Eastern horoscope by year: what awaits the signs in December. Eastern horoscope by year: what awaits the signs in December Prediction for those born in the year of the Rooster

As the horoscope for December 2018 portends, Aries is entering a period of various changes, the emergence of many cases, problems that require urgent intervention. You need to think globally, controlling emotions, moving towards your goals. Winter travel, business trips will be successful. In the first half of the month, Aries has a lot of work to do. On the love front, conflict situations are possible. All problems can be resolved only in the middle of the month.

auspicious days: 2, 4, 9, 11, 19, 20, 24, 28.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 12.15, 16, 22, 26, 30.


The Aries horoscope for December 2018 predicts an improvement in well-being, but astrologers recommend being extremely careful and spending the New Year holidays in a close family circle. December will not be ideal for noisy events with friends.

In the first half of the month, you need to be careful when driving. To maintain good health, sleep and activity should be observed, and this should be done as early as mid-December. This will help the body enter a healthy rhythm, maintain good shape throughout the year, even with major schedule changes.

The last days of the month can be devoted to cosmetic procedures. Use methods that give you fast results.


According to astrological predictions, in December, Aries begins a serious period for professional activity. Many opportunities will appear, further actions will be precisely clear, new perspectives appear daily. In December, you need to make a choice and understand what is best to do.

Astrologers recommend finding a creative approach to solving all professional issues. This will help to realize the accumulated experience, gain new knowledge, which will positively affect the future life. In the first half of the month, minor difficulties may arise, which will be quickly overcome. Perhaps they are associated with the activities of ill-wishers or due to paperwork. Starting from the middle of the month, Aries will have the opportunity to actively search for work, which will certainly be successful.

Only confidence in their strengths and capabilities, endurance with patience will help the representatives of this sign to achieve the desired heights. It's time good time for advanced training courses, obtaining a new education. Astrologers recommend to refrain from distant plans, act more specifically.

Pay attention to strengthening relationships with influential contacts. In December, frequent business trips are possible. The last week of the month is best spent having fun, not missing the little things that must be completed.


In the financial sphere of Aries, everything is quite calm. Their earnings will be accompanied by sponsorship, financial injections from business partners to support close circle. In the first half of the month, cases related to paperwork will be successful, and in the second, purchases that were purchased for others will be successful.


As recommended love horoscope As of December 2018, Aries should dedicate time to improving relationships with close and distant relatives. Showing sensitivity, passion and mystery can strengthen love relationships. Because of the sophistication of satisfying their own desires, Aries may have a secret. Perhaps participation in a love triangle or the manifestation of duality. During a period of unstable mood, it is better to refrain from making serious decisions that may adversely affect your personal life.

In December there will be a desire to be serious in love relationships- observe family traditions, show more attention to household members so that they feel protected. Astrologers do not recommend to get involved in such activities, because it will not please loved ones.

In a love relationship, Aries will show interest in the partner's intellectual skills. Single representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to find a soul mate. A family train is possible at the end of this month or early next.

Quite often, Aries will be faced with the topic of moving, which concerns a foreign country or another city, perhaps just in new house, flat. Life will develop smoothly, which Aries really likes. Possible complications with relatives in the first half of December. However, towards the end of the month, everything will be fine.

When looking for a gift for a child, pay attention not only to useful, but also unexpected gifts that will delight and surprise. When choosing gifts for loved ones, you need to remember their tastes, and not follow your preferences.

Man - Aries

As the horoscope for December 2018 advises, Aries - a man should relax and go with the flow. It must be remembered that there are things in life that cannot be influenced. When solving a problem, Aries will make many conflicting decisions that will greatly aggravate the situation. Astrologers recommend enjoying today, and not thinking about the end result, trying to do the maximum amount of useful things.

In December, the Aries man needs to spend as much time as possible with his family. Do not shy away from household chores - even a small contribution contributes to rapprochement. Therefore, before making a decision, think about the consequences.

Woman - Aries

As the horoscope for December 2018 indicates, the Aries woman will face difficulties due to the large accumulation of work. To deal with it, you will have to make many quick decisions. Before making a final decision, it is better to consult with relatives.

Astrologers do not advise worrying about possibly wrong decisions taken. The middle of the month is the perfect time to prepare for the New Year holidays. At the end of the month, the Aries woman will need to rest, as her strength is already running out. If a woman - Aries has not yet confessed her love, the ideal period has come, so act.

Thanks to astrological predictions, Aries have the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming events of December. If you can’t get around the problem, you need to find a way to solve it with minimal losses.

December 2018 will set a number of tasks for many Rats to improve their old housing or move to a new one. For some, this is just a plan, but for some it is real life. However, both will certainly be implemented in different periods of the next year, 2019.

Relationships between lovers are quite stable, many couples will decide on marriage or at least cohabitation. New Year's Eve will be interesting and fun with close friends and loved ones.

Work, career, business

The first decade of December 2018 is a busy time for the Rat. Most likely, during this period, financial disagreements with partners in the case or with one of the old friends will continue. In the second or third decade of the month, long disputes begin to subside, apparently, it is possible to agree on a compromise acceptable to both parties.

Entrepreneurs and leaders of all levels will be engaged in a complete reorganization of their business, and these activities will continue in the next year, 2019.

The Rat's situation is as follows - the old business is already outdated, and it does not bring a stable income, but there is no new one yet. The majority of professionally active Rats are doing about the same. A new streak will come only in a year, but for now, look for options, learn something new - this will definitely come in handy in the future!


AT financially December 2018 is not particularly good for the Rat. Cash receipts will decrease and expenditures will increase. True, you can count on some amount in the period from December 20 to 22, but most of it will immediately go to family or professional needs.


As the “horoscope for December 2018” says, this month the energy potential of the Rat is low, and this can be especially felt on the days of the new moon on December 7-8. At this time, do not test the body for strength with excesses and beware of winter colds.

Read the monthly horoscope 2018 for other zodiac signs:

This month, the astro forecast advises Aries to listen to the opinion of those people who are authoritative for them. Also, representatives of the sign should not overestimate themselves, because at some point everyone can make mistakes, even they. This month, Aries will have the opportunity to bring the things they have started to their logical conclusion. Therefore, instead of wasting time in vain, the stars recommend that you quickly take up pressing matters, since you will not have such an opportunity for a long time.

Also, this period, by the way, is very suitable for meeting with distant relatives, as well as with those people that you have not seen for a long time, or whom you yourself have not visited for a long time. Remember that there are people around you who also sometimes need support and care. It is possible that by helping others, you will be able to better understand yourself, as well as increase your significance in your own eyes, which is also important. But at the same time, remember that you still need to evaluate yourself adequately.

Horoscope for December 2018 Aries - women

According to the Aries horoscope for December 2018, if you are concerned about family well-being, try to build relationships with close or distant relatives. In romantic relationships and to strengthen relationships in marriage, show more sensuality, passion and mystery. In December 2018, Aries' desire for flirting, the temptation to follow desires, will lead to the appearance of mystery in your life. The situation of a love triangle or some kind of duality is not excluded. Under the influence of a changing mood, you should not make fateful decisions that can affect your life. To family relations In December 2018, Aries decides to take things very seriously. For example, strictly observe family traditions, show comprehensive care for the household, so that they feel under your reliable wing. But do not get too carried away, so as not to be offended later when you are asked to ease your anxiety a little.

In the existing relationship with your loved one, you will be especially interested in the intellectual component. Also excellent chances for a new relationship, if you are free now. Many couples are preparing for the trip, and it will take place towards the end of December 2018 or already in January. In the plans of some representatives of the sign of Aries in December 2018, the topic of moving is increasingly heard, and in one case it will be moving to another country, and in the other - to another city, or just to a new house, or to a new apartment. That is, life is renewed and you certainly like it. Relations with relatives in the first decade of December 2018 are somewhat complicated, but a quarrel will be followed by reconciliation and by the end of the year everything will go back to normal. When choosing a gift for a child, go beyond the useful, give him something unexpected, something that can not only please him, but also surprise him. When planning gifts for other close people, do not trust only your taste, try to remember in detail what they like.

Aries woman - horoscope for December 2018

In December, the representatives of the sign will accumulate those cases that will require them to make quick decisions. But before making a definite choice, it does not hurt for the representatives of the sign to consult with relatives or friends. Most likely, one of them will tell you the right solution. Also, astro forecast does not advise you to worry about the fact that you can make a mistake in something. Fortune in any case will help you do everything in the best possible way, especially if you do not refuse someone else's help. Mid-December will be favorable for pre-holiday troubles.

If the representatives of the sign have not yet managed to buy gifts for their relatives, then they can safely do this in the last two weeks of the month. When choosing a gift, remember that first of all it should please its future owner, not you. Therefore, when choosing various pleasant little things, be guided by the tastes of another person, and not your own. By the end of December, the representatives of the sign will need a little rest in order to take a breath and prepare for the holidays. If one of the women has not yet had time to confess their love, they will be able to correct this unfortunate omission right before the New Year.

Horoscope for women Aries December 2018

Representatives of the sign in last month years like no other will want romance, vivid emotions and impressions. At the same time, you will be torn from the desire to be alone with your loved one and show off in society, flirt and turn someone's head. It is this contradiction that will cause the jealousy of your chosen one and the beginning of new, unpredictable events that will be very unexpected for you. Especially if you want interesting and romantic relationships and new acquaintances. Those who have not yet found a mate or are not sure of the love of the man they like will be able to be in society more often and create beautiful images to conquer male heart. For you, the main thing is not just a game, but a role that will bring success and the expected reward.

If you dream of sincere feelings, then try to choose an image for the New Year and New Year's Eve parties in which red, golden or White color. Only in this situation you can not only create a bright and mysterious image, but also win the heart of someone you like. For family and lovers representatives of the sign, a period of boredom and temporary alienation may come, but closer to the New Year's holiday, everything will return to normal and you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and problems. Do not wait for attention, but try to create an atmosphere of celebration, love and beauty yourself.

Horoscope for women Aries in December 2018

No matter how hard you try, this month you will not be able to earn extra money or make additional profit. Therefore, in December 2018, just accept the situation as it is, especially since the horoscope promises that it will develop relatively well and remain stable. If you do not have enough money for some purchases, find the courage to refuse them. Finding Venus in the 8th house of the horoscope in December 2018 will endow the representatives of the Aries sign with extraordinary sensuality and an almost irresistible desire to finally find, if not a soul mate, then at least a couple for the upcoming holidays.

In itself, this is not bad, but the horoscope advises you not to be too frivolous and not try to throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet. According to the horoscope of Aries, December 2018 is the time when it is not recommended to impose your feelings on a person who does not want this at all, moreover, you should not make matrimonial proposals to him. They will not be received in the way you expect. As for the family representatives of this sign, then, according to the horoscope, they will finally be able to relax. Complete harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your relationship with your partner, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, Aries need to gather strength and complete all the work that has been started! For representatives of your zodiac sign, this month will pass under the predominant influence of the moon. This means that you can start a romantic "lunar" relationship that will develop into true Love! For family people, the horoscope for December 2018 Aries promises a period of stability and the revival of past feelings.

Shake off boring duties - down with the routine! The stars show that in December 2018, Aries can indulge in their favorite food, entertainment, communication with nice people. Sometimes we all need to replenish energy and expended forces, and energetic representatives of the fire element are no exception.

Good luck will accompany: 2, 5, 16, 18, 19, 24, 29

Dangerous days in December 2018: 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 25

Lucky in love, auspicious dates: 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 18, 21, 25

Numbers good for shopping, money transactions: 5, 7, 8, 13, 16, 17, 26, 27

Online haircut calendar (suitable days): 3, 6, 7, 15, 19, 22, 28

Talismans for the sign Aries for December 2018

Plant: Cornflower

Number: 29

Mascot: Ankh

Name: Anastasia

Color: Chestnut

Animal: Skunk

Video horoscope for the sign Aries for December 2018 on YouTube (youtube)

If there is no time to read an individual free horoscope, then you can watch and listen to it on YouTube! Female and male astroscope, financial (monetary) issues, marriage and family, characteristics of fate. Personal relationships of single and family people, health and well-being.

Aries December 2018 - work and career

As mentioned above, at the beginning of winter, Aries will have to complete previously started work. In order not to get exhausted and keep the enthusiasm for the New Year holidays, you need to correctly allocate your time between work and household chores. Delegate part of the tasks to colleagues - it will only benefit you! There is a chance that the manager in December 2018 will begin to treat you better. You can take advantage of this and ask for an increase in salary.

Aries businessmen in December should pay increased attention to compliance with the formalities and requirements of the law. Do not forget to pay all due taxes and duties in order to avoid problems in communicating with regulatory authorities. Perhaps it is worth organizing a New Year's sale and selling at least part of the stale goods.

Money, material prospects

The December 2018 horoscope for the Aries sign encourages you to think about how to save your existing financial assets. Of course, the most simple solution there will be a bank deposit, but one should not expect much profit from it. The astrological forecast invites Aries to take a risk and invest the available amount in a promising business. However, it is advisable to first consult with lawyers and investment specialists.

Aries love and sexual horoscope for December 2018

Aries, whose heart is free and open to romance, will be able to meet a wonderful person this month. The astroscope does not promise that the relationship will be completely cloudless, especially if your zodiac signs have low compatibility. However, the lapping period will pass sooner or later. In addition, the astro forecast for December 2018 shows that your love will be stronger than obstacles and external circumstances.

Meeting Aries need to pay more attention to the object of their adoration, even if for this they sometimes have to give up work and career prospects. Make gifts to the second half, go to the cinema or to a restaurant. Act in this way, and perhaps as early as the beginning of next year you will be able to marry.

Family astrological forecast

The stars show that in December 2018, Aries may have conflicts with their neighbors, which will be caused by domestic issues. Don't forget the old saying - a bad world is a better place. good quarrel. Especially if you are not going to change your place of residence in the foreseeable future. If you feel that you are tired of the daily routine, then it makes sense to “moor off” and go on at least a short trip with your family.

The child of Aries may have a conflict with a friend this month, as a result of which he will worry. If this happens, then your support and advice will help the child resolve this conflict.

Aries woman - horoscope for December 2018

The astroscope shows that this month you need to devote more time to yourself and your needs. Engage in self-improvement - this will allow you to turn into a real lady! You can work on your image, vocabulary and mannerisms. The efforts made will allow you to meet a worthy life partner or take the desired position.

For all things, do not forget that sometimes you need to relax. Of course, Aries is a very energetic sign, and he does not like to be inactive for a long time. Nevertheless, the horoscope for December 2018 advises you to gain strength so that the accumulated fatigue does not spoil the New Year holidays.

Aries man horoscope - for December 2018

This month will be especially favorable for Aries, employed in the field of services, maintenance of equipment, as well as for builders. You will definitely not be left without work, and you will be able to earn a solid bonus at the end of the month. At the end of December, your old acquaintance, with whom you have not communicated for several years, may make itself felt.

Aries men in December 2018 will be able to handle many difficult cases and issues that could not be resolved before. Your experience, professionalism and natural charm will help you conquer new heights! Your success can be the envy of less successful colleagues, so try not to advertise them.

Health horoscope for Aries for December 2018

It is likely that for some time you have put off going to the dentist or another doctor. It's time to put an end to this unpleasant but necessary duty! If you continue to ignore the symptoms you have, you can get yourself in big trouble.

During December, Aries should pay more attention to the warm-up and exercises aimed at developing the joints. In winter, some stiffness can occur, limiting your mobility and leading to congestion. Daily gymnastics will avoid these unpleasant consequences.

1st decade of December 2018: Expand your social circle, get useful acquaintances! Use your communication skills to achieve your goals, do not hesitate to "go ahead" if the situation requires it.

2nd decade of December 2018: Make all the necessary decisions without doubt or hesitation. For some time, Fate has thrown you various tests. But now this period is over, and you can count on the favor of the stars.

3rd decade of December 2018: Be careful in communicating with higher management, do not make promises that you cannot keep. Otherwise, you will gain a reputation as a frivolous person, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

Aries. Horoscope for December 2020 for Aries.

In December, only a small effort separates Aries from success. Be more restrained and calmer, and you will get what you dreamed about.
December- a great time to get rid of the accumulated rubbish. The more cleanliness in the house, the better for the future.

Favorable days for Aries in December 2020 - 1, 10, 15, 21, 24, 30
Bad days for Aries in December 2020 - 6, 13, 17, 28

Aries career and finances in December 2020
December is a professionally important month for Aries., right now the promising opportunities that you have been waiting for will appear. However, for their implementation, you will need to give all your time and effort. Are you ready for it?
During this period, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to expand their business. Good luck awaits people of creative professions - they will be in demand more than ever.
First half of the month- a busy, fruitful time. You will achieve a lot without sacrificing the quality of the tasks.
Second half of the month- a favorable period for establishing contacts and resuming old ties that were broken for some reason.
Most Aries in December will be satisfied with their financial situation. And those born in the second half of the sign will surely be able to significantly increase their income. Probably, you will be returned old debts or presented with a rather large amount as a gift.

Aries Personal Life in December 2020
December will bring Aries updates in their personal lives: new acquaintances (it is possible that these will be relatives of one of your friends) and a real “rush of feelings” in your current relationship - you will once again note how lucky you are with your loved one.
Changes in appearance made in the second half of the month will benefit and attract the attention of potential partners. The stars predict the successful development of the novel if you do not stay in one place. Joint walks, short trips, parties - all this will allow you to get to know the chosen one better.
Lonely Aries stars are recommended to take up the construction of a personal life. You should start by putting things in order in the apartment. Do a general cleaning in the closet, give away or throw away unnecessary things, tidy up the bedside tables, on the table, etc. After such cleaning, you will surely feel more confident and cheerful. And the increased confidence will help to make new interesting acquaintances.

Aries health in December 2020
In the first half of December, the susceptibility to infections in Aries will be increased. Avoid contact with people who are sick and wash your hands before every meal.
At the same time, moderate physical activity will be useful. It is better to postpone intensive sports activities, as they can cause a malfunction in the cardiovascular system.
In the second half of the month you will be prone to overeating. And it will pull you not on healthy food, but on semi-finished products and fast food. Have pity on the stomach - do not give in to harmful desire, no matter how strong it is.