What is the name of the flower growing in water. Flowers on the water

Under natural conditions, the plant lives in the waters of Southeast Asia. This is a good substrate for fish spawning. Its root system is slightly developed, the roots are white, filiform, the leaves are light green. The plant is very unpretentious, can develop as a floating, without rooting. Hygrophila prefers a water temperature of about 27 "C and soil from a mixture of peat, leafy soil, sand and clay. Lighting is undemanding. Propagated by cuttings and ground shoots.

Hygrophila guianensis is also cultivated in the aquarium with narrow-lanceolate green leaves, which, when the shoot reaches the surface, blooms with large white flowers, and willow-leaved hygrophila (Hygrophila salicifolia), with leaves shaped like willow leaves. The growing conditions for all hygrophiles are similar.

PISTIA LAYER, water lettuce (Pjstia stratiotes). Aroid family, common in water bodies of the tropics and subtropics. A perennial herbaceous plant, forming a rosette of leaves, floats on the surface of the water. It has a well-developed root system, consisting of many long white roots, reaching a length of 20 cm. The leaves are obtusely wedge-shaped, long - up to 25 cm and wide. They have a spongy structure with cavities filled with air, thanks to which the plant rests on the surface of the water.

Pistia roots serve as a substrate for spawning fish and a refuge for their fry. It grows well in water of any composition at a temperature of 23 - 27 "C in summer and about 22 C in winter. An aquarium with pistia should be under glass and well lit from above. It blooms in good conditions in summer. The inflorescence is a green blanket and a small cob.

(Shinnersia rivularis). Under natural conditions, it lives in small rocky rivers in Mexico. A very unpretentious plant, it can be planted in the ground, to which it is undemanding, or left floating. When growing a floating form, the leaves of trichocornis become smaller. Can grow in hard and alkaline water. It has a well-developed fibrous root system. The green carved leaves vary greatly in shape and size, depending on the conditions.

Lighting required is moderate to bright. In a low aquarium, the branches of the plant, having reached the surface, come out of the water, so their tops must be pinched. It propagates by basal or lateral shoots from leaf buds.

(Heteranthera zosteraefolia). A floating plant with a poorly developed root system, thin white roots and pale green or green leaves up to 7 cm long. Distributed in slowly flowing and stagnant reservoirs of tropical Africa. Prefers clay soil and soft water with temperatures above 20 "C, as well as bright diffused light.

The plant develops better with a low water level. Propagated by stem and root cuttings. In aquariums, calliform heteranther (Heteranthera callifolia) with blunt-pointed leaves and kidney-shaped heteranther (Heteranthera regiformis) with denser heart-shaped leaves are also cultivated.

(Salvinia auriculata). Homeland - Central America. This very picturesque water fern is a horizontal underwater stem with two rows of oval green leaves located above the water and one row of brown leaves dissected into many long linear leaves and densely covered with hairs growing under water.

Under water leaves perform the function of roots - nourish the plant. Salvinia thrives well in aquariums with clean, soft water in bright sunlight. The above-water part is very demanding on air humidity, so the aquarium must be covered with glass. REPRODUCES by spores that germinate in water.

(Vallisneria spiralis). The water color family. Homeland - Southern Europe. An inhabitant of shallow freshwater reservoirs, with a short stem and bright green ribbon-like leaves growing upwards. In adult plants, a tubular flower appears above the water in the summer on a spiral pedicel. This is a female specimen, it is fertilized by pollen from male plants, which floats to the surface of the water. Seeds ripen in water.

The most suitable soil is silt, but it also grows well in sand. Vallisneria is propagated by layering that appears on the stem and seeds.

ROTALA INDIAN(Rotala indica). Homeland - tropical Asia. An unpretentious plant with a long stem, on which leaves of various shapes are opposite: underwater - lanceolate, bright green in color and surface - oval, the underside of the leaf is red. The rhizome is creeping, with white adventitious roots and large quantity leaf buds. It develops well in water of any composition, at a temperature not lower than 20 "C.

When reaching the surface of the water, the shoot is pinched for more lush branching. From insufficient illumination, the leaves become smaller and lose their red color. Propagated by stem branches and basal shoots.

(Utricularia gibba). This inhabitant of tropical and subtropical reservoirs belongs to perennial - carnivorous herbs. Grows in water of any composition with overhead lighting. It has no roots, and the plant floats freely near the surface. Narrow small leaves with bubbles are located on thin green stems.

Pemphigus catches prey with the help of bubbles, which also help the plant to stay near the surface. The plant is absolutely not dangerous even for the smallest fry. The plant releases a lot of oxygen, helps purify the water and serves as a refuge for fry.

(Dioneae). Rosyankovye family. Homeland - North and South Carolina. A perennial rhizomatous aquatic plant that lives in sphagnum bogs. The leaves are collected in rosettes, covered with trapping glandular hairs and bristles; plant is insectivorous. It blooms in paniculate inflorescences with white flowers. The plant is propagated by seeds in moist peat.

Seeds germinate slowly over several months. Seedlings also grow slowly. The grown plants are planted in pots with loose peat soil mixed with sphagnum moss and installed in a terrarium or aquarium.

(Elodea denza). The water color family. Homeland - South America. A beautiful, branchy, long-stemmed aquatic plant that thrives well in indoor aquaria.

Green linear leaves are collected 4 in a whorl. It grows continuously, propagating by stem pieces planted under water. The soil is not demanding. Lighting can be bright or moderate.

(Myriophyllum) Homeland - North America. Translated from Greek, myriophyllum means "many leaves" ("myrios" - countless and "phyllon" - leaf). The pinnate leaves have forked leaves dissected into many filiform segments. These are very picturesque plants living in the water. On their bright green multi-branched shoots there are countless thin, delicately cut dark green leaves.

Peristoliths thrive in sandy soil, soft water with a temperature of about 27 "C and bright diffused lighting. Unpretentiousness and rapid growth have made cinnafolia one of the main plants for decorating an aquarium and an excellent substrate for spawning fish. All plants have similar conditions for keeping and breeding .

REPRODUCED by cuttings. Brazilian pintoleaf (Myriophyllum brasiliense) is common in Brazil. It has a fibrous root system and thin roots. At a water temperature of 25 - 27 "C and bright diffused lighting, it develops rapidly.

When reaching the surface, the shoot is pinched for more lush branching. A mixture of peat, leafy soil and sand is suitable as a soil. The plant does not tolerate hard salted water.

Propagated by root shoots and cuttings, which take root at a low water level in clean river sand.

Peristolnstnnk matogrossa (Myriophyl1um mattogrossensis) is common in Brazil. This plant is a good substrate for spawning and an excellent refuge for fry. Repeatedly dissected leaves help purify water and actively saturate it with oxygen.

(Cabomba) Nymphaeaceae family. Homeland - tropical and subtropical regions of Central and North America. A perennial aquatic plant with graceful green dissected leaves that are underwater and whole floating leaves that float on the surface of the water. The root system is poorly developed, the roots are thin.

The stems can reach a length of 1.5 m. It blooms under water with yellow flowers. In an aquarium, they are planted with bushes and placed in the middle ground as a group or in the background as a background. It is necessary to pinch the shoots so that the plant branches better. Kabomba develops well at a water temperature of 20-25 "C and moderate lighting. It propagates by stem cuttings and root shoots in clean river sand. Varieties of this rather unpretentious plant are often cultivated in aquariums.

Kabomba water (Cabomba aquatica) - grows in stagnant slow-flowing reservoirs South America. The slightly branched stem reaches a length of 2 m. Propagated by stem cuttings.

Cabomba Gardner (Cabomba piauhyensis gardner) grows in the waters of South America and India. Very beautiful plant with leaves of different shades of green and reddish.

Warming's cabomba (Cabomba warmingii), common in the waters of southern Brazil, has thin, fan-shaped leaves. Also popular are the Caroline cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) and the southern cabomba (Cabomba australis).

Chastukh family. Homeland - the southern regions of North America. In Latin, sagitta means "arrow", hence Russian name. This is a beautiful, very graceful plant with a short tuberous rhizome. The dark green leaves growing in water are pointed at the ends, and the above-water ones, sitting on long petioles, have a lanceolate shape.

It develops well in sandy soil at a water temperature of 25-27 "C, but can withstand a decrease to 16 C. Lighting is required strong or medium (about 10 hours a day). With prolonged sunlight, but diffused - without direct rays, the lighting may bloom. White flowers are collected in inflorescences, towering above the water.In order for the arrowhead to live long in the aquarium, it is recommended to grow only underwater leaves, and remove the above-water leaves and flowers in a timely manner.

Arrowhead includes several dozen species growing along the banks of reservoirs. Cultivation of many species in an aquarium is difficult due to the plant's tendency to form emersed leaves. Despite this, about 10 varieties of arrowhead are used in aquariums. The conditions of keeping and breeding for all types of arrowhead are similar. REPRODUCED by seeds and ground shoots that develop in spring.

(Limnophila aquatica). Widespread in tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Very picturesque, strongly growing aquarium plant, perfectly cleans the water. Limnophila prefers clean, well-lit aquariums, as well as water of medium hardness with a temperature of about 30 ° C.

Upon reaching the surface, the plant forms emersed shoots with dense pinnate leaves. The stem is pinched to the first underwater bud, and the top can be planted in a free place like a regular cutting. Propagated by division of basal shoots or division of the stem. Sessile-flowering limnophila (Limnophila sessilj ilora) is cultivated in aquariums; it is common in stagnant and slowly flowing reservoirs of Southeast Asia and Africa.

It has a powerful root system with thin threadlike roots. It develops well with moderate lighting in water of low and medium hardness at a temperature of about 25 ° C. Limnophila is an excellent refuge for fry, very actively oxygenates the water in the aquarium. Propagated by cuttings. The plant quickly dies under poor conditions.

(Ludwigia) Fireweed family. Homeland - North and South America. Unpretentious marsh plant, grows well in an aquarium in moderate and strong light, unpretentious to temperature changes. Ludwigia arcuata (Ludwigia arcuata) requires a water temperature of up to 28 ° C, develops well in medium light. It grows in a bush, gives a large number of root shoots.

Propagated by division of the stem or root shoots. Marsh Ludwigia (Ludwigia palustris) is common in southern Europe. A very unpretentious, but not too decorative plant, it develops at any water temperature and not very high illumination of the aquarium. It grows as a bush, propagated by dividing the stem or side shoots.

Ludwigia natans (Ludwigia natans) - hybrid form, Unpretentious perennial flowering plant. The root system consists of one lobe of roots. Grows as a bush with many shoots. Propagated by stem cuttings. Ludwigia krasnolistnaya develops well at a water temperature of about 28 ° C and bright light. In low light and low temperature, the leaves become smaller, and the red tint disappears on their lower part.

(Eichornia crassipes). Family Pontederiaceae. Homeland - tropical and subtropical regions of America. This plant is also called "water hyacinth". One of the most beautiful floating, but capricious plants. It is grown in rooms. perennial herbaceous plants- rhizomatous, the root system is highly developed, fibrous, dark. The roots are ciliated, fragile, serve as a refuge for fry. The underwater stem reaches the surface of the water.

Underwater floating leaves have a linear shape, and immersed in water - oval. Blooms in June-September under favorable conditions. Blue, pink, lilac or purple flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, reach 5 cm in diameter. The plant is warm and photophilous. The water should be soft, and its temperature should not be lower than 22 "C, preferably up to 29" C. Lighting should be bright, in summer a certain amount of sunlight is required.

The plant grows well and develops in silty soil. An aquarium where water hyacinth grows should not be covered with glass. Under good conditions, eichhornia forms many shoots and quickly multiplies with rosettes.

All over the world there are thousands of rivers, lakes and swamps, the vegetation in which impresses with its diversity. At the same time, some plants can exist not only above the surface of the water, but also below it. All freshwater plants are unique, but despite the fact that most of them still tend to grow in certain types of water, there are also varieties that feel great in any fresh water.

An example is an ordinary shamrock, which is a valuable medicinal plant. Its petioles begin to grow directly from the root, while each of them is crowned with three large leaves. At the same time, the leaves are completely absent on the stem itself, but its top is crowned with a brush of small pale pink, almost white flowers, resembling stars in their shape.

The most common plants in freshwater

Plants of fresh water bodies, whose names are indicated in this article, grow almost everywhere, but they have many individual characteristics. As an example, we can cite plants that can be seen almost everywhere where there is fresh water - these are reeds, cattails and reeds.

They like to grow in thickets and have many similar features, due to which they are often confused with each other, although they belong to different families. First of all, these are the stems, which in these plants are tall and straight. In some cases, they can even reach 6-9 meters, but this is where their similarity ends. In reeds, there are practically no leaves on the stem; in cattail, the leaves begin to twist in a helical shape already from the base. In addition, the cob of cattail is long and velvety, in contrast to the reed, which is characterized by a fluffy panicle.

Practical benefits

For plants such as reeds, cattails and reeds, accelerated growth is characteristic, due to which their number increases so much that they completely capture significant water areas, gradually devastating them. Largely due to the fact that since ancient times people have adapted the plants of fresh water bodies for various household needs, in particular, for covering roofs, weaving baskets, bags, mats and even ropes, fresh water sources practically do not dry up. The remaining plants simply do not have time to absorb all the moisture and dry up the source.


In order to find out which fresh water plants are typical for your area, it is enough to carefully study the sources closest to you. For example, the most widespread in the swampy area received which has more than 1000 various kinds around the world. Nevertheless, in the structure of each of them there are similar features, among which is a trihedral stem with a dense structure, while long, grooved leaves, pointed at the end, depart from each face. A similar leaf structure can be observed in most cereal crops.

The second most common and most similar in appearance to the sedge plant is the rush. It also grows in swamps, however, for this grass, unlike sedge, it is characteristically round. In addition, due to the fact that the stem of the rush is thinner and branches, the leaves, while maintaining a similar structure, are still much narrower than those of sedge and, seeing these two plants side by side, it will be quite difficult to confuse them in the future.

Rivers and lakes

Plants of fresh water bodies, which are characteristic of river and lake areas, are primarily noticeable on the banks. First of all, this is typical for the flowers of the iris, outwardly similar to the usual garden iris. In addition to them, the no less common plakun-grass can grow in the coastal zone, whose purple inflorescences, resembling an ear, immediately catch the eye. Its leaves are similar to willow, but they are characterized by special slots, thanks to which the excess moisture that the plant absorbs is easily removed to the outside.

Poisonous representatives

However, it should be borne in mind that not all plants of fresh water bodies are harmless, because among them there are also poisonous representatives, among which the most common are chastuha and arrowhead. Moreover, the appearance of their leaves is directly related to their habitat. In the event that these plants grow immersed in water, the leaves will resemble ribbons in their shape. If they are located on the surface of the water, then they are held on it with the help of an underwater petiole and a special floating plate. In addition, while on the surface, the leaves of the arrowhead take the form of arrows and begin to fully correspond to their name. Unlike chastukha, which is completely poisonous, people have adapted arrowhead tubers for food.

Plants of freshwater reservoirs, characteristic of the swampy area, are buttercups, which also differ in which they can be both floating and located under water. At the same time, despite the fact that they can be found in other freshwater sources, all buttercups, without exception, are poisonous plants. The most dangerous for humans are:

  • ranunculus is poisonous;
  • ranunculus-pimple - forms abscesses on the skin.

In addition, one of the most poisonous plants of modern flora, hemlock, which grows exclusively in swampy areas, can be attributed to the category of poisonous plants that are found in freshwater reservoirs.

The beauty of freshwater plants

Freshwater plants, photos of which can be seen in this article, continue to amaze with their beauty. For example, having seen in a reservoir, few people will remain indifferent to its grace. Her flowers are large.

Opening at sunrise, they close only at sunset. Among the people, the water lily received several names at once, among which the most famous are the white lily and the water rose. Its leaves, which are above the water, are large, large. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of air cavities, but its underwater leaves look like ribbons. Often on freshwater reservoirs you can also meet an equally beautiful yellow water lily.

Plants and animals of fresh water bodies are unique and need constant protection. Due to constantly changing climatic conditions, some of them are on the verge of extinction, while the rest have significantly reduced their population. The only exception can be considered amphibian buckwheat, which, in the event of a reservoir drying up, sheds water leaves and grows new ones characteristic of a land plant.

However, in contrast to the amphibian buckwheat, we can give an example of pondweed, which grows exclusively at great depths and is a favorite place for spawning by most fish. It is imported to some import farms specifically in order to significantly increase the fish population.

A person should do his best to maintain the ecological situation of freshwater reservoirs, reducing harmful emissions not only into water sources, but also into the atmosphere, and also, as far as possible, reduce the population of various plants that reduce the moisture content in reservoirs and eventually lead to their complete drainage.

Recently, among gardeners it has become very fashionable to break mini-reservoirs on the territory of their personal plots: ponds, lakes, and other water arteries. It goes without saying that in this case one cannot do without coastal aquatic vegetation, because it is she who is the main decoration of reservoirs. There are many thousands of plant species living in water, but not all of them are suitable for growing in the middle lane. On this page you will learn the names of aquatic flowers and plants of the coastal zone, adapted to our conditions. You can also get acquainted with the description of aquatic plants and see their photos.

Plants of the aquatic environment and the coastal zone of reservoirs

Air (ACORUS). Aroid family.

Air (Irny root) (A. calamus)- rhizomatous perennial 50-80 cm high with straight xiphoid leaves. Small greenish cob inflorescences are not interesting.

Variety "Variegatus" the leaves are green with yellowish stripes along the edge (they are pinkish in spring).

Growing conditions. Near water, planting depth 8-20 cm.

Reproduction. The division of the bush (spring).

This coastal plant is used to decorate the banks of reservoirs.

Watch (MENYANTHES). Watch family.

Three-leaf watch (M. trifoliata)- perennial with a thick long branched rhizome, growing in stagnant water, along the swampy banks of rivers and lakes in the temperate zone of Eurasia. Decorative plant give blue-green trifoliate leaves on long petioles. The flowers of this coastal aquatic plant are white-pink, collected in a dense brush.

Growing conditions. Low banks of reservoirs, shallow waters.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer). Planting density -12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used to decorate ponds.

Mertensia (MERTENSIA). Borage family.

Rhizome perennials, mainly grow along the coasts of the seas in North America and the Far East, and are also found in the middle lane. The leaves are grayish-blue, lanceolate; inflorescence - a curl of bright blue flowers.

Types and varieties:

Mertensia ciliate (M. ciliata)- height 4050 cm.

Mertensia maritime (M. maritima)- 10-15 cm high.

Mertensia virginiana (M. virginica)- 40 cm high.

Growing conditions. Moist poor sandy soils in sunny places.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Juveniles, divide and transplant in the 3-4th year. Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Sedge (CAREX). Sedge family.

Perennial rhizomatous herbs with dense, narrow, like cereals, leaves and thin spikelets. Numerous species are widely distributed throughout the world, but only a few of them are used as ornamental plants.

Types and varieties:

Sedge Bukhanana(C. buchananii)- 60 cm high, brownish leaves.

sedge morrow (C. morrowii), grade "Variegata" - 50 cm high.

rusty spotted (C. siderosticta) and hairy (C. pillosa)- forest sedges.

drooping sedge (C. pendula)- up to 100 cm high, semi-aquatic.

Growing conditions. This coastal plant of water bodies is planted in areas with any soil and sufficient moisture. Forest species of sedge prefer shady areas.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (end of summer). Planting density - 9-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cattail (TYPHA). The cattail family.

This is a coastal-aquatic vegetation with a creeping thick rhizome, 100-200 cm high. The leaves at the base of the stem are broadly linear. These are plants growing near water along the banks of rivers and other bodies of water in the temperate zone of Eurasia, often forming thickets.

Types and varieties:

cattail broadleaf (T. latijoiia)- height 100-150 cm; cattail angustifolia (T. angustifolia)- height 100-150 cm.

Growing conditions. Wet shores of reservoirs.

Reproduction. The division of the bush (spring and late summer).

Huttinia (HOUTTUYNIA). Saururidae family.

Huttinia cordate(H. cordata)- A new plant for central Russia, but it is worthy of the difficulties that its cultivation is associated with. The species itself, which came into cultivation from the coastal meadows of the south Far East are rarely grown.

Varieties of interest:"Chameleon" - with leaves, along the edge of which white, yellow, red spots are scattered, and "Plena" - with double flowers.

The plant is creeping, quickly forms a thicket 20-50 cm high. It blooms rarely and not abundantly in central Russia.

Growing conditions. Semi-shaded shores of reservoirs with clay soils.

Reproduction. In the spring, a segment of rhizome with a renewal bud. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Waterwort (HYDROPHYLLUM). A family of aquifers.

Long-rhizome perennials from the humid forests and grasslands of eastern North America with large lobed leaves and a fluffy branched inflorescence of pink-purple flowers. Adapted to Russian conditions, where it lands along the banks of water bodies.

Types and varieties:

Waterwort canadian (H. canadense)- leaf is round-lobed; Waterwort virgin (H. virginianum) - leaf elongated-lobed.

Growing conditions. This coastal plant prefers semi-shaded to shaded areas with moist, rich soils.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud at the end of summer. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Spleenwort (CHRYSOSPLENIUM). Saxifrage family.

Spleenwort (Ch. alternifolium)- perennial with a fleshy stem, height 5-15 cm, the leaves in the rosette are light green, thickened, round-beam-shaped; inflorescence flat, corymbose, golden-green flowers. They form thickets in damp, shady places.

Growing conditions. Semi-shady places near water bodies, in relief depressions.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in autumn), dividing the bush (summer). Weeds on wet soils. Planting density - 36 pcs. per 1 m2.

Use only in areas that mimic natural thickets. Decorative unstable, good only in early spring.

Coastal aquatic vegetation: plants living in the water and on the shore

This section presents photos of aquatic plants with names and descriptions suitable for growing in shallow freshwater bodies and along their banks.

Calla (CALLA). Aroid family.

Marsh calla (C.palustris)- rhizomatous perennial growing along the banks of water bodies in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Leaves basal on long petioles, heart-shaped, rounded. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence-cob, covered with a white ovoid veil.

Growing conditions. This light and moisture-loving plant is grown both in the shallow waters of fresh water bodies and along their banks.

Reproduction. Propagated by seeds, sowing in wet soil immediately after harvest. The division of rhizomes is best done at the end of summer. Planting density - 7 pcs. per 1 m2.

Look at the photo: this aquatic plant provides an early spring effect in mixed groups with summer flowering plants; interesting in rockeries, in flower beds, where annuals are then planted.

Sitnik (JUNCUS). Sitnikov family.

Perennial rhizomatous moisture-loving herbs. The leaves are cereal-like, decorative capitate or paniculate inflorescences.

Species and varieties. S. sharp-flowered (J. acutiflorus) - up to 100 cm high, paniculate inflorescence; With. spreading (J. effusus) - up to 150 cm high, inflorescence tufted-paniculate; With. xiphoid (J. ensifolius) - 20-30 cm high, capitate inflorescence, dark brown; With. gray (J. glaucus) - 60-90 cm high, bluish leaves.

Growing conditions. Sunny shores of water bodies at a depth of 0-5 cm.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes in spring or late summer.

Buttercup (RANUNCULUS). Buttercup family.

A large genus, the species of which are widely found everywhere, but only a few of the most decorative perennials are used in culture. Among them there are also aquatic plants, but more often buttercups grow on the banks of water bodies.

Types and varieties:

Water and near-water: L. caustic (R. acris), grade "Multiplex" height 50-70 cm, water depth 0-10 cm.

Buttercup water(R. aquatilis)– water depth 40-100 cm; l. long-leaved(R. lingua)- depth 0-20 cm, variety Grandiflora.

buttercup cappadocian (R. cappadocicus)- from the forests of the Caucasus, stably decorative, forms thickets.

Growing conditions. Water - in reservoirs with stagnant water and in shallow water; l. Cappadocian - in the shade.

Reproduction. The division of the bush (spring). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Sit (CYPERUS). Sedge family.

Galingale (C. longus)- long-rhizome perennial growing along the banks and in shallow water (up to 20 cm deep) of stagnant and slowly flowing waters. If we talk about which aquatic plants are most common in central Russia, then sytya is mentioned most often. Its tall (60-120 cm) leafy stem rises above the water, carrying an openwork umbrella with long (10-40 cm) "rays" carrying a bunch of small brownish spikelets. Permanently decorative. Forms loose thickets.

Growing conditions. Reservoirs.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer).

Reed (PHRAGMITES). Family bluegrass (cereals).

Common reed (P. communis)- long-rhizome tall grass (150-200 cm), forming thickets along the banks and shallow waters of reservoirs.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with wet soils, low banks of water bodies. Also, this plant of the coastal zone can be grown in shallow water.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud (spring, late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Perennial aquatic flowers and ornamental herbaceous plants

Water flowers and plants are a real decoration of reservoirs. But no less interesting are herbaceous aquatic plants, attracting attention with their rich greenery.

Arrowhead (SAGITTARIA). Chastukh family.

These are aquatic flowers, which are rhizomatous perennials, rooted at a depth of 10-50 cm. The leaf is dark green, shiny, dense. The flowers in the inflorescence are a rare raceme.

Types and varieties:

Arrowhead Broadleaf(S. LatifoLia)- height 50-70 cm, flowers with a yellow center; arrowhead arrowhead (S. sagittifoLia) - height 30-50 cm, flowers with a red center.

Growing conditions. Landing in reservoirs with stagnant or slowly flowing water to a depth of 10-50 cm.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring in containers, followed by planting in water).

Chastukha (ALISMA).

Perennial aquatic plant with beautiful ribbed leaves on long petioles. Bloom all summer. The flowers are small, with three petals, arranged in whorls.

Types and varieties:

Chastuha plantain (A. plantagoaquatica)- pink flowers; small-flowered chastuha (A. parviflora) - white flowers.

Growing conditions. These plants live in the aquatic environment in the shallow waters of natural reservoirs. Planting depth 5-10 cm.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (summer) or seeds (spring).

Wetland plants growing near water

Marigold (CALTHA). Buttercup family.

Marsh marigold(C.palustris)- a perennial wetland plant with a short rhizome. Basal leaves are entire, rounded, bright green, shiny. The flowers are bright yellow, as if varnished. Abundant seeding in July-August. More often in gardens, a terry form of this species is grown - marsh marigold "Multiplex".

Growing conditions. Sunny places with clayey, well water-retaining soils.

Reproduction. The division of the bush at the end of summer. The bush grows slowly, so the division is carried out after 6-7 years. Propagated by freshly harvested seeds, they germinate in the next spring, but the seedlings bloom in the 5-6th year. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

An excellent plant for decorating the banks of reservoirs and in flower beds of the "natural garden" type, imitating wet meadows. Here, the marigold is planted along with loosestrife, drooping sedge, highlander cancer neck, bathing suits, etc.

Reeds (SCIRPUS). Sedge family.

Bulrush (S. lacustris)- perennial with a thick creeping rhizome 100-120 cm high, growing along the banks of reservoirs in Europe and North America. Inflorescence paniculate, leaves subulate.

Growing conditions. Wet low places along the banks of reservoirs.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and at the end of summer), by seeds (sowing before winter).

Swamp flower (NYMPHOIDES). Watch family.

Swampweed(N. peltata)- an aquatic perennial with a rhizome, rounded shiny leaves on long petioles and numerous flowers emerging from the leaf axil. The name of this aquatic plant speaks for itself - it prefers exclusively swampy areas.

Growing conditions. Reservoirs with stagnant or slowly flowing water, depth 20-100 cm.

Reproduction. Seeds (in the ground under water), dividing the bush.

Used for decorating ponds.

Floating aquatic flowering and herbaceous plants

Vodokras (HYDROCHARIS). The water color family.

Vodokras ordinary (H.morsusranae)- a floating aquatic plant of stagnant or slowly flowing waters with developed shoots and rounded dense dark green leaves in rosettes on long petioles and white 15-30 cm, flowering - all summer.

Growing conditions. Aquatic plant.

Reproduction. Seeds, rosettes of leaves.

Used in reservoirs.

Water chestnut (TRAPA). Family of water nuts.

common water chestnut (T. natans)- annual aquatic herbaceous plants growing in slowly flowing waters. There are filiform underwater leaves and a beautiful rosette of floating leaves.

Growing conditions. Reservoirs.

Reproduction. Seeds (nuts) in the fall to the bottom of the reservoir.

Used to decorate natural reservoirs.

Eggshell (NUPHAR). The family of water lilies.

Yellow capsule(N. iutea)- perennial aquatic flowering plant with a fleshy underwater rhizome and wide dense leathery leaves above the water. A large waxy flower appears above them in June. The name of these water flowers is quite justified - the flower really resembles a capsule. It is widely distributed in natural water bodies of the temperate zone.

Growing conditions. Ponds, lakes with stagnant or slowly flowing water, at a depth of 30-80 cm.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing freshly harvested), segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Water lily (NYMPHAEA). The family of water lilies.

The genus includes about 30 species of aquatic plants growing in water bodies of temperate and tropical zones.

Species and varieties. In the reservoirs of central Russia grows k. white (N. alba) - a rhizomatous perennial with rounded, unequal leaves floating on the surface of the water on long petioles. The leaves are green above, reddish below.

Look at the photo of these water flowers - they are all large, mostly white. They have a pronounced aroma.

There are numerous varieties K. hybrid (N. xhybrida):

"Gladstoniana", "Fire Opal"

"Hollandia", "Rose Arey" and etc.

Growing conditions. These aquatic flowering plants prefer stagnant or slowly flowing water bodies, growing at a depth of 30-100 cm.

Reproduction. Seeds (in autumn to the bottom of the reservoir), segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer to the soil of the reservoir). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

These ornamental aquatic plants are used to decorate ponds.

Aquatic plants of the coastal zone of the pond, growing in the water and on the shore

Susak (BUTOMUS). Susakov family.

Susak umbrella (B. umbellatus)- grows in water bodies of Europe and Asia. Height 60-100 cm. This is a common aquatic plant of ponds and lakes (reservoirs with stagnant water) with long linear trihedral leaves and a large terminal umbellate inflorescence of pink large flowers.

Growing conditions. This is a plant that grows both in water and on the shore.

Reproduction. Segments of rhizomes in spring and late summer.

Mannik (GLYCERIA). The bluegrass family.

Mannik the largest (G. maxima)- high (70-100 cm) perennial with a long creeping rhizome, forms thickets in coastal waters at a depth of 0-10 cm. The leaves are wide, with white stripes, blooms in July-August. The panicle is spreading. Mannik is a plant that grows in the water of ponds and lakes, as well as in water meadows and near streams.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded shores of reservoirs. It is also possible to plant along at a depth of up to 10 cm.

Reproduction. This plant of the coastal zone of the pond and shallow water reproduces by segments of rhizome with a renewal bud at the end of summer.

If you want to create in your apartment green corner, which has a luxurious and slightly mysterious look, you will need indoor plants growing in water, not afraid of excessive moisture, but preferring it. When choosing such species, pay attention to the origin of the plant, if wetlands are its natural habitat, such a flower will do.

The benefits of moisture-loving flowers for humans

Excessive dry air is harmful to our respiratory organs. Everyone feels it on their own. The normal level of humidity in the room will be values ​​from 40 to 70%. In winter, dryness becomes critical. Trying to remedy the situation, we buy expensive humidifiers that do not decorate our interior at all. But there is a wonderful way to achieve comfortable humidity naturally and beautiful way- cultivation of semi-aquatic or aquatic plants.

Home plants growing in water are distinguished by their romantic-fantastic appearance and lush greenery. Such a plot with lush greenery, and even in combination with well-chosen photo wallpapers, will create a real tropical kingdom in the apartment.
Any indoor flowers purify the atmosphere of the apartment and enrich it with oxygen. True, cacti and other succulents do this to a lesser extent. But tropical marsh plants have a powerful activity of photosynthesis. All physiological processes take place in them vigorously, so they can supply us with oxygen and moisture to the maximum.

Recently, it has become popular to decorate the bathroom with living plants. Moisture-loving plants are ideal for this purpose. Here they will grow beautifully. And you, taking a shower or bath, will feel as if you are on the ocean coast of the tropics.

Main Representatives

This is the most famous and unpretentious of indoor aquatic plants. Its trihedral strong stems, growing in a bunch, end in a lush "fountain" of leaves spread out to the sides. For such a characteristic appearance, cyperus is often called a "palm". In fact, it belongs to the Osokov family. Its homeland is the wetlands of the tropics of Africa. Its closest relative is papyrus. Yes, and our pet is often called a double name: cyperus-papyrus. This plant can be grown simply in a vessel of water. There is never enough water for him. The more it is, the more magnificent it grows. It is usually grown in flowerpots that stand in deep trays constantly filled with water.

Calla, or calla

The second most popular indoor plant, preferring to grow almost submerged in water. This marsh plant came to us from the subtropical regions of South America. Her charming snow-white veil, surrounding the bright yellow ear of the inflorescence directed upwards, looks solemn and elegant. Calla pots, like cyperus, do best when placed in water-filled saucers. The popularity of the flower is associated not only with its magical beauty, but also with the significant plasticity of the plant. Calla can also grow in conditions of relative lack of moisture. True, in this case it is not necessary to count on lush flowering.

It is also called water hyacinth. She is also surprisingly unpretentious. The main condition for her is water. In nature, eichornia grows in the tropical part of South America. True, due to its vitality, it now successfully grows in many places with warm climates around the world, earning the nickname "water plague" for this. Eichornia is often used by aquarists, growing it on the surface of the water. She enjoys well-deserved attention and flower growers. This indoor aquatic plant prefers to grow in wide, but not shallow, containers of water, which are located in a warm place with sufficient lighting. Drafts are highly undesirable. In the summer, when the conditions are most favorable for her, eichornia will delight with graceful lilac flowers, indeed, reminiscent of hyacinths.

This plant does not differ in lush flowering, but its delicate thin thread-like leaves give it a peculiar charm. It is no coincidence that flower growers, touched by his airy appearance, gave him a number of affectionate names: "cuckoo's tears", "graceful isolepis", "hair grass". The young leaves of this reed grow vertically at first. Gradually, becoming longer and longer, they begin to bend, forming a lush bunch of thin green tubes with silvery lights of small rounded inflorescences at the tips. That allowed flower growers to call this reed "fiber-optic grass" with humor. It is for this reason that the flower looks most impressive in tall flowerpots standing in filled pallets.

Many varieties of bamboo, especially the low-growing ones, are great for growing in water. But it does relatively well with less moisture. Maybe he puts up with some lack of light. Bamboo is very plastic both in terms of growing conditions and, if possible, to give it a different shape. It grows quickly, creating fancy bushes. There are a lot of varieties of bamboo, it is possible to choose both undersized and powerful plants.

This species is completely undemanding to growing conditions. The only thing he needs in large quantities is water. The modest appearance of the plant is not a reason to refuse to grow it in our homes. It perfectly complements compositions with callas or bamboo. It is good to use it for decorating a loggia or veranda. And for the summer, pots of calamus can be placed in a decorative pond in the country or in the backyard. In any place, this plant will delight not only with its bright greenery, but also with a pleasant aroma reminiscent of tangerine.

This is a very showy plant with shiny leaves and flowers of lilac, blue or white color. Her homeland is South, Central and North America, from tropical to moderately warm parts of it. The flower grows in small areas of rivers and lakes. Therefore, when cultivating pontederia, it should be planted in water to a depth of about 8 cm. The height of its bushes reaches half a meter. In summer, purple spike-shaped inflorescences appear among the bright heart-shaped leaves. Flowering continues all summer for almost half of autumn. Then the dormant period begins at the pontederia, but its luxurious bushes do not lose their attractiveness.

Based on these moisture-loving plants, you can create various compositions that will decorate your home, make it cozier and more comfortable. There is no need to try to get all of them, just choose three or four types you like. They will delight you all year round. Just don't forget to add water.

Growing plants in water, including indoor plants, is a fun activity for the beginner gardener (great for kids!), people with limited space. This method of growing plants is not only low maintenance (you don't even need to buy soil), but also resistance to diseases and pests.

Many plants grow easily in water. Your water garden can be made up of cuttings from existing indoor plantations, simply place them in bottles/jars on your kitchen windowsill.

Growing plants in water provide great flexibility in positioning, and any type of vessel that will hold water will do. Vases, jars, aquariums, whatever.

cultivation indoor plants in water may be a slower method than planting in soil; however, the water garden will remain lush for a long period of time. You can grow plants with or without a cover.

Almost any container that will hold water can be used. Growing plants in bottles is one of the most common options, a glass jar is also suitable, in general, everything, other than copper, brass or lead. Metals can rust from fertilizers and cause damage to plants. A dark or opaque container will help prevent algae from forming. Dark glass jars and bottles are great.

Once you have chosen the appropriate container, fill it three-quarters full with water, you can add foam, gravel, glass stones, pebbles, sand, marble, beads or any similar material from which sparkles your imagination. Add a pinch of powdered charcoal (a crushed tablet will do). activated carbon) or a small piece of coal to keep the water clean and clear. Add a water soluble fertilizer at a rate of one quarter of the manufacturer's recommendation.

Remove the plant from the soil, rinse all the soil completely, wash it off the roots, cut off all rotten or dried leaves and stems. Place the plant in a water/fertilizer solution.

Replace water garden nutrient solution every four to six weeks, change all the water almost completely, but do not drain to the very end. Don't replace the water completely because this causes the algae to grow again: once the algae cycle is over, they will not grow again. Ornamental fish can be used to get rid of algae.

As mentioned above, to slow algae growth, use a dark or opaque container.

This is a way out for those who leave for a long time and are forced to leave plants.: plants in water can it's easy to wait for weeks! So you can plant even large plants:

And you can also get a goldfish in the same jar!

And minerals also look great in these water gardens:

Aquaponics is a symbiotic system that takes advantage of hydroponics and aquaculture.

Some plants need bright sunlight for at least 4-6 hours. The window sill is the best place for such plants. Use fluorescent light instead of incandescent bulbs, which cause the water to overheat.

Do not clean the detergent container, the presence of detergent in the water will lead to the death of the plant, because it will be more difficult for it to breathe. Wash containers with soda or mustard, rinse well.

Water evaporates from the container over a period of time and must be topped up. Closed lid solves the problem (if you need to leave for a long time): so the water evaporates much less.


  • Very low level of service.
  • Doesn't need to be watered regularly.
  • Pests and diseases are gone.
  • No dirt.
  • Fairly limited space.
  • Suitable for children.

indoor plants for growing in water

Now it's time to choose your plants!

1. Aquatic plants

Plants that can be completely submerged in water. These plants need soil or gravel at the bottom, where the roots are fixed.

2. Semi-aquatic

Plants that can only be partially submerged in water. Their roots will be immersed in water, and the foliage will be on the surface of the water.

3. Floats

The best example for this category is the very common water hyacinth and water lettuce.

Good water plants are known from hydroponic farming, as plants are often grown commercially, but farmers have a more specific water cocktail for liquid nutrition instead of soil. We just add diluted fertilizer, that's enough.

So, it's time to choose good plants to grow in water.

fit aglaonema, dieffenbachia, English ivy, chlorophytum, philodendron, arrowhead agasfera, spathiphyllum, tradescantia zebrina, creeping plants from cuttings.

How does it look like in reality?

Interesting enough, something like this:

Forcing bulbs

This way you can even expel bulbs (for example, tulips, hyacinths)!

Experiment, it's fun!