Are chiropractors left in Karelia? There are miracles, there the goblin roams

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out as part of the Digestive Organs Treatment Program. This Program was developed by our specialists based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and our own developments. It includes special procedures created using the natural healing factors of the Undora resort. This Program includes: intestinal droppers, intestinal irrigation, bowel cleansing with the AIOC device, microclysters, mud rectal tampons and many other manipulations. All procedures...

Treatment with water in a sanatorium.

Treatment with water Did you know that balneotherapy is recognized as the best treatment and prophylactic method in the world practice? Undorovskaya mineral water It is actively used not only in specialized resorts, sanatoriums as a way of relaxation, but also as a rehabilitation treatment for serious illnesses. If you have been looking for an effective and at the same time painless way to improve your health, then you are very lucky! You have landed on our page and we are ready to honestly tell you everything about...

Why are frequent water procedures harmful and how can they be replaced?

According to Vasily Frolov (Head of the Home Care Department of Polyclinic No. 121 of the City Department of Health), it is not recommended to lie in a hot bath for more than 5 minutes, as well as wash your hair every day and use a washcloth. How harmful these water procedures are and how they can be replaced read more >> Poll: Did you know that it is not recommended to lie in a hot bath for more than 5 minutes? 1) Yes, we knew 2) Now we know 3) Another option Share this information with your friends! Press...

First aid course - free of charge and without leaving home

Moscow College of Pharmacy "New Knowledge" has opened an online course "First Aid" for everyone. Participation in the course is free, you can listen to lectures and get acquainted with video materials from anywhere in the world. First aid courses are aimed at teaching students not to panic in an emergency: how to distinguish a heart attack from anaphylactic shock, how to assess the severity of damage, how to help in a particular case before the arrival of doctors. This knowledge helps...

How to call a doctor at home if you have a temperature

Any insured person who has a compulsory medical insurance policy has the right to receive free medical care and, if necessary, can call a doctor at home. “At what temperature can you call a doctor at home? Should the doctor take off his shoes when entering the apartment? - one of the most common questions regarding calling medical specialist. AlfaStrakhovanie-OMS reminds you when you can apply for this service, how it should be provided and what ...

"D-San" - vitamin D to maintain immunity in children...

Sanofi is launching the D-San brand in Russia, a new vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) oil solution that helps support immunity in children and adults. Easy-to-take droplet form and pleasant fruit flavors (natural lemon oil for children and raspberry for adults) can distinguish D-Sun from products in its class. Vitamin D is known for its role in the formation bone tissue, but in fact, vitamin D can actively participate in the natural regulation ...

Hello! We have never been to Karelia and now we almost decided. We are going to go at the end of July-August by car in such a company: three adults, a 16-year-old teenager and a two-year-old girl. actually because of the junior passenger we have confusion. The girl tolerates the road well and managed to visit a lot of places with us. But Karelia scares us. They say that all places of rest are too far from places where they can provide medical care and in which case problems are possible. And more about the incredibly predatory mosquitoes and midges ...


If you are traveling by car, then the distance from medical institutions is not a problem. Especially in boarding houses. In Karelia, too, people live with small children.
Mosquitoes are more difficult. As a student, we went to Karelia at the end of June and ran away because of mosquitoes a day later. In the same year they returned to the same place in early August. There were much fewer midges, and in open places, all mosquitoes were blown away by the wind. We were also lucky with the weather.

Nordic walking in Moscow parks. Free lessons

Everyone saw people with Nordic walking sticks. And you probably thought: what does this walking with sticks give? The Nordic walking instructor told the website why it is more efficient to walk with sticks and why to study walking technique. And today - the schedule of free Nordic walking groups in Moscow parks according to ParkSeason. In these parks, sticks are given to beginners free of charge: Babushkinsky Park Mon, Wed, Fri, from 8.45 to 10.15. Address: st. Menzhinsky 6, meeting at the bust...

There are no mandatory VPR for grade 11 this academic year ...

Recall that the idea to introduce an additional five attestation control works for the 11th grade (in addition to the USE) arose in Rosobrnadzor after the Ministry of Education set out to shift the school and students from coaching to unified exams. Indeed, the abolition of graduation examinations and the transfer of entrance exams to the school literally disfigured it. And it's good that the ministry finally paid attention to this. However, the method of solving the problem was chosen absolutely stupid, not only with zero ...

The site has been updated. There are new babies. According to the "old" update.


Andrey A.
was born in September 2015.
Possible forms of arrangement: adoption, guardianship (guardianship).
Siblings: no.

Andrei is a cheerful and mischievous kid, he is interested in peers in the group. He consolidates the skills to walk along the support, and if he tries, to stand on his own and take the first steps. The baby has a light sleep and a good appetite. While feeding, Andrey learns the skills to hold a cup and drink from it, as well as imitate the actions of an adult with a spoon without passing it past his mouth.

During his waking hours, Andrey actively explores the world around him, he likes to open cabinets, boxes and throw out/put objects and toys out of them. Together with an adult, hand in hand, the baby learns the skill of putting them back in, as well as rolling cars and balls, stringing rings on the pyramid rod and examining books.

Andrey understands the addressed speech by the intonation of the voice, as well as simple instructions, backed up by gestures, the boy babbles in independent speech.

Andryusha really, really needs caring and responsible parents.

Questionnaire added: 27.10.16

Darina K.
was born in March 2015.
Possible forms of arrangement: guardianship (guardianship).
Brothers/Sisters: Yes.
Region: Republic of Karelia (where to apply).

Darina and her brother Danil recently live in the institution. The elder brother takes care of the younger Darina, as she has recently learned to walk and is actively trying to learn about the world around her in the new space of the playroom and bedroom. Darina always looks and listens to her brother, she is cheerful and active.

Darina has a sound and restful sleep, active wakefulness and a good appetite. During feeding, the girl reinforces the skills of handling a spoon and a cup.

The girl understands simple instructions, and in independent speech she pronounces babble and facilitated words.

Children are waiting for their mom and dad.

Questionnaire added: 27.10.16

Low carb diet. "Good" and "bad" cereals - advice ...

Over the past few years, it has become fashionable to limit carbohydrate intake - the so-called low-carb diet. Oleg Iryshkin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, expert nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit, tells how harmful or useful cereals containing a lot of carbohydrates can be. Cereals Cereals are very important in the composition of nutrition, since they are the main suppliers of complex carbohydrates and how ...

Medical services for which you do not have to pay for compulsory medical insurance

Experts of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers have compiled the top 10 services, payment for which may be unlawfully demanded in medical institutions operating in the CHI system. Please also note that if you have any questions related to the availability and quality of free medical services, you can always contact the administration of the medical institution or insurance company that issued you the CHI policy. Keep your payment documents if you still had to ...

Who knows a healer in the Yaroslavl region and the city of Uglich? Much needed - please email: [email protected] Thank you in advance!

Museums, parks, hotels, restaurants and taxis in Kaluga. Review with photo

Tver helped to be born again.

Hello. I want to tell you an interesting thing that happened to me recently. I went to my parents in Tver, a long time ago I got married and left for Moscow, but from time to time I come here to visit relatives and friends. Well, the first day I talked with my relatives, then this, the fifth - the tenth. Like life, like work. And the next day I went to visit my friend Lenka. Sit down and drink wine. And she offered me to go relax, well, I didn’t agree, like they drank a little and that’s enough. It turned out...

On the next week we are going to Karelia. I broke my head what to put in a suitcase. It seems to be 20-25 degrees. But this is not our 20-25 mid-range, or am I wrong? Last year, my acquaintances were glad in July that they took hats with them :)), but somehow I don’t feel like dragging a winter wardrobe with me either. Does anyone have such experience? *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


Now it has been 2 weeks in Murmansk, the weather is unpredictable: sometimes warm, sometimes cold, sunny in the morning, raining in the afternoon. Hats, jackets, shoes for summer and autumn weather.

We are now in Karelia. 30 degrees overboard :) we are going from Murmansk, it is 28 there. But this is rather an exception than a rule. They took autumn clothes, waterproof shoes, raincoats with them. Mosquito and bite repellent is a must. A week ago in Kizhi at +18 we almost got burned, take sunscreen too.

"12 people died on a lake in Karelia This was announced by the representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin. Among the dead were 11 children and a hike instructor. Participants in a children's health camp were caught in a storm on the lake, the boat capsized. A criminal case was opened under the article "Provision of services that do not meet the requirements safety and negligently resulting in the death of two or more persons". One of the instructors of the camp was detained. Five children were taken to the hospital. They have hypothermia ...


In Soviet times, this was quite safe. He himself went hiking, I think already in the sixth grade.
Now it seems that the state system does not work out control over this. And if locally, in this organization everything is in order with the authorities, then the result is good. If the local authorities are completely bad, as in this case, then no one can interfere until the thunder breaks out.
I don't want to send my children to different "camps". All trips with parents only.

Are there any mandatory requirements for...

The question is: is it possible to install cesspool or a septic tank behind a fence, outside the site?


In fact, there is a whole set of rules for the installation of sewer facilities. But it was easier for us with this - representatives of the officials installed the Topas 6 septic tank for us, so they did everything as it should be on the site. No complaints, everyone is happy. And by the way, we also immediately ordered the service. We plan to mothball the septic tank for the winter, since there is such an opportunity. The septic tank itself is resistant to voltage drops, it works constantly. You seek advice from people who are involved and understand this directly and you will be happy.

You can build a septic tank anywhere, but you need to keep in mind that building a septic tank off-site is an illegal structure and the following risks await you:

Firstly, the construction outside the site will definitely be noticed by someone and brought to your attention.

Secondly, there are no guarantees that sometime in the future you will not be issued an order to eliminate the illegal construction at your expense,

Thirdly, when registering a building, you will have to register (show on the drawings and present SES) a septic tank. A septic tank located outside the site will deprive you of the opportunity to officially register the building.

Who makes fools out of children? Inclusion with the most unexpected...

Recently, complaints from parents from different cities have become more frequent that, due to poor performance at school, children are sent to psychological and medical commissions. There, they are often given psychiatric diagnoses, which subsequently have a huge impact on the entire future life of the child. This is the trend of the newest time, since a previously unsuccessful child is rather just a signal for more careful work of the teacher and parents. Yes and learning programs For some reason, they were made in such a way that ...


For 9 years, do not contact any independent psychiatrist and find out whether the child really has a disease or not !!?!. If not, take the appropriate conclusion and stop up any blathering of the champions of academic performance with this conclusion. Mom is right there herself, like a small child (they ordered, they recommended there, they transferred from there ....) Before the birth of the children, I was very flexible, compliant and in conflicts I was inclined to concede. But now, when defending the interests of children, an iron grip, confidence and even arrogance are taken from somewhere.

Was it not sent to a correctional school in the Soviet school? Ha! They sent it, and the parents were not particularly asked. Now everything is "of a recommendatory nature", any inadequacy must be taught until they turn blue in the face, if the parents do not want, you can take out whoever you are from the mass school.

On January 1, 2016, a law on compensation for funds spent on family vacations began to operate in Russia. Its action extends to those who have chosen Crimea, Karelia and Kamchatka as a place for a family vacation [link-1]


There, in general, the article is muddy, the journalist seems to have a complete zero in the question. The keywords "the employer has the right" (to compensate the employee for the amount of vacation expenses, while the compensated amount will not be taken into account for profit tax purposes). Let's say the employer will have the right, but what for did he give up?
In the second option (through the tax), it seems that we are not talking about reimbursement of expenses, but about providing a tax deduction in the amount of not more than 50tyr / person. Those. this amount will be deducted from the taxable base (13% of personal income tax will be returned from it)
Thus, two fundamentally different and unequal options for the implementation of vacation benefits are proposed. The option through the employer is much more profitable for the employee (but not for the employer). Although the left approach may be beneficial to the employer.

And there is no link to the text of the law itself, just an incomprehensible article?
I have doubts about this paragraph: “The employer, in turn, has the right, through his accounting department, to include all this in the enterprise’s expense item and present documents to the tax inspectorate that the expenses belong to the category of those that allow reducing income tax. That is, funds that the employer would have paid in taxes will be returned to the employee, and the employee, having received compensation, will have to pay income tax on it individuals in the amount of 13%."
Why do the authors of the article in the above example believe that the employer returns to the employee the entire amount spent on the trip, if we are talking about "funds that the employer would have paid in taxes"? The employer, for a moment, pays 20% of the profit in the form of tax, and not 100%, why on earth would he “give” another 80% to the employee?
As far as I understand, only 13% of the amount spent on vacation can be returned directly through the tax; through the employer - 17.4%. And only if 1) the rest (tickets, accommodation, meals, excursions, etc.) is paid not directly by the tourist, but through a travel agency, i.e. the amount of travel expenses will include a surcharge, which may in fact be more than 13% (and more than 17%);
2) the total cost of the trip does not exceed 50 thousand rubles. per person, i.e. vacation should be very, very budgetary. Nothing is said about the fact that you can receive compensation if the tour turns out to be more expensive, although it would be logical to limit the amount of compensation, but not the cost of the tour itself.

Karelia 2015 with a 7-month-old baby: a house on the lake

7 golden rules for high temperatures. Reminder for yourself.

What you CAN and CANNOT do when a child has a high temperature (7 golden rules) high temperature? Undoubtedly! Fever is a response to infection, a protective mechanism that helps the body fight viruses, with an increase in body temperature, protective factors are produced in the body. 1. How and when to bring down the temperature in a child We bring down, if above 39 Your task is to reduce T to 38.9 C in the ass (38.5 C in the armpit). use paracetamol to lower T...

How girls are recruited into the Islamic State

I have long wanted to go to Karelia. The children have grown up: in the summer it will be 6 years old and 12. I would like to go in the summer. There will be 2 weeks: end of June - beginning of July. Need advice: where to stay (recreation center, rent a house), advise at least the area so that you can get to see the sights. I'm looking at offers right now. Many still do not have information for the summer. Let's go from Moscow. Most likely without a car. Or is it really tight without your car there? I accept any advice to turn my wishful into a plan.


We were in Karelia in August - we rushed for the weekend. Locals say that without a car there is nothing to do if you want to see the area. The rent is golden - the objects of interest are not close to each other. We were lucky - friends had a car and a second child seat. My daughter and I climbed clearly)))
Public transport does not go to many objects of interest - either on its own or by an organized group.
We visited friends in Petrozavodsk. In two days we managed to walk along the city's embankment, go rafting (we found an option for 6 hours and with children - they were 4 years old), went to the Kivach waterfall and Devil's Chair, picked berries in the forest))) It was wonderful *vacation* !)))


Neighbours! Take an active part! APPLICATIONS for PLANTING TREES and SHRUBS for spring. In order for your application to be included in the list of landings for spring 2015, it must be submitted before December 25, 2014! Application algorithm: 1. You choose a place where you consider it necessary to plant trees or bushes. This does not have to be your yard - it can be an alley along the street, a neighboring wasteland, or even an area at the other end of the area. 2. Take any card and dots, checkmarks or any other icons ...

Where does wind come from?

Wind is a natural phenomenon that causes air to move as a result of certain changes; wind appears when pressure changes. The riddle of the wind is perhaps the most difficult to understand not only for children, but also for adults, so many of us still cannot really explain to our child why the wind blows and what it is? In fact, the wind is formed as a result of an uneven distribution of pressure in the atmosphere and is directed from the zone high pressure to low. Look...

Girls!!! Sorry, maybe I'm off topic! But who can advise a grandmother, a healer, a magician in Crimea? Who heals and removes damage, sees? I heard about the grandmother from Andrusovo! Tell me, who knows how to get to it ??? And isn't it scary to walk up the road there? Thanks!!!

Drawings by children from the Theresienstadt ghetto.

These art classes took place during the war in the Jewish ghetto Theresienstadt, 60 km from Prague. The lessons were taught by a woman named Friedl. When it was her turn to go to the ghetto, Friedl took with her paints, brushes, pencils, paper, art albums - as much as she could with the prescribed fifty kilograms of luggage per person. At the entrance to Terezin, the guards did not consider all these art supplies as “values”, and they were not taken away. Friedl appeared in Terezin at the end of December...

Fabulous vacation in Karelia. Erofeeff's blog on

In the distant past, according to researchers, Karelia was one huge glacier. However, changes in the climatic zone led to the fact that the glaciers gradually began to leave, leaving an imprint in the form of lakes as a memory of their stay. The modifications were significant, which led to the settlement of this region by people. It is surprising for anyone who has been to Karelia at least once to hear this - could it really be that this beautiful place used to be the "kingdom" of the glacier. The uniqueness of the local landscapes attracts guests of the republic...

The recipe for longevity is to be closer to nature.


So you, a modern young woman with a manicure, keep a cow, shovel manure and store food for the winter? And that's all you live for? Allow me not to believe it.
By the way, in those days when the environment was better, and there were fewer diseases, then death in infancy was the norm, and 40-year-old women were considered old women.

You mean giving birth in the village?
At Uncle Vova's assistant or just at home?
And who will feed the family? Where will they go to school?
As a person born in the village, I will say that you have strange ideas about it.
You can only run barefoot through the dew months of the year, in the rest of the time mud and rubber boots on your feet.
You can howl from longing.
Or was it Roman Sterligov's wife who wrote it?

Thanks to Natasha V. for the old lady healer.

Natasha, thank you very much. She really helped. May your children always be healthy and you too. We sleep well. But now she began to sleep more during the day, and is awake at night. Maybe it was necessary to bring her to the child in the evening, before going to bed? Or will it get better now without it? But in any case, this is a completely different matter.

Bicycle tour in Karelia May 28-30, 2010. Participants: I am Irina, 36 years old and my daughter Katya, 11 years old.

Tell me who was in Kaleria. How suitable is it to raft down the Shuya in the summer (mid-July) with a 7-year-old child? We want to order a tour in an agency, there will be an instructor accordingly, we ourselves have little experience in two-day trips, but we have never rafted. Agencies are divided. Someone says that it is not a problem at all, someone says the opposite. After my request to contact the instructors to clarify the issue, they all declared that Shuya was quite suitable for a child, but again, no one in Moscow ...


3 days ago we arrived with 2 children 2.5 and 5.5 from rafting down the Shuya on katahs. It’s not scary and not dangerous. a good trail. The elder, on the contrary, was waiting for the "waterfalls" to come. Strangely enough, these are lakes, especially when the wind is in x ... sorry, in the face;)) And if you go on rafts there is nothing to be afraid of at all. I wish you well rest. The weather is beautiful. For 2 weeks, 2 rains. We went north, and ended up in a branch of Turkey.

Just in the same tour went with a child when he was 6 years old. Everything went well, he liked it very much. There were several children, he is the youngest. The instructors adored him and spoiled him :).
What company are you going through?
We traveled through Ratas, a very good and reliable company, which has been organizing such tours for a long time. Even if you are not planning with them, I recommend calling them and consulting about the child.


Lost time
Vladimir Shebzukhov

Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days an elusive run ... "
R. Kipling

Oh, wise old man, give me your advice.
I am ready to listen to your words.
With me for the fifth year, as my husband is gone.
Five years in sorrow, the fifth year of a widow...

Years run and my daughters.
Just turned five recently.
Give me an answer to my question as soon as possible -
When should you start training her?

Don't hesitate, hurry home!
To immediately begin education.
My only advice is mine!
You are five priceless years too late!

13.06.2018 23:07:45, Vladimir Shebzukhov

Very interesting and correct article. I read it in one breath. Answers the questions why, when, and what to do?!
I am raising two daughters, wanted to do something other than children, but now I know what I will do all my life.


We used to have porridge for breakfast, but now all sorts of cereals, suspicious plants and yogurts. So I fed my child with all this food until I got stomach problems. I regret very, very much that I did not listen to the advice of either my mother or mother-in-law. The good old is much better than all this new!


It's amazing how much criticism there is. Millions of cats sit at home from birth to death, playing the role of a living toy in a golden cage. And here people take cats out to nature, to places where their distant ancestors lived a rich life of hunters and where instead of the usual morning-eat-play-play-play-play-sleep pattern, cats can feel something new. And do not say that they like the golden cage - try to take your cat outside and he, having got used to it a little, will send you with your cage to hell, choosing a more hungry and dangerous, but eventful life.

09/10/2010 19:33:30, Sergey A

Girls, hello. A close friend of mine had an inguinal hernia in a child. Now he is 2.5 months old. Surgery was scheduled for 6 months. She suffered so much with him in intensive care for a month, then still in therapy. Finally home and a new byaka. I feel so sorry for them. I heard hernia grandmother talking. Maybe someone knows?


I've read various statements here, and many obsalyutno did not understand! Need to try different ways treatment, and not get hung up on one TRADITIONAL! Demons, messes... There are various healers, I don't deny there are sorcerers, but there are also grandmothers who heal with God's help! And in general, these talks about demons, etc., are very outdated in my opinion! Tskhelovek asked for concrete help, not empty talk, but about what is demonic and what is not ... Life is generally unpredictable, and there is a lot of surprising and inexplicable in it! The main thing is to believe that it is possible to recover, but what is another question!

We tried the "recommended" grandfather, massages, gymnastics - it did not help. Surgery was performed at 3 years old. The doctor said that a hernia is a way of attaching muscles, nothing can be removed except for surgery. Why was the operation scheduled so early? Pinched?


I read about my grandmother, granddaughter and radiogram ... they were very lucky that their epi passed, although it says that they took a lot of medicines, but which ones and for how long are not indicated ... it is possible that they took aeps in parallel ...
a person respected by me, who knows firsthand the problems of epilepsy, gently hinted that this is all garbage ...
yes, I myself understand that if there was no epilepsy, then it can pass by itself either from the radiola or from the evading pion ... although ... everything can be, everything can happen ...

Girls, I really ask for help - someone, maybe, has the address of some grandmother, healer. I beg you, tell me! We walked around Moscow. They're pulling money, but we don't have much of it. We need a very strong grandmother, preferably from the outback, one who takes as much as you give or food, but here's where to find her. Maybe someone knows some clairvoyant. Sorry, I am writing anonymously, because many people here know me, but I want to ask for help for my daughter. I'm afraid she doesn't really want her...


Please advise a real witch, witch or granny who knows how and does it! Very necessary. For a spell. If you have contacts of a REAL trusted person, write, I beg you. [email protected]

oh i don't know if i should believe it

I couldn’t help but tell so much ... In general, we found one granny, we have in Andrusovo, I went to her for the first time when we were 8 months old, but I decided that I would believe the doctors, since they promised us a lot, but I couldn’t tell about myself will. We have a neighbor, a very rich man, his legs failed 7 years ago, he went to Germany, France, Israel, he was told he would not walk, she put him on his feet for a year, she told me that when she took to treat him she herself did not believe that something will come out...


Hello, Nika, the topic was raised a long time ago about the abilities of a grandmother from Andrusovo ... I re-read all the messages, but did not find it: did the treatment help or not? Answer, please!

04/01/2016 15:21:20, aleksawka

Hello!!! Dear Nika, could you tell us about the grandmother from Andrusovo! What is the address and how to get there? Isn't it scary to go alone? Are there people there? And when does it take?
I will be very grateful to you for the information!
Waiting for your reply!


I had an umbilical hernia before the age of 8 and my cousin, he was 11 at the time. Our grandmother, through friends, found a grandmother healer about whom a lot of good things were said. You can not believe in it, then it didn’t matter to me at all, because. at that age, opinions about such things had not yet been formed, but this granny for 2 visits to her removed a hernia for my whole life, my brother too, only 3 times. At the same time, she didn’t crumple or press anything on my stomach, she just read prayers or conspiracies, I don’t know for sure, but I remember the process itself. After the sessions, my stomach hurt a lot in the evening, but the hernia went away in a week, there was no trace of it. So the obvious cannot be denied! This cannot be a coincidence, and she herself could not disappear just like that with two fairly adult children. It worries me that it is considered a sin, but I do not regret having removed a hernia in this way, because. Wouldn't want an operation!

06/16/2016 07:26:51 PM

So you don’t know and write like that about shamans, healers. Ask the people from the village who operated on the hernia. Is there such a thing. My son was born and cried for two months, rocked him day and night. I'm from a village, but I live in the city. We went to the commission, the surgeon looked, he says there is no hernia. And she sticks out terribly. We went to the village, we talked for three days, and there was already an inguinal hernia. A week later, the child began to sleep well, and at least I got enough sleep. The navel went inside. They scored happily, otherwise I lived in a fog, there was no joy. No one forces you to pay, you can give at least 10 rubles. Or just buy candy cookies in gratitude. That's how everyone in the village talks. Although not every grandmother can help, we went to three, and only the last one could.

04/21/2016 12:07:10 pm, world 2

In December 2017, the news appeared in the media that a 43-year-old resident of Perevalka deceived a 71-year-old Petrozavodsk woman for 400,000 rubles. The woman managed to convince the pensioner that she has healing abilities. For a year, she pretended to speak food and fortune-telling to the client, demanding money for it. For these services, the gullible grandmother transferred money to the townswoman, but she did not feel the “magic effect” on herself. After contacting the police, the “healer” was detained and is now accused of fraud.

About 20 years ago in Karelia it was popular to turn to fortune-tellers: love spells, damage, lapels, rituals for health, to improve financial well-being, fortune-telling, etc. It was not difficult to find an advertisement, friends could tell about familiar witches, and on the street every now and then they offered to “gild the pen”. It also happened that people spent fabulous sums on the services of fortune-tellers, but were left with a nose.

How things are today in this market, we decided to find out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia. According to the department, for last years the mentioned case with the "healer" is the only recorded fact of fraud in Karelia. For our republic, this problem is not relevant, unlike the more southern regions of Russia.

After interviewing friends, we concluded that less and less less people interested in divination and love spells. But when it comes to health, in order to get back on their feet, someone is ready to resort to any method, including “alternative medicine”.

So, for example, last week, on March 5, a 70-year-old city dweller turned to the police of Petrozavodsk, who suffered twice at the hands of swindlers. In the summer of 2017, she found an ad on the Internet about the services of psychics who can cure any disease. The pensioner decided to call the indicated number, where a man answered her. He said that within a month it is possible to recover remotely. The woman agreed and began to transfer money to the specified accounts. In August, when the pensioner paid a million rubles, they called her and said that she was healthy, and the treatment was completed.

In February, a man called the woman from Petrozavodsk again. He introduced himself as a law enforcement officer and said that in the summer the woman became a victim of swindlers. The man promised that all the money would be returned, but for this the victim must pay a commission and collection services for transporting the stolen million. And again, the pensioner believed and transferred another 106,000 rubles to the caller. Only after that did she realize that she had twice fallen for the trick of scammers and contacted the police.

Interestingly, a few years ago, the Ministry of Health of Karelia developed a procedure that still regulates the issuance of certificates for non-traditional medicine. At the same time, healers must have documents from the accrediting organization confirming that they have healing skills. But not a single folk healer has ever applied for such a certificate to the Ministry of Health.

Where are fortune tellers found?

Some residents of the Karelian capital are sure that not all healers and fortune-tellers are scammers. Many tell how they really helped them.

- I had a difficult relationship with my young man. He constantly pursued me, controlled me as if tied. My feelings for him quickly cooled down, and he had some unhealthy feelings for me. This scared me a lot. Mom advised me to go to a fortuneteller, from the outside it seemed that he was bewitched by me and it was not clear how it could all end. Now we broke up with him, he stopped chasing me and scaring me,- said the girl who turned to the fortuneteller for help.

- I could have lost my beloved if not for the Witch Irina! (name changed) My wife left me, and I couldn't get her back for six months. She did not want to talk to me, avoided meetings and did not pick up the phone. After a while, I saw my wife walking hand in hand with a man near my mother-in-law's entrance. I was in a panic and did not know where to go from hopelessness... When I got home, I decided to pull myself together and return my love! I called Irina, and she returned my wife to me with the help of a ceremony. I'm happy as ever! - writes another who turned to the witch.

We decided to try to find fortune-tellers in Petrozavodsk on our own through the Internet and newspapers. I was surprised that, despite the current age of technology, it is almost impossible to find a fortuneteller in Karelia through the World Wide Web. If you google “Fortuneteller Petrozavodsk” or something similar, a lot of ads will open like “Fortune teller Maria. The strongest in Petrozavodsk. Her number is indicated next to it, which, when checked, turns out to be issued in the Krasnodar Territory. All other numbers found are similar. Basically, these are fortunetellers from the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Smolensk Regions and Moscow. In ads, magicians and witches, however, say that distance is not a hindrance for them, as we saw in the recent case with a pensioner from Petrozavodsk. They are ready to talk on the phone and tell fortunes from the photo.

We did not manage to find such services on one of the popular ad sites. It is quite possible that this is due to the rules of the site, which prohibit posting ads with some hint of fraud.

The same goes for newspapers. Previously, in Petrozavodsk, one could often find ads about love spells, fortune-telling and removing damage. Now they have disappeared.

How much will the services of fortune tellers cost?

AT social network On VKontakte, we stumbled upon a woman from Petrozavodsk who is engaged in parapsychology. She tells that she helps people who are confused in their lives, do not understand what is wrong with them, why it doesn’t work out, what to look for, how to improve relationships, etc.

Yes, I give a forecast for the future, but this does not mean that it will be so! If a person has been creating problems for himself for years, with incorrect behavior, attitude towards himself or others, with the wrong way of thinking, swearing, deceiving, cheating, he simply became a victim of circumstances and failed ... Nothing will change if a person does not realize and does not start that then change it yourself!- the woman writes on her personal page.

One consultation with her costs 1500 rubles, in the evening 3000 rubles, on weekends and holidays 4500 rubles. The parapsychologist requires an advance payment by card.

The woman also conducts energy sessions. The cost of the first visit - scanning, identifying problems, cleaning and restoring the field, launching the chakras will cost 2,500 rubles, and a subsequent visit - 1,000 rubles.

For those who want to get a prediction, the parapsychologist offers online divination on various Tarot decks, Lenormand and oracles. This requires a photo of the person who is applying or a photo of the person about whom the question is being asked. At the same time, no more than 5 questions can be asked. The more questions, the more expensive the price. One question costs 700 rubles, and 4 or 5 - 1500.

A woman is ready to make layouts for a year, for the present, past, future, forecasts for relationships, diagnostics of the state of the chakras (whether there is damage or the evil eye). The cost of this service will vary from 1200 to 1800 rubles.

It must be remembered that predictions come true, but remember that it is not an oracle or a predictor that controls your life. If you are constantly in the same state as at the time of the appeal, the prediction is fulfilled quite accurately. But! If you looked at the situation differently, plans, emotions, etc. changed. the forecast is automatically corrected. This is just a prediction. It is not a sentence, but a guide to action, - the woman explains.

Phones of fortune-tellers, who are popular in Petrozavodsk, are not just given to everyone in a row, they learn about them from acquaintances. That's why it's so hard to find specific ads. The price of a visit can vary from 500 to 1000 rubles. Someone asks to give, how much it is not a pity or to pay for services with products. About the cost of love spells, removing damage, etc. most often they learn already at the session.

For example, one of our readers said that she turned to a fortune teller, fearing that she had damage. She paid 1,200 rubles for a scanning session. But in the family, our reader had certain problems with children in the family. When she told the fortune-teller about this, she explained that it was “made for the firstborn”, but fixable. You need to come to her 12 days in a row, for each session you will have to pay 1,500 rubles. It was necessary to bring photographs of all the women of the family with them and prepare for difficult times. After such a "working out" for many, a crisis begins, a reassessment of life, the fortuneteller assured. Our reader did not go to subsequent sessions, she did not explain her reasons. But the amount is impressive - 18,000 rubles.

View of religions

In monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam, divination and divination are condemned. For comments, we decided to contact the Karelian Diocese and the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Karelia. The Diocese did not respond to our letter, but the Mufti of Karelia Abdul-Aziz Dyatko agreed to comment.

We are not allowed to go to fortune tellers. What they can do (evil eye, love spell, damage), we cannot deny, but witchcraft exists. But a person is responsible for any committed atrocity, the same with fortune-tellers. Their evil will be punished. They have power only over those who are far from the Lord. Believers who observe under the protection of the Lord, through prayer and remembrance of the Almighty.

Muslims treat fortune-tellers, sorcerers as those who commit sin and do bad things. We condemn the actions, but not the person himself. A person is lost, he can come to his senses and return to the right path. If he wants to repent, no one will push him away.

To turn or not to turn to fortune-tellers is a personal matter for everyone. However, we should not forget that often we are just very strongly suggestible. Thinking about the fate that they "foresee" us, you can just ruin your life. Perhaps, having extra money on hand, it is better to spend it on a good psychologist, doctor, or just go somewhere to relax.

Irena Fedintseva tells incredible things. Believe it or not - decide for yourself

Irena Fedintseva in Solomennoye is either called a witch or crazy. She is not offended: let them be called whatever they want, as long as no one plots. Irena calls herself a white magician: she says that she has never harmed anyone. However, she admits: she is guarded by forces that can, in which case, stand up for the mistress.
In general, writing about people like Irena is difficult and dangerous: they will either make fun of them or rush to knock on the thresholds with requests for help. However, we still tried. Well, to believe this woman or not to believe is your business.
The artist Irena Fedintseva lives in an uncomfortable house that is not even marked on the map. Uninvited guests, she says, often cannot find this building: they drive in circles, swear and leave home. “If a person with good intentions comes to me, this house will accept him,” Irena smiles conspiratorially. - And if the stone hides in the bosom - do not expect good.
So it was with the gypsy family - they once came to Irena "for a showdown." They found out that she was guessing and conjuring - nothing more than a competitor! They asked a neighbor to demonstrate their skills.
“Well, I’m not from the circus to show them tricks,” Irena looks into the courtyard through a slightly rickety window. - She said to one - something was wrong in the stomach. She had a miscarriage two days later. And another, the most noisy, right during the "showdown" with me began to vomit violently. After that, they began to be afraid of me.
Irena and I met under unusual circumstances - at her exhibition in the village library. Everyone is surprised at the professionalism of the paintings that Irena writes: Fedintseva has no education. She herself claims that at the beginning of the work she sees a kind of hologram before her eyes. "Grid" is superimposed on a blank canvas, and Irena writes on it - to everyone's surprise. By the way, among the admirers of her work there are even well-known people in Karelia, whose names Fedintseva refuses to name. In addition, she has been working as a scheduler for several years in one of the funeral homes: Irena paints portraits on tombstones.
“When I work on the face of the deceased, I feel him next to me,” she assures. - Some praise me, some ask me to convey the news to my relatives. Those, by the way, are not at all surprised: after all, the dead themselves sometimes come to the living. In general, I often see what others can not see.

Irena has three daughters, the youngest of them is now in the fourth grade. We do not notice Sveta's presence in the apartment until we accidentally see her in the room. This girl is extremely funny and smart. True, she was silent - until the age of five she did not speak at all. When photographed, she breaks into a wide smile, which, after a flash, instantly disappears from her face. It can be seen that this "animal" will not let a stranger. She, by the way, has her own animal - the hamster Strip, which Sveta gently scratches on the belly. Irena herself admits that her child is unusual. " She was born from a clairvoyant, she says simply. - How can it not be strange here».
"You must cure me" The story of the "witch" resembles the plot of some mystical thriller. It all started many years ago, when the grandmother of her first husband, having come to Irena after a doctor’s appointment, told her: “ I got cancer and you have to help me».
- I goggled my eyes - how can I help? Irene recalls. - And she lay down on the sofa, asked me to come up, took my hands and began to put them to her. All this time she kept saying: You gotta fix me, gotta fix me". I did not resist, but I did not understand what she wanted from me.
She soon died. Now I understand that she probably conveyed her strength to me in this way. She was unusual woman. All her life she worked as an archaeologist, but one day she saw something like this at the excavations, after which she quit her profession and went as a servant to the church - to work for bread and lodging for the night. But she never said anything to anyone about what she saw there.
When they talk about brownies, they imagine little bearded uncles. Irena's brownie turned out to be completely different. Irena brings his portrait into the kitchen: a dark-skinned man, somewhat similar to Kirkorov, is looking at us from the canvas.
- So he said, coming into my kitchen: “Hello, I'm Ptah,” Irena recalls dreamily. And then he smiled: Now your suffering will end, you can live in peace". And I had so much suffering.
Someone, having learned about Irena's illnesses, will say skeptically: “Ahh, everything is clear. Sick and crazy." She is sure that all the troubles and ailments that she had to endure are a sign from above.
“This is the so-called Kalinov Bridge,” she says. “A person must almost die to be alive. I had a period when doctors wondered why I was still not in a coffin. I remember how the thermometer scale went off scale, what inanimate tests I had - I'm not lying, all this was recorded by doctors. In my personal life, I am also quite unhappy. I had several husbands, and they all beat me up. It's good that Ptah has appeared. He doesn't let me meet anyone. Yes, I don’t really want to, although I love beautiful men, - Irena points to the far wall, completely hung with advertising clippings from magazines: everywhere there are only high-cheeked brunettes.
The soul is like soup After such a “bridge”, a “hologram” appeared in the eyes, helping to create pictures. Everything around has changed: Irena began to see the colors of people. For example, a sore spot in a person is always painted red, Irena sees this.
“There is something wrong with your stomachs both of you,” she tells us as soon as we appear on the threshold. - And you (this is for the photographer) also have something chronic in your right lung.
He was surprised and noticed that he had never experienced problems with his lungs, but Irena continued:
“It’s like soup,” she compares. – You have (looks into my eyes with her large black pupils) beautiful fresh soup. And some aunt comes to me: she does not have soup, but a slurry in which decomposed vegetables float. On such, as a rule, damage lies.
According to Irena, all the troubles of people are just from damage. Men also leave their wives, not because they wanted to go to the side, but from witchcraft and divination.
- A woman came to me - her husband left her - Irena pours tea for us. - She cries: “She bewitched him! ". She says that every now and then she found scraps of wool and pins in different houses. I took a piece of paper and in beautiful calligraphy wrote an appeal to all the saints I know. She listed all the apostles, and at the end she asked them to return her husband to that lady. "Amen" must be said. I gave her the paper. For three nights, she read it before going to bed, and then put it under her pillow. On the fourth day she came to me - I burned the paper in a special way. In such cases, it would not be bad to talk to women, to explain how to lure a husband. For example, he loves fire, bonfires, which means he is a romantic. You need to go with him to nature, talk, have mercy. I remember how her husband called that woman during our conversation - she was so happy! And then he came back.

The conversation with Irena cannot be called smooth: she continually confuses with her phrases. It seems that she is either joking or mocking. You ask her, for example: What would you like to do if you had the opportunity?". She, embarrassed: Well, either I would have opened an art firm, or I would have become the president of the country».

Irena sincerely wonders why the Church treats people like her with hostility. She assures me that she would gladly go to work there if she were officially allowed to help people. But she is skeptical about other Karelian witches:
“All these grannies are of low stature,” Irena smiles strangely. - What I know, they never dreamed of. For example, I do not take products for my services - only money. But people like them heal one place and cripple another. Am I going to go to the show "Battle of psychics"? No. When I signed a mental pact with the forces that protect me, they asked me to "keep my head down." How can I go to TV? I dont need it.

She offers to "charge" me with tea. He washes his hands, wraps them around a cup and says: “ Let this water be filled with all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and energy for you, Alla". On this she ends and says that after a sip of tea I will definitely feel something. To be honest, I'm afraid: I've heard enough stories about melancholy and illness that other sorceresses can catch up with. But that's what evil witches do, right? I make an effort and try the tea. Nothing special. Well, yes, maybe it's for the best.
Have you seen dinosaurs? Still ahead! Irena has a long track record: she assures that she has cured diseases, fears, and hallucinations. Tells stories, one more incredible than the other. True, she admits: she hasn’t done anything like this for a long time - it’s better to spend energy on creativity than on witchcraft. In general, she retired. Moreover, there are more and more ungrateful people. You will help them, and then they will pour slops over them.
By the way, Irena will not be able to help herself, in which case, anyway. She does not know what awaits her in life.
“I don’t get it,” she says. “Many people ask me to teach them what I can do. And it seems to me that there is something mystical in all of us. But many people have no conscience. After all, the gift also needs to be directed in the right direction. And there are so many skeptics around and evil people that the fantastic is hiding from us. Many confessed to me that at least once in their lives they saw strange creatures: mermaids, aliens, dinosaurs. Have you seen anything like it yet? Well, more to come!

74 years after the Victory, several generations of citizens of Petrozavodsk today, shoulder to shoulder, again joined the Immortal Regiment.
09.05.2019 The football player from Brazil could not resist the native of Petrozavodsk, who became a successful model in Moscow.
09.05.2019 IA Nevsky News

Irena Fedintseva tells incredible things. Believe it or not - decide for yourself

Irena Fedintseva in Solomennoye is either called a witch or crazy. She is not offended: let them be called whatever they want, as long as no one plots. Irena calls herself a white magician: she says that she has never harmed anyone. However, she admits: she is guarded by forces that can, in which case, stand up for the mistress.
In general, writing about people like Irena is difficult and dangerous: they will either make fun of them or rush to knock on the thresholds with requests for help. However, we still tried. Well, to believe this woman or not to believe is your business.
The artist Irena Fedintseva lives in an uncomfortable house that is not even marked on the map. Uninvited guests, she says, often cannot find this building: they drive in circles, swear and leave home. “If a person with good intentions comes to me, this house will accept him,” Irena smiles conspiratorially. - And if the stone hides in the bosom - do not expect good.
So it was with the gypsy family - they once came to Irena "for a showdown." They found out that she was guessing and conjuring - nothing more than a competitor! They asked a neighbor to demonstrate their skills.
“Well, I’m not from the circus to show them tricks,” Irena looks into the courtyard through a slightly rickety window. - She said to one - something was wrong in the stomach. She had a miscarriage two days later. And another, the most noisy, right during the "showdown" with me began to vomit violently. After that, they began to be afraid of me.
Irena and I met under unusual circumstances - at her exhibition in the village library. Everyone is surprised at the professionalism of the paintings that Irena writes: Fedintseva has no education. She herself claims that at the beginning of the work she sees a kind of hologram before her eyes. "Grid" is superimposed on a blank canvas, and Irena writes on it - to everyone's surprise. By the way, among the admirers of her work there are even well-known people in Karelia, whose names Fedintseva refuses to name. In addition, she has been working as a scheduler for several years in one of the funeral homes: Irena paints portraits on tombstones.
“When I work on the face of the deceased, I feel him next to me,” she assures. - Some praise me, some ask me to convey the news to my relatives. Those, by the way, are not at all surprised: after all, the dead themselves sometimes come to the living. In general, I often see what others can not see.

Irena has three daughters, the youngest of them is now in the fourth grade. We do not notice Sveta's presence in the apartment until we accidentally see her in the room. This girl is extremely funny and smart. True, she was silent - until the age of five she did not speak at all. When photographed, she breaks into a wide smile, which, after a flash, instantly disappears from her face. It can be seen that this "animal" will not let a stranger. She, by the way, has her own animal - the hamster Strip, which Sveta gently scratches on the belly. Irena herself admits that her child is unusual. " She was born from a clairvoyant, she says simply. - How can it not be strange here».
"You must cure me" The story of the "witch" resembles the plot of some mystical thriller. It all started many years ago, when the grandmother of her first husband, having come to Irena after a doctor’s appointment, told her: “ I got cancer and you have to help me».
- I goggled my eyes - how can I help? Irene recalls. - And she lay down on the sofa, asked me to come up, took my hands and began to put them to her. All this time she kept saying: You gotta fix me, gotta fix me". I did not resist, but I did not understand what she wanted from me.
She soon died. Now I understand that she probably conveyed her strength to me in this way. She was an extraordinary woman. All her life she worked as an archaeologist, but one day she saw something like this at the excavations, after which she quit her profession and went as a servant to the church - to work for bread and lodging for the night. But she never said anything to anyone about what she saw there.
When they talk about brownies, they imagine little bearded uncles. Irena's brownie turned out to be completely different. Irena brings his portrait into the kitchen: a dark-skinned man, somewhat similar to Kirkorov, is looking at us from the canvas.
- So he said, coming into my kitchen: “Hello, I'm Ptah,” Irena recalls dreamily. And then he smiled: Now your suffering will end, you can live in peace". And I had so much suffering.
Someone, having learned about Irena's illnesses, will say skeptically: “Ahh, everything is clear. Sick and crazy." She is sure that all the troubles and ailments that she had to endure are a sign from above.
“This is the so-called Kalinov Bridge,” she says. “A person must almost die to be alive. I had a period when doctors wondered why I was still not in a coffin. I remember how the thermometer scale went off scale, what inanimate tests I had - I'm not lying, all this was recorded by doctors. In my personal life, I am also quite unhappy. I had several husbands, and they all beat me up. It's good that Ptah has appeared. He doesn't let me meet anyone. Yes, I don’t really want to, although I love beautiful men, - Irena points to the far wall, completely hung with advertising clippings from magazines: everywhere there are only high-cheeked brunettes.
The soul is like soup After such a “bridge”, a “hologram” appeared in the eyes, helping to create pictures. Everything around has changed: Irena began to see the colors of people. For example, a sore spot in a person is always painted red, Irena sees this.
“There is something wrong with your stomachs both of you,” she tells us as soon as we appear on the threshold. - And you (this is for the photographer) also have something chronic in your right lung.
He was surprised and noticed that he had never experienced problems with his lungs, but Irena continued:
“It’s like soup,” she compares. – You have (looks into my eyes with her large black pupils) beautiful fresh soup. And some aunt comes to me: she does not have soup, but a slurry in which decomposed vegetables float. On such, as a rule, damage lies.
According to Irena, all the troubles of people are just from damage. Men also leave their wives, not because they wanted to go to the side, but from witchcraft and divination.
- A woman came to me - her husband left her - Irena pours tea for us. - She cries: “She bewitched him! ". She says that every now and then she found scraps of wool and pins in different houses. I took a piece of paper and in beautiful calligraphy wrote an appeal to all the saints I know. She listed all the apostles, and at the end she asked them to return her husband to that lady. "Amen" must be said. I gave her the paper. For three nights, she read it before going to bed, and then put it under her pillow. On the fourth day she came to me - I burned the paper in a special way. In such cases, it would not be bad to talk to women, to explain how to lure a husband. For example, he loves fire, bonfires, which means he is a romantic. You need to go with him to nature, talk, have mercy. I remember how her husband called that woman during our conversation - she was so happy! And then he came back.

The conversation with Irena cannot be called smooth: she continually confuses with her phrases. It seems that she is either joking or mocking. You ask her, for example: What would you like to do if you had the opportunity?". She, embarrassed: Well, either I would have opened an art firm, or I would have become the president of the country».

Irena sincerely wonders why the Church treats people like her with hostility. She assures me that she would gladly go to work there if she were officially allowed to help people. But she is skeptical about other Karelian witches:
“All these grannies are of low stature,” Irena smiles strangely. - What I know, they never dreamed of. For example, I do not take products for my services - only money. But people like them heal one place and cripple another. Am I going to go to the show "Battle of psychics"? No. When I signed a mental pact with the forces that protect me, they asked me to "keep my head down." How can I go to TV? I dont need it.

She offers to "charge" me with tea. He washes his hands, wraps them around a cup and says: “ Let this water be filled with all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and energy for you, Alla". On this she ends and says that after a sip of tea I will definitely feel something. To be honest, I'm afraid: I've heard enough stories about melancholy and illness that other sorceresses can catch up with. But that's what evil witches do, right? I make an effort and try the tea. Nothing special. Well, yes, maybe it's for the best.
Have you seen dinosaurs? Still ahead! Irena has a long track record: she assures that she has cured diseases, fears, and hallucinations. Tells stories, one more incredible than the other. True, she admits: she hasn’t done anything like this for a long time - it’s better to spend energy on creativity than on witchcraft. In general, she retired. Moreover, there are more and more ungrateful people. You will help them, and then they will pour slops over them.
By the way, Irena will not be able to help herself, in which case, anyway. She does not know what awaits her in life.
“I don’t get it,” she says. “Many people ask me to teach them what I can do. And it seems to me that there is something mystical in all of us. But many people have no conscience. After all, the gift also needs to be directed in the right direction. And there are so many skeptics and evil people around that the fantastic is hiding from us. Many confessed to me that at least once in their lives they saw strange creatures: mermaids, aliens, dinosaurs. Have you seen anything like it yet? Well, more to come!

74 years after the Victory, several generations of citizens of Petrozavodsk today, shoulder to shoulder, again joined the Immortal Regiment.
09.05.2019 The football player from Brazil could not resist the native of Petrozavodsk, who became a successful model in Moscow.
09.05.2019 IA Nevsky News
Conspiracies of the Karelian healer and moods of Andrey Levshinov Levshinov Andrey

Place of power - Karelia

Place of power - Karelia

... There are places on Earth where nature itself becomes a co-creator, mentor and healer for a person. The air itself seems to be filled with harmony, peace, tranquility there. The debilitating influence of society is leaving there. There are incredible opportunities for creativity and self-knowledge. There you can gain strength of mind, get health and enlightenment, purify karma, understand the truth, find your life path.

These places have a very strong energy. They are called places of power. The nature there is alive and animated. She is able to interact with a person, with his inner world. It not only energizes us, but also transmits, tells us something important.

There are many places of power in the world - they are in Nepal and Mexico, South America and on Far East. And one of the strongest is right next to us. This is Karelia.

The whole of Karelia and the Karelian Isthmus from Priozersk, the northern tip of Ladoga, is a solid place of power. Ladoga skerries and islands, waterfalls and rocks, northern vegetation, heaps of boulders radiate pure, sacred, living energy.

For the first time I came to Karelia in the summer of 1989. It was then that a company of like-minded people practicing yoga crept up with us, and we all together began to travel to the Karelian Isthmus every weekend. We got there as best we could: by car, train, bus. And once we got a kayak and set off along Ladoga to the north of Karelia, to the island of Kilpola.

This island made a great impression on me at first sight. High sheer cliffs, small quiet coves, rocky shores…

We landed on the beach. We found a comfortable, completely deserted place where we could practice our usual asanas, mantras, classical and energy massages. And then it became clear: this small rocky plateau not only pleases the eye, attracts attention, but also gives us new, special opportunities. Nowhere and never before have mantras been so filled with power and energy! We even started training in the power of sound with the famous Ladoga brontides.

The effect of ordinary exercises exceeded all expectations, and the exercises themselves were much easier than usual. Many of us spontaneously began to open up special abilities, such as clairvoyance. I do not advise anyone to repeat this without preparation - but after some time in Karelia, all members of our group, without exception, jumped from high rocks into the water without preliminary reconnaissance of the bottom, without any fear of breaking. We literally saw right through the lake.

In the future, and that summer, and in all subsequent years, more than once we made fascinating kayak trips to the island of Kilpola, and to other places of power in Ladoga and Ladoga. We discovered in Karelia the remains of special gravitational energy harmonizers, created in ancient times by representatives of the civilizations that lived here before us. The same as the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, the sacred Mount Kailash and the top of Mount Everest.

The remains of energy harmonizers in Karelia now resemble ordinary small mountains. There are a lot of them here. Being still alive, they feel a person: it is as if someone is invited to come up and they try to keep them longer, but they may not let someone in. If for some reason a person is objectionable to these sacred mountains, then something inevitably happens on the way to them: he is late for the train, or a car tire breaks, a flight is canceled, or some urgent business simply arises.

But those who are ready to embark on their own Path, who with their inner work contribute to the establishment of harmony in the world, the sacred mountains of Karelia will fully endow them with strength, energy, and health. And no training in the best gym or yoga studio in the city can be compared with spiritual practices in the places of power in Karelia.

Of my many trips around Karelia, I especially remember the one that happened in the spring of 2007. Then, during the spring school holidays, I took my children and my wife and went to the Janis-Järve camp site, located on the shore of Hare Lake. Actually, the very name of the camp site in translation means “Hare Lake”. The lake is indescribably beautiful, very deep, with black, peaty, but clear water. Small houses on its shore, almost complete desertion at this time of the year ... What else is needed for complete immersion in nature, in order to feel its spirit, feel its strength, and take in the energy of this extraordinary place? When you constantly listen, peer into this nature, life is filled with a special meaning, it acquires completeness and self-sufficiency. Here you understand that a person was created for life in nature, and not in noisy dusty cities. Simply being in unity with nature is already happiness, pure and pristine, not requiring any special conditions for itself.

Lake, forest, stones, sky - everything here sets in a special way. This nature envelops you, and literally makes you immerse yourself, stopping your sometimes senseless run through life, your usual fuss. The lake, as if alive, appeals to you with a call: calm down, pacify passions and emotions, be at peace with yourself and others, with nature and the universe.

More than once we all made forays into the neighborhood, exploring the forests and mountains. You enter the forest, and there is thick air smelling of pine needles. It blows with strength - so that it overwhelms the body. The end of March in Karelia is still winter. The roads are covered with snow. More than once we got stuck in deep snow, heard howls of wolves.

It was there, on the shore of Hare Lake, that I finally realized that I fell in love with these places, became related to them. That I can’t live without the smooth outlines of mountains and hills overgrown with fir trees, without Karelian rocks, without the smells of wild rosemary and reindeer moss, without the purest transparent air that you inhale and fill with strength. Yes, my soul will now strive here always.

I remember a trip to the Marble Canyon in Ruskeala Mountain Park. It is filled with water, and it is crystal clear, the most transparent. The bottom is visible even despite a decent depth. The canyon is man-made, carved in a mass of marble, which does not prevent it from being a place of power.

Even more power is felt near the Tokhminsky waterfalls - these are three independent streams into which the Tokhma River breaks in a very beautiful, picturesque place. Their beauty is mesmerizing, as is the force that beats from them. We were also shocked by the former Finnish hydroelectric power station. Now it is destroyed, but it is still clear how wisely it was conceived and built by Finnish builders, in full harmony with nature. After all, a natural waterfall was used to produce electricity.

... Water roared around, blocks of ice melted in the March sun crowded the seething stream. I decided to meditate in the midst of this watery chaos and greatness of power. And after meditation, I lay down on a heated boulder, and... the spirit of Karelian stone, the spirit of Karelian water entered me! I felt an incredible upsurge. There was a feeling of purification from everything unnecessary, a complete restoration of all the forces given to me by nature.

Then I saw clearly as never before: everything around is alive, everything shines with power. This magnificent beauty of itself enters into a silent dialogue with a person who is able to perceive her pure energies.

Here you understand who you are, remember your essence and purpose. Here you relax, and begin to breathe deeply, and even with your whole being. You include the unique energies of these northern places, with their special majesty, power and beauty.

This place of power accepted me. I have become mine here. I say goodbye to this place - to return again. And every farewell will now promise me a new return, a new meeting with these unusual places ...

A week spent in Karelia flashed by in an instant. And so we went home on our Starex all-terrain vehicle.

Our path lay from Karelia, first along the federal highway, then we drove for 42 kilometers along the dirt road, then we got onto the road leading straight to Priozersk. But before returning through Priozersk to St. Petersburg, I still had to stop by the village of Khiitola, where I had an important meeting.

Meanwhile, the weather began to deteriorate sharply. The wind picked up, the sky was covered with black clouds. The air was filled with an approaching storm. The white light simply faded, it began to get dark very quickly, and it became clear: serious bad weather was expected. Finally, in broad daylight, such darkness thickened that we had to turn on the headlights, and they illuminated the road in front of us only at arm's length.

And when I turned off the road towards the village of Hiytola, the sky really exploded with thousands of lightning. They sparkled from all sides at once! Immediately there was a deafening cannonade - thunder struck so that we all almost went deaf. Thunder strikes did not stop for a moment, turning into a continuous incessant roar. We froze, sitting in the car, stunned and blinded by this violence of the elements, and at the same time filled with delight before the power and splendor of the raging nature. It was as if we were numb, we could not even say a word - also because because of the unthinkable roar it was still impossible to hear anything, we would have to shout.

Another moment - and a solid wall of downpour struck. The car was flooded with jets of water, as if we were under a waterfall. The road, until recently dry and relatively flat, turned into a turbulent stream before our eyes.

I stopped the car, doubting whether I could pass. But standing in the middle of the road and waiting for who knows what was also impossible, and therefore I decided to go out on reconnaissance, despite the fact that the downpour did not think to subside.

When I got out of the car, it was as if I had stepped into an abyss - because of the streams of water and flashes of lightning that cut through the darkness, I could not see anything at all. My clothes were soaked through and through.

And suddenly a deafening roar was heard right above my head, and a flash of unprecedented power blinded me. But even when I was blind and deaf, I somehow saw a giant lightning strike the ground right in front of me! Its clear outlines are forever engraved in my memory. It was hard not to notice, and impossible not to remember.

Because the lightning - I saw it quite clearly - was in the form of a rune! Runes, well known to me, and meaning prosperity.

A happy sign in the midst of this chaos and darkness, a real doomsday!

Lightning burned my hair and even my eyelashes. Clothes, even despite the ongoing downpour, instantly became dry. And through a continuous rumble and roar, I heard some voice inside me demand that I take an oath that I would move this lightning - heavenly fire - to the city where I live, so that lightning would live among people, so that they would purify their thoughts with their fire and heavenly thunder.

The thought immediately flashed through my head that it was lightning itself that spoke to me in this way ... I want to get better right away: what I convey as words actually flashed through my head in a split second, like a clear thought. Not even a thought, rather it was some kind of experience: on the one hand, bright, figurative, on the other, clear and unambiguous.

And I, without thinking, swore to fulfill her command. And I would dare to refuse after such an aimed hit! I instantly realized that if I refuse, then the next lightning will simply hit me, so as not to leave ashes ...

I repeat, all this happened in a fraction of a second, but time seemed to stretch out and slow down for me. I have experienced an amazing state. I was not frightened, in the experienced state there is no place for fear. I experienced something akin to delight, happiness! The Way was shown to me, and I accepted it!

Returning to the car, I saw a terribly frightened wife and daughters. After all, they saw my silhouette against the background of a pillar of fire descending from the sky! Their happiness knew no bounds when they realized that I was alive and well.

Having calmed down a little from the experience, they were surprised to feel my clothes, which turned out to be absolutely dry, although stormy streams of water had just spilled on me, and sniffed at the distinct smell of burning coming from my hair.

We continued on our way, but near the village we needed, the road was so busy that even my all-terrain vehicle got stuck on its belly. The storm had passed by that time, the sky began to clear, and the rain had stopped. The doomsday ended, nature calmed down, and now the sun came out again, illuminating the earth that had been cleansed by a thunderstorm. The air was amazingly clean, breathable as never before.

We looked around and saw that there was some small village nearby. My wife suggested asking for a shovel from one of the locals in order to somehow clear the mud under the wheels (the small shovel that I take on such trips was clearly not enough for the mud we got into). And we went to a nearby house.

It was an ordinary village hut, simple, one-story, one of many in which the locals live. It can be seen that the old, battered, but at the same time strong, log, firmly standing on the ground, as if grown into it. Numerous windows were elegantly distinguished by the white paint of the frames and architraves against the background of the dark brown walls.

We went through the gate - although there was no real gate, but just a passage in a fence of transverse spruce poles, climbed a low porch leading to a side plank outbuilding, knocked on the door.

A short, wiry old woman came out to the knock, carefully looked at us with unexpectedly young and cheerful eyes, with a kind of cunning squint. She fixed a closer look on me, and even seemed to whistle softly, apparently, having seen something that was imperceptible to others. She looked as if surprised by something, and then said:

“What are you waiting for, darlings! Come into the hut!

Blimey! As if it was just waiting for us. She didn't even ask who they were or why they came.

My wife hinted that we actually only wanted to ask for a shovel, but the granny somehow looked at her in such a way that the words froze on her lips.

We went into the hut, sat down at the invitation of the hostess at a large table. She immediately took out cups from somewhere, jam, some baked goodies, and let's regale us.

After our difficult road, this turned out to be very helpful. And grandmother's tea was clearly not just tea, but a special drink that relieves fatigue and restores strength and vigor. As she explained, there was wild rosemary, and all sorts of special Karelian herbs.

The hostess said that her name was her grandmother Evdokia, and to our unspoken questions she answered that there was nothing to be surprised at her hospitality, it’s so usual in their village that they would let any travelers into the house and drink tea, especially after travelers in such bad weather hit!

And when we drank plenty of tea, and began to bow and thank, grandmother Evdokia asked me to linger for a while. My wife and daughters went outside to breathe clean post-storm air, and my grandmother sat me down opposite her, looked again with a sly squint, and said:

“Come on, tell me what happened to you.”

– What happened to me? I asked again, although I already understood what the hostess was getting at. I immediately suspected that this grandmother was not easy ...

“Yes, I see that you are marked with a special sign,” she smiled with a bright and kind of young smile, and nodded at my lightning-scorched hair, so that I involuntarily grabbed my head.

And I had no choice but to tell my grandmother Evdokia about what happened to me on the way. And how lightning stuck into the ground right in front of me, and how I heard the voice of lightning, and how I swore an oath to bring lightning to the city, to help the people living there ...

And when I finished my story, it was time for Grandma Evdokia to open up to me. It turned out that she was a healer, hereditary, and in these places, as I found out later, very famous. She said that she had had a vision for a long time - that a man would come to her, marked with a special sign, scorched by lightning. She was waiting, it turns out, for me - that's how it happens ... She was waiting for a reason - but to pass on her knowledge.

I was simply stunned by this meeting, and by what bizarre ways sometimes knowledge comes to us. Truly, if a person goes his own way, then the necessary meetings will certainly occur, and the people you need will inevitably meet, and everything will happen in your life in the most correct, best way ...

It seemed to me that we talked for a very long time with grandmother Evdokia - and during this conversation I forgot that there was still a long road ahead, and that things were waiting ... She told me a lot about her special gift, about what methods she heals people , what a huge experience she has accumulated, and so far there has been no one to pass on her gift and her knowledge.

However, my wife and daughters didn’t even have time to get bored - they basked in the last summer sun while I was talking with my grandmother, and even, it seems, they didn’t really want to continue the journey. It turned out that we didn’t even talk for forty minutes - but this conversation for me was like a whole separate life. Because in fact, life after him became different for me.

Grandmother Evdokia took a promise from me that I would come to her again in the near future, already alone, and with a margin of time so that she could really begin to transfer her knowledge to me in a calm atmosphere.

We said goodbye, returned to the car ... And everyone laughed together, realizing that we never asked for a shovel!

My wife wanted to go back, but then some instinct suddenly ordered me to get behind the wheel and try to move. Surprisingly, the mud under the wheels actually turned out to be not so slushy and deep, and the car got out of the blue without difficulty!

Now the way forward was open. After all, the very meeting for which the road stopped us here took place.

Without any difficulties and problems, we got to the village of Hiytola, where the meeting I had planned took place, and then we just as calmly returned home to St. Petersburg.

But a week later I was again with my grandmother Evdokia. And more than once I came to her that autumn, visited her several times in the winter, a little more often in the spring and next summer. But it seemed that even our lengthy conversations were not enough to convey the vast knowledge accumulated by grandmother Evdokia throughout her long life.

Her age could only be guessed at. Cheerful young eyes were misleading, but I suspected that she was certainly not less than eighty, and maybe much more ...

It opened up a whole world of new knowledge, abilities and opportunities for me. I did not get tired of being amazed at how much good she did to people, how reasonably, sensibly she disposed of her rare gift. She lived an extraordinary, worthy life ...

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