The location of the cesspool from the residential building. Drainage pit in a private house with their own hands


Usually, in private households, the problem of sewage and sewage disposal is solved by building cesspools on household plots. There are certain standards that clearly prescribe how the process of arranging septic tanks and other treatment facilities serving individual residential buildings should be carried out. They are not recommended to be broken.

When a cesspool is created, sanitary standards are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation N52-FZ of 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”. The requirements specified in it are mandatory for citizens of the country.

Sanitary standards for cesspools

According to the text of the regulatory document, cesspools (see photo) must be built with a mandatory special filtration device, and they should not have a normal bottom under any circumstances, especially if the amount of drains exceeds one cubic meter during the day.
At the same time, it should be noted that when building a cesspool for servicing a heated house in which at least 4 people will live, the sump should be made with a special bottom.

There is no single answer, what should be the distance from the house to the cesspool. The requirements for this parameter are ambiguous. The minimum distance between these two objects is 15 meters (read also: "").

Such a distance is required from the house to the drain pit so that the toxic gases emitted by the waste do not harm the environment on the ground and the people living in this area.

If it becomes necessary to make the distance from the pit to the water supply closer, then you should contact the appropriate authorities (Sanidemnadzor) and utility service companies (for example, water utility management, etc.).

Rules for arranging cesspools

If a cesspool is being built, sanitary standards must be observed. Sumps with a working volume of not more than one cubic meter of wastewater and sewage per day are classified as classic version arranging cesspools for servicing summer cottages and country houses, in which people live intermittently and water heating equipment and household appliances are not used.

According to sanitary requirements, the distance from the septic tank to the summer kitchen cannot be less than 5 meters. In the event that the daily volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters, the distance should be increased to 8 meters. In general, a pit latrine for a permanent residence should be more reliable and functional.

The rules for arranging cesspools provide for compliance with a number of requirements:

  • when the drain per day is 3 cubic meters - the pipes must be located as close as possible to groundwater (distance 40-50 meters);
  • pipes should be mounted upwards relative to the flow of groundwater;
  • if there is an artesian source in the immediate vicinity of the house, the distance from the well to the cesspool should be at least 20 meters.
In the event that homeowners do not have the opportunity to keep the distance of the drain pit from the house and sources drinking water experts recommend making wells or capturing at the same time for several houses. In this case, it is necessary to observe 2.5-5 meters of indentation from the "red line". Before starting work, it is imperative to know how to make a drain pit correctly and according to the norms.

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88: requirements and standards, installation distance

On the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of residence, SanPiN requirements for cesspools apply.

When a private house does not have a centralized sewer system, its owners are allowed to locate a cesspool on the site. The main requirement for it is mandatory water resistance. Above the sump there should be a lid to close it and a special grate. You can equip a common drain pit with neighbors.

When a private house is located near a school or kindergarten, then the distance should be at least 20 meters. If you have any questions regarding the arrangement of a cesspool, the owner of suburban real estate should contact the local administrative authorities.

But there is general rule for all private households - the sump should be located so that the distance from the well to the cesspool is 50 meters.

Treatment facilities must be cleaned at least once every six months.

When disinfecting drain pits, a product is used, the components of which are:

  • 5% sodium hypochlorite;
  • 5% - creolin;
  • 10% lime chloride;
  • 10% - naphthalizol;
  • 10% - sodium metasilicate.
Under no circumstances should dry bleach be used for disinfection.

Additional requirements for the arrangement

  1. In addition to the requirement, what should be the distance between the well and the cesspool, there is another important point - this is the tightness of the treatment plant so that sewage does not poison the soil and aquifers, since in this case the environment will be harmed.
  2. The building materials used in the arrangement of sedimentation tanks (bricks, boards, blocks) must differ in density
  3. Drains should not be allowed to be above the mark of 35 centimeters from the ground surface, since then with negative consequences the property owner himself is unlikely to be able to cope.
There are also requirements for the distance from cesspools to utilities:
  • from the water supply from asbestos-cement pipes to septic tanks and drain pits, the distance should not be less than 5 meters;
  • when using cast-iron pipes with a diameter of not more than 200 millimeters - 1.5 meters;
  • in the presence of pipes made of cast iron with a diameter of more than 200 millimeters - 3 meters;
  • to gas pipes - more than 5 meters.

To prevent the unpleasant smell from disturbing the residents, it is necessary to observe a 5-meter distance from the building to the cesspool. The sump should not be located closer than 1.5 meters to the boundary of the site.

The issue of waste disposal in summer cottages and suburban areas is often solved by the construction of a sewage pit. During its construction, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for drives, which are given in the regulatory documentation and legislative standards. Their violation can lead to administrative and even criminal penalties. You will find information about the most important rules for the placement and construction of septic tanks, as well as the norms for the distance of a cesspool, in this article.

Cesspools permitted by SNiP

In a suburban area for the disposal of household waste, they often dig a drain hole or build a storage tank with sewer pipes. The requirements for their arrangement and operation are carefully spelled out in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97.

These regulatory documents prohibit the uncontrolled construction of such structures, which allows you to save the health of those living in the house and the ecology of the site. They state that it is possible to equip a sump only after obtaining permission from the SES and approving the construction project. To do this, your document must comply with all sanitary standards specified in regulatory documents.

Important! The relevant services have the right to check the condition of the waste pit and its compliance with the project.

The classic design is an open-type sump - a leaky structure without a bottom. It is intended for use in suburban areas where people live temporarily. This design is able to serve 1-2 people. According to the requirements of SanPiN, a cesspool without a bottom should hold up to 1 m 3 of wastewater per day.

In loose soils, the walls of the pit are reinforced concrete rings, brick wall or other way. The walls of the pit in clay do not require reinforcement.

To reduce the negative impact of effluents, it is necessary to create filter layer at the bottom of the building. According to the requirements of sanitary organizations, it is created from sand (20-30 cm) and crushed stone (50 cm). Do not use fine stone bedding, because. it quickly becomes clogged with impurities. This design allows liquid effluents to partially flow into open ground.

It is allowed to build a cesspool if the groundwater is located far from the surface. It is impossible to equip an open sump in a swampy area.

From above, the drive is covered with a concrete slab with a thickness of at least 120 mm. It should be 30 cm larger than the diameter of the container. A hatch is made in it, through which the tank is cleaned. A clay mound is poured around the neck to prevent rainwater or floods from entering the sump.

The design of the drive must necessarily provide for ventilation system, through which the gas formed during long-term storage of sewage is discharged to the outside. This is usually a 100 mm diameter pipe protruding from the tank to a height of at least 1.5 m. If the purifier is sealed tightly, the gas may explode. The main disadvantage of this design is the contamination of soil, water and even plants with sewage.

If the estimated number of drains per day is 1 m 3, SanPin prohibits the use of cesspools without a bottom. In this case, a large sump is built from brick, concrete or metal, which do not let water into the soil. At the bottom, the tank must be closed with a concrete bottom. You can install several small products side by side instead of one.

The most common material for a sealed drain pit is reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 700-2000 mm and a height of 900 mm. After installation, the joints between them are sealed with waterproof material. Brick tanks are popular. It is not difficult to assemble such a wall; you can do the work yourself.

The norms of the cesspool will always be met if you use plastic products factory made. All units and places necessary for the operation of the device have already been made. It remains only to determine the required size of the product and install it in a regular place.

Most hygienic cesspools in the form of septic tanks. These are environmentally friendly systems in which sewage is almost completely cleaned of impurities. After passing through all the tanks, the liquid can be used for irrigation. Solid waste is removed mechanically.

In urban areas, it is allowed to install yard septic tanks if there is no central sewerage nearby. The underground part is made waterproof, a single structure of tightly fitted beams and blocks is installed above it. For ease of cleaning, the front wall of the restroom is made removable. The maximum filling of the tank is 35 cm to the ground surface. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cope with the consequences of overflowing the pit. It is allowed to build one drive for several apartments.

The volume of the tank is calculated by the competent organizations, which take into account the number of people living in the yard. The building is equipped with a lid and a grate to separate insoluble fractions.

In advance, it is necessary to think over the method of pumping sewage from the tank. If you plan to use a vacuum truck, ensure that it has access to the drive.

Rules for placing the drive on the site

The place for the main element of the local sewer system on the site is selected according to the law Russian Federation"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", as well as in compliance with the rules of good neighborliness. To properly build a drive, study the norms of the cesspool on the site, which largely depend on its design.

Requirements for placing a cleaner without a bottom:

  • Dig a pit in the area adjacent to the building.
  • Place the reservoir below the level of drinking water intake.
  • Its shape can be any, but round is considered the best - it is easier to pump out sewage from it, dirt does not remain in the corners.
  • It is recommended to observe the norms of the distance of the cesspool to the residential building - at least 25 m, although there is no consensus on the safe distance from the sump to the dwelling. Other buildings may be up to 10 m from the pit.
  • According to the norms of the cesspool, leave at least 20 m from the neighbor's house to the drive. This is a sufficient distance at which toxic fumes emitted from the sump are harmless to humans. Lawyers recommend taking written permission from neighbors to equip these systems.
  • The construction of the reservoir closer than 10 m from the building can lead to basement flooding and destruction of the foundation of the building. If the distance between him and a residential building on foreign territory is less, the neighbors have the right to sue the owner in court, which can fine the owner.
  • Leave 1-1.5 m between the fence and the sewage pit. This is a sufficient distance to pump out sewage with a sewer machine without entering the site.
  • Do not dig a sump deeper than 3 m. Such dimensions allow you to completely pump out sewage from the tank, because. the hose of the device will reach the bottom. Leave at least 1 m between the bottom of the pit and groundwater, which will ensure their cleanliness.
  • When constructing a reservoir on a sloped site, prevent waste from entering the groundwater. Subsequently, the nearest wells will be contaminated with sewage.

Rules for placing common drain pits for several families:

  • Accumulators are built at a distance of 20 to 100 m from residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, children's playgrounds, etc.
  • If the tank is planned to be located on the territory of a private household, the distance to housing should remain within 8-10 m.
  • If there are disputes between neighbors regarding the placement of storage devices with a problem, please contact the public and the commission of local administrative councils. The solution may not comply with the norms of SNiP cesspools, but one requirement remains unchanged - the storage tank must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from water sources.

Requirements for the location of sealed septic tanks:

  • The structure can be placed at a distance of 5 m from the kitchen or other building.
  • A closed septic tank with a volume of 8 m 3 is allowed to be installed at a distance of 8 m from buildings.
  • If it is impossible to fulfill these requirements, contact Sanepidemnadzor to obtain permission for a closer placement of sedimentation tanks to the house.

According to the construction standards of the cesspool, the drive must be at a certain distance from the water and gas pipes on the site, depending on the composition of the soil. The requirements are listed in the table:

Pipe material Purpose Distance
Reinforced concrete, asbestos Water pipes 5 m
Cast iron, pipe diameter up to 200 mm Water pipes 1.5 m
Cast iron, pipe diameter over 200 mm Water pipes 3m
Metal gas pipeline 5 m

On clay soils between the tank and the well, ensure a distance of 20 m, on loamy - 30 m, on sandy and sandy - at least 50 m. Such a distance will not allow contaminating the water supply in case of possible accidents.

Failure to comply with the requirements for a cesspool can cause inconvenience to owners and neighbors. There may be such unpleasant moments:

  • Damage to the foundation of a residential building due to the appearance of cracks and deformations in the walls. Signs of permission can be seen on the entire surface of the wall.
  • An unpleasant smell that interferes with the rest of people who live very close to the drain pit.
  • A large amount of untreated sewage enters the soil nearby and changes it chemical composition. As a result, trees and shrubs dry up next to the storage tank.

Caring for the storage tank in accordance with cesspool regulations

The regulations on cesspools contain maintenance rules that ensure long-term operation of the sump. All devices, regardless of design, must be cleaned 2 times a year with disinfectants to destroy pathogenic bacteria. For these purposes, acid-based solutions, sparing mixtures or home-made formulations are used.

Important! It is forbidden to clean the tanks with preparations that, when interacting with water, form toxic gases that are dangerous to humans. Such substances include quicklime. The secretions are odorless, but cause upper respiratory tract disease.

According to the norms of SanPiN, cesspools are disinfected with such preparations:

  • 10% bleach solution;
  • 5% creolin solution;
  • 10% solution of naphthalizole;
  • 3-5% sodium hypochlorite solution;
  • 10% sodium metasilicate solution.

Disinfection is carried out after the complete cleaning of the contents of the pit by mechanical means. For this purpose, a sewage machine with a tank and a pump is used. The unit comes with a long hose that is capable of pumping sewage from a depth of no more than 3 m. After removing the liquid part of the wall, they are freed from solid growths with a metal brush. The container is washed with clean water, which is pumped out with a pump.

In addition to chemicals, bioactivators are used to clean the drive - special microorganisms that are able to live and multiply without light and oxygen. After being placed in the tank, they process organics and turn solid fragments into a semi-liquid mass. In the future, it can be used as a fertilizer on the site.

Yard pits are cleaned every day. Disinfection - once a week. During cleaning, the water with disinfectants should be warm. Penetration of rodents and insects is not allowed.

Watch the video about the sewer:

The construction and maintenance rules given in the article are mandatory for private and legal entities. Non-compliance with the location of cesspools with the norms and rules of Russian legislation can cause accidents with serious consequences.

For a private house important issue is the disposal of wastewater. For these purposes, various devices and structures are used, but cesspools are the most common. Such structures are simple in execution and do not require large financial costs. When creating such structures, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements and standards, otherwise you can harm the environment and incur claims from regulatory authorities. It is about what sanitary standards exist, what other requirements must be observed and will be discussed in this article.

Where to place a cesspool

Before you start arranging a cesspool on your site, you should find out where it is best to place it. To do this, you should get acquainted with SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97. These documents indicate General requirements applied to the location treatment facilities, septic tanks and other sewage devices and structures.

The first indicator is the distance of the cesspool from the house and other buildings. According to the provisions of SanPin, such an indicator should not be less than 20 meters. Such a requirement comes from the fact that unpleasant, and most importantly, gases harmful to human health come from sewage. The exception to removal is summer kitchens and temporary huts, in which case the distance can be reduced. The location is chosen at the discretion of the homeowner within 8 to 10 meters from the buildings. The documents indicate the maximum distance, it is 100 meters.

Also, building codes and sanitary regulations impose strict requirements on the location of drain pits from various sources of drinking water. So, if a well or spring is located nearby, then the distance to it should be at least 50 meters.

If the plots are small in size, it may not be possible to fulfill all the requirements. In this case, on the advice of experts, it is better to resort to cooperation. For all neighbors living on the same line, a single well or artesian well is being built. So you can avoid water pollution from the cesspools of neighbors.

Not forgotten in the documents and neighbors. So, the distance from the edge of the drain pit and the neighboring area should be more than 1 meter. But, as a rule, this indicator needs to be done more so as not to quarrel with neighbors. According to the current SanPiN, if a disputable situation arises, then the location of the cesspool can be determined by the administrative commission of the local Council.

The cesspool and septic tanks must be located higher ground water. So you can avoid getting sewage into artesian wells and wells. The easiest case is if the area is flat. With this option, there is no need to determine the direction of flow of ground flows. If the site has a slope, then it is advisable to arrange a pit at its lowest point.

According to existing norms and rules, the drain pit must be constantly emptied. These actions should be carried out twice a year, or more often. At the same time, it is necessary that the level of sewage does not reach a level higher than 35 cm from the upper edge of the pit.

According to SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, periodic disinfection should be carried out. It is performed using special chemicals. They should include:

  • sodium hypochlorite - 3-5%;
  • Creolin - 5%;
  • lysol - 5%;
  • bleach - 10%;
  • naphthalizole - 10%;
  • sodium metasilicate -10%.

At the same time, according to SanPiN, it is forbidden to use dry bleach.

Other requirements

The issues of creating such structures in SNiP 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.03-85 are considered in more detail. Cesspools can be of two types:

  1. sealed pit.

The first option is suitable for use in households without permanent residence. At the same time, drains should not fall into it for more than a day. Such designs can be used in suburban areas, where the owners are only on weekends and a small (up to three people) company.

In structures without a bottom, drains seep into the ground, which is a natural filter. Therefore, there are strict rules governing the distance to the drain hole from a spring or well (or other open source of water). This figure will depend on the quality of the soil. For example, it composes for:

  • sandstone and sandstone - not less than 50 m;
  • loam - 30–35 m;
  • clay soils - 20 m.

Sealed cesspools are more versatile. Such facilities can be located on any site, with any number of people living. Sealed containers prevent runoff from entering environment, which means that they can be located close to residential buildings and a source of water. The main thing is that the smell does not interfere with a comfortable stay. To solve this problem, you can use biological products that contain colonies of bacteria. With their help, sewage will be processed into safe sludge.

When creating hermetic structures, the main requirement is to ensure the access of a car for sewers. Because wastewater will not fall into the ground, the container will quickly fill up. In this case, it is not allowed to overflow over the edges of the pit.

Operation of Federal Law

Compliance with all of the above rules and regulations is the responsibility of every homeowner. In Russia operates The federal law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population." This legislative act specifies all the requirements for compliance with sanitary standards. And according to article 57 of this law, their non-compliance entails administrative punishment and compensation for the damage caused.

If a cesspool is equipped on the site, which for any parameter does not comply with existing norms and rules, then state authorities may require it to be liquidated. And if at the same time damage is caused to the environment or property of neighbors (for example, groundwater or a site is contaminated), then you will have to compensate for the damage.


The issue of waste disposal in private houses and summer cottages is often solved by the construction of a cesspool. For some developers, this topic is a “dark forest”, although there are regulations that clearly regulate the process of building cesspools and septic tanks, which it is highly recommended not to violate. As you probably already understood, the topic of our article is: a cesspool - sanitary standards and rules for its arrangement.

Let's start with a normative act, and this is the Federal Law N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" of 1999, which regulates sanitary standards that are mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation.

If we carefully read the text of the regulatory document, we will learn - the pit must be built with special filtration and it must not have a bottom in no case. Especially if the daily norm of wastewater is more than 1 cubic meter.

But there is a slight difference in that when building a cesspool for a house that will be heated and at least four people will live in it, the pit must be equipped with a special bottom.

Also, very often the question arises of what distance is needed from a residential building to a cesspool? Unfortunately, no one can give you a definite answer to such a question, since everyone will have their own sizes.

The requirements for a cesspool are unambiguous, but the minimum distance that should be is 15 meters from the house. And all this is necessary so that the toxic gases that emit waste do not harm others, including the inhabitants of the house itself. If you need the distance from the cesspool to the water pipes to be much closer, then here you already need to negotiate with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, with the management of the water utility, etc.

Pit arrangement rules

But let's still consider some of the mandatory standards that must be observed when building a cesspool with a working volume of up to 1 cubic meter of wastewater per day and signing an agreement with all authorities. Such pits are a classic example for country houses and cottages without water heaters and household appliances. Human habitation is not permanent.

According to the sanitary norm, a septic tank is allowed at a distance of no closer than 5 meters from the summer kitchen or house. If the volume of wastewater is up to 8 cubic meters per day, the distance should be at least 8 meters.

The requirements look like this:

  • If the drain is 3 cubic meters in one day, it is necessary to install pipes closer to groundwater, at a distance of 40-50 meters.
  • It is also very important to know that the pipes must be installed upstream of the groundwater.
  • If there is an artesian well near your house, the distance should be at least 20 meters.

But still, some homeowners have a situation where it is practically impossible to make a cesspool at a great distance, what to do in such a situation?

In this case, experts advise equipping wells or cappings for several houses at once. At the same time, consider the distance from the "red line" of 2.5-5 meters.

Requirements and norms SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

There are specially created sanpin requirements for a cesspool.

So, if your house does not have a special sewage system, then you will be allowed to build a garbage pit in your yard. But remember that it must be waterproof. Above the pit, there must also be a lid that will close it, as well as a special grill. If required, you can share the pit with your neighbors.

If your home is near a school, kindergarten etc., the distance must be at least 20 meters but not more than 10 meters. If there are any questions about the cesspool, then here you will need to resolve it, only with the help of special administrative councils. However, the general rule remains the same for everyone - the pit should be located at a distance of at least 50 meters from wells, springs

The cesspool must be cleaned at least once every six months

For disinfection of cesspools of yard latrines, the following mixture is used:

  • 10% lime chloride,
  • 5% sodium hypochlorite,
  • 10% - naphthalizol,
  • 5% - creolin,
  • 10% - sodium metasilicate.

Additional requirements for arrangement

A prerequisite for the construction of a cesspool is its tightness. Construction Materials must be dense, for example, such as boards, bricks or blocks. Also, the pit should not let water and drains through, so as not to pollute the environment.

A tie-in to a city highway is the best way to solve the issue of water disposal. If it is not possible to connect to a common network, the owner country house have to deal with the arrangement of autonomous sewage. In addition to the preparation and installation costs, there is a choice problem: what type of structure is better to install, how to choose the right site for installation - after all, you need to strictly follow the rules for placing cesspools in private areas. The rules clearly define the types of sewer receivers allowed for the device in different areas, the depth, volume and place where such structures can be installed.

Autonomous cleaning structure for a country house

There are 3 ways to organize the removal of liquid waste, without connecting to a central sewer:

  1. Sanitary standards allow the installation of a filter cesspool in summer cottages with seasonal residence.
  2. Airtight, waterproof drain tanks are installed for the maintenance of residential buildings.
  3. Septic tanks are environmentally friendly and practically waste-free autonomous systems.

Shared sewerage for several sites

Tanks without a bottom

Pits up to 2 - 3 cubic meters are equipped without an impenetrable bottom. Removal mechanism: through the drain installed in the upper quarter of the tank, waste enters the well. Solid particles and dense masses settle, and liquid effluents are discharged into the ground through holes in the side walls and bottom filter bedding.

Pit design with bottom filter

To clean the waste at the bottom of the cesspool, according to the norms, a bulk filter pad is installed, consisting of two layers: sand and gravel or crushed stone of medium and large fractions. The thickness of the sandy base is up to 20 - 30 cm, the layer of crushed stone is up to 50 cm. It is irrational to use a fine fraction of crushed stone: fine bedding gets knocked down and prevents the free drainage of liquid.

According to sanitary standards, an unsealed cesspool must be regularly emptied of dense masses accumulating at the bottom. Cleaning is carried out with a frequency of once every 30 - 60 days. The installation of filter pits is strictly limited depending on the amount of waste, the presence of pollutants in the sewer drain.

Sealed cesspools

Sanitary standards allow the installation in a private house with year-round residence only sealed cesspools. These restrictions are due to the following reasons:

  • Untreated sewage can penetrate into the aquifer - the water will become undrinkable.
  • Leaky pits do not protect the fertile soil layer from contamination with household chemical waste.

Scheme of the device of a sealed concrete pit

The classic cesspool is the most budgetary option for a sewer receiver. It is a dug-in container for collecting liquid waste. Through the sewer drain pipe, effluent enters the tank. After the level rises to the maximum allowable, pumping is performed. For cleaning, special equipment is used; it is forbidden to pump out the liquid on your own.

Septic tanks: autonomous cleaning systems

The only way to build a home sewer system without connecting to a common sewer and the need for regular cleaning is autonomous systems. The design of the septic tank - several connected chambers:

Homemade precast concrete septic tank

  1. Receiver. The liquid entering the sump undergoes primary treatment. Solid masses settle to the bottom.
  2. Filtration chambers. Biological treatment compartments use bacteria that process liquid waste. The degree of purification at the outlet of the last chamber is up to 98%.
  3. Filtration well. Treated wastewater is discharged into the ground through a gravel bed. Also, water previously purified in biofilters can be reused as technical water.

Rules for installing filter drain pits

Sanitary norms and rules strictly limit the possibility of constructing a cesspool without a bottom for servicing suburban areas. Such restrictions are associated with design features: when hazardous substances enter the drain, they freely penetrate the soil through the leaky bottom and walls.

When is the arrangement of a pit without a bottom allowed?

Conditions under which a filter cesspool with gravel backfill can be installed in a summer cottage, and placement standards:

  • The total average daily volume of liquid waste should not exceed 1 cubic meter. This is an approximate amount sufficient for a family of 2 people.

Construction with asbestos-cement walls and crushed stone bedding

  • The house is occupied seasonally. The use of leaky receivers for residential cottages is prohibited. There is a caveat in the rules: a house with an installed heating system is not considered a place of seasonal residence.
  • Drainage water should not contain household chemicals.

In fact, it is possible to equip filter pits in summer cottages to serve one toilet, shower. It is impossible to install such a structure for removing waste from a country house, a private house within the city, with permanent residence.

Choice of accommodation

According to the norms for the location of the filter cesspool, the choice of a place on the site where a cesspool can be arranged is limited. Main requirements:

  • Setback from the house and neighboring buildings.
  • Keeping a distance from the water source.

Distance from the wall - at least 5 m

The optimal distance between the wall of a house or outbuilding and a sewer receiver is from 10 m. The minimum indent is 5 m.

The installation is carried out in a place located below the location of the water intake - a well or a shaft well. The distance from the water intake to the drain reservoir is determined for each site separately, depending on the composition of the soil and the direction of the flow of groundwater.

If the groundwater flows are directed towards the receiver, then it is enough to keep a distance of 10 - 15 m. In the opposite direction, from the sewer to the well or well, the indent should be 40 - 50 m.

Protection against flooding of the tank with rainwater

Be sure to equip a clay inclined lock around the neck of the receiver in order to divert rain water.

Requirements for materials of manufacture

The main materials for the manufacture of filter pits:

  • Concrete and reinforced concrete factory products. Ready-made perforated rings are used for installation in a structure with a tap through the walls and bottom. Connect the rings with factory locks or seal with a solution if the product is not equipped with a lock. For strength, the connection is reinforced with metal brackets on the inner walls. In the upper part, a sealed cover and a ventilation outlet must be installed.

Installation of reinforced concrete ring

  • Brick. There are no strict requirements for the insulation of brickwork in the filter pit. The brick is laid on the mortar with the formation of filter slots to drain the runoff into the ground.

Gap in masonry for drainage

Rules for installing a sealed cesspool

At the legislative level, the following norms are established:

  • Depths of installation and volume of sewer receivers.
  • The permeability of the materials used and the requirements for insulation.
  • Distances from the septic tank to residential buildings, roads, water intake points.

Project for installing a septic tank on the site

Retreat from buildings

A septic tank or cesspool should be located at a distance from other buildings:

  1. At least 5 m - from the wall or foundation of a residential building. A distance of 5–12 m is considered optimal. At a greater distance, difficulties may arise with the outflow of fluid inside the pipe.
  2. If there is a bathhouse, a barn or other buildings on the site, then the distance between the walls of the septic tank and the buildings should be from 1 m.
  3. From the neighbor's fence, it is necessary to observe an indent of 2 - 4 m.
  4. The minimum distance to the garden, ornamental plants and vegetable garden is from 4 m.

Minimum distance from buildings when installing sewerage

Distance to wells and wells

The distance between sewer facilities and water intake points, natural reservoirs, water pipes is regulated.

When planning, soil analysis is carried out to determine its composition and moisture saturation. Special maps are also used to study the direction of groundwater flows.

Required condition: installation of a sealed septic tank is carried out in a place located below the water intake point. To the selected location, it is necessary to provide an entrance for sewage equipment.

Access to the hatch of the cesspool

The minimum distance between the well, the well and the sealed pit is 10 - 12 m. The indent will have to be increased if the groundwater flow direction is unfavorable: if the flow is directed from the cesspool to the well. In this case, a retreat of 40 - 50 m may be required.

Depending on the density, water permeability and composition of the soil, choose the optimal place to install the receiver:

  • With the predominance of sandy rocks, the indentation is increased to 50 m.
  • On loams - up to 30 m.
  • In clayey rock, a distance of up to 20 m is sufficient.

Retreat from the road and water bodies

It is necessary to retreat at least 5 m from the side of the road adjacent to the site. If there is a reservoir nearby, then a cesspool is dug 30 m from the shore.

Installation depth and tank volume

Among the basic installation standards are the requirements for the depth of installation of a sealed cesspool. To avoid flooding the tank, calculate the dimensions of the pit so that the groundwater level is no higher than 90 cm from the bottom of the tank.

The maximum depth for impermeable tanks is 3 m. The value is set due to the nature of the pumping technique.

Calculation of the depth of the sealed pit structure

Another important requirement is that the bulk of sewage should be below the freezing point of the soil. And at the maximum filling level of the tank to the top cover, there should be a gap of 35 cm.

Construction and insulation requirements

Tanks must be durable and waterproof. Factory containers are made from:

  • Polymers: PVC, polypropylene. Easy to install and lightweight polymer tanks - the best choice for an airtight pit. The walls of the products are multi-layered, which reduces the likelihood of freezing and cracking. Factory receivers are equipped in accordance with the norms: a sealed cover is installed, internal steps for maintenance, ventilation outlet in the upper part. A factory pipe is installed in the wall of the plastic container for connecting the sewer inlet. The service life of PVC tanks is from 50 years. The walls of the products are smooth, easy to clean, do not absorb liquid. Additional thermal insulation is not needed.

  • Concrete structures with low permeability. Rings, plates and necks for sewer products are made from a special solution, which, after solidification, does not allow moisture to pass through. Concrete pits must be sealed from the outside and the walls insulated.

Reinforced concrete structure with insulating layer

Video: home septic tank rules

All about depth, maintenance cost, piping and chamber volume.

Without the risk of paying a huge fine and ruining relations with neighbors, you can equip a drain hole in the country. To organize sewerage within the city or in a country house with permanent residence, it is better to contact specialists.