Corset for various diseases: how to choose and wear correctly. How to put on a brace on your own How to put on a brace for your spine

By appointment, fixing and corrective corsets are distinguished. The first type of orthopedic belt should fix the spine in the most immobile position, and the second one - supports the back, corrects and corrects posture.

According to the degree of rigidity, semi-rigid and rigid lumbosacral corsets are distinguished. Semi-rigid belts are designed to perform significant physical exertion: long-term driving, lifting weights. They are also used for sciatica, herniated discs, osteochondrosis, minor but painful injuries, etc. A rigid corset is worn by patients in the postoperative period. It is also recommended to be worn after injuries in the first period of rehabilitation.

How to choose an orthopedic corset

The choice of a medical corset is best done with the help of an orthopedist. It is necessary to take into account the degree of rigidity of the belt. In case of acute pain in the spine and diseases requiring reliable fixation of the spine, it is recommended to wear a rigid corset.

Of course, when choosing this medical device, the size of the patient is taken into account. Check out the size ranges offered by various manufacturers. Some firms indicate waist circumference as the main parameter, while others indicate lumbar circumference. This different concepts. The loin is about 8 cm below the waist, and can vary significantly in girth. If possible, be sure to try on a corset before buying.

How to wear an orthopedic corset

The doctor also sets the rules for wearing a lumbosacral corset. The mode of wearing this medical device may have its own characteristics depending on the nature of the disease of the lumbar spine. However, there are a number general provisions that must be observed when wearing a lumbosacral corset.

Limit your time to six hours. Do not try to spend all day in an orthopedic belt. Muscle tightness and stiffness over time will lead to fatigue and possibly pain.
- Always remove the orthopedic belt at night.
- Wear a corset if necessary: ​​in case of severe physical or on the recommendation of a doctor. Regular wearing of a corset can cause weakening or atrophy of the back muscles.
- Do not pull the belt too tight.
- Wear a corset over cotton underwear.

A few simple tips on how to properly wear a corset for the neck or back will help people with spinal injuries avoid unnecessary problems. The current orthopedic bandage has its own history - it is a descendant of the medieval item of women's toilet and insulating medical pads on the lower back. In previous centuries, ladies with the help of corset underwear successfully corrected their figure, achieving a thin waist that was fashionable in those days and correcting the shortcomings of their posture.

People suffering from vertebral hernias warmed their lower backs with special belts made of dog or sheep wool. Today, the old homemade belt perfectly replaces the orthopedic lumbar corrector. Such a bandage not only warms the injured back, but also partially unloads the muscles, allowing damaged tissues to recover safely.

At the site of application to the damaged spine, an orthopedic bandage can be:

  • lumbar;
  • cervical;
  • thoracolumbar;
  • sacro-lumbar.

According to the degree of rigidity, the corset is semi-rigid and rigid. Thanks to a rigid bandage, injured vertebrae are protected from re-displacement. Such a corrector qualitatively compensates for the functions of the supporting muscles in the area of ​​injury and significantly reduces the rehabilitation time for patients with a damaged spine. A rigid bandage is prescribed after serious traumatic injuries or in the postoperative period.

The semi-rigid corrector is recommended for everyday wear for people with chronic spinal problems. Such patients should wear a semi-rigid bandage while driving, lifting loads, carrying heavy loads, and during other physical activities. This orthopedic corrector has a massaging and warming effect on the damaged area. It securely fixes the injured spine, unloading the muscles and preventing them from overstraining.

By appointment, the orthopedic bandage is divided into corrective and fixing.

The functions of corrective products are to correct spinal defects and maintain it.

Fixing corsets are designed to tightly fix the damaged vertebral section, removing all the load from it. They are recommended to be worn only for a short time of the recovery period.

General rules for using the product

When prescribing a bandage to a patient, the doctor will give recommendations on how to choose a corset and how to wear it correctly. Before purchasing, you must determine the parameters and type of product. When choosing a Shants collar, the size of the corset in height should match the length of the patient's neck.

The correct size of the thoracolumbar or chest correctors is extremely important for the effective operation of the medical bandage. It happens that the size of the patient's body does not fit into the framework of manufactured industrial products. Then, focusing on the exact size, you can order the manufacture of the product according to individual measurements.

An incorrectly selected size of the lumbar corset can adversely affect a person's health. With a lumbar hernia, excessive tightening of the damaged area with a corset can compress blood vessels and disrupt the blood supply to nearby tissues.

There are general rules for wearing a corset.

  1. It is recommended that the patient first put on a medical bandage for 20-30 minutes to allow the muscles to gradually adapt to the appearance of the orthopedic assistant.
  2. During the day, you should not wear a corset for more than six hours.
  3. Do not fasten the corrector too tight or too loosely.
  4. At night, the corset must be removed.
  5. It is better to wear a bandage not on a naked body so that it does not rub the skin.

It is important to remember that the bandage is a temporary measure. It will not replace a person with his own trained muscles and ligaments. As soon as the time of wearing the corset, determined by the doctor, is over, it is necessary to engage in natural strengthening of your body: swimming, yoga, therapeutic exercises.

How to wear different types of orthopedic bandages

Except general rules wearing medical corsets, there are private recommendations for the use of products various kinds. The neck collar is chosen so wide that it fits comfortably around the patient's neck. The neck corset is fixed directly on the body with Velcro or laces. The neck brace should not squeeze the neck and interfere with breathing. When the medical collar has the right size and is chosen correctly, the chin fits comfortably into a special recess in it, the patient does not experience discomfort, drops blood pressure or symptoms of dizziness.

A well-fitting Philadelphia corset collar made of 12mm plastazot is firmly supported at the back of the head and chin. When the neck is immobilized with such a bandage, the mobility of the stretching and abducting muscles is reliably limited, rotational and lateral movements are partially blocked.

A corset for the back is best worn over underwear. It must be worn during hard work, prolonged physical exertion, back pain of a radiculitis or osteochondrosis nature. An overtightened orthopedic lumbar brace will put pressure on the navel area. An insufficiently tight-fitting corset will scroll around the human body and will not be able to fulfill its intended purpose - supporting the spine. The upper border of the bandage, according to the rules of wearing, should be adjacent to the lumbar zone, and the lower border - to the upper part of the pelvis.

For women, a lumbar corset should be selected taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the female figure.

Thoracolumbar correctors designed to correct posture should be worn for 2-3 hours, then be sure to give your back a rest. At first, the corset belts need to be fastened in a slightly loosened mode. Every 4-5 days, the tension of the belts should be gradually increased so that the spine gradually, step by step, gets used to the new straightened position.

Corsets of this type should not be worn during physical exertion, jogging and other sports, other active activities - this can lead to a serious overload of the body.

While using the medical corset, it must be washed periodically in the soft wash mode, placed in a cover. You can wash with warm water and soap, while relying on the exact recommendations of a particular manufacturer.

The spinal brace helps keep the back in the correct position, especially for sedentary workers such as programmers, clerks, secretaries, etc.

What are corsets for the spine?

AT modern world Corsets are mainly used to treat spinal problems, whereas a few hundred years ago they were considered an essential element of a woman's wardrobe.

Any medical corset for supporting the spine is presented in the form of a rigid base, softened with an elastic band. For soft corsets, the tape can be used in several layers, and for rigid models, one or two layers of outer covering are most often used solely to soften the effect of hard elements on the skin.

Today corsets for the spine are divided into two main types:

  • bandages- soft correctors, usually made of lightweight elastic materials, do not have particularly hard inserts;
  • corsets for the spine- necessarily have orthopedic elements in the form of rigid bilateral ribs or inserts parallel to the spine. There are different types and forms depending on their purpose.

In no case should you make corsets for the spine with your own hands, since in the manufacture of such devices only high-quality materials are used, designed accordingly, so you can get high-quality medical devices.

Using homemade counterparts, there is no guarantee that already existing health problems will be corrected, besides, the wrong corset can cause even more damage to your back.

Indications for the use of a corset for the spine

Corset for strengthening the spine allows you to correct your posture and correct minor defects. The main indications for the use of such a device:

  • rehabilitation of the body after operations and injuries;
  • scoliosis of varying degrees, in which the corset serves as a kind of supportive tool that allows you to form the correct position of the spine;
  • reducing the load on the back during heavy physical labor;
  • as a support agent during prolonged sedentary work;
  • to align children's posture - this is a great way to support a growing body and prevent the development of scoliosis;
  • to prevent the occurrence of spinal deformities of varying degrees, this is especially true in adolescence.

How to choose a corset for posture correction?

The most common reason for wearing a corset is to correct posture, so the choice of the optimal corset for the spine should be given increased attention.

When buying a corset for the spine, you need to be based on the following features:

  • size– to choose the appropriate corset size, you need to measure the circumference under the chest while inhaling. Remember: if you received an intermediate size, then you need to buy a corset one size larger;
  • corset composition- the fabric should be light and stretchy, as for the inner coating, it should be a cotton base;
  • security- all metal and other rigid inserts must be securely insulated and not have any effect on the skin;
  • fixation elements– the perfect corset has adjustable straps for a secure fit. Support straps should be wide and soft so as not to put undue pressure on the shoulders and not cut into the skin;
  • no allergenic components- when choosing a corset, it is better to buy a product made from natural materials, since the presence of artificial additions in the composition can lead to allergies of any nature, from a rash on the body to difficulty breathing.

It is worth remembering that the choice of a corset to maintain posture is a very important matter, and the incorrect use of such a remedy can cause additional harm instead of the expected positive result. That is why it is best to entrust the selection of the optimal corset model to your doctor.

How to choose the best corset for different occasions?

To select the optimal corset model, you need to be guided by the characteristics of the body and existing health problems. Depending on the specific features of the models, corsets are:

  • elastic- made of special elastic bandages without the use of hard inserts and additional elements. Such products are perfect for correcting minor posture defects or as a means of preventing scoliosis. Wearing such a device allows you to unload the lumbar region, straighten the spine, restore the correct position of the shoulders;
  • tough- have rigid plates on both sides of the spine, which evenly distribute the lateral load on the back. Advice: such corsets are best used if there are serious problems with posture, besides, different models provide a different number of stiffeners, which allows you to choose a corset for each individual case, taking into account individual problem areas;
  • lumbar- designed to correct the lumbar in case of injuries or deformities of a different nature. Most often used to warm the lower back with rheumatism, sciatica and similar diseases;
  • individual- such models are developed specifically for individual sizes, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Choosing a corset for a specific case, you can order a model with asymmetric stiffeners to correct different sides of the back, or choose a product with elastic straps of different lengths to eliminate incipient scoliosis.

In spite of detailed description various models of corsets and their free sale, you should not purchase such a device without first consulting with a specialist. The corset is designed to correct posture and correct defects, therefore, for each specific case, you need to select an individual model, and even the slightest deviation from the norm can lead to aggravation of discomfort.

For a corset to bring maximum benefit, it must be worn correctly. Basic rules for using a corset for posture correction:

  • a corset cannot be worn constantly, since its excessive use will lead to an overload of the body. Tip: wear a corset only when necessary, for example, in case of severe pain, and the rest of the time, try to keep your spine in the correct position on your own, do not slouch and straighten your shoulders;
  • it is not recommended to wear a corset at night, because during sleep the body must rest;
  • doing heavy physical labor, it is better to use a corset, without waiting for the appearance of back pain;
  • the optimal time for wearing a corset should not exceed 6 hours, after which you should take at least a 2-3 hour break, after which you can put on the corset again;
  • you can not wear a corset that is not the right size - a fit that is too loose will not have any effect, and a corset that is too tight will lead to problems with blood circulation. Useful advice: in order to determine whether the corset is tightened correctly, it must be scrolled around the waist: it scrolls - it means that it is weakly fixed, it presses in the abdomen - it will be pulled.

Focusing on such simple rules, you will get the maximum benefit from wearing a corset, so neglect useful tips not worth it.


If you put on a belt for the spine incorrectly, then in a short time you will not know where to go from the pain. You need to know how to avoid such a situation.

Almost everyone agrees that having a healthy spine is important. To prevent diseases of such an important organ for successful life, or to help it recover from injuries, a corset for the spine helps.

The spine is the protection of the spinal cord, correct posture, support for all organs.

The disease of any vertebral department necessarily affects them.

For example, a violation of the cervical region causes numbness of the hand, sacro-lumbar causes problems when walking.

Of course, to put on a corset, and it is impossible to recover instantly. They wear a bandage in order to unload the spine and prevent its further deformation for quite a long time. But corsets for the spine help to get rid of pain, and sometimes prevent the disease without surgery.

Medical corsets are supportive and corrective, which in turn can be divided into groups depending on the design of the product and the vertebral region for which it is designed.

It is impossible to choose the right type of corset for yourself. To choose its type, having determined the problem, the doctor must definitely.

But you need to know that in case of improper handling of the bandage, if it is not able to fix it properly, significant harm can be caused to the body.

Both in summer and in winter, a corset is not worn on a naked body. This protects the skin from the possibility of chafing, and prolongs the life of the corset itself.

If the bandage is constantly saturated with sweat, then it has to be washed frequently, and it will quickly lose such qualities as rigidity and the possibility of fixation.

Replacing a product is not cheap.

To increase the life of the corset, it must be properly looked after. Wash by hand in warm water with detergent and soap, do not twist. Do not dry on heaters or in direct sunlight.

If the design of the product includes rigid inserts, then they must be regularly wiped from contamination.

Wearing an orthopedic corset for the spine is not recommended all the time. The optimal time spent in the corset is from 5 to 6 hours. The bandage should be removed at night.

If wearing a corset is associated with correcting the posture of a child with developing scoliosis, or an adult in the rehabilitation period, then the time spent in the corset is negotiated with the attending physician.

For light physical exertion, wearing a corset is not recommended. A corset is required only for serious physical exertion.

It is very important to fix the product correctly. Too loose bandage will dangle, too much - interfere with breathing and cause unpleasant, or even painful, sensations in the internal organs.

In such cases, the corset is tightened or loosened. The design, by giving the body an unusual position, may create some inconvenience during wear, but there should not be a feeling of pain or shortness of breath.

Especially carefully it is worth choosing a belt for the spine. If it does not coincide with the anatomical structure of a person, deformation of the internal organs is possible.

The product is selected taking into account all the features of the figure.

A bandage of this design must be put on in a horizontal position, and in no case should it be overtightened. For the correct position of the corset, it is required that it fits the pelvic area as tightly as the waist area. Therefore, women with the figure of Marilyn Monroe sometimes have to order a bandage individually.

Features of the selection and use of corsets depend on their purpose.

With a pronounced stoop, chest posture correctors are prescribed, which wrap around the thoracic spine. When choosing such a design, the height of a person and the volume of the chest under the chest are taken into account. Children under the age of 4 years such fixators are contraindicated.

Thoracic lumbar correctors can be worn at any age. They are prescribed for scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees. Selected by size.

Corrective orthopedic corsets for the spine are those designs that are constantly worn at the first stages of scoliosis treatment. You can remove them only for an hour - a couple of hours a day or during exercise therapy.

While wearing such corsets, x-rays of the spine are taken every 3 months, on the basis of which the design is adjusted.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin under the tight-fitting hard parts of the corset and, in case of chafing, consult a doctor.

If you have already been appointed to wear an orthopedic corset for the spine, then you definitely need to know the basic rules on how to put it on and use it correctly. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from wearing a corset.

The article “How to put on a corset for the spine? ” and other medical articles on the topic “Diseases of the bones and joints” on the YOD website.

For the treatment of diseases of the spine, medications and exercises alone are not always enough. Sometimes there is a need to facilitate therapy, and sometimes prevent the development of pathology. To this end, the doctor recommends that the patient wear a corset for the spine. How to choose a product? What to pay attention to in order to choose the most effective from a variety of models?

The benefits of a corset

There are many questions for people who are recommended to wear a corset for the spine. How to choose a product? How appropriate is it to wear?

In the presence of intervertebral hernias, the corset provides several functions:

Can the product be harmful?

With hernias of the spine, orthopedic corsets are very often prescribed. After the operation, the use of such products is justified. But sometimes some doctors question their effectiveness. Therefore, before considering (for those people who are assigned a corset for the spine), how to choose the appropriate product, we will touch on such a sensitive topic. Is an orthopedic belt harmful to the body?

Some doctors believe that wearing a corset in the long run leads to a weakening of the skeletal muscles. As a result, when such a belt is removed, the muscles will not be able to support the weight of the body. Consequently, the patient will continue cartilage dystrophy, and new hernias will form.

Such a statement is not without common sense. However, one should take into account the low self-discipline of people. If the patient is able to do special gymnastics every day, perform all medical procedures, monitor the observance of rest and work, of course, he will not need a corset. But, unfortunately, such people are rare.

The majority, having only felt that the pain syndrome has receded, stops using medications, doing physical education, and going for a massage. People are returning to their usual way of life. But it was he who led them to the hospital bed. As a result, after a few months they have an exacerbation.

The only salvation for these patients is wearing an orthopedic corset. After all, it is he who is able to protect them from the consequences of incorrect movements and heavy loads.

Now, when the whole expediency of wearing this product becomes clear, the patient is faced with a rather urgent issue. The pharmacological market has presented a variety of corsets for the spine. How to choose? Photos show a wide range of products.

Initially, it should be understood that with a hernia, an orthopedic corset will have a beneficial effect only when the model is correctly selected. But, unfortunately, it is possible to evaluate the benefits only after a couple of months.

Therefore, it is imperative to listen to the most important recommendation for those people who are shown corsets for the spine. How to choose the right model, only a specialist can tell. It is highly recommended not to trust your knowledge or intuition. Since each model performs the corresponding functions.

Types of corsets by spine

Depending on the area in which the pathology is diagnosed, the following types of corsets can be prescribed:

  1. Cervical. It is most often prescribed for recovery processes after surgery or injuries of the vertebrae. After fixing the damaged area, the pain is significantly reduced. It is recommended to select a model that performs preventive and therapeutic functions. The corset itself is a bandage system, which consists of soft fabric. The device provides protective and supporting functions. It is this product that will save the neck from uncomfortable postures and sharp turns of the head.
  2. Lumbar corset. Since this area of ​​the spine has the maximum load, such a belt is an indispensable therapeutic and prophylactic product. It enhances the effect of conservative therapy and stimulates the recovery process after surgery. So, this corset for the spine has been assigned to you. How to choose a product? Here it is necessary to take into account the form of pathology and its stage. An orthopedic belt for this area must necessarily have rigid cross or longitudinal metal or plastic inserts.
  3. Products for thoracic. Such a corset resembles a vest, fastened under the bust. Its impact is aimed at strengthening this particular area. The chest is fixed with an elastic material and metal or plastic splints. Such a product is often prescribed in case of curvature of posture. This prevents the process of intervertebral protrusion. Patients who are diagnosed with osteochondrosis can also be assigned this corset. It excludes the progression of the disease, the occurrence of irreversible changes.

Products according to the stage of pathology changes

It is important to take into account the disease and the severity of the disease when choosing orthopedic corsets for the spine.

How to choose the right model, the following classification will tell you:

Types of model stiffness

This is another important classification according to which corsets for the spine are divided. How to choose the required degree of hardness? Here it is necessary to take into account the features of the pathology.

The patient may be prescribed:

Product size

This is a rather important characteristic, which must be taken into account when purchasing a corset for the spine. How to choose the model size?

For this purpose, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the waist, hips, lower back and chest while inhaling. The received indicators are your volume. Please note that each manufacturer may have slightly different sizes. Therefore, it is important to carefully select the product.

How to choose a corset for the spine in size? Study the packaging carefully. It has a key on it. The letter image corresponds to the volume.

But it is best to take the help of a specialist.

Now let's summarize how to choose a corset for the spine with a hernia:

Models for children

In case of violation of posture, deformation of the spine, or with severe pain in the back area, children can be assigned corsets for the spine. How to choose the right model for a child? It is very important to consult a doctor on this issue.

He can prescribe the following types of children's corsets:


Do not forget that only a specialist can correctly determine the therapy, the type of corset and the duration of its use. Therefore, do not resort to self-medication. In some cases, this only exacerbates the problem.

A corset with a busk fastener should be fastened from the second loop from the bottom, then the rest in order, and at the end - the lowest one (hereinafter, see the figure).


A corset without a busque fastener must first be laced up to the middle, without touching the loops at the waist. Then loosen the lacing from the waist up. Slip the corset over your head and turn the lacing towards you. Lace up the corset completely and turn the lacing back.


After you have put on the corset, you can start tightening the lacing at the back. Start from the middle - there are 2 loops at the narrowest point of the waist, pull them (see Fig. 2) After the waist is tightened, start pulling the lacing from the outside, starting from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top to the waist. You will have to repeat this 2-3 times to fully tighten the laces. Never tighten the lacing in a way that will cause you discomfort or cause damage to the corset!

Then tie the laces at the waist into a bow, twist and hide under the lacing. Never tie the laces around the front of the corset as this can damage the facial tissue. The edges of the linen corset need to be brought under the underwear.

In order to remove the corset, you need to untie the bow at the waist and loosen the ribbons along the entire lacing, then remove it in a convenient way (in corsets without a front fastener - through the head, in corsets with a fastener - just unfasten it, starting from top to bottom).

Getting used to the corset

The first few days, avoiding sudden movements, wear a corset for a maximum of 2 hours. Stand in front of a mirror and do a few slow tilts in different directions. Practice sitting and getting up in a corset. After the first hour, tighten the laces and continue wearing it for the rest of the time. This allows the fabric of the corset to stretch evenly and gives the corset the shape of your body. It will also prolong the life of the corset, make it more comfortable to wear and make sure that the fabric and accessories will not be damaged. Repeat this process 2-3 times before wearing a corset for an extended period of time.


"How to lace up a corset?" is one of the most important questions for our clients. Especially for you, we made a video in which we clearly showed how to properly lace up a corset. We hope everything will be clear, and the issue of lacing will no longer be a problem.

Since ancient times, the corset saved any girl who wanted to appear even slimmer. A thin waist, a magnificent chest are the main standards that have come to us since the Middle Ages. Incredibly, but the ideals of a refined figure and attractive curves remain popular today. Many girls consider a corset to be too revealing an outfit that borders on kitsch and outrageous. In fact, this is far from the case. Modern designers offer various options corsets that will help out both on a holiday and in the case when you need to look restrained and beautiful.

Colors, styles and types of corsets are varied. Therefore, when choosing a corset, you should be guided by a number of nuances.

corset size

Among them is size. As you know, the task of the corset is to tighten and emphasize the curves. This means that buying a corset by size loses its main meaning. In this case, the difference between it and a simple figure-shaped shirt is small. Therefore, when buying a corset, take the model you like for one, or even two sizes smaller than real. Your waist may shrink by twenty centimeters. Although the best option that will not cause significant harm to health is ten centimeters.

corset style

When buying a corset, always clearly define what you are buying it for. With what clothes in it you look harmonious. Perhaps it will be used as underwear, as a correction of posture and figure. Then buy a corset with a very simple and concise style, in which there is nothing superfluous.

What to wear with a corset

If you plan to use a corset as part of your wardrobe, then wear a corset with a dress to the floor or to the knee. So you emphasize your femininity, and at the same time you will look very sexy and charming. Corsets that are too bright, with beads, appliqués and stones attract a lot of attention, so wear them only for the place (for a party, a gala evening or an informal holiday). The little female trick of most corset lovers is that they wear it along with stockings and stilettos. Such a trio conquered more than one hundred men.

After choosing a corset, carefully consider the selection of accessories. Find a happy medium between being vulgar and understated so as not to cause unnecessary talk and sidelong glances. Naturally, if we are talking about a party, then you can afford some bright accents in clothes and makeup.

We achieve comfort

Those who put on a corset for the first time usually complain that they are uncomfortable and uncomfortable in it. The thing is that the corset must adapt to you and “understand” your forms. So, before an important day, when you are going to go out in it, spread it. Walk until you feel that the adaptation process has passed or is at the final stage. It's like a new shoe you get used to. At first she rubs, but then you do not want to be separated from her.

Usually, in practice, the corset is broken in at least a week. Wear it on thirty minutes every day. It is impossible to initially tighten the corset for all twenty centimeters. Start small - five centimeters and gradually bring this figure to ten if you do not want to plunge the body into a state of shock.

Getting used to the corset gradually

The corset itself is unique. After the process of buying, rubbing and adapting to it, you need to understand how it should be worn. After all, this is not just a piece of outerwear. It is specific already in that it constrains your movements. In it, you will have to learn how to breathe with your chest, not your stomach. Otherwise it won't work. In addition, do not make sudden movements. Wearing a corset to a party, or a holiday where everyone dances and moves a lot, should not be.
To move in it gracefully and gracefully, Weeks of training required. Walk around in a corset in front of a mirror, look at how your posture has changed, how your arms move, how you sit down on the sofa, what happens at this time with your back and neckline.

You cannot do without rehearsals, because not only your body gets used to it, but also there is a realization that you have put on a corset. This is a unique state that introduces many women into an amazing worldview, contributing to the desire to look even more desirable and feminine. After all, it is known that no man can resist a girl in a corset, stockings, high heels with an exciting look.