How many calories in Korean carrots. Is it possible to eat Korean carrots on a diet? Calorie boiled carrots

Carrot is a biennial plant, which in the first year of its life forms a root crop and a rosette of leaves, and in the second year of life - a seed bush and seeds. Carrots are widespread not only in Russia, but also in the Mediterranean countries, Australia, Africa, and America. There are sixty types of carrots in total.

Carrots are added to almost all dishes - first courses, second courses, salads. As for the latter, Korean carrots have become widespread. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Korean carrot has long been a popular and favorite dish for many. Without this spicy bright salad, it is often impossible to cook some dishes, which include long thin straws of a juicy root crop.

In general, Korean carrots come from a traditional Korean dish - spiced cabbage or kimchi. In Soviet times, Beijing cabbage, which was a necessary ingredient according to the recipe, was quite difficult to get, so they began to add carrots to the dish. In this performance, the dish was to the liking of the Russian people, and the carrot completely replaced the cabbage.

The calorie content of Korean carrots is low, and some consider it a salad, some an appetizer, and some even a seasoning. Be that as it may, due to the low calorie content of Korean carrots, as well as its pungency and piquancy, it is in stable demand in our country.

You can buy Korean carrots at any store, but many housewives prefer to cook them at home, you just need to stock up on the right spices and a set of seasonings. So how many calories are in Korean carrots?

The calorie content of carrots in Korean is approximately equal to 112.6 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

The composition of Korean carrots includes a certain number of correctly selected components. The most important of them, of course, is the carrot. To cook Korean carrots, you need to choose medium-sized root vegetables, because they are juicy and contain a lot of nutrients. Peeled carrots are cut into long thin strips with a knife or a special Korean carrot grater and mixed with vegetable oil and the necessary spices.

The main spices that make up Korean carrots are ground red and black pepper, garlic, chopped coriander seeds, vinegar, sugar, and salt. You can choose any vegetable oil for salad dressing, the amount of sugar is also adjusted to taste. In addition, other products are often added to Korean carrots that add piquancy and a new taste to the dish: eggplant, mushrooms, onion and others.

The benefits of carrots in Korean

The calorie content of carrots is slightly lower than the calorie content of the aforementioned product and its beneficial features, which we will talk about a little later, are known to everyone. Is there any benefit to carrots in Korean? Of course have. It turns out that this dish improves digestion processes due to the fact that it is a spicy snack. It promotes the secretion of gastric juice and thereby increases appetite. With regular use of carrots in Korean, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

The benefits of Korean carrots are also hidden in the recipe for its preparation, which preserves important vitamins. For example, vitamin C is needed by the body for the normal state of blood vessels, and vitamin B has a beneficial effect on the health of capillaries, in turn, vitamin PP is known for its vasodilating effect.

Composition of carrots

The calorie content of carrots is low, only 44 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product. In addition, carrots are a storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins C, K, B, E, PP and a variety of trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, potassium.

In addition to the fact that the calorie content of carrots is low, it is the leader in the content of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. As you know, vitamin A is healthy skin, hair, nails and good eyesight. It is enough to eat only 30 grams of carrots a day to gain its daily intake.

The calorie content of carrots also lies in a large amount of fiber, for this reason it helps with obesity and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of carrots

Carrots are useful for the most various diseases: bronchitis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, wound healing.

Carrot has an anthelmintic, antiseptic, choleretic and expectorant effect on the body. As a prophylactic, carrot juice relieves fatigue, improves eyesight, complexion and appetite, increases resistance to various colds. But you need to observe moderation when drinking carrot juice, as in large quantities it causes lethargy, drowsiness, headache and even vomiting.

How many calories in a carrot

As noted above, the calorie content of carrots is 44 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Many people who are on any diets are interested not only in the question of how many calories are in Korean carrots, but also in the question - how many calories are in boiled and stewed carrots?

How many calories are in Korean carrots, you already know - the calorie content is 112.6 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product.

How many calories are in boiled carrots? Answering this question, it should be noted that the calorie content of boiled carrots is lower than the calorie content of fresh carrots and is 33 kcal per hundred grams of product. By the way, boiled carrots is a favorite side dish of the British, which is traditionally served with meat at 19-00.

How many calories are in stewed carrots? The calorie content of stewed carrots is 44 kcal per hundred grams of product. It should be noted that the calorie content of stewed carrots and the calorie content of fresh carrots is the same. This suggests that even with the heat treatment of carrots, almost all useful substances are preserved in it.

Harm carrots

Despite the low calorie content of carrots, it has some contraindications. Its harm is not so great, but it has a place to be. Carrots should not be consumed by people suffering from inflammation of the small intestine and with an exacerbation of the duodenum. 4.7142857142857

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product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
carrot 35 kcal 1.3 g 0.1 g 6.9 g
boiled carrots 25 kcal 0.8 g 0.3 g 5.0 g
Korean carrot 134 kcal 0 g 9.0 g 12.9 g
Korean carrots with mushrooms 71 kcal 1.3 g 5.0 g 5.7 g
Korean carrots with asparagus 95 kcal 1.5 g 7.1 g 6.1 g
Korean carrots with cabbage 113 kcal 0 g 9.0 g 5.3 g

Carrots are a root vegetable, orange and sweet. Its main part is water and fiber. It is very low in calories, and dishes from it are suitable for a diet.

Useful properties and composition of carrots

Carrots contain fiber and therefore improve digestion. To do this, it must be eaten raw. In addition, in its raw form, it retains more vitamins.

Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. Therefore, if it is abused, the skin acquires an orange tint. Vitamin A, like E, is best absorbed with fats, so the most beneficial use of carrots is a salad with vegetable or butter.

In addition to vitamin A, carrots contain vitamin C and vitamins of group B. Therefore, carrots are called a “vegetable for beauty”: thanks to these vitamins, nails and hair are strengthened, skin is cleansed, and teeth are strengthened. Carrots also help to neutralize the damage from ultraviolet rays.

Carrot juice improves blood circulation, helps improve eyesight, significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

What is Korean carrot made of?

The composition of carrots in Korean includes a certain set of products, the main ingredient, of course, is carrots. But the seasonings and the method of preparation - it depends on them whether it will be real Korean carrots or just a salad of carrots with seasonings. classic ingredients for Korean carrot:

  • the carrot itself (it is better to choose medium-sized carrots);
  • seasonings (garlic, ground coriander, sesame, ground red pepper, black pepper);
  • vinegar, salt and sugar for marinade;
  • onions and butter (onions are used when calcining butter and are not put in the finished dish).

When cooking Korean carrots, the calorie content increases due to oil, but all the beneficial properties of carrots are preserved.

Moderately spicy, moderately sweet, moderately sour... Carrots in Korean, this savory snack loved by many, have long been liked by housewives. She and festive table decorate, and diversify the family dinner: no matter how much you cook, it will instantly scatter on plates.

And how Korean carrots dress up homemade pizza - it looks appetizing and very tasty! How many calories are in a heavily spiced carrot?

Due to the vitamin and mineral composition, this vegetable can be safely called a medicinal food product: vitamins C, E, K, PP, group B, as well as beta-carotene, from which our body synthesizes the most useful vitamin A. And besides - iron, iodine, copper , magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, and this is not a complete list of what can be extracted from such ordinary, everyday carrots.

It is not surprising that doctors from various areas of medicine vying with each other praise the root crop and would not at all mind the fact that bunches of dried carrots were sold in a pharmacy.

After all, it is carrots that can transform our body day after day:

  • the substances included in its composition fight against free radicals that provoke the growth of cancerous tumors;
  • known for its antioxidant properties, beta-carotene also helps keep bones strong;
  • regular consumption of carrots will help to gently cleanse the liver of toxins;
  • the potassium contained in the root crop supports the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • It is difficult to overestimate the role that vitamin A plays in our body. Eagle vision, uninterrupted production of sex hormones, excellent vitality, strong immunity, gorgeous hair, skin and nails - these are the results of his work.

It is noteworthy that you do not need to overeat this vegetable to get the maximum benefit from it for your health: 100 grams of grated carrots per day will be more than enough.

The useful qualities of the root crop will be revealed if you eat not only the fresh root crop, but also dishes from it. First of all, of course, Korean-style carrots, because the product in this appetizer is not subjected to heat treatment, which means that it does not lose a bit of its benefits!

However, this dish also has its own special qualities: it perfectly stimulates digestion. It is no coincidence that it is served at the very beginning of the meal: it inflames the appetite, and its calorie content is low.

Calculating calories

The calorie content of Korean delicacies is really quite small: 100 grams of it contain 112.6 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1.2 grams / 8.2 grams / 9 grams. At the same time, the calorie content of raw carrots is 34–41 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the variety. Why are there several times more calories in the finished product?

Spices add energy value to it, and most importantly, vegetable oil, which is mandatory in the recipe, is very high in calories. After all, only 100 grams of sunflower oil contain almost 900 kcal! Fortunately, Korean carrots need very little of it.

The calorie content of carrots can increase if you approach the cooking process creatively and diversify traditional recipe(carrot, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic, ground pepper, coriander) other ingredients. For example, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, eggplant, onions, seaweed.

Here, of course, you will have to consider how many calories are contained in supplements. For example, 100 grams of seaweed contains 49 kcal, and pickled mushrooms contain 18–24 kcal, depending on the variety.

However, no matter how many additional ingredients you add to Korean-style carrots, this snack will still not work out very high in calories: products that have an excessively high nutritional value, with a seasoned root crop to taste, well, they don’t combine in any way.

Recipe for everyone to envy, or Cooking the perfect carrot in Korean

The classic recipe is well known: mix 1 kg of grated carrots on a special grater with 5 tbsp. l. vinegar, half a glass of vegetable oil, 3 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tsp. ground pepper, a pinch of coriander, a head of garlic passed through a press. After a few hours, the snack is ready.

However, even in such a simple matter as cooking carrots in Korean, there are some subtleties:

  • if you want the carrots to be softer, heat the vegetable oil first, but do not bring it to a boil. You can also add spices to taste;
  • to improve the taste of the dish, but not significantly increase the number of calories, fresh cilantro will help;
  • too spicy taste of snack will soften a handful of crushed walnuts or sesame seeds;
  • Garlic turns green when exposed to heat, so if you're basting carrots in hot oil, add fresh garlic last.

However, no matter what carrot recipe you choose as your signature one, and how many servings of the dish you cook according to it, you can be sure: the appetizer will end before it has time to thoroughly marinate. Too few calories and too many rich flavors!

When following a diet for weight loss, everyone wants the food to be complete and varied. Many do not want to give up their usual favorite dishes, so as not to expose the body to unnecessary shocks during weight loss. Then the question arises: is it possible to eat Korean carrots on a diet?

  1. Ingredients and KBJU snacks;
  2. General principles of nutrition for weight loss;
  3. Carrots in Korean and a proper nutrition system;
  4. Contraindications;
  5. Conclusions.

Composition and KBJU snacks

Carrots in Korean - traditional for countries former USSR salad with rather unpretentious components. Thanks to its low price and original taste, this savory appetizer has retained its popularity for many decades and ready-made salad is easy to purchase in many grocery stores. The simplicity of the recipe makes Korean carrots affordable for home cooking.

The main component of the snack is carrots, cut in a special way - long thin straws. Vegetables prepared in this way are mixed with vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar and various seasonings. Garlic, ground black and red pepper, coriander seeds and salt give the spicy spicy taste of Korean carrots. The calorie content of the finished salad ranges from 110 to 140 kcal per 100 grams. First of all, it depends on the proportions of oil and sugar that are added to the root crop. The calculation of BJU indicators can also differ by approximately 10% up or down, but on average it is 100 grams:

  • Proteins 1.2 g;
  • Fats 8.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates 9 g.

Alternative indicators of BJU for Korean carrots:

  • Proteins 0 g;
  • Fats 9 g;
  • Carbohydrates 12.9 g

A great health hazard is the method of cooking carrots in Korean, as vegetables with spices come into contact with highly heated vegetable oil. If the oil is heated for too long, then carcinogens can form in it.

General principles of nutrition for weight loss

  1. Clear the diet of "harmful" foods, streamline the diet. First of all, it is desirable to abandon sugar-containing ingredients, "fast" carbohydrates and food waste - fast food, soda and other things.
  2. Calculate caloric content and BJU nutrition. Each person, depending on age, gender and lifestyle, has their own calorie intake. Your weight goals (maintenance, weight loss or weight gain) and the required proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet are also interconnected.
  3. Line up each meal in terms of the composition and quality of micro- and macronutrients. This means that nutrition should be conscious and thoughtful. If you do not want to harm your health, then eat a balanced and as varied food as possible.

Korean carrots and proper nutrition system

So, is it possible to eat Korean carrots on a diet? Consider the Korean carrot in terms of nutritional rules for weight loss. A serious danger for losing weight is the sugar added to the salad. It easily provokes a sharp insulin surge in the blood, as a result of which the body will soon again require simple carbohydrates. Excess sugar in this case turns into fat. Thus, the use of Korean carrots on a diet can provoke a breakdown and a bust of carbohydrates at the next meal. It is also important to understand that when you eat store-bought Korean carrots, no one guarantees the quality of the products used for cooking and the accuracy of the calorie calculation. Such a spicy snack helps the secretion of gastric juice and the digestion of food. However, seasonings (garlic, peppers, coriander, and most importantly, vinegar) cause an increase in appetite, which is fraught with overeating.

It is also important to know that the salt and spices that make up the snack tend to slow down the excretion of fluid from the body. Therefore, people with kidney, liver and edema should not include Korean carrots in their diet.

Analyzing the KBJU of this dish, it is easy to see that the fat content in it is quite high, and such an appetizer should be taken as a full meal, and not just as light vegetable lettuce. If we take the average value of 1300 kcal per day as a calorie norm for a young woman of average activity with weight loss, then Korean carrot salad weighing 100 grams will be 10% of the total caloric content of the daily diet. At the same time, the amount of fat will take 15-30% of the total recommended amount of fat per day - this is too high a value for a snack and more suitable for a full meal.

Of the benefits, do not forget to mention the high fiber content in carrots.

Thanks to this, as well as after other vegetable dishes, a feeling of fullness comes faster, and intestinal motility improves.


If you have been diagnosed with diseases of the pancreas, stomach or liver, then follow a strict diet and dietary restrictions. Is it possible to eat Korean carrots with such a diet? Definitely not! This dish is also contraindicated when diabetes, gastritis, ulcer and pancreatitis.

Children and pregnant women should not eat this salad.


It is advisable to avoid eating Korean carrots on a diet, since this dish has more minuses than pluses. Although a single consumption of a moderate amount of snacks (50-100 grams) will not cause significant damage to your figure. Most importantly, combine this salad with protein foods, such as meat, to make your diet balanced. Also give preference to homemade dishes. This allows you to control the amount of added sugar and butter. The less you add these components to the salad, the more harmless it will be for your figure. The above tricks will allow you to enjoy your favorite Korean-style carrots on a diet!

Salad "Korean carrot" is so popular that it can already be called traditional. It regularly appears on our tables, it is eaten both on weekdays and on holidays, and housewives are actively inventing their own variations of this salad. There is nothing surprising in such popular love. Carrot - affordable, tasty, you can buy it in any store at any time of the year. Other salad ingredients are also easily available at low cost. It is not difficult and very fast to cook Korean-style carrots, and the calorie content of this dish is such that it can be safely eaten in large quantities even with overweight. This is due to the fact that the vegetable itself has a low. The calorie content of Korean carrots is added by oil and sugar, which are included in the list of salad ingredients. You can answer exactly the question of how many calories are in Korean carrots by considering the composition of this dish.

How many calories are in Korean carrots?

The calorie content of Korean-style carrot salad consists of indicators of the energy value of the products included in its composition. First of all, it is the carrot itself. And although it contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, it contains only 32 kcal / 100 g. But the dish also includes other more high-calorie components. IN classic version garlic, different types peppers, coriander, salt, sugar, vinegar and oil are included in the Korean carrot recipe, but butter and sugar add the most calories. The number of kcal may increase even more if additional ingredients are added to the salad, for example, eggplant, sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc.

The calorie content of Korean-style carrots in the usual version is approximately 112 kcal, of which most of them are fats - 74 kcal and - 36 kcal, proteins bring a small part - only 5 kcal. Since the recipe usually does not strictly specify how many ingredients to put in a dish, its calorie content can increase or decrease accordingly. Some people like carrots that are sweeter or sourer, some like them fatter. Then the person simply adds more butter or sugar to taste. Those who want to lose weight should not increase the amount of these components in the salad, thereby increasing its calorie content. And in any case, Korean carrots should not be consumed in excessive quantities either.