Lupine (biological features, cultivation technology). White lupine as an agricultural crop White lupine honey plant

herbaceous plant lupine belongs to the legume family. Its tap root system can be up to two meters deep. Lupine has a racemose inflorescence. Depending on the species and variety, lupine seeds may vary in size, color and shape.

Why grow lupine?

1 . Improves the soil in many ways :
alkaloids in its green mass and seeds inhibit harmful bacteria, scab, root rot, nematodes, etc., which heal the site
deep root system improves soil structure;
nitrogen-fixing bacteria on lupine roots enrich the soil with nitrogen;
returns nutrients to the upper layers of the soil;
converts nutrients that are hard to reach for plants into easily accessible forms;
quickly decomposing in the soil, increases its fertility.

2 . For composting and mulching .
Due to the high yield (60t per 1ha) and the return of nutrients, it replaces about 100t of manure per 1ha.

3 . As a fodder crop for pets and fish .
In some countries, sprouted and boiled lupine seeds are regularly eaten. Products with the addition of lupine fibers are recommended for diabetics and other diseases. Flour and protein paste from lupine beans is used in the production of pasta, confectionery, meat and other products, as well as sauces and as food additives in baby food.

4 . Multi-leaved lupine - a valuable honey plant .
From most species of lupine, bees collect a lot of pollen, especially in the afternoon.

5 . Used in medicine, veterinary medicine and cosmetology .
Plasters, fibers, various preparations and cosmetics are produced.

6 . Lupine stems and seeds are used in industry .
In the production of pulp and paper, paint and varnish, plastic and soap products. Substances included in the plant mass of lupine are used to regulate plant growth.

7 . TO as an ornamental plant thanks to the variety of beautiful colors .
Planted in groups in flower beds and flower beds. Perennial tree-like varieties of lupine are grown as elements of a landscape composition.

The main types of lupine and their properties

Are common beneficial features of all types of lupine grown in Ukraine, make them indispensable green manure plants. Lupine is drought-resistant, cold-resistant and undemanding to poor soils. Differs in precocity, high yield of seeds and green mass. All types of lupine do not like very acidic, swampy and saline soils. They do not take root well in nitrogen-enriched and compacted areas.

Lupine blue (or narrow-leaved).

This is an annual plant. It reproduces by self-pollination. The flowers are purple, blue, pink or almost white.
It has high cold resistance, up to -8 o C.
Grows up to 1.5m high.
More precocious than yellow lupine.

An annual plant.
Reaches a height of up to 1m.
Not as cold hardy as blue lupine.
Can grow well in poor sandy and acidic soils.

Annual. Self-pollinating.
Can grow up to 2m in height.
The most thermophilic of many varieties of lupins.
It tolerates heat and drought well.
White lupine is more demanding on fertile soils.

Lupine is multi-leaved.

Most alkaloid. Perennial. Type of pollination - cross. The most cold-resistant and unpretentious. Height - up to 120cm. Without a transplant, it grows 8-10 years. Blooms for a long time and twice a year. An excellent ornamental plant.
Tolerates poor sandy soils.

This is a perennial ornamental plant.
Can reach a height of 1.5 m.
Inflorescences are white and yellow.
Blooms in July-August.
For the winter requires mandatory shelter.

Growing lupine

Lupins are sown from April to November. The optimal time for planting an annual lupine is in October. In this case, lupine blooms faster in spring.

Soils for growing lupine are recommended slightly acidic or slightly alkaline sandy loam and loam. On light soils, the annual lupine feels ideal.

Lupines are sown with ordinary row spacing (15 cm) and wide-row (45 cm) to a depth of 3-4 cm, 2-3 seeds per hole. The distance between the holes is 5-7 cm. Very thick seedlings must be thinned out.

The seeding rate of lupine depends on the type, variety and method of sowing and is 1-3 kg per one hundred square meters.

The growing season for lupine lasts from 100 to 130 days. Blue lupine matures two weeks earlier than other varieties.

Lupine is quite a light-loving culture, so its leaves constantly turn perpendicular to the sun's rays.

annual lupine is necessary in moderation, but during the period of budding, flowering and fruit set, it requires much more moisture.

Care for lupine seedlings is reduced to intensive. Perennial lupine is recommended. During the flowering period of ornamental lupine, supports are often required.

Lupine is good to sow after such crops as: corn, winter crops, sugar beets.

Never sow after leguminous plants. As a precursor, lupine is suitable for most crops.

The main pests of lupine are aphids and nodule weevil.

On a note :
In order to prolong the flowering of treelike lupine, dried flowers must be cut off after the formation of seeds.
Lupine can also be propagated by dividing the rhizome.
In farms, for accelerated seed production, it is recommended to carry out desiccation of lupine crops.
It is advised to harvest lupins for green mass at the moment when the fruits reach their maximum size.
In narrow-leaved lupine, at very high temperatures fruit may crack.
The best way to deoxidize the soil on the site, to turn sandy and loamy soils into fertile ones, is to sow lupine.

siderates. Mustard, lupine, buckwheat, oats and others...

Green manure (green manure)- plants that quickly form a green mass, grown for the purpose of their subsequent plowing into the soil as a source of organic matter and nitrogen for plants and soil microorganisms. The term was proposed by the French scientist J. Ville (1824-97).

The purpose of sowing green manure

Enrichment of the soil with organic matter and nitrogen, green manure may well exclude the use of manure on the site as a fertilizer (3 kg of green mass can replace 1-1.5 kg of manure);
- soil enrichment with phosphorus, potassium, calcium;
- improving the structure of soils, improving the physical and physico-chemical properties of the soil (acidity decreases, buffering capacity, absorption capacity, moisture capacity, etc.) increase, overheating, green fertilizers make the soil more loose, moisture-intensive, lively;
- the activity of beneficial microflora increases;
- shading the ground surface, protection against overheating;
- protection by green manure from soil erosion and blowing off;
- suppression of growth of weeds;
- phytosanitary impact, sowing of some siderates can be the prevention of diseases of the main crop;
- reducing the impact of pests on the main crop, with mixed plantings, part of the pests is distracted by green manure;
- green manure with bright flowers attract beneficial insects;
- the use of green mass of green manure to compost heaps, tk. they are accelerators of the composting process, increase the content of nutrients and improve the structure of the finished compost.

The most commonly used green manure plants

First of all Legumes (lupins, beans, soybeans, lentils, sowing and field peas, alfalfa, sweet clover, spring and winter vetch, seradella, clover, sainfoin, fodder beans, sap grass and others)
- Cruciferous (Rapeseed, colza, oil radish, Mustard)
- Cereals (wheat, rye, oats, barley)
- Buckwheat (buckwheat)
- Compositae (sunflower)
- Hydrophiles (Phacelia).

Basic principles of sowing green manure.

Green manure can be sown both in spring and autumn: before planting the main crop and after harvesting. In spring - densely, so that they stand as a wall, less often in autumn. In general, green manure crops can be grown throughout the season. During early spring plantings, when the snow has just melted, early-ripening cold-resistant plants are picked up - mustard, fodder peas, oats.

Cultivated green manure, as a rule, is plowed one to two weeks before planting the main crop. Or simply cut the plants with a chopper or a flat cutter and leave them in the garden at a depth of 2-3 cm, while maintaining the structural work of the green manure roots, and over time, compost from foliage is formed on the surface.

The effectiveness of green manure is highly dependent on the age of the plants. Young and fresh plants are very rich in nitrogen, quickly decompose in the soil, therefore, after their incorporation, the main crop can be planted in 2-4 weeks, however, too much raw plant mass should not be planted, as it will not decompose, but sour. Older plants decompose more slowly, but they enrich the soil more. organic matter.

Green manure planting is recommended during the budding period before flowering to a depth of 6-8 cm on heavy soils and 12-15 cm on light soils. The soil for green manure crops must be well prepared, since on compacted or roughly dug up soil, plants will not develop enough green mass and will not give the desired effect. (My addition. Zamyatkin I.P., Kuznetsov N.I., Telepov O.A. do not consider it necessary to plant green manure in the soil. Rhizomes remain in the soil, and all green mass is used for mulching)

Some crops (alfalfa, sweet clover, clover, vetch, winter rye) give a good effect if left on the field more than a year. Short season crops (barley, beans, peas, oats) can be plowed into the soil 6-8 weeks after sowing. Do not allow green manure plants to be rearranged. They are plowed into the soil before the formation of seeds.

Soil preparation for sowing green manure.

The easiest way is to sow or plant early crops in different parts of the garden every year at the beginning of May: peas, lettuce, dill, early potatoes, cauliflower, radish, kohlrabi. After the crop is harvested, plant the plant residues in the soil, carefully level the surface with a rake and sow green fertilizer, having previously applied a ten-liter bucket of nitroammophoska per hundred square meters. On acidic soils, apply lime 0.3-0.5 kg per 1 m2 and rake it to a depth of 5-7 cm. If the soil is dry, be sure to pour it from a hose with a shower head. Seeds are sown randomly, covered with a rake, sprinkled with earth or added dropwise. Seedlings will appear in two weeks.

Green manure can be grown both on unoccupied plots of soil, and as an adjacent crop:

Between other edible or ornamental plants, in voids;
- As an adjacent early-ripening crop among long-ripening crops (eg parsnips, root celery, leeks, etc.);
- Between the collection of the old crop and new plantings;
- In the off-season, at the end of summer or autumn before winter;
- To rest the soil from intensive use for the whole year.

The effects of planting green manure of various families:

Nitrogen fixation from the air: All legumes

Fix nitrogen in the soil, prevent mineralization and leaching: All cruciferous and cereals

Erosion protection, weed suppression:
a) Early sowing until early August - Broad beans, clover, lupine, oil radish, annual ryegrass, spring rapeseed, sunflower
b) Late sowing until early September - Mustard, phacelia
Formation of a large amount of organic matter during autumn sowing: Winter rapeseed, winter colza

Release of sparingly soluble phosphate: Legumes, mustard

Reduced mineral leaching: All cruciferous plants, especially rapeseed and oil radish.

Loosening the lower soil layers with roots: Lupine, broad beans, oil radish, mustard

Nematode suppression: All legumes, annual ryegrass, phacelia, sunflower

For late collection of honey by bees: Phacelia, mustard, clover, sunflower, broad beans.

Characteristics of some green manures.

Lupine (lat. Lupinus) lupin, wolf bean - a genus of plants from the legume family, grown in green manure pairs (for green manure). Thanks to symbiosis with nodule bacteria, lupine is able to accumulate up to 200 kg of nitrogen per hectare in the soil and is an excellent green manure. The lupine root reaches a depth of 2 m and from there lifts nutrients into the topsoil. After lupine, you can grow almost all crops, and especially demanding on nitrogen.

According to the content of alkaloids in the green mass, lupines are divided into alkaloid (bitter) and alkaloid-free (sweet). alkaloid
lupins are used only for fertilizer, non-alkaloid - above-ground mass - for livestock feed, root and crop residues - for fertilizer. Lupine grows well on poor acidic soils; it can consume forms of phosphates that are inaccessible to other crops as a source of phosphorus. Possessing a high ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, lupine provides this element not only for itself, but also for the culture following it. Lupins contain alkaloids, they are a kind of soil orderlies. The most common are annual and perennial lupins.

Lupine can be sown in late July - mid-August, after harvesting potatoes, cabbage, green crops, but it is better in early spring, on well-moistened soil. As a result, a lot of vegetative mass is obtained, which is mowed, crushed and applied to the soil.

The optimal effect when feeding with green mass of lupine is obtained if it is mowed at the beginning of flowering. In this case, the nitrogen contained in the leaves and stems is not yet converted into seed proteins.

Most of the greenery in lupine grows during the formation of flowers and flowering. And the maximum amount of nitrogen accumulates when the pods are tied. At this moment, the lupine must be mowed, crushed and buried in the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm (the more green mass, the deeper). If this is not done in time, the stems will harden and rot more slowly.

Some perennial lupins are used as ornamental plants.

Seradella sativa(Ornythopus sativus) is a genus of plants in the legume family. Seradella is a moisture-loving plant that grows well on light, slightly acidic soils. With sufficient moisture, Seradella grows well even on poor sandy and sandy loamy soils, gives high yields when manure or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied and seeds are treated with nitragin. Seradella is sown in early spring as an independent crop or sown to winter or spring cereal crops (oats, rye).

Sweet clover, burkun (Melilotus), a genus of biennial, less often annual plants of the legume family. In culture, D. white (M. albus) and D. yellow, or medicinal (M. officinalis) are most widely sown. It is sown in spring, summer or autumn (better in early spring). In crop rotation, they are sown more often under the cover of grain crops, and in the second year they are used as a fallow crop. Sweet clover are plants that require neutral soils. Due to the large weight of the roots, the fertilizer value of sweet clover, even with a relatively low yield of aboveground mass, is very significant.

White mustard (Sinapis alba)

An annual oil plant, similar to the legumes described above, releases sparingly soluble phosphates. It can grow in any soil with a pH ranging from very acidic to alkaline.

Mustard sprouts quickly and grows quickly. The green mass is mowed when the leaves of the plant are fresh, juicy. It is better to plant it in the soil or dig a little, and by autumn everything will already rot. The optimal growing time is 8-10 weeks. Mustard is a honey plant.

And more information. White mustard (Sinapis alba) - an annual oil plant of the Cruciferous family, has the ability to release sparingly soluble phosphates. It can grow in any soil with a pH ranging from very acidic to alkaline. Seeds germinate at -3°C. Seedlings withstand short-term frosts down to -5°C. Mustard is a honey plant.

Mustard sprouts quickly and grows quickly. The green mass is mowed when the leaves of the plant are fresh, juicy, better before mass flowering, because. when cleaning in late dates the leaves will begin to die off and the organic mass will decrease, and the ripened seeds will clog the bed. On average, the period from sowing to planting mustard in the soil is 55-70 days (8-10 weeks) .. It is better to plant it in the soil or dig a little, and everything will rot by autumn. The seeding rate is 2.5 - 4g/m2. Depth of embedding into the soil - from 8-15 cm, sow lightly burying with a rake into the soil.The next crop is planted no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the incorporation of the green mass.

It is also important phytosanitary effects of mustard, after planting, the incidence of plants with such common diseases as: late blight, rhizoctoniosis, scab of tubers, fusarium rot, incl. and in potatoes. Mustard crops reduce the number of wireworms in the soil, it is also recommended to plow white mustard in late autumn, as a result of a violation of the wintering of the wireworm, its death occurs.To increase the effectiveness of the fight against wireworm, the seeding rate of mustard is increased to 5 g / m2.

One of technologies for growing mustard as green manure using the drug :

Mustard is sown in the fall after harvest or in the spring a month before planting potatoes and other vegetables. Seeds close up to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm entirely or in rows. Seedlings appear in 3-4 days. For top dressing, it is good to use a solution of the preparation "Baikal EM1" with a concentration of 1: 1000.

After 1 - 1.5 months, mustard grows up to 15-20 cm. It is cut and planted in the soil with a Fokin flat cutter or a Swift cultivator, after watering with a solution of the Baikal EM1 preparation at a concentration of 1:500. Treatment with the preparation accelerates the fermentation process and creates favorable microbiological conditions, which leads to the enrichment of the soil with nutrients and microelements. After that, potatoes or other vegetables are planted.

Mustard is sown, grown and embedded in the soil 2-3 times per season, and the last time in the fall 1.5 months before frost, using a solution of the preparation "Baikal EM1" with a concentration of 1:100.

Packaging of 250 g is the seeding rate per 1 weave. The green mass of mustard, slightly embedded in the soil with a flat cutter, is 2 times more effective than manure.

Crops of green manure from the Cruciferous family cannot be alternated with other cruciferous vegetable crops (cabbages, turnips, radishes, radishes, mustards, etc.), as they have common diseases and pests.

Often a mixture of spring vetch or peas with mustard is used for green manure. Mustard and oilseed radish (2:1) grown together give a large green and root mass.

Additionally, mustard powder can be used for plant protection. Dry mustard powder is used to pollinate the soil to protect against slugs, and fruit trees are sprayed with mustard infusion 15-20 days after flowering to control leaf-eating insects and codling moth caterpillars. Gooseberries are sprayed in the first half of summer from moth and sawfly. The same infusion can be used to treat cabbage and root crops from aphids, bedbugs, thrips. Preparation of infusion: 100 g of dry mustard per 10 liters of water insist 2 days, filter. Dilute twice before use.

oil radish(Raphanus sativus var. oleifera)

An annual plant of the Cruciferous family, a highly branched and spreading plant 1.5 - 2.0 m high with white-violet flowers, cold-resistant, moisture-loving, shade-tolerant and productive.

The height of her shoots is 1.5 - 1.8 m, the flowers are yellow. The period from the beginning of sunrise to flowering is about 40 days. In one season, you can get 2-3 crop rotations. Oilseed radish can be sown at any time from early spring to late autumn, the best time is June-July. If it is sown in late July - early August, then until late autumn it will have time to build up a lot of green mass. For sowing, mix a package of seeds (50 gr.) With a glass of dry sand, scatter over the area and harrow. The optimal seeding depth is 2-3 cm. Seed consumption is 30-40 g per 10 sq.m. Digging the soil with the turnover of the layer to produce as the accumulation of green mass during the flowering period.

Oilseed radish binds nitrogen well; in a mixture with spring vetch and other legumes, it accumulates up to 200 kilograms of biological nitrogen per hectare.

Sowing oilseed radish in vineyards stimulates the growth and development of the vine.

Oil radish also has phytosanitary properties - it destroys the pathogens of some plants, actively suppresses nematodes. Thanks to its rapid growth, it clogs weeds, even wheatgrass.

Rape (lat. Brassica napus, also Brassica napus ssp. oleifera)

Enriches the soil with organic matter, phosphorus and sulfur. Rape does not tolerate damp soils, heavy clay patches and waterlogged soils. When growing rapeseed, the use of mineral supplements is required. The best soils for growing rapeseed are deep structural loamy and clayey soils with a large supply of trace elements and nutrients, with a permeable subsoil. Rapeseed is good at preventing weed growth when planted between perennial fruit and berry crops, and also improves soil fertility. Withstands frosts down to -2-5°C.

An annual winter or spring plant of the Cruciferous family, about 1.2 - 1.5 m high. Light yellow flowers. There are spring and winter forms, which can pass into each other. The pods of spring rapeseed can open after seed maturation, then self-sowing occurs, and after overwintering, in spring, part of the young plants grow in the form of a winter form. The period from the beginning of sunrise to flowering is about 40 days. In one season, you can get 2-3 crop rotations. You can sow rapeseed at any time from early spring to late autumn, the best time is June-July. For sowing, mix a bag of seeds with a glass of dry sand, scatter over the area and harrow. The optimal seeding depth is 2-3 cm. Seed consumption is 30-40 g per 10 sq.m. Digging the soil with the turnover of the layer to produce as the accumulation of green mass during the flowering period.

One of the technologies for growing rapeseed as green manure using the preparation "Baikal EM-1":

Rape seeds are sown evenly over the entire area of ​​the land, followed by raking. In autumn - after harvesting, in spring - 1 month before planting late vegetables. Seeding rate - 150 gr. per hundred. Shoots appear on the 4-5th day. For feeding use a solution of the drug "Baikal EM 1" at a concentration of 1:1000.

In 1-1.5 months, rapeseed grows to 20-30 cm. After that, it is cut and planted in the soil with a Swift cultivator or Fokin flat-cutter, pouring with a solution of the Baikal EM 1 preparation at a concentration of 1:500 to speed up the fermentation process and create favorable microbiological background. In autumn, before the onset of frost, rapeseed is embedded in the soil, watered with a solution of the Baikal EM 1 preparation at a concentration of 1:100.

During the season, you can grow and plant rapeseed in the soil 2-3 times and, thereby, provide the earth with nutrients and microelements, as well as create a high microbiological activity of the soil.

Crops of green manure from the cruciferous family cannot be alternated with other cruciferous vegetable crops (cabbages, turnips, radishes, radishes, mustards, etc.), as they have common diseases and pests.

Sunflower annual, or oilseed(lat. Helianthus annuus)

Annual plant, deep root system, 150-200 cm and
produces a lot of compost mass. But if you use a sunflower as a green manure, you will have to abandon it.
sun flower - do not let the culture grow strongly, cut when it rises by about half a meter. It can grow in any soil with a pH ranging from very acidic to alkaline.

Buckwheat (lat. Fagopyrum)

- the length of the roots reaches 80-150, it is characterized by rapid growth, it absorbs organic phosphates well and
enriches the soil with organic matter, phosphorus and potassium. Due to the ability to loosen the earth well, it can be recommended for
planting on heavy soils, especially between fruit crops. Buckwheat is a wonderful honey plant. The best green manure under fruit trees and bushes, does not dry out the soil. Especially recommended on poor, heavy, acidic soils, as its deep branched root system greatly improves the soil structure. Excellent honey plant.


Oats and rye enrich the soil with potassium, using carbon dioxide from the air, enrich the soil with organic matter, while improving its friability, water and air permeability, especially on heavy clay and loamy soils. In addition, everything that was taken from the soil is returned again. Due to the enrichment with organic matter, the water-holding capacity (moisture capacity) of light soils increases. crops improve physical properties soil, enrich it with organic matter, nitrogen and potassium.

Winter rye is not used before sorrel and rhubarb. Rye has unique phytosanitary properties: it cleans the area from weeds (even from perennials - wheatgrass, sow thistle, buttercup). does not allow weed seedlings to grow. Rye heals the soil well after potatoes (nematode infection).

Winter rye is usually sown from 25.08 to 15.09, i.е. from mid-August to early September, so that before the onset of stable frosts it has time to reach a height of 20-25 cm. If sown later than September, the plants will not yet be ready for wintering and may freeze. Approximate consumption of seeds per hundred square meters: 1.5-2.5 kg, you can sow in rows, or spread the seeds evenly.

Rye grows well in spring. close it up in the spring, with a stem height of about 60 cm, to a depth of 3-5 cm. Young and tender plants quickly decompose and enrich the soil with organic matter, nitrogen and potassium. The mass of buried greenery will be approximately 3-5 kg ​​/ m2, which is equivalent to applying an average dose of manure. Rye is cut a week or two before planting the main crop. If the weather is dry, the bed is well watered to speed up the process of processing green mass into fertilizer.

The disadvantage of using rye as a green fertilizer is a strong drying effect on the soil, so it is better to use it in conditions of sufficient moisture.

Sometimes siderates with different properties are sown together, an example of a "vetch-oat mixture" is green manure from legumes and cereals, enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, prevents humus from leaching, loosens the ground well. Plants withstand frosts down to 5-7°C. Not demanding on the soil, tolerates cold, drought, shading. A good predecessor for crops that need a lot of nitrogen. Oats enrich the soil with potassium, loosen and structure the soil well.

Technology for growing "vetch-oat mixture" using the preparation "Baikal EM-1":

Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance between rows of 7-12 cm, or sown randomly over the entire planting area. The optimal time for sowing seeds is the end of April, the beginning of May or a month and a half before the onset of cold weather. The sowing rate is 1.8-2.0 kg per 1 weave. After the emergence of seedlings for top dressing, it is good to use a solution of the preparation "Baikal EM 1" at a concentration of 1:1000.

Plants are pruned during the budding period and planted in the soil with a Strizh cultivator or Fokin flat cutter, watering with a solution of the Baikal EM1 preparation at a concentration of 1:100 to accelerate fermentation and create a favorable microbiological background.

The incorporation of the green mass of vetch-oat mixture into the soil, carried out 1-2 times per season with irrigation with a solution of the Baikal EM1 preparation, ensures high microbiological activity of the soil, supplying it with nutrients and microelements.

Often a mixture of spring vetch or peas with mustard is used for green manure.

Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.)

An annual of the Waterfoil family, a valuable honey plant. Characterized by rapid growth, the accumulation of a large amount of green mass. The Phacelia root covers the soil depth up to 20 cm during the period of green mass growth, while the soil structure improves, it becomes loose and breathable. Phacelia can grow on any type of soil.

Phacelia is not whimsical, has cold resistance, can endure frosts down to -7 -9 ° C in autumn, so it can be sown immediately after the soil has thawed.

Sowing phacelia in the spring on the beds and then planting seedlings of vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, etc.) on it, you can thus protect the seedlings from temperature changes at night, and during the day there will be shade and protection from the wind. Planting seedlings is carried out in the beds of phacelia, making holes and then sprinkle them with compost. After 5-7 days, the phacelia is cut off and the soil is mulched with it on the same beds.

You can sow phacelia at any time from early spring to late autumn, the best time is June-July. For sowing, mix a bag of seeds with a glass of dry sand, scatter over the area and harrow. The optimal seeding depth is 2-3 cm. Seed consumption is 150-200 gr. per hundred. Digging the soil with the turnover of the layer to produce as the accumulation of green mass during the flowering period.

In one season, you can get 2-3 crop rotations. the period from sowing to the beginning of flowering is 40-45 days.
After three weeks of flowering, mow the grass and dig up the area, burying the green mass. The thicker you sow the grass, the more green mass and the more processed by the roots of the soil. After the first digging, the processed soil is lowered down onto the shovel bayonet, and the unprocessed soil rises to the surface from below. For high-quality processing of the soil for the bayonet of a shovel, it is necessary to once again sow phacelia seeds on the newly raised land. After such processing of the soil in the fall, you will receive a high-quality layer of light, fertile soil.

Autumn and winter crops are also highly effective, allowing you to get enriched soil in early spring even before planting the main crops.
cultures. To improve the quality of the land (in case the site is already sown), in the fall after harvesting, sow the site with phacelia. 1-2 months before frost, the phacelia will grow and improve the quality of the soil.

Vegetable crops do not get sick, grow faster, there is no barren flower. Sow phacelia around beds, bushes, trees for site disinfection, pollination.

To increase the yield of potatoes, after hilling, sow phacelia in strips between rows - it will help the top layer of soil not be compacted, retain moisture, and provide additional oxygen to the tubers. Promotes growth and quality maturation of tubers.

Phytosanitary properties of Phacelia:

Phacelia well displaces weeds from its site. Planting phacelia on acidic soils helps to change the acidity of the soil from acidic to neutral, which can be used to control weeds that prefer acidic soils, such as wood lice.

Phacelia is a good distraction for caterpillars and other parasites.

Lupine narrow-leaved variety Ladny

The first in Russia ultra-early variety of narrow-leaved lupine Ladny was created by the method of induction and selection of mutants from the variety Nemchinovsky 846 by a team of authors of NPO Podmoskovye (NIISH of the Central Regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone, Moscow Region) and specialists from the Russian State Agricultural University- MSHA them. K.A. Timiryazev (Moscow). Patent No. 2624.

Biological features: vegetation period 70-80 days. An annual self-pollinating plant, up to 1.5 m high. The root system is taproot, powerfully developed, penetrating to a depth of 2 m and having a high dissolving ability, as well as the ability to absorb hard-to-reach phosphates and other mineral compounds.
The inflorescence is a short apical raceme. The length of the inflorescences is up to 50 cm.
The content of crude protein in the grain is 33-35%, alkaloids 0.001-0.015%. The mass of 1000 seeds is 150-200 grams.
The average yield of Ladny lupine is 3-4 tons per hectare.
The lupine variety Ladny is recommended for cultivation in the central and adjacent northern regions of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia for grain fodder purposes, however, it yields the greatest collection of dry matter in the phase of milky-wax ripeness of the grain. Due to the low content of trypsin inhibitors, lupine grain can be used in milled form to balance feed mixtures in terms of protein and lysine.
A variety of intensive type with a high genetic potential for seed productivity.
In the first half of the growing season, Ladny lupine is not picky about heat. Lupine is a cold-resistant plant, seeds germinate at 3-5°С, seedlings tolerate short-term frosts of -3…-6°С.
Lupine is a photophilous plant. It is characterized by the phenomenon of heliotropism - the leaves are always turned perpendicular to the rays of the Sun.
Lupine Ladny, grown for grain, is a good predecessor of winter crops, saves the application of expensive nitrogen fertilizers. The high yield of green mass allows it to be used in intermediate crops for fodder and green manure.
Lupine should not be sown after leguminous crops, perennial leguminous grasses in order to avoid the spread of diseases, especially Fusarium. Lupine should be sown again in the same area no earlier than after 4-5 years. When cultivating for seeds, it is undesirable to place lupine in low, moist areas. Under such conditions, a large vegetative mass is formed, the growing season is lengthened, and maturation is delayed. When growing lupine for green manure, it is placed in the fallow field of crop rotation, before winter crops, and in areas with a warm long autumn, it is used as a stubble crop after winter rye and barley. For green mass for ensiling, lupine is harvested in the phase of shiny beans, when the beans are characterized by the largest size, and the accumulation of green mass is maximum during the growing season.

Lupine angustifolia

The extraction of healthy honey is the main task of beekeepers. Many people know that the flower product of bee production has valuable taste qualities. That is why it is in high demand. Lupine honey is one of the most popular varieties.

Lupine fruiting

Lupine (Lupinus) - in Latin "lupus" means "wolf". Belongs to the class of dicots, from the legume family. A perennial or annual herbaceous plant, having the size of a shrub or semi-shrub. It grows everywhere on our mainland and is well known to every Russian. The original homeland of lupine is the Mediterranean countries and North American territories.

The roots are rod-shaped and reach a length of 1.5 - 2 meters. The uniqueness of lupine is that it is able to release nitrogen into the soil, assimilating it from the surrounding atmosphere through nodule bacteria, which are found in large numbers on its roots. The soil after the growth of lupine on it, doubles its fertile properties. Agrotechnical experts believe that 1 hectare of lupins is equivalent to 20 tons of manure.

Stems are often straight, herbaceous, rarely woody. The height of the above-ground part is 30-120 cm.

The leaves are complex-serrated, collected in a rosette in the root zone, arranged around the stem in the next order, the leaf petiole is long, articulated with the stem by means of stipules.

Flowers - a large multi-flowered inflorescence in the form of a brush 25-40 cm, zygomorphic flowers, in the form of a sail. The color of flower corollas is diverse - purple, pink, white, red and others, including variegated ones. Flowering time - June, duration - 20-35 days.

Lupine flowers

The fruits are bean pods with a leathery and fleecy surface, dark in color, inside they contain many small seeds. When ripe, the pods crack and the seeds scatter around the plant.

The shape of the seeds is different - rounded and flattened, their size is from 0.3 to 0.6 mm. The surface can be smooth or rough, color from light gray to black. Seeds do not lose their germination for 5 years.

Most often, lupine is found in large areas on uncultivated soils, loves the sun's rays, is not picky about the soil composition, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.

The main types of lupine and their properties

In nature, there are several hundred species of lupine for ornamental and agricultural purposes. Annual varieties of white and yellow lupine are used as fodder crops. Lupins and bees are not overlooked. However, lupine, as a honey plant, is purposefully not cultivated, since it does not produce nectar, and the flowers are rich only in pollen. Beekeepers know that when lupine grows near apiaries, the bees will bring to the hive a pollen, which will consist mainly of the pollen of this particular plant.

Breeding work with lupins was started by the Englishman George Russell in 1911. He became the founder of many varietal populations of this beautiful flower.

Lupine varieties

The main hybrid annual garden varieties are:

  • hybrid lupine - a semi-shrub with different tones of color, in growth it can be from 50 to 150 cm, the flowering period is from June;
  • dwarf lupine - low, up to 30-50 cm, with bright colors, different colors;
  • changeable lupine - a combination of lilac and yellow shades of a flower, over time, the blue part of the flower turns into red;
  • Schlossfrau - pink - rich pink and white tones in one flower;
  • edelknabe - carmine color of the brushes, a handsome giant up to 1.5 meters in length, large brushes-inflorescences of bright red color, pleases with its beauty from June to mid-July;
  • burg fraulen - snow-white color of flowers, large brushes of inflorescences, 30-40 cm;
  • apricot - orange - delicate apricot tones of petals; grows up to a maximum of 80-90 cm, flowering begins in mid-June;
  • carmineus - red, juicy tone; in growth reaches up to 100 cm, flowers are large, inflorescences up to 40 cm, flowering from June to July;
  • roseus - pink color in combination with white shades; grows up to 110-120 cm, the size of the brushes is up to 35-40 cm. It blooms from June to July.

And this is not a complete list, there are other colors, shades, shapes.

Growing lupine

Important! Propagated vegetatively and by seeds.

During vegetative propagation in early spring, lateral basal rosettes are separated from three to four summer bushes and added dropwise to the soil. A month later, a young plant forms its own root system. But we must remember that adult lupins do not like transplantation.

Lupine seedling

When propagating by seeds, one of three methods can be used:

  1. Autumn sowing: produced in October - November, seeds are introduced into open soil to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters, crops are mulched with a small layer of peat mixture. Immediately after the snow melts and warm weather sets in, the seeds will begin to grow and the plant will begin to bloom this year.
  2. Spring sowing: held in April, after the ground in your garden has thawed, seeds are planted on the soil previously dug up in the fall. Emerging shoots, if necessary, thin out. With this method of planting, you will see flowering only next year.
  3. Planting seedlings: at the end of April, any universal loose and light earthen mixture is taken, where, if desired, powder from the ground roots of old lupine plants can be added. With this powder, you need to mix the seeds and plant them in a container. Thus, you will introduce nitrogenous bacteria into the soil, which will promote the growth of seedlings. The container should be covered with foil and left at room temperature with good lighting. After 30-35 days, the finished seedlings can be transferred to open ground. Seedlings do not need to be allowed to outgrow, in the phase of 4-5 leaves it is time to plant them in a permanent place.

Important! Lupine is resistant to cold, can grow on any type of soil, but loose slightly alkaline or slightly acidic environment is best suited for it. Planting seeds or seedlings should be done at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, ideally 50 cm.

This plant does not need special care, moderately moist soil and sunlight is all that is needed for it. Tall stems can be tied to supports to protect from the wind. Adult bushes should be regularly sprinkled with earth, as they open the root part of the neck. To prolong the flowering period, remove faded brushes in a timely manner - so your lupins can bloom until the autumn frosts.

In autumn, in October, take care of collecting seeds - wait for the bean pods to ripen and collect them before they begin to crack. You need to collect yellowed and slightly dried fruits. It is possible that this will have to be done in several steps due to their uneven maturation.

Lupine seeds

After the end of flowering and collecting seeds, cut off the ground part of the peduncles, remove dead leaves and stems. These plant parts can be used as fertilizer in other parts of your garden. After pruning, mulch the soil and cover the lupine bush with sawdust so that it is not exposed to frost. A perennial flower retains its decorative properties for 4-5 years, after which it must be replaced with a new plant.

It happens that the flower is affected by aphids or fungal diseases - rusty spots appear on the leaves or white coating in the root zone. Such a plant is best cut to the root - it will grow again and quickly gain green mass, but already healthy. Diseases can be avoided by observing the rule that re-planting lupins in their original place can be carried out no earlier than 3 years.

Try to have lupins in your garden - these unpretentious and beautiful flowers. They will not only delight you with their flowering, but will also become a wonderful soil fertilizer for future plantings. If you plant them near fruit trees, this will have the best effect on their productivity. Lupine will not disappoint you and will become your favorite for many years to come.

This plant is used not as a honey plant, but as a valuable source of pollen. Therefore, it is worth planting it near the beehives. Bees collect pollen from the flower mainly in the afternoon.