Breeding crayfish in home aquariums. Brief business plan for growing crayfish

Breeding crayfish as a business is a new line of business for Russia. To date, in our country, the cultivation of crustaceans on an industrial scale is underdeveloped. This makes it possible for new players to gain a foothold in the market, who will be able to make high profits due to growing demand and insufficient supply. Having developed a detailed business plan, having decided on sources of financing, distribution channels, etc., as well as registering a company, you can begin to implement a business idea.

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Business Description

Crayfish farming is a business that will suit both an entrepreneur with small capital, to open a mini-farm, and a businessman who wants to organize a large-scale production.

Entrepreneurial experience in this field of activity in other countries, such as Turkey and the United States, confirms that you can make good money on crayfish.

To open a farm for growing crustaceans, you will need:

  • suitable pond or pools;
  • crayfish that will give offspring;
  • special equipment to create the required microclimate;
  • food base for arthropods;
  • time.

The key to a successful business should be:

  • responsible attitude on the part of the manager and staff;
  • strict compliance with growing technology;
  • maintaining the required mode of keeping crayfish;
  • discipline.

The success of the common cause depends on the literacy of the organization of the production process, otherwise the entrepreneur risks losing his investments. The main thing in breeding crayfish is the creation of conditions for the life of animals, their active growth and reproduction.

Before proceeding with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcultivating crustaceans, the following nuances should be considered:

  • the seasonal nature of the business;
  • delayed start, the payback period can stretch for seven years;
  • to open a farm will require significant investment.

Ways to acquire crayfish:

  • purchase of thoroughbred males and females from breeders (one male is needed for two females);
  • independent capture of crayfish in natural reservoirs;
  • purchase of crayfish caught by fishermen in natural reservoirs;
  • buying females with caviar from breeders.

Forms of sale of crayfish:

  • boiled fresh;
  • boiled ice creams;
  • canned;
  • alive.

Features of breeding and keeping

Features of reproduction of crayfish:

  • mating period - September and October (when keeping crayfish in conditions as close to natural as possible);
  • one female per year is able to bring two offspring (when keeping crayfish in artificial conditions, when they do not hibernate);
  • one male fertilizes two females in a row;
  • at first, the caviar of the crayfish is under the shell, then the female lays it under her tail;
  • eggs turn into larvae after two months;
  • within three weeks, the female covers them with her tail from various dangers;
  • on average, one female grows 12 crustaceans (under natural conditions);
  • when breeding crayfish at home, the female can bring up to 60 crustaceans per year (for different breeds, this figure is different).

Key points to prioritize when breeding crayfish:

Temperature regimeFor mature individuals - from +17 to +20°C.

For crustaceans - from +18 to +23°C.

Food base for crustaceans when kept in artificial reservoirs:

  • grain, previously crushed and steamed;
  • bread;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • chopped carrots and other vegetables;
  • calcium supplements;
  • minced fish and meat.

For one individual per day, food is required, the weight of which is 2 percent of the mass of the cancer itself.

crayfish breeds

The most common crayfish breeds suitable for breeding for sale are:

  1. Australian cancer. It is distinguished by fleshy claws. Australian cancer feeds on fish, algae, bread, feed, etc. Such individuals mainly live in warm water and therefore they are quite easy to breed at home.
  2. Blue Cuban crayfish. This breed of crayfish is suitable for growing in open water, as they are very unpretentious. The main condition for successful maintenance is a temperature of about +21 +26 ° C, as well as regular complementary foods. Under these conditions, it is possible to grow an individual of the size required for sale in about six months. Suitable for home keeping in aquariums.
  3. Marble Cancer. Crayfish of this breed grow well at a temperature of +20 +28 ° C and plentiful regular feeding. This is a large cancer, reaching a length of 15 centimeters. All crayfish are females, they reproduce by parthenogenesis.
  4. Far Eastern and European crayfish. They are actively bred in Russia, and the European type is well suited for growing at home. These crayfish are of two types: broad-toed and long-toed. In the first case, the individual has a high-quality abdomen and is easily bred in open areas throughout the Russian Federation. Broad-toed pets are picky and feel good in cold water (from +4°C) and warm (up to +28°C).

Photo gallery

Australian cancer blue cuban crayfish Marble cancer European cancer


Circumstances that determine the relevance of the crayfish business:

  1. This is an area of ​​entrepreneurial activity that allows you to start a business from small and develop it to a full-fledged farm. Since demand is not covered by supply, the businessman has the opportunity to expand production.
  2. Low competition, as the market is new for Russia. Here a novice entrepreneur can show himself. This circumstance will facilitate the process of finding and establishing sales of finished products.
  3. High demand for crayfish meat. In Russia, there is a significant demand for this product due to its excellent taste.
  4. For the functioning of cancer production, minimal labor costs are required.
  5. In the history of Russia there was a period (before the revolution) when the process of growing crayfish in artificial reservoirs was carried out very successfully. At that time, crayfish meat acted as an exported product to many European countries. This indicates that it is quite possible to achieve high results in this business area in Russian conditions.

Description and analysis of the market

Main characteristics of the Russian crustacean market:

  • the proportion of crayfish grown under artificial conditions is growing;
  • the economic counter-sanctions and sanctions in force in Russia have a positive impact on the development of the market;
  • exports of crustaceans, as well as fish, shellfish, etc., in the third quarter of 2016 amounted to 891.9 million US dollars;
  • the volume of exports of crustaceans, as well as fish, mollusks and others, increased by 20 percent (compared to the 3rd quarter of 2015);
  • in Russia there are state support mechanisms for entrepreneurs engaged in fish farming, including crustaceans;
  • the share of crustacean exports is about 2 percent of fish products exported from the country;
  • the main suppliers of crayfish in the world market are Turkey, China, Spain.

The target audience

Large crayfish farms operate in the "B2B" - "business to business" sector.

Their target audience will be:

  • fish markets;
  • restaurants;
  • cafe;
  • sports bars;
  • eateries;
  • beer;
  • saunas, baths;
  • supermarkets;
  • canned goods manufacturers, etc.

Mini-farms often organize retail sales, in which case the main consumers will be:

  • predominantly men;
  • age - from 20 to 60 years;
  • financial position - medium and above.

Homemade products can be sold:

  • acquaintances;
  • relatives;
  • neighbors;
  • near busy roads;
  • in the markets.

Competitive advantages

The main competitive advantages of a crayfish farm:

  • selling only fresh products;
  • crayfish should be large and fleshy;
  • crayfish must be healthy;
  • affordable price;
  • sale of both fresh and cooked crayfish;
  • delivery of products to a partner/buyer;
  • having your own website.

Advertising campaign

  1. Development of an informative website. It contains information about the value of crayfish meat, the conditions for their cultivation, the competitive advantages of the farm, as well as contact information for future partners/buyers. You can connect the "online assistant" function to the site, with the help of which the client will be able to communicate interactively with a company representative and ask questions. Also on the site you can provide the possibility of ordering goods and their delivery.
  2. Placement of information / announcements about the company and its products on relevant websites, forums, electronic bulletin boards and other resources.
  3. Creating your own pages in popular social networks. Here information about the company's product for interested parties is presented.
  4. Advertising on YouTube. Because the big number Internet users actively browse the channels of culinary bloggers they like, this product promotion tool can be effective. In their videos, presenters have the opportunity to show various ways cooking crustaceans and mention the name of the farm where they were grown. People who watched the video, visited the corporate website and made an order, can be provided with a discount using a promo code.
  5. Offering farm products to potential partners (legal entities) by telephone and personal meetings with them. In order to agree on a stable supply of products, it is necessary to offer favorable terms of cooperation. This is an attractive price, and the regularity of deliveries, and high quality, and own delivery service, etc.

Crayfish breeding methods

To organize a crayfish breeding business, an entrepreneur can consider the following main approaches:

  • breeding individuals at home, in aquariums;
  • cultivation of crustaceans in pools or reservoirs taken for temporary use;
  • cultivation of crustaceans in own pools or reservoirs.

In a swimming pool

In order to prevent crayfish from hibernating, it is better to build indoor pools, which can be additionally covered in winter. Due to this, the profitability of the business will be increased almost twice. A full-fledged crayfish farm should include several pools, this will allow you to separately grow young crustaceans, as well as females with caviar. The bottom is covered with clay, gravel, sand, etc.

The video shows a budget option for organizing a cancer farm at home using homemade pools. Filmed by the channel: "Archie".

In the ponds

Advantages of keeping crayfish in ponds:

  • natural water purification;
  • natural aeration;
  • natural food prevails (for example, algae, insect larvae, plankton, etc.);
  • low material costs for organizing a business and its maintenance;
  • ease of organization.

A cancer farm built using the technology of growing arthropods in ponds has the following disadvantages:

  • arthropods hibernate;
  • slow growth (cancer is gaining commercial mass only by the fifth year of life);
  • slow reproduction;
  • high mortality due to cold winters;
  • low stocking density - 8 individuals per square meter;
  • bottom needs to be cleaned regularly.

In aquarium

At home, a limited number of crayfish can be grown in an aquarium, due to their limited volume.

Requirements for aquariums and their arrangement:

  • it is desirable to use the largest possible aquarium, a frameless capacity of more than 250 liters is suitable;
  • the bottom of the aquarium is covered with soil, stones, snags are installed (they will serve as a shelter for crayfish, will serve as a hole);
  • the temperature must be stable;
  • automatic water filtration or its regular manual renewal;
  • intensive aeration;
  • up to 50 arthropods can live on one square meter.

Advantages of keeping crayfish in aquariums at home:

  • do not hibernate;
  • actively growing;
  • the time of embryonic development is reduced (up to three to four months).

In the cellars

This is another option for keeping crayfish at home. In the basement, the temperature level is usually maintained year-round, which is optimal for breeding crayfish. In this case, you can save on additional insulation of aquariums or their heating. Usually, the basement is equipped with multi-tiered racks on which aquariums are displayed.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

The sequence of actions for a businessman to organize a cancer farm at home (with an aquarium in the basement):

  1. Think over and calculate a business plan.
  2. Register a business.
  3. Find crayfish sellers or catch them yourself.
  4. Prepare the basement.
  5. Carry out the layout of the premises with the installation of shelving and aquariums.
  6. Equip aquariums.
  7. Buy crayfish and put them in aquariums.
  8. Define distribution channels.
  9. Advertising and promotion.


The nuances of registering a crayfish breeding business:

  1. When organizing a business at the household level, with the distribution of products among your acquaintances / friends, the activities of a mini-farm may not be legally formalized. If you plan to sell products through stores or your own outlet, then you will need to register an individual entrepreneur. Large farm working with legal entities, preferably registered as an LLC. The creation of the organization will increase the image and credibility of the cancer farm on the part of partners.
  2. To carry out the process of selling crayfish to an entrepreneur in without fail a veterinary certificate is required. The goods sold must be labeled and packaged.

Suitable economic activity codes:

  • 03.2 "Aquaculture", this code refers to the cultivation of crustaceans using methods aimed at increasing the number of arthropods outside the natural environment;
  • 03.21 "Sea fish farming" - it is supposed to breed crayfish in sea water;
  • 02.22 "Freshwater fish farming" - it is supposed to breed crayfish in fresh water;
  • 10.2 - processing and preservation of crustaceans;
  • 46.38 - wholesale of crustaceans;
  • 47.23 - retail sale of crustaceans.

At the time of business registration, it is desirable that the entrepreneur is the owner of the land on which the farm will be located. In case of land lease, it will be necessary to obtain additional permits. It is important that ponds are not connected to natural federal water bodies.

Documents requested when registering an individual entrepreneur:

  • a statement certified by a notary;
  • a statement of desire to work under the simplified tax system / unified agricultural tax;
  • a copy of the key pages of the passport.

Documents requested when registering a limited liability company:

  • statement;
  • charter of the company;
  • document confirming common decision founders on the establishment of LLC;
  • certificate proving the fact of payment of the state duty;
  • copies of passports of all founders;
  • a statement about the desire to work under the simplified tax system / ESHN.


The crayfish business provides for the need for the following premises.

Ways to grow crayfishDescription of required premises
For home breedingThis can be a basement or a heated room (for example, a room in a house or). The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room depends on how many crayfish you plan to grow.
When breeding in pondsGrowing crayfish in open water does not provide for the presence of special facilities. However, you may need a utility room for storing inventory, feed, sorting and packaging of crayfish. Usually, to equip one pond, they dig a shallow pit with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 60 square meters. You can also pick up land with existing ponds that are suitable for breeding crustaceans.

Reservoir requirements:

  • the pond should not be silted or waterlogged;
  • it is permissible to grow crustaceans in fish ponds that do not contain predatory fish;
  • it is best to breed crayfish in central Russia, where there is a temperate climate;
  • it is desirable to have a natural influx of water (for example, a stream);
  • according to the Federal Law of Russia "On Subsoil", the depth of the reservoir should not be more than 5 meters (optimally - up to two meters).
When breeding in poolsWhen choosing a room / land plot for organizing an indoor heated pool, the following should be considered:
  • availability of electricity;
  • good water supply;
  • the presence of sewerage;
  • convenient access roads.

Equipment and inventory

To equip a home cancer farm, you will need the following equipment and supplies.

NameEstimated prices in rubles
Aquariums for crustaceans, 300 liters (5 pcs.)100 000
Aquariums for adult crayfish, 300 liters (10 pcs.)200 000
Aquariums for females with caviar, 200 liters (2 pcs.)30 000
Shelving20 000
Packing containers for crayfish for sale (100 pcs.)5 000
Freezer chest16 000
Isothermal container4 000
Lighting5 000
Aerators (17 pieces)15 000
Filtration systems (17 pieces)115 000
Heaters (10 pieces)10 000
electronic scales2 000
gravel, sand, clay5 000
Other equipment and inventory8 000
Total635 000

Photo gallery

Rectangular aquarium 300 liters - 20,000 rubles External filter - 11,500 rubles Compressor - 1,500 rubles Heater - 1,000 rubles


The number of workers on the farm depends on the scale of production, the method of breeding crayfish and marketing. As part of home production, one person is enough; the farmer himself can handle a dozen aquariums. Since caring for crayfish is easy, he will have time to deal with sales and bookkeeping issues. If the scale of production has increased, then it will be enough to hire one or two more assistants.

The industrial scale of crayfish breeding requires the businessman to form a full-fledged staff of employees:

  • director;
  • workers supervising and caring for crayfish;
  • driver;
  • Sales Manager.

The main workers will perform the following functions:

  • crayfish feeding;
  • control over water temperature and its quality;
  • aquarium cleaning;
  • water change;
  • monitoring growth rates of adults and juveniles, as well as females with eggs;
  • selection of crayfish for sale;
  • removal of dead individuals;
  • equipment operation control;
  • maintaining primary records of cancers, etc.

Financial plan

Basic information on the basis of which further financial planning of the crayfish business will be carried out.

Crayfish breeding methodIn the basement of a private house (basement area - 40 square meters), in aquariums
crayfish breedMarble (all female crayfish)
Initial number of individuals50 females
Aquarium area10 square meters
Maximum farm capacity900 individuals per season
Number of seasons per yearTwo
Legal status of the farmIndividual entrepreneurship
Sales formatB2B; through bars, pubs, restaurants
LocationProvincial Russian city with a population of about 0.5 million people, located in the middle lane
StateOne person is an entrepreneur

Starting investments

Starting investment in opening a cancer farm at home.

Recurring costs

Monthly investment in the crayfish business.


The following data were used to calculate the financial performance of the crayfish farm.

Business project performance indicators.

Calendar plan

Stages of implementing a business project for organizing a farm at home.

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month5 month6 month7 month
Formation of a business idea and solution of key issues: breeding method, breed, cultivation technology, etc.+
Business plan calculation+
Preparation of papers for registration of IP+ +
Registration of IP in the tax, and registration in other organizations +
Room preparation +
Search for crayfish breeders+
Purchase of aquariums and other equipment +
Preparing aquariums, installing equipment and filling them with water +
Purchase of crayfish with caviar and their planting in aquariums +
The appearance of the first offspring + +
Purchase of feed +
Site development + + +
Carrying out promotional activities + + + + +
Negotiating with potential partners on the marketing of crayfish + + + +
The first profit from the sale of crayfish +

Risks and payback

The main risk factors for cancer business.

risk factorDescription of the riskProbability
Violation of conditions for keeping crustaceansCrayfish kept in poor quality water and not receiving proper care and nutrition can get sick and die. Also, in uncomfortable conditions, crayfish grow and multiply poorly.high
Economic crisisrecession economic development country is reflected in the decline in the solvency of the population. Since crayfish are not essential goods, in such a situation, a decrease in demand for crayfish meat can be predicted.Medium
Bad salesThe occurrence of this risk is unlikely, since the market is not saturated and crayfish are in great demand in Russia.Low
Damage of crayfish due to violation of storage conditions during transportationThe entrepreneur must organize the delivery of goods of proper quality. For this, insulated containers should be used.Low
Equipment breakdownDue to the use of low-quality equipment, keeping crayfish in aquariums is dangerous. In the event of malfunctions in its operation, crayfish, for example, may freeze or not receive enough oxygen.Low

The payback period for a cancer farm organized at home is quite long, averaging six to seven years.

Anyone who has tried crayfish meat at least once knows how tasty and tender it is. At present, the breeding of these representatives of the fauna in Russia is practically not mastered. However, the demand for the product is high. Some villagers manage to make good money fishing for crayfish in their natural habitat, but in this way they negatively affect the natural population of these animals. Such fishing is essentially poaching. Even before the revolution in Russia, they were successfully breeding crayfish in an artificial environment. The resulting meat was exported to many European countries. The current state of affairs is such that the main suppliers of this product to the world market are Turkey, China and Spain, countries where previously crayfish were not found at all.


How to breed crayfish in ponds? For starters, if it is silted or swampy. The neighborhood of crayfish with crucians, carps and other non-predatory fish is allowed. However, keep in mind that such a business will suffer with the arrival of winter. This is due to the fact that crayfish tend to hibernate if the air temperature drops below fifteen degrees Celsius. In a state of suspended animation, they stop eating food and, accordingly, do not gain weight. If the reservoir completely freezes to the bottom, your pets will die.

Nevertheless, many businessmen are wondering how to breed crayfish in ponds, because such reservoirs are the most stable aqua systems capable of self-purification and self-renewal. At the same time, it is possible to save a lot on feed, filters and aerators. Crayfish will happily feed on plankton, algae and insect larvae. The disadvantage is that in the natural environment, the growth of these animals is not fast enough. The mass of goods is recruited approximately at the fifth year of life. Thus, the business will begin to generate income only after six years. It is attractive that the initial investment is practically not required.


How To do this, you need an aquarium with a capacity of at least two hundred and fifty liters (frameless). Fill the bottom of the tank with soil, and also place stones and snags there (your pets will hide behind them).

How to breed crayfish at home in such a way that they do not fall into hibernation? To do this, it is important to make sure that the water temperature fluctuates insignificantly and is not below fifteen degrees Celsius. In addition, it is important to ensure high-quality filtration and aeration of the liquid. Under such conditions, it is allowed to increase the stocking density of animals up to three hundred and fifty individuals per square meter.

The only drawback of the described business is its small volumes. Industrial scale is difficult to achieve due to the limited breeding area. However, some entrepreneurs have figured out how to breed crayfish in an aquarium in order to maximize profits. At home, they grow larvae to "underyearlings", and only then release them into a natural or artificial reservoir. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to organize a successful business. But how to breed crayfish at home to minimize losses? In the first place should be control over water quality. In this case, not very many larvae will die, in addition, they will develop much faster.


How to breed crayfish at home, if you don’t want to clutter up your living space with huge aquariums? Use your basement. For most people, it plays the role of a place to store unnecessary things, and for you it will become a way to receive money. If necessary, it will be necessary to insulate the basement so that the crayfish do not hibernate at low water temperatures. To organize lighting, purchase a two hundred watt lamp and hang it in the center of the ceiling. Equip your basement with tiered aquarium shelving. After completing the preparatory work, it will be time to ask yourself how to breed crayfish.

Where to buy

Buying larvae is not easy. Most likely, you will have to raise the young on your own. You can buy crayfish even in the supermarket. There should be two females for each male. Mating season begins in autumn. In late spring, females can be easily visually distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. A kilogram of these animals can cost you from three hundred to five hundred rubles. And even such small expenses can be avoided by catching crayfish yourself in the pond.

What to feed

How to properly breed crayfish so that they actively gain weight? To do this, it is important to provide them with high-quality nutritious food. Crayfish prefer earthworms, insect larvae and small snails. In an artificial habitat, they will not refuse steamed and chopped grains, boiled potatoes and grated carrots. These foods should make up the bulk of the animal's diet. Meat and fish are valuable sources of protein. How to breed crayfish without making mistakes in the process of feeding them? Calculate the daily food intake of animals. It should be 2% of their weight.

Reproduction features

Mating takes place in September and October. Males are able to fertilize up to two females in a row. If they come across a third, they will simply eat it. This fact determines the optimal ratio of individuals of different sexes in the reservoir (two females per male).

Initially, the caviar is located in the animal under the shell. After laying, it is fixed under the tail. In order for the embryos to develop properly, the female constantly washes the eggs, thereby effectively cleaning them. After two months, the larvae hatch. For another three weeks, they rest under the tail of the female to avoid many dangers. After this time, completely independent crustaceans leave their cozy shelter forever. In the natural habitat, each female is able to grow up to twelve larvae. She cannot have more than twenty descendants a year. As for home conditions, this number can really be tripled.


Young crustaceans molt eight times in the first twelve months of their lives. In the next two years, they will have to go through this up to seven or nine more times. Adults molt much less frequently - once or twice every 12 months. During this period, the old shell is simply discarded, as it becomes cramped for a growing animal.

How to breed crayfish correctly? It is necessary to pay special attention to them during the molting period, when the animal becomes especially vulnerable to attack not only by predatory fish and birds, but also by its relatives.


breeding sites

If you are serious and plan to turn crayfish breeding into a highly profitable business, we advise you to organize a farm. Only in this case it will be possible to establish production delicious product on an industrial scale. This will require the following:

- hatching aquariums. It is very important that they are equipped with powerful heaters, compressors and a filtration system.

- Pools where crayfish are bred, which have become independent individuals. There they need to be grown to the stage of fingerlings.

- Covered ponds. There should be at least two of them, but it is better to try to organize even more. Thus, the business will develop faster. The minimum area of ​​the reservoir should be 25 square meters. m, and the depth is 2 m. Keep in mind that gas exchange occurs better in elongated ponds. It is recommended that the water in them be running. That is why it is so important that a river flows nearby. If this is not possible on your farm, drill some water wells.

At the bottom of the reservoirs, be sure to place shelters for crayfish. They can serve as fragments of pipes made of plastic or ceramics, stones, driftwood, etc.

Important point

What are the best crayfish to breed? On the territory of Russia, Far Eastern and European species are most common. The latter are most often used on an industrial scale. They are divided into long-toed and broad-toed. The latter are the most valuable species. It is their bellies that are called "crayfish necks" in cooking. However, keep in mind that this species is listed in the Red Book, so it is still better to breed long-clawed crayfish. This way you will avoid problems with the regulatory authorities.

There are also lake and river crayfish. The former are most suitable for home business, as they do not hibernate and can reach impressive sizes. However, there is one drawback: lake crayfish are very capricious. For their breeding and successful maintenance, a warm room of at least twenty square meters will be required. Crayfish are not so demanding, but they are smaller in size, respectively, and they are not so expensive.

When buying animals, do not lose sight of the fact that crayfish of different species do not live in the same reservoir.

Dacha not only for garden beds

When equipping a pond on a personal plot, keep in mind that it is very important for crayfish to have holes. That is why the pond should be with clay banks and a rocky bottom. It is very important that it be on your territory, then it will be possible to control the breeding process and protect animals from criminal encroachments.

How to breed crayfish in the country? If the site is large enough, it is better to organize three or four reservoirs. Of course, you can do it on your own, but an excavator will cope with such work much easier. Do not spare money and order the necessary equipment. After completing this stage of work, think about the improvement of reservoirs. It is better to cover the bottom with stones and sprinkle them with river sand. Plant grass (field or garden) along the edge of the pond.

Next, proceed to the organization of water disposal. To do this, you can use a regular pipe, which is closed from above with a valve. Put a net on the pipe so that the crayfish do not have the opportunity to leave the reservoir through a kind of tunnel.

The most exciting moment is filling the pit with water and launching the first crayfish. Now comes a period of constant concern for the habitat of animals. Remember to change the water every two to three weeks. It is better to update the pond by about a third, so as not to greatly disturb the established microclimate.

Is it profitable to breed crayfish?

To obtain at least one ton of these animals in a few years, you will need to purchase about six hundred individuals. The main costs are in the start-up period. They amount to approximately 120 thousand rubles. for the equipment of reservoirs and 50 thousand rubles. for the purchase of young. With an investment of two hundred thousand rubles, you will earn your first million in about two years. Of course, these are just rough estimates. In fact, income depends on selling prices. Also, keep in mind that the larger the crayfish, the more expensive they are.

How to sell?

The absence of problems with points of sale is one of the main advantages of this business. The fact is that at present the competition in this area is low, and this is with a constant shortage of cancers. Numerous restaurants, cafes, bars may be interested in your product. As a rule, they prefer wholesale suppliers.

Did you know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good as red caviar in terms of taste and nutritional qualities? This can also be emphasized in the process of finding buyers. In addition, chitin shells of the considered animals, amazing in their properties, are widely used in various types of production.


We have considered in detail the question of how to breed crayfish. This business is profitable, but don't expect instant profits. Proper organization of the habitat and careful care of crayfish is the key to success.

Hello, dear readers of "Startapoff"!

Crayfish breeding is a business idea and a guaranteed high income. Judge for yourself: there is always a huge demand for live crayfish, their price is rather high, their cultivation does not require large labor costs.

You will learn how to open your own business in this area, grow crayfish and establish sales.

Project Summary

Your goal is to earn a steady income from an intensive long-toed or Australian crayfish farm. To achieve it, reservoirs with a total area of ​​1000 square meters are needed.

Half of the reservoirs are covered, winter type with non-freezing water for year-round cultivation and half open for breeding in natural conditions. Such a farm, subject to the technology of breeding crustaceans, will bring 3 tons of product per year. The production will bring the first income in a year. You will reach the planned capacity by the 3rd year of operation.

This method of cultivation ensures the production of marketable crayfish in a year and a half. IN natural conditions to the desired size in the middle lane and the northern regions of Russia, it grows in 4-5 years.

The consumption of crustaceans per capita in Russia is growing annually by 2-15% per year, depending on the region, according to the marketing agency Discovery Research Group.

The level of competition in the market

This niche in the Russian market is poorly developed in comparison with the US and European countries. Industrial cultivation of crustaceans requires significant start-up investments, so those who have all or at least half of the funds needed to start take it on.

The demand for these products in the markets of our country is consistently high, regardless of the region. Buyers are not deterred by the high price of this product. It is considered a delicacy, so it is readily bought by retail and wholesale buyers (bathhouses, cafes, restaurants, bars).

The cost of these live crustaceans depends on the size of the individual.

average price for individuals with different weights:

  • 20-30g - 850 rubles;
  • 30-40g - 1150 rubles;
  • 40-60g - 1450 rubles;
  • 60-80g - 1750 rubles;
  • 80-200 - 2450 rubles.

Possible risks

The risks depend on the characteristics of your region. Difficulties lie in wait for beginners at the start of the project. They are associated with the preparation of reservoirs, the slow growth of individuals.

The risks and ways to prevent them are described in detail in the table:

The nature of the risks Probability The severity of the consequences How to prevent?
Delay in construction, increase in the cost of the process Medium Medium Draw up a contract with the builders with a fixed completion date and a fixed estimate.
Loss of part of the population of individuals or the entire population Low high Strictly observe the cultivation technology. Monitor the conditions of the population, isolate the sick in time.
Aggressive competitor policy Low Medium Get all the necessary sanitary certificates and documents, develop your competitive advantages, engage the veterinary service to fight illegal traders.
Natural disasters Low Medium Take out farm insurance.

Production plan

To achieve your goal, you need a production plan with clear indications of the area of ​​the farm, a list of the necessary equipment and tools, as well as a strategy for purchasing feed and breeding crustaceans.

I'll tell you more about each point of the plan.

Required areas

Start work by creating artificial reservoirs with a total area of ​​900-1000 square meters. For ponds, choose a flat area with good access roads. It is important that the selected area has a well or connection to a centralized water supply, and also does not belong to the category of flooded land.

For the organization of reservoirs, a plot of 25 acres is enough. The layout of ponds for such an area: 10 closed ponds 4 * 8 meters in size, 10 open ones 6 * 10 meters in size. The distance between the ponds is 3 meters.

Requirements for ponds:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. Sheer side walls forming a right angle with the bottom.
  3. The bottom relief is even, silty with a given bearing.
  4. Depth 2-2.5 meters.
  5. Sheets for indoor ponds made of polypropylene 8 mm thick.

An alternative to a pond is RAS (recirculating water supply installations) equipped with everything necessary for breeding crustaceans.

RAS is a closed system that maintains optimal conditions for the life of aquatic organisms

Equipment and inventory

Crustaceans are sensitive to breeding conditions. To create optimal conditions for them to reproduce and grow, you need special equipment.

List of required equipment:

  1. Covering and frames for indoor ponds. Polycarbonate covers maintain a stable temperature in the ponds, providing optimal conditions all year round.
  2. An aerator or air compressor that prevents stagnant water in the pond.
  3. Oxidizer for saturating water with oxygen.
  4. A flow filter for cleaning water bodies from food residues, waste products of crustaceans.
  5. Control devices: an oximeter for measuring the level of oxygen in water, a salt meter for determining the number of salts in it, a conductometer for evaluating the effectiveness of water purification systems.

Purchase of feed

For intensive cultivation, you need special combined feeds, which include wheat bran, wheat, sunflower or soybean meal, fish and meat and bone meal, milk powder, vegetable oil.

In addition, crayfish are fed boiled vegetable waste, bread, raw fish and meat, fallen leaves, earthworms, tadpoles and algae.

The best option for rapid growth is compound feed. To save money, choose mixtures without meat and bone and fishmeal. Replace these expensive ingredients with cheaper meat or fish scraps.

Buy food from trusted suppliers. Choose two or three advantageous offers so that in case of force majeure your pets will not be left without food.

Buying crayfish for divorce

To open production, you need to buy young animals. For a good population, buy an equal number of males and females.

In females, the first pair of abdominal legs is underdeveloped, in the male, the first two pairs of them are most strongly developed and directed towards the head.

For the first season, you will get 50-55 young crustaceans from each female. Based on the fact that out of 100 eggs laid by a female, according to statistics, only half of the offspring survive.

Over the next 5 years, you will have to regularly buy new individuals. Only after 5 years will your production reach the level of a self-reproducing population, and you will refuse to buy young animals.

Some farmers, in order to save on the purchase of individuals for breeding crayfish, are advised to catch them in natural ponds and rivers. This method has one advantage - getting crayfish for free, but there are many disadvantages: laboriousness, the risk of catching sick individuals, as well as individuals of "advanced" age.

To help beginner cancer growers, a table for determining the age of cancer:

The dependence of the size of crayfish on age
Age in days Male body length, mm Female body length, mm
20 21,9 21,6
30 28,5 28,0
40 34,7 33,8
50 40,2 39,3
60 45,3 44,2
70 49,9 48,6
80 54,0 52,5
90 57,7 56,0
100 60,7 59,0
110 63,3 61,5
120 65,4 63,4

Sales and Marketing of the Crayfish Breeding Business

Main sales routes:

  • wholesale sales to public catering establishments, baths, pubs;
  • sale to shops and supermarkets;
  • friends, relatives, acquaintances;
  • places of rest;
  • opening your own store.

To attract the attention of buyers, offer the best price that corresponds to the size of the cancer, as well as the freshest products. To do this, add aquariums for transporting and selling live products to the list of equipment that is necessary for crayfish breeding.

Don't forget about advertising. Stick advertising stickers on the car with the image of the product and your phone number, place ads on the Internet and print media in the city. Offer restaurant and bar owners some fresh samples to sample.

If you decide to open your own barn, take care of a spectacular sign and an appropriate interior.

To sell live crayfish to shops and restaurants, issue:

  1. Sanitary passport for transport for the transport of crustaceans.
  2. Veterinary certificate (Form 2).
  3. Declaration of conformity of goods.
  4. Certificate according to GOST R 50380-2005.

When opening a crayfish farm, issue an IP. OKVED code 05.02.01 "Cultivation of fish and aquatic biological resources by agricultural producers." Form of taxation ESHN.

It is desirable that the site for production be your property. So you will avoid coordinating the farm in different instances and bodies.

Required personnel

With a farm on an area of ​​25 acres, you can handle it on your own and with the help of your closest relatives. For one-time labor-intensive work, for example, for transplanting females into separate reservoirs before laying eggs, involve handymen.

At your discretion, use the help of hired workers to clean the reservoirs. The salary of workers depends on the region and the amount of work performed. It fluctuates between 10-20 thousand rubles.

In addition to handymen, you will need a driver to deliver goods to the point of sale, as well as a seller to a store or outlet in the market. The salary of the driver and the seller depend on the region. On average, it fluctuates around 20 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

The financial plan reflects start-up and operating costs, as well as the expected profit from the sale of finished products. By drawing up a plan before starting production, you will clearly define the payback period of the project, its potential benefits, and identify risks.

Financial plan for a farm of 1000 square meters:

Starting investments Current expenses Revenue for the year
Expenses Amount, rub. Expenses Amount, rub. Position Quantity
The cost of creating ponds 300 000 Electricity 10 000 Crayfish production per year 12 500 pcs.
Equipment and tools for reservoirs 2 915 000 Compound feed and other feed 15 000 The total weight of crayfish 2 500 kg.
Acquisition of land for ponds 65 000 Other expenses (veterinary, transport, tools, etc.) 100 000 Average cost per 1 kg. 500 rub.
Purchasing food for crayfish 100 000 Estimated revenue for the year RUB 1,250,000
other expenses 200 000
Total: 3 580 000 Total: 125 000

Project efficiency assessment

Fresh freshwater crayfish is a product in demand among consumers from all regions of our country. Due to the long process of growing crustaceans until they reach marketable weight, the farm will bring you the first income in a year and a half.

The planned payback period of the project is 3.5 years.

News story about a crustacean farm in Volgograd

Download business plan

The business plan should reflect all aspects of breeding these arthropods. In the production part of the plan, describe the selected rearing method (indoors or outdoors), type and number of young for breeding population, number of water bodies.

Study the experience of competitors, note the possible risks and ways to overcome them. Develop an advertising campaign, and also consider whether you will manage on your own or attract hired workers.

The more detailed you describe all aspects, the less likely you are to encounter unexpected expenses and make mistakes.

The Internet has finished projects business plans. Download and customize for your business. Do not use ready-made projects without taking into account the individual characteristics of your production.

Everyone loves to treat themselves to a delicious delicacy - crayfish meat, but the industry through natural habitats is not effective, because crayfish grow very slowly in the wild, and their population is not sufficient for consumption. Therefore, enterprising people are trying to breed crayfish at home.

The usual reproduction of crayfish at home and breeding of crayfish at home as a business has a number of disadvantages, the main of which is seasonality. Through such a factor, you need to wait six months for the temperature to rise in the reservoir. In this case, a sufficiently large number comes to the rescue. modern technologies allowing cultivation with high productivity. These technologies help increase planting volume and speed up the development of crayfish. Due to the high demand for this product and modern technological equipment, the entrepreneur quickly pays for the investment. A stable and fairly good income comes after 1.5-2 years of work.

Varieties of crayfish

Beginners, in order to start a business in this area, first need to understand the types of cancers, the characteristics of living conditions. Having understood such factors, they determine the basic conditions for breeding, the parameters for building a farm and the amount of capital.

For cultivation in artificial conditions, many types of cancers are exposed:

Narrow-toed crayfish

One of the most common varieties, because it is completely undemanding, and has a high fertility. A good option for those who just want to start breeding. A herd for breeding can be collected in autumn in fresh water (lake, river).

broad-fingered summer

Less fertile variety, not resistant to competition with other species, considered to be on the verge of extinction. For breeding, you can buy only on special farms.

Cuban blue

It does not have a high level of fertility, is picky about temperature conditions, easily adapts to artificial conditions of existence. These crustaceans grow to adult size in six months. To purchase this type, you need to go to a pet store or purchase online.

Australian red claw

It is the most popular species among restaurant chefs due to the large amount of meat and rapid development. This species lives only in warm conditions, the water temperature will not fall below 23 ° C.

There is only a decorative view, lives in an aquarium. This species reproduces by parthenogenesis, that is, this species is not divided into males and females.

If you decide to start a crayfish breeding business, you should first of all determine the main direction for work in order to properly organize the construction of the farm. You can grow crayfish for ornamental purposes or for industrial production.

Options for breeding conditions

  • in aquarium;
  • installations with closed water supply;
  • system of artificial reservoirs;
  • in natural reservoirs.

Considering the economic side of the issue, breeding in vivo is quite profitable, because you do not need to invest in the construction of a special water system. Also, since the natural reservoir is a real ecosystem with a well-established food chain, you do not have to spend a lot of money on feeding crayfish.

Crayfish are the so-called indicators of the clean environment of the aquatic environment. They are ideal to grow and breed in a clean, sandy-bottomed body of water, and there must be a natural shelter in the form of reeds, old roots or stones. The location of the crustaceans should be in the shade, if such conditions are not created naturally, then you will have to artificially plant trees, they grow quickly.

Also, before buying a broodstock for breeding, one should take into account such a fact as depriving a reservoir from predators and other aquatic enemies. You also need to do an analysis of the bottom of the reservoir. Near the shore there should be shallow water with a depth of about 0.5 m, further from the shore there should be a pit for wintering crayfish with a depth of 2.3 meters. If the reservoir meets these requirements, then the breeding density can be 4-5 people per square meter.

Disadvantages of this method of breeding crayfish

  • When in winter the temperature of the reservoir drops to 13 degrees, the crayfish hibernate and their development and reproduction during this period stops.
  • Under natural conditions, crayfish grow more slowly than in artificial ones.
  • Under these conditions, it is impossible to improve the quality of water and purify it.
  • We need constant protection of the reservoir.
  • It is not legally established how you can buy a plot of a reservoir for breeding crayfish, only rent is possible.

Growing in an artificial pond

A good option for breeding crayfish is the creation of artificial reservoirs. Its format should correspond approximately to the following parameters: an area of ​​0.01-0.02 hectares, a depth of 1.8 to 2 meters.

To ensure normal waterproofing, it is necessary to use a group of polyethylene film. It is covered with some solid materials in the form of broken bricks, stones or rubble, thereby creating a so-called shelter. Then the water is filled up to the necessary standards. Water must be clean, first it must be kept for about two weeks, then filtered and saturated with oxygen, with a period of 12 days, the water is partially renewed. In general, about 30% of the water is replaced during the entire process.

An artificial reservoir must be equipped with drainage, which will prevent the ingress of debris and side drains. Shallow water should be provided with shade. The pool itself should be divided into 3 zones, in which first incubation will take place, then the maturation of the larvae and, finally, the maintenance of adult crayfish.

Just like a natural, artificial reservoir tends to be covered with ice in winter. So farmers can create greenhouse-like conditions with polycarbonate and solar collectors to heat water. Thanks to such methods, crustaceans are in comfortable conditions for development and reproduction.

Under cold climatic conditions, the installation of RAS is the only way to breed heat-loving crayfish species.

Even if there is an open type of reservoirs on the farm, then such a method is necessary at the stage of incubation and cultivation:

  • With these methods of incubation, almost 95% of the larvae survive.
  • The period of gestation of eggs by females is also reduced, it is reduced by a factor of three and is 3 months.
  • However, this method is beyond the power of all farmers, because it is quite expensive, about 200 thousand rubles, and you will also constantly need to pay for considerable utilities. Despite its shortcomings, it has advantages such as using this method to breed fish or shrimp at home.
  • The RAS should be installed in a warm room. The design itself consists of several containers from 800-1500 liters. Until now, the tanks are connected to the aeration system, filtration and filters. To provide crayfish with artificial shelter, you need to fill the bottom with stones, broken bricks, cut plastic pipes, some non-metallic objects, and the like.
  • So comfortable artificial conditions are created here, then such a phenomenon as seasonality is excluded, so cancers grow faster and become the right size per year. This is a significant advantage of RAS, because thanks to this method, you can do business all year round.

Recirculating water installation

This technology means separate room for breeding crayfish. The air temperature there, even in cold weather, should not be below minus one degree Celsius. The most suitable temperature would be plus fifteen. It is under such conditions that crayfish actively grow and become more well-fed.

Look for three reasonably large Plexiglas or plastic tanks. At the bottom, be sure to put a layer of clay, stones or sand.

Moreover, the layer should be quite thick (it is required for digging holes). You will also need water purification filters, equipment for fishing, and transportation.

For the purchase of food, you will have to spend about six hundred dollars a year. It should be noted that devices such as an oxygen generator and an oximeter will cost in the range of one and a half thousand dollars.

Why are multiple containers required?

Naturally, so that large crayfish do not eat small ones. As soon as the crustaceans have offspring, they are immediately planted in a separate container. By the way, it is adults who are deposited, because small crustaceans in unfamiliar conditions may not be able to survive.
Meat, cereals, vegetables are used to feed crayfish. They also sell special foods.

When growing crayfish in aquariums, conditions are created that are as close to natural as possible, which contributes to high fertility.

Environmental conditions in the aquarium:

  1. The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with sand, stones, coarse roots, planted under aquatic plants.
  2. Climatic conditions should be created, the water temperature should vary from 23-28 degrees, it all depends on the type of crustaceans.
  3. Water quality control. Water must be filtered and oxygenated.

The size of the aquarium must be at least 250 liters, made of quality material using frameless technology. The design should not contain metal parts, because the reaction with water gives a negative or even detrimental effect on crayfish.

It will not be possible to grow crayfish in aquariums on an industrial scale, but it is possible to grow them up to several centimeters and place them in an adapted natural environment or in a RAS.

Now consider the next option - breeding in nature.

For this method, you will need a pond cleared of dirt and various predatory fish. Its bottom must be prepared. The lake or pond itself should be divided into three sectors using a grid. You can also build a nursery. You also need to think about changing the water in the lake.

For example, with a pipe. The number of crustaceans should be about five to seven pieces per square meter. If the conditions of detention are ideal, then the individual gains commercial weight in the third year. Some say that half a year is enough, but this is not true. If this were true, they would have a small price.

In addition to setting up the technical side of the farm, it is also worth paying attention to choosing the right broodstock. If you are a beginner, it is almost impossible to distinguish a female from a male. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist, because he will be able to form the broodstock in the correct proportions, the main standard is from 1: 2 to 1: 5. To get rid of genetic conflicts, it is worth updating the herd annually for a clean and healthy generation.

Never buy crayfish on the market, because they are dry gills, individuals are weakened, there is a very small chance of their survival, such crayfish will not be able to reproduce. A good option is to catch crayfish in a natural reservoir or buy from a specialized farm. Also on such farms you will receive professional advice on proper maintenance and reproduction.

Crayfish live only in clean water with a small concentration of minerals. Artesian water is often used, from 0.3 to 0.5 g of salt per liter of water can be added, such conditions accompany the rapid renewal of the shell during molting.

You must also comply with the following conditions:

  • oxygen level 7-8 mg/l;
  • pH level 7-9;
  • alkalinity 1-1.4 mg-eq / l.;
  • water hardness 6-8 mg-eq / l.;
  • nitrate content 0.01 mg/l;
  • nitrite content 0.02 mg/l;
  • phosphate content 0.25-0.5 mg/l.

A significant indicator in breeding crayfish is the saturation of water with oxygen. In natural reservoirs, aeration occurs due to the large area, which contributes to effective gas exchange. In artificial reservoirs, you need to use special equipment for aeration.

In the natural environment of crayfish, almost 100% feed on aquatic plants, algae, tree leaves, and also include in their diet a small percentage of dead or live larvae, worms, fish, snails, and the like. In artificial conditions, most often crayfish are fed with various cereals, for example, wheat or barley; boiled potatoes or carrots, meat or fish waste.

There are also special compound feeds that contain all the necessary components for normal growth and development, it includes:

  • wheat bran and ground grain;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fish and meat and bone meal;
  • powdered milk;
  • vitamins and minerals.

The dosage of nutrition depends on the weight and age of the crayfish. For an adult generation, the mass of feed per individual is 2% of body weight, for fry 4-5%, broodstock 6-7%.

Cancer Preferences

If you want to have a serious crayfish breeding business, then you need to know what kind of food they prefer and what conditions are ideal for them. Crustaceans like to live in reservoirs with a dense clay or sandy bottom with a small amount of silt. Lime rocks are highly desirable. Driftwood, stones, roots, fallen trees should also be present - these are ideal places for camouflage.

Crayfish also prefer clean water (after all, you have probably heard that they are considered indicators of purity). Do not look for crayfish in dirty, muddy, or contaminated water. There should be enough oxygen in the water, as well as hydrogen. Most optimum temperature water for these crustaceans plus eighteen plus twenty-one. For babies, the water should be warmer. Crayfish mate every year (either in spring or autumn). One male fertilizes up to three females. Each of them will be able to lay from one hundred and ten to four hundred and eighty eggs, but only a maximum of thirty crustaceans will survive. In the water, crayfish find and feed on larvae, worms, small fish, and do not shun algae. When there is not enough food, they feed on their own kind (stronger - weak).

In winter, in nature, crayfish do not fall asleep, but simply dig deeper into shelters, and live there as usual. Crayfish gain weight for a long time - in three years, but there are breeds that are suitable for consumption in a year - for example, this is the Cuban Blue.
Sales points

Without a doubt, growing crustaceans is more difficult than selling them. You can sell them both wholesale and retail, but documents will be required.

Can buy crayfish:

  • catering points;
  • grocery stores;
  • Pivbars and restaurants;
  • Ordinary people.

Growth and reproduction

Reproduction of crustaceans occurs in October, when the climatic conditions are cool and the air temperature is 6-7 C. Throughout this period until the warm spring, the female bears eggs, and if the temperature rises to 16-17 ° C, then she scatters eggs. The fertility of the female depends on the type of crayfish, on average 60-70 eggs per individual. The maturation period is about one week, then the fry growth period begins. During the first month of life, they experience three molts and switch to self-feeding. If in winter the water temperature does not decrease, then the incubation period lasts 2-3 months.

Stage of development of crayfish in natural conditions

Development stage Development duration (days) Larva size Weight
I stage1 -7 1.5-2 mm_
II stage5-8 8.7mm14.7 mg
III stage9- 14 1.2cm34.6 mg
underyearling90 3 cm8-19 g
biennial- 6 cm32 g
sexually mature3 years6.7 cm
sexually mature10 years9-10 cmabout 50 g

In artificial cultivation conditions, the broodstock grows separately. To grow small crustaceans up to a size of 6-8 cm, they are placed in nursery ponds. Then they are moved to the herd to large individuals.

During their life, crayfish go through many periods of molting, 6-8 during the first year of life, 4-5 during the second, up to 2 during subsequent years. Since under artificial conditions the growth of crayfish is much faster than in natural conditions, molting occurs more often. Crayfish reach their marketable appearance at the end of the second year of life.

Every case has both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of this way of earning include:

  • When growing crayfish artificially or naturally in natural conditions, the farmer has a minimum investment.
  • This product has a high level of demand among consumers, especially if the meat species is grown.
  • Growing crayfish does not require a large resource of human labor.
  • This product is considered environmentally friendly and useful.
  • Crayfish farms can become a promising agritourism project.

Although there are not many shortcomings in such a business, they are quite significant, due to which many farmers refuse this business:

  1. To get a profit and start making money, you need to work for several years to return the investment. In open water about 3 years, in closed water 4-5.
  2. Large financial costs in the construction of indoor pools with special equipment for climate and water temperature control.
  3. When grown in open water, high seasonality reduces the amount of earnings.

If you are growing crayfish for home use, then this does not require any legal procedures, obtaining special permits and the like.

However, like any business related to the food industry, it requires special permits, certificates of conformity.

For this type of activity, it is worth choosing a form of individual entrepreneurship on a single agricultural tax with the OKVED code 05.02.01.

Farm control by law

Under the terms of the land code, the owner of the land has the right to build a farm. For those who want to rent a plot, you need to go through many different procedures.

According to the water code, all water bodies in private areas are the property of the owner. However, there are conditions that private artificial reservoirs should not be connected to natural ones, which are the property of the state.

All fish products obtained on the farm are the property of the owner of the farm, under certain conditions, if, according to the law “On Subsoil”, the depth of the reservoir does not exceed 5 meters.

Documentary side in the implementation of crayfish

To legally start trading in this product, you need to have some documents certifying the control and quality of the goods.

The main list of documents includes:

  • Passport, which shows that the transport for the transportation of products complies with sanitary standards;
  • Veterinary certificate No. 2;
  • Declaration certifying the quality of the product;
  • Certificate of conformity of goods according to GOST 50380-2005.

A certificate and a transport passport are obtained from the veterinary service, a declaration and a certificate from the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Financial investment in business

The amount of money invested in this business depends on the way the farm itself is organized. One of the most important purchases is the purchase of hen stock, prices depend on the type of crayfish and their size.

The average price per kilogram is from 250-600 rubles. The broodstock has about 600 individuals, so its total price will be about 30 thousand rubles. However, if you want to start breeding narrow-clawed crayfish, then you can try to catch the broodstock on your own in a natural reservoir, your expenses will be minimal and will only be needed to buy feed.

To equip a reservoir with an area of ​​100 squares, you need to invest about 65 thousand rubles.

In addition, these rates need additional equipment for normal operation:

  • aerators (5-6 thousand rubles)
  • filters (from 25 thousand rubles)
  • oxygen generators (from 12 thousand rubles)

You also need to purchase special devices that monitor water quality: a thermometer, salinometer and oximeter. The cost of such a kit is about 15 thousand rubles.

Breeding crayfish in RAS requires a significantly larger investment:

  • The cost of the main structure is from 250-750 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of premises up to 200 thousand rubles / year;
  • Utilities 150 thousand rubles / year.

However, this method is quite effective, since it has a high planting density. Also, the breeding of meat crustaceans requires tight control of the water temperature and the climate of the reservoir. Although these crayfish are more demanding in cultivation, however, through their demand, they help to quickly recoup the investment.

Before you start selling products, you need to carefully study the market and establish contacts with consumers:

  • fish shops;
  • cafe;
  • restaurants;
  • wholesalers.

Also, for additional income, you can organize your point of sale of crayfish. You can sell fresh, boiled and frozen crayfish.


Despite the fact that there is little competition in the market for crayfish, however, entrepreneurs are afraid of this type of activity. Of course, after all, to organize a profitable farm, you need considerable investments (about a million rubles), and the business itself pays off only after a few years.

However, daredevils should think that due to the great demand for these products and the proper organization of the economy, growing crayfish will quickly bring you profit. Agritourism can also be used as an additional income, which is associated with a great interest of consumers.

One of the main indicators of a successful business is a thorough study of lifestyle, nutritional habits, the basic subtleties of reproduction, treatment and prevention of various diseases. Equally important is the ability to control climate, temperature and water quality.

If you comply with all these conditions, then you will not have any problems with housekeeping. The main thing is to have patience and a desire to work.

  • Biological features
  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose

In almost every corner of our vast country there are ponds and reservoirs that can be successfully used as a food base for growing crayfish. Breeding crayfish allows you to get high-quality dietary meat with excellent taste. For successful cultivation of crayfish in pond farms, it is necessary to know the biology and methods of their cultivation in artificial reservoirs. A lot has been written about the features of the pond keeping of crayfish in the works of A.I. Rakhmanov.

Biological features

The most valuable are crayfish of the European breed. In our country, the genus of European crayfish is represented by two species: broad-toed and long-toed. At the same time, broad-clawed crayfish is the most valuable commodity. It is distinguished by wide and fleshy claws, a fleshy belly, which is very much appreciated by the consumer.

The long-clawed crayfish is not so "fleshy", however, its advantage is in high fecundity, compared to the broad-clawed crayfish. Thus, one female long-clawed crayfish can lay up to 280 eggs, while a female broad-clawed crayfish can lay only 50 eggs. At the same time, only 20% of cancer larvae survive in natural conditions.

Crayfish are omnivores and will eat any food that is found in the pond. The molting of crayfish occurs 1-2 times a year, during the summer period. The crayfish only grows when it sheds its shell.

The technology of growing crayfish on the farm

To grow crayfish in artificial conditions, a pond with clean, cool water and a high oxygen content is needed. At the same time, a pond with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 3000 m2 (0.3 ha) is considered the most suitable, with the obligatory presence of natural springs, streams or artesian wells. The temperature regime is also important. In summer, the water temperature should not rise above +20 degrees.

Oxygen has a great influence on the life of animals. If there is not enough oxygen in the reservoir, crayfish begin to eat poorly and grow. Therefore, additional aeration of water is necessary. Oxygen is supplied to the pond through special pipes using a compressor.

Clay is considered the best soil for building ponds. Clay soil is more reliable and weakly eroded by water.

Crayfish for breeding can be caught from other water bodies. In this case, the age of the crayfish must be at least 5 years. In this case, the first offspring can be obtained as early as next year. If a natural pond is used for cultivation, then before settling the crayfish, it must be cleaned of weed fish, predators (pike, perch), pests and pathogens (beetles, dragonfly larvae). The bottom of the reservoir should be sown with agricultural crops such as oats, vetch or legumes.

Planting of roe females should be carried out at the rate of 2 birds per 3 m of the coastline or 600 females per 1 ha.

For the reproduction of crayfish in private farms, pools and aquariums are used. The main purpose of such reservoirs is to obtain caviar and rear underyearlings (crayfish up to 1 year old). Then the juveniles are caught and released for rearing in the pond.

The productivity of crayfish can be increased by additional feeding. Crayfish should be fed in the evening, as cancer is a nocturnal animal. Pieces of meat, fish remains, bread, grains of cereals, etc. are used as feed. However, it should be remembered that overfeeding is worse than not supplementing. Uneaten food usually decomposes, leading to death of the animals.

Cancer multiplies, with the right content, very well. One female long-clawed crayfish can lay up to 900 eggs per year or more. Growing crayfish in artificial ponds has a significant advantage over natural conditions. Due to regular monitoring of the development of cancer, as well as due to a complex of biotechnical measures, the growth rate and productivity of animals increase.

During one warm season, young crayfish add about 14 grams. In other words, cancer reaches its marketable weight after 3 years of maintenance. The price of a gourmet crayfish (weight 35-60 grams) is about 500 rubles/kg. But the price for selected crayfish (weight 150 - 300 grams) can reach up to 2000 rubles / kg.

How much money do you need to open a crayfish farm

The amount of initial capital for opening a crayfish farm will greatly depend on the natural suitability of the pond, the planned size of the reservoir, the need for agrotechnical and biotechnical measures, etc. Part of the funds will go to catching crayfish or buying broodstock in experimental farms.

To organize a small pond in a personal subsidiary plot, 100 thousand rubles may be enough, but such a business will be more like a hobby or as an additional source of income.

For all its attractiveness, the cultivation of crayfish in our country is not widespread. Large investments do not go into this business due to the long cycle of growing crayfish. Calculating a reasonable return on investment in such a business is not easy.

Operating fish farms can engage in cost-effective cultivation of crayfish. They have the opportunity, in parallel with the incubation of fish eggs, at the same technological capacities, to grow cancer larvae. For several months, cancer larvae can feed on the organic remains of incubation of fish eggs. Then, the grown-up crayfish juveniles can be sold to other farms or grown in their own reservoirs.

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

You can grow crayfish in both artificial and natural ponds. If you choose the second case, then you should take into account in advance all the difficulties associated with processing the relevant documents and obtaining permission to rent a reservoir from the state. It is better to start in the warm seasons, because in winter the crayfish hibernate. Before drawing up a business plan, it is advisable to see with your own eyes what a crayfish farm is like. The following are the main stages of the implementation of activities:

  • Selection or creation of a pond with all the necessary conditions for breeding crayfish.
  • Obtaining permits, registration of IP.
  • Selection of pet care professionals.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Purchase of breeding stock. It is important to choose the ratio of females and males at the level of 2 to 1 or 3 to 1.
  • Setting up a sales market.

How much can you earn

Depending on the type of crayfish, their market value is estimated at 400-1200 rubles per kilogram. To equip an artificially created pond, you will need to buy waterproofing, drainage pipes and a drain - about a thousand rubles. Renting a natural reservoir can cost 100 or more thousand a year, its arrangement - another 30 thousand, the purchase of crayfish - 20 thousand and 10 thousand for food. A pond with a size of 60 square meters is capable of growing up to 10 thousand young animals, which will allow reaching a stable plus during the year. After that, incomes will increase due to the sale of already adult crayfish, and the cost of purchasing young animals will disappear due to their reproduction.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Crayfish breeding business plan (23 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Fisheries business plan (21 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Which equipment to choose

To breed crayfish in a natural pond, you do not need to spend money on special equipment. Unless, as a fight against poachers, nets and traps with bells are purchased. Growing in an artificial reservoir will require the purchase drainage systems: pipes and drains, waterproofing, an oxidizer, several flow filters, aerators and measuring instruments. To house the young separately from adult crayfish, you will need several concreted pools.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, you must specify OKVED 0.121 - breeding and selling crustaceans, fish and mollusks.

What documents are needed to open

Depending on the scale of production, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is registered, the documents that are needed for this: a passport, a copy of the IND code and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

The best option would be a single imputed income tax.

Do I need permission to open

For natural reservoirs, you will need a lease agreement from government agencies. For the sale of crayfish, a conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with established standards will be required.