What will be the year for the Taurus. Taurus zodiac sign year of the rooster

Most of us, reading the astrological forecast for the next year, are trying to find at least some clues about our destiny. Of course, you can see a lot, but it is worth remembering that the stars only suggest rather than decide our fate. Personal happiness, family well-being and good luck, all this will depend only on ourselves.

The stars can only show us the way, and everyone must decide on their own whether to turn or follow this path.

Star horoscope for Taurus for 2017

The Year of the Monkey is in the past and now the representatives of this sign will really be able to relax and unwind.

Of course, the astrological forecast cannot guarantee Taurus that everything will be fine, but they really deserve some compensation. A little patience and everything will be OK, say the stars. However, it will not be possible to completely relax in the year of the Fire Rooster, since 2017 promises a huge number of various activities and events. According to astrologers, New Year will bring only joyful and positive emotions, and will also push Taurus to further development.

The horoscope strongly recommends that Taurus pay special attention to their beloved (s). Perhaps change the appearance or figure. Representatives of the sign this year will be able to withstand a lot, taking on any business, they will easily achieve the planned result. Many decide to go to study or complete additional courses. And someone will make a sharp turn in his career, others will discover new talents and opportunities.

The first half of the new year for the representatives of the sign will be quite difficult: worries, chores, running around and various kinds of things. Trying to solve everything in one fell swoop will lead to the fact that many things will remain unfinished. In addition, Taurus will constantly need to curb their irritability. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to achieve anything.

With the advent of the autumn season, the situation will be calmer, and fortune will turn to face Taurus. All tasks will be solved quickly. Astrologers assure that Taurus will be able to achieve the set results even in complex and impossible tasks.

Woman - Taurus

For free girls, the year is just beginning. Light romantic relationships are possible, not binding to anything. But the ladies may not notice how they find their betrothed. But the married this year will be too fixated on their family and themselves, which will greatly hinder them from developing in the professional field.

Unfortunately, the Fire Rooster can begin for Taurus with certain problems and conflicts, as a result of which they can simply leave their place of work. Someone will simply remain at their former place of work, realizing that it is not worth waiting for professional growth this year. This situation will remain until spring. But at the end of the year, devote yourself to professional interests in order to lay a fairly solid foundation for the next year.

In family life, women should learn diplomacy. Fire Rooster, this is not the year in which you can sort things out, go into conflicts and decide who is in charge in the house. For creative minds, 2017 is going to be an amazing year. New talents will open up, a sea of ​​inspiration and ideas. An excellent year for conceiving a child. The second half of the six months, according to astrologers, is the most successful time for planning a pregnancy.

But as for travel and trips, here you will not lose. You can plan your trip at the beginning of the year. You can also go shopping, you have enough money for this, believe me.

Man - Taurus

Unusual actions are about the Taurus man. According to astrologers, this manner of action will be due to the unfavorable moments that the planets will have on him. Most men will be in a stupor, not understanding what is happening and where they are. Unfortunately, this state of affairs can last quite a long time. It is at this moment that the Taurus man can drastically change his direction in life. This lifestyle can last until the middle of the year.

In addition, strong representatives of the sign must work hard during the year to achieve any results. If suddenly you decide to change your desire, it can be an excellent platform for further success. We decided to look for another job, we wish you success. Send out your resume and wait for a response, it will definitely be positive. A great year to meet influential people who will play an important role in your life.

At the beginning of the year, men born under the sign of Taurus will resemble a large child. It is at this moment that he will need the support of loved ones and relatives, feeling which the man will calm down.

Love and Taurus

What can be said about love relationships? The year 2017 will not be very successful. A quarrel, conflict situations with loved ones are possible, which can lead to final discord in family life. In this situation, only one solution is endurance and patience. Be patient for a couple of weeks, and only then make a compromise, let it be not easy, but necessary. The only good news is that all conflicts, disagreements, quarrels can be settled before the end of the year.

A distinctive feature of Taurus is impressionability, and this year it can become even more aggravated. Any step of your spouse or wife will be taken to heart. At the same time, your companion or companion will not even understand how he could or could offend. Astrologers advise not to keep everything in yourself, tell your relatives and friends, and then you can avoid another family conflict.

At the beginning of the third decade of the year, love relationships will slowly be restored. Peace and tranquility will reign. To achieve peace in your family, do not run into conflict situations, try to restrain yourself and not react sharply.

Even in the most difficult moment, no one will ever leave you. Those close to you will play a very important role in your life. At this time, moral support will be very important, so do not deny it.

Career and Finance

In the field of career for Taurus, the Fire Rooster promises serious achievements. But hope for a quick success is not worth it. Remember that luck comes before hard and hard work.

More success will be achieved by those representatives of the sign who think through their plans and steps in advance, complete all the tasks in a timely manner. If you seriously pull yourself together, then you can achieve some success and climb the career ladder.

Concerning financial condition, then 2017 promises stability. You can not hope for a big jackpot, but significant costs can be avoided. The stars recommend that Taurus close and pay off all their accumulated debts.

The financial situation may change in the middle of the second half of the year. It was then that the Taurus will be able to replenish their family piggy bank. The main thing is not to miss a profitable offer. And this will not happen, since Taurus is known for their ability to earn money to provide for their family.

What the horoscope says about the health of Taurus

Enough strength and vitality. Preventive measures will need to be observed only during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases. Thanks to high immunity, the state of health will be in excellent shape. The only thing that the stars advise is to drink a timely vitamin course.

The year is a great start for those who have long decided to try themselves as a walrus. The main thing is to start gradually, without excessive fanaticism.

Astrologers advise Taurus men not to get involved in pills. When the disease approaches, it is better to take a course of inhalation procedures. Baths and saunas will be useful. Women need to pay special attention to the endocrine system. At the slightest call, contact a specialist immediately.

In the summer, Taurus is best avoid spicy and fatty foods. Your diet should be based on more fruits and vegetables. Don't forget about exercise.

Horoscope for 2017 - Taurus women

Women of this sign are very strong personalities. As a rule, they are successful in their personal lives and careers. For 2017, the Taurus woman will have a very busy period in her life. New acquaintances, constant social events, interesting trips, as well as unusual business offers are waiting for you. 2017 will be a very pleasant year for ladies. Especially surprises will await the unmarried - they will often receive marriage proposals.

Love relationships and family Taurus will not bypass. Try to think carefully about your next steps, otherwise there is a big risk of very serious conflicts with your spouse, as well as loss of honor. In the year of the Red Rooster, women should be in the foreground family values, devotion to each other and fidelity.

To achieve career success, Taurus will need to work hard and work hard.

Horoscope for 2017 - Taurus man

For men in 2017 year, his qualities such as diligence and conscientiousness will be in demand. Therefore, you should not worry too much that he will be left without work, Taurus, on the contrary, can easily and very successfully change the scope of his activity. Also, one should not be very strict with subordinates and argue with the new bosses.

Family Taurus You need to be more flexible in your relationship with your wife and children. If a man is too principled, then there may be some disagreements and quarrels. In 2017, try to be more attentive to your soulmate.

Year of the Fire Rooster will surprise you. Taurus will have to show maximum patience and diplomacy to their loved ones. It will be necessary to devote more time to the family, and single Taurus have a great chance of finding their love.

In 2017, men will be very generous despite their general financial strain. Scammers will try to scam you, so they should be avoided.

Astrologers say that if Taurus meets his love this year, then their marriage will be very passionate and bright.

Health Horoscope for 2017 Taurus

Taurus themselves have good health and in terms of health they are not in serious danger. But they should be more careful about strong drinks and not abuse them.

The Year of the Rooster has prepared many interesting events for the representatives of Taurus. But don’t be too deluded, no one has canceled the troubles and difficulties, listen to the advice of our horoscope and then you will be able to correctly assess the situation and prevent the problems that have overtaken you. Having correctly assessed the signs of fate, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficulties. Aries women should remember their diplomatic qualities in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future, which cannot be avoided, whether you want it or not. But remember the main thing is that there are close and friends nearby who need your attention and support. Throw aside all the hassle and pay attention to your loved ones.

The first half of 2017 is going to be a bit of a hassle, which is not what Aries is expecting, but don't get upset in advance. Difficulties, worries - these are all working moments, there is no escape from this, but you have a great opportunity to take advantage of the winter holidays and have a good rest and put your emotional state in order before new working days. The Aries woman will face these problems until the middle of spring at most. But the maximum investment of energy in your work will give you good results at work and the disposition of your superiors in the next months of the year.
Since the first half of this year will be very busy at work, then make sure that this does not affect your loved ones - today. Learn to leave working moments at work, and when you cross the threshold of the house, take care of your relatives. You should not involve them in your troubles at work of loved ones, because you can not always get approval.

Starting from June, the month of Taurus, pleasant surprises of fate await. At work, the situation will finally improve, your affairs will go up, along with this, everything in the house will somehow play differently. Listen to your inner world and direct all your positive qualities, imagination and dynamism to where, in your opinion, it will be of great use. In the year of the Rooster, you can safely get involved in your hobby, which will bring good moral and material profit. Every Taurus woman wants to see a positive result from her labors, so this year is great to see the good results of her “labor”.

Dear representatives of Taurus, this year fate is on your side, especially in the second half of the year. You can safely plunge headlong into a new romantic relationship, from which you will get a lot of positive emotions. But remember one thing, that winter and the beginning of spring are not the most favorable months for starting new relationships, just nothing good will come of them. Just flirting or a short romance is not for you. Closer to summer you will really meet good man who can make you happy, what you need so much.
As for the financial side, here Taurus can count on stability and confidence in the future, their favorite work will bring the same profit. The Taurus woman will not have to face financial difficulties, and at the end of the year, financial growth is generally expected.

Horoscope for Taurus man

Male Taurus in the year of the Rooster will surprise themselves, their behavior will not always be justified and not entirely clear to others. Astrologers say that it is the location of the planets that will affect what happens to Taurus men. Such tricks of the stars can have a bad effect on the psychological state of Taurus, especially sharply. They can react to problem situations, from which, as It will seem to them, that there is no way out. But such natural storms will last from January to March, so you should not be upset, but simply gather all your willpower and wait out this critical period. And starting from April, everything will fall into place, and new opportunities and prospects will open up for Taurus. Relationships will improve in the family, and at work you will again join the usual course for you.

How hardworking and persistent Taurus men are in their work, but still you should not forget that you still have debt and obligations as before, and therefore in 2017 you need to work with even greater dedication. Your work will definitely be appreciated. For many Taurus, new perspectives and opportunities will open up, this will give you an impetus to start your own business, which will be very successful. The main thing is to always move forward and be sure to see good results. New acquaintances that await Taurus in 2017 will have a good effect on business relationships and future careers.

The beginning of the summer will be tense, conflict situations will arise with relatives and friends, the reason for this may be your excessive dedication to work, which will lead to fatigue. Astrologers advise you to just take a break and rest, otherwise you will ruin your relationship with loved ones, but it's not worth it, these people helped you when it was hard. Remember that only introspection and a correct assessment of everything that happens will allow you to return to the right track and make new, useful acquaintances.

With the advent of September, it will become even more difficult for Taurus, and out of habit you will compensate for all your problems on relatives and friends, not recognizing that it is you who are to blame for your failures. You can completely destroy relationships with colleagues, due to constant criticism and discontent. This will drag along conflicts in the family, with friends, with whom it will be difficult to fight over time. Look, you run the risk of finding loneliness in the family and problems at work. Stop and see what your life is turning into, take the helm in your hands and put your ship on the right track.

Sexual horoscope

The perseverance and pressure of Taurus can only be envied, although the temperament is still worth a lot of work. If a woman fell under the gaze of a Taurus man, then she can no longer get out of his nets, He will conquer even the strongest wall. And if He does not like a woman and does not cause lust in Him, then all her efforts to attract the attention of the Taurus man are in vain. With such a man, no flirting will help, His stubbornness always prevails, so do not try in vain for women. Taurus men are very fond of coziness and comfort, both in the family and in sex, so His partner will always be satisfied and surrounded by comfort. He will definitely make the evening unforgettable - champagne in the bathroom with aroma candles, He will make his woman a stunning night full of affection and tenderness. In sex, Taurus is a real "giant", ready to make a whole cult out of it. For Him, this is not just sex, for Taurus it is making love, a great art. He will provide his woman with true bliss, let her enjoy love in full and bring it to the very heights. Taurus cannot borrow courage. Taurus devote a special place to foreplay, spending most of their lovemaking on this, a woman will not do with this man for a couple of minutes. This man is a stunning and tireless lover who, on a date with a woman, will do everything to make this meeting memorable for her for a long time. But you need to remember that He will not allow a woman to command him, Taurus takes everything into his own hands, not giving you the slightest chance to control him.
The beautiful half, who was born under the sign of Taurus, has a subtle intuition, thanks to which She always knows how to seduce the man she likes and keep Him close to her for a long time. She is innocence and sophistication itself, but at the same time a beautiful temptress, who, with one look, attracts male attention. Being next to a Taurus woman, a man should remember that in sex She can be very demanding, and first of all She will think about her pleasure, and only then about yours. A man must be able to fully satisfy such a woman, otherwise He himself will not receive in full what She can give in love. Beautiful representatives of Taurus are true connoisseurs of comfort, so a man must first of all take care of this, create an appropriate atmosphere. Taurus is very dependent on the mood, if She has it, then She will make you the happiest man.

love horoscope

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus can safely use all their charms to attract the attention of someone you like. Taurus are often successful in the company due to their sense of humor, which can be safely used in love relationships. Some Taurus may feel uncomfortable communicating with a person they like because of their appearance, which, in their opinion, is not entirely ideal. But believe that for a person who feels sympathy for you, completely different qualities are of interest. Taurus should be attentive to the signs of attention that colleagues give you, this may not be what you are counting on. The Year of the Rooster is not the best time to start office romances, this can end badly for both you and your partner. You should not believe everything that this person says, even if you are in a long-term relationship. In 2017, betrayal can be expected not only from colleagues, but also from the closest people. This may affect your emotional state.

Since the beginning of 2017, Taurus, who are in a relationship, will have to face problems that will test the strength of their relationship. But you should not be upset in advance and push away your loved one, with whom you, holding hands, have come a long way. Only your efforts and struggle for your love can overcome any difficulties. Learn to take the first steps towards reconciliation, surrender completely and completely to the feeling that lives in your heart. And then you can become a truly happy person.

Family horoscope

Family Taurus this year need to be patient, remember that even the strongest marriage can be destroyed if you do not make efforts to strengthen it. Do not see each other for light and fleeting flirting, this can have a bad effect on family relationships. It is possible that Taurus can get into love networks, so much so that everything will spin very seriously, and it is possible that you will have thoughts to leave the family. But weigh the pros and cons well if your connection is worth it to destroy a marriage that has gone through happy years. Concentrate your attention on building a relationship with your loved one, because marriage is more important than a fleeting attraction. Learn to give in and not take the initiative into your own hands, let your soul mate feel that her feelings are important to you. Two people should always look for compromises, because otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided in the family.

The second half of 2017 will not be easier than the first, there is still a lot of work to be done on family relationships in order to see good results at the end of the year. If you invest a lot of effort, then the return will be good, and as a reward you will receive a strong marriage and a reliable life friend. Learn to listen and hear, more patience and understanding for your loved one, listen to his desires, which he does not always tell you. And the reason for this is your explosive nature and perseverance, which keep you at a distance from your loved one.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus year of the rooster - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus gives the Rooster stability and makes it a little less bright and eloquent. Taurus-Rooster is a reliable person and always ready to help others. He does not adapt as well as other Roosters, but he is the best at planning his future. The rooster in Chinese astrology is considered a creature that has a diverse, confident, bright and full of energy character. So the men and women of the Rooster-Taurus have an almost tireless enthusiasm and a huge supply of vitality.

The Rooster-Taurus is a rather self-confident person, but this does not manifest itself excessively. Their practicality makes them popular among other people. This is very interesting people. They are persistent, reliable and versatile, ideal for almost any kind of work. Their relentless spirit helps them keep up the pace and keep going when many others are tired. They simply cannot be made to feel tired.

In their environment, these people want to see those who can keep up their pace. They are very excitable and therefore they need partners who can handle it. Such people value loyalty and fidelity in personal relationships, if you provide them with both, you will be rewarded with a very attentive and selflessly devoted person.

They are great at prioritizing and pretty well organized. Home and family are very important to them and therefore they work very hard to create a comfortable place. They do not like to be on their own, so they adore the circle of their friends. To relax, they prefer cinema or socializing.

The main weakness in the personality of such a person is that they show excessive zeal and splash out a lot of energy. This can make them overly demanding and noisy. If their energy is not put to good use it can be annoying and distracting. But this weakness is too small in the overall beautiful personality of these people.

An elegant and noble appearance of a rooster, which is cramped in the guise of an ordinary person. This is not related to the nature of his activity - being even the most ordinary locksmith, the rooster of calves feels like a royal person. Therefore, his behavior is majestic and not always adequate. Such people often not only play nobility, but are really noble, honest and true to their principles.

The feelings of the rooster body are usually elevated, even with the usual fleeting passion. The latter, however, is rare. In a love relationship, the Taurus rooster, especially if it is a woman, is distinguished by fidelity and constancy. They are able to control their actions and be responsible for the results. In sexual life, the Taurus cock, both the man and the woman, prefer not only to enjoy, but also to deliver it to their partner.

These people are not pampered and easily endure adversity, although they prefer a better share than what they currently have. The Taurus Rooster is distinguished by responsibility and a serious attitude to everything that makes him a reliable spouse and an ideal business partner.

Rooster Combination

zodiac sign taurus year of the rooster

The Rooster-Taurus combination is a sign endowed with great inner strength. He is full of vitality and knows how to get along well with others. The complex nature of Taurus softens the sociability of the Rooster - he is always easy to communicate, and therefore the Rooster-Taurus is sociable and peaceful. For him, the external side is very important - he likes to look good, gravitates towards expensive beautiful things, so he is always bright and spectacular. The Rooster-Taurus is not a fan of change and new trends - he is conservative, and here the stubborn Taurus comes into his own. In relations with people, the main quality of this sign is absolute decency - the Rooster-Taurus is honest and requires the same from others. Of course, in this combination there is the authority and stubbornness of Taurus, but these qualities are no longer dominant - the Rooster-Taurus is much easier to compromise. However, this sign contains best qualities Taurus - The Rooster-Taurus is filled with kindness and sympathy. He, like no one else, will be the first to help - you do not need to ask him about it.

Taurus born in the year of the rooster

In business, representatives of this sign are reliable - you can always rely on them. The Rooster-Taurus is distinguished by rare diligence and determination. He loves money and knows how to earn it. The prudence of Taurus did a good job for this sign - the Rooster, who loves to squander money so much, in this sign turns out to be quite thrifty and is able to provide himself and his family with financial stability. Unfortunately, in this sign, the Rooster's propensity for adventures is sometimes manifested - he can take on projects that are obviously impossible. But most often outweighs the prudence of Taurus, who carefully considers his every step. The Rooster-Taurus has good prospects in any business - he is reliable as a business partner, and his ability to go to his goal through any obstacles invariably leads him to success.

The inconstancy of the Rooster in personal relationships is almost unusual for this sign - Taurus is reliable here too. Rooster-Taurus is always a wonderful family man, loving and caring. He loves his home, strives to make it cozy and beautiful, in addition, he does everything for the financial well-being of his loved ones.

Taurus - Rooster: Characteristics

The Taurus Rooster usually shows kindness to the people around him, is easy to communicate with and does not suffer from sudden mood swings. People born under the sign of Taurus acquire a craving for simplicity and comfort characteristic of this zodiac sign. They are naturally conservative and not inclined to radical changes in their lives.

Rooster Taurus Man

Men born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern calendar and under the sign of Taurus in the zodiac are characterized by the ability to assess their own benefit well. But at the same time, they do not depend on the constant accumulation of income and do not make it their meaning of life. Male Rooster Taurus in his personal life demonstrates a craving for serious relationship, knows how to be faithful to the chosen one. Such men often show themselves as excellent fathers. They can take risks for the sake of their beloved family, but only after they weigh all the possible pros and cons, and calculate in their mind all the options for the development of events.

Rooster Taurus Woman

Women born with this combination of signs discover the qualities of excellent friends who can help anyone with anything. These ladies can take the old woman across the road, or they can go on a search expedition for someone else's relative. They are selfless and kind.

The Rooster-Taurus woman is endowed with an analytical mindset, therefore, work related to conducting all kinds of analytical research is their purpose. In family life, the Rooster-Taurus woman is constant, cooks well and organizes life.

The Rooster-Taurus is a person of high spiritual qualities, capable of doing good and helping people. From the Rooster, such a person got the ability to get along with people, and from the calf, perseverance and good nature.

Horoscope Taurus-Rooster

According to the horoscope Taurus-Rooster is a grandiloquent personality, but harmonious and balanced. Outwardly, it looks bright and attractive, so it instantly attracts the eyes of others. This person is always in a hurry to help relatives and friends. Adaptation in society is difficult for him, but Taurus-Rooster knows how to competently plan his future affairs.

In life, they prefer to communicate with the same optimists and strong-willed people. Taurus-Roosters are very sexy and charming for the opposite sex. In a partner, they value devotion, attention and indulgence to their own person most of all.

Horoscope of combining Taurus with others oriental signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Rooster - Taurus

Australian actress Cate Blanchett. Empress of Russia Catherine II Romanova. Belarusian musician and composer Valery Didula. American actress Renée Zellweger. Indian poet, writer, composer, artist Rabindranath Tagore. Soviet and Russian pediatrician and surgeon Leonid Roshal.

In addition, such a Taurus becomes more energetic and sociable, although he does not lose his stubbornness and conservative outlook on life. The Rooster-Taurus easily compromises, knows how to sincerely empathize and help heartily in difficult times.


Rooster-Taurus-man is honest, fair, hardworking. You can always rely on such a person and entrust him with serious work. He knows how to earn money and skillfully manage it. The adventurism of the Rooster pushes such a man to risky projects, but the analytical mind of Taurus knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Therefore, the Rooster-Taurus-man is ready to take risks, but only seeing a certain benefit ahead. In personal and family relationships, the Rooster-Taurus-man is reliable and stable, as in all other areas of life. He is a good family man, caring husband.


The Rooster-Taurus woman is a purposeful, sociable, decent person, full of vitality, ready to help at any moment. She is focused and meticulous in her work. Thanks to her analytical mindset, she is able to prove herself well in the banking and legal fields. In relations with the opposite sex, the Rooster-Taurus-woman is constant, does not like to start meaningless short-term novels. Like almost all Taurus women, she is a born hostess, hospitable and skillful.

Rooster-Taurus - this combination, no doubt, helps to highlight the best qualities of each sign: the perseverance of Taurus, the sociability of the Rooster, the activity of both. This combination endows a person with a mass of positive traits that help him achieve significant heights in life.

Taurus born in the year of the Rooster

Due to the influence of Taurus, the Rooster acquires stability, becomes less bright. Taurus, born in the year of the Rooster, is a reliable person, he is always ready to help others. He does not know how to adapt to new conditions as easily as the rest of the Roosters, but he knows how to masterfully plan the future.

According to Chinese astrology, the Rooster is a symbol of brightness, confidence, energy and character. The Taurus-rooster has tremendous vitality, these are enthusiasts whose reserves of vitality will never run out.

Taurus, born in the year of the Rooster, is moderately self-confident. It is practical, which is what makes them popular in society. They are persistent, stable, reliable, versatile, interesting, such a person is suitable for any job. They are very nimble and can support even the craziest pace of life, and all this thanks to a huge energy reserve. They hardly ever get tired.

They try to surround themselves with people capable of maintaining their speed. They are easily excitable, so it is not so easy to deal with them. In personal relationships and people most of all value understanding and loyalty, fidelity. A person who is able to satisfy these needs of the Taurus-Rooster will be more than rewarded with the same.

They are collected and organized, they know how to properly prioritize. One of the main values ​​for them is family and home, so they try to equip their home as comfortably as possible. They do not like loneliness, there are always friends and acquaintances around them. The best remedy recreation consider cinema and socializing.

The main disadvantage of this combination is excessive zeal and frequent useless outbursts of energy. This often makes them overly demanding, fussy and loud. Their energy, when it does not find the right scope of application, becomes annoying and annoying. True, this small flaw easily overshadows the many virtues of such a person.

In appearance, the Rooster-Taurus is always elegant and noble, it seems that it is just an angel in the flesh, which is cramped in the human body. And this fact is completely independent of the type of his activity, whether he is a locksmith, builder, driver - he will always look elegant and feel like a special royal blood. This implies the conclusion that often the Rooster - Taurus behaves arrogantly. Although he is actually noble, honest and faithful.

Even during a fleeting infatuation, the feelings of such a person are noble and sublime. Although fleeting relationships are generally rare for them. In relationships, they are faithful and constant, they know how to control their own actions and be responsible for the consequences. In bed, they not only enjoy themselves, but also deliver it to their partner.

Taurus-Rooster is hardy and not pampered, although striving for lightness and simplicity in life. Such people become reliable partners and spouses, they are reliable and responsible.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017 Fire Rooster

Read the daily astro forecast in our groups in social networks:

This year will give you a lot of chances to put into practice the ideas and plans that were only born in your imagination the previous year. There may be changes in your attitude and perception of the world around you. The first month of the year will be the most successful for planning, laying the foundation for your future projects, while February can be a difficult and challenging month.

Until the middle of spring, you may feel some lack of energy, but with the onset of May, a second wind will open, which will make it possible to give 100% and achieve success in business. You can think about searching new work or change the type of activity, however, treat these desires very carefully: not all offers will be promising for you.

However, already at the end of May - beginning of June, new opportunities will open up for you to realize all your talents and business qualities, perhaps the most ambitious prospects for last years. The second half of August and the first half of September are favorable for rest, leisure, health care; during this period it is better not to load yourself with work.

November can be a difficult month for communication and relationships: try to avoid conflicts, carefully avoid sharp corners and use all your diplomatic skills. The second half of December will bring balance and tranquility, stability in relations with others and inner harmony.

Having strengthened your own positions, do not be afraid to move to a new level that awaits you this year. Get rid of unnecessary rubbish and junk. Not only in terms of material values, but also regarding relationships in conjunction with life guidelines. Many opportunities will be waiting for you, don't be afraid of change and succeed. Seize the opportunity given to you and aim for results.

Horoscope for Taurus woman for 2017

The year will please the women of this sign. Attending public events, shopping craze and relaxing in warm countries - all this will be in fragile female hands at the beginning of the year. All you need is to be honest with the one you love and be faithful to him. Do not betray dear people. This can destroy existing relationships. In the second half of the year, you have to devote yourself to work in order to achieve some result.

Horoscope for Taurus man for 2017

If Taurus men intend to become more successful, then this year is ideal for these purposes. You just need to initially draw up a clear plan of action and stick to your rhythm. Do not quarrel with friends who are loyal to you. Their help will definitely come in handy in the future, when your opponents appear on the way. Take good care of your friends. When half of the year is behind, there will be a risk of quarreling with a loved one over financial issues.

Love horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Personal life in 2017 can be quite difficult. Many Taurus will have to go into situations where everything that irritates is already long time, connect together and cause a lot of trouble. In the second half of the year there will be a violent explosion of emotions, but neither Taurus nor his partner is willing to make concessions. How all this will end is difficult to predict, it all depends on the strength of the relationship, and if they are already dead, then the advice in this case is meaningless. If there are feelings, then in the first half of the year it is necessary to take measures to resolve personal relationships. This is especially true for married couples.

The love horoscope for 2017 warns that Taurus will have to face a difficult situation that has developed in the circle of relatives. The processes of alienation that began long ago will continue in this period of life. Therefore, the representative of the sign is recommended to make concessions in order not to finally quarrel with his relatives. Perhaps one of the relatives will need help, and Taurus will take a lot on his shoulders. Jupiter promises amazing romantic adventures this year. You will finally find someone who appreciates you.

The year begins with Mars, the planet of new relationships. Therefore, in order to attract someone's attention, it will be enough just to walk up and introduce yourself. But you need to use this power carefully, since relationships that begin in this way can end uneasy. Mars will continue its influence in February, so on Valentine's Day, Taurus will have to find out the name of their admirer.

The first month of autumn is a time of stormy passions, but the quiet words of love spoken in December will be more important. Pay attention to those who will have to meet on the 12th or 30th of each month, perhaps this is your destiny, especially if the name begins with "K" and "L".

Career horoscope for Taurus for 2017

If earlier Taurus were often late and spent a lot of effort just to be on the same wavelength with the rest, then this year they will be able to step forward firmly and confidently, leading their teams. In the fall, you will have the opportunity to take a leadership position. Maintain good relations with colleagues and at the right time they will support you, helping to avoid attacks from rivals.

Health Horoscope for Taurus for 2017

At the beginning of 2017, Taurus will hardly be able to complain about their health - it will be almost perfect. Excellent health will have a positive effect on moral self-awareness: you will be successful at work, as well as sensual and incomparable in relationships with the opposite sex. During this period, you will have a lot of strength for physical exercises; do not miss the moment and make time for sports. By the way, professional Taurus athletes now have significant career successes. The only caveat: you need to be careful and attentive in order to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system, which may threaten the representatives of the sign during this period.

You will meet spring in a still cheerful state of mind, and due to warming and improved mood, you will become even more active. It’s just impossible to overdo it with activity: spring is an insidious period, the slightest overstrain can lead to a lack of vitamins and a general breakdown. Carefully plan your schedule and don't grab onto several things at once - and you can avoid this trouble.

Summer is the peak of your physical activity and blooming health. However, injuries resulting from falls, accidents or accidents are still worth fearing - now you are so emotional and abrupt in your movements that you can lose your guard in any dangerous situation.

In the fall, it is worth slowing down the pace of life a little: relax more, do light physical activity, and pay attention to preventive procedures. It is especially worth taking care of your health if you have chronic diseases - in late autumn they can become very aggravated. Also pay attention to the balance of your diet: perhaps during this period you will greatly increase your appetite - if you do not want to gain weight and earn problems with metabolic processes, control your gastronomic impulses. However, do not try to limit yourself to eating more than usual, so that the body can easily replenish the energy expended.

Finance horoscope for Taurus for 2017

It will be difficult with finances this year. Look closely at the people you will help. On your virtue, both colleagues and close people can play a cruel joke. Having borrowed money, you can no longer get it back and quarrel with dear people. Make big purchases at the beginning of the year, finances will not linger in your wallets, leaving for petty waste. This year it will be right to invest in interesting projects, and expect big profits from them.

Horoscope for Taurus from Tamara Globa for 2017

This year may be on your life path quite unpredictable. Much that you have set your sights on will be difficult for you to achieve. You can start a new business, change jobs, change employees. You must be very attentive to the environment in which you are, as the situation in the team is quite restless. You will have the opportunity to purchase real estate, as the desire to have a sufficiently weighty roof over your head does not leave you for a long time. The financial situation in the first half of the year is unstable.

Do not get involved in petty intrigues, avoid scandals. There may be serious problems with close relatives, with relatives by blood, a long-term enmity. Do not get involved in adventurous activities. Many Taurus will be inclined to break off marital relations. This is especially likely in the second half of the year. Therefore, do not trust well-wishers. Listen to the call of your heart, to your inner *I* and act in accordance with what your inner voice prompts.

The energy potential throughout the year is low. If you have chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time. Lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to wellness systems. Pay attention to the genitourinary system, kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. High probability colds. You need to be especially careful while driving throughout the year.

Horoscope for Taurus from Pavel Globa for 2017

Taurus 2017 promises big changes in his personal life. However, the work will not make you bored - there is a high probability of a sharp change in the field of activity. And, most likely, this will open new horizons for Taurus and change his whole life for the better. 2017 will give Taurus a lot of interesting meetings, the opportunity to increase the social circle at times. Favorable time for long trips. The motto for the year is "Don't be afraid of change!"

Family representatives of this sign at the beginning of the year expect problems with children - and they will require more spiritual than material costs. But there should be no quarrels and conflicts with your loved ones. Lonely Taurus have great chances to meet the love of their life or finally start a relationship with a person to whom they have long been partial. Such a union promises to be extremely strong, and also promises abundant offspring! Marriages are best scheduled for the second half of the year. This year, Taurus will be extremely charming, which will ensure him great success with the opposite sex.

This year, Taurus will be healthy both physically and, importantly, spiritually, this is an extremely favorable period for representatives of this zodiac sign. Serious illnesses and depressions will bypass Taurus. Light colds and allergic reactions are possible, but in general the body will not malfunction. At the beginning of the year, Taurus will be a model of energy and efficiency at all. By the end of the year, creativity will decrease somewhat, but if Taurus manages to have a good rest for at least three weeks in the summer, well-being will remain good. Not best time to change physicians.

2017 is favorable for starting your own business, Taurus will get things that he was afraid to even think about before. At the same time, it is important to remember: only the brave conquer the seas! However, it is better to devote the first two months to rest - both moral and physical. At this time, Taurus needs to gather his thoughts, accumulate strength for the upcoming breakthrough. Starting in March, you can change jobs and activities. This year is not so favorable for the creative representatives of this zodiac sign - you should not expect big victories. All sorts of conflicts, gossip are likely.

It is desirable that by the beginning of 2017 Taurus pay off all his debts. In the new year, he is encouraged to spend money on charity, to help those in need. This will bring him financial success. In general, the year will be very prosperous in terms of money, especially if Taurus decides to change the field of activity. A large number of original ideas and enviable performance in 2017 will provide Taurus with an income that he could only dream of back in 2016. If in the first half of the year there is likely to be a feeling that money is slipping through your fingers, then in the second half, stability will finally come.

Horoscope for Taurus from Vasilisa Volodina for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will be completely in tune with his inner world. The Rooster will have a beneficial effect on this sign of the Earth and will guide him on the right path, and instead of him, set the most important priorities and designate for him the main goals for the very near future.

2017 will be a turning point for Taurus and he will be able to recognize himself from a completely different perspective, which as a result can lead to a global reassessment of values. Some Taurus will receive income from a variety of sources. At work, in the first half of the year, you may be asked to retrain so that your knowledge and skills are confirmed.

Taurus in 2017 should not get involved in all sorts of adventures or worry about colleagues or bosses at work. Just wait until spring - then you will have the opportunity to increase your capital well. In the summer, for example, you may have a business trip abroad, which may be followed by career advancement.

We warn Taurus about the possibility of misunderstanding from your soulmate. If you disappear often and for a long time at work, this may begin to cause some suspicion, and as a result, a test of the strength of the relationship. Since you should not forget about your loved ones, because they also need attention.

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