public universities in england. UK universities


Great Britain is a country where one of the priorities of the state can be called the development of the educational sector.

The English education system has rightfully earned a reputation as one of the best among those currently in existence.

And as a result, it is absolutely logical that foreign citizens want to receive higher education at the universities of Great Britain.

The higher education system in England includes the following stages:

  • undergraduate (Degree courses or Undergraduate courses);
  • magistracy (Postgraduate studies);
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD);
  • scientific research and research (Master of Science).

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland there are three-year undergraduate programs, while in Scotland they take four years. After completing this program, applicants graduate with a Bachelor's Degree (or First Degree). According to research, the number of foreign students studying in undergraduate studies is 10%.

Education in higher educational institutions is paid for all students, including foreigners.
The cost of higher education in England varies by university and specialization. At most universities, foreign students pay more tuition fees than nationals. But there are also universities where the prices are the same for everyone.

The costs incurred by students and their parents in the UK depend on many factors. If you are not an EU citizen, then most likely you will be required to pay the full cost of training. The fact is that options with scholarships and grants for foreigners at the undergraduate level are quite limited.

On average in the UK, the cost of an annual tuition (bachelor's, master's, doctoral or research program) of higher education, depending on the specialization, is equal to:

  • Humanities and Social Sciences - £10,000-15,000
  • Science and Engineering - £12,000-20,000

Not everyone can afford to pay such tuition bills. So let's move on to options. get a higher education in the UK for free.

This is where various scholarship programs with full or partial reimbursement of the cost. There are several types of programs:

  • Chevening Scholarship is an international scholarship program founded by the UK government with funding from the UK Foreign Office and other partner organizations.
  • Scholarship program for gifted students from all over the world who have shown outstanding ability. She invites them to study for post-graduate programs at universities in the UK. The scholarship provides full or partial cost coverage for one year at any university in the UK.
  • Students from Russia and the CIS countries need to constantly monitor program updates, as there are offers for this category of students, but they do not always work.
  • There are also university programs, but it is much easier to get them for graduate students, and not for bachelors or masters, as mentioned above. Universities are interested in investing in those who have already decided on their research activities. And if the applicant's developments really turn out to be significant and interesting, the applicant will receive a scholarship. Universities also pay attention to those who are engaged in social activities or volunteering.
  • Perhaps the most difficult way to get sponsorship for your studies in the UK is to enter into an agreement with a large corporation or firm. Here the action plan is as follows - you interest the company as a future employee, prove your worth, the company covers the cost of your education, and then you work off this loan for several years.

In general, there are many options for obtaining a scholarship. You can search for something suitable for you on special sites. There is also a list of universities that are leading in terms of number scholarship programs. City University London, University of Lincoln, Sheffield Hallam University are just a few of them. We advise you to study this list in more detail, depending on the chosen specialty.
Also, students wishing to get higher education in England should take into account that Russian high school or college graduation certificates are not accepted at English universities due to the strong difference in curricula and the system as a whole. You can enter only with an A-levels or University Foundation Certificate, indicating the successful completion of the preparatory program in English schools.

The following option is extremely popular - the preparatory program Foundation. This program is designed exclusively for international students. It is designed for only one year (in some cases 6 or 18 months). Classes are most often held within the walls of universities and colleges and are conducted by their teaching staff. Attention is paid in particular to the study of English and a number of specialized subjects. Depending on the specialty you plan to receive, the program is divided into different areas: Engineering Program (engineering, construction, mechanical engineering), Business Program (business, economics, finance), Life Sciences (chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics), Law Program (political science, social science, sociology), Art and Desıgn (drawing, photography, art history, design).

This is, of course, the easiest way to enter a British university. But, unfortunately, for admission to universities such as Cambridge, Oxford and a number of other most prestigious British institutions, this will not be enough.

Another thing I would like to draw the attention of future students of English universities is that the standard of living in England is high, so the prices are not only for education, but also for living in the country are rather high.

Most higher education institutions most often provide rooms on student campuses. There are single rooms and rooms for several people. Private bathrooms, or shared. average price for accommodation on student campuses - 150-200 pounds per week.
But there is a small specific feature of British universities: accommodation in a hostel is guaranteed only for the first year of study. Further, the situation may change.
There are two more "spare" accommodation options. First, living in a rented apartment or room. Secondly, living in an English family. Family options for accommodation are usually offered by the administration of the educational institution. Homestay accommodation is a fairly economical accommodation option that may be of interest to many.

Since 2012, the UK government has tightened the requirements for international students. Now higher education in England for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs can be available if:

  • the student is at least 16 years old;
  • the level of English of a foreign applicant corresponds to the level of local citizens who have completed high school;
  • the student is a citizen of a country that is not part of the EEA (European Economic Area);
  • a higher education institution has been selected from the list published on the website of the British Foreign Office;
  • the financial support of the applicant fully covers all the costs associated with studying and living for a given period in the country.

Of course, it is no secret to anyone that higher education in the UK is usually available to those foreign students who have high performance previous education. And also, every foreign student planning to study in the country must have a sponsor.

On the basis of statistical data, the most international universities in England:

  • In first place was the University of Buckingham (University of Buckingham), in which 59% of students were foreigners. Representatives of 89 nationalities study here.
  • Second place in the ranking went to one of the best universities in the UK - the London School of Economics (London School of Economics). Here, 44% of students were citizens of other countries. By the way, this university is considered one of the most popular among Russians.
    Of the subjects, management, marketing, business are most in demand, and recently there has been a noticeable interest in the natural sciences.

Great Britain has been attracting people of all ages from all over the world for many decades. Today, in the age of enormous opportunities and the absence of significant restrictions, the opportunity to get an education in England is available to many. The most important thing is to have up-to-date information and have desire and perseverance as allies!

- this is a great chance not only to get a certificate or diploma that is recognized all over the world, but also the beginning of the path to.

Graduation from an English school makes it possible to enter foreign university. University graduates easily find.

You can study in public and private schools. This is the choice of the parents.

In order to receive a certificate of graduation from an English school, a student must pass several exams.

Of these, mandatory:

  • English language;
  • maths;
  • science (combined or separate exam in biology, chemistry and physics).

Passing final exams

Students can take additional exams: foreign languages, design, music, history, etc.

Summer schools in England

Summer language schools are common in England. Learning a language in its official homeland is easier, and teachers are native speakers who know exactly all the nuances of grammar, punctuation, syntax and pronunciation.

Training can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.

All schools are different in their curriculum. The choice depends on personal goals in learning the language. There are courses for preparing for language exams, learning English from scratch or for a specific specialty.

Some courses include accommodation and meals.

The most popular courses among foreigners:

  • preparation for IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, etc. exams;
  • preparatory programs for entering the university;
  • learning English from scratch.

The cost of language courses in 2020 is 350 - 5,000 euros.

Some courses do not include course materials. They need to be purchased separately.

Schoolchildren learning options

Getting into a prestigious school is not easy. To do this, you need to have good grades, know English, pass the entrance exams.

In every English school, a school uniform is required, which costs about 180 - 300 euros per suit.

Getting into English schools is a difficult process. Not all children at an early age can speak English fluently. foreign language and understand what teachers explain in class.

When enrolling in the first grade, a child with knowledge of English is accepted immediately, enrolled in a preparatory program or scheduled to pass entrance exams.

In the case of a transfer from Russia or other CIS countries, the child will have to pass a test to determine the level of knowledge.

Often it turns out that you need to repeat the class already completed at home. But it's not scary. The material will not be difficult to study, and during this time the child will have time to get comfortable in new school and get used to studying in English.


Higher education system

Traditional European higher education includes undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. In the universities of England, there are five degrees of undergraduate education: BA - bachelor humanities, BSc - Natural Sciences, EEng - Bachelor of Engineering, LLB - Bachelor of Laws and BM - Bachelor of Medicine. A bachelor's degree, which usually takes 3-3.5 years to obtain (in medicine up to 7 years), is a completed higher education, which makes it possible to start working.

Master's degree implies a deeper development of the specialty, in addition to the higher education already received. There are about a hundred master's programs in UK universities, which are divided into two main types - research (Research) and teaching (Taught). A master's degree, which usually takes 1 to 2 years to complete, allows you to improve your professional level and start a scientific career.

Admission conditions

British universities place high demands on applicants.
To enroll in a bachelor's degree after the 11th grade of a Russian school, you need to complete the Foundation preparatory program to make up for the missing year. A graduate of an English school provides the results of exams for university preparation programs - A-Level / IB (International Baccalaureate).

The level of language proficiency for admission to a university for a bachelor's program must be at least 6.0 points in IELTS.

You can enter a master's program with a diploma from a Russian university, which is usually recommended to be supplemented by preparation for the academic Pre-Masters program, also aimed at improving English proficiency.

Universities and specialties

UK universities offer a wide range of programs for international students, from business to multimedia. IQ Consultancy specialists will help you find out all the details of studying at a particular university for a specific program and make a choice.

Language of instruction

Where else to learn English if not in its historical homeland? A perfect British accent will be a nice addition to academic knowledge and correct grammar.

Obtaining a visa

Getting a visa to England, as you know, is not so easy, there are also certain requirements for a student visa. IQ Consultancy specialists will help you cope with all the formalities, prepare and translate documents, including a visa letter, and, if necessary, improve your knowledge of English.


On the campus of the institute or a rented apartment.

Cost of education

The cost of studying at universities in the UK depends on the chosen educational institution, as well as on the faculty and specialty. Accommodation may be included.

The cost is from 9500 to 34000 £ for 1 year of study.

University ranking

According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in 2014, 18 universities in England entered the top 100 universities in the world, and 4 of them share places in the top ten.

The UK leads Europe in terms of prestigious business schools, 8 of which are in the top 50 in the world according to the Financial Times magazine.

The education received in England is one of the most prestigious and exemplary. This is clearly indicated by the fact that other countries rely on the English system of education.

Cambridge, Oxford and other universities are famous all over the world, and the number of Nobel laureates and scientific discoveries in this country allow us to conclude that England has everything the necessary conditions for study and scientific activity.

It is not surprising that studying in educational institutions in England is popular all over the world. Also known fact is that Russian politicians, entrepreneurs and other wealthy people are trying to send their children to study in England.

Below we will try to figure out what is so attractive about studying in educational institutions England, what can be the cost of various educational programs, what are the features of studying for Russians and whether it is possible to get the opportunity to study in England on an exchange basis or for free.

Education system in England

As in other countries, in England the entire education system consists of primary, secondary and higher education. Pre-school education (similar to kindergartens) is optional here and less than half of the children do not attend any school before entering school. educational establishments, but are limited to home development and visiting some circles.

Schooling may take place in private or public schools. There may be differences in admission conditions, vacation periods, curriculum, tuition fees in private and public schools, but the standards, examination conditions, and the general structure of education are the same.

Until the age of 13 in England, children study at a primary or preparatory school, and then they pass some exams and enter high school, and at the end of it they take first-level exams.

Already here, the guys choose either an academic course or a professional training course. In accordance with the chosen program, the graduate receives either a general certificate of secondary education or a certificate of professional qualification.

At the age of 16, each student must already decide what to do next.: get an education with a view to future university entrance or get vocational training and start working.

For those who choose to continue their studies at the university, it is necessary to complete a two-year course and pass the second level examinations, called "A-levels" in England. This is a rather difficult test, comparable in difficulty even to the final exams of US universities.

Those who continue their professional training are also required to pass examinations for professional qualification and get an advanced level certificate.

After passing all the exams, the guys choose the universities where they would like to continue their education. Often students are already studying at colleges at the chosen university. At the university, you can get the first higher (an analogy with the Russian bachelor's degree) and post-higher (master's degree) education, and it takes only 3 years to get a bachelor's degree (with the exception of architecture, medicine and dentistry), a master's degree takes a year.

Study options for Russians in England

Many consider it necessary to educate their children in England from the very beginning. So it is easier to learn the language due to the constant presence in the language environment. So it is easier to adapt to the discipline that prevails in English schools.

You can start studying in schools in England from the age of 7. Naturally, education is free only for residents of the country, and all visitors receive education in private schools for a fee.

Most schools provide girls-only or boys-only education. There are very few mixed schools. It is believed that separate education has a positive effect on academic performance, since children are only engaged in lessons, and do not think about how to please the opposite sex.

However, there is enough time for joint events for boys and girls. Studying in many schools in England will seem like paradise to Russian children: there is horse riding, swimming pool classes, tennis courts, a library, and various studios (music, theater, art, ballet, etc.).

Tuition fees vary from institution to institution. The most prestigious and, accordingly, the most expensive schools are Repton, Bolton Boys, St.Vary & St.Anne, Uppingham, Eton, Oakham and some others.

The cost of a trimester spent in such an institution is about 5 thousand pounds. In some schools, for example, Lichfield Cathedral School, the cost is slightly lower - about 4 thousand pounds per trimester.

If the goal is only to educate the child in England, and not to enroll in Cambridge or Oxford later, you can choose small private schools, for example, St. James School, where education and accommodation will cost parents about 2 thousand pounds per trimester. But it is worth remembering that not all small schools are ready to accept foreign students.

Sometimes visiting students can reduce the cost of studying. To do this, you need to apply for a scholarship and pass a rather difficult exam. In this case, you can cut costs by about half.

If a person studied at a Russian school, then he will not be able to immediately go to England and enter the university. A certificate of graduation from a Russian school is not enough for this.

For admission, it is necessary to pass the so-called preparatory program (Foundation), since without it the exams will still fail. This educational program lasts for about a year.

In order for an applicant to be enrolled in this program, in addition to a certificate of secondary education, you need to write an essay about yourself and pass one of international tests on English language.

You can also get into an English university by studying for a year in Russian university. In this case, you will only need to pass an English test, but without the language courses that are held in the same England, this will be quite difficult to do.

Exchange trips to England are common among both students and schoolchildren. To do this, you need to enter the Russian university, which has established links with universities in England.

On the positive side, you can get into such an exchange program absolutely free of charge, researching a certain topic, having knowledge of the English language and excellent academic performance. Typically, exchange programs allow you to receive free of charge not only training, but also expenses for other needs.

In addition, students in England can officially earn extra money. Refugees and internally displaced persons can also expect to study for free, but this status can be quite difficult to obtain.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students can expect to receive grants, scholarships and other privileges to study in England. This will cover the cost of education, research and accommodation.

Answers to questions related to the peculiarities of studying in England, opportunities for further employment, the benefits of exchange programs, studying at schools and colleges can be obtained from numerous agencies and study abroad centers.

It is no secret that British universities rank first in the world rankings of universities, and an English diploma is recognized and appreciated all over the world. British education is known for its high quality and, oddly enough, takes one of the first places in terms of the number of foreign students, in particular Ukrainian ones.

All educational institutions in England are divided into public and private. To date, private schools are open to both British citizens and foreign students. In public schools, only residents and persons with a residence permit in the country have the right to study. Public schools are financed from the state budget, while private schools are entirely at the expense of students.

Many dream of studying in England, but most of these desires do not come true, due to the high cost of education in this country. "Observer" has prepared for you detailed information about education in the UK, as well as an overview of scholarships that will help make studies free.

The British education system differs from the Ukrainian one, where schoolchildren leave school not at 16, but at 18. Accordingly, after graduation, a Ukrainian needs to complete at least 2 more university courses in his country, and only then enter a British university. With incomplete higher education, the student has the right to enter only the specialty that he received at home.

There is a possibility that it will be difficult for a student to fit into the rhythm of the work of a European university, so there are several more options. For example - British public free colleges that accept foreigners with a secondary education. For two years of study in such institutions, students receive a certificate "A level" (document on obtaining an English secondary education).

Also, you can go to special preparatory college or at preparatory courses at the university to take a paid one-year Foundation Course program. It is intended for foreigners and its purpose is to help them get used to the British education system, improve their knowledge of basic academic disciplines and, of course, English. Upon completion of this program, graduates take IELTS language test and a comprehensive final work on the studied subjects.

Admission. Introductory there are no exams in English universities , as an exception, a student candidate may be asked for an interview (in person or by telephone). The only exam that all foreigners take is the certified IELTS English exam. You can register and go through it at the British Council. ILETS is a paid exam, takes place 3-4 times a month. After passing the exam, the student receives a certificate with a final score from 1 to 9, for admission to a British university, an applicant needs to score 6.5-7.5 points.

The WorldStudies program provides support to Ukrainians in obtaining a master's degree in one of 200 top universities peace. After receiving a diploma, grant recipients must return to Ukraine and work in their specialty for at least 5 years.
Grants from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation are provided for education in six areas that the Foundation considers a priority for the further development of Ukraine, namely: agricultural sciences, environment and ecology, alternative energy, aerospace engineering, law and public administration. First of all, the grant covers the cost of tuition at the university, textbooks and health insurance. On average, the grant covers up to 60% of the total required amount.

Chevening, an annual program of the British government. You can study in the following areas: European law, European integration, security environment, public administration and economics (the list of areas may be extended).

Another one-year scholarship. The available list of areas: law, social anthropology, education, as well as all kinds of developmental sciences (for example, ecology, sociology, political science, etc.).

Hollywood actor and director, two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey helps young people from all over the world build successful film careers. To do this, he founded the Kevin Spacey Foundation. Applicants can take part in the competition for one of nine scholarships from the Kevin Spacey Foundation. Scholarships are available for undergraduate studies in the following specialties: acting and global theater; script writing and production.

University grants will allow young professionals to fully develop the skills necessary for further successful careers in the following areas: teaching, public outreach, entrepreneurship, research. Free international student calculator