Reproduction of dogs. Male sexual behavior

Physiological features of dog breeding

In order to properly organize mating, the owner must have an idea about the sexual processes in dogs, estrus periods and reproduction characteristics. Also, if you decide to have puppies, you need to know how to care for a pregnant bitch, deliver a baby, and handle newborn puppies. The regulation of all sexual processes in mammals, including humans and dogs, is under the direct control of the body's neuroendocrine system.

Despite the fact that during the process of domestication, dogs acquired the ability to have several sexual cycles per year and regardless of the season, most tend to consider them, like wild canids, monocyclic animals. The argument here is that, firstly, domestic dogs easily interbreed with wild representatives of this family (wolf, jackal, etc.); secondly, in the sexual cycle of dogs there is a characteristic feature - estrus occurs after a long period of rest.

In any case, the sexual cycle of bitches differs from that of laboratory and farm animals. In females, estrus is preceded by spotting. And although they resemble menstrual flow in higher primates and humans, however, in females it is the release of blood through the walls of blood vessels, and in higher primates, spotting is uterine bleeding associated with rejection of the overgrown endometrium. In bitches, the onset of estrus coincides with the onset of ovulation, and the formation of a functionally active corpus luteum occurs by the time it ends. In most other animals, the formation of the corpus luteum occurs after the end of sexual hunting.

So, in most bitches, the sexual cycle occurs twice a year and consists of four phases: proestrus, estrus (these phases correspond to the estrus period), diestrus (characteristic of pregnancy) and anestrus (rest period between estrus).

Proestrus. This is the first phase of estrus, which lasts about 10 days; however, its duration can vary from 5 to 20 days. Outwardly, estrus is detected by swelling of the loop, its softening and bloody discharge from the vagina. However, these changes are not characteristic of all bitches.

So, some of them may not have spotting, others have a delay in discharge, while in fact the estrous cycle has already begun.

Hence the difficulty of determining the first day of estrus. A number of anomalies in the development of an individual can lead to a delay or complete absence of estrus (amenorrhea).

Most often, the delay in sexual development is due to hormonal disorders or is the result of improper use of drugs during puberty. Thus, significant doses of corticosteroids used, for example, to relieve itching, can play a negative role. In some cases, such phenomena are caused by antifungal drugs (griseofulvin, etc.).

Experts advise to refrain from treating dogs with hormonal drugs and anabolics until puberty, otherwise you risk the future career of producers, especially since infertility caused by the use of certain drugs is incurable in the future.

Nutrition is a major factor influencing the vital activity of the body. Poor, excessive or inadequate nutrition not only reduces the reproductive ability of the animal, but is often the cause of infertility. In addition, communication with the opposite sex has a significant impact on the regulation of sexual functions in dogs.

The appearance of the first estrus is not always easy to notice, the young bitch loses little blood, which is the norm in this case. Her loop can practically not increase. There is even a so-called quiet (dry) estrus, very characteristic of the first cycles. Therefore, many owners begin to worry about the "delay" of the first estrus and mistake the second for it. Similar estrus can be observed in previously flowing and even giving birth to bitches. It is impossible to visually detect a “dry” estrus. Only an experienced male with his behavior will make it clear that estrus has begun. In most cases, "dry" estrus occurs with normal hormonal function. Consequently, normal ovulation occurs, with the correct timing of mating, fertilization will occur.

During proestrus, under the influence of an increasing amount of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, significant changes occur in the female reproductive system. The walls of the uterus thicken, blood supply increases; the contractile activity of its walls increases, while the cervix is ​​relaxed and the canal is slightly open. At this time, bitches are often thirsty, they become restless, capricious, irritable, and often run away from the owner. In a female in heat, along with urine, special substances are released - pheromones with a specific smell, very attractive to males. Bitches often urinate - marking territory. Males show a special interest in such females, care for and follow them everywhere. At the end of proestrus, bitches also begin to flirt with males, but cages are not allowed.

Estrus. This is the second stage of estrus, it lasts about 7 days, but in rare cases it can last from 3 to 30 days.

8 this period, the vaginal discharge brightens, becomes less abundant and more mucous; the loop becomes less edematous and more rigid (hard). Be careful, in some bitches these phenomena are of a different nature, and the female loses blood during the entire estrus. In any case, bitches begin to show an increased interest in males, sniffing their genitals, allowing cages and accepting a male. And if proestrus is the stage preceding ovulation, then estrus is the stage of ovulation, which occurs mainly immediately after the start of mating with a male. The duration of ovulation in bitches is still poorly understood, but presumably it is within 12-24 hours and occurs in both ovaries simultaneously.

It is important to know that the female germ cells released from the graafian vesicles are not yet capable of fertilization. Their final maturation occurs within 2-7 days, as they move along the upper sections of the female genital tract. Thus, a bitch can become pregnant at least two days after ovulation and the meeting of the female germ cell with the male.

The main mistake of beginner breeders is impatience, forcing them to breed a bitch too early.

Today, there are no absolutely universal and error-free methods in this area of ​​cynology, but experts consider the so-called method of vaginal smears to be quite reliable. This technique is based on the fact that the epithelial cells of the vagina, secreted during estrus, change under the influence of hormones and the microscopic picture of proestrus differs from estrus, etc.

Sometimes breeders are faced with such a phenomenon as a "disjointed" estrus. In this case, the female has a classic swelling of the loop, vaginal discharge, and she enters estrus, and then, after some time, individual for each female (usually 5-6 days), estrus, as it were, stops and can again be repeated after a while . In fact, such females produce corpus luteum hormones from the very beginning. This is a false estrus, followed by real ovulation a few weeks later. Such estrus does not signal the infertility of the bitch, but always puzzles beginners. Fortunately, they are quite rare and are not typical for every cycle. More often, false estrus is observed in representatives of large breeds, but in practice they are also found in small ones.

There are other atypical cases. For example, a bitch willingly accepts a male, but at this time she is not yet able to become pregnant, since the ovulation period falls on a different time.

The bitch has an ovulation stage, that is, the most favorable moment for conception, and she categorically refuses to mate. It is quite obvious that we are talking about hormonal imbalance and only the introduction of specific hormones on the recommendation of an experienced veterinarian can correct the situation. But the question arises: is it necessary to get offspring from animals with such problems?

In general, these examples clearly show that there is great variability and no generally accepted dogmas in determining the timing of mating in some cases do not work. Normally, a bitch in estrus is ready to mate and willingly demonstrates this. It is worth touching or lightly tapping your finger on the sacrum, as she takes a characteristic pose - raises and takes her tail to one side, pulls the loop up.

Diestrus (metestrus). This phase of estrus is characterized by the secretion of progesterone, which will drive the pregnancy. With the onset of diestrus, the loop gradually decreases, and at the same time, sexual activity decreases. In some bitches, spotting from the loop can be found again within a few days after estrus. At the beginning, they are quite brightly colored, but soon lighten, decrease and become slimy. This period corresponds to the period of menstruation in women. In dogs, such phenomena occur relatively rarely. Usually, the discharge stops on the 4-5th day. But if something bothers you or your bitch's discharge continues for more than the specified period, we strongly advise you to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Normally, the hormone progesterone is released due to the work of the corpus luteum, which are formed at the site of the follicles during ovulation. The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that hormonally ensures the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

The secretion of progesterone has a specific effect on the uterus, whether the bitch is pregnant or not. The increase in the uterus is primarily due to the growth of endometrial glands, which produce a huge amount of mucus.

Rarely, there is a discharge from the nipples of milk. But do not worry too much, this is not a pathology, but only a hypertrophied manifestation of natural processes.

In some bitches already at the end of 3 - 4 weeks. pregnancy, there is a slight increase in the abdomen, at the same time the nipples increase and harden.

In pathological cases, as a result of hormonal imbalance, the secretion of the endometrial mucosa can be so excessive that abnormal stretching of the uterine horns occurs. At this point, pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate here, as a result of which a severe, life-threatening animal disease, pyometra, develops. Such a bitch cannot become pregnant, since the process of implantation of the embryo is impossible. This disease always develops in diestrus within 1-2 weeks after mating.

The bitch looks depressed, refuses to eat, but the temperature may remain normal or slightly reduced. If the cervix is ​​ajar, then purulent discharge from the loop is observed. When the neck is closed, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity, and then a painful swelling is felt in the lower abdomen. You need to contact the vet immediately. It is extremely rare to save the uterus in this case. If you delay veterinary care, you risk losing the animal.

If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum long time will function even in the absence of mating, and changes similar to pregnancy will occur in the uterus. The bitch's belly grows, the mammary glands swell, milk is often secreted, sometimes labor pains are simulated. Often the bitch "turns" her favorite toys into puppies. This is the so-called false pregnancy.

The degree of its expression varies greatly in different bitches at different times.

In normal cases, during the period of diestrus, the bitch becomes very calm, only sometimes her appetite increases sharply. Depending on the course of pregnancy, her behavior can be very diverse.

Quite often mated bitches have toxicosis of pregnant women and after the 19th-20th day their appetite sharply decreases. The dog becomes very capricious and picky in food, and in the same female, different pregnancies can proceed in completely different ways.

Anestrus. This is the reproductive rest phase that separates diestrus from proestrus and lasts an average of 4-5 months, but can last from 2-10 months or more without affecting fertility (fertility). Regardless of the duration, anestrus is an important part of the sexual cycle.

In wild canids, the time of year plays a primary role. And although it is believed that the season also plays a role in domestic dogs and most of them are in heat at the end of winter or the beginning of autumn, in practice this is far from the case.

Psychophysiological factors are of great importance. Breeders are well aware that dogs living in the same group often tend to leak almost simultaneously or one after the other. Thus, there is a synchronization of estrus in females of one kennel.

According to some studies, synchronous estrus is much more likely to bring disappointment than spontaneous ones, while bitches have less pronounced swelling of the loop, more scanty vaginal discharge. According to American experts, such estrus is less favorable for reproduction. According to other authors, everything is exactly the opposite. The experience of Russian breeders suggests that it is not necessary once at a time.

There are no external manifestations during the period of reproductive rest in bitches. The loop remains small or slightly enlarged (in the bitch giving birth). The mammary glands are normal. The uterus, previously enlarged under the influence of progesterone, now shrinks within 2 months. This is necessary so that she is again able to implant embryos and bear full-fledged offspring. In estrus, following one after another with very short breaks, infertility is often observed, since the anestrus, which lasts less than 2 months, is too short to restore the efficiency of the uterus. In the state of anestrus, the bitch is calm, does not have a specific smell, and in this regard does not attract the attention of males.

Ovulation is a complex and multi-stage process. That is why it is far from always easy to determine the most suitable days for a guaranteed fertilization in a bitch.

The short life of a mature egg (48 hours) strictly ties mating to a very limited period. In any case, breeders try to determine this ideal age using more or less objective criteria. Most experts advise breeding dogs on the 9th-15th day of estrus.

However, this criterion is not perfect. In about one third of bitches, the optimal timing of fertilization does not fit into the classical framework. There are females in which the fertilization period falls on the 5th day of estrus. Apparently, this is due to early ovulation. But it is quite possible that in such females in the first days of the cycle, blood secretions are so meager that they are lost in the labia and only by the 5-6th day from the actual beginning of estrus become abundant and are noticed by the breeder.

Therefore, having mated the female on the 5th day from the beginning of visible bloody discharge, the male actually fertilizes her on the 10-12th day of estrus. In this case, the bitch is knitted “by blood”, and the duration of estrus is approximately 18-21 days from the onset of visible discharge.

Other bitches may be ready for fertilization quite late, sometimes by the 18-25th day of estrus.

This feature is characteristic both for some breeds and for individual individuals. Such phenomena should be taken into account by breeders whose bitches do not become pregnant during matings in the classical terms.

As a rule, mating terms are prolonged with age.

Another indicator of the period suitable for fertilization is the readiness of the bitch herself for mating. It is believed that this criterion is more objective than the definition of vaginal smears. However, mating too early, even if the bitch is willing to mate, is often ineffective or results in an infertile litter.

On the other hand, some bitches are known to take a male for only half a day during the entire estrus. Or vice versa, a female willingly accepts a male, not being ready for fertilization, while other bitches reject males, not allowing cages to be made on the most optimal days for conception.

Given all of the above, it is obvious that the first mating should be guided by generally accepted terms.

It is useless and even harmful to rape a bitch, that is, to knit her without her consent, since after that she most often remains empty.

Breeders often determine mating times based on the behavior of an experienced male. Males that mate regularly and successfully have considerable experience and their choice is quite reliable. However, there are very few such males, and it is not at all necessary that they are suitable for your bitch as a breeding partner.

As for young, inexperienced males or males whose estrus is not sufficiently satisfied, they will actively mount even if the female in heat is not ready for fertilization. As a rule, an experienced, sought-after breeding male actively cares for the bitch, excites her, but does not breed if the bitch is not ready for insemination.

Another criterion for the readiness of the bitch for mating is the type of vaginal discharge. As already mentioned, during the period of estrus (ovulation), vaginal discharge brightens and becomes scarce. This criterion also cannot be an absolute guarantor, but it is very rare for a bitch to be ready during a period of abundant, bright red discharge. Of course, we are not talking about breeds whose females are always bred “by blood”.

The criteria for assessing the readiness of the bitch for insemination described above are subjective and not reliable enough. More accurate are objective methods of monitoring females in heat:

Vaginal smears (microscopic research method);

Measurement of the resistance of the vaginal muscles (using a special device widely used in fox fur farms), although this method is not considered to be more accurate than the previous one;

Endoscopy of the vagina. This method is neither better nor worse than the vaginal swab method;

The use of reactive tapes like litmus papers, which determine the amount of glucose or changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment. According to scientists, the method is unreliable and should not be used.

Measurement of the level of progesterone and other hormones in the blood. This method is also far from perfect, but is good enough in combination with the vaginal swab method. However, it requires repeated visits to the veterinarian. The method of determining ovulation using echography used in agriculture is not suitable for most dogs. Firstly, the dog needs to cut the hair from the sides and bottom, which is unacceptable for show animals. Secondly, the fat surrounding the egg makes the image in dogs not clear enough to determine the maturity of the follicles and their rupture at the time of ovulation. For nurseries, the method of vaginal smears is the most accessible, but it requires certain experience and skills in interpreting the smear pattern under a microscope. In females suffering from impaired fertility, the smear pattern may be blurred. Now we are not talking about dogs that have pedigree deviations, in which it is very difficult to “read” smears, and even more so about bitches that fit “by blood”.

Fortunately, most dogs are of the classic type, but any individual differences can be a source of errors and empty matings. Even an experienced veterinarian cannot always accurately interpret a single smear and say that the bitch is ideally ready for fertilization. Only serial sampling of smears reflects the dynamics of the process and gives a fairly accurate answer.

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At present, the demand for four-legged friends' is increasing rapidly. Some people like small dogs, while others need service or guard dogs. All of them are ready to become true friends for their owners, which the latter appreciate very much. In the old days, breeders were mostly people who are very fond of these animals, but today breeding dogs attracts with possible profit.

This type of business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Like any other, it requires an investment of funds, time and labor. Before betting on this type of activity, it is worth considering all the nuances.

What do you need to know about breeding?

To start a business, you need to assess the upcoming costs, because it’s not enough just to be the owner of a purebred dog. She needs proper nutrition, toys, veterinary care, including vaccinations.

If you are ready to invest the money needed for all this and patiently wait for your profit, you can proceed to the next stage of planning.

The most popular dog breeds currently:

  • One of the leading positions in this list is occupied by playful Yorkshire Terriers. They deserve special recognition from the fair sex. The cost of an animal of this breed is quite high (it can reach $1,000);
  • Kind playful Labradors have considerable popularity. They are very devoted to their owners, and for children they can become nannies. The cost of a puppy is approximately $400-500;
  • Despite conflicting opinions about Rottweilers, many people choose to breed this breed of dog as a business today. This is due to the fact that the demand for them is quite large. Puppies cost about $500;
  • German Shepherds become reliable watchmen, guards and true friends. They are easy to train and can cost between $400 and $1,000;
  • Gallant and aristocratic bulldogs also do not lose their attractiveness for breeders and potential owners. They are calm and mutual language» with them are perfectly found by children and people who are almost completely ignorant of animals.

Such breeds of dogs as pug, dachshund, Pekingese, chihuahua, husky, cocker spaniel, chow-chow, boxer, sharpei are also in demand.

What should be the dog?

There are a number of criteria that dogs must meet:

  • They should be easy to train;
  • Animals with a kind, complaisant character are valued;
  • It's very good if four-legged comrades» not picky about food, eat it in small quantities;
  • The pet should easily adapt to various living conditions and not be prone to frequent illnesses.

Of course, many of those who have decided to start breeding dogs and are wondering where to start from such a list may doubt the success of the enterprise. In fact, these criteria are quite feasible for thoroughbred dogs, whose pedigree is replete with titled champions.

The fact is that the listed qualities are passed down from generation to generation and laid down almost at the genetic level. Of course, there are exceptions. In addition, a lot depends on the personality of the breeder, because. an evil temper can spoil the character of even the most ideal dog.

Remember that your business will be profitable only if you manage to maintain the purity of the selected breed when breeding, so carefully approach the question of a pair for your pet.

Your occupation involves breeding dogs, in which the breed should only improve. Study the pet's pedigree, make inquiries about health (mental and physical), find out if the animal had offspring and what quality it is.

In order for your activity to be honest, and for the cubs of animals to have a confirmed pedigree, you must obtain permission to breed them.

When purchasing a puppy, be sure to check with the breeder whether he is capable of producing high-quality offspring in the future. Usually they themselves report that this or that dog is not suitable for this “role”. In this case, you are unlikely to get permission.

Being the owner of a thoroughbred, healthy animal, you need to contact the main cynological organization of your country (for example, for Russia it is the RKF). There you will be given a pedigree, in return for which you will give the puppy's metric. This must be done before they reach 15 months of age.

Next, you need to register your pet for any of the exhibitions held by the clubs, providing a copy of your passport, veterinary passport and the animal's pedigree. There he will be examined by an expert, whose conclusion you need to provide to the cynological association in order to obtain admission to breeding healthy, thoroughbred dogs.

Breeding methods

There are two main methods:

  • Purebred. It is used to obtain offspring of a purebred breed;
  • Interbreed. The purpose of creating such offspring is to breed crossbreeds, new breeds with new qualities and characteristics.

When selecting animals, consider:

  • Hunting or service characteristics;
  • offspring;
  • Exterior;
  • Origin.

The age of the dogs is also important. When breeding service and hunting dogs, their age is divided into three groups.

For the former, the younger group includes animals aged 10 months. - 1.5 years, in the middle - 1.5 years - 2.5 years, in the senior - 2.5 years - 10 years. For the second: junior group– 10 months - 1.5 years, average - 1.5 years - 3.5 years, senior - 3.5 years - 9 years.

The production of offspring is carried out in several stages.


No matter what methods of breeding dogs are used, the selection of pairs is carried out after the general selection of potential producers. Animals are steamed according to their breed, age, quality characteristics. A significant role is given to cables - for purebred breeding, its quality must be better than the quality of the female.

When selecting, the pedigree, the state of health of the animals are studied, after which the next stage begins.


It starts about a month before the bitch goes into heat. During this period, it is necessary to pay special attention to the health, nutrition of animals, monitor physical activity - it should be sufficient, but not excessive.

For many novice future breeders, it comes as a surprise that pets must “get acquainted” before mating, so that the process itself occurs without complications. For this, it is recommended to take joint walks. However, professional breeders do without it.

Mating usually falls on the 11-13th day from the onset of estrus. Be sure to re-knit after a day. It is not recommended to knit a bitch more than once a year.

Puppy, childbirth

Pregnancy in a bitch lasts 58-65 days. In the second half, the pet becomes calm, tries not to make sudden movements, eats and sleeps more.

In the first half of pregnancy, the animal can be handled as usual, but not allowed to overwork. In the second half, she must be excommunicated from work and training. It is important to take walks with the bitch so that she does not gain weight and breathes air.

Dog ( Canis lupus Familiaris) is an animal that was tamed and domesticated by man in ancient times. The first archaeological finds of the skeletons of this animal near a human dwelling, discovered on the Eurasian continent, date back to the Mesolithic era. Most likely, the dog was the first domestic animal that provided ancient man hunting help.

When compiling the classification of animals, Carl Linnaeus identified the dog as a separate species - the Common Dog. According to the modern classification adopted in 1993, a dog is a representative of the species Wolf, subspecies Dog. She, like, is a representative of:

  • class mammals;
  • detachment predatory;
  • canine families;
  • kind of wolves;
  • kind of wolf;
  • subspecies dog.

Dog - description

The ancestors of dogs are ancient wolves and other representatives of canines, possibly. From them she got a fairly strong muscular body, covered with wool. The shape and size of the dog's head is a defining exterior sign by which a dog can be attributed to a particular breed. The dog's head conditionally consists of the cranial part and the muzzle.

The dog's body has a head, neck, withers, chest, back, croup, sacrum, tail and four limbs - front and rear. The paws of the dog are equipped with claws, which do not retract into the pads when walking. The dog has well-developed muscles, which allows the animal to perform various movements, including moving not only in steps, but also great to run at a decent speed or make fairly high jumps.

dog dental system

The dental system of a dog is represented by 42 teeth, among which there are incisors, canines, premolars and molars. The teeth of dogs are located both on the top and on mandible. The fangs of this animal are large and well developed. Going behind each other, the fangs of the upper and lower jaws form a lock.

Change of milk teeth in dogs

In puppyhood, from about the 4th month of life, the change of milk teeth begins in dogs, which, as a rule, ends by 7-9 months. The condition of the dental system sometimes helps to determine the age of the animal when there is no exact information about the date of birth.

Dog's fur

The body of the dog is covered with hair, which most often consists of guard hair, integumentary hair and downy undercoat. The length and density of the coat depends on the breed and conditions of detention. The coat color of dogs can be very different, from natural reddish-gray to all variants of white, red, black, spotted. There are dog breeds that are completely or partially hairless.

Dog nutrition

The dog has color vision, a keen sense of smell, hearing, and touch. She perfectly distinguishes the taste of food, so she will be happy with various delicacies. The diet of a dog, as a typical representative of predatory animals, must necessarily include protein products of animal origin, as well as be balanced in vitamins and minerals. Currently, there is a large range of ready-made dog food.

Breeding dogs is a challenging but rewarding endeavor, however any breeder must understand the responsibilities and risks involved in breeding. Of course, everyone loves little puppies that run around the house, but puppies also require a lot of time and attention. If you would like to breed dogs, you should consider whether you are ready for this.


How to make a decision

    Study the information. To make an informed decision about breeding dogs, you need to study all the information available. You must understand what the process consists of and what you will need to do. Read books by reputable veterinarians and breeders. Talk to your veterinarian about the pros and cons. Ask other breeders about the difficulties they face.

    • Look for books written by veterinarians. Reliable sources of information are Dog Breeding by Phyllis Holst and Dogs and Breeding by Hillery Harmar.
  1. Analyze the reasons why you want to breed dogs. The only reason to breed dogs is to improve the breed. If you have been caring for and training your dog for the past two years or more, you may make a good breeder. In order for the puppies to turn out healthy and fit for the breed, you will need to devote a lot of time to breeding and learn a lot of information.

    • Do not breed dogs to be sold as pets. This is an unethical and unprofitable way to breed dogs. Such breeding forms a corresponding market, due to which low-quality nurseries appear throughout the country. Breed responsibly - do not contribute to the deterioration of the situation with the appearance of a huge number of pets.
    • Conscious breeding is a responsible occupation that requires money and time.
  2. Analyze the current situation. Make sure your dog has all the best qualities of the breed. This can be done with the help of experts. If you want to improve the breed, it is important to make sure that your dog is in the top 10% of dogs with all the best characteristics of the breed. Your dog should contribute positively to the breed's genetic pool.

    Find out which dogs are the best to breed. There are several types of dogs that are most suitable for breeding. There are also characteristics that can be passed on to puppies. You can breed service dogs that can bring prey and control the behavior of herd animals. You can also breed show dogs, which are judged on both external characteristics and temperament.

How to choose a dog for breeding

    Choose a dog. You need to decide which of your dogs will be mated. You need to choose a female as well as a male. Both dogs must have the characteristics discussed above.

    • You can get a male from another breeder if you don't have your own. It usually costs money. By agreement, the owner of the bitch can choose the puppies that he will keep for himself. All agreements must be written down and signed so that each party has the rights to the puppies.
  1. Assess the genetics of dogs. Study the genetic information of dogs. Check which good qualities were with relatives of dogs. To do this, you will need a pedigree and related documents. The male and female should not be relatives - this will preserve the purity of the breed and prevent genetic defects in the offspring.

    Watch the behavior of the dogs. Analyze the character of both dogs. They should behave well both with each other and with other dogs. If friendly and calm dogs are involved in breeding, this increases the likelihood of offspring with a similar character. Aggressive and cowardly dogs should not be involved in breeding work as they are dangerous.

    Check the age of the dogs. Both dogs must be of an age suitable for breeding. Most often, the dog should be about two years old. Many genetic problems appear after 24 months, which can be determined with the help of special studies. For example, some veterinary clinics do not screen for dysplasia until two years of age. The dog must have a microchip or a tattoo with the data necessary for the study. This will avoid falsification of the survey results.

    • In females, estrus begins at the age of 6 to 9 months. After the first cycle, estrus occurs every 5–11 months. Usually, females begin to participate in breeding after two years and 3-4 estrus cycles. By this time, the dog has reached full sexual maturity and is physically able to bear and give birth to puppies.

Dog inspection

How to start

  1. Wait until the female is in heat. Knitting is possible only during estrus. Estrus can start at different intervals, so keep an eye on your dog. The genital area will begin to swell. There may be bleeding. If there is a male nearby, he will show a special interest in the female.

    Consider artificial insemination. This will allow you to get offspring if you do not have a male. Frozen semen in liquid nitrogen can be shipped worldwide. It should be thawed in a special way, and then a female should be fertilized with it. Consider this option if you are unable to tie in the usual way.

    Monitor the health of the female. If you are sure that fertilization has occurred, separate the dogs. Give your dog a balanced diet. You can also give vitamins (eg calcium). Vitamins should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    • Feed your dog nutritious food and give her vitamins throughout her pregnancy. As a rule, dogs carry puppies for 58-68 days.
    • Keep fleas out of the dog house and bed. Clean the place, cover it with a clean cloth, offer the dog clean water.
  2. Be aware that during pregnancy, the appearance of the nipples and mammary glands changes. Toward the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands fill with milk. In the last three weeks, the dog needs to be given more food. Discuss nutrition with your veterinarian.

    • Typically, pregnant dogs are given puppy food during the last three weeks of pregnancy. It is more nutritious and provides the dog and puppies with all the necessary substances. Such food also helps the dog prepare for lactation.

How to take birth

  1. Prepare the birthing box. The dog will give birth in this box. The box must be 15 centimeters longer than the dog in the prone position and at least 30 centimeters wider. The box should have a rail to prevent the dog from lying on the puppies when they are born.

    • Line the bottom of the box with several layers of plastic bags and newspapers alternately. This will keep the box clean. You can simply pull out the layer of newspaper and plastic without changing the entire bedding. Place clean towels or a washable cloth inside.
  2. Be alert. You will need to notice when labor is approaching. Find out how dogs give birth. When your dog starts giving birth, make sure that strong contractions do not last longer than 30-45 minutes. If the puppy is not born after 45 minutes of strong contractions, this may indicate complications.

    • An x-ray at day 45 of pregnancy will allow the veterinarian to determine the number of puppies. The doctor will also see large puppies, which can create problems during childbirth. This information will prepare you and your veterinarian for the possible need for a caesarean section, and you will know how many puppies are due.
  3. Warm up the puppies. Once the puppies are born, you will need to keep them warm. You will also need to make sure that all puppies are eating. Examine puppies for birth defects such as cleft palate. The upper palate should be solid, without a break in the area of ​​the teeth. The dog will wash the puppies and help them eat.

    • If the puppy has a cleft palate, milk will enter the respiratory tract. If the splitting is severe, the puppy will have to be euthanized as it will not survive.
  4. Write down all birth information. Record the date of birth, the number of puppies and their gender. If you plan to register your puppies with a canine organization, you may be able to do so online. You will need the numbers of both parents.

The female reproductive organs include paired ovaries, paired fallopian tubes (horns of the uterus), uterus, vagina, and vulva.

In the ovaries, the formation and maturation of female germ cells - eggs, as well as the synthesis of sex hormones responsible for the psychophysiological changes in the bitch during estrus, her desire and ability to accept a male, the onset and development of pregnancy, childbirth.

female reproductive organs

Developing germ cells go through a series of successive stages: reproduction - during the intrauterine life of the future female, growth - from the moment of puberty and maturation during the sexual cycle and fertilization.

The follicles and corpus luteum of the ovary have an endocrine function. As the follicles mature, they come to the surface of the ovary and at a certain moment the largest of them (graaffian vesicle) bursts and an egg comes out of it. From the bursting graafian vesicles, the eggs enter the funnel-shaped extensions of the short, thin fallopian tubes.

In the latter, they are fertilized by spermatozoa that have penetrated here after mating. The number of male germ cells significantly exceeds the number of mature eggs; A male ejaculate contains an average of 100-150 million spermatozoa. One egg is attacked by many sperm at the same time.

In general, the size of the litter depends on the number of mature eggs, on the percentage of their fertilization, the possibility of embryos for implantation, and on intrauterine death of the fetus.

Intrauterine death, in turn, can be caused by both lethal genes and various adverse effects on the body of a pregnant bitch. For example, some drugs, radiation, stress, bruises have a negative effect.

Entry of spermatozoa into the egg

The female uterus is bicornuate, shaped like a Latin letter. v. The most developed part of the uterus is its tubes or, in other words, the uterine horns. It is here that, thanks to peristaltic movements and the flickering of the cilia of the epithelium, fertilized eggs move.

If there are significantly more embryos in one horn than in the other, then their migration occurs, due to which the embryos are evenly distributed along the uterine horns. During advancement, the fertilized egg begins to split up by simple mitotic division.

Approximately 3-4 days after fertilization, an embryo consisting of 8-12 cells enters the horns of the uterus. Now the rate of cell division increases significantly and by the 7-8th day the embryo begins to sink into the depth of the mucous layer of the walls of the uterus. However, full implantation occurs no earlier than 18-19 days of pregnancy, after which intensive growth and development of the embryo begins.

The placenta, due to which there is a direct exchange of waste products between the mother and the fetus, is formed as a result of the growth of the tissues of the uterus and the membranes of the fetus itself.

The placental barrier with a high degree of reliability protects the embryo from various harmful effects.

However, in some cases, the reliability of the placental barrier is reduced, especially with kidney disease, malfunctions in the immune and endocrine systems, with infectious diseases of the bitch herself and others.

In case of violation of the placental barrier, the risk of intrauterine "disease" of the fetus increases dramatically. The outcome of such pregnancy, childbirth and the condition of newborn puppies depends on the degree and duration of the damaging factor, as well as the nature of the compensatory capabilities of the placental system of a particular animal.

The placenta retains its functions throughout the birth, up to its separation (detachment) from the walls of the uterus after the birth of the puppy. Premature detachment of the placenta leads to intrauterine death of the fetus.

The uterus plays a major role during childbirth, but previously it is a place to store sperm. Spermatozoa can live in the female genital tract for up to several days. The body of the uterus is relatively small, joining two horns in front and opening through the cervix back into the vagina.

The cervix has a strongly developed constrictor muscle. Thanks to him, the cervix is ​​tightly closed and only opens slightly during estrus, allowing sperm to enter the uterus. Full dilatation of the cervix occurs during childbirth, which allows the fetuses to move out of the uterus through the birth canal.

The walls of the uterus and its horns consist of several layers of tissues. The inner layer of the uterus is a mucous membrane called the endometrium. Under it lies the muscular layer of the myometrium, which grows strongly during pregnancy and ensures the pushing of the fetus at the time of childbirth. Between the layers of muscle tissue is the vascular layer. The outer layer of the uterus is called the perimetrium.

The vagina (vagina), an unpaired tube-shaped organ, together with the vulva (loop), consisting of the labia and clitoris, is the organ of copulation. This is where the urinary tract opens. Anatomically, the vagina has, as it were, a dual orientation. Its short end part, located between the labia (upper and lower), is directed almost vertically with respect to the main part, which has a horizontal arrangement.

The vagina is very long, it accepts the penis of the male dog in a state of erection and the supply of sperm passes directly to the cervix. Another role of the vagina is associated with its ability to compress the muscles and securely hold the penis of the male dog for quite a long time, from 5 minutes to 1 hour. This condition, when a male is “attached” to a bitch with a vaginal constrictor muscle, is called a lock by dog ​​breeders.

Talking about the female reproductive system, one cannot help but mention the mammary glands. They are located along the entire lower part of the chest and on the dog's stomach. As a rule, there are five pairs, but large bitches can have six, and small bitches can have four. Occasionally there is an odd number of glands and they can be located asymmetrically relative to the left and right side. All this in no way affects the reproductive abilities of the animal.

The mammary glands are externally represented only by nipples, and the development of mammary gland tissue is observed in females only towards the end of pregnancy and during the period of feeding puppies (lactation period).

sexual cycle

The regulation of all sexual processes in mammals, including humans and dogs, is under the direct control of the body's neuroendocrine system.

Despite the fact that during the process of domestication dogs have acquired the ability to have several cycles per year and regardless of the season, most tend to consider them, like wild canids, monocyclic animals. The argument here is that, firstly, domestic dogs easily interbreed with wild representatives of this family (wolf, jackal, etc.); secondly, in the sexual cycle of dogs there is a characteristic feature - estrus occurs after a long period of rest.

According to the rhythm of the sexual cycle, some scientists classify dogs as monocyclic, others as dicyclic animals.

In any case, the sexual cycle of bitches differs from that of laboratory and farm animals. First of all, in females, the onset of estrus is preceded by spotting. And although they resemble menstrual flow in higher primates and humans, however, in bitches it is the exit of blood through the walls of blood vessels, and in higher primates it is uterine bleeding associated with rejection of the overgrown endometrium. Further, in bitches, the onset of estrus coincides with the onset of ovulation, and the formation of a functionally active corpus luteum occurs by the time it ends. In most other animals, the formation of the corpus luteum occurs after the end of sexual hunting. There are other differences, but this is the subject of description of purely scientific research.

With regard to terminology, the specific features of the sexual cycle of dogs have led to the use of some terminological differences in the description of this process. We used the system presented in the excellent book by the French researcher, veterinary doctor A. Fontbonne (1996).

So, in most bitches, the sexual cycle occurs twice a year and consists of four phases: proestrus, estrus (these phases correspond to the estrus period), diestrus (characteristic of pregnancy) and anestrus (rest period between estrus).

Proestrus - the first phase of estrus, which lasts about 10 days; however, its duration can vary from 5-20 days. Outwardly, estrus is detected by swelling of the loop, its softening and bloody discharge from the vagina. However, these changes are not at all typical for all bitches. So, some of them may not have spotting, others have a delay in discharge, while in fact the estrous cycle has already begun. Hence the difficulty of determining the first day of estrus. A number of anomalies in the development of an individual can lead to a delay or complete absence of estrus (amenorrhea).

Amenorrhea is often observed in dwarf individuals (nanists) - not to be confused with normal individuals of small size.

Most often, the retardation of sexual development occurs due to disharmonic disorders or is the result of improper use of drugs during puberty. So, according to French experts, significant doses of corticosteroids used, for example, to relieve itching, can play a very negative role. In some cases, such phenomena are caused by antifungal drugs (grisiofulvin, etc.). Experts advise to refrain from treating dogs with hormonal drugs and anabolics until puberty, otherwise the breeder risks the future career of producers, especially since infertility caused by the use of certain drugs is incurable in the future.

Feed is a major factor influencing the vital activity of the organism. Poor, excessive, inadequate feeding (any factor is enough) not only reduces the reproductive abilities of animals, but is also often the cause of infertility. In addition, communication with the opposite sex has a significant impact on the regulation of sexual functions in dogs.

The appearance of the first estrus is not always easy to notice, the young bitch loses little blood, which is the norm in this case; and the loop can practically not increase. There is even such a term “quiet” (dry) estrus, very characteristic of the first cycles. Therefore, many owners begin to worry about the "delay" of the first estrus and mistake the second for it. Similar estrus can be observed in previously current and even giving birth to bitches. It is impossible to visually detect a “dry” estrus. Only an experienced male with his behavior will make it clear that estrus has begun. In most cases, "dry" estrus occurs during normal hormonal function, and therefore normal ovulation occurs. And with the right timing of mating, fertilization will occur.

During proestrus, under the influence of an increasing amount of female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone, significant changes occur in the female reproductive system. The walls of the uterus thicken, blood supply increases; the contractile activity of its walls increases, while the cervix is ​​relaxed and the canal is slightly open. At this time, bitches are often thirsty, they become restless, capricious, irritable, and often run away from the owner. In a female in heat, along with urine, special substances are released - pheromones with a specific smell so attractive to males. Bitches often urinate - marking territory. Males show a special interest in such females, care for and follow them everywhere. At the end of proestrus, bitches also begin to flirt with males, but cages are not allowed.

Estrus - second stage of estrus, lasts about 7 days, but in rare cases it can last from 3 to 30 days. During this period, vaginal discharge brightens, becomes less abundant and more mucous; the loop becomes less edematous and more rigid (hardens). Be careful, in some bitches these phenomena are of a different nature, and the female loses blood during the entire estrus. In any case, bitches begin to show an increased interest in males, sniffing their genitals, allowing cages and accepting a male. And if proestrus is the stage preceding ovulation, then estrus is the stage of ovulation, which occurs mainly immediately after the start of mating with a male. The duration of ovulation in bitches is still poorly understood, but presumably it fits within 12-24 hours and occurs in both ovaries simultaneously.

It is important to know that the female germ cells released from the graafian vesicles are not yet capable of fertilization. Their final maturation occurs within 2-7 days, as they move along the upper sections of the female genital tract. Thus, a bitch can become pregnant at least two days after ovulation and the meeting of the female germ cell with the male. The main mistake of beginner breeders is impatience, forcing them to breed a bitch too early.

Today, there are no absolutely universal and error-free methods in this area of ​​cynology, but experts consider the so-called method of vaginal smears to be quite reliable. This technique is based on the fact that the epithelial cells of the vagina, secreted during estrus, change under the influence of hormones and the microscopic picture of proestrus differs from estrus, etc.

Photomicrographs from the book by A. Fontbonne, 1996

Anaestrus period of sexual rest; in the vaginal smear, only a few round small epithelial cells with a large nucleus are observed.

proestrus-beginning during this period, the appearance of vaginal cells under the influence of hormones begins to change;

Cells become larger with a smaller nucleus

There are more

The smear contains red blood cells.

proestrus end

Vaginal cells keratinize and become irregularly angular

Red blood cells are present.


Twisted vaginal cells (deflated epithelium) now resemble dry leaves

Red blood cells are practically absent.

Diestrus (metestrus) with this smear pattern, estrus ends after 24-48 hours, and the bitch cannot be fertilized

Vaginal cells are rounded

Cells with nuclei appear

White blood cells clear the field by phagocytosis of all cellular "debris"

Since the appearance of leukocytes, the bitch cannot be fertilized.

Sometimes in bitches with a non-standard type of estrus, not only are there no discharge and the loop swells slightly noticeably, but there are no smells that attract males so much. In atypical cases, the question always arises of how to find out the right dates and not make mistakes in determining the timing of mating.

Sometimes breeders are faced with such phenomena as "dissociated" estrus (splitheats). In this case, the female has a classic swelling of the loop, vaginal discharge, and she enters estrus, and then, after some time, different for different bitches (usually 5-6 days). The estrus seems to stop and again can be repeated after a while. In fact, such females produce corpus luteum hormones from the very beginning. This is a "false" estrus, followed by real ovulation a few weeks later. Such estrus does not signal the infertility of the bitch, but always puzzles beginners. Fortunately, they are quite rare and are not typical for every cycle. More often, “false” heats are observed in representatives of large breeds, but in practice they are also found in Yorkshire terriers.

There are other atypical cases. For example, a bitch willingly accepts a male, but at this time she is not yet able to become pregnant, since her ovulation period falls on a different time. On the contrary, the bitch is at the stage of ovulation, that is, the most favorable moment for conception, and she categorically refuses to mate. It is quite obvious that we are talking about hormonal imbalance and only the introduction of specific hormones on the recommendation of an experienced veterinarian can correct the situation. But the question arises: is it necessary to get offspring from animals with such problems?

In a female in heat, along with urine, special substances are released - pheromones with a specific smell so attractive to males. Bitches often urinate - marking territory. Males show a special interest in such females, care for and follow them everywhere. At the end of proestrus, bitches also begin to flirt with males, but cages are not allowed.

In general, these examples clearly show that there is great variability and no generally accepted dogmas in determining the timing of mating in some cases do not work. Normally, a bitch in estrus is ready to mate and willingly demonstrates this. It is worth touching or lightly tapping your finger on the croup, as she takes a characteristic pose - raises and takes her tail to one side, pulls the loop up, that is, helps the dog to insert a penis into the vagina.

Diestrus (metestrus). This phase of estrus is characterized by the secretion of progesterone, which will drive the pregnancy. With the onset of diestrus, the loop gradually decreases, and at the same time, sexual activity decreases. In some bitches, spotting from the loop can be found again within a few days after estrus. At the beginning, they are quite brightly colored, but soon lighten, decrease in number and become slimy. This period corresponds to the period of menstruation in women. In dogs, such phenomena occur relatively rarely. Usually you division stops on the 4-5th day. But if something bothers you or your bitch's discharge continues for more than the specified period, we strongly advise you to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

The yellow body is called because of the color, which can be easily seen during macroscopic examination. If for some reason fertilization did not occur, then in dogs the corpus luteum continues to function for quite a long time, even in the absence of mating.

Normally, the hormone progesterone is released due to the work of the corpus luteum of pregnancy, which are formed at the site of the follicles during ovulation. The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that hormonally ensures the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

The secretion of progesterone has a specific effect on the uterus, whether the bitch is pregnant or not. The increase in the uterus, in the first place, occurs due to the growth of endometrial glands, which produce a huge amount of mucus.

In some females, already at the end of 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, a slight increase in the abdomen is noted, at the same time the nipples increase and harden.

Rarely, milk is secreted from them. But do not worry too much, this is not a pathology, but only a hypertrophied manifestation of natural processes.

In pathological cases, as a result of hormonal imbalance, the secretion of the endometrial mucosa can be so excessive that abnormal stretching of the uterine horns occurs. At this point, pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate here, as a result of which a severe, life-threatening animal disease, pyometra, develops. Such a bitch cannot become pregnant, since the process of embryo implantation is impossible. This disease always develops in diestrus within 1-12 weeks after mating. The bitch looks depressed, refuses to eat, but the temperature may remain normal or slightly reduced. If the cervix is ​​ajar, then purulent discharge from the loop is observed. When the neck is closed, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity, and then a painful “tumor” is felt in the lower abdomen. You need to contact the vet immediately. It is extremely rare for even a very valuable pedigree bitch to save the queen. If veterinary care is delayed, the owner risks losing the animal.

If fertilization has not occurred, then the corpus luteum will function for a long time, even in the absence of mating, that is, changes similar to the state of pregnancy occur in the uterus. The bitch's belly grows, the mammary glands swell, milk is often secreted, sometimes labor pains are simulated. Often, a bitch "turns" her favorite toys into puppies. This is the so-called false pregnancy. The severity of false pregnancy is very different in different bitches at different times.

A bitch suffering from "falsehood" in case of her breeding value must be tied, otherwise it is better to castrate (sterilize) her.

In normal cases, during the period of diestrus, the bitch becomes very calm, only sometimes her appetite increases sharply. Depending on the course of pregnancy, her behavior can be very diverse.

Quite often mated bitches have toxicosis of pregnancy and after 19-20 days their appetite sharply decreases. The dog becomes very capricious and picky in food, and in the same female, different pregnancies can proceed in completely different ways.

Anestrus - the reproductive rest phase that separates diestrus from proestrus and lasts an average of 4-5 months, but can last from 2-10 months or more without affecting fertility (fertility). Regardless of the duration, anestrus is an important part of the sexual cycle.

In wild canids, the time of year plays a primary role. And although it is believed that the season also plays a certain role in domestic dogs, and most of them are in heat at the end of winter or the beginning of autumn, but in practice this is far from the case.

In the same time great importance exerted by psychophysiological factors. Breeders are well aware that dogs living in the same group often tend to leak almost simultaneously or one after the other. Thus, there is a synchronization of estrus in females of one kennel.

In dogs, the break time between estrus is very variable. Scientists still do not know the mechanism that triggers estrus again.

According to some studies, synchronous estrus bring much more frustration than spontaneous ones, while bitches have less pronounced swelling of the loop, more meager vaginal discharge. According to American experts, such estrus is less favorable for true reproduction. According to other authors, everything is exactly the opposite. My own experience says that once at a time it is not necessary.

There are no external manifestations during the period of reproductive rest in bitches. The loop remains small or slightly enlarged in the parous bitch. The mammary glands are calm. The uterus, previously enlarged by progesterone, now shrinks within two months. This is necessary so that she is again able to implant embryos and bear full-fledged offspring. In estrus, following one after another with very short "breaks", infertility is often observed, since the anestrus, which lasts less than two months, is too short to restore the working capacity of the uterus. In the state of anestrus, the bitch is calm, has no sexual odors, and in this regard does not attract the attention of males.

Determining the best mating days

From what has been said above, it is obvious that the subtle process of ovulation is a complex and multi-stage process. That is why it is far from always easy to determine the most suitable days for a guaranteed fertilization in a bitch.

Furthermore, short life mature egg (48 hours) strictly binds the mating to the optimal period. In any case, breeders try to determine this ideal age using more or less objective criteria. Most experts advise breeding dogs on days 9-15 of estrus.

However, this criterion is not perfect. In about one third of bitches, the optimal timing of fertilization does not fit into the classical framework. There are females in which the fertilization period falls on 5-6 days of estrus. Apparently, this is due to very early ovulation. But it is quite possible that in such females in the first days of the cycle, blood secretions are so meager that they are lost in the labia and only by the 5-6th day from the actual beginning of estrus become plentiful and are noticed by the breeder.

Therefore, having mated the bitch on the 5th-6th day from the beginning of visible bloody discharge, the male actually fertilizes her on the 10th-12th day of estrus. In this case, the bitch is knitted “by blood”, and the duration of estrus is about 18-21 days from the onset of visible discharge.

Other bitches may be ready for fertilization quite late, sometimes by 18-25 days of estrus. This feature is characteristic both for some breeds and for individual individuals, including those found among Yorkshire terriers. Such phenomena should be taken into account by breeders whose bitches do not become pregnant during matings in the classical terms.

In our club, one very high-quality female in the first two litters brought one puppy each, when mating on classic days. When she was mated on day 5-6, she gave birth to 5 puppies. In general, optimal mating days can vary from one estrus to the next in the same bitch.

As a rule, mating terms are prolonged with age.

Another indicator of fertile days is the readiness of the bitch herself for mating. It is believed that this criterion is more objective than the definition of vaginal smears. However, mating too early, even if the bitch mates willingly, is often ineffective or results in an infertile litter.

On the other hand, it is known that there are bitches who take a male for only half a day during the entire estrus. Conversely, the bitch willingly accepts a male, not being ready for fertilization, while other bitches reject males, not allowing cages to be made on the most optimal days for conception.

Given all of the above, it is obvious that the first mating should be guided by generally accepted terms. It is useless and even harmful to rape a bitch, that is, to knit her without her consent, since, by and large, she most often remains empty.

Breeders often determine mating times based on the behavior of an experienced male. Males that mate regularly and successfully have considerable experience and their choice is quite reliable. However, there are very few such males, and it is not at all necessary that they are suitable for your bitch as a breeding partner.

As for young, inexperienced males or males whose estrus is not sufficiently satisfied, they will actively mount even if the female in heat is not ready for fertilization. As a rule, a very experienced, sought-after stud male actively cares for the bitch, excites her, but does not mount if the bitch is not ready for insemination.

Another criterion for the readiness of the bitch for mating is the type of vaginal discharge. We already know that during estrus (ovulation), vaginal discharge becomes lighter and becomes scarce. This criterion also cannot be an absolute guarantor, but very rarely a bitch is ready during a period of abundant, bright red discharge. We are not talking about breeds now, whose females are always mated by blood.

The criteria for assessing the readiness of the bitch for insemination described above are subjective and not reliable enough. More accurate are objective methods of monitoring females in heat:

Vaginal smears (microscopic research method).

Measurement of the resistance of the vaginal muscles (using a special device widely used in fox fur farms), although this method is considered to be no more accurate than the previous one.

Endoscopy of the vagina. This method is neither better nor worse than the vaginal swab method.

The use of "reactive tapes" like litmus papers that determine the amount of glucose or changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment. According to scientists, the method is unreliable and should be avoided.

Measurement of progesterone and other hormones in the blood. This method is also far from ideal, but is good enough in combination with the vaginal swab method. However, it requires repeated visits to the veterinarian.

Ultrasound ovulation determination used for farm animals is not suitable for most dogs. Firstly, the dog needs to cut the hair from the sides and bottom, which is unacceptable for show animals. And how to sell puppies of such a dog?

Secondly, the fat surrounding the egg makes the image in dogs not clear enough to determine the maturity of the follicles and their rupture at the time of ovulation.

For nurseries, the method of vaginal smears is the most accessible, but it requires certain experience and skills in interpreting the smear pattern under a microscope. In females suffering from impaired fertility, the smear pattern may be blurred. Now we are not talking about dogs that have pedigree deviations, in which it is very difficult to “read” smears, and even more so, we are not talking about bitches that match by blood.

Fortunately, Yorkshire terriers are in the main the classic type of dog, but any individual features can be a source of errors and empty matings. Even an experienced veterinarian cannot always accurately interpret a single smear in terms of the ideal readiness of the bitch for fertilization. Only serial sampling of smears reflects the dynamics of the process and gives a fairly accurate answer.

Currently, in order to control the cycle in bitches, a progesterone test is used, which allows you to determine the timing of mating or the time of the first insemination during artificial insemination. But this method requires a laboratory with highly qualified employees who can quickly and accurately assess the level of the hormone in the blood. Since the amount of progesterone during estrus changes all the time, it is preferable to examine a number of samples.


The main cause of infertility in bitches is inflammation of the uterus or genital tract. Tumors and various anatomical defects of the reproductive system also prevent pregnancy. One of the serious problems is a very strong delay or complete absence of estrus. If a bitch does not go into heat before a year and a half, she needs a veterinary examination. Prolonged estrus is also dangerous, as it is often associated with ovarian tumors. In this case, excess estrogen production occurs, resulting in estrus lasting for weeks and months.

Infertility is the inability of living organisms to reproduce and it occurs equally in both females and males. The causes of infertility can be chromosomal and gene anomalies, which are difficult to diagnose and difficult, sometimes impossible, to treat. And there is no point in getting offspring from such individuals.

Sometimes inbreeding leads to an empty mating or an infertile pregnancy, and since fertility and infertility are largely determined by heredity, in the case of inbreeding (linebreeding), only highly fertile animals should be used. Infertility can be permanent or temporary.

The latter most often occurs due to the lack of walks (alas, not all breeders walk with Yorkies), stress, overload, both physical and related to reproductive activity.

Special mention should be made of environmental problems and infertility that occurs after infectious diseases. Abnormal mating conditions, poor maintenance, age naturally play an important role in this matter. It is quite obvious that malnutrition with insufficient content of animal proteins, vitamins, in particular fertility vitamin E, microelements, etc. in food can provoke infertility in individuals of both sexes.

Dog spermatozoa A. Fontbonne, 1996

At the same time, overfed, “loaded” animals are of little use for breeding. Obese bitches often do not give puppies, and males become lazy and incapable of breeding.

Reproductive system of males

Consider in in general terms how the reproductive system of a dog is arranged and functions.

Although it includes several organs, the most importance have testicles.

Reproductive system of a dog

1. appendages of the testis (epididymis) - paired organs.

2. testicles (testicles) - paired organs.

3. seed tubes - from each testis.

4. bladder.

5. urogenital canal.

6. prostate gland.

7. penis.

8. penis bulbs.

9. sex bone.

10. prepuce.

11. scrotum.

The male reproductive system consists of the testes, their appendages - the epididymis, the excretory ducts (the vas deferens and the genitourinary canal), the prostate gland, the penis, the prepuce and the scrotum.

In the testes, the formation and maturation of male germ cells - spermatozoa and the production of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Direct cell division and the formation of sperm occurs in the convoluted tubules of the testes, the ducts of which enable the germ cells to move towards the epididymis.

A spermatic duct departs from each appendage, which ensures the transport of spermatozoa from the appendages to the urogenital canal. The latter ends at the head of the penis with the urogenital opening. One way to sterilize males is to apply a ligature (constriction) to this duct. The duct blocked in this way does not allow spermatozoa to erupt outward, but at the same time the male retains all his sexual characteristics and sexual aspirations. Obviously, when mating with such a male, fertilization cannot occur.

Epididymis play a multifunctional role in the male reproductive system. Thanks to them, the transport and concentration of spermatozoa, their maturation and storage take place. Only together with the secrets of the epididymis, spermatozoa are able to participate in movement and fertilization.

The process of formation of germ cells (spermatogenesis) has a clear time cycle and continues throughout the entire reproductive period of the animal's life. The testicles are located in the scrotum, which is a two-chamber musculocutaneous sac that performs protective and thermoregulatory functions. The fact is that normal spermatogenesis occurs when the temperature in the scrotum is several degrees lower than body temperature.

With excessive cooling of the testes, there is a danger of developing inflammatory processes. Overheating of the testes inhibits the production of germ cells.

The ability of spermatozoa to maintain fertilizing properties for many months when stored in an oxygen-free environment at a temperature below body temperature is widely used in the practice of artificial insemination, including dogs.

The prostate gland, along with the pituitary gland, supports spermatogenesis in the convoluted tubules of the testes and produces seminal fluid, which occupies three-quarters of the volume of the entire ejaculate. This fluid promotes the movement of sperm through the vas deferens, is involved in the formation of sexual desire.

In addition, seminal fluid provides effective protection of sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina, has antibacterial activity, provides immune protection against the bitch's antibodies, and, due to the presence of sugars, forms a nutrient medium for spermatozoa.

Another meaning is the secretion of substances that contribute to the contraction of the vaginal muscles, which is so necessary for the rapid movement of sperm up the female genital tract.

The penis (penis) is the organ of copulation and urinary excretion. It has a powerful branched network of blood vessels, caverns and a spongy body, which swell due to filling with blood and provide an erection. The sexual bone, located along and closer to the head of the penis, gives a special elasticity to the male penis.

This bone helps the male to push the penis into the vagina, but at the same time it is quite fragile and can break if the helper is rude or if the nervous bitch is extremely restless during mating. Such a breakdown is the most frequent and most serious injury for a future manufacturer. Often, a piece of bone breaks the vas deferens, and the male becomes infertile.

At rest, the male penis is located in the preputial sac. When erect, it increases significantly in size and extends beyond the prepuce. The bulb of the penis swells strongly and, together with the vaginal muscles, provides a "lock" during intercourse.

At this time, the sperm is pushed out of the penis due to peristaltic contractions of the walls of the urogenital canal and rhythmic contractions of the bulbous muscle located at the base of the penis. This creates enough high pressure, allowing sperm to effectively penetrate the female genital tract.

The first fraction of the ejaculate, which is released within a few seconds, no more than 30, does not contain spermatozoa and, therefore, does not fertilize. Usually it is colorless transparent or slightly yellowish due to a few drops of urine that have fallen into it. The second fraction is released literally in one minute and contains the main amount of spermatozoa. Depending on their concentration, the fraction may be white or slightly milky in color.

Bitches owners need not worry about a very “short” lock. In fact, the second fraction is the only one capable of fertilization and does not depend either on the duration of the lock or on the completeness of the erection. The third fraction occupies most of the ejaculate volume and time corresponding to the duration of the castle (5-60 minutes). Its content is more related to the physiology of the prostate gland.

There is a lot of evidence that cryptorchidism is a hereditary defect. And although cryptorchidism is not always born from such males, the percentage of grandchildren with such a pathology is very high. At dog shows, cryptorchids are disqualified and these dogs are not allowed for breeding work.

If a male has one or both testicles not descended into the scrotum, then the male is a cryptorchid. Despite the fact that bilateral cryptorchids are usually sterile, and unilateral have reduced fertility, sexually both are very active and can easily mate a bitch.

Serious causes of male infertility include a variety of inflammatory processes that occur in various parts of the reproductive system.

Orchitis - inflammation of the testes, epididymitis - appendages, prostatitis - prostate gland, fasting - prepuce, balanitis - inflammation of the glans penis. In any case, the owner of a male, especially a pedigree one, should not allow careless and slovenly keeping of the animal, injury to the penis or prepuce skin, testicle bruises, etc.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that the hairs at the tip of the prepuce are not glued together, that is, pus-like discharge should not flow from the prepuce.

A pedigree male must necessarily walk in the fresh air and enjoy freedom of movement. That is why it is necessary literally from the first walks to teach the puppy to walk on a leash and without it, to carry out obedience commands.

Frankly, it is difficult to understand some owners of Yorkshire terriers who quickly and easily teach dogs to bring toys, give a paw, follow the commands “sit”, “lie down”, but do not want to hit a finger on a finger in order to teach the dog the commands: “near” , “to me”, “to stand”, while it is necessary for safety and full-fledged walks in the city and in nature.

Dog puberty and mating

Puberty in Yorkshire Terriers occurs at the age of 8-9 months, but they can only be allowed to mate when the dog's body is completely mature.

You should definitely not knit a bitch until this moment, since by the time of the first estrus it has not yet formed and pregnancy will be premature and unbearable burden for the young individual. As a result, a caesarean section, often the removal of the uterus, and the career of a producer will have to be put an end to.

In males, the formation of spermatozoa also begins with the onset of puberty. This period is individual, both for individuals and for different breeds. Normally, a small amount of sperm is excreted in the urine before puberty.

But real ejaculation first occurs at 8-10 months. During this period, the seminal fluid is still poor in spermatozoa and, moreover, it contains many immature germ cells incapable of fertilization. Therefore, it is most correct and effective to start untying a dog yorkshire terrier follows no earlier than 12 months, which is stipulated by the rules of the RKF. Regular use of the dog begins much later.

The tribal position of the RKF and other countries may differ from each other. So in Russia, a York female can be bred for the first time not earlier than 15 months, in Switzerland - at 14, and in 2 years from a female you can get no more than three litters.

It is allowed to knit a bitch up to 8 years. In Germany, a bitch can only be bred once a year. In Austria, each club decides these issues on its own.

Vaccinated, clinically healthy animals that have reached age, sexual and physical maturity, with normal fatness are allowed for mating (dogs should be palpable with maklaks and the last two pairs of ribs).

No later than a month before the expected estrus, the bitch should be wormed. Undesirable, but in the most extreme case, worms are driven away on the 1-2nd day of estrus, but no later.

Males are ready for mating all year round. In bitches, sexual activity is cyclical and is confined to estrus. The intervals between estrus in bitches of various breeds may differ: some bitches flow twice a year, others once every 10 months, and some once a year. The frequency of estrus can change with age, even in the same bitch. This is completely normal and should not cause concern to the owner.

During estrus, the bitch should not be exposed to hypothermia and drafts in order to avoid colds and inflammation of the uterus. Females in heat - Yorkies do not cause much trouble in the house, since their discharge is not plentiful, and the dogs themselves are very clean. Occasional stains can be easily discolored with a regular hydrogen peroxide solution or washed off with cold water.

At the first mating, the bitch is usually brought on the 11-13th day of estrus, but different bitches may have different days: some are successfully knitted for 15-17 days, while others are ready for 5-8 days. By this time, the discharge becomes almost colorless, and with a slight pressure on the croup, the bitch takes the tail to the side and pulls the loop up. The male knits the female on his territory, where he feels much more confident. A day later, it is recommended to conduct a control mating. Do not forget to carry out preventive deworming before mating.

A young male is untied on an experienced balanced and active bitch. His breeding career sometimes depends on this first time. The long hair of Yorkies must be picked up, it is better to put it in papillots, and cut the hair around the loop in advance, since during intercourse it can wrap around the penis of the dog and the consequences will be catastrophic.

Some cynologists advise mating Yorkshire Terriers on the table, with which we cannot agree, since inexperienced owners often do not reliably control the behavior of active fearless terriers. As for very small males, it seems that there is a reason to accustom them to mating both on the floor and on the table, since in case of mating with a large or difficult bitch, he can be helped.

For novice breeders and owners of young inexperienced males, we recommend inviting a reliable instructor who will tell you how to properly prepare the animals and the place for mating, if necessary, help the dogs.

After finishing the mating, you need to blot the bitch's loop with a dry cloth or cotton swab and let her rest in a secluded place. In a male, it is necessary to check that the penis is completely retracted into the prepuce, and the edges of the latter are not wrapped inward. After mating, water the dogs.

A mated bitch must be protected from accidental mating with other males, as puppies from different fathers are possible.

Breeding animals must have documents of origin (pedigree) and show grades allowing them to participate in breeding. In his club, the owner of the bitch receives a referral - an act of mating, which indicates all the necessary data about both producers.

Dog owners agree in advance on the time and conditions of mating, which are also recorded in the act. The conditions of mating, which are also recorded in the act, must be agreed in advance. The acts must be signed by both parties. In the RKF system, after paying for the mating, the owner of the sire issues a special stamp with his signature to the owner of the sire. This brand is pasted on the mating act. Without a stamp, the mating act is not valid.

And one more piece of advice. Approach the issue of mating consciously, carefully weighing the pros and cons. Mating animals, childbirth, nursing and raising puppies, education, worms and vaccinations, photography and advertising - this and much more requires a lot of physical and moral strength, sleepless nights and substantial material costs. The use of a dog in breeding, especially a male, is preceded by serious preparation. A male should be exhibited a lot and successfully in order for breeders to pay attention to him when choosing a stud.

Amateurs often have to deal with the fact that friends and acquaintances, so zealously begging for puppies from them while they are so tiny and toy, refuse to take them, much less buy them out, when the time comes for distribution.

In the wild, there are a number of biological mechanisms that prevent all males from participating in reproduction. In canines, for example wolf pack, mating occurs once a year - in the spring, and only very strong, active and healthy animals participate in reproduction. The rest are busy hunting, guarding the flock, etc.

The desire of the owners of males, by all means, at least once to tie their pet is a completely useless undertaking. Once mated, a male will not become calmer at all, rather, on the contrary, he will begin to run away and actively look for his girlfriend, risking getting lost, falling under wheels or being stolen.

Both in the natural environment and in practical human activities (agriculture, animal husbandry, fur farming, dog breeding, etc.), only a very small part of males is used. In any case, when selecting male producers, they are subject to increased requirements. An important role is played by the quality of the previously obtained offspring, because sometimes breeders receive by no means outstanding offspring from a super-handsome male.

Now in many countries, sterilization of animals is widely and successfully used, which is considered by modern veterinary science as a good preventive measure against many diseases of the reproductive system, both in females and in males.


The duration of pregnancy in dogs is 56-72 days, but most Yorkshire terrier bitches give birth on 60-62 days. In the first weeks of pregnancy, no significant changes in the appearance of the bitch occur, only some have slight manifestations of toxicosis, expressed in drowsiness, decreased appetite, etc. Usually everything returns to normal naturally.

On the 20-22nd day of pregnancy, a person with sensitive fingers and experience can feel the fruits, resembling hard rounded lumps - in Yorkshires the size of a bean. We do not advise beginners to get involved in such manipulations.

Do not disturb the bitch - with a rough probing, you risk ruining the fruit. In the first half of pregnancy, experienced veterinarians do not advise taking bitches in their arms upside down and not letting them sleep on their backs in order to avoid torsion of the horns of the uterus and improper presentation of the fetus.

As for the size of the belly, the Yorkie bitch can carry 1-2 puppies and have a huge belly. There are 4-5 puppies, and the belly is of moderate size.

It is possible to determine the presence of puppies not only by palpation, but also by echography on the 20-25th day of pregnancy, by radiography - starting from the 45th day and by ultrasound - after the 50th day.

One of the signs of pregnancy is the enlargement of the nipples and the lightening of the skin around them. By the 50-51st day, puppies begin to move. On the eve of childbirth, puppies freeze.

According to table 4, you can easily determine the timing of the expected birth. In your calculations, it is better to proceed from the days of the first mating.

It is necessary to treat a pregnant bitch with special care, from the second half of pregnancy, do not let her jump and run up the stairs. A pregnant bitch should not be allowed near other dogs and must be walked daily, while she can run, walk, lead an active lifestyle - all this taking into account the gestational age.

During this period, you need to raise the bitch not only carefully, but also slowly, in no case resting your fingers on her stomach. It is easy to pick up a Yorkshire terrier bitch and hold with one hand under the chest, pressing the elbows, and with the other - supporting under the croup.

Feeding bitches in the first half of pregnancy is normal. Starting from the second half, if you are using industrial feed, then you need to transfer the bitch to food for pregnant animals.

If you feed a dog with homemade food or if it individually needs additional supplements and vitamins, then according to the recommendations of experts, they should definitely be added to food.

The amount of food is increased weekly by 10%, mainly due to proteins. Nutrition should be fractional, with the addition of vitamins, primarily A, B, D, E, and mineral supplements, especially calcium supplements, which the body of developing fetuses needs so much.


Table of matings and childbirth (according to A. Tomaselli)

However, an excess of calcium is not only useless, but sometimes dangerous, since its increase in the body of pregnant bitches disrupts metabolism and provokes eclampsia during childbirth. Calcium deficiency leads to postpartum eclampsia.

10 days before the expected birth, we reduce the amount of protein in food (eggs, meat, canned food, etc.). Days 5 before birth, we remove the squirrels completely. Only if a pregnant bitch categorically refuses cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables, fruits, then we give meat products in a minimum amount. Remember that every living organism requires an individual approach.

Feed the bitch more often, especially in the second half of pregnancy, in no case overfeeding her in order to avoid vomiting, indigestion and obesity.

There are two categories of females: for some, everything goes into puppies, while others “save” on puppies - they get fat themselves. But a pregnant bitch is not a fattening pig, she should still be able to feel the maklaki and ribs, despite the fact that there is an increase in weight and growth of the abdomen.

Fractional feeding combined with outdoor walks is the most favorable condition for a successful pregnancy.

Most importantly, during a normal pregnancy, the belly should increase gradually, evenly and in proportion to the size of the dog. By the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands swell significantly, increase in size, and the nipples also increase and become clearly defined. Colostrum can come 5 days before childbirth, during childbirth or immediately after them, and sometimes in the next day or three. The latter is an undesirable fact that speaks of hormonal imbalance. AT classic version with light pressure on the nipple 1-2 days before delivery, colostrum is released (a thick, whitish-yellowish liquid) or its precursor is a straw-yellow secret.

In ideal cases, during pregnancy, the loop of the bitch is dry and clean, but quite often throughout the pregnancy, mucous transparent discharges are observed without foreign odors and stains. If the bitch feels good and the amount of discharge does not increase, then this is not a violation of pregnancy, but her individual feature, and there is no reason for concern. However, if the discharge from the loop is colored, liquid or thick with a yellow-green or bloody tint, this is a pathology and urgent veterinary care is needed.

As for the toxicosis of pregnancy, then, as a rule, it proceeds little noticeably and should not give clinical signs such as:

Very capricious appetite;

Refusal to eat;

Vomiting - morning (hungry) or after eating;

bowel disorder (diarrhea);

General lethargy (depression).

You should definitely consult a doctor who will select a diet for your dog based on the condition of his kidneys, liver, intestines, cardiovascular system, etc.

Childbirth and preparation for them

Preparation for childbirth begins in advance:

Notify your veterinarian 2-3 weeks before the expected date (a good veterinarian always has a lot of clients).

Deworm the bitch 10 days before birth, however, avoid any medications or vaccinations.

For a week, prepare a place where the mother will be with the puppies. It is better if it is a collapsible playpen (90x120 cm) or a large cardboard box, which should be raised about 10 cm above the floor to avoid drafts and contact with a cold floor. One of the walls should be of such a height that the bitch could freely leave the nest, and the puppies could not get out of it. Introduce the young bitch to the new place in advance.

The nest where the bitch will sleep and feed the puppies should be covered with clean sheets folded in several layers. Prepare a safe heating system: an infrared lamp (hang it over the nest), a heating pad (just don't put it under the bitch to prevent bleeding), or any room heater. The temperature of the nest in the first 10-12 days should be about 28 ° C, then it is gradually reduced to 20 ° C. Both overheating and hypothermia are equally dangerous for puppies.

A second small box with a heating pad is prepared for the puppies, where they will lie until the last one is born. It is convenient to take childbirth on a bed covered with oilcloth and a large clean sheet. A stack of diapers and a tray with essentials should be at hand.

So, let's prepare:

Oilcloth under the giving birth to a bitch;

Heating pad, preferably electric;

Small box - for newborn puppies;

Basin for collecting dirty diapers;

Medical or veterinary thermometer;

Thermometer room tray;

Scissors, tweezers, pipettes sterilized by boiling under a lid for at least 5 minutes;

Syringes are different;

Gauze sterile wipes (2 packs);

Soft diapers from old bed linen (40x40 cm; 25x25 cm);

Silk threads (put in alcohol or vodka) in case you have to tie the umbilical cord;

Notepad, where the first page contains the phone numbers of doctors and ambulances;

Watch for determining the time of childbirth;

Scales are small;

Pencil pen);

Colored woolen threads (to mark puppies);

From medicines:

Alcohol (vodka);

Glucose 5% in ampoules;

Synthomycin emulsion 10%;

Hydrogen peroxide;



Calcium gluconate, oxytacin, vikasol, no-shpa, diphenhydramine, saline, dexamethasone, sulfocamphocaine, analgin, vitamin B 12 - these injections may be needed in case of premature birth in the absence of a doctor.

On the eve of childbirth, trim the bitch's hair on her stomach, around the loop and anus. Be sure to collect long hair in papillottes.

The room where the birth should take place should be vacuumed well the day before, wet cleaned and quartzed.

A primiparous bitch three days before the expected birth should be shown to the veterinarian.

The main thing is that childbirth does not take you by surprise. In any case, you should not lose your head and panic. The duration of conventional labor is from 3 to 24 hours. Give the bitch a comfortable spot and don't make her nervous.

Most dog handlers believe that one should not interfere with the birth process, but for Yorkies this advice is not entirely suitable. Firstly, this is a dwarf breed and our dogs always occupy the place of family members in the house, and therefore, during whelping, they need the presence and attention of their beloved owner.

Secondly, a long mustache and beard interfere with the bitch when biting the umbilical cord, and the show bitch's curls do not help at all. So cut your nails short, wash your hands thoroughly, and get ready for childbirth. The first harbingers of childbirth can vary greatly from bitch to female.

Most of them, especially primiparas, become very restless, stupidly rushing around the house, scratching and tearing the bedding, whining and even moaning. Some stop eating 1-2 days before giving birth, others are not averse to a hearty dinner and a good walk, and after returning from a walk, they immediately begin childbirth. 4-5 days before the birth, the uterus drops in the bitch and the back sags.

Now, if you put the dog towards you with its tail, head away from you and look at its lower back from above, then you get the feeling that its stomach begins to sag down, and the back (spine) seems to be separated from the stomach, and “hungry” fossae are indicated. From above, the bitch looks thinner.

In young primiparas, this may be little noticeable. During the last week of pregnancy, there is an increase and softening of the loop, especially noticeable in the last 48 hours. Closer to childbirth, a sharp change in the ratio of hormones in the blood provokes a decrease in body temperature to 37 ° C and below, so 2-3 days before the expected birth, start measuring the bitch's temperature twice a day.

It is necessary to measure the temperature correctly in the morning, before the start of active movements and in the evening before going to bed at rest (the dog is dozing, relaxed), otherwise the temperature will always be higher during active movements or after eating. The temperature in a bitch before childbirth may drop, rise again, then on some day return to normal again and drop again.

Temperature measurements are very important because the gestation period in bitches varies from 58 to 65 days on average, and the data on the timing of birth given in special tables do not reflect the individual characteristics of a particular animal.

The closer to childbirth, the lower the body temperature and the more noticeable prolapse of the abdomen. By the time of birth, she is back to normal.

Body temperature in adult Yorkshire Terriers is 37.5-38.5 ° C, in puppies - 38-39 ° C, respiratory rate is 14-20 per minute in adults and 20-22 in puppies; the heart rate is 60-120 beats per minute in adults and 100-130 in puppies. In embryos, it can reach 240 beats per minute, so it is extremely difficult to listen to the heart of an individual fetus in tiny Yorkies.

The lowest temperature in the prenatal period lasts from 12 to 24 hours. The puppies, which had previously been actively moving and pushing, seem to freeze. A few hours before labor begins, the vagina becomes very swollen, the loop becomes very soft and sticky mucus is secreted from it, which owners usually do not notice, especially in bitches of small breeds such as Yorkshire terriers.

If the bitch has a thick dark green discharge, sometimes with a brown tint, then urgent veterinary care is needed (alas, she is a contender for a caesarean section).

Labor begins with a long series of involuntary, as yet mild and irregular uterine contractions. Outwardly, this is manifested in the restless state of the bitch, she begins to dig, tremble, her breathing becomes rapid. During this period, the expansion of the birth canal occurs.

The intervals between contractions at the beginning of labor can be significant, up to several hours. During this period, the temperature rises. The stronger the contractions, the shorter the intervals between them and the higher the body temperature rises (within the physiological norm).

There is an opening of the birth canal, and thick, mucous, unclear discharges appear from the loop - a “plug”. Usually it is grayish-yellowish-greenish in color. This condition in a bitch can last from one hour to a day. The intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the strength of contractions and their duration increase. During this time, the bitch is not fed and, as a rule, not given water to avoid possible vomiting.

Before the start of childbirth, the dog may seem to calm down and, at times, it seems that her contractions have stopped, but at the same time the bitch often looks back, licks the noose, her gaze becomes sick, unhappy, turned inward. The abdomen is tense. With strong contractions, the puppies separate from each other, and the stomach acquires a bumpy shape to the touch.

Contractions become more frequent, stronger, more regular, they are joined by attempts. The bitch at this time can take different poses: lie down on her side, sit down in a position characteristic of bowel movements; some give birth while standing, others often change position, rest their paws and back against the walls of the maternity box. At the same time, at the moment of attempts, the bitch raises her tail.

Gradually, the water bubble with the puppy is pushed from the pelvic cavity into the vagina, and then, under the influence of strong and regular contractions of the uterus and abdominal walls of the bitch, the puppy goes to the exit.

Let's make a small digression and recall that after the implantation of the embryo, the fetal membranes begin to form along with it.

Moreover, each puppy, its umbilical cord and placenta are in its own shell (with the exception of identical twins, which are extremely rare in dogs). During the period of intrauterine development, the puppy is in a closed two-layer bladder.

Double Layer Dog Bubble

The outer bubble, it is commonly called water, is filled with a jelly-like liquid. It protects the fetus and umbilical cord from compression and mechanical damage. Immediately at the time of birth, the water bubble bursts, the liquid pours out and washes the birth canal, and the baby is born in its own shell. Sometimes he appears from the loop several times and disappears again. The emerging water bladder should not be confused with the fetal one and burst it. It ruptures itself or the bitch does it, after which the puppy appears in the fetal membranes.

Contractions are the contraction of the uterus, which ensures the movement of the puppy through the birth canal, and attempts are the contraction of the abdominal muscles, which work to push the puppy out. In this way, the puppy moves through the birth canal.

So, if you saw that a light straw-colored liquid poured out of the loop, sticky to the touch, sometimes with a small admixture of blood, but odorless - this was the birth. The bitch is actively licking the loop.

After the discharge of the fetal waters, sometimes not immediately, a puppy is born. Intervals can be up to 3 hours, and here it is important to monitor how well the process is going. In normal childbirth, after the discharge of water, there is an increase in attempts, an increase in their duration and a rhythmic alternation of attempts with contractions.

If after a certain time the puppy was born, then this interval for your bitch is a physiological norm; if the puppy is not born within 3 hours, then the bitch needs medical attention.

Childbirth proceeds normally only with the correct position of the fetus in the birth canal of the mother; that is, the puppy's spine is parallel to the mother's spine. The puppy is first born with a head and front legs folded under the chin, and after a few strong contractions, it is pushed out in its entirety. The puppy can go out with the pelvis and hind legs - both presentations are normal.

As soon as the puppy is born, tear the membrane around his nose and wipe the muzzle with a soft cloth, then, pulling evenly on the umbilical cord, remove the placenta. The umbilical cord must be broken, after milking the puppy's blood. Break the umbilical cord by pinching it at a distance of 1-2 cm from the puppy and, accordingly, from the placenta, with the index and thumb of both hands. You can only pull towards the puppy. Unnecessarily strong umbilical cord cut with sterilized scissors and tear. Pull the short, bleeding umbilical cord with silk thread.

Head presentation - 60% of cases

Breech presentation - 40% of cases

After the puppy is born, the bitch carefully licks it, turning it over and massaging it with the tongue. Thus, it stimulates his breathing and blood circulation. As soon as breathing becomes normal, the puppy actively crawls to the nipples and begins to suck.

If necessary, rub the puppy vigorously with warm washcloths and suck out the mucus from the nasopharynx. For beginners, we advise doing this with a small syringe or mouth. Other techniques will be shown to you by a veterinarian or an experienced assistant.

Weigh the puppy and carefully inspect it, make sure that there is no cleft lip, cleft palate, deformity of the tail and limbs, count the number of fingers, check the condition of the umbilical ring. Before the birth of the next puppy, write down in a notebook the time of birth, the gender and the color of the woolen thread that you must tie around his neck (how many puppies, so many flowers).

Put a dry diaper under the bitch. As soon as the next contractions begin, born puppies should be placed in a box with a warm heating pad.

Make sure that all afterbirths come out. If the last placenta was delayed for several hours, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

During childbirth, the bitch loses a lot of strength. Now it can be drunk with cool milk with glucose and a few drops of cognac. After giving birth, give her warm milk with glucose to drink.

The afterbirth contains biologically active substances that promote uterine contraction and milk secretion, so you need to allow the bitch to eat one afterbirth, but no more, otherwise you can provoke severe indigestion.

Usually Yorkshire terriers have 2-4 puppies, less often 1-5, and the record number of newborn Yorkies is 10.

In the first hours after giving birth, it is impossible to tear a Yorkie mother away from the puppies, so leave her with the children in warmth and peace. After a while, take her to "walk" in her usual place, wash with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after removing the contaminated papillots and wind the coat again.

In the first days of the bitch, colostrum is secreted - the secret of the mammary glands, which is formed in last days pregnancy. Gradually, within 3-5 days, colostrum is replaced by milk. Unlike milk, colostrum contains more proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Colostrum has a high biological activity and is absolutely necessary for the normal development of newborns. Antibodies found in colostrum provide puppies with passive immunity. In addition, it acts as a mild laxative and stimulates intestinal motility, due to which meconium, the original feces, is excreted.

Check puppies for meconium and diarrhea.

On the first day after birth, the bitch is fed with easily digestible semi-liquid food, preferably lactic acid. Water must be available at all times. During the period of feeding puppies (5-7 weeks), the body of the bitch needs very high-quality high-calorie food, and the need for calories increases weekly by 25%. It is better to feed commercially prepared puppy food, which is quite suitable for lactating bitches.

Meconium is formed in the intestines even before the puppy is born and normal digestion begins when the intestines are emptied from it.

In the first week after giving birth, Yorkshire terrier females should not be fed meat, as eclampsia, a special form of toxicosis that occurs as a result of a decrease in blood calcium levels, can easily be provoked. This severe and life-threatening complication can manifest itself both shortly before childbirth and within a few days after them. Eclampsia is characterized by the manifestation of causeless fear, anxiety, nervousness, and in severe cases - respiratory distress, impaired coordination of movements.

The bitch abandons puppies, hides in dark corners, sometimes a depressed state sets in, so urgently consult with a veterinarian. If a doctor is not around, give the bitch 7 - 8 drops of valocordin with 2 ml of water and 2-4 ml of a liquid solution of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride with a little milk. Since it is very tasteless, pour this mixture into the cheek pouch using a syringe without a needle.

Then continue to give one teaspoon of liquid calcium with milk two to three times a day for several days. Usually the bitch herself begins to drink it from a saucer. You can make an intramuscular injection of calcium gluconate solution (up to 2 ml). In a critical situation, the doctor will give intravenous injections. Be careful, excess calcium provokes tachycardia.

Sometimes, due to hormonal imbalance, the mother does not have milk for the first two days and she can abandon the puppies.

During the first days after giving birth, the bitch will fever body. In the first 24 hours, greenish discharge may be observed, changing to reddish and gradually turning into serous-hemorrhagic. The abundance of discharge is individual, but if they are absent from the first days or last more than three weeks, consult a doctor.

With a successful postpartum period, the bitch feeds and cares for the puppies herself. If the litter is large, then starting from the 21st day it is better to start feeding them, and if the mother has a lack of milk, feeding begins much earlier. Puppies whining means they are hungry or unwell. Sick infected puppies scream terribly, weakened ones die in silence.

Oxytacin and other hormones stimulate the milk-forming process. An inexperienced bitch can drag a puppy, trying to hide him from prying eyes. Do not allow outsiders to the bitch, do not disturb her yourself unnecessarily. Admire her children and your sincere delight and tenderness will not go unnoticed.

With complications, obstetric care for tiny dogs is a complicated matter and can only be entrusted to experienced doctors. The reasons most often provoking complications are: excessively large size of the puppy, incorrect presentation, the birth of two puppies at the same time, anatomical anomalies of the pelvis in the bitch, weakened labor activity up to total absence such (uterine atony), drop in blood pressure, circulatory disorders, etc.

Complications during childbirth

The figure shows a schematic representation of the incorrect position of the fetus at the time of delivery. Such a puppy will never be able to be born on its own. A caesarean section is needed to save the mother and babies. In any case, if the bitch cannot give birth within two hours, it is urgent to call a doctor. It is better to play it safe than to miss the moment to provide timely qualified assistance. We can advise the owners of breeding Yorkshire terriers to keep detailed records of mating, birth of puppies, their sex, color, coat, results of actuations, exhibition and breeding achievements.

Incorrect position of the fetus at the time of birth

The materials collected over many years are of great interest to breeders and quite possibly for the future of the breed.

Newborn puppy care

Under favorable circumstances, rearing Yorkshire Terrier puppies does not present any particular difficulties. Our Yorkies are amazing dogs and wonderful mothers. How deftly licks, pulls, turns over its cubs, stimulating their breathing and blood circulation, little Yorkie, how funny puppies push and trample with their front paws, trying to quickly fill their insatiable tummies to capacity. And our slightly spoiled beauty and champion, forgetting about past victories and vanity, lies in the nest with the happiest and most patient look. And with what pride her eyes shine when the hostess says: “What beautiful children you have, what a clever girl you are.”

My older Yorkshire terrier bitch named Anechka, who arrived at the age of ten months from the French nursery of Ulm, did not want to recognize me for a long time and carried out all the necessary commands with a disgustedly indifferent look. What was my shock when the doctor and I took her first birth. Firstly, she, like a little smart woman, followed all our instructions: “Lie down on your side, push, don’t push, put your legs on,” etc.

And now the doctor treats the last-born puppy, I put a clean diaper under the bitch and read in her look, full of love and respect: “Yes! You are the real host." Since then, my stubborn dog has become the most obedient, most loyal dog in my house.

Even if I have a syringe in my hands, she will approach without any coercion, and her look will tell me: "I believe you." And Jordi, the father of her first puppies, the one who is ready to fight with the neighbor's Rottweiler, at the sight of a syringe with a needle, will "dissolve" under the chair.

Yorkshire terrier babies are born weighing an average of 80 to 120 grams. Now they are blind, deaf, toothless, but how stubbornly they push each other away, fighting for the nipple they like. That's just thermoregulation in puppies is very imperfect, so any overheating and hypothermia are deadly for them.

To prevent the puppy from crawling far from its mother and cooling down, place a special plastic trough covered with a diaper in the arena or make a roller around the nest out of a clean sheet.

Puppies are born with a natural sucking reflex and don't need to be taught that, but a weak puppy that can't hold onto the nipple by itself should be held until it gets its share of milk. Throw it to the most filled nipples.

Usually one or two days are enough, as the baby gains strength and begins to push his brothers and sisters away. Healthy puppies hang firmly on the nipples, tails up, or sleep very satisfied with life. Plump and funny, they are irresistibly charming.

Already on the second or third day, you can see how they got stronger, became more active, began to crawl and move forward, trying to find balance. On the fifth or sixth day, it's time to trim their sharp claws, as pushing the bitch while sucking, they can severely scratch her stomach and nipples.

At the age of five days, we stop the tails and, if any, dewclaws. We once borrowed the docking technique from breeders of Russian spaniels.

In a Yorkshire terrier puppy, we cut the hair on the tail with small scissors along the ring at a distance of 8-10 mm from the border of black and red wool. Then the assistant fixes the puppy with one hand, and with the other pulls the skin on the tail towards the body, pinching it firmly with two fingers.

The tail is cut with very sharp scissors and the wound is instantly treated with dry potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Some doctors recommend using kubatol.

For 20-30 seconds, the fingers continue to pinch the blood vessels of the tail. After making sure that there is no bleeding, we place the puppy in a separate box with a clean napkin and make sure that the crumbling crystals of potassium permanganate do not get into his muzzle.

To do this, we re-lay napkins under the puppy several times. Usually, after 1-2 minutes, all excess potassium permanganate crumbles and a clean cauterized tail stump remains. We transfer the puppy to a separate box, and in the first we change the napkin - we will place the next patient here. Scissors and tweezers are subjected to sterilization before each cupping.

When all the puppies are operated on, we put them under the mother and make sure that she does not lick the wounds. After feeding the puppies, we take the bitch for a walk and feed. Upon her return, she no longer pays attention to the tails.

All my bitches were nervous and worried only during the first operations, and in the future they completely relied on me. Of course, for the time of stopping the tails, we close the bitch to a distant room, although with this technique, many puppies do not squeak at all or scream only at the moment of cutting off the tail. For five years of work, we did not have a single artifact.

The crust on the tail dries up and eventually falls off on its own. In no case should you touch it with your hands, let the bitch lick it, tear it off. We were pushed to this technique by a Yorkie bitch, who, with maniacal persistence, bit off the threads that the veterinarian applied, so that we still had to cauterize the wound with manganese.

Currently, docking of tails and ears in dogs is prohibited in a number of European countries. In these countries, animals with cropped ears and tails are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. In Russia, both docked and undocked tails are currently allowed.

Any bitch after childbirth, and even more so a baby Yorkie, requires an attentive attitude and needs rest, proper feeding, walks, daily diaper change, combing and winding on hairpins.

As soon as the bitch recovers from childbirth, she can be redeemed. For street walks, it is better to sew a jumpsuit that covers the stomach. If you don't know how to sew, take a piece of fabric from an old bed linen, put your dog on it and circle the paws. In the places of the stroke, cut round holes for the legs and make a notch for the loop at the back, and for the ties on the sides.

Before the walk, put on such an impromptu dressing gown on the bitch and tie the ends on the back. From below, all nipples should be covered with a cloth. You can make a lot of these robes and change them as needed.

Inspect the bitch's teats every day to avoid congestive mastitis. Its occurrence is often associated with an excess of milk or the fact that there is only one puppy in the litter.

The affected mammary glands are painful, swollen, hard and hot, with a glossy-hilly surface. Beginning breeders forget to inspect the upper glands, as they are often underdeveloped and puppies do not take them, however, milk can stagnate in them.

In such cases, within one or two days, the bitch is reduced in the amount of food and given a light massage with camphor alcohol, and then the milk is expressed from the affected mammary gland. They try to put the most active and greedy puppies to these glands.

In acute septic mastitis, puppies have to be fed artificially or look for a nurse, since inflammation of the mammary glands in this case is associated with the penetration of foreign microorganisms into the blood.

The milk from such mothers will be toxic. Acute postpartum inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) also leads to the formation of toxic milk. Puppies born absolutely healthy and strong, after several days of feeding on such milk, become lethargic, cold to the touch, often scream, and literally weaken before our eyes.

With various forms of intestinal infections, an unpleasant sour smell begins to emanate from puppies, traces of yellowish diarrhea remain around the anus and on the diaper. At the same time, small and weak puppies die literally on the first day. The inflamed stump of the navel can become the gate of infection.

Bacteria enter when the mother gnaws the umbilical cord with not very healthy teeth, the deposition of stones on them and inflammation of the gums. For prevention, it is better to treat the stump and umbilical ring with brilliant green or 2% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Generalized blood poisoning (sepsis) in newborn puppies between the ages of 3 and 40 days is manifested mainly by abdominal symptoms. In this case, antibiotics are indispensable. At the slightest deviation in the condition of the bitch or puppies, you should contact the specialists.