Tarot layout “Soulmates. Divination by Tarot Cards - The Connection of Souls In the Face of Your Fears

1 - Will my life change soon?

2 - Is a new love waiting for me, exciting and passionate?

3 - Is it possible that the old love will return to me?

4 - Am I destined to win or inherit money?

5 - Am I going to travel?

6 - Am I working off my karma?

7 - Will my life be long and happy?

8 - Will I have multiple marriages?

7.2 All about me

1 - How do I satisfy the demands of my "I"?

2 - What influence does my mother have on me?

3 - Do I also succumb to the influence of my father?

4 - Is my value system turning against me?

5 - What is my attitude to sex and to my body?

6 - Are my decisions regarding relationships with other people good?

7 - My goal is success. Am I confident enough to succeed?

8 - Does my pessimism affect my financial affairs?

9 - Why do I feel like a victim?

10 - What can I do to change my life?

7.3 Spiritual aspiration

1 - How do I deal with my physical and material problems?

2 - How do I keep my peace of mind?

3 - Will I find a teacher soon?

4 - What prevents my enlightenment?

5 - What should I (should) change now?

6 - Do I have a choice?

7 - Do I have enough faith in myself? Do I believe in a Higher Power?

7.4 Desired goal

1 - Your present.

2 - You will come to this.

3 - Inner desires.

4 - Fears and fears.

5 - What you really need.

6 - The meaning of the search.

7.5 Life decline

This alignment will help the Questioner when he is in a difficult situation that depresses him and negatively affects his psyche. And also when the Questioner would like to know what led him to such a state and how to get out of this crisis.

1 - Past, childhood or youth events that affect the situation.

2 - Events of recent weeks affecting the situation.

3 - Recent events.

4 - "Recession" or crisis.

5 - What will help get out of the crisis.

6 - What you need to do to help yourself get out of the crisis.

7 - Final result.

1 - Opportunities.

2 - Important.

3 - You can safely take on this.

4 - It's not that important.

5 - Necessary.

6 - What will bring joy.

7 - Something that will make you laugh and have fun.

8 - Towards this you will move.

7.7 Karmic alignment

This alignment allows you to find out what the previous incarnations were like, who the Questioner was in past life. It is also possible to look into subsequent incarnations. The layout is interpreted by 3 cards.

1 - 2 - 3 - Cards correspond to the previous incarnation.

4 - 5 - 6 - Cards correspond to the present.

7 - 8 - 9 - Future incarnation.
1 - 4 - 7 - Cards describing the beginning of life.

2 - 5 - 8 - Cards describing the middle of life.

3 - 6 - 9 - Completion, that is, what still awaits you in the current incarnation.

7.8 Facing your fears

1 - What am I afraid of?

2 - Is my safety in danger?

4 - Are my fears related to the situation at work?

5 - Are my fears about sex or my personal safety?

6 - Can these fears damage my health?

7 - Do my fears affect other people?

8 - Are my fears the result of an inferiority complex or insecurity?

9 - why do I feel like a victim?

10 - What should I (should) change to end my fears?

11 - How will it all end?

7.9 Path

Thanks to the “Path” layout, the Questioner will be able to learn about the more fundamental direction in which he has to move and at the same time better understand where it will lead him. The cards will tell about the behavior of the Questioner and his attitude towards this issue up to the present moment and will give recommendations for the future.

1 - What it interacts with, especially the opportunities and risks associated with the issue.

2 - Conscious attitude and rational behavior. Thoughts, reasonable arguments, ideas, intentions, lines of conduct.

3 - Unconscious attitude and emotional behavior. Desires, aspirations, hopes and fears. What the Questioner felt or feels about the question being asked.

4 - External position. The external manifestation and behavior of the Questioner, the impression that he makes on others.

The right column is a suggestion of a line of conduct. The values ​​of positions correspond to the values ​​of the left column.

5 - External position. External manifestations and impressions that the Questioner should create. What he should do and manifest.

6 - Unconscious attitude. Suggestion: Emotions that will help the Questioner.

7 - Conscious attitude, rational line of conduct.

7.10 14-card spread

This alignment is usually carried out to read the general condition of the Questioner at the moment, as well as to clarify the prospects and changes in a particular area of ​​his life in the near future.

S - Significator.

1 - means the characteristic features of the Questioner, his aspiration, potential, energy, as well as the prospect and goals to which he aspires.

2 - Symbolizes his material sphere, attitude to money, determines business characteristics, as well as the significance of material values ​​in his life.

3 - Represents the mind, the intellect of a person, his sociability (or vice versa, his isolation), mentality, spiritual values, attitude towards things that, according to the general scale of values, are higher than the material sphere.

4 - Talks about internal relationships (family, family ties), the inner world, thoughts and desires of the Questioner, i.e. what he does not tell anyone about, his secrets.

5 - Symbolizes sensual relationships, emotions, love affairs, romantic adventures that either take place in the present or are foreseen in the near future.

6 - means work, social activities, as well as the state of health of the Questioner.
7 - Symbolizes partnerships, business ties, relationships in society, and can also denote enemies and envious people.

8 - Reveals the secret desires of the Questioner, concerning the intimate sphere of his life, hidden experiences, as well as an interest in mysticism, in matters of life and death at the level of the Higher Worlds.

9 - Symbolizes the openness and truthfulness of the Questioner, his attitude to religion. The card means the desire for spiritual and physical freedom, a penchant for philosophical reflection.

10 - Means a career, the ability to achieve the desired goal, the desire and success in professional activities.

11 - Talks about the hopes, plans and dreams of the Questioner. The card also means friendly, sincere ties with loved ones.

12 - It means hidden shortcomings and vices of the soul, which a person seeks to hide and not show in communication with people. These can be negative thoughts, dishonest actions for the purpose of profit, etc. the card speaks of the spiritual weaknesses of the Questioner, capable of destroying his inner world and his spirituality. The dropped Arkan can also mean secret enemies standing in the way of the Questioner at the moment.

13 - Opens last and is the result of all divination. It can mean the advice that the Tarot gives in order to correct something, reconsider your spiritual values ​​or change something in your current life and achieve what the soul and consciousness aspire to.

7.11 Reincarnation spread

1 - Who was (was) I in my past life?

2 - Was (a) I married (married)?

3 - Was I happy in a past life?

4 - What did I do in that life?

5 - Was I a worthy, respected person?

6 — What problems and challenges did I face?

7 - Was I famous?

8 - Did I have good health in a past life?

9 - Why did I die?

10 - Was there a person close to me in spirit?

11 - Is my current love someone I knew in a past life?

12 - Am I related to my current parents from a past life?

13 - Which other members of my family came from a past life?

14 - What should I learn in this incarnation?

15 - Will I reincarnate again after this life?

7.12 Soul mate spread

1 - How can I find my soul mate?

2 - Is she in the real world now?

3 – Will I be able to meet my soul mate now?

4 - What should I do to get my soul mate into my life?

5 - Is my soul mate a free spirit?

6 - Were we in a close relationship in the past?

7 - Do I need to make an effort to learn more about soul mates?

8 - will there be mutual understanding and harmony between us?

9 - How can I love and accept my soul mate?

10 - What should I change (in myself or my environment) in anticipation of a soul mate?

11 - What is the conclusion from this?

7.13 Old habits and behaviors

1 - Which of my old habits are bad?

2 - How do they affect my life?

3 - What will help me realize that some of my old habits are hurting me?

4 - Do my habits affect other people?

5 - Will I be able to overcome these habits?

6 - What decisions should I (should) make right now?

7 - Do I need specialist help?

8 - Do I have the strength to resist these old habits?

9 - What changes should I expect when I get rid of these habits?

10 - What is the conclusion from this?

7.14 Creative search

This alignment is used in cases where a person feels a huge potential in himself, wants to fulfill himself, but does not know how and when this should be done.

S - Significator. what is a Significator?

1 - Should the Questioner right now try to change something in his life.

2 - How will the action of the Questioner be reflected in reality.

3 - the result of the actions of the Questioner in moral terms.

4 - What will happen if the Questioner acts independently.

5 - What awaits the Questioner if he looks for companions.

6 - Will the actions of the Questioner bring a quick result.

7 - Will the actions of the Questioner bring material benefits.

8 - Will the actions of the Questioner bring recognition and fame.

9 - Will the Questioner receive spiritual satisfaction.

10 - Summing up.

We are all looking for happiness. If you look at your surroundings, you will see that everyone is looking for their happiness in a different area. Someone strives more for money, someone for relationships and building a family, someone is engaged in creativity. If it is roughly divided human life into spheres, one can single out the areas of health, love, money or security in life, communication and self-realization in some business. These are the main areas in which a person manifests himself. Today in society there is a huge number educational institutions, books, articles, lectures that discuss the science of behavior and success in various areas of life. There are entire volumes of textbooks on how to build relationships correctly, how to make money, and more. These materials reveal to us the laws and rules of the game in a certain area. . ...... ... .

And without knowing these rules, we cannot achieve any result. That is, if a person does not understand where he is, does not understand the rules of conduct corresponding to this place and time, he cannot orient himself in the slightest and achieve some kind of stable position and success. Humanity spends a huge amount of time and money studying these books. and strength, in order to learn the ever deeper and secret rules of success.
But the problem is that only a few become winners in life. Why is this happening? This, of course, is a difficult question. But let's try to analyze at least one side of this issue. The reason is that a person is moving away from harmony.

Life is such a whole thing that you need to try to live as a whole, and not in parts, affect all areas, strive to develop in all directions.
And when a person pays attention to only one part of life, disappointment sets in. Sooner or later he will miss something.
And it's natural. For example, if a person only takes care of his own health, then in the end this health will not be a joy to him, since close people will turn away from him.

Today in our society, many people are educated, wealthy, take care of their health, and, by general standards, have order in the family, but something pushes such outwardly successful people to some kind of search, they feel dissatisfaction, and do not they can find happiness neither in their family, nor in work, nor in money, even if there are a lot of them.

Today people lack knowledge about the laws of spiritual development.

It turns out that there are certain rules of the game in this area, but many people have absolutely no idea about this.

Most people's knowledge ends with: "It's good to go to church - maybe someday I'll do it", "I need to somehow sign up for some yoga or meditate in my free time" ...

At the same time, people do not understand the purpose of spiritual development, the meaning of spiritual practice, and even more so the laws and rules of the game in this area.

A person without a goal cannot move. And, not having a spiritual goal, a person also sees no reason to delve into this area and neglects it.
How important is it to know about this?

I will try to reveal to you some of the secrets of this topic.
As many already know from various sources, a person consists of several energy plans.

What we see is the level of the physical body.

The second level is the level of the etheric body (at this level, certain energy processes that support our life originate - the movement of energy flows, the activity of the chakras, etc.).

And the higher plane of being is called differently in different religions and systems of self-consciousness. This is the spiritual plane (spirit, soul).

If we consider our life (any success and failure), find deep reasons, then we can see that they are rooted in subtle planes. Any problem begins not at the physical level, but in the world of subtle energies.

For example, it may reside in the astral plane as an unforgiven emotion. Because of this, we react incorrectly to certain situations, and these reactions spoil our lives and relationships.

The thinner the plan, the harder it is to understand the problem and the harder it is to deal with it.

The deepest roots, the deepest causes, are on the spiritual plane.

A person has the seeds of all the events of his life, problems and successes on the spiritual energy plane.

But, in short, it is impossible to completely solve the problem, or achieve long-term success and happiness, without working with your spiritual plan. There are the most subtle roots of everything that happens in our lives.

I will give an example to make it easier to understand. When we weed the beds, even having pulled out the whole plant with roots, we leave the thinnest and tenacious roots in the ground. Then they will give life to new shoots. We hurt the plant, and the shoots sprout elsewhere, avoiding the place where they were damaged.

So are our problems. We can work very deeply, even with the help of esoteric methods, but without affecting the spiritual sphere, the problem may sooner or later make itself felt in another area of ​​life.
And one moment.

Our spirit (our essence, the basis of a human being) has certain needs, just as our body has needs for food, water, air and sleep. We cannot get away from them. No matter how we avoid the soul, no matter how we hide from its aspirations, nothing can replace them. Just as it is impossible to replace food with sleep, or sleep instead of eating, it is also impossible for the desire of the soul to satisfy with something else.
Without paying due attention to the spiritual side, a person cannot be truly happy, harmonious, successful, and enjoy life.

There are certain rules in the spiritual realm, just as there are rules for maintaining health (what is bad, what is good for the body). If a person knows what his body needs and does it, he retains health and strength until old age. If a person does not understand, does not appreciate this area, even at the age of 20 he can die from a heart attack, obesity, exhaustion. Also with the needs of the soul ...

There are different paths in spiritual self-realization. Each path is designed for people with certain inclinations. You can get lost if you don't go your own way. Each spiritual method has its own rules and laws that bring us success if we follow them.

Before we proceed to the alignment that interests us, let's find out what kindred spirits are so that there are no disagreements during the interpretation of the cards. What kind of people should be so that they can be called this combination of words. Perhaps soul mates never oppose you or challenge your decisions. Perhaps they act like we do and think the same way. Evaluate the same criteria and speak the same words. Kindred spirits say what we want to hear and act as we would. In search of kindred spirits, you can look into the mysterious deck of Tarot cards by making the appropriate alignment. With whom, if not with cards, can one consult about the existence of kindred spirits and the direction of their search?

According to many representatives of humanity, soul mates enhance your strengths and weaken your weaknesses. Soulmates are those people who are your addition and continuation. One of the most faithful in demand is the Tarot layout called “Soul Mates”. In the layout for a complete picture, it is recommended to use the cards of both groups of Arcana. The alignment is not easy and it must be treated with full understanding. In it, you will have the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside. Consider your relationship with the opposite sex from early childhood until now. Understand how your relationship with children and caregivers developed in kindergarten, then with teachers and classmates at school. Understand what has affected your subconscious and how you feel about yourself. How significant were your relationships with authority figures. And how did your self-esteem change in dealing with people who got out of the common rut.

Tarot cards capture the connection with parents and their influence on the formation of your "I". This alignment unravels the network of the most complex and intricate relationships of partners. There are many cards in the soul mate spread that tell you how you want your partner to be and indicate the path to find him. The characteristic of his emotional and intellectual sphere is given. The cards do not pass by such an important component of the relationship of people in the sphere as material. The final stage of the alignment is a description of the path that you have to go in search of soul mates. The alignment would not be complete if it did not contain a warning of what to fear and avoid. What to do so that loved ones do not lose each other and their union is long and brings pleasure and satisfaction to both.