Department of housing policy. Head of the housing policy department of the Minsk City Executive Committee: "People brought to the extreme come!" State support for housing construction

Head of Department - Shakel Sergey Vladimirovich

Reception schedule:

Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00

tel. +375 17 2043113, office 124

Deputy Head of Department - Zhagolkina Inna Viktorovna

Reception schedule:

Monday - from 8.00 to 13.00

Wednesday - from 14.00 to 20.00

tel. +375 17 2561093, office 123

Chief Specialist - Bedarik Nikolai Stanislavovich

Reception schedule:

Wednesday - from 14.00 to 20.00

tel. +375 17 2046209, office 125

Chief Specialist -

Reception schedule:

Monday, Thursday - from 8.00 to 13.00

Wednesday - from 14.00 to 20.00

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.08.2017 No. 582 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for providing citizens with subsidies for paying part of the interest for using a loan and subsidies for repaying the principal debt on a loan”

Housing privatization

State support for housing construction


Making decisions:

1.1.2. On permitting the alienation of residential premises (its parts), built (reconstructed) or acquired using a preferential loan (purchase and sale, donation, exchange or other alienation transaction within five years from the date of early repayment of this loan, but not more than the period remaining until the full repayment period established by the loan agreement, or donation or exchange until the repayment of this loan)

1.1.5. On the registration (re-registration) of citizens in need of better housing conditions.

1.1.5-1. on changes in the composition of the family with which the citizen is registered in need of improved housing conditions (in the event of an increase in the composition of the family) On making changes to the composition of the family with which the citizen is registered in need of improved housing conditions in the event of an increase (decrease) in the composition of the family

1.1.5-3. On inclusion in separate lists of those in need of better housing conditions.

1.1.6. On the division (unification) of the queue, on the re-registration of the queue from a citizen to an adult member of his family.

1.1.7. On the removal of citizens from the register in need of better housing conditions.

1.3.1. Issuance of certificates on the state of the registered in need of better living conditions

1.3.9. Issuance of certificates on the provision (non-provision) of one-time subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises

1.1.10. about indexation of checks "Housing"

1.1.11. on the division of checks "Housing"

1.1.18. on the provision of residential premises for the commercial use of state housing stock

1.1.18-1. on the inclusion of residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock in the composition of residential premises for social use

1.1.19. on the provision of a vacant living room of the state housing stock

1.1.22. on the transfer of ownership of the property

1.1.23. on the inclusion in the organization of developers, formed from among citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions

1.1.23-1 on the direction of citizens registered as in need of better housing conditions and entitled to receive soft loans for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises, to conclude contracts for the sale of residential premises, the construction of which was carried out under the state order

1.1.24. on the provision of a one-time subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises

1.1.28. On the permission to provide residential premises (its parts) under a contract for the lease of residential premises of a private housing stock or a lease agreement for residential premises built (reconstructed) or acquired with a preferential loan.

1.1.31. on the provision of a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest for the use of a loan (subsidies for the payment of part of the interest for the use of a loan and subsidies for the repayment of the principal debt on a loan) issued by banks for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in the prescribed manner

1.1.32. on amendments to the decision to provide a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest for the use of a loan (subsidies for the payment of part of the interest for the use of a loan and subsidies for repayment of the principal debt on a loan) issued by banks for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in the prescribed manner

1.5. issuance of referrals for the conclusion of contracts for the creation of shared construction facilities to citizens registered as in need of better housing conditions

1.6. Inclusion in the lists for obtaining preferential loans of citizens who are registered as needing to improve their living conditions at their place of residence (work, service) and who want to improve their living conditions through the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises

1.6-1. Inclusion in the lists for receiving a subsidy for paying part of the interest for using a loan (subsidies for paying part of the interest for using a loan and subsidies for repaying the principal on a loan) issued by banks for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in the prescribed manner, citizens who are registered in need of improved housing conditions at the place of military service (service, work) and who wish to improve their living conditions through the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises

Written statements, direct and hot lines, helplines - today there are many ways to solve everyday issues. However, people are also looking for human participation, understanding of their problems. The correspondent of the agency "Minsk-Novosti" learned how the personal reception with the head of the department housing policy Minsk City Executive Committee Alexander Avramenko.

Two women enter the office. They immediately warn: they are not relatives among themselves, but just friends. Their problems are somewhat similar. In the hands of each - a package of documents. Both are visibly nervous. As it turns out later, they have already come across various authorities, but the result is still zero.

“There is no need to be nervous: we are at the same time,” he reassures Alexander Avramenko. - Only I need to tell the whole truth, like a doctor. If the problem can be solved within the framework of the law, then we will solve it.

The story of Svetlana could form the basis of the plot of an exciting series for housewives. There is love, and hate, and despair. And for hope, the woman came to the housing policy department. The mother of three children, two of whom are minors, was in limbo.

The first marriage produced two daughters., says Inga. – We were registered with my mother-in-law. Then she divorced her husband, the youngest was born from another man. We had to move to a rented apartment. Relationships with mother-in-law deteriorated greatly. But when her house in the private sector was demolished, two of my daughters, her granddaughters, were taken into account when allocating new living space. As a result, she was allocated three apartments, one of which she has now put up for sale. It turned out that in March last year she discharged us. We are now homeless, and without registering, I lose my place in the waiting list. What should I do? the woman cries.

After a detailed clarification of the details, Inge was explained that not everything is so gloomy. The main thing is not to give up. In order not to lose a place in the queue of those in need of better living conditions, you first need to prove that all this time, albeit without registration, she lived in Minsk. The arguments for the court are the testimonies of neighbors, the employer and even the seller of the store where she regularly made purchases. The bigger, the better. Next, you need to submit an application to the district administration with a request to be reinstated in the queue.

– As a last resort, contact the Registration Point for persons without a fixed place of residence, – recommends Elena Lukashevich- Deputy Avramenko. - Although the people call him disparagingly "homeless", there you can get a registration for a year. And people there are different, with different destinies. If the situation is hopeless, there is no choice.

For an apartment for daughters, too, can not do without a struggle. No fraud with real estate can cancel the right assigned to them by law to use the allocated meters. To do this, it is necessary to achieve a prosecutor's ban on the planned sale transaction, and then move in after receiving a court decision.
It turned out to be much more difficult to develop a clear scheme of actions for the second visitor. The woman already has a court order on eviction in her hands.

My mother got married, sold our three-room privatized apartment, and gave the money to her stepfather for business development,- speaks emotionally Anna. – My stepfather registered her with three children - including me - in his living space. His business went bankrupt, he divorced his mother, and now he is evicting us. And I have a 6 year old daughter. Where should we go?

- So you all still live in the apartment of your former stepfather? - says Alexander Avramenko.

Yes Anna confirms. - We have no other choice: they don’t give a hostel at work, there is no money for rented housing. They threaten to fire me. Because of this situation, I developed neurological problems. I'm sick a lot. I have already undergone one operation on the spine, there is another one ahead ... Pray that they give me at least a room in the hostel, the woman asks.

- This is not in our competence. To begin with, you should contact the department of social protection, ask for help and advice from your deputy. If any documents are preserved, a receipt that the money from the sale of your apartment was transferred ex-husband mothers, you can try to sue them. Because from a legal point of view, the former stepfather has every right to evict you from his living space, - experts explained to the sobbing Anna.

The next visitor is a married couple. They enter and from the threshold begin to thank for the help already rendered. It turned out that after a thorough consultation at one of the previous receptions, they obtained permission to reconstruct their private house. Spent it using a soft loan. The problem arose at the final stage - when registering with the BRTI.

We were told that it was not a reconstruction of the house, but a new building,- explain the spouses. - But after all, we had an architect, everyone researched, drew up a project that was signed by a whole commission, and now, when everything is done, is it a new building? The bank is already putting pressure on us with payments, but we can’t register in any way, we don’t have a technical passport. And no one wants to admit their guilt. So we run in circles.

– Your problem can be solved locally. To get started, make an appointment with the director of the BRTI and state your problem in detail, with all the details, - Alexander Avramenko advises. - If you were misled and the previously approved reconstruction really became an actual new building, this must be proven. To do this, you again need to go through the entire chain of approvals and permissions in order to calculate the very link on which the failure occurred. It will not be possible to resolve the problem peacefully - find a good lawyer and go to court.

Can you recommend a lawyer for us?– the man is interested.

“I don’t keep records of them,” smiles the head of the housing policy department. – But in your case, I can say one thing: perseverance and persistence again will help you resolve the issue.

In an hour - three problems. Most of the questions that people come to the housing policy department with relate to issues of state support in construction, privatization, registration and deregistration of those in need. But in each situation there are nuances that require an individual approach. Every Wednesday the reception starts at 15.00 and ends at 20.00. There is no pre-registration. For the "change" of advice and step by step instructions What to do next, receive an average of 12-15 people. Last year, 325 Minsk residents personally turned to the head of the housing policy department of the Minsk City Executive Committee for help. Similar receptions are held once a week by both of his deputies.

“People come to the extreme. On the verge of despair,” says Alexander Avramenko. - And officials in such situations should not be crackers! We cook in an urban environment, we know about the existing problems, we raise them at planning meetings. For the most part, ordinary everyday illiteracy in legal matters leads people to a dead end. They come with tears, and with aggression, and with voice recorders in their pockets, with some kind of threats. It happens that they pour mud, accusing them of all sins ... But we try to help, advise everyone. Another problem is that some people are sure that after a personal appeal they will be led by the hand. But that doesn't happen. First of all, a person himself must make maximum efforts. I do not have a magic wand, the wave of which will unravel the tangle of problems that have been "winding" for more than one year.