From the blackboard to the coffin: why children die in physical education classes. From the blackboard to the grave: why children die in physical education classes And at this time

Why death lurks at the school stadium

In 2016 alone, 211 schoolchildren died in a physical education lesson! Such shocking statistics were published by the Minister of Education. Olga Vasilyeva And we are not talking about death as a result of trauma, but about the sudden death of apparently healthy children who had not complained about anything before. The current academic year began again with tragedies: in September, during physical education, a schoolboy from the Ulyanovsk region lost consciousness and subsequently died, a similar story happened in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Why do outwardly healthy children die more and more often after elementary physical exertion, is it the fault of parents and schools?

Assessing the reasons for the increase in child mortality during physical education classes, the Minister of Education laid the blame for this on the policy of protecting personal data in the country. " Personal protection data led to - we do not have medical records, we do not know what the child is sick with," Vasilyeva specified. At the same time, the minister explained that her department had already agreed with doctors that schools would be informed of the health group of each student. But she will seek to ensure that teachers are informed about the specific diagnoses of schoolchildren.However, doctors and teachers see the reasons for the increase in sudden infant mortality, including in physical education classes, in completely different factors.

I have been working as a physical education teacher in a Moscow school for almost 25 years, says Natalia. - No problem due to the protection of personal data in the capital educational institutions no. We are informed about the health group and diseases that are detected in the child. Another thing is that if at the beginning of my work from the class 2-3 people had the 2nd health group, and the rest - the 1st, now everything is exactly the opposite. Naturally, the more children with poor health, the higher the potential risk of sudden death of a child during physical exertion. In the current situation with the health of children, physical education teachers have to approach students individually, depending on their health and physical abilities. At the same time, none of us is immune from such a tragedy. Personally, at every meeting, I ask all parents to report to me in person any new illnesses that are identified in their child, or simply their observations and concerns. Another thing is that many parents may not even notice the deterioration in their well-being.

In all developed countries, the number of sudden deaths of children and adolescents, including those in physical education classes, in last years increased significantly. Half of all deaths of children are due to sudden death, in the same America, 5-7 thousand schoolchildren become its victims every year.

According to doctors, the reason for this lies in medical progress and the rapidly increased burden on modern children.

In my opinion, if the Ministry of Education wants to at least slightly reduce the number of cases of sudden death of children in physical education classes, they should reconsider their own activities in the field of school education, says pediatrician Tatyana Karlovich. - Among my patients there are many children whom I have been observing for many years, from birth to adolescence. Now children, compared to Soviet times, are in constant stress, they have a more complex program, a huge number of extra classes and almost no free time. Previously, a serious burden on a student lay down only in the 10-11th grade before entering the institute, but now children experience a similar state from the most tender age. In addition, the generation of modern children in terms of health is much weaker than the previous ones. The reason for this lies, firstly, in medical progress, when they began to save and put on their feet previously hopeless babies. And secondly, in the rapidly deteriorating environmental situation and poor nutrition. First of all, the responsibility for the life of the child, of course, is his parents. They need, as far as possible, to protect children from excessive loads, take them out of the city more often, monitor nutrition, and give vitamins. Most cases of sudden death usually lie in cardiac pathologies. In this regard, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist on your own once a year and carry out all the necessary tests, without waiting for the mandatory medical examination, which is carried out only 4 times during the school years.

Russia's Education Minister Blames Personal Data Law, Experts Claim Overwhelming Schoolchildren Heartbreak

Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva announced terrible figures at a meeting of the relevant committee of the Federation Council: according to her, over 200 children died in physical education classes in the country during the 2016 academic year. The minister did not name the cause of death, but in the news that each such case falls, “heart problems” are most often heard. Vasilyeva blames the law on personal data, which does not allow doctors to disclose information about the state of health. Experts talk about the overload of schoolchildren, whose working day is longer than that of an adult. Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Memorized to death: 211 children died at the "physical training"

211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in 2016. Such data was presented by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture. Vasilyeva connects this situation with the law on the protection of personal data, due to which educational institutions today there are no medical records of students.

“We have no information about the health of children who come to school. We have 211 people died in the last (academic) year in physical education, ”RIA Novosti reports the words of Vasilyeva.

As a result, explained Vasilyeva, the teacher is not able to properly distribute the physical load among the students.

According to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, the department agreed with doctors to return the previously existing health groups. “We agreed that doctors will give us health groups,” she added.

According to the Minister of Education, a teacher should have information not only about the group of health, but also about a specific diagnosis. Photo by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

At the same time, Vasilyeva noted that she considers this approach wrong. According to the Minister of Education, a teacher should have information not only about the group of health, but also about a specific diagnosis. For example, in the case of epilepsy, you need to know what to do.

Immediately after Vasilyeva’s statement, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation came out with an explanation that from January 1, 2018, a new order “On the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors” No. 514n will come into force. According to it, the doctor responsible for the preventive examination of the child sends information about the results to the health workers of the school.

At the same time, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 107 of February 15, 2012, the provision of a medical certificate when a child is admitted to school remains the prerogative of parents or legal representatives.

“High school students have more workload than adults. It is difficult to survive in such a situation.”

Experts see the causes of deaths in physical education classes not only in the law on personal data.

There are several reasons. The first is the lack of reliable information about the health status of children at school. The second is the insufficient qualification of the teacher, not all teachers take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the state of his health. Often the recovery period after the illness is not maintained. For example, after a sore throat, a child should not go in for physical education for two weeks, but often - he came to school, is considered healthy and goes to physical education, and no loads are dosed. And the third reason is a very high overload of students, - says the director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Maryana Bezrukikh.

According to Bezrukikh, over the past decades, SanPiN norms have increased the permissible load on children. According to the changes in the "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education, maintenance in educational institutions" dated November 24, 2015, the weekly load for high school students is 37 hours, and these are only lessons, the maximum number of which, according to the same SanPiNu, has been increased from 7 up to 8 per day, plus extracurricular activities - 10 hours. In addition, children do homework, which, according to the same standards, should take no more than 3.5 hours a day, attend electives and tutors.

According to Bezrukikh, over the past decades, SanPiN norms have increased the permissible load on children. Photo

High school students have a load of more than 50 hours a week - this is more than an adult. The load of a child should not be greater and should not be the same as that of an adult, because the student's body is a growing organism, especially sensitive to any adverse effects. The teaching load is the hardest work. And in a situation where the body is tense or overstressed or tired, any addition of physical activity can lead to tragic consequences. It should also be taken into account, and we are analyzing the daily routine of our schoolchildren, that almost all children do not get enough sleep, they are not in the air, they do not have a minute of free time, and it is difficult to survive in such a situation, - Maryana Bezrukikh tells Realnoe Vremya, turning attention that a tragedy with such a rhythm of life can happen to a healthy child.

On the same rake: in 2015, 37 children died in schools. Recommendations were given but not implemented

According to the director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, and this is confirmed by news reports, most often not younger students, but teenagers, die in physical education classes. “This is a period of significant functional restructuring, a period of puberty, when the body is especially sensitive to loads, especially if they are inadequate and can simply exceed the functional resource of the child.”

The reasons for the death of 211 schoolchildren Vasilyeva did not voice in her report to the Federation Council, but, judging by the information from the news reports, and each such case is resonant and gets into the reports, death usually occurs due to heart problems. According to Realnoe Vremya's expert, this is "an expected situation."

We have been talking about overload for more than a year, because emotional stress multiplied by a lack of physical activity, and a high intellectual load, even with little physical exertion, can cause a breakdown. The body is not adapted to these loads, says Maryana Bezrukikh.

Bezrukikh believes that even in high school, the number of lessons per day should not exceed five, and homework should not take more than 2.5 hours. Photo

Bezrukikh believes that even in high school, the number of lessons per day should not exceed five, and homework should not take more than 2.5 hours. According to Bezrukikh, the Institute provided research and recommendations on the optimal load of schoolchildren to the Ministry of Education and Science, “but SanPiN is now being developed by the Ministry of Health, and it is very strange to me that the Ministry of Health allowed such SanPiNs, in terms of load they do not at all correspond to the age physiology of a student,” says the interlocutor of Realny time."

This is not the first time the government has drawn attention to the death of children in the classroom. In 2015, there was an instruction from the then Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, related to the death of 37 children in schools.

In 2015, the Institute did a study. Each case was analyzed, the cause of death was determined, we received a large certificate with analysis and
prepared guidelines, but the further fate - whether they reached the schools and whether measures were taken - is unknown.

“In the pursuit of ratings and grades, both parents and the school forgot about the health of children”

Another reason for the death of children in physical education classes is the lack of information about the state of health of the child from teachers. If the parent himself does not express a desire to inform the teacher about the problems of the child, then the school does not have the right to demand documents. These data would make it possible to distribute children into groups with appropriate physical activity.

Children should be divided into three groups: the main, preparatory, which should include children with functional disorders, chronic diseases in a situation of remission, or, for example, children after illness, and the third group is a special medical, separate system of classes. But in our country, as a rule, all the children are in the same group, - says Maryana Bezrukikh.

The third reason is the low qualification of teachers. physical culture and sometimes its absence altogether. Photo

The third reason is the low qualification of physical education teachers, and sometimes even its absence. For example, in primary school almost everywhere physical education is taught by a class teacher. Primary school teachers do not have enough hours, and they are loaded with a subject not according to their profile. And even that they often replace with a "more important" bill and letter.

“Children come to the 5th grade completely unprepared for the loads that they need to perform. But at the end of the year there is a practical exam, where you have to run 2 km, pull yourself up ... I saw how primary school teachers conduct physical education. What can a teacher teach who cannot bend over, sit down, and even in a skirt? - write on the forums of physical education teachers.

At the middle and senior level, problems with the qualifications of teachers:

Not all of our teachers are educated. It can be a coach: he can be a good athlete, but he has not received knowledge of age-related physiology, he does not know the technology of working with children with different health conditions, - says Maryana Bezrukikh. - In pursuit of ratings and grades, both parents and the school forgot about the health of children, - the expert concludes.

Daria Turtseva

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasileva said that in the 2016-2017 academic year in Russia, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes. The Ministry is working on the return of health groups to schools. 211 people died last year in physical education, ”RIA Novosti quotes the minister. According to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, there used to be health groups, and the load could not be more than it should be.

According to Vasilyeva, the whole problem lies in personal data protection: “Personal data protection has led to what - we don’t have medical records, we don’t know what the child is sick with.” The head of the Ministry of Education and Science also said that in 2017, two children died in summer camps in 2017. “We had two tragic cases,” she said. The first case, as the minister recalled, occurred in the city of Asbest, where a 14-year-old teenager died during a training session. The second case occurred in Buryatia, where a 14-year-old girl committed suicide. In addition, following the results of the past summer season, four criminal cases were initiated in connection with sexual harassment in children's camps - incidents occurred in the Moscow and Smolensk regions and in the Stavropol Territory. In addition, three facts of beatings were registered in the Perm Territory, Moscow and Arkhangelsk Regions. Vasilyeva also recalled that three facts of beating children were registered in the Perm Territory, Moscow and Arkhangelsk Regions. According to Vasilyeva, a third of the children who rested in children's camps in June were injured, and therefore it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of injuries. So, 50,903 children turned to doctors, 681 children were hospitalized, 241 of them with injuries. 903 children, 681 of them were hospitalized, including 241 with injuries. In July, 56,846 children applied for medical assistance, 347 of them with injuries. There were a lot of infectious diseases in children's health camps, which also requires careful attention, Olga Vasilyeva added.

More than 200 Russian schoolchildren died in physical education classes in a year

10.10.2017 07:46

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasileva said that in the 2016-2017 academic year in Russia, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes. “We have no information about the health of children who come to school. 211 people died last year in physical education, ”RIA Novosti quotes the minister. According to Vasilyeva, the whole problem lies in personal data protection: “Personal data protection has led to what - we don’t have medical records, we don’t know what the child is sick with.”

More than 200 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in 2016

10.10.2017 04:50

211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in Russia in 2016. This was reported by the newspaper "Izvestia" with reference to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. According to her, the reason is personal data protection, because of which schools do not know what the child is sick with, PrimaMedia news agency reports with reference to the 360 ​​TV channel. "Personal data protection has led to what - we do not have medical records, we do not know what the child is sick with," Olga Vasilyeva said.

In Russia, 200 children died in physical education classes in 2016

10.10.2017 04:07

More than 200 children died during physical education classes last year. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. “We have 211 people who died in the last (academic - approx.) year in physical education,” Vasilyeva said during a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture. According to the minister, a similar situation has developed […] Continue reading on Orenburg → In Russia, 200 children in 2016 died in physical education classes.

09.10.2017 20:31

In two years, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in Russia

09.10.2017 20:28

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva said that she named the number during physical education lessons for

Over the past academic year in Russia, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes

09.10.2017 16:30

This was announced in the Federation Council by the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. According to her, personal data protection has led to the fact that there are no medical cards in schools, RIA Novosti reports. Vasilyeva insists that teachers know the diagnoses of their students.

In Russia, 211 schoolchildren died during the school year in physical education classes

09.10.2017 16:26

In the 2016-2017 academic year in Russia, 211 schoolchildren died during physical education classes. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, reports...

More than 200 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in a year

09.10.2017 15:35

MOSCOW, October 9, news agency UralPolit.Ru. Last academic year, more than 200 students died in physical education classes, said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture. associated with the development of personal data protection policy, which is why educational institutions do not have medical cards for students.

During the academic year, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in Russia

09.10.2017 14:53

In the 2016-2017 academic year, 211 schoolchildren died in physical education classes in Russia, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasileva said at a meeting in the Federation Council. “We have no information about the health of children who come to school. We have 211 people died last year in the physical education of teenagers, ”RIA Novosti quotes Vasilyeva. According to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, there used to be health groups, and the load could not be more than it should be.