Card game "thousand". Rules of the game of a thousand on the dice Game of cubes 1000 rules

Today we will plunge into the past for at least 25 years and remember one wonderful game that has now been undeservedly forgotten (and I didn’t know at all). And a very small box with everything you need will help us with this ...

In a box the size of a matchbox, decorated in the best nostalgic feelings, hides many familiar "1000 on the bones."


The main nostalgic component of this game is the box, which uses the most powerful paraphernalia for this purpose: the coat of arms of the USSR, as well as the flags of all union republics. By the way, are any of you now able to remember all our former 15 republics from memory? Is it correct to find a flag for each republic? This turns out to be just another bonus game. =) Also social networks I was allowed to experiment with another mini-game called "guess what could be in this box with such a big name." Personally, my answer would be "spillikins", because I've been waiting for the release of such a game for a very long time and no one has yet taken up its rise from non-existence (although the name constantly pops up every now and then).

Inside we are waiting for the rules on one leaf and 5 cubes. In the common people, it is this type of playing dice that was called "dice", and for many, it is their presence in Backgammon that is the norm. And who will remember why the 1 and the 4 are red? =)

The rules included in the box give a rough idea of ​​​​the gameplay, but are completely indigestible if you study the game from scratch. The mechanics of the process are not properly described, and all score combinations are not described. Therefore, we will restore the knowledge slightly forgotten by the people and collect our version of the game in 1000 (we all need to understand that each court had its own list of rules and combinations, therefore the rules described below do not claim to be true in the first instance, but are only one of the options) .

For a full-fledged game of the "Game from the USSR" we need 5 dice, a sheet of paper and a pen. The main goal of the game is to score 1000 or more points faster than your opponents.


On his turn, the player rolls all 5 dice, after which he must set aside all the dice that brought points. Points are awarded for ones (here one unit is worth 10 points), fives (5 points) and combinations. I'll tell you about the combinations separately, but you need to know that, unlike "Yahtzee", here the combinations are not collected gradually, but must be obtained in one throw. In the example above, we scored 15 points. Now we have the right to either stop and record the result, adding it to the points collected before this move, or continue to roll the dice that did not bring the result. If the throw was completely ineffective, then all points scored per turn are burned out. We, for example, throw further.

20 more points were added to our 15 points and there were no cubes left without a result. In this case, we remember the number of points accumulated per move and start rolling all the dice again, and we cannot refuse the next roll of 5 dice.

A combination of 3 sixes fell out, which brings us another 60 points to the previously accumulated 35. Although this is unlikely, we decide to roll further.

5 more points are dropped, and we'll stop there. TOTAL we scored 100 points per turn. Next, another player will move.

In this game, as you can see, the focus is on a very simple throwing and stacking mechanism, which, however, has influenced some modern dice games (one of my favorites is "Hoppladi Hopplada"). But "1000 on the bones" would not have received such popularity at one time if these were all the rules. The fact is that getting to 1000 points is not so easy, because the path to it consists of many obstacles. Please pay attention to this track:

Input(75)-->Rate(75-199)-->Pit(200-299)-->Rate(300-554)-->Tipper(555)-->Rate(556-599)--> Pit(600-699)-->Norma(700-899)-->Barrel(900-999)-->1000, where

Entry - the minimum number of points in 1 move that you can enter and start counting;
- Norm - a game according to the usual rules described above;
- Pit - a range, the exit from which must be done in 1 move;
- Dump truck - the result, in which all the accumulated points of the player burn out and the turn ends, and this can happen in the middle of the player's turn (when the player can still throw), but it is no longer necessary to break through to the entrance;
- Barrel - the final range from which you need to get to 1000 in 3 attempts in 1 move, otherwise minus 100 points (also, you are thrown off the barrel if another player climbed it).

The player is also hindered by the so-called "bolts", credited for each ineffective move (not recorded before entering, in the pits and on the barrel). The accumulated 3 bolts are burned, bringing the player minus 50 points.

In most cases, points for combinations lend themselves to a certain logic, but it happens in different ways. Having studied the question on the Internet, in the average vizhima we get the following:

  • Three numbers. Points are awarded according to the formula "nominal x 10". Ones 100, twos 20, threes 30, etc.
  • Four digits. Points are awarded according to the formula "nominal x 100", though here we will have an exception for units - as for deuces. Twos 200, Threes 300, etc.
  • Five figures is an unconditional 1000 points and an instant victory.
  • Small ladder (1-2-3-4-5) - 125 points
  • Big ladder (2-3-4-5-6) - 250 points
  • A double on the dice, if only 2 dice were rolled, allows you to accept these dice as scoring dice from 0 points.

In general, this is how the game turns out. Let me remind you that my version of the rules is a composite one and it was obtained by studying many rules from the Internet. The rules out of the box are slightly different.


"Game from the USSR" is one of the few simple dice games that can be played for several hours in one game without losing interest. The level of excitement here just goes off scale and it becomes clear that in Soviet times it was played exclusively for money, and there is a rule that if you lose without entering the game, you pay twice as much. Can you imagine? A dice game with pure chance, in which you can lose twice as much as you bet.

The rules of the game are simple, which allows you to play with people of any background, but you have to overcome some difficulties in perception at some points such as the track.

Personally, I really liked the game and I have at least one companion who can sit with me even more than one game in a row. It is sometimes useful to look back and study what they have already begun to forget about (when will I learn Preference ...).

Why buy this particular copy when you can play with any dice? Firstly, the issue price is only 100 rubles. Secondly, a small box with its design sets the right, nostalgic mood. Thirdly, as a souvenir, after all! =)

In general, play modern board games, but don't forget what was popular in the past. Sometimes an old friend is better than a new dozen or two. =)

There are many variations of dice games. And each game has its own rules, both official ones, according to which they play in the casino, and home ones, established by agreement between the players. We will consider the home version of the dice game. The game is called "Thousand".

To play you will need 5 dice (dice). When choosing dice, give preference to heavier dice - they do not "scatter" so much on the table. You should also pay attention to the marking of the faces - it should be the same on all cubes. Opposite faces of correctly marked bones should add up to 7 (i.e. 6+1, 5+2, 4+3). To all of the above, it should be added that real dice have rounded corners.

Now about the game

Its essence lies in the players throwing dice in turn and counting the results. The first person to reach 1000 points wins.

Not all the dropped faces are considered effective (tested). In the game of dice, there is a special scoring system. The main game faces are "1" - this is 10 points, and "5" - this is 5 points.

Combinations of faces also count:

"units" - 3 for one throw = 100 points
4 in one roll = 200 points
5 for one roll = 1000 points
"twos" - 3 for one throw = 20 points
4 in one throw = 40 points
5 per roll = 200 points
"threes" - 3 for one throw = 30 points
4 in one throw = 60 points
5 per roll = 300 points
"fours - 3 for one throw = 40 points
4 in one throw = 80 points
5 for one roll = 400 points
"fives" - 3 for one throw = 50 points
4 in one throw = 100 points
5 per roll = 500 points
"sixes" -3 per roll = 60 points
4 in one throw = 120 points
5 for one roll = 600 points
Combination "1,2,3,4,5" - small straight = 125 points
Combination "2,3,4,5,6" - big straight = 250 points

Throw rules

Throw 5 dice at the same time. According to the results of the throw, the resulting dice are laid aside, and the rest, if desired, are thrown again. For example, 1,5,3,3,4 fell on the first roll. Set aside 1 and 5 (that's 15 points), roll the other three dice again. Dropped 5,5,2 (that's 5+5=10 points). In total, for this move you scored 15+10=25 points. You can stop there, or you can take a chance and throw a “deuce”. If it falls out with a scoring face (1 or 5), then we sum up all the points and roll all 5 dice again. This is the so-called confirmation of the move. If there is at least one scoring edge in this confirmation roll, then sum up all the points scored during the move and write it to your account. But if nothing came up in the confirmation roll, your turn passes to another player, and you can’t record anything for yourself. After all, you didn't confirm it! This is the excitement of the game - you want to quickly “break away” from the enemy, but taking risks can also be fraught.

Here you go. These are the basic rules. Further even more exciting. In order to start the game, you need to score 75 points (or more) in one turn. This is the so-called "permit". The dice are rolled according to the above rules, but here you cannot write down the sum of less than 75 points (more - please). If you did not manage to collect this amount - well, the transition of the move. This can go on for quite a long time, or it may turn out to get “tolerance” from the first move. Of course, it can be a shame when your opponent has already passed the “clearance” and scores points, moving away from you, and you are still throwing those ill-fated 75 points. But you should not be upset, this game still has traps and traps when you find yourself far ahead of your counterpart.

When you have finally gained a “clearance”, you can relax a bit and record as many points in the next moves as your tactics and common sense allow you. Record at least 5, at least 125 points. Follow the scoring rules, don't look at the scoring combinations of the dice, and don't forget about the confirmation roll if all 5 faces are scored.

So you alternately score points with your partners until you get close to the number 850. This is the so-called "barrel". Take a closer look here. According to our rules, a player who has reached more than 850 points after the next throw is still recorded only 850. Then in one move he needs to throw a total of 150 points, reaching the coveted "thousand" and finishing the game. It can be any scoring combination, you can re-roll any number of dice, as long as you set aside at least one scoring dice after each roll, and roll the rest with subsequent summation. If you manage to score 150 points, you win. If not, the transition of the move follows, and you are standing on the "barrel". And here is the danger! If your opponent is behind you on points, then he will try to catch up with you and “punish”. The moment your opponent rolls his roll and reaches 850 points, you are automatically rolled off your roll and placed in the clearance position (the 75 or more points you started with). You will have to keep playing with this amount. If your opponent is unlucky and tries to throw 150 points for a long time to finish, you have a chance to catch up with him and also throw him back to his "tolerance". It all depends on your luck, or, to paraphrase a well-known expression, "as the bones fall." The game can go on for 20 minutes or several hours. Over time, the players develop their own style of play: someone is cautious, someone throws the dice with their left hand, and some even persuade the dice to lie down with a specific combination.

In any case, try it, and if you like it, then a pleasant and fun evening is guaranteed for you.
Successful throws to you and obedient bones!

Our favorite game "Thousand" exists not only in the form of a card game. For such a game, you no longer need cards, but dice (dice, bones). These zaras are needed in the amount of five pieces. Well, you also need a sheet of paper, a pen (or what do you write with?!) and someone who will write it all down. The latter should be able to count well. Although, all players should count well.

Many people know this game, are familiar with the rules. Here we will describe general rules and game principles. Therefore, if you had a “wrong”, do not rush to get angry.
The game can be played by two or more players. The best option is three or four. When playing together, the game turns into tedious catch-ups, and when there are too many, it turns into a heavy gathering (and the game itself drags on, it takes a long time to wait for a move). It is advisable to take small burrows themselves, without rounded corners and the same. And the goal of the game is to get from zero points to a thousand.

The point of the game is to take turns rolling the dice. Everyone rolls during their turn. If a game combination of dice fell out, that is, a significant number of points fell out (at least from one dice), these dice are set aside and the rest are thrown. Each set of significant dice gives a certain number of points. If the player sees that the points he has dropped out are enough for him (after one or more throws), then he says “enough” and his points are entered in the table. If all five dice are involved, then the player continues to walk (throw), but already all the dice, that is, in the second round, and the points accumulated for the first round remain. If the player threw the balls and nothing fell out of them, then he does not earn anything (even if there was a combination before this throw, even if this is the second or third round), after that the move is transferred.

As a rule, when a player rolls five dice, some combination falls out. But sometimes even after such a throw nothing falls out. In this case, a second attempt is usually given (although not in all companies).

Players must first agree on the values ​​of the rolled dice. Now the main thing is the combinations:
- If "5" is rolled, five is 5 points.
- "1" odnerka - 10 points.
- Three dice of the same value is ten times the sum of the value (three twos - 20, three fives - 50, three odners - 100 ...)
- Four dice of the same value - usually ten times the sum plus 10 (four triples - 40 ...). But some agree on other values, for example, twenty times the value (four sixes - 120 ...)
- Five dice are the same - usually a hundred times the size (five fives - 500).
- Well, five units is usually equivalent to 1000. Usually they agree that this is an unconditional victory.

An example of a move: the player rolled the dice, 2 5 5 6 6 fell out. Two fives give 10 points, these dice are postponed. Then he rolls three dice. The roll is 1 3 4. A 1 gives another 10 points. A total of 20. If that's enough, the player says "enough". He could also roll the other two remaining dice, but if nothing comes up there, then the player gets nothing.

To prevent the game from being such a boring set of points (as nerds play), a number of rules have been introduced into the game, which make it interesting.
If the player has all five dice involved (after one or more rolls), then the player cannot take and write down these points at once. He must roll all the dice in the second round.

The starting rule is that everyone has zero points at the beginning of the game. To start advancing, the player must roll a certain starting minimum (threshold). For example, 50, 55 or 25. All points below the threshold will not allow you to get out of zero.

Barrels and pits. There are two or three major obstacles in the game on the way to a thousand. One such obstacle has its own range of points. This range must be jumped over in one or two turns. You can get into it, but you can get out of it only in one jump. Or you can skip right away. It is impossible to move forward within this range.

Example: there is a barrel "300-400" in the game, the player has 275 points. During the course, he scored 55 points and decided to record them (although he could have continued to throw). He now has 330 points. Now every move he needs to throw out so as to stand behind the number 400. And this is a minimum of 75 points.

Example: the players have agreed that there will be two such obstacles in the game: "300-400" and "750-900".

Ending. To finish the game, you need to make a certain entry. The game has several different options to allow the player to finish the game (which is also agreed upon in advance).

The ending is simple. To do this, it is enough to throw out and write down the points so that the total amount is above a thousand (or at least a thousand), but you cannot stop at the thousand itself (either “995” or victorious “above a thousand”).

Ending "Exactly a thousand." The player must hit exactly one thousand, while all combinations above this thousand are considered busts, and the move is passed, but the player himself does not move.

Busts can also be penalized. For example, for five busts, a player can be fined 100 points, and for ten, they can be reduced to zero (or immediately to zero for a certain number of busts).

Difficult ending through the barrel. As in the card thousand, there is a final barrel (for example, with 900 points). The player stands on the barrel, he has three of his moves to complete the game. If for them the player did not score the amount needed to win (counting from the beginning of the barrel to the victory), then he flies from it (for example, 100 points down). Also, players can agree that there are three barrels, after the rally from the third barrel the player falls to zero. And if the second player climbs onto the barrel, then the first one flies off it.

Bolts can be added to the game at will. For three bolts - a fine of 100 points. Bolt is given either for zero points per turn, or for zero points on the first roll of five dice, or for something else.

You can also enter "overtaking". If one player overtakes another on points during his turn, then the overrunning amount is debited to the second (for example, 55 points).

Well, as an aggravation of the situation, you can add a “dump truck”, this is 555 points, upon fixing which the player is reset to zero. Moreover, even if a player throws a dice during his turn, and the dropped points theoretically drive the player to 555, he still writes a dump truck, even if the player wants to roll the remaining dice during the course.

This is such an interesting game.

Today I want to introduce you to a simple game that an adult neighbor, my friend's dad, taught us to play in my deep childhood, so I can consider it a very old game. We called this game simply - "Dice" the rules were simple, however, now you can impose some subtle moments from the card game "1000" and play it all with dice. The game turned out to be very interesting and simple, I suggest you study the rules.

Game Composition

To play you will need 5 dice and a more or less flat surface. Cubes can be of any size, as long as they are 6-sided. Although, this is not important, I think you can easily play this game with other cubes, just tweaking the rules a little.

Today we will consider the canonical 6-sided cube. The number of players is irrelevant.

Rules and purpose of the game

As the name of the game suggests, the goal is to score 1000 points. But this is all optional - you can easily play up to 500 and up to 1500 points. It all depends on your patience, the pace of the game and just free time.

You choose the first player, I propose to roll the die for more - this is the easiest way.

In order to enter the game, you need to score 50 starting points. Take all 5 dice and roll. For example, we have dropped out: 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 - we start counting. In this case, the player gets 15 points, because. in such a combination, only 1 (10 points) and 5 (5 points) are counted, then the player takes the remaining 3 dice and rolls them again and thus tries to score points. If a player rolls all 5 dice in total, he must roll all 5 dice again.

In addition to ones and fives, there are also combinations of numbers for which points are awarded to you, we will consider them in more detail in the diagram:

One is 10 points. Five - 5 points.

Combination of dice rolled in one roll:

Three units - 100 points. 4 units - 200 points. 5 - 1000.
3 twos - 20, 4 twos - 40, 5 twos - 200.
3 triplets - 30, 4 triplets - 60, 5 triplets - 300
Fours: 3 - 40, 4 - 80, 5 - 400.
Fives: 3 - 50, 4 - 100, 5 - 500.
Sixes: 3 - 60, 4 - 120, 5 - 600.
The combination of the rolled dice 1,2,3,4,5 is 125 points, and 2,3,4,5,6 is 250 points.

Thus, throwing out different combinations of numbers each time, you will get a different number of points and get closer to the coveted 1000.

Let's get back to the game. Let me remind you that to enter the game you need to roll 50 points. Let's say that the player could not throw out 50 per turn, then a bolt is twisted to him (by analogy with the card "1000") or, in a simple way, he gets a "teal". Upon receiving 3 bolts or teal, the player loses 50 points. It is worth noting that when entering the game, before the set of introductory 50 points, I would not recommend minus players. Let the player's score not plunge into the minus zone, otherwise it's completely insulting.

Suppose a player has scored 50 introductory points, now he can write down these points to his account and on the next turn already score 10, 15, 20, etc. points, adding and writing in the table. It's not that dangerous to lose everything.

If a player, having rolled 5 dice, having received 3 of them successfully, for example, 1, 1 and 5 (total 25 points), decides to roll the remaining 2 dice and received 2 and 3, for example, then all his points scored in this round are burned and he receives a bolt (teal). As mentioned above, 3 bolts (teals) -50 points.

And so, slowly, slowly, we collect points and go to the 1000 mark. On the way, we will encounter various difficulties. I can suggest you a couple:

1. If the player scored 555 points, then this is the so-called "dump truck" - the player flies to 0. Then he starts playing again, but he does not need to re-enter the game with starting 50 points. Moreover, if you have 540 points, and you threw 15 points in one throw, then drop to 0 immediately, rolling the rest of the dice is no longer allowed.

2. Barrel. In "1000" with dice, the barrel hits the 900 point mark. If, for example, after the last roll you score 925 points, then to win you definitely need to score 75 or more points. You can't record 10s, 20s, 30s, etc. for yourself. moving slowly towards the finish line. Be sure to collect the balance in full. Did not score 3 times - get 3 teals, -50 points and rollback. Next, we climb onto the barrel again. If someone climbed onto the barrel after you, then you fly off by 50 points, he shoved you. There can only be 1 player on a barrel.

If you want, you can create several barrels in the game: 300-400, 600-700, 900-1000 - whatever you want. It all depends on how much you like challenges.

Yes, it should also be noted that if someone overtakes you in a game on points, then you lose 50 points. Monomakh's hat is heavy, a new leader has appeared - you fall down a little.

Here is such a simple and uncomplicated game from my childhood. I remembered it quite unexpectedly, bought cubes, tried to play and the game turned out to be very funny. Subtle rules from the card "1000" pumped this game perfectly and some excitement and a sense of danger appeared.

Simple rules, uncomplicated and indestructible components that are easily accessible to everyone can entertain you a little at home, in a cafe, on the beach or on the road.

So, a little chaotically, I tried to describe the rules. If somewhere there are incomprehensible moments - write in the comments. Clarify, correct, supplement.

Or more, he is the winner in the game and takes the declared "bank" - the points that are at stake in the game. The player who is in second place at this moment does not receive anything, but also does not lose anything, the player who takes third place loses the number of points of the declared “bank”.

A feature of the game is the use of so-called "marriages".

The number of cards involved in the game is 24, 24 cards are divided into 4 suits, the seniority of cards in each suit in ascending order is: nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace.

When calculating points in bribes, denominations are used:

The sum of the points of all cards in the game is 120 points. The sum of points of cards of the same suit is 30 points.

Denominations of trump marriages (lady and king):

Marriage suit

Marriage cost





A bribe means taking a group of opponents' cards to yourself by beating their cards with your own, stronger card. The cost of the cards in each trick is summed up, bringing the player points, which are fixed at the end of each round. Each round is played first by the player who won the auction (see below), then the move can go to another player if he beats the cards of opponents and takes a bribe. Each turn, the players lay out one card, the first to lay out a card is the player who received the right to move (at the beginning of the round, this is the winner of the auction, then any player who took the bribe). On the laid out card, players take turns placing their card in a clockwise direction. You can only put a card of the same suit on the laid out card, if the player does not have cards of this suit - he is obliged to put a trump card, if the trump card is not declared and the player does not have cards of this suit (or there is no trump card), then he has the right to put any card according to to your own discretion. The following bribery rules apply:

  • The bribe is taken by the player whose card is higher in the suit declared by the first card (see above the seniority of the cards), if it was not interrupted by a trump card;
  • If a card of a different suit (not a trump card) is placed on the first card, then it is considered discarded and cannot claim to beat the bribe;
  • If more than one trump is put on the first card, the player who put the highest trump takes the bribe.


At the beginning of each round of the game there are no trump cards and all suits are played on equal terms. A player who has a "marriage" in his hands (see above) has the right, if possible, to declare a trump card ("praise the trump card"). From this moment on, the suit of the declared marriage is considered the trump card of the horse, until the horse ends or one of the players “captures” another trump marriage, in which case the trump card changes and the previous trump card is no longer valid.

trump marriage

A trump marriage is a king and a queen of the same suit in the hands of one player. Marriage can be obtained either immediately after the distribution, or by taking the buyback by winning the auction. Half of the mariage (king or queen) can also be obtained by discarding cards by the player who won the auction. The whole game is built on the use of trump marriages, and each player strives to get them, since the announcement of a trump marriage ("trump claim") brings the player points equal to the value of the marriage. In addition, the declaration of margin assigns a trump in the current hand and all cards of the same suit as the declared margin become trump, i.e. beat any other suit. Points for declared marriages are added to the sum of points scored through bribes. Points for declaring several margins during one round are summed up.

If one of the players declared a trump marriage, the other player can, if possible, take the marriage queen with an ace or a ten of the same suit and get the right to "overpraise", i.e. declare your own marriage, if any.

When "overpraising" (announcing another trump card within one horse), the previous trump card turns into a regular suit and the trump card of the last marriage takes effect.

Ace Marriage

If a player has 4 aces, then if he took a trick and then comes in with an ace, 200 points are added to him.


If in the process of playing the horse the player did not take a single trick, a "bolt" is recorded for him (visually displayed in the results of the game as a dash). For three bolts during the game, 120 points are deducted from the player, the bolts are canceled, and if three bolts are received again, the procedure is repeated.


After the cards are dealt, the players look at their cards and determine how many points they can score. After that, they announce their bets.

A bet statement is an announcement of the number of points that a player undertakes to take in the current hand.

Trading begins immediately after the distribution. The player on whom the right of the first application has fallen is obliged to declare a bet of at least 100 points.

Bidding goes in increments of 5 points, i.e. each player can raise the bet either by 5 points or by any multiple of five. The winner of the auction receives the right of the first move and is obliged to take at least the declared number of points during the round - in this case, the declared number of points will be added to his account, otherwise the declared amount is deducted from his account.

The buyback is not opened if there was no bidding for it, that is, the buyback was taken by the one who declared a mandatory bid of 100 points and other players refused to bid.

The player who wins the auction receives the right of the first move and orders the game, that is, orders the number of points that he undertakes to take.

Trading restrictions

During the auction, there are rules that limit the number of points a player can claim:

  • A player cannot bet more than 120 points without holding a margin
  • A player cannot bet more than 160 points if he only has a peak margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 180 points if he only has a club margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 200 points if he only has a diamond margin.
  • A player cannot bet more than 220 points if he only has a heart margin.

If there are two or more margins, the limit increases according to the sum of the denominations of the margins.

Game progress

The player who wins the auction goes first. The rest of the players put down one card of the corresponding suit (if there is none, then a trump card; if there is no trump card, then any one at their discretion). The player whose card turns out to be the oldest takes the cards for himself and gets the right to make the first move. A player who has the right to move can declare ("crowd") the marriage.

At the end of the game, the points taken are calculated - the bribes plus the cost of the announced margins. If the player who won the auction scored the declared amount of points, it is credited to his account, if not, it is deducted from his account. All other players are credited with their points.


At the end of the round, players count their points according to the face value of the cards. The amount of points scored is rounded down by a multiple of five at two points and up at three points.

For example: 17 points = 15; 18 points = 20.

This rule does not apply to the winner of the auction - if at least one point scored is not enough to the amount declared by him, the amount of points scored by him is not taken into account.

To the amount of points received through bribes, the value of the announced margins is added.

Rules of the game,
if someone "sits on a barrel"

If the player scores 880 points in total, he "sits on the barrel".

To win the game, the barrel rider must reach the 1000 mark (i.e. score a total of 120 points). Thus, in order to win, it is not necessary to have a margin on hand, if you have a “non-beater” in your hands, which allows you to pick up all the bribes (the amount is 120).

"Sitting on the barrel" is given three attempts to score the winning amount of points. If, after three hands, the player does not win, he "flies off the barrel", i.e. his score is reduced by 120 points and to win you need to "climb the barrel" again (score 880 points).

Only one player can sit on the barrel at a time. If another player sits on the barrel, the first one flies off (penalty 120). If two players sit on it together, then one of them flies.

Buying a hundred

If the player "sitting on a hundred" wins the trade (that is, the other players immediately said "pass"), then the buyback is not shown.

game painting

If a player sees that he obviously cannot collect the bet ordered during trading, he can paint the game. At the same time, he takes the order amount from himself and writes to his rivals for half of the order amount.

Zeroing at ±555 points (“tipper”)

When any player reaches 555 or -555 points after the next distribution, the points of this player become equal to 0.


At the beginning of trading, any player can declare a re-deal (an additional “Re-deal” button appears on the playing field). In this case, the cards are distributed again (no one receives fines and bonuses). You can transfer if:

  • The amount of cards in the player's hand is less than 13 points
  • The player has three nines in his hands
  • The player has four jacks

Also, the player who won the trade can declare a re-deal, if in the buy-in:

  • The sum of the cards is less than 5 points
  • Two nines
  • Three jacks

golden horse

You can choose to play with or without the Golden Horse rule.

The rule is this: during the first hands (their number = the number of players) each player must play for an order of 120 points in turn.

All points, penalties and bolts scored by the players are written in double size. If no player scores 120 points on his buy-in, then the points are reset to zero, and the regular game begins.

There are also several agreements in the golden horse:

  • If no one takes the order, it is reset to zero
  • Points earned for declaring marriages are also doubled

Game bonuses

Bonus "Show Cards"

Shows a list of cards in the hands of opponents

Bonus "Show buy suits"

Bonus "Show buyback"

Show one buy card of your choice