Women's rune tattoos.  Why is a tattoo with Runes dangerous? Scandinavian runes and their meanings

Tattoos and their meaning: 4 main types with explanations + 3 life stories + opinion of psychologists.

Looked through three hundred sketches, fifteen Instagram profiles and a couple of dozen videos to choose the right tattoo for yourself? And rightly so, because tattoos and their meanings can significantly affect your life.

No, we are not talking about the fact that an employer can refuse you because of half-back domes if you came to get a job as a children's swimming coach. We are talking about the magical meaning of drawings on the skin.

Tattoos: the meaning of 4 main types of esoteric drawings on the body

You can delve into it endlessly, but why, if experts combine them into 4 groups for convenience?

1. “I figured out the infinity sign: the meaning of the tattoo.

"Infinity" is one of the most popular tattoos among those who want to put a sacred meaning into the signs on the body.

Magicians claim that the meaning of this tattoo is as follows:

  • First of all, it helps its owner to feel deeper, thinner people and processes, to delve into their essence.
    It will be difficult to fool you, as you will literally begin to "read" the interlocutors;
  • Also, such a tattoo is suitable for those people who have a difficult relationship with time: they either grab everything and never get anything done, or vice versa - they are obsessed with planning and deadlines.
    It is the “sign of infinity” tattoo that will help in this case to find harmony with time.

2. Pentagrams: the meaning of the tattoo.

The pentogram (outlined five-pointed star) is one of the richest tattoos in terms of magical meaning:

  • protects the owner from the influence of evil forces, no matter what guise they are in - your neighbor Aunt Valya or the spirit from the cemetery. Now you can not be afraid of damage, the evil eye and other negative magical influences;
  • such a tattoo also activates your luck. It is about people that they say to her: “This is lucky!”;
  • helps to maintain health for many years. Therefore, very often, magicians recommend applying such a tattoo to people over 40 years old .;
  • the pentogram will also help you master the art of attentive listening. That is, very soon you will gain a reputation as a wonderful interlocutor.

3. Mandalas: the meaning of the tattoo.

Mandalas are circular figures into which many geometric objects are inscribed. It has long symbolized the harmony, integrity of man, his unity with the universe.

Tattoos in the form of mandalas will help bring lightness and even development in all areas to your destiny.

Let's say if you are a typical representative of the "office plankton", then such a drawing can push you to find a creative hobby. Don't be surprised if you suddenly develop a passion for painting or acting.

4. Runes: the meaning of the 6 main runes.

Those who decide to fill the ancient Scandinavian letters - - need to know the meanings of such tattoos, because sometimes they are completely different:

So for all the "iron ladies" who dream of a prince on a white horse, such a tattoo will only benefit. It will teach you to leave your commanding habits at work.

The meaning of this tattoo portends the owner of renewal in all areas of life - from career to personal relationships.
Therefore, such a tattoo is suitable for those who have realized that they live in a real “Groundhog Day” - neither novelty nor pleasure. Drawing will help to open new facets in life.

Such a tattoo is a real find for men, as it gives its owner courage, the ability to endure the blows of fate, and reduces the intrigues of opponents.

In a word, what is needed in the current cruel world: you will deal with a competitor in business, and you will beat off a worthy young lady from other men.

The value of this drawing is positive for sharp, quick-tempered people, because the rune gives its owner not only good health, but also composure, the ability to control himself, build long-term, stable relationships.

Beautiful rune, beautiful tattoo meaning:

  • justice will always be on your side;
  • reasonable desires with the help of such a sign will be easily fulfilled.
  • in your home will always be satisfying and comfortable.

  • Such an elegant tattoo will help both a woman and a man to open up 100%: both at work and in love relationships, and in creativity you will shine.
  • In addition, this tattoo will provide you with the support of other people, even in those situations in which you did not count on it.

Esotericists remind that there are much more runes, but it is the 6 given that are ideal for applying to the body in the form of a tattoo.

Fatal tattoos: the meaning that you definitely won’t like, or 3 stories about how drawings on the skin affected life

Each more or less experienced tattoo artist will tell you not only about tattoos and their meanings, but also a couple of chilling stories about how an inappropriate drawing ruined a person's life.
  1. “Once a girl came to me in tears: she asked me to remove the hieroglyph from the buttock or change it to something else.

    She made this tattoo a year ago, since then she managed to give birth to a dead, premature baby, her husband left her, and she was kicked out of work.

    After a series of these troubles, it finally occurred to her to ask knowledgeable people, what is it she stuffed herself on the pope.

    It turned out that the meaning of the tattoo in Japanese is “demon”. Question: where did she look before? Do not repeat her mistakes, do not get a tattoo if it has a negative meaning!

    asks tattoo artist Vladimir from Kyiv.
  2. He is fully supported by his colleague Kirill from Krasnodar: “And I happened to cover the tattoo. Guess who stuffed this: a paratrooper!

    The one who risks his life almost every day! He said that after applying this tattoo he was unlucky and he was seriously afraid for his career. And if I were him, I would be afraid not only for her.

  3. “It would seem that a harmless butterfly tattoo should decorate the shoulder of a cute 16-year-old young lady. But I myself witnessed how a girl, after applying a tattoo, “went from hand to hand”, to a man’s ...

    This is very scary and sad. And not a single guy treated her with respect. Before the removal of this tattoo, the girl could not only get married, but even just have a serious relationship.

    For those who are "not in that: many interpret the butterfly as a sign of a prostitute who makes a living with her body"

    ”- says tattoo artist Alexander from St. Petersburg.

What power lies in magical tattoos?

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Tattoos and their meanings: the opinion of psychologists ...

Professional psychologists explain the magical effect of tattoos on people in their own way: they say, by inflicting something evil, a person positions himself that way, and since a tattoo is forever, this condition only gets worse over time.

For example, seeing every morning the muzzle of a wolf on his forearm, the guy, before leaving the house, will be aggressive, people will respond to him in the same way, and then this behavior will only be fixed.

Also, the girl from story #3 was provoked by a butterfly tattoo to act frivolously.

The same applies to the positive meaning of a tattoo: if a person is sure that some sign helps him in life, then why not?

Whatever it was, without having studied the tattoos and their meanings properly, do not rush to run to the tattoo parlor. You don’t want to get a sign that carries negativity instead of a beautiful symbol, do you?

In addition, you should not completely rely on the all-knowing Google, consult with an experienced master.

Runic tattoos often act as talismans. Images are applied to the body in order to protect oneself from troubles and the machinations of dark forces, they help to more clearly manifest the positive qualities of a person and find the path to life's purpose.

Slavic tattoos are mentioned in historical sources - ancestors often painted themselves almost to the very heels. These tattoos did not always include ancient signs, sometimes they were animals or the faces of deceased relatives. The Vikings applied runes to their fingers and nails to increase protection from negative energy.

It is believed that tattoo runes connect the wearer to the egregor of the ancient pagan gods. Thus, he falls under the protection of higher powers and gains access to the hidden.

What runes can be applied to the body

Runes are able to feed the carrier with the energy of the cosmos. Runic tattoos are a mechanism by which a person learns to cope with life's difficulties. Like an occult tool that carries a power charge, runes have a shadow side, so it is important to consider the magical meaning of signs for a tattoo.

In order not to harm himself, a person must understand the inner meaning of the runes that he is going to apply to the body. In addition to understanding, awareness of actions is important: runes begin work immediately after application and continue to influence a person throughout life. It is impossible to stop the action of a tattoo with runes, even by removing the image with a laser.

It is not recommended to use runes that carry a negative or destructive value. Among the Scandinavian futhark, these include Nautiz and Isa - runologists call them symbols of corruption and negative energy. These two signs carry a strong energy, which not everyone can subdue.

Practitioners are wary of Turisaz, Soule and Perth. Turisaz is used only by experienced operators, because it requires control in management. Soulu is attracted to the life of the carrier by difficult situations; they will almost certainly break a person who is not strong enough in will. Perth transforms the personality and the space around, the constant effect of such a tattoo is difficult to withstand.

It is better to select runes with clearly marked positive energy, as well as those that do not have an inverted position - so you can be sure that the person’s intention will not be distorted after tattooing.

The energy of the runes is divided into female and male. Representatives of the weaker sex are not recommended to choose symbols with bright male energy for tattoos, otherwise their character will acquire sharp and aggressive features. By the same principle, men should not “stuff” typically female runes.

Slavic runes for tattoos:

  • World personifies the World Tree, calls for the patronage of higher powers. Stimulates manifestations of altruism, does not allow to commit negative deeds, even with a good purpose.
  • Chernobog destroys negative and obsolete ties from the past. The rune helps to find a way out of the vicious circle.
  • Rainbow helps in finding life path. A person must comply with the laws of the universe in order not to get a kickback and not lose everything that he has achieved with the help of a tattoo.
  • Alatyr- one of the most popular Slavic runic tattoos. The symbol helps to achieve inner balance.
  • Treba symbolizes the will, increases the strength of the spirit, helps to determine the right intentions and establish a set of internal rules.
  • Need is interpreted as an appeal to the dark deities who give trials to the chosen ones from among mortals. The rune symbolizes the fetters that hold the human soul, torn to freedom.
  • Tattoo Wind gives the wearer constant inspiration and creative energy. If a person incorrectly uses the energy of the rune, then he gets stagnation in business, or, conversely, complete devastation in life.
  • Bereginya refers to purely female runes. The symbol helps to establish relations with relatives, gently come to motherhood and maintain a home.
  • Strength personifies physical and spiritual power, helps to get rid of unnecessary people, emotions and events.
  • Oud reveals the sexual energy of men and women, brings relationships between partners to harmony and opens the thirst for life.
  • Dazhdbog personifies abundance, only luck and material wealth pour on the wearer. The rune is suitable only for hardworking people whose thoughts are pure. The lazy and vile energy of the symbol severely punishes.
  • Krada awakens leadership qualities in a person.
  • Lelya strengthens the girls' spiritual connection with their ancestors and sharpens the "sixth sense".
  • Support how a tattoo calls for the help of higher powers and sets up a channel for communication with Rod.
  • Perun It is used to protect against dark forces and negative manifestations of enemies, from the evil eye and damage.
  • Source helps to achieve harmony and balance.
  • Rock- a rune that acts dramatically. The influence of the rune extends to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdestiny, so you need to use it as a tattoo carefully, preferably as part of a rune formula.
  • Rune There is gives impetus to moving forward, speeds up processes and helps to achieve quick results.

Scandinavian runes for tattoos:

  • Laguz refers to female runes. The symbol increases vitality, accumulates energy and more clearly shows innate talents.
  • Uruz maintains the wearer's health. The sign attracts non-standard and exciting situations into a person’s life.
  • Turisaz it is better to use in combination with other symbols, the sign shows beneficial features in security scripts.
  • Kano reinforces the runestavs, in which it is included. By itself, it can radically change a person’s life, attract love and improve health.
  • Hyères has another name - "the rune of fulfillment of desires." The energy of the symbol brings closer the receipt of material benefits from the initiated projects and attracts well-being.
  • Mannaz awakens in the wearer a craving for knowledge, gives the ability to learn at a faster rate, sharpens intuition.
  • Fehu brings material well-being to the wearer.
  • Vunyo It is also called the “runes of joy”, because it helps to fulfill desires and makes you listen to the voice of the inner child.
  • Gebo gives the wearer self-confidence and come to a state of inner harmony.
  • Berkana- a female rune that awakens the feminine, leads to motherhood.

Runes for men

The frankly masculine runes of the Scandinavian Futhark include the symbols of the first atta, but Uruz, Kano, Fehu, Vunyo and Gebo are recommended for applying to the body as a tattoo. The other three - Raido, Turisaz and Ansuz are too ambiguous to use their energy on an ongoing basis.

For a "Slavic" tattoo, all runes are suitable for men, with the exception of two female ones.

In ancient times, the ancestors applied more aggressive symbols to the body. Warriors often used the effect of rune tattoos to protect themselves from death in battle, to awaken courage in themselves, and to achieve victory. Today, this use of symbols is not in demand.

Runes for women

Laguz, Odal and Berkana are considered female runes in the Scandinavian Futhark. Among the Slavic signs, Lelya and Bereginya carry similar energy. The signs are associated with the awakening of the feminine, pregnancy and motherhood, the preservation and maintenance of the family. The influence of these symbols awakens femininity in the bearer, sharpens intuition and helps to improve relations with ancestors and the opposite sex.

Of course, the representatives of the fair half boldly use other symbols, combine female runes with universal ones, weave signs into chains and runes.

Rules for applying runic tattoos

Masters adhere to the rules when applying rune tattoos. These rules determine the appearance of the tattoo and enhance the magical influence of the symbols.

  1. Runes are applied with gray, red or black ink.
  2. Rune tattoos are made small and placed on the wrists, forearms, back, arms, neck or legs. If the rune has the opposite position, it is worth picking up a part of the body where the tattoo will not turn over.
  3. Additional symbols and patterns are not welcome.
  4. Make sure that the action of the rune will only be beneficial and will not cause mental, mental and physical harm to him and others. First, apply a temporary tattoo and track the effect of the rune on life.
  5. Runic ligatures are stuffed so that they are read from the side of the person looking at the wearer.

Tattoo Options

Runic tattoos - amulets.

Old Slavonic amulets are popular, runes that are suitable in meaning are entered into some. Common - Burdock, Molvinets, Perun's Axe, Ladinets, Kolovrat.

Among the Scandinavian symbols are the Runic Compass, the Hammer of Thor, the Triangle of Odin.

totem animals

The Slavs noted the connection of animals with the gods, and also associated their qualities with human ones. Ancestors believed that every person has at least one totem patron animal.

Rune tattoos are sometimes supplemented with images of totem animals. You can find out which animal corresponds to you using special tables, as well as simple techniques that involve immersion in the alpha state.

Impact on life

Tree tattoo - symbolizes life.

Rune tattoos help to overcome any difficulties. In return, the signs require payment - this is not about bloody sacrifices, but about constant work on oneself. A person is forced to maintain an acceptable level of awareness, not to do evil and not to cause harm to others intentionally. Sometimes connections with people, places and events go into payment, sometimes the matter is limited to a change in worldview and place of residence.

The tattoo will require payment not immediately, but in a couple of years - this applies to the "dark" runes, whose energy is directed to transformation and destruction.

The meaning and effect of a rune tattoo is not just durable, it remains with a person forever. Therefore, the majority does not dare to resort to the help of ancient symbols.

Many have heard of the Feng Shui system. Some may have used it on themselves. They arranged the furniture correctly, ennobled the space with the necessary symbols and objects. But if the interior decoration can be removed. Rearrange the furniture that was placed according to Feng Shui, but does not fit into the overall interior or layout. Then with signs in the form of tattoos applied to the body, things are much more serious.

Rune tattoos are becoming more and more popular. And such drawings on the body can be found not only among a certain circle of people united by common interests. More and more young girls and boys, mindlessly following fashion trends, put runes on their bodies. As tattoo artists like to joke: we work with high quality, our tattoo will stay on your body for seven weeks after death. That is, it is forever. Before deciding on such an act, you need to study well the meaning of each rune.

Please note that runes have different strengths. And if you choose a strong enough, powerful rune as your body decoration, then be prepared for any changes in fate. And do not expect your life to improve, wealth and fame will fall on your head, you will meet the love you dreamed of and so on. The power hidden in these ancient signs is able to launch programs that have previously been dormant in your subconscious. Accelerate some internal energy processes, or slow down the current ones. And who knows what your subconscious is hiding.

Everything in the Universe happens according to certain laws. And no one has repealed the law of pairing or interchangeability. If you are trying to activate energy processes, then you will have to give something in return. And no one can predict the result of such a barter with the Universe. Moreover, you can get the result of your rash act or the wrong choice of a rune many years after you get a tattoo. By that time, you can already forget about its existence or about its sacred, true meaning. And it's good if you meet a person who has strong enough abilities. Who can find the cause of your troubles. But by and large, various sorcerers and psychics, the maximum that they can see is a terrible evil eye, damage or a curse. And you will get rid of, trying to return the curse to yourself. And wonder why the situation has not improved, but it has become even worse.

You can stop the influence of the rune on you only by removing it completely or blocking it with a stronger sign. Since a tattoo is very expensive to remove. And not all such body decorations can be removed; you will have to look for a symbol that is more powerful in its energy. And it's not so easy. Therefore, think well before you make yourself a rune tattoo.

Each person has their own unique destiny. The body is his main instrument and mediator in connection with higher powers. Since ancient times, many peoples have decorated it with drawings and scars, magical messages, images of gods and totem animals. It was believed that each inflicted symbol is able to pass through itself a huge charge of energy, protect from trouble and change fate.

The history of tattoos

Tattoos were an essential attribute of the life of the Aztecs, Indians and Egyptians, Vikings, Greeks, Russians, etc. Images could speak of caste, marital status, luck in battle or serious illness. Women and men were covered with signs and runes, identifying a person with a higher power, placing him under the protection of the gods.

The term "tattoo" was first introduced by James Cook, he used it in his essay about traveling around the world. The word "tatuer" was borrowed from French and meant "drawing on human skin."

In our time, unfortunately, wearable drawings have lost their magical meaning and have become more of a fashion accessory and a stylish decoration than a sacred symbol that influences the fate of the owner. But even now, there are groups of people, followers of ancient teachings, who honor the art of tattooing, as a ritual that changes the life of the owner.

Meaning of symbols

Despite the frivolity with which most make the choice of image, there are those who are really interested in the history and meaning of the drawing being applied.

So, Old Slavic motifs and runic inscriptions are becoming popular these days.

There is evidence of that the ancient Slavic peoples applied images of trees and elements of nature to the body. It was believed that nature has a divine meaning, is able to give spiritual strength, heal the disease and help the family. "Tattoos" were mainly applied with temporary dyes to avoid damage to the body. The rite was carried out by the Magi, who have a secret power that breathes life into the symbols.

To this day, images of dragons or snakes, gods and fabulous and mystical creatures, carved in wood, have survived, whose appearance has been preserved by modern fairy tales.

Old Russian tattoos and their designations:

There are two types of this symbol:

Rune Tattoos

A tattoo with the presence of runes on it, both individually and as part of runescripts, is widespread. Sketches of these images require great knowledge and awareness of the runic writings of antiquity.

There are several types of runes:

They all have something in common. All contain a secret magical meaning. Each rune is unusually strong and can both help and harm a person, dooming him to death or serious illness. Therefore, those who wish to decorate their body with unusual and beautiful ornaments should absolutely deliberately approach the choice of the desired symbol. You should be aware that an incorrectly chosen rune for a tattoo may have irreversible Negative consequences for the owner.

The most popular Slavic and Scandinavian runes.

Slavic signs

Among the Slavic signs are often applied:

Scandinavian ornaments and runes

Majestic and strong, they seem to live with the body, sing their song of war, whisper magic spells and breathe. Incredible beauty of sketches scandinavian tattoos attracts the eye and excites the soul. Among the wearable images of this theme, you can find images of deities and animals, beautiful warlike women and Vikings rushing into battle. Runes are the most common - a dangerous magical language, whose power is not subject even to the gods.

The most popular of the Scandinavian tattoos:

As well as images of a wolf often inflicted on themselves by people interested in myths and magical rituals.

The most careful approach is to choose Scandinavian runes as a talisman tattoo. They are able to change the fate and behavior of the carrier depending on their magical meaning. Often used in combination with Scandinavian amulets:

In addition to pagan runes, the application of the so-called Angelic runes, which are more likely related to Christianity and the religion of Jesus, is also popular.

Despite the quite positive values ​​of the runes, each of them has two sides. And, unfortunately, by granting the carrier success, they may subsequently demand a high price for it. Most often, rune tattoos are applied to the arms or forearms.

Runoscripts and their meaning

A magic spell consisting of three or more runes, expressing the desire or aspiration of the person who composes it, is called a runescript. The first and last runes are the most important ones. Here it is necessary to take a responsible approach to writing and creating a fateful runogram, it can seriously harm or even endanger life and health.

Exuding a huge energy force, the runes penetrate the very essence of a person, change him. For hundreds of thousands of years, people have tried to understand and read the language of the gods, but it still remains a mystery that cannot be solved in our world.

There are a huge number of types of tattoos, they attract, beckon and repel. They serve as a way of self-expression and help in difficult times. And whatever the choice, a person needs to listen to himself, the idea of ​​​​a sketch should come from the heart and be supported by intuition, because this tattoo will always be with you, will live and breathe, having a huge impact on your actions and decisions, changing the familiar world.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is the Slavic runes that are most often used for modern tattoos. And all because of the fact that they have a strong energy. If the symbols are not chosen correctly, then the symbols can harm the one on whose body the signs are applied. Ornaments are easy to apply, but require an understanding of the ancient language.

Slavic runes were used both in Central and Northern Europe. They carry approximately the same meaning as Chinese letters. Such symbols perform magical functions, and in tattoos they are used as amulets.

Slavic tattoos and their meaning

The Slavs (and the Russians are no exception) collaborated closely with nature. The pagan tribes considered the gods to be part of everything that surrounded them. A similar interpretation was reflected in the Slavic runes of the tattoo.

Runic gods were applied in the form of tattoos or tattoos on the human body, and the main ones among them were:

  • God Veles- the main patron of doctors and farmers, and he was also responsible for cattle breeding. It was believed that God patronizes the wind and magical power. The ancient symbol was depicted on tattoos in the form of a bull, and the Wind became the rune.

  • Another, predominantly female goddess is Lelya. The key is passion. On women's amulets and tattoos, it is made in the form of a birch, and the rune is a sign with the same name Lelya.
  • Perun- This is the god-governor and thunderer. Ideal male tattoo for the warriors. The sign was depicted in the form of an ax or a swastika.

  • Genus refers to the supreme god. It symbolizes fertility and is responsible for the rains. It is depicted as a rounded swastika, and the main rune is the World.
  • Svarog responsible for all other gods. On tattoos, it is depicted as a star, at the ends of which there are eight moons. The main rune is Alatyr.

  • Dazhdbog also responsible for fertility and warmth. Has the rune of the same name.

Slavic tattoo - Dazhdbog.

  • God Yarilo- the sun is responsible for awakening from hibernation and monitors everything related to the solar cycle. Depicted as a five-pointed star, and the main Slavic rune is Ud.

As a tattoo, the deity that suits the person most of all was chosen.

Surrounding nature

The Slavs, like no one else, were close to nature. Therefore, they sought protection from trees, birds, animals and everything connected with this.

Trees were especially popular when depicting Slavic runes. They have been growing all their lives and reaching out for life. They, contrary to the actions of animals and humans, could restore the lost branches. They stoically held on to the earth with their roots. Fruited often and profusely. Also, according to the legends, they served as a kind of conductors between several realities. It was believed that those who inflicted symbols on their bodies in the form of tattoos would never know sorrows and problems.

A snake or lizard, overthrown by a spear or arrow, meant getting rid of problems.

The bird was a sacred animal that had the ability to go where it wanted. It is enough to apply Diptera on the body to achieve any desired goal.

Secret signs

Through the centuries, the Old Believers transferred to us the knowledge and writing that the pagan tribes possessed. Year after year, they carved old Slavic amulets, preserved traditions in their families and made tattoos of those times. And, of course, much attention was paid to talismans.

At the moment, many are fond of Slavic runes, and they have become an integral part of decorating the body. Therefore, their demand is growing every year. Sketches can consist of individual runes, of all at once, or of certain staves.

Sometimes a specific swastika, star or cross is used, which also symbolizes Slavic runes.

Male Slavic tattoos

The most popular amulets for men are Gromovik, Volot and Valkyrie. Sometimes men get Veles tattoos. Naturally, they are all connected in one way or another with the war.

However, in our world there are many women in the military. Therefore, for the weaker sex, such tattoos are also suitable.

Slavic tattoo - Warrior.

Similar Slavic runes in the form of tattoos give a person courage, courage and skill.

Women's Slavic tattoos

The optimal Slavic runes of a woman are Lada, Bereginya and Ladinets. There is an opinion that it is these symbols that protect the family and children.

Slavic tattoo - pattern.

Therefore, women depict these goddesses or their symbols on themselves. More often than others - Ladinets.

But in order to find peace and good luck, a woman should pay attention to the Rainbow. The same symbol is ideal for good luck, stability in life and procreation.

If you want to bring luck, stability and peace to your world, then choose tattoos with plants and animals.

More often, drawings are depicted on the back, lumbar region, as well as the occipital region, wrist and ankles. For a snake pierced by a spear, it is better to choose a thigh - this will mean that you will overcome obstacles and hardships.