The abilities of the human brain: interesting facts and superpowers. What possibilities the human brain hides in itself There will be some possibilities of the human brain

What is the highest center of regulation? Part of the human body, a complex and mysterious organ. Knowledge about him is often mythical. What does he hide in the depths? Is it possible to trust the "facts" from the Internet about the miraculous manifestations of unusual abilities in people who have undergone brain injuries? How far do the hidden possibilities of this beautiful device, given to us by nature itself, extend? Why aren't all people born geniuses? What is the secret of the outstanding achievements of individuals? How to expand your intellectual horizons? How to use superpowers? To what extent is one nation “smarter” than another? Is it true that blondes are more intelligent than brunettes? Why develop mental abilities? Each of us once worried at least one of these questions. Let's compare the facts and figure out how far the possibilities extend human brain?

Scientists have learned to diagnose changes in brain structures and have identified a relationship with a number of diseases, in particular, cancer, diseases of internal organs, such as the heart, and mental disorders. Studies of human behavior and the reactions of individual sections in the head helped to establish patterns in the interaction of the main coordinator, the center of activity and its divisions.

It became clear that there were more questions than answers. It is still not clear why, under the same conditions, the result in different patients is disproportionately different? Why, with the same mental loads, the development of children takes place with a huge gap? For example, it seems that everything is given to geniuses without effort, and the exhausting intellectual training of children with an average level almost does not give a result? Parents are offended, unequal opportunities give rise to envy, laziness, unwillingness to make efforts. There are methods for raising geniuses that develop learning programs. Mental Health Tips for the Elderly. What's wrong? Why does the question of developing additional skills remain problematic? How, after all, to develop the ability of the brain?

How to develop your potential?

People are very eager to get results without effort. You can steal someone else's valuable thing, appropriate someone else's labor, take possession of someone else's wallet, rob a bank, illegally withdraw money from an account. Other people's organs can also be "sewn on". Here is the mind of someone else to "set" until they learned! Only by his own efforts throughout his life a person is able to develop his potential. Personal regular activities. Provided that deep feelings are involved. Without the development of the emotional sphere, soul, morality, spirituality, human qualities, the ability to empathize, without interaction with the world of nature and people, he will not reveal himself. That's how wonderful the human body is!

For those who have not given up, who strive to rise an order of magnitude higher than themselves, who are ready to overcome difficulties, overcoming their laziness, who are sure that the depths of our brain know no boundaries, if they are not blocked by thoughts of their own impotence, simple tricks will help. Read aloud! Go in for sports! Love life! Don't be lazy and learn foreign language! Explore things that don't belong to you beneficial actions for example, playing a musical instrument, chess, knitting, repairing a car—anything—as long as you don't feel like you can do it. Here is the foundation, the push, the signal to the control center of all body systems: “I can’t do this!” It is efforts in this direction that can change you and your life for the better. As they say, "through thorns to the stars"! This way you can expand the capabilities of the human brain.

You know the expression: “All diseases are from nerves”? Can't be nervous? How about no nerves? It would be more correct to say "due to negative thoughts." Who cares? Thoughts backed by emotions are like an electric current. Like alternating and direct current, positively or negatively charged neurons transmit impulses of different wavelengths, of different quality, having creative or destructive properties. Positive thoughts, driven by creative feelings, replenish damaged nerve fibers, negative ones “tear” them, breaking complex connections in the body, up to the occurrence of somatic diseases. The connection is direct. Moreover, we are nervous because of others, but we hurt ourselves! Remember this! As one cartoon character says, “You can’t think a bad thought for a long time ...” The human brain is complex, so that no function of it is disturbed, you need to maintain a positive attitude.

What role do feelings play in the development of intelligence?

Why, knowing all this, people do not take care of each other? They take care of things, they don't remember about themselves. Why don't they worry about the abilities of the brain, how unintelligent, undeveloped? Lazy, finally! Not overly concerned that they lack kindness, empathy, love? Do they worry, do they love, do others value them, how generous are others to them? How grateful are they? Blasphemy.

The world of material values ​​has supplanted everything human, living in people. We are robots, slaves of things, cash machines, ATMs, computing devices. Anything we, but not people, alas! Our main center is wiser than us. More rational, maybe even smarter. Having blocked, hidden from his owners, modern subhumans, his hidden abilities and talents, how do you know what monstrous deeds he protects from? Psychologists say that if something cannot be invented, then the time has simply not come? Indeed, why do discoveries in the world of science occur after centuries of unsuccessful searches up to a certain time period?

Maybe humanity is obliged to earn a blessing from above? suffer? Begging? Or is the discovery time just a consequence of a painstakingly verified search in each field of knowledge, a natural result of efforts, a mathematical solution? Be that as it may, due to human genius modern society enjoys the fruits scientific achievements. Life is filled with highly intelligent technical devices. Only the quality of the world of the living, the living spiritually, has turned into hell! Devices hear, speak, fly, walk, dance, cry, heal, even write music. People do not hear, do not speak, do not feel, yes, and do not think. After all, they think, count, write programs, devices, robots for them. Only gadgets like themselves cannot be created. They don't know how to love. Replace people... how can they?! They are not given to completely copy, repeat the abilities of the human brain!

Good to know: Male and female brain: the unity of opposites

Why should we develop the capabilities of the brain? To stay human. To not stop feeling joy and pain? Don't forget to cry and laugh. Enjoy sunrise and sunset. Smile at the first rays of the sun and the spring rain. Hear the birds singing, admire the flowering garden, fall asleep to the sound of the surf, listen to the roar of the waves. To be people in the full sense of the word, with a capital letter.

The greatness of a person is not in his unlimited possibilities, not in his superiority over others, not in his abilities, achievements, talents and IQ level. No, not in this! In the ability to compassion, in his creative activity in relation to other people. In disinterestedness, love, the level of caring. Only if the direction of the individual's lifestyle has a long-term, life-affirming goal, will his intellect reveal itself to its full potential. Because the Creator of life on earth, the Great Designer, arranged us in this way.

Through years of studying our insides at every opportunity, scientists have come to understand how virtually every part of our body works. However, the most mysterious part of our body is the brain. And the more we study it, the more mysterious it becomes. You can’t even imagine what amazing things our “thinker” is capable of. Don't worry, scientists didn't know this for a long time either.

Brain superhero.

Today we will talk about the 10 most incredible features of our brain that make us almost superheroes.

The brain can create false memories

Trick me.

There you are scientific fact: Our brain is capable of creating fake memories. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you remember something, although in reality this never happened? No, we are not talking about memories of past lives where you were Caesar or Cleopatra. It's about the fact that you "remember" how you did things that you didn't actually do. They thought that they borrowed money from a neighbor, but in fact they did not. They thought that they bought some thing, but in fact they did not buy it. There are a lot of such examples.

There are more impressive ones. For example, our brain can convince us that we have committed a crime. In one experiment, scientists were able to inculcate and create false memories in 70 percent of participants. They began to think that they had committed a theft or an armed attack.

Our brain can predict the future

Our brain is the perfect alarm clock

The brain wakes itself up better than any smartphone.

“I don't need an alarm clock. I'm my own alarm clock,” some people say. Know they are not joking. If you stick to a routine (going to bed and waking up at the same time), your brain gets used to it. Our own biological clock is better than any alarm clock. Therefore, many people can wake up even before the nasty bell rings, announcing that it is time to get up for work. Often this is observed, for example, in office workers.

Our brains can 'listen' and learn while we sleep.

Would you like to study in your sleep?

We tend to think that during sleep our brain is completely switched off. Actually it is not. Yes, some parts of the brain do rest, reducing their activity. But, ! During the so-called REM phase, a person is able to remember some things. During experiments in front of sleeping people, scientists played certain sound signals (which people had never heard before). Then the people woke up, and the researchers played these signals again and asked them to say which of these sounds seemed familiar. And people recognized them!

Also interesting: Electrical brain stimulation temporarily for 50 years

The brain can learn through imagination

Creativity is not for everyone.

A simple experiment, first conducted over 100 years ago. The people were divided into two groups. One group was taught basic piano skills using the instrument. The training of the other group took place without the piano. People were simply told how to put and move their fingers correctly, and they also described how this or that note sounds. By the end of the training, it was found that both groups had the same skills - both were able to play the melody they were taught on the piano.

In the 1990s, with the use of more modern scientific tools, scientists actually found out that imaginary learning and practice can have the same effect on the brain as real ones.

Our brains are in "autopilot mode"

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being on autopilot?

As soon as we master some skill well, our brain connects a certain department to work, the so-called passive mode network. It is used to perform tasks that do not require complex analysis, since their solution has already been repeatedly tested and brought to automatism.

People were taught one card game which requires a little thought process. People played well, but when, after numerous games, this same network of passive mode of operation was connected to work, they began to play even better.

Learning other types of skills is more difficult for people. For example, playing instruments. At first, it's very difficult. But after, when your hands and fingers remember how to play correctly, your brain actually turns off. And you start doing it automatically.

Our brain is able to build muscle in our body

Imaginary workouts, they are.

It's summer now, and many of us are probably again sighing bitterly about not being able to prepare for it. All these diets and fitness centers have remained our desires and memories. Do not despair! Our brains are capable of increasing the strength of our bodies if we just think about it.

In an experiment, one group of people were asked every day (for 5 days) for 11 minutes to imagine that they are engaged in increasing the strength of the hands. By the end of the experiment, it was found that the group of people who thought about pumping up their hands had a grip strength twice as high as those who did not.

Is it possible to get six pack abs with the same method? You won't know until you try.

Our brain can sense magnetic fields

The brain is still a compass.

Some species of animals and birds, as well as insects, are able to sense the Earth's magnetic field. This allows them to navigate in space and find the right path. You will be surprised, but a person also has such an opportunity. You can read more about this. In short, experiments have shown that our brain is able to detect changes in the direction of a magnetic field. True, we do not use this ability. But our distant ancestors - very much could.

There are simply no limits to human possibilities. But, how we use them and whether we use them at all depends on the work of our brain. Most of us, as scientists have proven, use our brain only 2-3%. In addition, according to recent medical studies based on numerous decades of experiments and in which more than 7,000 volunteers took part, our brain begins to age after 45 years. So, you need to try until this time to use it to the maximum.

Moreover, during the experiments, an interesting trend emerged, men lose their intellectual potential faster than women. According to scientists, it is necessary to constantly and maximally use your mental potential. In an inquisitive person who has a lot of hobbies, the capabilities of the brain increase significantly, moreover, completely unknown abilities are revealed before.

In addition, our brain has many enemies. For example, regular alcohol consumption provokes the death of pituitary cells, which is simply deadly for the brain to work. Constant stress and lack of sleep also lead to exhaustion of our brain. Previously, it was believed that our brain works as a whole and loses its ability as a result of violations of its structure. But recent medical studies have shown that some fragments of the brain take over all the functions of the damaged areas. Scientists and physicians were especially surprised by the fact that each hemisphere is a kind of "separate personality" with its own memories, emotions and knowledge. Therefore, sometimes people experience cases of “split” consciousness, and sometimes there is a feeling that two completely different people live in us.


The so-called intuition is another mystery, and still incomprehensible, of the human brain, moreover, it has nothing to do with the laws of logic. Our logical thinking relies, first of all, on the analysis of facts, the collection of information, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Intuition often offers us a ready-made answer, moreover, taken from “nowhere”. There is a belief among the people that the first thought is the most correct. People endowed with intuition quickly orient themselves in difficult situations, make prompt and error-free decisions, and this has already been proven by scientists.

The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive thinking. Therefore, modern education and the education system are aimed at developing our left hemisphere, which is responsible for rational thinking and logic. It is in this that many secrets of our infinite Universe lie. Scientists are trying in every possible way to uncover the unused capabilities of the human brain with the help of the right hemisphere. Recently, the method of spiritual knowledge, which exceeds logic, has been presented more and more often.

The influence of thoughts on events

A mysterious phenomenon is still the influence of our thoughts on certain events. From the emotional mood, according to scientists, directly depends, for example, surgery, and the consequences of surgery, and the success of further treatment. Sometimes the out-of-synch of our words and desires does not allow us to bring our thoughts to life, which should be developed in ourselves.

We bring to your attention 121 tips that help you think faster, comprehend information better, and in the future use the full potential of your brain.

1. Get busy with puzzles and problem solving.

2. Ambidexterity should be developed - the ability to be good at left and right right hand. Try to perform certain actions with your non-dominant hand. Learn to write equally skillfully with both hands. When eating, alternate hands when using a fork and spoon.

3. Deal with uncertainty and ambiguity. Learn to fully enjoy optical illusions and paradoxes.

4. Master mind maps.

5. Try to block one or more sensations, such as taking a shower with your eyes closed.

6. Develop taste comparisons. Learn to feel fully, savor beer, wine, chocolate, cheese, etc.

7. Look for areas of intersection of certain events and things that at first glance are completely unrelated.

8. Learn to touch-type and use a keyboard with different key layouts.

9. Think of other uses for familiar items, such as wire or a nail.

10. Do not stick to one idea about a particular event or thing, change it to the opposite.

11. Improve and study the techniques used in creativity.

12. The obvious should not become a dogma for you, look for other answers to questions.

13. Break your idea of ​​the established order of things in every possible way.

14. Do not lose heart, but rather frolic.

15. Turn photographs and paintings upside down.

16. Improve and develop critical thinking, reject established misconceptions.

17. Solve logical problems, thereby improving logic.

18. Get acquainted with scientific methods of thinking.

19. Take up drawing or, for this it is not necessary to be an artist.

20. Positive in your thoughts - first of all.

21. Try your hand at painting, sculpture, music lessons.

22. Develop manual dexterity, learn tricks.

23. Choose foods that are exceptionally good for your brain.

24. Learn to undereat rather than overeat. It is better to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

25. Physical exercises should always be in your daily schedule.

26. Sit exclusively with a straight back.

27. The more water you drink, the better for you and your brain.

28. Breathe deeply.

29. Laugh more often, laughter prolongs life.

30. Certain hobbies and passions will help diversify your life.

31. Good full-fledged - first of all.

32. Refer to short sleep.

33. Listening to good music will have a positive effect on your well-being.

34. Declare war on slowness and laziness.

35. Don't overuse technology.

36. Learn modern materials regarding the functioning of the brain.

37. Change your wardrobe. Walk barefoot if possible.

38. Try to find a compromise with yourself.

39. Do not complicate everything in life, be simpler.

40. Chess and board games favorably affect the functioning of the brain.

41. Games for the "mind" - crosswords, puzzles and other games - should be constantly in your leisure.

42. Immediacy won't hurt you.

43. Play video games.

44. A sense of humor has never hurt anyone, develop it, for example, by writing jokes.

45. Make a list of 100 for yourself - the main focus of which is: decision making, discovering hidden problems, techniques for generating ideas.

46. ​​Apply the Idea Quota method to yourself.

47. Make a bank of ideas that come to your mind, and then consider them sequentially.

48. Develop your ideas. At regular intervals, return to the ideas you put aside for later.

49. Concentrate on "optical observation." For example, during the day, fix objects of a certain color.

50. Train yourself to keep a diary.

51. It will be useful to study foreign languages.

52. Do not visit the same restaurant - it's boring and uninteresting. Give preference to national.

53. Learning computer programming will be very useful for you in today's reality.

55. Swap the interior of your apartment often. If possible, move somewhere, a change of scenery is always useful.

56. Try writing poetry or short stories, start your own blog.

57. It is quite interesting to study the language of symbols.

58. Pay attention to musical instruments, learn to play one of them.

59. Go to museums more often.

60. Study the work of the brain, its capabilities and abilities.

61. Learn the technique of speed reading.

62. Stick to your learning style.

63. Try to learn to determine by date - any day of the week.

64. Evaluate any intervals of time according to your feelings.

65. Do a "rough estimate" of such an episode, which is actually more - neural connections in the brain or the number of leaves in the Amazon forests.

66. Be math friendly. Learn to count properly.

67. In your thoughts, build Memory Palaces.

68. To improve your memory, master the system of figurative thinking.

69. Sex must be present in your life.

70. Try to remember the names of people on the first try. Practice meditation.

71. Practice meditation. Train the same way complete absence thoughts and concentration.

72. When watching movies, there should be different genres. Desirable

73. It is advisable to spend as little as possible near the TV.

74. You must learn the ability to concentrate from childhood.

75. Close contact with nature - will help you to be in harmony with yourself and with nature.

76. It will be useful to solve mathematical problems.

77. Take your time, haste is appropriate when catching fleas.

78. When performing certain activities, change the usual speed of execution.

79. Treat the completion of a task or task with all seriousness and do it right away, on the first try.

80. Develop and improve curiosity.

81. Become an actor for a while and try on someone else's consciousness. Enter the role of a stranger, think about how you would act?

82. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world around you.

83. Your daily routine should include time for solitude and relaxation.

84. Be willing to learn all your life.

85. Do not sit at home, travel, this will help you get to know the lifestyle of other people.

86. Get acquainted with the biographies of geniuses.

87. Surround yourself with exceptionally reliable friends.

88. Look for rivalry.

89. Surround yourself with people with a different worldview.

90. Take part in brainstorming sessions.

91. Get to the root of all problems.

92. Change the way you plan for the future: collective/individual, short/long term.

93. Write down quotes from famous and popular people.

94. Change the way you communicate: use a voice recording instead of writing, prefer paper to a computer.

95. Read the classics more often.

96. Develop the art of reading.

97. Make an annotation of the books you read.

98. Perfect your self-consciousness.

99. Discuss all problems out loud

100. Comment on your feelings in detail.

101. Use the Braille method.

102. Stimulate your feelings and thoughts, for example, by buying one of the works of art.

103. Buy a variety of perfumes.

104. Don't be afraid to mix sensations. What does a rose smell like? How much does blue weigh?

105. Do not be silent - argue if necessary. Stand up for your arguments, but also listen to your opponent.

106. Use the time boxing method.

107. Find time to improve your brain.

108. Fantasize.

109. Create a place that exists only in your imagination.

110. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself.

111. Develop the art of visualization, 5 minutes a day will be enough for this.

112. Write down and classify dreams.

113. Learn to lucid dream.

114. Keep a notepad where you will record interesting words. Try to create your own.

115. Connect concrete and abstract concepts, look for metaphors.

116. Don't let stress control you.

117. Read randomly selected sites. Write down the words that struck you from the journal. Learn how to randomly enter information.

118. Do not go one "beaten" path. Change constantly the streets that you walk, run or return home.

119. Do not trample "in one place." Install various operating systems on your PC.

120. Expand your vocabulary.

121. Strive for better and more, do not stop at the achieved results.

As you can see, there are too many tips and it is up to you to decide which ones to take note of and which ones to ignore. But, all of them, clearly, are aimed solely at revealing the possibilities of your brain.

Mind games. Secrets of the human brain

The possibilities of the human brain are amazing and have not yet been fully explored. What explains the intellectual qualities and other wonderful abilities of the human brain, let's try to figure it out: we invite you to virtual exhibition "Mind Games. Secrets of the Human Brain".

To the start of the virtual exhibition

Man is a miracle

Of all the wonderful things on earth, nothing is more amazing than the human brain. For example, every second thanks to various bodies senses in the brain receives approximately 100 million units of information. How is it not overloaded with such an avalanche?

If we cover only one thought at a time, then how does the mind cope with millions of simultaneous messages? Obviously, the mind is not onlywithstands this flow, but also manages it with ease.

The way it does it is one of the many wonders of the human brain. Two factors come into play here. First, in the trunkThe brain contains a network of nerves the size of a little finger.

This network is called the reticular formation. Acting as a kind of movement control center, it monitors the millions of messages entering the brain, weeding out everything insignificant and selecting the essential for the attention of the cerebral cortex. Every second, this little network of nerves passes at most a few hundred messages into consciousness.

Secondly, the further concentration of our attention occurs, apparently, thanks to the waves that sweep through the brain from 8 to 12 times a day.give me a sec. These waves cause periods of heightened sensitivity during which the brain picks up the strongest signals and reacts accordingly.

It is believed that the brain through these waves carefully scans itself, thereby concentrating on the main thing. Thus, amazing activity is bubbling in our heads every second!

Something "surprising"

Per last years scientists have made tremendous strides in brain research. However, what they have learned is nothing compared to what remains unknown. After millennia of speculation and recent decades of intense research, our brain, like the universe, remains largely a mystery.

The human brain is undoubtedly the most mysterious part of the miracle of man - "miracle" in the sense of something that "causes astonishment."

« Unlike the brain of any animal, the brain of a human child triples during the first year of life, ”the book states. The Universe Within (Space inside).

Over time, the human brain, in addition to other types of cells, contains about 100 billion nerve cells, the so-called neurons, despite the fact that it makes up only 2 percent of the body's weight.

The main cells of the brain - neurons - don't really touch each other. They are separated by synapses, tiny gaps less thanone ten-thousandth of a millimetre. These gaps are closed by chemical transmitters, the so-called neurotransmitters.

So far, 30 different mediators are known, but there may be many more in the brain. At one end of the neuron, these chemical signals are received by tiny branching hairs called dendrites. The signals then travel to the other end of the neuron along the nerve fiber, the so-called axon.

In the neurons themselves, signals are transmitted electrically, and through the gaps - chemically, so that the transmission of nerve signals is electrochemical.character. All impulses are equal in strength, but the intensity of the signal depends on the frequency of the impulses, which can reach thousands of impulses per second.

Exactly what physiological changes occur in the brain when we learn is not exactly known. However, experimental evidence suggests that while we are learning, especially in the early years of life, we form better connections and exude more chemical substances that bridge the gaps between neurons.

By constant use, connections are strengthened, thereby increasing the ability to learn. "Pathways that are often activated together, somehowstrengthened,” Scientific American reports.

Research shows that unused mental abilities are gradually lost. Therefore, the brain, like a muscle, is strengthenedapplication and weakened by inaction.

The vast number of microscopic nerve fibers that form these connections within the brain is often referred to as the brain's "wiring." The fibers are clearly placed in a strikingly complex maze.

But how they are placed in their respective places given by the "wiring diagrams" is a mystery. One scholar said: "Undoubtedly,the most important subject of discussion regarding brain development is the question of how exactly neurons form specific patterns of connections ... Most of the connections seem to be clearly established at an early stage of development.

Another researcher adds that these specifically planned areas of the brain "are found throughout the nervous system, and the way in which this precise wiring is laid down remains one of the main unresolved questions."

The number of these connections is astronomical! Each neuron can have thousands of connections to other neurons. Connections exist not only between neurons, but there are also microcircuits that are installed directly between the dendrites themselves.

“These ‘microcircuits’,” says one neuroscientist, “gives our already amazing concept of how the brain works to a whole new dimension.” According to some researchers, "the billions upon billions of nerve cells in the human brain have perhaps one quadrillion connections."

With what capacity? Carl Sagan claims that the brain is able to contain information that "would fill approximately twenty millionvolumes - as many as are in the largest libraries in the world.

What essentially distinguishes man from any animal is the cerebral cortex. Approximately 3 mm thick, it forms a folded layer adjacent to the skull. When spread out, the bark would cover an area of ​​approximately 3,400 square centimeters.

Each cubic centimeter of the cortex contains about a thousand kilometers of connective fibers. The human cerebral cortex is not only muchlarger than the bark of any animal, but it also has much larger unloaded areas, that is, areas that are not occupied by managementphysical functions of the body, but free for the higher mental processes that distinguish humans from animals.

Our much greater abilities

The Universe Within notes that the most intelligent animal “never exhibits an intelligence like that of a human. Because it lacks what we have: our pre-programmed neural apparatus that allows us to form concepts from what we see, language from what we hear, and thoughts from our experiences.

However, we must program the brain by entering information from environment, otherwise, as the same book says, “nothing resembling a human mind could have developed ... Without this huge stream of impressions, there would hardly have been a hint of intelligence.”

Therefore, the ability built into the human brain allows us to develop our intelligence. In addition, unlike animals, we havefree will that allows us to program our intellect at our discretion, based on our own knowledge, values, capabilities and purposes.

Language is a feature of a person only

An outstanding example of "hardware" abilities with great flexibility in relation to programming by ourselves is the language. Specialistsare unanimous that the human brain is genetically programmed for language development and that speech can only be explained in terms of our brain's innate ability to process language.

In contrast to the immutability manifested in the instinctive behavior of animals, a person uses this "hardware" language ability withamazing flexibility.

Our brains are not hardwired into any particular language, but are pre-programmed with the ability to learn languages. If two languages ​​are spoken at home, the child can learn both. If the child's environment speaks a third language, then he can learn it. The more we try to investigate the mechanism of language, the more mysterious the process of its development becomes.

The Encyclopædia Britannica states that the human brain "is endowed with a far greater potential than can be used in a single human lifetime."

In addition, it is argued that the human brain is able to endure any load of learning and memory processes and could handle even a billion times more! But why would evolution produce such a surplus?

“This evolution of the brain is really the only example available that a species has been provided with an organ that it has not yet learned to use,” admitted one scientist.

Carl Sagan, amazed by the fact that the human brain can contain information that "would fill approximately twenty millionvolumes," said, "It's amazing how much fits in such a cramped space of our brain."

And what happens in this cramped space defies human understanding. For example, imagine what must be going on in the mind of a pianist when all his fingers are flying over the keys while he is playing a complex piece of music.

What an amazing sense of movement his brain must have so that his fingers at the right moment with a certain force hit precisely thosekeys that correspond to the notes in his memory!

And when he hits a wrong note, his brain immediately tells him about it! All these incredibly complex operations were programmed into his a result of many years of practice. But this is only possible because musical abilities have been pre-programmed intohuman brain from birth.

Another problem for evolution is the ability of a person to show altruism - disinterested concern for the welfare of others. One evolutionist remarked:“Anything that has evolved by natural selection must be selfish. It is possible that another unique quality of a person is the ability to sincerely,selfless, genuine altruism».

Appreciate the miracle of man

A person begins to think abstractly, consciously sets goals for himself, makes plans to achieve them, then gets to work,to realize them, and finds satisfaction in their realization.

Created with the ability to appreciate the beautiful, with an ear for music, with a flair and love for art, with a desire to learn, with an insatiablecuriosity and with inventive, creative imagination, a person derives joy and satisfaction from the use of these gifts.

He willingly accepts the challenge of problems and gladly uses his mental and physical abilities to solve them.

A sense of morality, which makes it possible to distinguish between good and evil, and a conscience that reproaches him when he errs - and this is what a person also possesses.

He finds happiness in giving, and joy when he loves and is loved. All this increases his joy of life and gives his life meaning and meaning.

A person can contemplate plants and animals, the magnificence of mountains and oceans, or the expanse of the starry sky and feel his insignificance. He has a sense of time and eternity, he is interested in how he came into the world and where he is going, and wants to understand what is behind it all.

Is the human brain an unsolved mystery?

“The human brain is the most wonderful and most mysterious object in the entire universe” (Anthropologist Henry F. Osborne).

How does the brain generate thoughts? This is the central question, and we still do not have an answer to it ”(Physiologist Charles Sherrington).

“Despite the constant increase in detailed knowledge, the mode of operation of the human brain is still a deep mystery” (Biologist Francis Crick).

"Everyone who talks about a computer as an 'electronic brain' has never seen a brain" (Scientific editor dr Erwin S. Bengelsdorf).

“Our active memory contains several billion times more information than a large modern research computer”
(Science writer Morton Hunt).

“Because the brain is incomparable and immeasurably more complex than anything else in the known universe, we may have to changesome of our most passionately defended views before the enigmatic structure of the brain can be understood” (Neurologist Richard M. Restak).

/According to materials from open sources/
