Famous scorpions by horoscope. famous scorpions

They have a developed intuition, which from childhood helps them make the right choice, where and what to study, in what area to develop and conquer peaks. They are stubborn and hardy, not afraid of difficulties. Celebrities Scorpios are gifted, incredibly developed personalities..

Navigators - pioneers Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus, talented scientists Mikhail Lomonosov and Marie Curie virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini, Russian writers Ivan Turgenev and Fedor Dostoevsky, Indian politician Indira Gandhi a brilliant ballerina Maya Plisetskaya a great actress Ludmila Gurchenko overcame various obstacles on the way to glory, reached unprecedented heights in their profession.


According to the horoscope, Scorpios are people born from October 23 to November 22. Often these are closed, distrustful people, introverts. But often there are celebrity Scorpios - passionate, sensitive, thirsty for power. They do not need to be adored and loved by everyone. They need to be known! They knew about their activities and achievements. Many famous Scorpio people never forget the kindness and services rendered to them and generously thank them for them. But at the same time, they also do not forget the insult or insult inflicted on them.


Famous Scorpions have an original feature - they strive to make money, but money is not an end in itself for them. They treat money as an additional energy and the process of earning money as a path leading to fame and independence. This can explain the fact that both famous women and men born under this constellation are actively involved in charity work. The image is important to them, and not the monetary fortunes that there is no time to spend.

Characteristics of a man

A man draws attention to his person at first sight, even from his photo there are such vibes that you forget about appearance. He may have an unattractive appearance and have no end to women in love. These men are not only the most passionate and skillful lovers, but also great intellectuals. They can easily and painfully offend, “sting”, their poison is enough for more than one person.

They are feared, as they are carriers of powerful driving forces - aggression and sexuality. This combination both repels and attracts the fair sex. Celebrity Scorpio - Billionaire Roman Abramovich, prince Charles, one of the founders of Microsoft , actors Alain Delon and , singer Eros Ramazzotti, football players Pele and Diego Maradona.

A man long and biasedly chooses a lady of the heart, which he then quickly conquers. They are considered heartthrobs, but they are not, they just never back down from their goal.

Characteristics of a woman

She knows how to get a man's attention. He takes love seriously, with all his passion and energy. But marriage with her can become both a branch of heaven and hell on earth. A woman looks at her partner for a long time and intently, arranges “exams” for him before linking her life with him. She is used to everything happening according to her desire.

Many famous women have a great mind and have extraordinary abilities, strive for career growth. Famous Scorpio women who have achieved tremendous success in art, show business, politics and literary activity- Hollywood actresses Whoopi Goldberg and Julia Roberts, Opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya, composer Alexandra Pakhmutova, writer Lilya Brik, politician Hillary Clinton.


Famous Scorpios can have such a quality as a tendency to self-destruction - alcohol or drug abuse. There are famous women with a tragic fate, for example, the Queen of France Marie Antoinette and Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly. But in general, those born under one of the most beautiful constellations of the Milky Way have the ability to control their destiny and achieve success and fame in any area of ​​​​life and profession.

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Famous Scorpions - actors, musicians, writers, performers


The Scorpio sign is a combination of an outwardly imperturbable appearance (even a cold one), and a furious inner world. Scorpios make excellent representatives of show business and, in particular, actors.

Leonardo DiCaprio (November 11, 1974)

Leo's full name is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. 3 Academy Award nominations have resulted in an Academy Award. Leo also has a Golden Globe.
The glory of Leo was made by roles in blockbusters. Especially - "Romeo + Juliet" (1996), "Titanic" (1997), "Catch Me If You Can" (2002), "Gangs of New York" (2002), "The Aviator" (2004), "The Departed" ( 2006), Blood Diamond (2006).
Even in his youth, especially after the tearful role of Jack Dawson in Titanic, the whole world hit Leomania.
To the credit of the actor, it must be admitted that since his youth he tried to act in serious roles with serious directors. So Leo ended up with Woody Allen in "Celebrity" (the role just parodied the image of Leo himself), with Danny Boyle in "The Beach" and with Scorsese in "Shutter Island" (and not only) and with Christopher Nolan in "Inception".
Definitely, DiCaprio learned to play serious roles and absolutely deservedly won an Oscar for The Revenant (2016).

Jodie Foster (November 19, 1962)

Jodie Foster's real name is Alicia Christian Foster. She is a famous actress, director and producer. Foster, just refers to the celebrity children (like, for example) Drew Barrymore.
The first film role - "Taxi Driver" (1976) and immediately nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
Foster snatched her first Oscar for The Accused (Foster received the Best Actress award in 1989, the film itself was released in 1988).
The second Oscar (and this is just an extravaganza!) for Best Actress Jodie received in 1991 for her role in The Silence of the Lambs
The next Oscar nomination is Nell (1994).
Foster's other not-to-be-missed roles are Contact (1997), Panic Room (2002), Illusion of Deception (2005), Not Caught, Not a Thief (2006) and Courageous (2007).
You can't miss Massacre (2011, directed by Roman Polanski) for the world.
Foster's directorial debut Small man Tate (1991). And after that - "Home for the Holidays" (1995) and "The Beaver" (2011, with Mel Gibson).
In addition to 2 Oscars, Jodie has 3 BAFTAs, 3 Golden Globes, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Cecil DeMille Award.

Foster speaks fluent French and voices herself in the French voiceovers of her films. He also knows Spanish, Italian and German.

Luchino Visconti (November 2, 1906 - March 17, 1976)

The real name of one of the most famous film directors is Luchino Visconti di Modrone, Duke of Modrone. In addition to his work in films, Visconti was engaged in directing in the theater and writing scripts.
With the origin of the director was lucky. The Visconti family is one of the most ancient families in Italy (in Milan, where Luchino was born, there is the Visconti Sforza castle, and in Florence - the Visconti palace). From early childhood, little Luchino had the opportunity to communicate with the guests of the house - Giacomo Puccini, conductor Arturo Toscanini and writer Gabriele D'Annunzio.

In 1936 Visconti went to Paris. There, thanks to the patronage of Coco Chanel, he is hired (as an assistant) by the great Jean Renoir. After a short trip to Hollywood, Luchino returns to Italy, where he continues to work with Renoir.

The first script for his own directorial debut, Visconti writes together with Gianni Puccini, Antonio Pietrangeli and Giuseppe de Santis. It's about the film "Obsession" (1943). The script is based on the film noir The Postman Rings Twice. In 1948, Tremors was released (Visconti - screenplay and direction).
He briefly goes into neo-realism, then leaves it. And then he shoots "Rocco and his brothers" (1960, with Alain Delon. In 1963, the landmark film "Leopard" is released.
Almost all of Visconti's works as a director deserve attention. Pay particular attention to Twilight of the Gods.

Pablo Picasso (October 25, 1881 - April 8, 1973)

Picasso's full name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Maria De Los Remedios Cypriano de la Santisima Trinidad Clito Ruiz and Picasso. He is known as a painter, draftsman and sculptor. Picasso was originally from Spain, but spent most of his life in France.
Picasso's father José Ruiz was a naturalist, professor at the School of Crafts and curator at the local museum. From early childhood, Pablo began to draw, and his father taught him the basics of painting and drawing. But at the Academy of Arts (Academy of San Fernando) in Madrid, he studied for only a year. After that, Picasso fled to Paris.
First appearing in Paris in 1900, Picasso settled with the journalist and poet Max Jacob. To heat a tiny apartment, I had to use the paintings of Picasso himself.
The first years of the XX century. Pablo lived between Barcelona and Paris. It was in Barcelona that Picasso met Fernanda Olivier. It is she who will become the main model of the artist for the entire Pink period of his work. Having earned some money, Picasso changed both the period and the woman.
In Paris, he sets up a company of André Breton, Guillaume Apollinaire and Gertrude Stein. He marries several times and, at the same time, gets himself a bunch of mistresses.

At the end of 1930s. – early 1940s Picasso contacted the artist and photographer Dora Maar. It is Maar who captures for posterity the process of creating the masterpiece Guernica.

At the age of 70, Picasso moved to the south of France in Mougins, in the province of the Alps - Côte d'Azur. It was there that he died on April 8, 1973.

Julia Roberts (October 28, 1967)

The full name of the actress is Julia Fiona Roberts. Now she is known not only as an actress, but also as a producer. It was her rom-com Pretty Woman (1990) that brought her to fame, earning $464 million worldwide. After Golden Globes and Oscar nominations for Pretty Woman and Steel Magnolias (1989), Julia still wins an Oscar for Best Actress in Erin Brockovich (2000).
Her films Mystic Pizza, The Case of the Pelicans (1993), My Best Friend's Wedding (1997), Notting Hill (1999), Runaway Bride (1999), etc. have grossed $2.6 billion. . Thus, Julia became one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood. From 300 thousand dollars (the fee for "Pretty Woman"), her fee soared to 25 million for "Mona Lisa Smile" (2003). As of 2010, Roberts' fortune was estimated at $140 million.

Grace Kelly (November 12, 1929 - September 14, 1982)

Princess Grace of Monaco, wife of Prince Rainier III first became a movie star.
She is the embodiment of the fairy tale that made her the Cinderella of the 20th century.
Grace was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a large family. Throughout her career, she starred in 11 films. Career lasted 5 years. In 1954, Kelly won a Golden Globe and an Oscar for The Country Girl (1954) and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for Mogambo (1954).

Alfred Hitchcock directed her in Rear Window, Dial M for Murder (both 1954) and To Catch a Thief (1955). Moreover, Hitchcock always fell for blondes and Kelly was one of them.

In the end, the legendary actress chose the life of a princess (not entirely of her own free will).

Alain Delon (November 8, 1935)

Alain Delon is one of the most famous French actors known outside of France.
During his career, Delon starred with the greatest directors - Luchino Visconti, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Michelangelo Antonioni and Louis Malle.
In 1999, Delon received Swiss citizenship, the company representing his interests is located in Geneva.

Delon's career began in Cannes, where he was found by a talent agent working for David O. Selznick. He was ready to give Alain a job only if he learned English. Delon returned to Paris, where he met director Yves Allegre, who convinced him that his career should begin in France. The debut of the actor was the film When a Woman Intervenes (1957). But the first serious role was the image of Tom Ripley in Rene Clement's film "In the Bright Sun".
The role in Luchino Visconti's film "Rocco and His Brothers" only strengthened Delon's status as a serious actor, and not just Brigitte Bardot in his pants.
Delon first appeared on stage in 1961. Together with Romy Schneider, he played in John Ford's play Tis Pity She's a Whore. The play was staged (again) by Visconti.
Jean-Pierre Melville Delon played more than one role. The film "Samurai" (1967) is considered by many to be the best
For Bertrand Blier's Our History (1984), Delon was given the César for Best Actor.
In 1997, Delon announced that he wanted to end his career. But sometimes he still agrees to act in films.

Other Famous Scorpios

    • Katy Perry (singer)
    • Hillary Clinton (politician)
    • Bill Gates (handless merchant)
    • Sophie Marceau (film actress)
    • Demi Moore (film actress)
    • Aishwarya Rai (Indian actress)
    • Ryan Gosling (film actor)
    • Bjork (freak)
    • Gerard Butler (film actor)
    • Joaquin Phoenix (film actor)
    • Charles Manson (mass murderer)
    • Anne Hathaway (film actress)
    • Ryan Reynolds (film actor)
    • Winona Ryder (film actress)
    • Matthew McConaughey (film actor)
    • Emma Stone (film actress)
    • Rachel McAdams (film actress)
    • Charles de Gaulle (legend of politics)
    • Marie Curie (a legend of science)
    • Prince Charles (Windsor)
    • Marie Antoinette (politics legend)
    • Anthony Kiedis (RHCP)
    • Meg Ryan (film actress)
    • Jeff Buckley (musician)
    • Kris Jenner (TV presenter)
    • François Mitterrand (politician)
    • Sathya Sai Baba (guru)
    • Gordon Ramsay (the richest chef in the world)
    • Vivien Leigh (movie legend)
    • Chara (pop singer)
    • Albert Camus (writer)
    • Indira Gandhi (politician)
    • David Guetta (DJ)
    • Richard Burton (film actor)
    • Lordi (performer)
    • Brittany Murphy (film actress)
    • Fyodor Dostoyevsky (writer)
    • Astrid Lindgren (writer)
    • Goldie Hawn (film actress)
    • Voltaire (thinker)
    • Martin Scorsese (film director)
    • Whoopi Goldberg (film actress)
    • Mark Ruffalo (film actor)
    • Owen Wilson (film actor)
    • Sylvia Platt (poet)
    • Josh Duhamel (film actor)
    • Callista Flockhart (film actress)
    • Ethan Hawke (film actor)
    • Diego Maradona (football legend)
    • Mads Mikkelsen (film actor)
    • Keith Urban (musician)
    • Neil Young (musician)
    • David Schwimmer (Friends)
    • Eros Ramazzotti (pop singer)
    • Jamie Lee Curtis (film actress)
    • Rene Magritte (artist)
    • Puff Daddy (rapper)
    • Joe Dassin (pop singer)
    • Charles Bronson (film actor)
    • Christopher Columbus (navigator)
    • Joni Mitchell (singer)
    • Vermeer (painter)
    • Tilda Swinton (model, cult actress)
    • Theodore Roosevelt (US President)
    • Bryan Adams (pop singer)
    • Seth MacFarlane (film actor)
    • Chloe Sevigny (film actress)
    • Dolph Lundgren (action hero)
    • Joseph Goebbels (PR legend)
    • Anna Wintour (fashion legend)
    • Famke Jannsen (film actress)
    • Claude Monet (artist)
    • George Patton (great general
    • Kim Wilde (pop singer)
    • Carl Sagan (religious physicist)
    • Danny DeVito (film actor)
    • Robert Kennedy (senator)
    • Bo Derek (film actress)
    • Andrzej Zulawski (film director)
    • Olga Kurylenko (actress)
    • Gabrielle Union (Negro actress and model)
    • Chris Noth (Mr Big from Sex and the City)
    • Chad Kroeger (Nickelback)
    • Sarah Bernhardt (theater legend)
    • Rebecca Romijn (television and film actress)
    • John Cleese (showbiz legend)
    • Boris Becker (tennis player)
    • Erwin Rommel (great military leader)
    • Jimmy Kimmel (TV presenter)
    • Kirk Hammett (Metallica)
    • Alexandra David-Neel (spiritualist)
    • Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane)
    • Auguste Rodin (sculptor)
    • Bud Spencer (comedian, film actor)
    • Martin Luther (religious revolutionary)
    • Art Garfunkel (Simon and Garfunkel)
    • Robert-Lewis Stevenson (writer)
    • Roberto Benigni (film actor)
    • Burt Lancaster (film actor)
    • Leon Trotsky (revolutionary)
    • René Guénon (mystic)
    • Kevin Kline (film actor)
    • Piper Perabo (film actress)
    • Marco Van Basten (football player)
    • Rufus Sewell (film actor)
    • Gene Seberg (movie legend)
    • John Keats (poet)
    • Niccolo Paganini (music legend)
    • Neil Gaiman (visionary)
    • Dylan McDermott (film actor)
    • Sam Rockwell (film actor)
    • Suleiman the Magnificent (politics legend)
    • Michael Ende (The Neverending Story)
    • Kurt Vonnegut (writer)
    • Georges Bizet (composer)
    • Dermot Mulroney (film actor)
    • Ennio Morricone (film composer)
    • Louise Brooks (movie legend)
    • Peter Jackson (film director)
    • Michael Crichton (writer, screenwriter)
    • Richard Dreyfuss (film actor)
    • Bill Wyman (The Rolling Stones)

Let's see which of the star-actors belongs to the strongest zodiac sign Scorpio. The smallest "scorpion" who has adopted something from the previous sign of Libra is the wife of Tom Hanks Rita Wilson, which will celebrate its 57th anniversary on October 26.

On October 28, the 46th anniversary will be celebrated by the Oscar winner and mother of three children with a radiant smile - "Pretty Woman" Julia Roberts. At the beginning of next year, on January 30, the premiere of the film directed by John Wells "August" will take place, in which, along with "scorpion" Roberts, viewers will be able to see such stars as Meryl Streep, Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliette Lewis and Dermot Mulroney .

The next day, October 29, will be 42 years old Winona Ryder, which will also soon be seen in cinemas in Russia. On November 28, the action movie starring Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder and Kate Bosworth will premiere.

November 3 - birthday Dolph Lundgren, a regular participant in action-packed action films with two higher education, knowledge of five languages ​​and a black belt in karate. Despite the fact that Lundgren will be 56 years old, he is still actively acting in films. So, in 2014, three films with his participation will be released at once, and these, of course, will be action films.

Diverse actor Matthew McConaughey will celebrate its 44th anniversary on November 4th. This year, McConaughey starred in two series, one of which, the drama Dallas Buyers Club, will reach Russian TV screens on February 17, 2014. This real story about the Texan Ron Woodroof, who managed to cash in on his own misfortune.

On November 6, two "scorpions" of very different age categories were born. Two-time Oscar winner Sally Field Golden Globe nominee and new Spider-Man companion turns 67 Emme Stone, who also played in the wonderful comedy "This Stupid Love", a small semi-circular anniversary - 25 years.

November 8 is notable for two bright names of Russian and French cinema - Oleg Menshikov and Alain Delon. Menshikov will turn 53, Delon - already 78.

November 11, two anniversaries at once - the owner of the Golden Globe Leonardo DiCaprio celebrates her 39th birthday, and the Golden Globe nominee and recently divorced Ashton Kutcher Demmy Moor this year 51.

DiCaprio recently completed work with his favorite director Martin Scorsese in the drama The Wolf of Wall Street. The film is slated for a worldwide release on November 15th.

On November 12, the owner of a very fresh Oscar for her role in the musical Les Misérables will turn 31. Ann Hataway. On the screens of cinemas, Russian viewers will not see Hathaway so soon - only in July 2014, when the film “Once Upon a Time in New York” is released, but you can hear her voice already in March 2014, in the cartoon “Rio 2”.

The next day, November 13, the favorite of the female half of the audience, the actor, celebrates his 44th birthday. Gerard Butler. Currently, Butler is preparing to play the lead role of football player Nikolai Trusevich in the US-produced drama Dynamo about the famous death match.

A native of Ukraine, and now a Hollywood diva Olga Kurilenko, who recently starred in the fantasy drama Oblivion with Tom Cruise, will celebrate her 34th birthday on November 14.

On February 13, 2014, Kurylenko will again appear on the screens of Russian cinemas in Mark Waters' drama Vampire Academy.

beautiful french woman Sophie Marceau November 17 will be 47 years old. At the end of the month, Marceau can be seen in cinemas in Jean-Paul Lilienfeld's new thriller Arrest Me.

"Queen of melodrama" Meg Ryan from "You've Got Mail" with three nominations for the "Golden Globe" in acting luggage will celebrate its 52nd anniversary on November 19. In June of this year, the series "Web Therapy" was released on Russian television screens with the participation of Ryan.

Another rom-com legend is the Oscar winner and long-term wife of actor Kurt Russell. Goldie Hawn will celebrate its 68th anniversary on November 21st. Now the actress is no longer acting in films, now her interests are directed towards the problems of ecology and animal protection.

And the beauty born on November 22 completes the list of famous "scorpions" Scarlett Johansson, which literally just could be seen in cinemas in the new project of Joseph Gordon-Levitt "Don Juan".

Four-time Golden Globe nominee Johansson will soon delight Russian audiences again with her appearance in the film Get In My Skin. The premiere of a fantastic picture by John Glaser is scheduled for December this year.

What unites Demi Moore and the writer Turgenev? Both of these celebrities according to the horoscope Scorpio. They can be described as people who are used to achieving their goals.

Celebrities Scorpios - who are they?

Scorpios, by their nature, are achievers and are not used to setting small goals. Therefore, everything that the representatives of this zodiac sign take on often turns into a stunning success and recognition from the outside for them.

Scorpions have one interesting feature– it is insanely important for them that they have money, but money is absolutely not important for them. Like this? It turns out that money for Scorpios is additional energy, but the process of earning them is more interesting, because. it can lead to fame, success and independence.

That is why celebrities of this sign actively began to engage in charity. After all, their image is much more important to them than bags of money that they have no time to spend.

There are a lot of people working in various fields of activity that are becoming more and more popular in society, but the most popular celebrities are Scorpios, who are often under special rays of glory. These people never strive to be loved by everyone ...

Not at all. They need to be known! We knew about their activities, what they cost, what they are, etc. But to love - no! Scorpios are very selfish people, so if they want to achieve success in life, they are not shy about anything and go ahead.

The Secret to Celebrity Success Among Scorpios

Representatives of this zodiac sign, regardless of whether they are men or women, have the opportunity to become famous in absolutely any field. Well-developed intuition helps Scorpios decide what area of ​​life they will go to conquer.

Often, well-known Scorpio writers, actors, singers already know from childhood where they would like to study, work, and grow on themselves. This is a kind distinguishing feature representatives of this zodiac.

Even having achieved success, becoming popular and in demand, Scorpions tend to criticize themselves. On the one hand, these are very strong personalities who are always focused on themselves, on their desires and needs.

Therefore, it is surprising that they can behave this way. But on the other hand, Scorpios are very vulnerable to non-constructive criticism. Not only will Scorpios never be satisfied with their work, but if others notice some invisible oversight, Scorpio will have to be cheered up for a long time.

However, Scorpios have a special skill that is very controversial. Scorpios are very self-destructive. They often look for answers in alcohol, drugs or smoking.

This can be seen in the example of modern celebrities. But they also have the ability to heal themselves. No one understands how they do it, but Scorpios are free to control their own destiny.

Famous actors, singers, historical figures - Scorpions

Christopher Columbus - probably, it’s not even worth saying what the celebrity did and what he achieved. However. For those who don't know, he discovered America.

Erasmus of Rotterdam is a famous philologist, teacher, humanist, satirist and theologian.

Ferdinand Magellan - the man who made the first trip around the world.

Martin Luther is a famous theologian, famous for translating the Bible into German.

Mikhail Lomonosov is a famous Russian physicist, chemist, naturalist, and scientist.

Niccolo Paganini is a maestro of music, an unsurpassed violin and guitar virtuoso, and an excellent composer.

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev are great Russian writers.

Cesare Lombroso - the most famous person in the field of psychiatry, opened the anthropological direction in criminology.

Alfred Sisley is a French painter and landscape painter.

Rene Rodin is a famous sculptor.

Astrid Lindgren is a Swedish writer.

Indira Gandhi is the most famous political celebrity in India.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is an artist with a capital letter, an actress and a Russian pop singer.

Whoopi Goldberg is an unsurpassed American actress, producer, TV presenter and impeccable screenwriter.

Demi Moore is a famous American film actress.

These are not all Scorpios who have achieved success in life. This list shows that among the Scorpios there are representatives of completely different directions. There are pioneers, pioneers, researchers, creative people, etc. here.

This once again proves the fact that Scorpios are incredibly developed personalities who can achieve high results regardless of the year of birth, gender, level of development of corruption and other things. Scorpios are strong by nature, so they go not only to a high goal, but also to universal recognition.

Representatives of the eighth sign of the zodiac - Scorpio - are considered outstanding personalities: they know how to attract attention, love beautiful things and a sincere atmosphere. Once you meet them, you can't get them out of your head. But at the same time, representatives of this sign have many shortcomings: stubbornness, careerism, frequent mood swings and hobbies. True, these qualities only complement and brighten people born under the star of Scorpio. Let's see who these characteristics helped to succeed. Photos of Scorpions celebrities are also posted in the article.

America's Discoverer

Christopher Columbus was born under a lucky star. Four successful sea expeditions have made his name in world history. He discovered America, Cuba, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, brought potatoes, tobacco, and corn to the European continent. If not for his courageous desire to conquer the world, then the development of many countries simply would not have been realized.

Eternal "friend"

The Scorpio star is best known for his role in the television series Friends. For 10 years, the television saga about 6 young people from New York has captured the eyes of millions of viewers from all over the world. The role of Ross was surprisingly boring. Well, who would like a loser with an interest in dinosaurs who was dumped by his wife for another woman? But thanks to perseverance and charm, the actor was able to win the love and respect of viewers around the world. Moreover, the characteristic feature of the Scorpions - not to sit idly by - just manifested itself in Schwimmer. He became a producer, director and screenwriter of many television projects. And the success of American Crime Story only cemented its popularity.

star boy

Nobody needs to introduce Leonardo DiCaprio. This celebrity is a Scorpio man. Appearing once as a little boy in the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?", He immediately attracted the attention of millions of critics with a brilliant performance. Later, Titanic, Inception, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Django Unchained appeared on his cinematic list. These are films that have stayed on top lists for decades. True, when there was an Oscar for the film Titanic, his name was not even included in the list of nominees. He got angry. But, like a true Scorpio, he swallowed the grudge and proved that he is capable of something that many cannot even imagine. In The Revenant, his character wrestled with a bear, and this scene became one of the best in cinema. According to many, it was for her that he was given the long-awaited film award.

"God's Golden Hand"

“Football God”, “Golden Leg”, “Gift of God” - these epithets and many others refer to the bright representative of the “clan” of Scorpions, football player Diego Maradona. He is also a Scorpio star. His career is still legendary. The way he gave himself to the game, how he fought to the last for the victory of the team is an example to follow for young players in the world. But after a brilliant career, a period of drugs, drunkenness and hooliganism began. But, as a true representative of his sign, he found the strength to rise again and become a successful and healthy pensioner.

The most famous governor

The Chukotka region has never attracted the attention of tourists and ordinary people. It was believed that there are constant frosts, cold, blizzard and caviar. But with the advent of the governor, the Soviet businessman Roman Abramovich, this region made itself known to all. Under his able leadership, Abramovich brought Chukotka out of the economic crisis. But he also took care of himself by buying the English football club Chelsea. By this, he proved that Scorpios often change their occupation. A profitable place is not the main thing for them, but they want to enjoy their work.

The richest man in the world

Bill Gates, as a bright representative of celebrities under the sign of Scorpio, has proven that they do not like to sit around doing nothing. At a young age, he came up with the Microsoft company, which allowed him to become the richest man in the world. Computer developments and improvements in the work of the company helped him to be at the top of the list of the richest people in the world for several decades. After the termination of work in this direction, he headed the fund for the protection of nature. Having switched to environmental work, the billionaire began to glow with happiness, which once again proves that it is important for Scorpios to feel important in an interesting job.


Whoopi Goldberg is a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. Her name did not leave the pages of the most famous newspapers in the world. Many recognized her as the best comedy actress. But she entered the history of cinema as an actress of the tragic genre. For the film "Purple Blossom" she was even nominated for the main thing that was noted after working with her - this is the ability to give joy to people. Looking at her wide smile, there is no doubt about it. But she was not always so cheerful and cheerful. The iron character inherent in Scorpios helped her overcome beatings and bullying from her father, drinking and beatings from her husband, constant miscarriages and hints from producers about bad appearance.

The woman who gave heroes

Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren is also a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. She dreamed of writing books all her life. But the household, two children and caring for her husband did not give her the opportunity to fully immerse herself in the literary world. During her daughter's illness, she nevertheless took the reins of power over her fate into her own hands and wrote a story about the adventures of the Kid and Carlson. Later, such works as "Pippi Longstocking", "Brothers Lionheart", "Mio, my Mio" were written. These stories bring up more than one generation of young people, investing the best qualities inherent in the writer Scorpio. After all, only this zodiac sign is not afraid to drastically change his life.

"Lower Society Princess"

Actress Julia Roberts is a worldwide celebrity, Scorpio woman. She never considered her life hard. She thought that everything could be achieved only through incredible work. There were days when she had 25 auditions a day. Her legs were buzzing with fatigue, but the only thing she heard from the producers was the phrase "You have an ugly appearance." Any woman would give up trying to become famous, but it paid off. She was invited to a role in the film "Steel Magnolias". It received several Oscar nominations at once. She was noticed. And success was secured by the film "Pretty Woman", in which she played the role of a prostitute who fell in love with a millionaire. Later, she secured a successful career by receiving a golden statuette. She also took place in the family plan: she has three children and a charming husband. The main quality of Scorpio inherent in the actress is the ability not to sit idly by, constant work on oneself.

"Unrejected" actress

Anne Hathaway is another celebrity Scorpio by horoscope. She was never afraid to experiment in the acting profession. In her professional portfolio there are very explicit roles that more eminent actresses refused (for example, the role of a freedom-loving wife in Brokeback Mountain or a sick girl in the sexual drama Love and Other Medicines). But she did not stop experimenting with roles, changing her image. From a long-haired beauty, she turned into a short-haired girl for a role in the movie Les Misérables. She finally achieved real recognition - she won the Oscar for Best Actress. But even this peak seemed too small for her. She found a husband to match and gave birth to a baby from him, becoming a happy mother. Now she combines the joy of motherhood and career. The character of Scorpio manifested itself in emancipation and the desire to impress other people, but at the same time make yourself happy.

Girl not from this time

This is what critics called the actress Scarlett Johansson (she is also the star of Scorpio) after the release of the film "Pearl Earring". She quickly gained popularity, received four Oscar nominations. But never in her career were there similar roles to each other. She excels in both comedy and drama. She believes that the stagnation in emotionally is the worst thing that can happen to an artist. Therefore, all his potential directs to self-improvement.

Not the first iron lady

Hillary Clinton has become a household name among the first ladies of American presidents. She was able to absorb the style of Jacqueline Kennedy, the wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt and the mind of Martha Washington. She showed Scorpio willpower during the discovery of her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky. She not only forgave her unfaithful spouse, but also dared to declare it on television. It turned out to be easier for her to forgive than to start looking for a new soul mate and abandon past happy memories. The role of the first lady turned out to be so small that she decided to first run for governor, and later for president. And although she did not win a victory, the number of her fans is constantly growing.

Great director

With a good dozen paintings included in the top list of the best movies in the world. "The Departed", "Goodfellas", "Shutter Island", "Casino" and other tapes opened the director's side of the man in different ways. And this is one of the main features of Scorpio - to constantly improve and find endless ideas within themselves.

Vivien Leigh

Who else was born under the zodiac sign Scorpio? Celebrity Vivien Leigh is a fatal beauty who became famous for her role as Scarlett O'Hara. She was so irresistible that she even captivated the heart for a while. Millions of girls of that time envied her that she could be (albeit for a short time and pretend) in the arms of this handsome man. But she showed scorpion fortitude and remained faithful to her husband Laurence Olivier. In addition to popularity, this picture brought her the coveted statuette.


Without watching the films of Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov, not a single one will succeed New Year. And even without holidays, his films leave a piece of warmth of the great director. Despite the fact that almost all of his films are comedies, the director found the right shots to penetrate people's souls and make them think about many things. Eldar Alexandrovich had to use Scorpio in the fight against the Soviet Ministry of Culture, which wanted to mercilessly cut "undesirable" films. But it is thanks to these scenes that the master's films are so fond of people. Now it is already impossible to imagine that someone would not watch "The Irony of Fate", "Office Romance", "Forgotten Melody for the Flute", "Girl without an Address". These films have long become classics, on which many generations grew up.