature, as well as feed water temperature after the economizer;
normal operation of the burners (nozzles).
3.7. When the boiler is in operation, at least once per shift, the following checks should be carried out:
serviceability of pressure gauges with the help of three-way valves or shut-off valves replacing them;
water-indicating devices (purging);
serviceability of safety valves (purging);
serviceability of feed pumps, by briefly putting each of them into operation.
3.8. Periodic purging of the boiler must be carried out in the presence of a person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers. Before purging, it is necessary to make sure that the water-indicating instruments, nutrient devices, and the presence of water in the nutrient tanks are in good condition.
The opening of the purge valve must be done carefully and gradually.
During purging, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the boiler and prevent it from dropping.
In the event of water hammer, pipeline vibration or other deviations from the norm in the purge lines, the purge must be stopped.
It is forbidden to purge with a faulty purge valve, open and close the valve with blows from a hammer or other objects, as well as with the help of elongated levers. The time of the start and end of the boiler blowdown should be recorded in a shift log.
3.9. Cleaning of the furnace should be carried out with a reduced load of the boiler, a weakened or switched off blast and a reduced draft.
When removing slag and ash from the furnace, exhaust ventilation must be turned on.
3.10. Boiler house workers during duty should not be distracted from their duties.
3.11. It is forbidden to lock the doors to exit the boiler room during the operation of the boilers.
3.12. Work inside the furnaces and gas ducts of the boiler can only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. From along with - admission to work of increased danger.
The stay of the same worker inside the boiler or flue at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees. C without interruption should not exceed 20 minutes. The necessary security measures in the production of such work are specified in the work permit.
3.13. Before closing the hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check the absence of people and foreign objects inside the boiler, as well as the presence and serviceability of the devices installed inside the boiler.
3.14. Prior to the start of repair work inside the drum, chamber or collector of the boiler, connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines (steam, feed, drain and drain lines, etc.), as well as before inspection or repair of boiler elements under pressure, when If there is a danger of people being burned by steam or water, the boiler must be isolated from all pipelines with plugs or disconnected. Disconnected pipes should also be plugged.
3.15. When operating on gaseous fuel, the boiler must be reliably separated from the common gas pipeline in accordance with the boiler maintenance instructions.
3.16. Malfunctions of boiler elements and communications under pressure or influence high temperature from the furnace or steam, eliminate when the boiler is not working.
3.17. When disconnecting sections of pipelines and gas ducts, posters should be posted on valves, valves and dampers, as well as on starting devices for smoke exhausters, draft fans and fuel feeders: "Do not turn it on - people are working!" fuel must be removed fuse-links.
3.18. When the boilers are stopped long time or in summer, at the end of the heating season, they are cleaned of soot and scale, completely filled with water and disconnected from the water supply system.
3.19. When stopping in cold weather, boilers installed in unheated rooms are also cleaned of soot, scale, followed by washing and hydrotesting, and water is necessarily drained from the boiler - water heater, pump and pipelines.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Boiler operation must be stopped immediately:
with a sharp increase in pressure and temperature above those set in the boiler and system, despite the measures taken (stopping the fuel supply, reducing draft and blast);
in case of damage to the boiler with water leakage from the place of damage;
in case of malfunctions of nutritional devices, water-indicating devices, pressure gauges, thermometers, safety valves;
when the circulation of water in the system stops (pump malfunction, power outage);
upon detection in the elements of the boiler (drum, flame tube, firebox, tube sheet, etc.) cracks, swelling, leaks in welds, pipe ruptures;
when glowing red-hot elements of the boiler or frame;
when burning soot and fuel particles in gas ducts, superheater;
upon detection of noise, vibration, knocking that is not characteristic of the operation of the boiler;
in case of malfunction of safety interlocks;
in the event of a fire that directly threatens the boiler.
4.2. The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.
4.3. In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler, it is necessary:
stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply reduce traction;
remove burning fuel from the furnace as soon as possible;
after the cessation of combustion in the furnace, open the smoke damper for a while;
disconnect the boiler from the main steam pipeline;
release steam through raised safety valves or emergency exhaust valve.
It is forbidden to feed a boiler heated above the permissible temperature with water in order to avoid an explosion.
4.4. When the boiler stops due to the ignition of soot or fuel particles in the gas ducts, superheater or economizer, immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, stop the draft, stop the smoke exhausters and fans and completely shut off the air and gas dampers.
If possible, fill the flue with steam and, after the combustion has stopped, ventilate the furnace.
4.5. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, employees must immediately call the fire brigade and take measures to extinguish without stopping monitoring the boilers.
If the fire threatens the boilers and it is not possible to quickly extinguish it, it is necessary to stop the boilers in an emergency.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After finishing work in the boiler room, the workplace should be cleaned.
5.2. Hand over duty to the person in charge of the shift with an entry in the shift log about all the shortcomings, malfunctions, instructions, orders of the management.
5.3. Stopping the boiler (with the exception of an emergency stop) is carried out by a written order of the person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler, which is recorded in the shift log.
5.4. In the event of a boiler shutdown, the boiler house employees do not have the right to leave their workplace until the combustion in the boiler furnace has completely stopped, fuel residues have been removed from it and the pressure has dropped to zero, with the exception of boilers that do not have brickwork. In such boilers, it is not necessary to reduce the pressure to zero after removing the fuel from the furnace if the boiler room is locked.