How to become a white witch in real. How to know if you are a witch signs

Paranormal abilities have always been of interest to mankind. And women are the most affected. Previously, they were constantly accused of witchcraft. But few people know what to do to receive this gift and become a witch.

What is witchcraft

This is a very broad concept. Witches are often considered healers. They consider themselves followers of Western neo-pagan cults. From the point of view of Christianity, a witch / witcher is a person who is related to the occult without church rank. If you look from the point of view ordinary person, a witch is a woman endowed with a “black gift”. This gift allows with its will to cause not only illness, but also the death of others.

How to become a good witch

Many are tormented by the question, are there good witches and how to become one? The word witch is associated with the image of a terrible and evil witch practicing black magic. This is not so, not all witches are engaged in dark magic. Yes, to become a witch of the forces of good, you will need patience and a lot of strength.

  • You need to cast the right spell, directed not to the dark forces, but vice versa - to the light ones. Please note that finding a real spell is not so easy, 90% of spells on the Internet are not working.
  • You will need a lot of time to search and study special magical literature. Everyone is wondering what literature to look for? There are books on practical magic, and which one you can (or can't) find is a mystery. In any case, you will have to learn the magical tendencies of plants, master hypnosis and meditation, develop in yourself psychic capabilities.

How to become a witch right now

Get rid of doubt and fear. Witches do not know these feelings, because they themselves instill fear in others. If you cannot get rid of doubts, then the instructions below will not help you.

Attracting energy

On your left wrist, tie a red bandage that has previously lain in the dark for at least a week. It can be worn only after sunset and removed before dawn. This is your personal energy trap.

Gaining strength

To accumulate enough energy, you must not give in to emotions. Try to get as much knowledge as possible: go in for sports, watch scientific channels and read encyclopedias. Inner fire and willpower will begin to generate forces and deposit them into your trap.

Energy will be enough in 2 weeks. To understand this, put your ear to the bandage - you should hear a distinct and at the same time quiet noise. It cannot be associated with anything, it can be both the rustle of grass and the sound of the sea.

Deception of the universe

Nature does not see a threat in man until he begins to break through to the dark side. You only have 1 chance! If a you will not be able to follow the next parting word or something make a mistake - you can die or turn into an ugly old woman.

Without removing the red bandage, with your left hand touch a tree that is over 66 years old. touch right hand to the ground and lift it up to the sky. Cast the spell "Vito Queliz Mantio". After that, the wind should pick up. Shout "Ito No" after a minute. The wind should die down.

Note! You have destroyed the natural barrier and crossed the line on the way to dark energy. Not everyone reaches this point, only a few. Whoever is destined to feel its power and understand how to use it.

How to become a witch - the last spell

In order to complete the transformation and make the binding of forces, it remains only to cast an ancient spell created by the first dark sorcerers and sorceresses.

How to become a witch - the transfer of the gift by inheritance

Everyone knows that this gift is passed down through the family line. This happens after one generation (granddaughter from her grandmother). A gift can never be passed on from a mother to her daughter.

How does the donation take place? All her life a witch prepares her successor. This is important, because a young witch can be confused by an unexpected gift.

You will be very lucky if an experienced witch or witcher becomes your mentor. As mentioned above, the witch passes the gift before death. There are times when there is simply no one to transfer abilities to, and you can take advantage of this. Just think carefully, do you need it?

A witch... Immediately, an image of an old crooked woman, who, somewhere in the wilderness of the forest, brews a witch's brew, appears in my head. This image is known to us from fairy tales. But is it so unambiguous? And how to become a witch at home?

What does the word "witch" mean?

Before answering the question of whether at home, it is necessary to understand the concept itself. The word "witch" means "knowing" and has the old Russian root "ved", which roughly means "know / know". In Sanskrit, the word "veda" means "sacred/sacred knowledge".

How to become a witch in real life? First you need to understand and realize the true meaning of this status. In Russia, the word "witch" was originally used to refer to a woman who knows everything. Then this word was transformed into "soothsayer". And today it has completely lost its original meaning, having transformed into a character from fantasy and horror films: a hunchbacked old woman with gray hair, who lives in an ancient hut, with a black cat, flies on a broom and brings damage to people. But a woman who is wondering how to become a witch at home would definitely not want to try on such an unflattering image.

Witchcraft in the ancient world

Greek witches worshiped the goddess of night and darkness, Hekate, and the goddess of hunting and forests, Artemis. Famous characters from ancient Greek epics, such as Circe and Medea, were also attributed to witches, since the first could turn people into animals, and the second sculpted wax figures and thus killed their enemies. It should be noted that there were also good sorceresses who worshiped the seasons and heaven, grew roots and herbs for the treatment of other people, had prophetic gifts, predicted fate. They were revered and feared. Naturally, many girls wanted to become the same and asked knowledgeable people about how to become a witch in real life. However, a lot has changed since then. Rites and rituals were declared ungodly actions, which are led by the Devil.

Witchcraft in Medieval Europe

The Judgment of Paderborn, issued in 785, officially forbade the belief in witches, and all people generally followed it. However, later Thomas Aquinas announced that witchcraft and witchcraft still exist and are aimed at harming people.

Since Thomas Aquinas was an illustrious and famous church figure, his words were heeded. In 1264, the first official witch trial in Europe and their first public burning took place. From that moment on, a bloody witch hunt began. Virtually all women fell under suspicion. Then no one had a question about how to become a witch at home. Rather, on the contrary - how to divert suspicions of witchcraft from yourself? In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries many thousands of women were burned at the stake.

How did people become witches during the Middle Ages?

Is it possible to become a witch at home? In the Middle Ages, ideas about this were more than specific. It all started with the Devil appearing to the girl. Usually he appeared in the form of a soldier, a handsome youth, a respectable gentleman or hunter, or her best friend. He consoled the unfortunate, offered money to the poor, food and all sorts of treats to the hungry. When the girl could no longer contain herself, he named the price for his services. Usually the payoff was carnal devotion, entry into a witch circle, and renunciation of God and all saints. If the girl agreed, then a deal was immediately concluded, as a result of which her soul passed into the power of Satan for centuries. It was necessary to sign the corresponding written document in blood. After that, a specific cut appeared on the arm of the future sorceress. Then the Devil explained to the new servant how to become a witch at home. He put a devilish mark on her body. How to become a witch in real life? In the Middle Ages, this was not a problem.

The life of a witch in the representation of the people of the Middle Ages

Some time after the conclusion of the deal, an assistant was assigned to the witch - the devil, who also served as a lover. He could enter the house through the windows and chimneys of stoves in the form of fire or smoke. These pipes, by the way, were the main move for witches, since the legends say that "if something is backwards, it's from the evil one."

Newly minted witches were taught various spells, harmful effects. They were taught how to make a woman barren, how to send illness, bad luck or misfortune. They were taught how to kill a person or cattle with the help of black magic, how to call a thunderstorm, how to lime milk, and so on. Thus, the answer to the question of how to become a witch or witcher, during the Middle Ages, was this: very easy. While legends and traditions say, devils and demons walked the earth everywhere, looking for the weak in faith in order to tempt and seduce them.

in the middle Ages?

There are two main methods for recognizing a witch: the test by water and the test by flight. In the second case, the girl was given a broom in her hands and led to a cliff. In the event that a young woman fell off a cliff and broke (which usually happened), then she was justified and found not guilty. In the water test, it was necessary to tie a stone to the suspect's neck and throw it into the water. It was believed that water, as a pure element, would not accept unclean people. If a woman drowned, she was declared innocent. If she was lucky enough not to drown, she was recognized as a witch and burned. In those days, the topic of how to become a witch at home was under the strictest ban.

Women's magic

Is it possible to become a witch at home and how to do it?

It is necessary to understand that female nature is magical in itself. The representatives of the weaker sex have a much more developed intuition, which means that it is easier for them to approach deep knowledge about the world and themselves. A woman is more closely connected with nature, with the Moon, it is easier for her to find a connection with secret and sacred forces.

Naturally, girls can use these innate abilities both for good and for harm. Women of antiquity knew a simple, intuitive "magic" - how to heal, help, protect your home and hearth, save a marriage. It was the weaker sex that was responsible for the rituals, magical rituals. It is known that women are more strongly associated with the Moon than men. But all the covens and rituals depend precisely on its position and phase. By and large, the answer to the question of how to become a witch at home is simple: just learn to listen to yourself, nature and trust your intuition.

Hereditary sorceresses

For such people, the question of how to become a witch at home is not relevant at all - they are already born that way. This kind of gift is passed down through the generations. Accordingly, if the grandmother has “Vedic” abilities, then the granddaughter will have them too. But the mother doesn't. Usually such a gift manifests itself in early childhood. There are entire witch families where the child is instructed and taught the magical art from a very early age. There is also a procedure for transferring a gift from a dying witch to her young chosen one, and there is absolutely no need for blood relationship.

How to become a witch?

However, what to do if there were no sorcerers in the family, but you want to conjure? How to become a witch at home today?

To do this, you will have to work hard and hard. First, you should reinforce your theoretical base by buying books about witchcraft and magic, witchcraft and quackery. It is also very important to learn to guess on the cards. Initially, these may be playing cards, but then you should deepen your skills and deal with Tarot cards. It is advisable to start with the usual layouts for the day / week. Then you need to learn how to unravel dreams and enter the state yourself, and then already engage in astral travel in subtle bodies. It is also important to study various rituals and spells. And, of course, practice them!

Is it possible to become a witch at home? Naturally, you can. But it takes a lot of effort and practice. We must not forget about and intuition.


Today there is an entire witchcraft religion called Wicca. This is an occult neo-pagan teaching, which is based on the worship of Nature, God and Goddess. At the heart of Wicca magic lies unity with the forces of Nature. Such magic is a natural and harmonious movement of energy for the necessary impact and transformations. This religion is distinguished by the practice of folk witchcraft, natural witchcraft rituals. Magic in Wicca is very diverse - these are talismans, and amulets, and conspiracies, and spells, and invocations. Wiccans are known for their healing abilities.

These strange women, according to legend, have existed at all times among all the peoples of the world and still exist. Witches can be found among the northern snows, and in the hot sands of the Sahara, and in the tropics of the Amazon, and in the impenetrable Siberian taiga, and even in blooming Italy. If earlier these women lived in forest huts and huts, now their refuge is modern comfortable apartments.

According to all the same legends, at all times witches were fought not for life, but to death. They were caught and burned at the stake of the Inquisition, they were exterminated and exposed as liars. Witches for the entire time of the existence of mankind have experienced almost all the hardships and hardships of their fate - and still exist and are now in good health.

Who can become a witch?

Any woman can become a witch, and any man can become a witcher. It all depends on what kind of origin the potential witch will have - hereditary or voluntary (acquired). A well-known expert on evil spirits, Sergei Maksimov, claims that hereditary witches are obtained if, for several generations of people, children are born out of wedlock.

There are some advantages for those women who had witches in their family. Such women receive power by inheritance from their mothers and grandmothers. It is curious that they are already born with this power - the ability to conjure is already inherent in them, parents will only have to teach their daughters to use these abilities. Sergei Maksimov argues that this "science" is transmitted only through a generation, i.e. from grandmother to her granddaughter.

How to become a witch?

If there were no witches and sorcerers in the family, the witch's gift, of course, will not be inherited. In this case, a woman can become a witch on her own. To do this, she needs to get witch power from another sorceress. This is done before the witch's death. You need to try to find a real sorceress, and she will definitely transfer her strength! The fact is that witches are usually lonely people - their relatives refuse them, they have no friends.

Before death, a real witch suffers greatly: if she has a family, usually no one wants to adopt a terrible gift, and a witch cannot die without transferring her witchcraft power. As a result, she has to transfer her abilities to some complete stranger. This "first comer" may be the one who wants to become a real witch! To transfer your gift to a witch, it is enough to touch a person and cast the appropriate spell.

However, getting witch power does not mean becoming a full-fledged sorceress! You need to learn how to spell. To do this, you need to know ritual spells. Experienced sorcerers who train the younger generation of witches can help with this. It is worth noting that it will not be so easy to find a real sorcerer, since any of them takes a certain amount of money for their services, but who is a charlatan, and who is a real witcher?

Future witches must be aware of the goals of their actions and the possible consequences caused to society by certain spells. The future witch must remember: the road to the church will be closed for her forever, and incense, icons, crosses will need to be removed from the house. Light colors in clothes are replaced by dark ones, the windows in the house are curtained with black curtains. And further! Before you become a witch, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, because communication with dark forces is a great sin!

Images of witches can be found in folk beliefs and fiction, on screen and in the visual arts. For some, a witch is an ugly old woman, for others - a fatal beauty with green eyes, for others - a very mischievous and mischievous young lady. However, there are women who try to become witches in real life and are ready to make any sacrifices for this.

There is an opinion that a witch lives in every woman. In addition, there are many unusually charming images in literature and cinema, when you get acquainted with them, you get the impression that being a witch is not at all scary, but rather fun and funny. Suffice it to recall the cunning and attractive Solokha from Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas", the fearless and selfless Margarita from Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" or charming witches from modern television and literary series - Samantha, Sabrina, Leila Blue.

Who and how can become a witch

However, real life has little in common with good and cheerful fiction. In order for a woman to be at the mercy of invisible mystical forces that will help her deceive, charm or even destroy another person. The future witch must unconditionally believe in her strength, go through the initiation ritual, and then start learning witchcraft and improving her abilities. witch art in the highest degree risky, it completely absorbs the one that has embarked on a dangerous path, cutting off the way back for her.

A person who is endowed with certain supernatural abilities and a highly developed interest in everything mysterious and unknown can become a witch. Most often, witchcraft abilities are inherent in a person by nature. It is also believed that a woman can become a good witch, in whose family only three generations in a row were born.

You can become a witch voluntarily or unwittingly. In the first case, a woman learns witchcraft on her own initiative, and in the second, she receives her gift as an inheritance from a dying sorceress, most often her own. However, before that, she must already be trained in witchcraft, since a gift received in the absence of skills will only bring her torment.

Is witchcraft worth it?

In order to learn how to conjure on your own initiative, you can use the esoteric literature that is now published in considerable quantities, or try to find an experienced mentor. However, it is best to abandon this idea, because becoming a witch, a woman irrevocably destroys her immortal soul. If you really can't wait to join the world of supernatural forces, you can find for yourself a more innocent, but no less an exciting activity: learn to read tarot cards, interpret dreams, make horoscopes or astrological forecasts. And the best thing is to try to compose interesting story about the adventures of a modern witch, because such books often become bestsellers.

What are the qualities of a born witch? Who is a witch? Where to start and what you need to know to become a real witch?

Who is this witch? The witch, contrary to popular belief and understanding, is not at all an evil harmful witch, sending pestilence, damage, all sorts of hardships and diseases on unwanted people. According to one version, the word "witch" means "knowing mother". So the image of an evil old woman is not true. Who is the real witch?

First of all, a born witch owns knowledge. And not just owns, but constantly improves, replenishes, develops this knowledge. That is, it is not easy: I bought a book by some supposedly Siberian healer and you conjure right and left. No, before you start practicing, you need to study yourself. It is necessary to accumulate, process, systematize a huge amount of information, which for the most part concerns self-knowledge and work on improving one's own spirituality. The danger lies in the fact that, having begun to know oneself, to acquire knowledge, a person can completely, radically change. A woman can suddenly realize that a career that once seemed so infinitely important and desirable, it turns out, she does not need it at all, for example. The value system, the attitude towards oneself and the world around is changing. The food system and the whole lifestyle can change.

Simple rules for a beginner witch. The most important moment for a woman who has decided to take the path of a witch is acquaintance with the lunar cycles, their in-depth study. It is also necessary to monitor your own monthly cycle. It is important to compare these cycles, natural and personal, to analyze your well-being, both physical and mental, in different periods and phases of the moon. Hence the need to harmonize one's state, to learn self-control, introspection. And all this is in conjunction with the lunar cycle. First rule: watch the moon.

Also, an important factor on which the success of any woman in various fields of activity depends to a greater extent is taking care of her appearance. A real witch will never allow herself to be ugly. Clean hair, skin, body, well-groomed hands, neat clothes, a pleasant unobtrusive aroma - the key to a woman's success at all times. The second rule: watch your appearance.

At the same time, one should not forget that even the most well-groomed woman cannot be considered beautiful without inner beauty, inner radiance, without spiritual warmth. A toned body and beautiful facial features do not make a girl a beauty. Only inner strength, radiance from within, the light of the soul and a slight sincere smile addressed to people, to life, make a woman beautiful. Rule three: be happy.

It should be taken into account that this rule is the most important, key, without the strict implementation of which it will not be possible to become a real witch. In order to learn to be happy, to live in harmony with oneself, to trust the Universe and to receive with gratitude what is needed here and now, one does not need special abilities, money, and so on. Enough desire and patience. desire to create. Because to be a witch means to create yourself, your life as your heart and conscience tell you.

With the way of the witch? First of all get a notebook. You can design the cover the way your soul asks. Bring two pens to the notebook: for example, red and blue. Print and paste the standard gynecological menstrual calendar into your notebook. Also print and paste in your notebook. moon calendar for the next month. Set aside some time in the morning and evening to take notes. If possible, then for this lesson you can come up with a special ritual: light a candle of any color of your choice, scent the room, in general, anything if you want to create an atmosphere. What to write down? Be sure to write the date of entry. This will allow us to evaluate the results in the future. Describe your state of health, mood. In the morning you can talk about the plans for the day, in the evening - take stock. Indicate the lunar day, the phase of the moon, and the day of your menstrual cycle.

Relevant for a witch healthy lifestyle which many find boring. However, if you decide to take the path of a witch, you will have to reconsider your habits (maybe some will need to be abandoned), diet, and so on. The witch is forbidden everything that can cloud the mind: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, overeating, antidepressants and more. Write down everything you eat and drink during the day. Describe your feelings from eating (feeling of satiety, pleasure, pain, discomfort, etc.). Write the help of which doctors and for what reason you needed and how often lately.

more often get out into nature: in the forest, in the field, in the mountains. If possible, do this at least once a week. It is very useful to visit water bodies: sea, lake, river, pond - anything to sit on the shore, contemplating or thinking. Learn to clear your mind of thoughts, relax.

Houses create an atmosphere of love and warmth. Forbid yourself to swear and complain (about life, about the weather, about the mother-in-law, about the absence of the mother-in-law, about the husband, about the absence of the husband, etc.) It will take some time to learn all of the above. Schedule a date when you can identify yourself as a witch. For example, after 12 months. Think carefully initiation ritual, decide on the place where you will spend it. And be sure to take notes. If by the specified date you feel not ready, it does not matter, continue to know yourself by shifting the date to a more convenient time.

The Question of Religion. Any woman can become a witch, regardless of religion. Most likely, over time, dual faith will come, and later a return to the origins (paganism). This is an expected scenario, but not required.

So it becomes clear that being a witch does not mean at all wearing black robes, flying on a broomstick, pulling down a pointed hat with wide brim. Being a witch is an art, knowledge, willpower and constant work on yourself, on your ego, vices.

Women wonder how to become a witch. The relevance of the issue is justified: many believe that being a witch, you can strike at enemies, defend yourself and get rid of problems. Consider how to become a witch and master the skills of witchcraft.

In the article:

How to become a witch at home

People who have not received the gift of witchcraft from nature have a chance to turn into a witch. This will happen in three cases:

  • if the witch dies, but you need to transfer the spell to someone;
  • a ceremony is performed, as a result of which a woman will become blood sisters with a real witch - an option implies the transfer of part of the witch's power;
  • independent search for a teacher in witchcraft.

If initially there is no potential, there is a long way to go before a woman can become a real sorceress. Self-taught people cannot compete in strength with sorceresses by blood: in order to achieve their cherished dream, they will have to work hard.

It is not easy to become a good or evil sorceress if the powers are not initially laid in the baby. But everything is achieved through hard work. " Witch"-" knowing mother ". Initially, the knowledge base is replenished. If you want to be a witch, you must:

  • try to learn as much as possible about quackery and herbalism - should know a lot about herbs;
  • manage your own energy - if you do not learn to concentrate energy (positive or negative), it is impossible to protect yourself from extraneous influence or to exert it;
  • develop intuition - a real witch always feels the slightest changes in the world of subtle matters and predicts the outcome of the ritual;
  • learn to interpret dreams - in order to know the future, it is not enough to acquire a pseudo-magic ball, you need to call prophetic dreams and correctly interpret them;
  • take time to meditate in order to concentrate, not to spray;
  • rely on the experience gained - if a ritual is found, it is not necessary to immediately follow what is written: perhaps a mistake was made in the description;
  • constantly practice - at first the girl will be able to talk with animals, and things will not fly around the house, but the path to magical perfection consists of trial and error;
  • find contact with wildlife - the assumption that animals do not like black witches, and flowers wither from negative energy, is fundamentally wrong: the more harmony a witch is with nature, the more energy she takes to feed herself, which is important for beginner sorcerers who they are not energized on their own;
  • learn to work with Tarot cards - “work”, and not guess: powerful rituals are performed with the help of cards;
  • get a pet - the animal warns of possible magical attacks and becomes a faithful companion;
  • try to find good teacher- it is better to learn from the mistakes of others and absorb the experience of a knowledgeable witcher than to step on a rake on your own.

How to become a white witch - spells for beginners

Sorcerers have different attitudes towards initiation rites, and thoughts regarding rituals differ. Some believe that this is fun - a performance that does not give effect if you do not constantly work on yourself. Others are sure that, thanks to the rite of passage, they are charged with energy that contributes to the development of abilities. Rituals belong to Wiccan. The teaching is famous for its attachment to nature.

Transformation into a good magician in real life

For the ritual you will need:

  • four wax candles;
  • incense with a pleasant smell;
  • salt.

incense candles

They turn to the Mother Goddess, who stood at the origins of the universe. Her image unites all existing images of goddesses from pagan pantheons. An appeal to any female deity is an appeal to the Great Mother Goddess. There is a version that the Virgin Mary is one of her incarnations.

The ceremony is performed by a completely naked woman, showing that a person is pure by nature and ready to accept the knowledge and wisdom that the Goddess will offer. Salt is used to build a barrier, magical protection (drawn around a circle). Having determined the cardinal directions, a candle is lit for each.

It is desirable to perform the ritual in the evening, after the bath, completely cleansed of negative energy. Any clean room is suitable as a place - higher powers regard a mess as a manifestation of disrespect. The ceremony is also carried out in nature.

Standing in the center of the circle, the woman puts her hands on her chest and asks Goddesses permission to begin the ritual. Incense is set on fire, an atmosphere of peace is created, the head is cleared of thoughts. Focus on the ritual. When everything is ready, they stretch their palms up and shout loudly:

I, (name), turn to the Great Mother, to the Ruler of All That Is, to the Goddess-giver, I ask you, bless this dedication, send your grace on me and grant magical power do good deeds and deeds.

While the girl is reading the spell, one must imagine that a large warm ball of golden color appears in the chest area - strength. The ball is mentally driven down, first along one leg, then along the other, carried up the spine to the head, then again returns to the region of the heart. Whispered spell:

Oh Great Mother, Ruler of All That Is, Goddess-Giver, I beg you, strengthen me on the witch's path, help me to know natural wisdom, to know myself and the secrets of magic, and teach me to use this all for the benefit of the living.

After the words, they bow low to the four sides and say in a whisper:

I swear to be a witch and keep all witch secrets from this moment of initiation until my death, and pass them on only to those who will be worthy to walk the path of love and goodness. May it be so!

The last words are repeated three times, after which they again bow to the Goddess and thank for the opportunity to join the retinue.

Along with this article read:

Another rite that allows you to become a good witch in the real world. There is a place where the four elements meet. Best of all - a place near the shore of a reservoir (water), where there is soil on the shore, and not sand (earth), where there is a strong wind (air). Lighted candles symbolize the element of fire. It is better to use closed candlesticks so that the wind does not extinguish the fire.

The ritual is performed at night. A circle of salt is drawn around the witch, saving her from a possible negative attack from outside. A naked woman in the center of the magic circle prays to the Goddess for mercy and asks to listen. Candles are lit, starting from the east, the last - the north. When the first candle is lit, they say loudly:

I, (name), ask the spirit of the East to open the gates of the energy of the Earth and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills every cell of my body with the magical power of the Earth. May it be so!

The next candle is lit and says:

I, (name), ask the spirit of the South to open the gates of Fire and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills my heart with the magical power of Fire. May it be so!

On the candle, responsible for the West, they say:

I, (name), ask the spirit of the West to open the gates of Water and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills my life with the magical power of Water. May it be so!

At the last candle, they ask for the wisdom of the spirits of the air:

I, (name), ask the spirit of the North to open the gates of Air and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills my soul with the magical power of Air. May it be so!

When all the candles are burning, and the cardinal points and the four elements are united in the witch, they stretch out their hands to the heavenly body and say in a whisper:

O Great Goddess, who controls everything under the Moon, bless me, (name) and grant me, (name), initiation into witches, teach me to understand everything that is hidden behind the moon shadow, and grant wisdom to use it for the benefit of people born at night! May it be so!

A woman feels how the energy literally flows into the body. When half filled, hands are thrown up again to the sky, but already in the direction from where the sun rises, and says:

O Great God, who controls everything that is under the Sun, bless me, (name), and support me, (name), on the path of the witch, teach me to understand what is hidden under the sun's shadow and grant wisdom to use it for the benefit of people born in the day ! May it be so!

Continue to imagine how the energy spreads through the body. When the body is filled to the top, arms spread out in different directions and ask in a whisper:

O spirits of the four elements, lords of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, I ask you: support me on the path of the witch, lead me along the path of goodness and light and help me comprehend the knowledge of magic, teach me how to manage it and help me in every possible way, from this day and forever! Help me for the benefit of people born in the twilight! May it be so!

They imagine that four multi-colored ribbons stretch from the surrounding elements, which encircle the witch, entangle them completely and turn them into an endless stream of energy, strength and wisdom. When the movement of energy flows stops, and the woman is surrounded by a dense cocoon, they say:

I will become a witch! I become a witch! I became a witch! May it be so!

How can you become a black witch

To turn into, several strong rituals are performed. Rites are performed on the full moon - a time favorable for rituals.

Rite with a broom

It is not enough for a black witch to simply call on the help of the spirits of different elements. We need an assistant who will testify to her becoming a sorceress before the Devil and will help in further rituals. For the ritual take:

  • old broom;
  • water from three different sources.

old broom water

At midnight they go outside and sweep the path a little, clearing the way for the spirit. Repeat text:

I call here a witness of my teaching. I will wash myself with water from three different sources, I will break the seven seals of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday. I will take the wisdom of the Serpent, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of an arrow from lightning, the dew from the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David. The sword in my hand will strike the enemy. I will dress myself with impenetrable shields. I will hide behind an invisible canopy. I will put on my armor on my way. Witness - are you here?! I swear to be stronger than my enemies and turn them! I burn this golik (broom) and with it a deviation from the teachings. I will open the book and break its seven seals. I see Satan falling from the sky like lightning. That lightning is my teaching. Amen.

When the words are spoken, a liquid is poured onto the head, a broom is burned. The next morning will be the result of the ceremony.

Dedication to the cemetery

The place is known for its large supply of negative energy. Cemetery- a meeting place for black magicians and. If the dark sorceress has passed the initiation ceremony at the cemetery, her powers will be multiplied several times. You should not disturb the dead and work with the graves, it is enough to be on the territory of the cemetery.

The ceremony takes place on the full moon. Before the ritual, they fast for at least three days. The actual day of the ceremony should not include anything superfluous. Meetings with friends are postponed, a day off from work is taken. Time is devoted to reading esoteric literature, meditation, mastering magical practices.

With the onset of evening they go to the cemetery. You can’t talk on the way there and back, turn around. When they enter through the cemetery gates, they greet the dead and the Mistress of the cemetery (you can mentally). An offering is left for the Mistress (usually they donate vodka).

They turn to the search for the optimal place for initiation, listen to intuition. The witch must independently understand which section of the cemetery is suitable. It is not worth going beyond the fences of burials when searching, if you do not plan to contact a specific deceased - behind the fence is the personal territory of the deceased.

Having found a suitable place, they stand there, light a candle, spread their arms in different directions and say:

In the presence of those who sleep in this place, rest, do not open their eyes, I call the Witness to me. I came - I'm not afraid, I'll leave - I won't look back. A shroud for the dead, and teaching for me. As steel is strong, so I will be strong in my teaching. Amen.

A spirit is called to witness the initiation. The spirit is addressed during the most complex rites. The assistant requires responsible handling: you will have to learn how to communicate with him in a dream and during meditation. Offerings and sacrifices are necessary for the spirit - without this, the protector weakens.

Magic power of the crossroads

The energy field that appears at the intersection of two roads has always frightened people. Here come the witches and pay ransoms for deeds. The place is also used to take the dignity of a witch. The ritual is performed on the night from Monday to Tuesday. The time of the event is from midnight to two o'clock. Standing at the crossroads, 5 candles are lit around and it is said.

In fact, this word comes from two others - the knower and the mother. Putting them together, no negative context will come out, moreover, they reflect a personality endowed with maternal traits, the talent of a healer. Moreover, it was the Orthodox Slavs who gave a negative color to the sorceresses, who considered evil any magical activity that was not related to the official religion.

A knowing mother undoubtedly has a wide knowledge of witchcraft, magic, but does not necessarily use knowledge for evil. They do not use skills when there is no need, they do not talk about the gift, they do not interfere in the lives of other people.

Witches are both white and black.

Unfortunately, getting the status of a good sorceress is not easy, but real. The most effective rite of passage into a sorceress is the transfer of knowledge through the touch of a dying witch. You can become a witch after the confession of another witch. However, the easiest method is to conduct a ritual, which is accompanied by reading a conspiracy.

What you need to remember when becoming a sorceress

Girls who want to become a real witch should definitely use our advice. Before you begin, it is recommended that you thoroughly study most of the possible sources of information that will tell you about magic, the path, the rules for the use of force. Having finally decided, take a notebook, write in it questions, answers to them. The questions will be: Why should I become a witch? What will I achieve with magic?

Describe doubts, fears, hopes in a notebook, later, it will lay the foundation for the "Book of Shadows".

Practice managing internal energy. Learn to relax, focus, visualize thoughts. At the next stage, you can start learning spells. A real sorceress does not mindlessly copy them from books or the Internet, but develops unique ones based on them, with greater power. A professional witch easily develops an effective spell, rituals, conspiracies. One of the most important components of becoming a witch is the initiation ritual. There are several ways to become a sorceress, but do not be afraid, most likely, the inner voice will tell you which one is best for you.

The ritual of turning into a sorceress

You should not think that after the rite of initiation, you can immediately become a powerful sorceress, commanding time and physical objects with the power of thought. It will be only the first brick in building your new destiny.

The ritual must begin on the full moon. Before it, it is recommended to endure 3 days of strict fasting, before the rite itself, wash the body with a decoction of herbs, relax, you can meditate. Light the incense sticks prepared in advance, draw a magic pentagram or circle on the floor with salt. From the four corners of the world you need to put one burning candle. At midnight, strip naked and stand in the center of the circle with your arms crossed over your chest.

Say your favorite magic spell.

Then they make a symbolic sacrifice to the spirits. The ritual must be completed with a sincere appeal to higher powers, after which the candles must be extinguished and the circle left. In order to develop your skills, it is very important to constantly practice, improve existing skills.

What is worth striving for

Witches are the owners of great power, deep knowledge, therefore they have incredible opportunities. Great power breeds great responsibility, so if you decide to become a witch as a joke, life can get very bad after the initiation rite.

You will be responsible not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Great importance has a choice of the side of light or darkness.

As you might guess, in order to step on the side of the world, you need to do exceptionally good deeds, use only white magic, spells, conspiracies, protect the weak, the disadvantaged. Remember that darkness is usually chosen by weak magicians who are unable or unwilling to evolve to gain much greater power.