Yorkshire terrier with long hair. Yorkshire Terrier: description, pros and cons of the breed

Currently, the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is in demand.

Little puppies are touched by their diminutiveness. An adult pet is always ready to defend the owner.

A bit of history

Yorkshire terriers are decorative pets. As a result of selection work, representatives of this breed received excellent wool and a beautiful muzzle.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. in England, poor people were forbidden to have large dogs. Cats were not held in high esteem, and the farm had to be protected from rodents. Dog owners constantly selected the smallest puppies from all born puppies.

The number of small blue-gray dogs was constantly growing. They were called Waterside Terriers. The owners always took them with them. The most famous route was the Yorkshire and Lancashire coastlines.

In England, a large breed line appeared - the Scottish Terrier. Yorkies were bred from it.


Before you buy a dog, think about what breed of Yorkshire Terrier you need.

It can be a Mini Yorkie, a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, or a Standard Yorkie.

Mini Yorkies are more expensive. Biewers were bred in Germany. Purebred dogs have a special coat texture and color.

The modern Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is different from its ancestors. They have no undercoat. But the coat is long, smooth and silky. She is the main advantage of the breed.

The head part has the brightest red-brown color. There should be no such spots on the neck. The chest and belly are lighter. The stripe from the back of the head and down the entire mid-back is dark blue metallic.

Because of the beautiful coat, you can often see photos of Yorkshire Terriers in the media.

The Yorkshire Terrier has a small head compared to the body. Short and wide back. The weight of the dog must be no more than 3.1 kg.

Pronounced transition from the frontal part to the muzzle. Teeth small, scissor bite. The nose is small.

Dogs have a lively, intelligent look. Medium distance between dark eyes. Ears are triangular, erect. Outside they are covered with wool. The ear cartilage is elastic.

The limbs are straight, the joints are well developed. The nails are black, slightly curved. The tail is usually docked, but may be of normal length.

Choosing the Right Puppy

When choosing a puppy, you can run into scammers, so use the following tips:

  • Check the pedigree, certificates of participation in exhibitions, veterinary certificates.
  • Check how and where dogs are kept.
  • Buy a puppy no younger than three months of age.
  • The breeder should give you advice on growing.
  • Remember that Yorkshire Terrier puppies are expensive.

After choosing a pet, take care of its proper upbringing. It should receive objective normative loads. The formation of the character of the dog depends on you.

The Yorkshire Terrier will do well in a home with a backyard. He can go to the toilet outside. But keep in mind that the dog loves to dig in the ground.

Not burdensome and content in the apartment. Dogs of this breed do not shed, they are neat and clean.

Be sure to purchase toys for your pet so that he directs his stormy energy to them.

Yorkies should be combed every day and cut about once a month. The Yorkshire Terrier's haircut depends on the time of year. In summer it should be shorter.

It is necessary to take care of the nails, ears and eyes of the animal. You need to brush your teeth every six months.

It is very important to know what to feed your Yorkshire Terrier. Improper nutrition can make him crippled. In the store you can buy food for a pet of any age of this particular breed.

If the dog is healthy, then it can be given natural food. His choice should be approached responsibly.

dog health

With good care and the absence of hereditary diseases, dogs of this breed live 14-16 years.

The most common ailments include diseases of the ears, diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and indigestion.

Yorkies can get injured when falling and jumping.

Hereditary disease is ataxia, weakness in the muscles. At any age, the development of hydrocephalus is possible, this is the accumulation of fluid in the skull.

You should protect your pet from excess weight.

So, if you have a Yorkshire Terrier, then try to follow all the rules for caring for him. The pet will delight you with its appearance and activity.

Photo of a Yorkshire Terrier

This is one of the dog breeds popular all over the world.

People unfamiliar with this breed perceive them as living toys, but in fact the Yorkie is a real terrier. And like all its larger relatives, it is distinguished by mobility and vigor.

What is the secret of the popularity of these dogs and is it only their cute appearance that caused them to be willingly turned on by people living both in cities and in the countryside? Let's try to figure this out. We will also show photos of these wonderful pets.

History of the breed

It is difficult to say when the small gray-yellow rat-catcher terriers appeared in the county of Yorkshire, located in the north of England. Drawings depicting them date back to the 18th-19th centuries, but most likely, these dogs have been seen before.

At first, Yorkies helped peasants by destroying rats and mice in their homes and accompanying their masters on their trips to fairs. Later, these dogs were also loved by the miners, who used them as rat catchers.

It took a long time before these dogs were noticed by any of the representatives of the nobility, but thanks to their original and cute appearance, Yorkies quickly became popular as salon dogs.

AT late XIX century they were officially recognized, and from that time begins the modern stage of the history of the breed.


Throughout the 20th century, the popularity of the Yorkshires fell, then rose again. But by the beginning of the 21st century, these dogs were already in the top 10 most popular breeds in America, and in 2006-2009 they consistently ranked second, second only to Labradors.

At present, interest in the Yorkshires has not only not weakened, but has reached incredible proportions. In addition to the standard Yorkie, many of its breed varieties have appeared, differing in size and color.

Character traits

Like all other terriers, the Yorkie is bold, smart and quick-witted. This dog has an affectionate and affectionate disposition, she gets along well with children. Yorkie is quite capable of getting along with any other pets.

On the street, he does not show aggression towards strangers, but if necessary, he is always ready to protect his beloved owners or their property. In England, Yorkshire Terriers are said to be a big dog with a small body.

Also, despite the fact that the Yorkshire is small in size, he is quite hardy and tireless in games.

More detailed information read about the character of Yorkshire terriers.

Yorkies are smart and quick-witted, easy to train, but can sometimes be stubborn. These are emotional, impulsive and temperamental animals. They are affectionate and affectionate towards their owners and can follow them around the house wherever they go. Subtly feel the mood of the owner: if a person is upset about something, they will try to cheer and console him, and if the owner does not want to communicate with anyone, they will not impose their society.

Pros and cons

Like all other dog breeds, Yorkies have their own.


  • devoted to their owners;
  • sweet, affectionate, benevolent;
  • smart, quick-witted and well trained;
  • these dogs can be potty or diaper trained, which will eliminate the need to walk with your pet during rain or heavy snowfall;
  • not aggressive towards other animals kept in the house;
  • easy to find mutual language with children and become good playmates for them;
  • Yorkies do not need a large living space - they can even live in a one-room apartment;
  • there is no shedding and, as a result, problems with allergies to wool and loose undercoat flying around the house;
  • the Yorkie may well travel with his masters;
  • if not pampered, then unpretentious in terms of feeding.


  • complex and expensive hair care;
  • need high-quality, expensive food, like other small breeds;
  • Yorkshire terriers need to be properly educated and trained from childhood, otherwise they can grow up hysterical and aggressive;
  • some Yorkies, especially males, can grow up to be cocky and stubborn.

The main plus of this breed is that the standard Yorkshire is a healthier and hardier breed than most other indoor dogs.

Main types

Color variations

How to feed?

Yorkshire Terrier needs.


If the choice is made in favor of branded food, it must be at least premium (for mini and micro - not lower than super-premium) and suitable for small breed dogs.

If the dog eats natural food, then feeding should be balanced.

Health and Major Diseases

Yorkies are predisposed to :

  • ear diseases, as a rule, of an inflammatory nature;
  • diseases of the oral cavity and too rapid formation of tartar;
  • slowing down the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones or their incorrect growth;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • speed dial .

Under good conditions and Yorkie can live 15-20 years.

Read about what affects the life span of a Yorkie.

Dimensions and weight

The weight of a standard Yorkshire does not exceed 22 cm, and the weight is 3.1 kg.

Dogs under 2.5 kg are classified as mini, and those weighing 1-1.5 kg are super mini.

Education and training

Like any dog, the Yorkshire needs and in training, without which destructive traits will inevitably appear in his character, and his behavior will change for the worse.

A puppy of this breed should be brought up immediately after the acquisition, and special attention should be paid to the socialization of the animal - the Yorkie should be calm about other animals and strangers, you also need to achieve unconditional submission of the dog to its owner.

Features of care

The main difficulty in caring for Yorkshire is keeping in order his luxurious coat, which needs to be combed every day and, if the dog is not trimmed, wind it on hairpins.

If the owner has no desire to care for the pet's coat, the Yorkie needs to be cut. Read about the most common haircuts.

Yorkies should not be bathed often as this is harmful to their skin and coat.

Also, the dog needs periodic cleaning of the ears and eyes, as well as trimming the claws.

Yorkshire is a decorative and indoor dog, and you can keep it in the yard only in the warm season. These dogs are very sensitive to drafts and catch cold easily, so you need to protect your pet from hypothermia.

A sign that a Yorkie is cold is that.

In the cold season of York in warm winter overalls.

breed breeding

Yorkie owners planning a breeding career for their pets should understand that breeding small dogs is not the easiest and far from the most profitable business.

If the owner of the girl, despite all possible difficulties, intends to , he will need to take into account that in dogs, the inheritance of the conformation mainly occurs along the line of the male. Yorkies in the world:

  • boys- Buddy, Buster, Bailey, Gismo, Cody, Max, Rusty, Rocky, Lucky, Teddy.
  • Girls- Desi, Coco, Katie, Lady, Lucy, Misty, Molly, Rosie, Tasha, Annie.

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing a Yorkie, you need to remember that only the puppy's metric guarantees its purebred. Therefore, it is recommended to take a Yorkshire from a kennel or from a responsible breeder.

The puppy must be healthy and as the Yorkshires move to new house not earlier than 3 months, already vaccinated. A healthy puppy has clean skin, nose, ears and eyes, and the coat is soft and shiny.

Should be plump, but not overfed, although not thin.

He must be active, mobile and moderately inquisitive. Excessive aggressiveness towards littermates or people, as well as the desire to hide away from everyone, are signs of an unstable psyche.

Also read about when in Yorkie puppies.

yorkshire terriers(Yorkshire Terrier) - very popular representatives of the canine world, if we talk about decorative breeds. And this, of course, is connected with their character. They are simply created in order to evoke the best feelings in people and please everyone.

If you are looking for an indoor four-legged friend who can be a great companion, who knows how to be friends with other pets and has a high level of activity, then the Yorkshire Terrier is a breed worth looking at.

Yorkshire Terrier breed standard

Any stranger, be it a person or a neighbor's dog, will definitely be in the field of view of the little defender.

Photo 6. Yorkshire Terrier will desperately guard his master

York will do everything in his power to get rid of the intruder, while showing remarkable courage and perseverance.

In this regard, a very important advice suggests itself to potential owners of such a dog - it needs an eye and an eye. Persistence and courage can play a bad role for him, and your Yorkie will find himself in some unpleasant situation.

Due to their intelligence, Yorkies are highly trainable, treating each new activity as a game.

They are very curious and able to learn more than just the standard set of commands.

Such qualities of York bflies are in demand in the war, when dogs warned soldiers about the approach of the enemy, flew with them on planes and helped find wounded comrades.

Yorkshire Terrier Care

To all the goodies and amusements that relate to these dogs, it is worth adding that Yorkies are very unpretentious in terms of content and content (of course, if you are not planning an exhibition “career” for your pet).

Photo 7. The Yorkshire Terrier needs minimal care

Their long coat practically does not shed, which saves the owners from a lot of trouble.

Periodically, it is worth trimming the dog solely for aesthetic purposes. It will be easier for her to move around, which will add activity and fun to your home.

The size of the Yorkie allows you to calmly teach the dog to go to the toilet even in an ordinary cat's tray, which will allow you not to rush home once again if the dog is left at home alone.

You can even skip a walk when it's bad weather outside. But it is not necessary to abuse the "apartment" content.

Yorkies need walks in without fail so that they can recharge physically and take advantage of the opportunity to show their full activity.

Video about the Yorkshire Terrier breed:

A miniature dog with a long, silky coat and expressive dark eyes conquers with its beauty. Indeed, the Yorkshire Terrier has become a favorite breed of fashionable ladies and show business stars, accompanying their dazzling owners to secular parties and showing off on the covers of glossy magazines. The ability to behave absolutely indifferently in front of outsiders, sitting on the hands or in the hostess's bag with the appearance of a royal person, touches casual viewers who certainly want to get the same dog. But the Yorkshire Terrier is not only a decorative dog, modern dogs of this breed have the hot temper of their ancestors.

The Yorkshire Terrier has an ancient and glorious origin, and although its history is shrouded in secrets and hoaxes, and there are few documented facts, one thing is certain: this the breed originated in the British Isles. As early as the second century BC, in the manuscripts of a Roman naturalist who landed on the islands, there were records of small dogs leading a fearless fight against rats under the ground.

In the fourteenth century, terriers, thanks to sea routes, spread throughout Europe. A couple of centuries later, a professor at Cambridge University described miniature dogs with long, flowing silky hair, from which the Yorkshire Terrier breed originated. And although the Waterside Terrier is considered the ancestor of the breed, in Every Yorkie has the blood of numerous small terriers and even Maltese.

Interesting! The favorite of glamorous ladies was created by real commoners from Yorkshire, who created a new breed not at all for shining in society, but for catching numerous rats. The dog of the new breed had to be small in order to deftly penetrate secluded corners, and long hair served him as a kind of protective mantle from sharp rat teeth.

Later, already in 1886, the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England and received an official name from the name of the county, from where most of the best representatives were represented. Initially, the size and format of Yorkshire Terriers ranged from super-small specimens to relatively large and even huge ones. Breeders paid much more attention to the length and silkiness of the coat, its unique color, than to anatomical features. The breed acquired its perfect form already in the twentieth century.

Purpose of Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is designed to be a real family dog, able to deftly rid the house of its owners from rodents and other small pests. But with the development of the breed and over time, the skills of a rat catcher ceased to be a priority, and the incredible charm and amazing beauty of small dogs came to the fore. Today, the main purpose of the breed is the ability to give love and a lot of positive emotions to the owner and members of his family.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a great family companion. These dogs do an excellent job of catching small rodents.

Dogs of this breed are ideal for both single people and large families. A small dog can be seen in the hands of an aging lady and surrounded by a noisy gang of children, as the nature of the Yorkshire Terrier is to always be in the spotlight and get real pleasure from it.

Breed standard, description and photos

The general impression is a graceful, small animal with a strong, proportional build and a proud posture. A regal appearance is created by a long, smooth coat falling to the ground. The Yorkshire Terrier always looks confident, feels free in any society.

A photo. Yorkshire terrier dog

Yorkshire terrier in the photo

Here are the main characteristics of these dogs:
  • The body of the animal is strong, compact, strong, with a straight back, a muscular loin and a short, straight croup. The chest is moderately deep, with rounded ribs and a smooth underline. The tail is of medium length, docked to the required size, set high, carried above the level of the back, covered with long hair of a dark silver shade.
  • The forelimbs are straight, parallel to each other, with an inclined shoulder, covered with golden wool. The hind limbs are straight, with moderately pronounced angles, the paws are arched, strong, the claws are black.
  • The head is of medium size with a small, flat skull and a not too long muzzle. Jaws strong, straight, with small, strong teeth and a scissor bite. Full teeth desirable.
  • The eyes are medium, round, but not protruding, straight set, dark in color, very expressive. The look is cheerful and lively, the rim of the eyes is dark, the eyelids are tight-fitting. The ears are small, triangular in shape, erect, not too widely spaced. The coat on the ears should be trimmed to accentuate its shape.
  • The coat is long, falling, straight, with a silky texture, not wavy or fluffy. The color is steel, dark from the base of the tail to the back of the head. On the head and chest, the color is golden, at the roots the tan is always richer and darker than at the ends of the hair. On the back, the color is uniform, without inclusions of brown or bronze hair. Interestingly, on the Yorkshire Terrier score sheet, the highest score is given to the quantity and quality of the coat, as well as the depth and regularity of the color.
  • Movement is free, balanced, energetic, fervently raised tail testifies to the cheerful character of a real terrier.

Important! Yorkshire Terrier puppies at birth are black in color with small patches of red tan. Even a breeder cannot predict how deep their color will be in adulthood. Only by the year the puppies bloom and acquire the color characteristic of the breed.

Yorkshire terrier dog personality

Temperamental and bold, the Yorkshire Terrier is not at all the pampered parlor dog that it is mistakenly made out to be. A dog of this breed is quite capable of standing up for itself, rushing to protect the owner and even bite the offender. A bully and a desperate daredevil, he really does not like familiarity, he can bite an outsider who decides to stroke his shiny fur.

Yorkshire Terriers are temperamental and bold dogs. They constantly prey on small animals and insects.

The protective qualities of the Yorkshire Terrier, due to its small stature, do not matter to the owners, however, the dog is an excellent watchman, barking loudly when meeting any guest or reacting with a menacing growl to suspicious noise.

Yorkshire Terriers are born hunters. The dog loves to look for traces of animals in the park and does not miss the opportunity to open a hunt for a lizard or a large beetle. The neighbor's cat can also become the subject of persecution. A dog of this breed, once in a village courtyard, will definitely start chasing poultry.

The Yorkshire Terrier is not at all a toy or a funny animal, it is a person capable of selfless love and possessing the courage of a large dog. An intelligent and humorous dog, with the right upbringing, becomes an ideal companion, devoted friend and constant companion.

The subtleties of training Yorkies

One of the features of the Yorkshire Terrier is early maturation. A one-year-old dog is already fully formed, both physically and emotionally. Very often, it is this age limit that becomes an unexpected unpleasant surprise for owners: obedient and cute becomes a real prankster, loses neatness skills, and shows aggression.

Most often, such a change in behavior becomes sudden only for owners who are not attentive to small signals that appear periodically. For example, the dog growled when trying to comb it, became importunate, constantly begging at the table. At the same time, inexperienced owners satisfy all his desires, finding an excuse for such behavior.

Growing up, the dog understands that it is she who is the main one in the family, and begins to behave as she pleases. For this reason, the upbringing and training of a puppy (including ring training for show animals) must begin early, from the first moment of meeting a new family.

Yorkshire terriers are very trainable, they are happy to learn new commands, but in the absence of education they can show aggression.

No need to make allowances for the tender age or the small size of the dog. General course training will make a well-mannered, seasoned dog out of an eccentric puppy. These dogs will easily learn, "Sit" and "Lie down", learn.

Important! You can not treat a pet as an ornament or a toy. Yorkshire terrier puppies are very cute and funny, but inside every baby lives a stubborn and courageous terrier that needs a firm and consistent upbringing.

Dogs of this breed are good at grasping everything new, they are able to remember a large number of words and phrases, but they find it difficult to exercise endurance. And yet, it's hard not to be surprised, looking at how calmly and patiently an adult Yorkshire terrier endures all manipulations with its coat, how motionlessly it stands in an exhibition stand.

Attitude towards children and animals

Yorkshire terriers are very sociable, they easily make friends with other pets.

Yorkshire Terriers are eternal children, they are always ready to play and have fun, so they are happy to communicate with children. Interestingly, on a walk, other people's children do not cause aggression or hostility in them, but if a bully boy wants to offend a little mistress, then the dog will definitely come to the defense. In the family, a dog of this breed becomes a true devoted friend for the child, a warm, trusting relationship is established between them.

If other pets live in the house besides the Yorkie, then the puppy will definitely try to make friends with them. Puppies of this breed are friendly and inquisitive. An adult dog may react warily to a kitten or puppy brought in, try to scare the alien or even bite. Over time, he will change his anger to mercy and will patronize the baby, even if he grows several times his size.

The small size of the Yorkshire Terrier does not detract from his great desire to command those who are lower in status. A new adult animal can cause strong jealousy of the owner, completely change his behavior in the house. The male most often begins to uncontrollably mark the territory, the bitches lose their neatness skills and spoil things.

Important! The danger for a dog of this breed is represented by babies who have just learned to walk. They can fall on a sleeping puppy, drop a heavy toy on it, or hurt it by grabbing its ear or tail. An adult dog may react to such behavior with a growl or even bite a child, and the puppy will be frightened or injured.

How to properly care for a Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is the most labor-intensive dog breed in terms of grooming. Long and silky coat has a special, unique structure, reminiscent of human hair. Just like hair, it quickly becomes dirty, the dog begins to look untidy and smells terrible. You have to bathe the animal several times a week, and for bathing you buy a special shampoo and a whole line of care products: balms, oils, conditioners.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat needs constant grooming. If the dog does not attend exhibitions, it is better to take him for a haircut.

Puppies of this breed have a short coat that grows constantly and by the age of two the dog looks just fine, provided that the coat is well looked after. Show dogs are forced to walk in hairpins all the time, as the coat gets tangled and deteriorates from grass, dust and street dirt. The dog is combed daily. If the owners do not plan an exhibition career for their pet, then it is better for the dog to get a haircut. to make grooming easier.

In addition to the usual haircut, the Yorkshire Terrier is given a hygienic haircut about once every two weeks. First, the hairs are carefully trimmed, which bristle near the eyes and can injure them. Then the hairs inside the ears are plucked out, which is very painful, so the inside of the ear is pre-treated with a special anesthetic. The hair around the paws is neatly trimmed, between the fingers - sheared. The fur near the anus is removed so that the excrement does not stain it.

In order to keep the coat in order and protect the dog from the cold, and the delicate paw pads from street dirt and reagents, the Yorkshire terrier wears clothes. Overalls of various styles and colors for cold days, warm sweaters and raincoats for the off-season, as well as summer cotton clothes. In clothes, the dog's hair is less wrinkled and dirty, it does not freeze. They start teaching a puppy to wear overalls or boots early, so that an adult dog is calm about this.

Yorkies teeth tartar quickly, so they should be cleaned regularly.

The breed feature of the Yorkshire Terrier is the increased viscosity of saliva.. This leads to a slow cleaning of the dog's teeth from food particles and the rapid formation of tartar. A puppy should be taught to brush his teeth with a special brush from an early age, when the dog becomes an adult, she will calmly relate to any manipulations in the oral cavity. Animals not accustomed to brushing their teeth have to be euthanized for the plaque removal procedure.

Tears often flow from the dog's eyes, as the eyes are injured by dust particles or hairs sticking out of the muzzle. Tears dry up, forming paths, the hair under them remains wet, microorganisms actively multiply there, inflammation of the skin begins. To prevent these consequences, the eyes are wiped with a special lotion daily.

If the dog walks a little, then his claws grow so much that they cause discomfort, can catch on a carpet or other object, overstrain, which is very painful. Overgrown claws must be cut with a special guillotine or nail cutter. This is done very carefully, literally by a millimeter, so as not to touch the tissue containing the nerve endings and blood vessels.

Yorkie diet plan

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest breeds and eats little, but this does not mean that the dog can be fed table scraps. The digestive system of these babies is prone to various failures, the pancreas is especially vulnerable. Acute pancreatitis is the most commonly diagnosed disease that can be fatal.

To keep healthy The Yorkshire Terrier needs a fractional diet with a minimum amount of animal fats in the diet.. For dogs of this breed, you should choose one type of food: prepared food or natural food. Mix dry food and natural products it is impossible, just as it is impossible to give both types of food on the same day.

Yorkshire terrier dogs are fed either natural food or premium and super-premium dry food.

Among ready-made feeds, it is preferable to choose those that contain products for Yorkshire terriers, or for animals with sensitive digestion. These are feeds such as ANF, Nutra Gold. They belong to the premium segment.

If it is decided to feed the pet with natural food, then the main products in the diet should be raw and boiled meat: beef, turkey or rabbit. Meat pieces are mixed with stewed carrots or green salad, oatmeal or rice flakes are added, previously steamed. Kefir or fermented baked milk is given daily at night. In between meals, you can treat your pet with fresh fruit.

Yorkshire Terrier Health

Gum disease is a common problem among Yorkshire Terriers.

Like many representatives of decorative breeds, Yorkshire terriers live a long time, often overcoming the age limit of 13-15 years. The dog will be healthy and cheerful if the owner devotes a lot of time to caring for him, feeding him properly and regularly visiting the veterinary clinic. Otherwise, the dog may suffer from a huge number of acquired diseases of the digestive tract, skin, and oral cavity.

Most often diagnosed:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Dermatitis and dermatoses.
  • Food and drug allergies.
  • Periodontitis and.

Particular attention should be paid to the desire of people to acquire very small dogs, with a short muzzle and large eyes. Dwarfism is always accompanied by anomalies of internal organs, congenital diseases. Such a pet may suffer from heart disease, reproductive system disorders, weak immunity, and various metabolic disorders.

In addition to health problems, dwarf dogs suffer from mental disorders. This is a constant, causeless barking, cowardice, tantrums, the desire for constant protection.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier are:

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • A large item of expenditure for the maintenance of a pet of this breed.
  • The dog needs constant attention, as it does not like to be alone.
  • The dog needs regular and time-consuming grooming.

Important! The pet needs a fairly strict upbringing, as the Yorkshire Terrier tends to mistake the gentleness and compliance of the owner for the inability to be a leader. In this case, the dog begins to literally lead the family members, dictating his own rules to them.

How to choose a puppy and what to look for

The popularity of the breed has led to the fact that, in pursuit of big money, Yorkshire terriers began to be bred by people who are far from the idea of ​​​​the true standard of the breed. On bulletin boards you can see photos of puppies that only vaguely resemble Yorkies, so the choice of a breeder must be approached especially meticulously. The right choice of a breeder will allow you to get a puppy without congenital pathologies, with a strong nervous system.

A photo. Yorkshire terrier puppy

Yorkshire terrier puppy in the photo

The kid should be cheerful and sociable, want to get to know the guests, play with littermates, that is, be active and bold. At the age of two months, when the puppies start looking for a new family, they are funny babies with short, sticking out fur and triangular ears.

Despite his small stature, he should have a strong build, straight paws with no signs of splaying or clubfoot and a fervently protruding tail. An excellent pet can be purchased at a large kennel that professionally breeds dogs of this breed:

  1. In Moscow: nursery "JOY JELY", website http://yorki-joy-jely.ru, cost from $700.
  2. In St. Petersburg: Dan Style cattery, website http://denstail.ru/index.html, cost from $850.

Buying a dog is a very important decision. Therefore, the choice of a future pet must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In this case, it is necessary to rely not only on external data, ease of maintenance and care, and the size of the dog, but also on its character and temperament.

It is important that the future pet fits in all respects and corresponds to the idea of ​​​​an ideal four-legged friend - only then will he become a real family member. , of course, beautiful, compact and friendly, but they also have some shortcomings of character, which should be known in advance.

General characteristics of York

The main thing you need to know about the nature of Yorkshire Terriers is that they are companion dogs.

This means that the pet seeks to participate in all aspects of its owner's life.

Accompanies him everywhere and always, happily supports any games and entertainment.

Yorkies do not tolerate loneliness well and experience almost physical suffering when separated from their beloved master.

These are funny, full of energy dogs, which, moreover, have intelligence, observation and the ability to capture the emotions and mood of a person, so they know exactly when and how to behave: try to cheer up the owner or just lie down nearby, quietly expressing support.

If there is a child in the family, then the Yorkie will easily find a common language with him and become his best friend and companion in games, provided that the baby understands that this is not a toy, but creature.

Yorkies are not very fond of other people's children, regarding them as a source of potential danger.


In general, Yorkshire Terriers are friendly and affectionate dogs, however they can be aggressive in some situations:

  1. If a Yorkie thinks that another dog infringes on his interests in some way, for example, interferes with playing or takes away his toy, he will not hesitate to rush into a fight, regardless of the size of the enemy.
  2. Individual Aggression - Some Yorkies are angry at passing cyclists, others at balls, others react aggressively at the sight of one particular neighbor, while the soul is doomed to everyone else.

Yorkshire terriers are not evil dogs, and all the features of behavior and character can be corrected by proper upbringing.


Because of high degree attachment to the owner, the Yorkshire Terrier feels protected only next to him.

He is frightened by strangers, who associate the dog with danger, and unfamiliar and, especially, noisy places make the dog feel stressed.

In order for the pet to behave adequately in stressful situations, and not bark and shake with fear, trying to snuggle up to the owner, it is important to start introducing him to the outside world as soon as possible.

Regular walks, trips in public transport, visits and other elements of socialization are the key to a healthy and stable pet psyche.


An interesting overview video, including on the topic of the article.


Despite their beautiful appearance and belonging to decorative dog breeds, Yorkies are still terriers and hunters. Yorkshire Terriers are dogs with a Napoleon complex. They do not feel like small "room" dogs, at heart they are shepherds or rottweilers, so they immediately rush into a fight with much larger dogs or other animals, protecting the owner or guarding the territory.

At the same time, Yorkies are wary when they see unfamiliar objects, or when they hear unfamiliar sounds.

A hunting background is manifested by a passion for catching prey.

Yorkie is happy to chase cats, rodents or birds.

In the excitement of such a game, a pet can forget about everything and everyone.

Run out onto the road or run away altogether, ignoring

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your pet.

And if there is no confidence in his obedience, walk only in a safe fenced area. The Yorkshire Terrier is independent and stubborn, if you do not indicate your leadership in time, he will consider himself the main thing, which will turn into problems in obedience and not only.

Features in boys and girls

Like people, all dogs have a different character, the features of which are not related to gender, but to the individual characteristics of the pet, its upbringing and level of socialization. However, there are some differences in the nature of bitches and males. Bitches are more calm, cautious and obedient, more attached to the owner.

They are gentler and cleaner, they are not in constant search for a "bride" and do not mark all the bushes.

But at the same time they differ in cunning and intelligence.

They will not be naughty and do what is forbidden in front of the owner, instead they will wait until he leaves.

Girls strive to get what they want not with the help of arrogance or stubbornness, but using affection and a look that cannot be denied.

Males are more straightforward and energetic. They are more active, have a tendency to escape and the habit of guarding their territory, they require more time to train. The boys are stubborn and do not even try to hide the desire to take a leadership position. Moreover, if the male recognized the leader in the owner and accepted his rules, then this is invariable, but the bitch throughout her life is looking for ways and opportunities to do what she wants.

These are rather conditional differences and education is necessary for dogs of both sexes.


The main problem of dog owners is the pet's habit of marking territory.

It is necessary to begin to teach your puppy to go to the toilet outside or in the tray immediately after purchase.

Otherwise, such bad habit will be fixed in the behavior of the dog, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

Another unpleasant feature of the behavior of males is the loss of self-control and the ability to run away from the owner during a walk, barely smelling the smell of a bitch in heat. Problems with Yorkies - girls occur during estrus:

  1. They can be aggressive, especially towards other dogs and cats.
  2. Become prone to sudden mood swings.
  3. They change their taste preferences and refuse food or eat foods that are unusual for them.
  4. They might start marking territory.

During estrus, the bitch can run away from the owner in search of a partner, so on walks you need to carefully monitor the dog and not let it off the leash.


The main thing to remember before purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier is that each dog is unique. No matter how much information is read and the opinions of breeders and owners are listened to, no matter how much they talk about the obedience of bitches and the increased activity of males, there are no two identical dogs and gender is not a guarantee of a calm or groovy character.