foreign universities. Top Universities Abroad

Every year, many of our compatriots receive education abroad. Even more applicants dream of studying in good foreign universities, but they are afraid of the high price for education for foreigners. But we will prove that studying abroad for Russians can be free if several important nuances are observed, which we will also discuss in this article.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that education abroad for free means the educational process, that is, a foreigner does not pay only for studying at a university. But food, accommodation, educational materials, library services and other expenses are not included in the funding program. Therefore, before you go to study abroad, you need to have some financial cushion for the entire period of study.

The main condition for studying abroad for Russians and other foreigners is proficiency in international English or the language of the state where they plan to study. If the level of language proficiency is insufficient in order to receive free affordable education abroad, then it is worth using special courses to prepare foreigners for admission to foreign educational establishments.

So, there are several ways how a Russian can get a foreign education for free. However, all these methods are somehow based on financial assistance from the state, a private enterprise, an educational institution, a philanthropist, a public organization, etc.

Here are 7 ways to get free education abroad:

  1. Grants for free study abroad 2018 or the so-called social assistance to students from the state for the implementation of a professional project, educational expenses, courses, advanced training, training in summer or language schools, etc. The grant is issued in the form of an incentive for distinguished students , at a time, but it is possible to get it again.
  2. Scholarship from a university or state. A distinguished student may be awarded a scholarship from a foreign university, which will cover the cost of studying in whole or in part. To receive a scholarship, an applicant must write a good motivation letter and attach proof of their services to society. It can be creative, volunteer, scientific, sports activities or other achievements.
  3. Research fellowship. Such an incentive, as a rule, is issued by an interested person - a private or state enterprise, a public foundation that needs a specialist in a particular field. The research scholarship is intended for those who have graduated from a university and intend to pursue a master's program to carry out further research activities.
  4. Doctorate. Another type of education that an interested person can pay for is an institution or the state. Unlike a master's degree, a student, in addition to studying, will work as an assistant professor: read introductory courses in the specialty, participate in research projects, etc. This is a good chance to gain tremendous experience.
  5. Program " global education". The customer of this program is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The state pays for education in another country, but the student, after completing his studies, is obliged to return to Russia and work for three years at the enterprise that he is assigned. Under this program, you can enroll in a master's, postgraduate or doctoral studies abroad, and upon completion of it, get a job in the Russian Federation.
  6. American exchange program Global UGRAD. This program allows higher education institutions from Europe and Central Asia to exchange students daily form who wish to study in the USA. Selection for participation in the Global UGRAD program is carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Au Pair exchange program. This program allows Russian students to study on exchange not only in the USA, but in European countries for a period of 4 months to 1 year. Thanks to the Au Pair, students get the opportunity to learn the language, get acquainted with the culture and work abroad for free. This program allows you to live in a family of foreigners and attend language courses, helping in return for the "foster" family to look after the children or run the household.

As you can see, there are many ways to study for free in another country, but before you start preparing for such a process, you need to think carefully: how much you will have to spend on food, accommodation, transport, what documents will be required, what should be the level of language proficiency for admission to university.

Where can I go to study Russian for free? — 10 countries

It should be noted right away that you can study for free abroad only at state universities, since only such universities provide free education for foreigners. Education in private schools is paid. Unless there is a special agreement between a private Russian and a foreign university on a free exchange of students, but this rarely happens.

We list which countries Russians can go to for free study, and what requirements for admission they put forward:

  1. USA. Students who intend to enter American universities should know that it is impossible to do this without entrance exams. Mandatory testing for all applicants is the SAT exam to test the knowledge of the school curriculum in grammar and mathematics. In addition, you must pass a knowledge test of English language. At the same time, you can enter the “bachelor's” program after graduating from a school in Russia, and not after graduating from a Russian university.
  2. Canada. It is easy to enter Canadian universities immediately after finishing 11 classes, unless, of course, the applicant studied well at home. There is no need to take entrance exams for admission. If there is a certificate confirming proficiency in English or French, then the language proficiency test is also not necessary. Upon admission to universities in Canada, the certificate is evaluated, giving preference to those applicants who have high marks.
  3. Australia. If a Russian is fluent in English and has completed the first year of a Russian university, then he can go to study at an Australian university for free. The main thing is to confirm knowledge of the language with a certificate or passing a language test. If the applicant graduated only from school, then he will first have to undergo training at the zero preparatory course, after which he will receive a “bachelor's degree” in 3 years. But while studying in Australia, you can get two specialties at once.
  4. Denmark. A country with a very high level of education, in which various exchange programs are widespread. To enter free education in Denmark, you need a special agreement between universities, knowledge of the English language, confirmed by a certificate, a certificate of secondary education, as well as a certificate from the bank on the state of the account to confirm the ability to pay for living in this country.
  5. Austria. Teaching is conducted in two languages ​​- English or German. You can enter Austrian universities without entrance tests, but you still have to pass an exam for knowledge of one of the indicated languages. If the language level is insufficient for studying at universities in Austria, then you can take a preparatory course in one academic year to improve your knowledge, get to know the culture and enter the university without any problems in a year.
  6. Germany. Training also takes place in German or English at the student's choice; entrance exams are also not needed. However, foreigners without higher education in their native country are not admitted to German universities. Foreigners must complete at least two university courses in their home country in order to enter the first course in Germany or complete one course at home in order to enter the preparatory course at a German university.
  7. Belgium. Another European country that allows Russians to get foreign education. Teaching is conducted in English or French. Entrance testing for knowledge of the school curriculum is not carried out, but the language exam is mandatory. The main plus is that if there are good grades in the certificate, then you can enter immediately after graduation.
  8. Italy. The universities of this European country are open to foreign applicants who speak English or Italian. It is possible to enter without exams and a language certificate, depending on the availability of higher education and specialty. But, as in Germany, one cannot enter Italian universities without completing at least 1-2 courses of a Russian higher educational institution.
  9. France. Russian applicants educational institutions can accept without exams immediately after they finish school. For admission, you only need a certificate with good grades, as well as a language certificate or a test in French or English.
  10. Finland. In this country, students can enter a higher educational institution only after passing exams and language testing. Due to the fact that education is conducted either in English or in Finnish, students who decide to enter a university in this country must confirm knowledge of the language. The college is accepted without exams.

It is worth noting that the educational institutions of Greece, the Czech Republic, Spain, China and other countries offer Russian students the opportunity of free education. But teaching in universities in this case is conducted in the language of the country in which he is located, i.e. Chinese, Czech, Spanish, and so on, and not in English. You can enter universities without passing exams immediately after graduation or after completing the 1st year of a Russian institute.

Elite education abroad

Studying abroad is now of interest to everyone who wants to get an elite, prestigious education. What is elite education? As a rule, this is education at the highest level, which includes highly qualified teachers, high technological equipment and other criteria. Today we are discussing the universities of Britain and the USA.

If you are interested in studying abroad, and would also like to master English perfectly, then prestigious universities and universities in the UK and the USA are waiting for you! Consider the most prestigious foreign higher education institutions.

Welcome to Oxford!

If you are interested in UK universities, then we will talk about them now. Oxford University is one of the visiting cards of England. Oxford is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe. This is one of the best universities in England, which gave the world about 50 Nobel laureates.

The history of this school is amazing. It was originally a monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 912. In 1117, it was decided to found the first Oxford University in England, so that the clergy could receive a more complete education. And only under King Henry II Oxford became a real university town, where not only clergymen, but also everyone could study.

In subsequent centuries, the kings of England invested resources in the development of the Oxford abode of science. Modern Oxford is not only an elite education, but also a whole complex of historical and cultural attractions.

In addition to the university itself, it includes the colleges of Christ Church, the chapel of Oxford Cathedral, Magdalen College, the monument to the poet Shelley, the Bodleian Library, which contains 6 million books, the Ashmolean Museum, where you can see the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt and other geniuses of painting. The botanical garden, indoor market, several other museums, world-famous pubs - all this can be seen in the famous Oxford.

The Bodleian Library is worth a separate discussion. This book storage disputes the right to be called the oldest in Europe from the Vatican Library. The founder of the Bodleian Library, Bishop Thomas de Cobham, who created a small collection of books and initially had to chain them to the wall to prevent the books from being stolen. A few centuries later, this book depository was taken under his wing by Sir Thomas Bodley, who turned it into a real library, for this purpose acquiring books from different countries including Turkey and China.

As you can guess, this is not just a university, but a whole cultural town. It provides a wonderful opportunity to develop culturally and receive an excellent elite education. Prestigious universities in the USA and England

If you are interested in Cambridge...

We continue to discuss universities in England, and our conversation about where you can get an elite education and what is studying abroad, and we present you another prestigious university in England. As you may have guessed, of course, this is Cambridge.

Cambridge, like Oxford, is one of the oldest university centers in Europe. There are 87 Nobel laureates associated with this university. In 1214, the basic university rules were drawn up in Cambridge. According to these rules, the rector and the program with final exams were appointed. Here they began to teach science, mathematics, philosophy, logic. Oxford and Cambridge have a long history of rivalry with each other.

Cambridge includes 31 colleges, a university library, an observatory, and a laboratory. Educational and scientific activity organized in several faculties, in different areas: oriental studies, English, musicology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, economics, etc.

The universal library of Cambridge includes not only books, but also notes, manuscripts, drawings, maps. Every year its funds are replenished with copies of books and other materials. The library is open to both teachers and students.

If you are interested in an elite education in Cambridge, then there are grants for foreign students that partially cover the cost of studying in England. So keep it up!

You preferred Harvard...

Let's move on to prestigious US universities. If you are interested in the Harvard educational institution in the USA, then this is also a great opportunity to get an elite education. Harvard is not as ancient as the prestigious institutions of higher education in England, but the history of the United States itself is relatively new.

Harvard University was founded in 1636. Initially, it was a college and clergymen studied there. After civil war In the USA, Harvard was transformed into a university. This university has graduated from 8 US presidents, and 75 Nobel laureates have been associated with it, as its students or teachers.

Harvard University in the USA includes 10 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Theology, Dentistry, Business, Design, etc., as well as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

It is worth noting that the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study provides scholarships on a competitive basis as part of its program in various areas knowledge. This program is designed for scientists working in various fields, as well as for people in creative professions, such as video graphics artists, film artists, sound and video designers, etc.

All these universities are prestigious world universities. And these are not just universities, but real ones. cultural centers USA and England, where world-famous professors teach. Residents of England and the United States are very proud of their oldest educational institutions, allowing you to get an elite education.

Studying abroad is a reality these days; The only question is the cost of education. In any case, if you are interested in these prestigious universities and want to get an elite education, then go for it, you will succeed!

What do you need to enter foreign universities?

Each university from abroad has its own requirements for foreign applicants, but almost all of them are identical. Students from Russia can enter foreign universities by fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. You must provide a high school diploma. This requirement is very important, since during the acceptance of documents, the school leaving certificate will be considered first.
  2. Documents in which the results of exams are indicated. Be sure to provide certificates of the exam or GIA. The scores in these documents can significantly affect the decision of the commission.
  3. In order to get a second higher education or to enroll in a master's or doctoral degree, a diploma from a Russian university is required.
  4. Knowledge of English. Since many universities teach in English, you need to know it. Basic knowledge of style, grammar, reading and spelling are all required to pass the test. For almost every university, one of the main points for admission is the TOEFL test, which takes place on a computer.
  5. Age also has great importance on admission. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  6. Passing entrance exams. Most often, universities are accepted without exams, but in some countries of America they may require the passage of a standard SAT exam. Also, instead of exams, an interview can be conducted by phone or Skype.
  7. Those who wish to enter a master's program must also be prepared to take a standardized exam.
  8. It is necessary to complete 1-2 courses of a Russian university. Many foreign universities may not accept you for 1 course due to the fact that their school education system has 12 classes. In Russia, it is different and therefore foreigners need to complete several courses at their native university in order to enter.

The list of documents that are needed for admission to universities abroad for free education:

  1. A certificate confirming the completion of secondary education.
  2. Diploma certifying higher education.
  3. Resume or curriculum vitae in the form of CV.
  4. A copy of the Diploma Supplement or an extract from the transcript if the graduation document has not yet been received.
  5. Language certificate.
  6. Certificate of passing an exam or test.
  7. Questionnaire, which is filled in according to the requirements of the university. Some universities post it electronically on the website. It must be printed and submitted already completed in printed form.
  8. Recommendations from curators, teachers and the dean of the university. Their number is from 3 to 5.
  9. Motivation letter. Here you need to tell what prompted you to enter this particular university, what you like about their training program. It will not be superfluous to tell about your achievements and hobbies, this will allow you to fully reveal your personality and will place the members of the commission.

Every document matters. If you do not provide any commission may not enroll you in the university.

Useful experience: how a Ukrainian entered 10 US universities

A real sensation in 2017 was the student of the Kyiv Financial and Legal Lyceum Georgy Solodko, who was able to enter 10 US universities at once. According to the student himself, he applied to the top 20 American universities, but received a positive response from only half of them. They sent their offers to George, including Stanford and Harvard, but Solodko settled on the latter, where he is now studying with Obama's daughter.

A Ukrainian student managed to get a grant of 300 thousand dollars from Harvard University, which fully covers the expenses not only for the entire period of study, but also for housing, food, transport, etc. But air tickets for flights home, participation in various scientific conferences and Georgy pays for study materials himself.

At the moment, Solodko is the only Ukrainian in Gvard, but he assures that any Russian, Ukrainian or Armenian graduate can become a stent of this prestigious university. To do this, you need to study well in your homeland, know English, participate in the life of society, be persistent, friendly and have an active life position.

In addition, when submitting documents to a foreign university, you need to provide academic recommendations from teachers in which they describe the success of their student, his hobbies, talk about his position in life, academic performance and leadership qualities. Moreover, just a dry theory is not enough: it is necessary to reveal the personality of your ward with specific examples.

In addition to recommendations from teachers, you need to pass the SAT - the main exam for knowledge of English, mathematics and other school subjects, as well as TOEFL. The higher the scores obtained for these tests, and the higher the score in the certificate, the more likely it is to enter an American university. Passing each exam costs the applicant about $ 100. You also need to pay about $20 to send your results to universities.

If the university management has any doubts about the applicant, then he will be assigned an additional interview - an interview via Skype. During this conversation, you should follow the dress code: appear in decent clothes - in trousers and a shirt or jacket. You should not go through an interview in an old T-shirt and shorts, drinking tea.

According to Georgy Solodko, the whole process of preparing for admission to foreign universities took him about a year. It took about three months to prepare for the tests. The path, of course, is long, but free study at a prestigious university is worth it!

Marina Mogilko also entered 5 US universities, two of which provided her with full funding for her master's degree and MBA. Today Marina provides how to prepare and apply for study programs at state universities and internships abroad.

So, we have proved that it is quite possible to get an education abroad for free, but you need to have good academic performance, determination and know English!

Many graduates are interested in the question: “Is it possible to go to study abroad immediately after grade 11?”. Some of them have heard that not all universities accept foreigners who have just finished school, others are not sure about their level of English or are simply afraid of competition in the admission process.

In short, there are more questions than answers. In this article, we will try to figure out - is it really possible to start studying abroad after grade 11 and, most importantly, is it worth it?

Much depends on the country

If you want to enter a foreign university after graduation, you probably know in which country you would like to live and study.

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However, it is worth remembering that whether you can enter a foreign university immediately after graduating from a Russian school largely depends on the country and the rules of a particular educational institution.

The fact is that not in all countries the education system involves entering the university immediately after school, especially for foreign students. There are several reasons here:

1. Firstly, 11 grades of a Russian school is 11 or 10 (if the school "jumps" grade 4) years of education. In some countries, this study experience is not enough to apply for admission to a higher education institution

2. Secondly, the education system of some countries provides for an "intermediate link" between school and university education. This may be studying at a polytechnic or mandatory courses to prepare for studying at a university (usually applies specifically to foreign students)

So, for example, in America there is an optional, but desirable system of preparatory pre-university courses -. Such courses involve not only preparation for studying at the university, but also the improvement of the academic performance of students, and practically guarantee successful admission to the university.

Meanwhile, in Singapore, all those wishing to enter the university are required to undergo preliminary training in the country. For foreign students, this is expressed in passing annual Foundation courses, studying at a local high school (1-2 years) or at a polytechnic in the chosen specialty. Only after that the student has the right to apply to one of the Singapore universities.

At the same time, there are countries where you can enter universities immediately after graduating from a Russian school. These include, for example, the Czech Republic and Finland. In these countries, as well as in the United States, there is an option to take preparatory language or academic courses, however, this condition is not mandatory for applying to a university.

A lot depends on the student.

Note that not all graduates of Russian schools have a real opportunity to enter a foreign university immediately after the 11th grade. The highest chances, of course, are those who have set a goal in advance - to go to study abroad. Such students, a few years before graduation, choose the country of interest and even the university, begin to diligently study the required foreign language and bring their academic performance to meet the requirements of the university.

In case you did not do all this, but simply wanted to study abroad at the end of the 11th grade, let's face it - your chances of fast admission are low. Studying in another country, especially in prestigious university, usually involves a serious preparation process, without which it is very difficult to enter the university.

You will be able to enter the university after the 11th grade if:

  1. Your knowledge of English or other required language is at a sufficiently high level
  2. You have a certificate of passing a language exam (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) with a good score
  3. Your academic performance is high enough
  4. You can expect to receive a letter of recommendation that characterizes you as a serious and purposeful student
  5. You have definitely decided on the place of study abroad
  6. You or your parents have the financial ability to pay for education abroad

If you don't fit this list, but dream of studying abroad, don't despair! In a few years of hard work, you can easily raise your language and academic level, pass the necessary exams, and find a suitable foreign university for yourself. In this case, it is you who can come in handy for university preparation courses, and scholarships and grants for international students can help you out in funding your studies.

Should I apply right after 11th grade?

Consider the main pros and cons of leaving to study abroad immediately after graduating from a Russian school.


  1. You do not waste precious years and purposefully go to your dream
  2. You do not have time to get out of the process of intense study and wean from it
  3. You'll get your bachelor's degree at an age many others are just entering college.
  4. You will quickly reinforce theoretical knowledge foreign language practical skills


  1. In addition to preparing for the final exams, in the 11th grade you will be busy with the laborious process of entering a foreign university
  2. Due to age or psychological unpreparedness, a sudden change of place of residence and study can cause stress
  3. You will not have time to distract yourself and take a break from your studies. For two years (grade 11 and 1 year at the university) you will be busy studying, passing many exams, tests, collecting and submitting documents
  4. You must be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to enter a university on the first attempt, in case your language or academic indicators are not good enough

Admission to the University

If you still decide to start studying at a foreign university immediately after graduating from a Russian school, follow these instructions:

  1. As soon as possible, choose a university in a country where you can start studying at a university immediately after the 11th grade of a Russian school
  2. It would not be superfluous to travel to this country and visit the university to be sure of your decision.
  3. Work hard to learn the required foreign language
  4. During your studies in the 11th grade, get the necessary certificates for passing international language exams
  5. Familiarize yourself with university requirements for international students and bring your scores up to these requirements
  6. Get some good, well-written letters of recommendation from your teachers
  7. Find out about the required documents for applying to the university, collect them and submit them just in time
  8. In advance, deal with the issue of obtaining a passport and a visa required to enter the country of study.

Here are 5 ways to do this:

  • Grants or so-called social assistance to students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, taking courses, etc. The grant is issued as a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can get it again.
  • Scholarship . When receiving a scholarship that can cover the cost of all or part of the training, a motivation letter plays a huge role. The scholarship may be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic fields, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
  • Research Fellowship . This way of getting education is intended for those who graduated from the "tower" and plan to enter the master's program for further research activities. The state, representatives of private or public funds can issue such a scholarship.
  • Assistantship . Designed for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to teaching, you will work as an assistant professor. His duties include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department is implementing. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Global Education Program . A program was developed so that a student studying abroad at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation, after graduating from the university under a master's, postgraduate, doctoral program, would return to Russia and work at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have a job after graduation.

So, as you understand, get free education abroad is possible . The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice is: think through everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money you will need for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

A significant number of applicants dream of getting a good education abroad and staying there to live. However, many are repelled by the price, because it usually turns out that guests of the country pay more for education than native residents. The question often arises: is it possible to get a quality education abroad for free?

Free education in Denmark

One of the countries providing free education for international students is Denmark. Only residents of EU countries or students who have officially arrived on an exchange can study at free universities in Denmark (there must be a formalized agreement between universities). In all other cases, you will need to pay for your studies. Universities of the most beautiful Danish cities offer free education: Copenhagen University, Ahlboge, Aarhus University and Odense. All of them teach according to world formats in English.

University of Copenhagen

Why you should choose the country of Denmark for studying without paying:

  • Denmark is a state with one of the best teaching systems.
  • Each university has a wide range of specializations.
  • The education process takes place in English.
  • If you are an EU citizen or came on an exchange, then you will only need to pay for living in a hostel - 300 euros per semester.
  • The university gives you the opportunity to work while studying.

To apply for a Danish university, you need to have the following documents:

  1. Certificate of Proficiency in English. It is possible to get it for free.
  2. A letter of recommendation in the language that is the language of instruction (from the place of previous study).
  3. Letter of motivation from you in English (tell us why you should be chosen, what you can do and what you want to learn).
  4. Mandatory presence of a visa.
  5. A certificate from the bank on the status of your account (confirmation that you have enough to live in a foreign country).

The list of other papers should be checked with the university administration.

Free education in India

To receive free knowledge in this eastern country, the applicant must obtain an ITEC certificate, which confirms your completion of the Indian program of technical and economic cooperation. Each year, the government of India issues a decree with different professions that qualify under this program. Most often, visitors apply to Calcutta University, Mumbai, Delhi and Indian State University of Management. The list of documents can be found at the Indian Embassy in your country, or on the website of the university where you will study. Each has its own list, so you need to recognize it personally there. We can say one thing - a visa is required.

Anyone can apply for a unity university in India, even an ordinary tourist. This famous institution is engaged in the spiritual development of a person, teaching him the moral values ​​​​of the world. The university is also called the "Golden City", its branches are in many cities of the world, including Russian ones. Anyone can come there. Money usually goes only for accommodation and food.

Free education in the UAE

Universities in the UAE have long attracted students from all over the world. There are several types of universities in this country: public (only for UAE citizens), private (some of them only for citizens) and international universities. It is precisely the latter who are engaged in free teaching. They have connections with many universities in other countries, so they develop many programs for foreigners.

Although the language of the state is Arabic, nevertheless, all training takes place in English.

You can enter and receive knowledge for free only if you passed the entrance exams perfectly. But before that, you must collect and show the following documents:

  • Certificate for 11 classes of education at a school with a rating score of at least 3.5.
  • Certificate of Proficiency in English.
  • Study visa.
  • Certificate of passing the state testing Academic IELTS or Internet Based TOEFL.

Examinations for admission are determined depending on the profession.

Free education in the Baltics

Universities of Latvia do not give free knowledge to visiting applicants, even if they pass the entrance tests with excellent marks. Free grants and places are available only for citizens of the country. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about universities in Latvia.

But Lithuanian universities and Estonian universities with open doors will accept literate visiting students for free education. Therefore, you must show all the necessary documents on time and pass the entrance test with excellent marks. If everything was successful, you can safely apply for participation in the competition for a grant and budget places. Here are the documents you need to collect:

  • High School Certificate.
  • Application for enrollment in Lithuanian and Estonian universities.
  • Motivation letter for the institution.
  • Certificates of the form TOEFL or IELTS about knowledge of English (if the submission of the material will be taught in it).
  • Copies of passport and photograph.
  • A certificate from the bank on sufficient funds to live in a foreign city (about 100 euros per month).

Advantages of obtaining a qualification in the Baltic States:

  • Specializations of the Russian or Kazakhstani type are considered equal to the Baltic ones.
  • Teaching subjects for some programs is conducted in Russian.
  • The Baltic diploma is quoted all over the world.
  • The university is obliged to send you for an internship.
  • During the training, you will be assigned a mentor - a native of the city, who will help you understand the system.
  • It is not necessary to know English perfectly, it will be easy to communicate with you in Russian.

In addition to grants, the Baltic often finances loans for education with further working off the amount in distribution companies.

Free education in Greece

Universities in Greece provide university education without payment only to visiting citizens! All residents of the country are forced to study in private institutions. Here is why this place should be chosen by future students:

  • Everything, down to food and education, is free for visiting students.
  • Registration at the university is carried out during the competition of certificates. At the same time, you may not even be in the country.
  • Knowledge of Greek is not required.
  • Greek diplomas are in demand all over the world.

To do this, you need to make only one payment - for the selection of the faculty and assistance in signing papers. The sooner the applicant thinks about it, the less the amount will be. Different universities in Greece have different amounts.

To study in Greece without paying, you must provide:

  • Certificate of secondary education with a score of at least 4. Otherwise, the applicant will not even be able to participate in the competition.
  • A certificate from the bank on the financial condition of the student's family.
  • Motivation letter.

Other documents can be found on the website of the selected university.

Free education in Belgium

The difficulties of obtaining knowledge at universities in Belgium are that only 2% of visiting students are taken there every year. And this means that the selection is very tough. According to the rules, the number of Belgian citizens in universities should be greater.

Of course, in order to get your place, a citizen of another country can pay an additional fee - 2000 Euros. But you need to do this 10 months before the start of enrollment in the course.

Foreign guests of the Belgian University, of course, are given grants to gain knowledge and free places. Just after passing the entrance exams, you need to apply for participation in the NATO, WHO, UNESCO and UN competition. All conditions can be found on the websites of these organizations. Each applicant for without fail must speak the state and English languages.

Knowledge of the language of communication is necessary at least at the initial level.

Free education in the Balkans

Serbian universities give their foreign applicants grants to gain knowledge. The budget place includes scholarships, tuition without payment and health insurance. But getting such a grant is not easy. You need to collect the following papers:

  • School leaving certificate or certificate of the first higher education already received.
  • Bank statement confirming financial security.
  • Certificate stating that you have no criminal record.
  • Conclusion about the healthy state of the body.
  • Passport (copy and original).

In addition, entrance exams are held, which determine whether the applicant will give money for education or not. If you did not manage to enter a certain university, you can send papers to another 16 Serbian universities.

Universities in Romania and universities in Hungary have the same laws. But the universities of Croatia and the universities of Slovenia cannot provide education without paying their students from other countries. There, for a year of obtaining knowledge at a regular university, you will need to pay about 2000-2500 euros.

Free education in Portugal

If you are a citizen of the European Union or are going to study in Portugal for an exchange from another university, then you can safely apply for a free place. It's not so easy for those coming from the CIS to get there. But there are still free places.

There are no less requirements for visitors than for natives. Everyone should know the Portuguese language and the culture of the people perfectly, no matter if you are a local or a visitor. This is taken into account when passing the entrance test. Before it, you need to show a list of papers:

  • Certificate of secondary education.
  • Health insurance.
  • Certificate from the bank on financial stability.
  • Grade for the Portuguese language proficiency test.
  • Visa.

In order to get an excellent mark for your knowledge of the Portuguese language, you can pre-register for courses that are held at the university of your choice. It is best to start preparing for admission in advance, and not a few weeks before applying.

Universities in Portugal are approved as one of the best and cheapest in the world.

But there are other countries that are popular among foreign applicants. So, for example, the universities of Mexico, Brazil, Thailand do not provide grants for budget places for visiting applicants, but there you can start getting a scholarship because of excellent studies. Thus, at least some money is returned to the hands. It is not difficult to start studying at universities, the same documents are required everywhere. It is clear that the level of education there is much lower than in Europe, but their diplomas are also valid all over the world.

Universities in Ireland and universities in Iceland also do not differ in free teaching. Future qualified employees are trained there, the teaching of knowledge in these states is able to compete with the teaching system, for example, in Britain. Thus, registration of admission to institutes there is far from cheap. Educational institutions in Ireland very often give part-time jobs to their students.

Of course, there are many universities abroad, waiting for visiting applicants. Many easily give away state-funded places, while others teach only newcomers with the help of a grant. Don't forget to get higher education abroad is possible with a valid visa that does not expire in the middle of the semester. If this happens, then it will be difficult to recover in an educational institution.

Free education outside your country is quite real! You can study in many of the above countries.

The goal of the company is to give Russian graduates a chance for a successful future and career. These are the prospects that open up for people who have graduated from a university in the UK, Germany, the USA, the Netherlands, etc. Among our partners are hundreds of the largest universities in Europe and America, top universities:

  • Harvard University;
  • Columbia University;
  • University of Cambridge;
  • Yale University;
  • University of Oxford;
  • Princeton University;
  • Stanford University.

Together with StudyLab, admission to the best universities abroad becomes more affordable. And all thanks to the comprehensive support of applicants - from collecting documents to obtaining visas.

Admission to foreign universities: the whole range of services

StudyLab has been specializing in organizing study abroad for over 10 years. We provide the following services:

  • organization of language courses;
  • preparation for international exams in English IELTS, TOEFL;
  • analysis and selection of universities abroad and curricula in accordance with your goals;
  • advising on foreign education;
  • collection of documents for submission to the admission committee of the university;
  • assistance in writing motivational letters (essays attached to the application for admission);
  • issuance of a study visa;
  • supervision in the learning process.

We not only organize admission to higher education institutions abroad, but also accompany students abroad during the first semester or year of study. The enrollment process is also under 100% control of our experts. StudyLab specialists will help you choose the best educational programs, assess the level of academic knowledge and prepare for admission and study.

Exam preparation

Entrust us with the preparation for admission - enlist the support of experienced professionals and leading teachers. With our help, hundreds of Russians enter universities in London, New York, Amsterdam, Berlin and other cities around the world. Our secret is first-class preparation courses for entrance exams, including SAT, GMAT, ACT, GRE and others.

For clients entering the creative professions in the field of Art & Design, we provide assistance in compiling a portfolio. Preparation for admission together with StudyLab is a guarantee of your success!

Our advantages

Every year, more than 2,000 people receive higher education at universities abroad with the help of StudyLab. Many of them are free of charge, as well as on the basis of grants and scholarships for foreign students. Our employees are native speakers of Russian, English, German, Dutch. They will help you quickly solve problems in the process of moving and learning. You are completely insured against problems during admission: we independently interact with representatives admissions committees on behalf of applicants, speeding up and facilitating the enrollment process. Do you dream of a foreign diploma and a dizzying career abroad? Simple and convenient admission to a foreign university with us is the first step towards your goal!