What to expect for women under the sign of Gemini in September. September love horoscope for Gemini sign September horoscope for Gemini dog


Horoscope for September 2020 for Gemini.

All September events for Gemini will mainly revolve around family affairs and relationships with relatives.

The retrograde phase of Mercury warns that you will have to return to solving old problems, that past chores will come to the fore, and new things, on the contrary, will be “frozen”. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, you should not swim against the current, contrary to fate. Gemini should postpone important undertakings scheduled for the second half of September. At this time, the Gemini will tend to take a thorough approach to solving any issues, as far as it is generally characteristic of them. And stars Gemini are recommended to prefer a supporting role. In all areas, it is better for Gemini not to strive for leadership now.

Auspicious days for Gemini in September - 6, 7, 10, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29.
Unfavorable days of September for Gemini - 2,8, 14, 17, 22, 26.

Gemini Careers and Finances in September 2020

The beginning of autumn does not dispose Gemini to career exploits. Now is just the moment when you need to take care of keeping and maintaining the well-deserved positions. Established connections and contacts will not be superfluous, the right people will be able to put in a useful word for you. Perhaps relatives will help to resolve business issues, do not hesitate to contact them if necessary.

As for finances, in September Gemini should rely mainly on available funds, with the money that is "in the stash". Plans to improve financial affairs will have to be postponed. At the end of September, Gemini may have unforeseen expenses. For example, to the whims of children.

In the last ten days of September, Gemini will have a good opportunity to prove themselves at work., but it is better to bet on well-thought-out plans and ideas. True, you should not expect easy success at work, you will have to make an effort. A great time for creative endeavors and non-standard solutions.

Gemini's personal life in September 2020
In the intimate side of the issue in September, everything is dynamic for Gemini. And emotionally, either alliance or discord. Cupid prepares romantic surprises for Gemini.

In family life, the stars promise stormy events for Gemini. Gemini men will probably want to "look around." Both war and peace, in a word, are secured.

In raising children, difficulties may appear that you did not know about before, which your child is afraid to tell you about. But do not make superficial and hasty conclusions, try to look at the root of the problem.

For home improvement, making major purchases, the second half of September is most suitable.

Gemini Health in September 2020
In September, Geminis are especially prone to exacerbation of chronic ailments, primarily of a hereditary nature. At this time, it is worth monitoring your health more closely and, if real symptoms appear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor and a diagnostic examination.

Favorable time for cleansing the body, as well as for cosmetic procedures. Use phytorecipes.

It is likely that now, after a significant nervous overload, you will benefit from hot baths with the addition of 5-7 drops of lavender oil.

It makes sense to take a closer look at hygiene and nutrition. Refrain from snacking on the run, and your stomach may well protest against fast food.

As the September 2018 horoscope predicts, Gemini is entering a period of rethinking family values. The family will become a place where you can hide from any trouble, loved ones will always listen and help. It is possible to renew previous ties in the love and business sphere.

Auspicious days: 2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 26.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 9, 18, 23, 24.


If Gemini September 2018 is spent with a healthy, active lifestyle, even a low energy reserve will be enough to avoid complications. Astrologers predict a fairly stable period, the manifestation of symptoms of chronic diseases is possible, however timely treatment help overcome them.

In September, you need to avoid physical and psychological overwork, you should find time to recuperate. The period of cosmetic procedures has come - anti-aging, tightening body care products will be as effective as possible.


The Gemini horoscope for September 2018 heralds the beginning of a period for relaxing in a narrow family circle. But do not forget about solving work issues, quitting what you started. Gemini will be able to successfully complete any undertaking if they develop stress resistance.

At the end of September, the Gemini will have to work on a new project, which is an updated past case. The resulting work will help find application for professional talents. If the Gemini cannot find a use for their skills, you need to set a goal and move towards it, no matter what.

Problems with past cases will appear in the second half of September. However, now the representatives of this sign will easily deal with them. If Gemini's work is about communication, disagreements may develop.


Astrologers do not predict financial stability in September. However, you can count on insignificant receipts of money in the first and last days month. The first half of September will be the most favorable in the financial sphere. Use this time to make purchases, work with documents. In addition, it is better to immediately pay off debts, as the stars portend serious household expenses.


As the love horoscope for September 2018 recommends, Gemini should stay close to their significant other. She will be a support, a support in solving any problems. Such assistance will be a huge contribution to the development of family relationships.

The bright and important events of September for Gemini will take place in the family. This may relate to repairs, changes in furnishings, housing, buying new furniture, and other household items. The time spent helping older relatives will be productive and will pay off in the future in the form of moral and financial support.

During this period, unlike the past, the Gemini had the opportunity to enjoy the peace, peaceful atmosphere that the family will provide. The stars recommend that Gemini spend September with their children, sorting out family and business matters. The second half will help deal with economic and business problems.

This month, the Gemini will be constantly at home, but they are still drawn to communication. Perhaps there will be a chance to spend time with close relatives, childhood friends or neighbors. Do not forget about communication, try to make time for parents who need care. September will help to learn more about the history of the family, the whole family, which will definitely come in handy in the future.

Problems of upbringing are possible, they need to be solved by the whole family - children tend to be capricious, and the problem may also relate to poor health or a deterioration in mood.

Man - Gemini

As the horoscope for September 2018 portends, Gemini - a man can relax. There comes a rather calm period, without serious conflicts, stresses. Minor problems are not ruled out, but to solve them you need to make a minimum of effort, enlist the support of loved ones.

The best decision of September will be the desire to deal with the problems that have accumulated at work. They have accumulated a sufficient number, so active intervention is required. However, problems should be solved gradually, and not scattered attention to everything at once. Conduct a thorough analysis that will help you achieve high results. The best option would be a solution that satisfies the needs of both parties.

Communicating with others, even if Gemini does not like them, you need to show mutual respect, follow the rules of ethical behavior. Personal beliefs should not negatively affect the well-being of others, because they can depend on Gemini.

Astrologers do not predict major changes in the financial sector, but it is she who needs to be given special attention. September will be an ideal period for a strong foundation that will ensure further prosperity and stability.

Woman - Gemini

As recommended by the horoscope for September 2018, Gemini - a woman should be careful about unpredictable mood swings. The stars are advised to restrain the manifestation of negative emotions as much as possible. September will be a period of many profitable offers that should not be ignored. However, you can’t rush either - listen to your intuition, it will tell you the right direction that will provide a happy future.

Despite the many favorable moments of September, astrologers advise the Gemini woman to be careful not to fall for tricks, provocations in love sphere. Venus will constantly throw up love difficulties. Therefore, a woman needs to carefully study the romantic, intimate sphere, be careful with unfamiliar men. Most of them are not as friendly, sincere, as it seemed at the first meeting.

Astrologers recommend excluding short-term intrigues, novels - they will turn out to be extremely dangerous during this period. Love adventures will negatively affect existing relationships, ruin your reputation among your inner circle.

The September horoscope for Gemini portends a rather favorable, stable period. Of course, problems cannot be ruled out, but when they appear, representatives of this sign will quickly find a solution.

Full description on the topic: "love horoscope of the twin of a man (guy) for the month of September 2018" from the best astrologers.

In 2018, not everything will go smoothly for a paired sign. Either the winged Cupid will get lost somewhere along the road with his bow and arrows, or the second half will become capricious, requiring attention, then spiteful critics will set in motion, envious of a rich personal life. The main thing at such moments is to remember: no matter what cloud appears on your horizon, sooner or later it will surely be carried away, and the sun will shine again over the tops of the heavenly twins. To be more sure, check out the Gemini love horoscope for 2018.


The year is not going to start off without a hitch. Some of the Gemini who are in a relationship already in January will have shoals of quarrels, omissions and minor disagreements that can completely destroy not too strong attachments. However, this situation can also be considered as a gift of fate: the Gemini who finds himself at the epicenter of a showdown will either realize that next to him is not the person he was looking for at all, and will say to the partner “sorry, goodbye”, or will gather his strength and do everything to fix situation.

Couples who have safely passed the dangerous period will do well to arrange a romantic surprise for each other in February: a dinner for two, a trip to a country holiday home or a sleigh ride. This will allow you to smooth out the unpleasant impressions of past disagreements and recharge yourself with positive emotions for March. Moreover, at the end of winter, the Gemini will not be up to love hugs; all their attention will be absorbed by the work. FROM you should hurry up and take the opportunity to give your partner a little warmth.

February, the month of lovers, is ideal for reminding each other of your feelings.

Lonely representatives of the double sign in January-February will be able to flirt and start a couple of light romances. But you should not count on something more substantial, your time has not come yet.

December will bring with it drastic changes. Some of the Gemini will try to revive the old relationship, someone will start building new ones - most likely with a colleague - and someone will try on a wedding ring on their finger. Moreover, a marriage based on sincere feelings, but backed by mutual benefit, promises to be very successful.


March will be an eventful but hectic month. Family Gemini will not have tender feelings: they will be involved in a conflict involving older family members or will begin to restore lost contact with children. Couples who have not formalized the relationship will begin to think about marriage. And the lonely will come to grips with their careers, although fate will not stop giving them opportunities to meet interesting representatives of the opposite sex. The most promising meetings will take place in crowded places, so those who are tired of languishing alone should go to exhibitions, festivals or theaters more often. Well, students and Geminis working on advanced training will be able to face their fate right in the classroom.

Gemini students have another reason not to skip lectures

April will pass in approximately the same vein, marked, perhaps, by an outbreak of jealousy on the part of the second halves of the Gemini. But the May holidays will open a new Era of love. Those who did not have time to get a couple will finally be overtaken by the truant Cupid and, as an apology, will arrange a passionate romance for the patient Twins, sparks from which will fly in all directions. And the related twins will remember how good they were with their loved ones before, and plan a second honeymoon. By the way, more than successful.


However, summer will give the Gemini union another test of strength. May will not have time to really end, as some couples begin to feverish again and representatives of the double sign for the second time will face a choice: continue to save a collapsing relationship or meet the summer in a free search. Make a decision thoughtfully, relying on the arguments of reason and intuition. The stars here are not your advisers: according to the calculations of astrologers, the situation can end with an equal degree of probability both in a complete break and in reconciliation.

Couples who decide to fight for their union will need a lot of patience and love, but in July, fate will reward them with a new surge of romantic experiences. Noisy thunderstorms will make lovers appreciate each other even more, a summer vacation spent traveling will stir up former passion, therefore family Gemini will meet August completely satisfied, happy and rested.

Shared vacation will bring you even closer

In order for the achieved idyll to remain with the stellar twins for as long as possible, it is important for Gemini not to listen to gossip that will spread “goodwill” about their soul mates. Let them scratch their tongues, you know for sure that you have chosen yourself as your life partner the best person on the ground.

Lonely Gemini can experience the disappointment of a stormy romance that ended in an empty “puff”. Don't get upset! The person with whom you will be happy has already appeared next to you, just be patient and let events take their course. Everything will happen by itself.


After a stormy summer, September will be a period of rest and peace for many. Successful couples will calm down and will calmly walk side by side through life, feeling the reliable shoulder of their companion nearby, and singles will temporarily leave worries about their personal lives and just enjoy it.

In October, family Gemini risk going too far in their desire to control the life of the second half - she can rebel and make a huge scandal. He probably won’t destroy couples with many years of experience, but those who are just starting to live together and get used to each other can easily run away, so keep your jealousy under control.

Well, November, apparently, will get a bag of Santa Claus somewhere ahead of time and will begin to scatter gifts to the right and left. Passionate love for those who by the end of the year were left without a partner; a magnificent wedding ceremony for the Gemini who have not yet had time to exchange wedding rings and a visit from a stork for everyone. More than a happy end to a difficult year!

Video: Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini men and women

The personal life of the Gemini in 2018 will be like a rollercoaster: a sharp rise into the sky - a rapid fall to the ground - a rise again ... Some will like it, others will get tired of it. But everyone will get their chance to find personal happiness. Remember, the Dog vehemently stands for family values and harmonious alliances. She will do everything so that no one is left deprived.

My name is Svetlana Rozhenko. 35 years old, psychologist by education

The love relationship of the representatives of the sign will change, like the weather at sea. Get ready for various surprises and surprises, both pleasant and not so. It is possible that you will be very worried about some reason, including because of the contradictions between feelings and arguments of the mind. In such a situation, it is better to make decisions that suit both parties and will not be associated with additional risks. The first month of autumn will be filled with various contradictions in personal life for Gemini. Even married Gemini or those who are in a permanent relationship will have to think it over again and change their decisions more than once. You will be surprised by the actions of the second half or find out what was hidden from you for a very long time, which will cause a wave of scandals and tears. See the general love horoscope for September 2018 at the link.

Try to understand the other person and the logic of his behavior in order to make the right decision and not regret your action. Many couples will be forced to reconsider their relationship, which will change, both for the better and for the worse. For those who have not yet found a mate, September will be a difficult month. Perhaps the return of an old sympathy and a pleasant person in your life with whom you have temporarily lost contact. There may be a renewal of an old connection, but before deciding to take this step, one should think. Otherwise, the risk of stepping on the same rake again as last time increases. As for new acquaintances, this month they will be associated with friendships or business relationships, and not love ones. Most likely, trying to find a mate for yourself will not lead to anything good. Therefore, try to sort out your old relationships and do not rush.

In family life and relationships with a permanent partner, twin women will not be easy. It is possible that a loved one will behave completely differently than you expected, which will make you think about his behavior. But not everyone will be able to decide on parting: the memories of past happiness, attachment or habit will be too strong. Therefore, you can be torn apart by contradictions between the arguments of reason and your own feelings. If you decide to leave, think about what you are losing: most likely, a temporary spat or an unpleasant truth will make you commit a rash act that you may regret more than once. Therefore, before destroying strong ties or your own attachment, try to understand if you can understand and forgive loved one. Free representatives of the sign can feel the attention from the opposite sex. You will again find yourself on the wave and begin to bathe in compliments and admiration. But the time for serious acquaintances and changes in fate has not yet come, so attempts to make a couple will not be successful. Try not to rush things and listen to your own heart: there will be a lot of random people around you with whom you are unlikely to be able to pair up. Therefore, do not rush, enjoy life, flirt, but do not plan any long-term relationship.

A difficult period will come for you, which will be associated with many contradictions in relations with a permanent partner. It is possible that the problem that you have been trying not to think about lately will remind you of itself and you will have to find out everything. AT family relationships there may be scandals and constant quarrels, dissatisfaction with each other. To smooth sharp corners, show softness, tact and wit. In some situations, it can work real miracles, reconciling all parties in an unexpected way. Therefore, try to turn difficult moments into a joke, if the situation allows. Free male twins can make several amorous acquaintances. Even fleeting relationships are possible, love adventures that will give you many pleasant minutes, but will not be long. To get a permanent and romantic relationship, be patient. September is not conducive to long-term romantic acquaintances and finding a permanent partner, so enjoy chatting with friends, meet, flirt with people you like, but remember that the time for long-term relationships has not yet come. Those who are already dating a woman may feel neglected and a touch of coldness. But this is due to the busyness of the second half, and not cooling, so limit the initiative and try to wait for time.

Love horoscope for September 2018 for Gemini

September 2018 will bring Gemini positive emotions. Relations with the second half will be romantic. The partner will make a memorable surprise. The idyll will last the whole month and will reach its climax by the end of September on a joint vacation. A colleague will show signs of attention to the lonely representatives of this zodiac sign. Take a closer look. The person whom you perceived only as a colleague has more than just respect for you. The horoscope advises not to rush things, let everything take its course. A sharp question in the forehead can scare and puzzle the fan. Those who are in a relationship will enjoy every day spent together with the chosen one. The partner will surround them with care, and they will look at him in a new way. There will be a desire to thank the person who was there all the time. Relax together in nature, it will bring you even closer. Family Gemini will receive a pleasant surprise from a life partner: a romantic evening for two with a delicious dinner or a hand-made gift. Do not forget to say thank you to your soulmate for the signs of attention shown.

Love horoscope for September 2018 Gemini

In September, your relationship may end. Regardless of the reason and initiator of the gap, you will understand that they have simply exhausted themselves. True, this will not affect how you begin to endure the situation. It will be hard enough, and you will want to return everything. New relationships have a chance only if they do not cause inconvenience. For example, you live close to each other or you work out in the same club. That is, in order to meet, you do not have to make an effort. The family atmosphere in September will please Gemini. Despite minor disagreements, in general, everything suits you, which means you can count on mutual understanding and a peaceful environment. It is possible that you will even become closer to one of your relatives, make friends. The smallest will require additional care. Even if it seems to you that they lack independence, you should not provide it now - it's too early.

Love horoscope for September 2018 Gemini

love horoscope for September 2018 Gemini is recommended to stop throwing fans around. They are ready for anything for you, and you give a turn from the gate to everyone who invites you on a date. Well, the reason for this behavior is clear. You can never forget a past lover. But if things go on like this, then you will sit “idle” until retirement. Gemini needs to pull themselves out of a depressed state by any means. But not with the help of alcohol or casual intimate relationships. This is where you are definitely in trouble. The horoscope advises Gemini to look for a person not only by external data, but also by interests. If you go to the gym, then keep an eye on the one who works out next to you. You don’t need to chase after the ideal partner, otherwise you yourself will be horrified when he finds a lot of shortcomings in you. After all, such a wonderful partner needs to be matched, right? And this is already a difficult task.

If you take off your “pink” glasses, then the love horoscope for September 2018 will reward Gemini with a real feeling. But, if you are already in love, then you need to hurry up with the official proposal. You don’t want someone to take your chosen one out from under your nose, do you? So, the “candy” period is behind, which means that the registry office and Mendelssohn’s march are ahead. The twins are in for a lot of work. But they are all just nice. Although, many lovers themselves do not know what they need. It seems to be a pity to lose freedom, and also you don’t want to part with your loved one. Keep in mind, if you think for a long time and soar in the clouds, you will remain “on the beans”. Everything will happen in the Gemini family in September - domestic scandals, jealousy and tender reconciliation. The spouse is angry at your busyness with work, so he cannot restrain his irritability and anger. Love horoscope for September 2018 Gemini, who has a family, is advised to be more sentimental and not forget about signs of attention. Remember the first date, a gentle kiss and walks under the moon. You can arrange all these delights for your life partner in the fall if you leave work early and make a surprise. On the New Moon (September 9), it is better for Gemini to refuse to sort things out, dates and travel on personal matters.

The love relationship of the representatives of the sign will change, like the weather at sea. Get ready for various surprises and surprises, both pleasant and not so. It is possible that you will be very worried about some reason, including because of the contradictions between feelings and arguments of the mind. In such a situation, it is better to make decisions that suit both parties and will not be associated with additional risks.

The first month of autumn will be filled with various contradictions in personal life for Gemini. Even married Gemini or those who are in a permanent relationship will have to think it over again and change their decisions more than once. You will be surprised by the actions of the second half or find out what was hidden from you for a very long time, which will cause a wave of scandals and tears.

Try to understand the other person and the logic of his behavior in order to make the right decision and not regret your action. Many couples will be forced to reconsider their relationship, which will change, both for the better and for the worse.

For those who have not yet found a mate, September will be a difficult month. Perhaps the return of an old sympathy and a pleasant person in your life with whom you have temporarily lost contact. There may be a renewal of an old connection, but before deciding to take this step, one should think. Otherwise, the risk of stepping on the same rake again as last time increases.

As for new acquaintances, this month they will be associated with friendships or business relationships, and not love ones. Most likely, trying to find a mate for yourself will not lead to anything good. Therefore, try to sort out your old relationships and do not rush.

Gemini Woman: Love horoscope for September 2018

In family life and relationships with a permanent partner, twin women will not be easy. It is possible that a loved one will behave completely differently than you expected, which will make you think about his behavior. But not everyone will be able to decide on parting: the memories of past happiness, attachment or habit will be too strong. Therefore, you can be torn apart by contradictions between the arguments of reason and your own feelings.

If you decide to leave, think about what you are losing: most likely, a temporary spat or an unpleasant truth will make you commit a rash act that you may regret more than once. Therefore, before destroying strong ties or your own affection, try to understand if you can understand and forgive a loved one.

Free representatives of the sign can feel the attention from the opposite sex. You will again find yourself on the wave and begin to bathe in compliments and admiration. But the time for serious acquaintances and changes in fate has not yet come, so attempts to make a couple will not be successful.

Try not to rush things and listen to your own heart: there will be a lot of random people around you with whom you are unlikely to be able to pair up. Therefore, do not rush, enjoy life, flirt, but do not plan any long-term relationship.

Gemini man: Love horoscope for September 2018

A difficult period will come for you, which will be associated with many contradictions in relations with a permanent partner. It is possible that the problem that you have been trying not to think about lately will remind you of itself and you will have to find out everything.

In family relationships, scandals and constant quarrels, dissatisfaction with each other may appear. To smooth sharp corners, show softness, tact and wit. In some situations, it can work real miracles, reconciling all parties in an unexpected way. Therefore, try to turn difficult moments into a joke, if the situation allows.

Free male twins can make several amorous acquaintances. Even fleeting relationships are possible, love adventures that will give you many pleasant minutes, but will not be long. To get a permanent and romantic relationship, be patient.

September is not conducive to long-term romantic acquaintances and finding a permanent partner, so enjoy chatting with friends, meet, flirt with people you like, but remember that the time for long-term relationships has not yet come.

Those who are already dating a woman may feel neglected and a touch of coldness. But this is due to the busyness of the second half, and not cooling, so limit the initiative and try to wait for time.

According to the prediction of the horoscope for September 2019 for Gemini, a favorable period begins in the life of all representatives of the zodiac sign to finally clear the rubble at work and sort out the sphere of personal relationships. Thanks to the support of old acquaintances who suddenly appear on the horizon, Gemini will be able to put their affairs and thoughts in order.

Under the influence of heavenly bodies, Gemini can feel in September an irresistible craving for everything exotic and overseas. The horoscope advises not to ignore this attraction, but to succumb to an unusual temptation and, if possible, go to warm countries in order to extend your summer vacation for your own pleasure. Traveling abroad will not only be an exciting adventure, but will also help Gemini to make new friends, as well as see the world in new bright colors.

Gemini Woman

Gemini women in September will experience constant mood swings. The horoscope encourages Gemini to pull themselves together and try to cope with a changeable state of mind. Your emotional ups and downs should not negatively affect others. You will have to show special restraint at work, because it is during this period that you will receive a profitable and extremely responsible offer, which you cannot refuse in any case.

Insidious Venus will add fuel to the fire in the first month of autumn. In September, the blue planet will force the Gemini girls to go through provocative tests in the sphere love relationship. The heavenly body will arrange for loyalty and devotion to a loved one, therefore it is worth ignoring signs of attention from unfamiliar men. Any temptations can lead to irreparable consequences not only for personal life, but also create a bad reputation among close friends. To resist the influence of the cunning Venus, Gemini women will be helped by their own intuition: the horoscope advises to completely trust the sensations and act exactly as the heart tells.

Gemini Man

According to the forecast of the horoscope for September, Gemini men in the first autumn month will remain calm and measured, without pronounced stress and problems. However, you still won’t be able to escape from minor conflicts, but all disputes can be deftly and quickly resolved thanks to the support of the Sun and Saturn, the faithful defenders of the zodiac sign.

During this period, the stars recommend that Gemini men focus all their attention on work. During the vacation, many unresolved issues have accumulated that can become a serious obstacle to moving up the career ladder, because the current circumstances require urgent intervention. However, do not take on several things at the same time. Make a clear plan of your actions and only then proceed to its step-by-step implementation. Try to cope with the tasks set without prejudice to the interests of others. Observe the ethics of communication with your colleagues and show mutual respect, regardless of your personal attitude towards them.

At the insistence of the horoscope for September 2019, Gemini should think about finding new work. In the old place, you will not be able to fully reveal your potential and demonstrate your abilities. But the fresh atmosphere will give a lot of promising options for professional growth and self-realization of talented representatives of the sign in interesting projects. The stars are advised to take a short break to seriously think about this issue. Share your experiences with family members, they will help you make the right decision.

Entrepreneurial twins will have to conclude a successful deal in September, which will be an excellent impetus for the further development of your business.

In the third decade of the month, old problems at work can again make themselves felt. However, the Gemini, already taught by past failures, will now know exactly how to quickly get out of an unpleasant situation.

The financial situation of Gemini in September will be unstable. The first half of the month is most favorable for transactions and new purchases. Also in terms of money, the representatives of the sign are lucky on the 23rd and 24th. On the rest of September, the horoscope does not advise Gemini to spend heavily, but to save their budget until better times. In mid-September, you will have to say goodbye to a rather large amount for household expenses and the distribution of debts.


In the first autumn month, the health of Gemini does not shine with energy potential. According to the urgent advice of the health horoscope, all representatives of the zodiac sign must definitely change their usual way of life. Get out into nature more often, eat right and devote more time to your physical training. Otherwise, the symptoms of chronic diseases can manifest themselves and bring a lot of problems. You should not start the situation to such a state and start taking measures already in the first days of September. It will also be useful to sign up for a session of cosmetic facial treatment and a relaxing body massage.

All the most significant events in September for Gemini will take place in the areas of family and life. During this period, the horoscope recommends redecorating your home, updating furniture and decorating an apartment or house with cozy decorative elements. It is worth attracting a loved one to this activity. Working together will help strengthen relationships and resolve long-standing differences. Parents will provide financial support in the upcoming work.

During this period, Gemini is waiting for a real "reboot" in moral terms. Representatives of the sign will be able to literally sort through all the thoughts in their head. It is in the family circle that the representatives of the sign will find the ideal place where you can relax and have a good rest with maximum comfort.

In the wake of the “home” mood, the horoscope invites Gemini to indulge in pleasant household chores, remember their old hobbies and chat with relatives. Pay attention to the children, treat them to something delicious or take them to an amusement park.

For Gemini lovers, the stars in September 2019 prepared real romantic adventures. Representatives of the zodiac sign in the first month of autumn are waiting for a real candy-bouquet period. However, the most accurate horoscope advises to keep a cold mind and not to rush headlong into the pool of heartfelt experiences. With rose-colored glasses, you can not notice the dangers lurking everywhere that can destroy even the strongest relationship. It would be best to escape from the machinations of fate by going on a joint journey, which will bring a lot of positive impressions and become the best weekend in life.

In the second half of September, old friends will return to the life of Gemini and new useful acquaintances will appear, and personal life will develop fruitfully. Representatives of the zodiac sign will literally be in the center of everyone's attention, and the Universe itself will contribute to the successful completion of any business.

Monthly horoscopes for zodiac signs

Monthly horoscopes

Venus is in the love house of Gemini until September 9, 2018, granting you the ability to seduce. You provoke potential partners and they like you for it. If you are looking for your soulmate, make the most of this period. The stars are on your side, so what can begin new story love or the old one will resume.

After September 9, 2018, Venus is placed in Gemini's house of work, emphasizing the relationship of personal life with work. Perhaps one of your colleagues will show a romantic interest in you, or meet a very attractive person in connection with the performance of official duties.

Despite all this, in marriage unions and long-established couples, problems can arise. Most likely, the reason will be unfulfilled promises. Beware of making promises to your spouse or loved one that are hard to keep.

The last week of the month portends significant events for Gemini. If you are tired of loneliness, fate may smile at you. Meeting with kindred spirit happens unexpectedly, at first you won’t even understand that this is the one you have been waiting for so long. The horoscope also indicates the likelihood of awakening passion between you and someone you see as a friend. However, you should avoid extramarital affairs and immersion in such relationships that arouse unhealthy feelings: jealousy, obsession, and so on.

Career and finance horoscope for Gemini for September 2018

Some of this month's events make you take a much closer look at your professional path. You can clearly see whether your ideas are applicable or utopian. The general astrological atmosphere is conducive to change, but you should not rush into making decisions. Give yourself time to think things through and achieve peace of mind.

At work, you will be given more independence, and you will be able to demonstrate your best professional qualities. You will establish new useful connections and find like-minded people. Friends will support you, and you will feel all the virtues of true friendship.

Jupiter is in Gemini's house of work and forms a harmonious aspect with Neptune in the career sector. This means inspiration and idealism, which is generally not bad, although there is a tendency to ignore important details. This is especially true for cooperation, partnerships and contracts.

Financially, everything looks good, but the results do not come immediately. Preference is given to long-term projects. Some payments may arrive later than expected, but you shouldn't worry too much. Instead, think about how you will spend the money or develop an investment plan.

Mars, the ruler of your house of work, remains in one of Gemini's financial houses until September 11th. Thus, activity in labor will be expressed in the growth of money income. The second and third decades of the month promise high profits through cooperation with foreign and nonresident partners.


Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, occupies a strong position, which indicates high performance and good health. However, anxiety and mental overload take their toll, so you need to take care of yourself so that stress does not affect your health. Find time to unwind over the weekend in a peaceful environment where less people and as few distractions as possible.

Venus in the health sector of Gemini is favorable for starting a course of treatment, diagnostics, and medical examinations. If you choose a method of treatment, give preference to traditional ones.

Be very careful about your reputation and avoid intrigues in the workplace!