Where the bathhouse grows. The main types of bathing suits: description and photo

European bathing suit (Tróllius europaéus) is one of the perennial plants, it is also commonly called Trollius europaeus L.

Synonyms for the name in the common people are "siverushki", "night blindness", "mallet", "lights" and many others, this is not surprising, because the plant is incredibly popular among folk healers (and not only), it helps to get rid of a huge number of different ailments.

The bathing suit has palmately separated leaves, as well as fairly large flowers of a bright yellow type.

It is worth noting one important fact, namely, the plant is extremely poisonous, it should be used carefully.

Possesses among other things also magnificent decorative qualities, will become excellent addition of any land plot. With excellent medicinal properties, is especially valued as a fairly early honey plant that can give an incredible amount of useful nectar.

Use in folk and traditional medicine

It should be noted right away that the European bathing suit, the fruit of which has useful properties, is practically not studied at present by traditional medicine, but is actively used by healers and healers who offer to rid the patient of a number of complex diseases through the components of this plant.

Recently, the issue of using a European bathing suit has been actively considered as the best remedy against malignant tumors. However, the effect of this plant on the human body has not been studied, there is no reliable information regarding the beneficial properties and relevance of its use, and evidence of a truly impressive treatment effect.

Despite all indicators of toxicity, medicine It is widely used in medicine when observing in a patient such signs of internal disorders as diseases of the liver, stomach, various tumors, puffiness of various levels of complexity.

It is the root of the swimsuit that deserves special attention, which has been widely used in the form of tincture for violations menstrual cycle, scabies. The relevance of its use by persons suffering from epilepsy, even scurvy, has been proven. Recently, the beneficial properties of flowers have also been used by veterinary medicine, where, thus, problems with the condition of the udder in cows are eliminated.

A few words about contraindications

Before making a decision on the adoption of a medical composition, it is necessary to carefully study the description of the European bathing suit, analyze all the pros and cons.

Of course, the fact that the bathing suit is a poisonous plant deserves special attention, for this reason, both internal and external use of the drug will require incredible caution.

Due to the presence of the toxin, damage to the nervous system is ensured, the use of the roots will require attention and caution on the part of both the patient and the doctor (it is important to correctly calculate the dosage, to establish the presence of certain factors).

In the event that a person has any allergic reactions, the drug should be stopped immediately, otherwise it will only get worse.

It is forbidden to prescribe the medicinal composition to children, they may experience a certain kind of failure with the tone of the body, the likelihood of acne formation increases.

Classification and botanical description

Where does the swimsuit grow?

In the European part Russian Federation, on the Far East, in Siberia, it is these places that are the traditional place where you can find a plant. In particular, in Russia you can find about 25 various kinds of this species, the main regions of its germination are the Northern Hemisphere (namely, cold, temperate zones). For this reason, knowing in which zone the swimsuit lives, you can easily collect it, prepare medicinal preparations and use the roots, flowers as a universal and practical raw material.

Visually, the plant has a height of 20-90 centimeters, the rhizome is shortened enough, there is a bunch of additional, adventitious roots.

The leaves are alternate, while the flowers are bisexual, solitary, 3-5 centimeters in diameter. All parts of the flowers are arranged strictly in a spiral, nectarines are located between the elements.

Flowering from the plant must be expected in the period of April-May, at the same time, the collection of components for subsequent preparation should begin. In addition, the plant is actively used in other industries, it is important to take this into account.

Wild plants are increasingly attracting the attention of modern man. The variety of their forms, bright colors and the finest shades become for us a source of incomparable pleasure.

In the meadows in late spring and early summer, perennial herbaceous plants- bathing suits. All of them have large brightly colored flowers. Bathing suits show us an unusual play of yellow and orange colors. They are spectacular in any weather, but are especially good against a bright blue sky. Their yellow or orange colors blend harmoniously with the blue of the skies and the endless richness of greenery. Luminous shades of bathing suits create high spirits in a person.
The genus swimsuit (Trollius) is distributed in the northern hemisphere of Europe, Asia, and America. In Western Europe, these are mountain plants. On the territory of Eastern Europe, bathing suits are typical representatives of meadows, river valleys, and forest glades. In Asia, species of this genus grow almost throughout the mainland, except for its southern parts. In North America and Canada, two species are found from the shores of the Pacific to the Atlantic.
In the north, bathing suits go far beyond the Arctic Circle, and in the mountains they rise to glaciers and snowfields. Interestingly, at the southern limits of distribution, all species are mountainous. There is even a reasonable hypothesis about the mountain origin of these plants. In the mountains we meet swimsuits from snowy meadows to glades in the forest belt. Under favorable conditions, they become the predominant plant there.

Types of bathing suits

On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, the genus includes more than 25 species, and the scope of the genus is interpreted by specialists in different ways. One of the reasons for this is the widespread hybridization, which opens up wide prospects for breeding work. By the way, hybridization was and is of significant importance in the process of formation of this genus. It is she who explains the diversity of bathing suits in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. And the fact that in Western Europe and the Caucasus there is only one species each can be explained by the remoteness from the areas of the greatest diversity of species.
Let's name the most interesting types of bathing suits. All of them were grown and are grown in Moscow, in the Main Botanical Garden. N.V. Tsitsina RAS.
Seeds and living plants were collected almost annually during expeditions in various regions of the European part, including the Carpathians and Siberia. Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East.

European bathing suit (Trollius europaeus)

The European bathing suit (Trollius europaeus) is widespread in all areas of the Non-Black Earth Region. The range of the European bathing suit, skirting the Southern Urals, enters Western Siberia. Its characteristic habitats are sparse mixed and small-leaved forests, especially edges and damp glades, meadows. In the Arctic, the bathing suit often grows among shrubs in mixed grass meadows.
The European swimsuit has weakly fragrant spherical pale yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are collected in a rosette, plant height is up to 60-70 cm. In Moscow, it blooms in the second half of May - early June.

Asian swimsuit (Trollius asiaticus) (Siberian)

Asian swimsuit (Trollius asiaticus) has orange-red flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Plant height up to 70-80 cm. In Siberia it is called "hot", "light". It grows in Siberia and Central Asia in light forests, in subalpine and alpine meadows, rising to snowfields. E. Regel writes: "Trollius asiaticus is one of the most beautiful perennial plants due to its bright red-orange color of flowers. In St. Petersburg, this plant blooms from mid-May to June" (1863). In the conditions of Moscow, it blooms in the second half of May - early June.

Altai swimsuit (Trollius altaicus)

Altai swimsuit (Trollius altaicus) with spherical golden-yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, up to 80-90 cm high, often also called "light". During flowering, black pistils are clearly visible. Distributed in the mountains of South Siberia and Central Asia, Mongolia. It grows along the upper border of the forest belt, in subalpine and alpine meadows. In fir forests, during mass flowering, it creates contrasts of orange and dense green. In the conditions of Moscow, it blooms in May.

Jungar swimsuit (Trollius dschungaricus)

Dzhungarian swimsuit (Trollius dschungaricus) is common in Dzungaria, Tarbagatai, Pamir-Altai, Tien Shan in meadows in the zone of coniferous and deciduous forests, it rises in the mountains to a height of 3800 m above sea level. Bright golden-yellow, almost flat flowers up to 5 cm in diameter during the period of mass flowering create a unique combination of sunny color, bright blue sky and dark branches of the Tien Shan spruce. As with other mountain species, depending on the altitudinal confinement, the height of plants changes significantly (from 15 cm in alpine meadows to 40-50 cm in meadow glades in the middle part of the forest belt). When cultivated, the Jungar bathing suit increases the size of the rosette of leaves and peduncles, which often branch, which is practically not observed in natural habitats; plant height reaches 50-60 cm. The decorative qualities of this species, like the vast majority of other natural species, are enhanced during cultivation. Blooms in Moscow in the second half of June.

Ledebour's swimsuit (Trollius ledebourii)

Ledebour bath (Trollius ledebourii) has open orange flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, with nectaries sticking up, plant height up to 100-150 cm. Distributed in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, where it grows in damp meadows, forest glades, shrubs. Blooms in Moscow from late June to mid-July.

Swimsuit highest (Trollius altissimus)

The highest bathing suit (Trollius altissimus) was introduced for the first time in the Main Botanical Garden. Planting material was brought from the Carpathians. The habitat of this species is tall grass meadows. The plant itself is tall, up to 130-150 cm, with large light milky greenish-yellowish flowers, 5-6 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is branched. Thinly dissected leaves form a large rosette 50-60 cm high. In Moscow, it blooms in late May - June. This ornamental plant is promising for use in gardens and parks, descending to grass cover.

Large-petal swimsuit (Trollius macropetalus)

Large-leaved swimsuit (Trollius macropetalus) has open orange flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. with long nectaries sticking up. Distributed in the southern regions of Primorsky Krai, where it grows in damp meadows, among shrubs. through forest clearings and forest edges. Blooms in Moscow in the first half of June.

Bathing suits with white flowers

Among the yellow and orange bathing suits familiar to us, white-flowered ones with whitish-light purple flowers stand out. They grow profusely in moist meadows of the alpine belt near snowfields. Such bathing suits are characterized by early flowering - immediately after the snow melts. The leaves unfold towards the end of flowering.
The range of two similar species is broken. One lives in the Kolyma Highlands - the paper-cup swimsuit (Trollius chartosepalus). The other one is the purple swimsuit (Trollius lilacinus) found in Altai, in Central Asia (Dzungaria, Tarbagatai, Pamir-Alay, Tien Shan).

The flowers of these swimsuits are whitish-light purple with bright yellow stamens. These are fabulously beautiful plants that live at the upper limit of the vegetation cover and are the first to bloom on the border of melting snowfields. Intensive leaf growth begins only after flowering. The rosette of leaves does not exceed 5-7, and the peduncle is 10 cm. Unfortunately, the experience of growing plants of this species did not lead to a positive result. . The conditions of its habitat are too specific - snowy meadows with running snow water.
When growing swimsuits in the Main Botanical Garden, the specifics of their natural habitats and the very wide ecological plasticity of these plants were taken into account. which allows you to do without special agrotechnical measures. Only in some cases does it become necessary to create special cultivation conditions: hills are built for the most drought-resistant species or depressions for moisture-loving species characteristic of most alpine plants.

Landing and care

The optimal time for sowing freshly harvested seeds is the end of September - October. Friendly shoots appear in mid-May of the following year. Plants can be planted in a permanent place starting in the spring of the second year. Swimwear European, Ledebour, Dzungarian bloom in the second year after germination. In the first year of flowering, bathing suits have one peduncle with a single flower. With age, the number of peduncles increases. many have branched shoots with flowers and side buds, while the period of their flowering increases.
Bathing suits respond well to soil fertility and watering as the earth dries up, since almost all of these plants are moisture-loving. The most drought-resistant species - the Jungar and Altai bathing suits - prefer drained soil without stagnation. ground water. A good place for them - low hills. Bathing suits are also picturesque in combination with stone. In a permanent place, bathing suits grow well up to 10 years or more. after which it is desirable to divide the curtain and transplant to a new place. Plants are responsive to the application of complex fertilizers. Considering. that bathing suits are predominantly light-loving plants, it is better to grow them in open areas in spots among the lawn, in illuminated places before planting shrubs and trees. By choosing bathing suits according to the timing of flowering, you can create a spectacular composition from the end of May to the middle - the end of July.
Talking about various representatives of the genus of bathing suits, about the possibilities of their cultivation, about their radiant beauty, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the preservation of the natural habitats of these plants.

Bathing suit is a plant of the Ranunculaceae family, which is a perennial shrub. It reaches a height of 50-100 cm, depending on the species. On straight, rarely branching stems, 1-2 large-sized flowers grow, having the shape of a ball. The name of the bathing suit in Latin - Tróllius, comes from the German word "Trollblumen", which means "troll flower" in translation, so another name for the flower is "trollius".

The plant has a powerful root system, dark green decorative leaves, the shape of which is palmately dissected. Flower petals with a glossy finish, color - golden yellow and orange. Did you know? The flowering of the swimsuit occurs in late May - early June, and its duration is up to one month (all types of plants are honey plants). There are about 30 species of bathing suit, two of which grow in North America. Eurasia is the mainland where the swimsuit most often grows. In Russia and the CIS countries, you can find about 20 different types of trollius.

Swimsuit, description of culture

The bathing plant (Siberian rose, trollius, kupavka) is a flower shrouded in legends. Its name comes from the German trollblume, which translates as "troll flower". Scandinavian beliefs say that these amazingly beautiful flowers were the favorites of forest dwellers - fabulous trolls.

The Russian name of the flower, according to one legend, appeared due to the love of the bathing suit for wet places of growth. And if you believe a more ancient Slavic legend, the flower owes its name to the patroness of reservoirs - the goddess Agrafena the swimsuit.

The swimsuit is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. The habitat of its subspecies is vast. The swimsuit can be found throughout the northern hemisphere. It grows in forests, on mountain slopes, meadows, along the rivers of Europe, Asia and America. In some countries, the bathing suit is already listed in the Red Book.

In the natural habitat, the swimsuit has about twenty varieties, but only a few garden forms are grown in culture. The European bathing suit has gained great popularity. To fully understand the features of this culture, consider what are the features external structure European bathing suits:

  • The bathing suit owes its effectiveness to flowers. They are moderately large (up to 8 cm in diameter), bright yellow or juicy orange. As with other members of the Ranunculaceae family, the color intensity is concentrated on the sepals, not the petals.
  • The corolla of the swimsuit is formed from 5-20 petal-shaped sepals. They strongly overlap each other, arranged in a spiral. After flowering, the sepals fall off.
  • The shape of the flower is spherical, it can be semi-open or fully open. Inside the bud are thin petals of a linear shape, which are turned into nectaries.
  • The fruit of the swimsuit is a spherical infructescence, consisting of leaflets tightly overlapping each other. The seeds are very small, their color is black, the surface is glossy.
  • The leaves of the swimsuit are palmately divided, grassy in color. Leaves come from the root zone. On the flower shoot, foliage is located only in the upper part, which passes into the flower.
  • During the flowering period, the bathing suit spreads a light, subtle aroma of freshness.
  • An important feature of the bathing suit is its poisonousness. Its juice can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes, so all planting work must be carried out with gloves.

What are the best view swimsuits to plant in the garden?

Of course, species bathing suits are the most common in our gardens. "European" (T. europaeus) and "Asian" (Trollius asiatlcus) bathing suits bloom almost simultaneously - at the end of May, "Chinese" (T. chinensis) and "Ledebour" (T. ledebourii) - in the second half of June. These are the brightest of species bathing suits! Their flowers are orange-red, shiny, large, 5-6 cm in diameter, because of the numerous nectary petals, they seem almost double. The total flowering period lasts more than two months. The height of plants in these species is different, but on average from 70 to 100 cm. The flowers of the "Chinese" swimsuit are of an unusual shape, wide open, bright orange. Long petals-nectaries, located in the center, rise above the flower, in the form of sharp feathers, like the Mohawk of the Indians. A similar structure of the flower has a variety "Etna" (‘Etna’). The Chinese bathing suit "Ledebour" is very similar to the bathing suit.

But of the undersized, there is only one species - the "Dwarf" bathing suit (T. pumilus), the height of the plant varies from 15 to 25 cm. The flowers are wide, flat, similar to a large buttercup - up to 3 cm in diameter.

Bathing suit "Altai" (T. altalcus) has a contrasting center in the form of a dark spot inside the flower. Blooms in June, but not for long.

All swimsuits are sun-loving, but grow well in light shade. In the sun, plants grow more powerful, but the flowering period is reduced.

Choose the right variety!

Under the name of the bathing suit "Cultural" (T. x cultorum), most of the garden forms and varieties are combined. As usual, unlike natural ones, in varietal plants, the flowers are larger, often double, of various colors - from pale yellow to bright orange-red.

Swimsuit "Elist of All" (Earliest of AH) - the earliest, blooms in early May, abundant flowering, low plant, medium-sized flowers, dark yellow sepals, light yellow nectaries. "Goal Cross" (Orange Crest) - the sepals are yellow, and the nectaries are orange, the flowers are medium-sized, the plants are low. It also blooms profusely from mid-May to early June.

The most common in our gardens bathing suit "European" (T. europaeus) blooms at the end of May. Later than all, from the end of June to the end of July, Golden Queen blooms.

There are also varieties with bright orange flowers: Orange Glow, Orange King, Orange Princess, Goliaph, Fire Globe , Pritchard Giant, Etna.

Varieties with yellow or lemon yellow: Lemon Queen, Earliest of All, Canary Bird, Superbus.

And only two varieties, with unusual light cream flowers with lemon stamens: Alabaster and Cheddar. In the first, the flowers are spherical in shape, in the second, they are more open with a slight greenish tinge. Plants are low, with dark green leaves. The most suitable conditions for them are full sunlight with sufficient moisture. Flowering in the variety "Alabaster" is repeated at the end of summer.

Bathing suit, landing in open ground

The easiest way to get a swimsuit on your site is to buy ready-made seedlings and plant them in a flower bed. It does not require special skills to grow, but it is important to remember one feature of this crop: the trollius grows only in moist soil and if planted in dry soil, it will die.

Choosing a place for planting a bathing suit and preparing the soil

When choosing a landing site, pay attention to the area with diffused light. It can be a cozy place under tall ornamental bushes or a rocky hill. The main thing is that the bright sun does not shine on the bathing suit for a long time.

You can plant a bathing suit in an open flower bed, but you need to be prepared for the fact that its flowering will be short-lived, and the flowers will be faded and small in size.

The swimsuit has no requirements for the composition of the soil, so serious preparations are not necessary before planting. But medium loamy soil will have a good effect on the development of the flower. It is also desirable that there is no stagnant water in the selected area.

If you still want to create the best conditions for the trollius, you can add a little mixture of peat with humus and 10 g of nitrophoska to the planting hole. And if the plant is planted in a sandy mixture, it is advisable to add more moss, which will ensure the safety of moisture.

Did you know? The swimsuit is not suitable for dry and sandy, as well as for wet and wetlands. In them, she will not be able to develop and will soon die.

Planting a bathing suit on a flower bed

The planting of the swimsuit should be carried out in August. Although all its varieties are frost-resistant, but young plants must get stronger and grow a rhizome before the onset of winter. If you plant the trollius later, then it will surely die with the arrival of the first frost.

All varieties of swimwear quickly take the form of a densely branched bush, so plants should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It is necessary to deepen the root neck of the plant by 2 cm. The leaves are immediately trimmed so that rooting is successful. New foliage blooms within two weeks after planting.

Advice! Swimsuit can grow in one place long time, therefore, a plant transplant can be carried out once every ten years.

Bathing suit, care in the garden

Trollius needs to be watered all the time, periodically fertilize and cut off dried shoots. If you follow these elementary rules, the plant will grow quickly and even please you with double flowering in a season.

Frequent loosening of the soil is also carried out to a depth of 2-4 cm, but not deeper, so as not to damage the fragile root system.

On a note! The swimsuit is a frost-resistant culture, so it is not necessary to build a shelter for the winter.

Watering and weeding bathing suits

The plant needs to be watered often, but without frills: the swimsuit should be in moist soil without stagnant water. Any deviations in the direction of underfilling or waterlogging will adversely affect the growth and flowering of the crop. This moment is especially important in the care of young bushes.

Removing weeds is a must in bathing suit care. To save strength, you can mulch the bush. This will keep moisture near the roots and prevent weeds from "dragging out" the plant. But if the mulch does not fit into the landscape design, you can do without it.

Pest and disease control

Bathing suits, due to their vitality, are rarely susceptible to any disease.

At the very beginning of flowering, it is advisable to spray the bathing suit with epin in the amount of ten drops per 1 liter of water.

To prevent fungal diseases, you can remove old dead leaves in the fall.

Rarely, a swimsuit can be affected by septoria, smut, penetrating short-bodied nematode.

Place in landscape design

Growing a bathing suit is very popular for decorating garden and summer cottages. Most often, the European bathing suit (ordinary) is bred, although other varieties are no less decorative.

The neighborhood looks gorgeous with flowers such as delphinium, cornflower, columbine, when yellow is combined with purple and lilac. For the foreground, low-growing plants are suitable - bergenia, clover, sleep-grass, oxalis.

For the decorative design of the site, a garden slide with a stone is well suited, where the swimsuit occupies the middle space, ground cover perennials are located in front of it, and behind it are tall ones (cornflower, bluebell). At the same time, take into account the timing of flowering, so that for the entire summer period on your hill some flowers replace others.

Application in traditional medicine

Although kupavka is a rather poisonous plant, its medicinal properties help in the fight against many diseases. The European bathing suit (ordinary) is especially popular in folk medicine. Its flowers, roots and leaves are used to make tinctures and decoctions that act as anti-inflammatory and healing agents. The herb of a medicinal plant has long helped to treat tumors.

A tincture of the flowers is used to treat dropsy and scurvy, and a tincture of the roots is used for scabies. If you insist on the leaves, such a remedy will help get rid of angina pectoris.

A decoction of the leaves is indicated for problems gastrointestinal tract. And if the leaves are mixed with flowers, such a decoction will be a good choleretic agent, which will also protect the liver.

External ointments help to heal wounds, abscesses and relieve inflammation.

However, use folk remedies from the bathing suit, despite their beneficial features, should be carefully consulted with a good specialist, since a poisonous plant can harm the nervous system.

A bathing suit in color is a real highlight of spring group plantings. Its bright inflorescences, outwardly resembling fireballs, create the illusion of warmth and joy. Among other garden crops, the swimsuit stands out for its ease of care and abundant flowering. Therefore, you can meet her in almost every garden.

The bathing plant (Siberian rose, trollius, kupavka) is a flower shrouded in legends. Its name comes from the German trollblume, which translates as "troll flower". Scandinavian beliefs say that these amazingly beautiful flowers were the favorites of forest dwellers - fabulous trolls.

The Russian name of the flower, according to one legend, appeared due to the love of the bathing suit for wet places of growth. And if you believe a more ancient Slavic legend, the flower owes its name to the patroness of reservoirs - the goddess Agrafena the swimsuit.

The swimsuit is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. The habitat of its subspecies is vast. The swimsuit can be found throughout the northern hemisphere. It grows in forests, on mountain slopes, meadows, along the rivers of Europe, Asia and America. In some countries, the bathing suit is already listed in the Red Book.

In the natural habitat, the swimsuit has about twenty varieties, but only a few garden forms are grown in culture. The European bathing suit has gained great popularity. To fully understand the features of this culture, consider what are the features of the external structure of the European bathing suit:

  • The bathing suit owes its effectiveness to flowers. They are moderately large (up to 8 cm in diameter), bright yellow or juicy orange. As with other members of the Ranunculaceae family, the color intensity is concentrated on the sepals, not the petals.
  • The corolla of the swimsuit is formed from 5-20 petal-shaped sepals. They strongly overlap each other, arranged in a spiral. After flowering, the sepals fall off.
  • The shape of the flower is spherical, it can be semi-open or fully open. Inside the bud are thin petals of a linear shape, which are turned into nectaries.
  • The fruit of the swimsuit is a spherical infructescence, consisting of leaflets tightly overlapping each other. The seeds are very small, their color is black, the surface is glossy.
  • The leaves of the swimsuit are palmately divided, grassy in color. Leaves come from the root zone. On the flower shoot, foliage is located only in the upper part, which passes into the flower.
  • During the flowering period, the bathing suit spreads a light, subtle aroma of freshness.
  • An important feature of the bathing suit is its poisonousness. Its juice can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes, so all planting work must be carried out with gloves.

Bathing plant, varieties and varieties

Varieties of the bathing suit are widespread throughout the world, so their names often reflect their natural range. Only a few of them are found in culture.

  • European swimsuit (lat. Trollius europaeus) - a plant with a height of 45 to 80 cm. Its long flowering occurs in May-June. Spherical flowers of lemon-yellow color are formed on long flower shoots.

  • Trollius the highest (lat. Trollius altissimus) - comes from the eastern part of Europe, is widespread in the Carpathians. The flowers of the swimsuit are yellow-green with a barely noticeable milky tint. The leaves are bright green with serrated margins. The stems are branched, erect, reaching one and a half meters in height.

  • Asian swimsuit (lat. Trollius asiaticus) - a plant in the form of a medium bush with shoots up to 80 cm in height. Flowering lasts almost 20 days and all this time rich orange flowers 5 cm in diameter delight the eye. The habitat of the Asian bathing suit is damp forests and glades.

  • Dzhungarian swimsuit (lat. Trollius dschungaricus) is a dwarf variety that prefers rocky areas. In such conditions, it grows up to 15 cm in height. But if you plant it in fertile soil, its shoots will stretch up to 55 cm.

  • Trollius lilac (lat. Troltius lilacinus) - external signs are the same as those of the Asian trollius, but the inflorescences are not painted in yellow, but in a soft purple hue. And the pistils and stamens stand out in a dark yellow color.

  • Trollius Chinese (lat. Troltius chinensis) - colorful wild species with large fiery flowers. The height of the swimsuit reaches 1.5 m. Most of the garden hybrids are derived from this species.

  • Trollius Altai (lat. Trollius altaicus) is a brush-rooted shrub with large ajar flowers. Their color is yellow, sometimes with a brick sheen. The habitat is alpine meadows.

In gardens, it is customary to grow bred varieties of bathing suits, and not wild varieties. Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are many hybrid forms that are distinguished by a large size of flowers, different shades and a long flowering period. All of them are united by one name - hybrid or cultural bathing suit. The following varieties are on sale:

  • "Orange Globe" - a compact bush with a bright orange color of flowers;
  • "Lemon Queen" - the variety has fragile lemon-yellow flowers;
  • "Alabaster" - a variety with incredibly delicate creamy flowers;
  • "Keneri bird" - a plant with modest pale yellow buds;
  • 'Golden Queen' is a flowering cultivar with golden-orange flowers.

Bathing suit, landing in open ground

The easiest way to get a swimsuit on your site is to buy ready-made seedlings and plant them in a flower bed. It does not require special skills to grow, but it is important to remember one feature of this crop: the trollius grows only in moist soil and if planted in dry soil, it will die.

Choosing a place for planting a bathing suit and preparing the soil

When choosing a landing site, pay attention to the area with diffused light. It can be a cozy place under tall ornamental bushes or a rocky hill. The main thing is that the bright sun does not shine on the bathing suit for a long time.

You can plant a bathing suit in an open flower bed, but you need to be prepared for the fact that its flowering will be short-lived, and the flowers will be faded and small in size.

The swimsuit has no requirements for the composition of the soil, so serious preparations are not necessary before planting. But medium loamy soil will have a good effect on the development of the flower. It is also desirable that there is no stagnant water in the selected area.

If you still want to create the best conditions for the trollius, you can add a little mixture of peat with humus and 10 g of nitrophoska to the planting hole. And if the plant is planted in a sandy mixture, it is advisable to add more moss, which will ensure the safety of moisture.

Did you know? The swimsuit is not suitable for dry and sandy, as well as for wet and wetlands. In them, she will not be able to develop and will soon die.

Planting a bathing suit on a flower bed

The planting of the swimsuit should be carried out in August. Although all its varieties are frost-resistant, but young plants must get stronger and grow a rhizome before the onset of winter. If you plant the trollius later, then it will surely die with the arrival of the first frost.

All varieties of swimwear quickly take the form of a densely branched bush, so plants should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It is necessary to deepen the root neck of the plant by 2 cm. The leaves are immediately trimmed so that rooting is successful. New foliage blooms within two weeks after planting.

Advice! The swimsuit can grow in one place for a long time, so a plant transplant can be done once every ten years.

Bathing suit, care in the garden

Trollius needs to be watered all the time, periodically fertilize and cut off dried shoots. If you follow these elementary rules, the plant will grow quickly and even please you with double flowering in a season.

Watering and weeding bathing suits

The plant needs to be watered often, but without frills: the swimsuit should be in moist soil without stagnant water. Any deviations in the direction of underfilling or waterlogging will adversely affect the growth and flowering of the crop. This moment is especially important in the care of young bushes.

Removing weeds is a must in bathing suit care. To save strength, you can mulch the bush. This will keep moisture near the roots and prevent weeds from "dragging out" the plant. But if the mulch does not fit into the landscape design, you can do without it.

Frequent loosening of the soil is also carried out to a depth of 2-4 cm, but not deeper, so as not to damage the fragile root system.

On a note! The swimsuit is a frost-resistant culture, so it is not necessary to build a shelter for the winter.

Use of bathing suit fertilizers

The swimsuit is an unpretentious flower, so you don’t have to apply a lot of fertilizer. To enhance flowering in the spring, fertilizers are applied (it is better to do this before the flowers appear). Then, with an interval of two or three weeks, two more feedings are done.

For trollius, you can use nitrophoska (5 g per bucket of water), urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or complex organic fertilizers(Agricol). The swimsuit responds well to the introduction of humus and peat.

Advice! After the aerial part of the swimsuit has completely dried (this happens in October), you need to cut off all the leaves, leaving short petioles. This cannot be done prematurely, otherwise the kidney will be greatly weakened, and the peduncle will be underdeveloped.

Pests and diseases of the swimsuit

This culture is characterized by increased immunity to diseases. The only microorganism that can infect a bathing suit is a fungus. To avoid this, you need to adhere to the necessary watering regimen and remove dried leaves in time.

On a note! Pests bypass the bathing suit. This is due to its toxicity.

Methods for breeding bathing suits

You can get a new generation of bathing suit by dividing the bush and sowing the seeds. Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

Growing bathing suits from seeds

Bathing suit seeds ripen by autumn. You can sow them in open ground, but to ensure high germination, they require long-term stratification. Therefore, seeds are sown closer to winter.

Seed material is best sown in loose, breathable soil. The best option would be a mixture of peat, earth and sand (2:2:1).

Seedlings actively appear in the first days of May. If the weather is hot, they will need abundant watering and shelter from the destructive sun.

As soon as the seedlings acquire a pair of full-fledged leaves, you need to dive them. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other. A year later, strengthened bathing suits can be transplanted to a permanent flower bed.

Reproduction by dividing the bathing bush

Mature plants are propagated by dividing the bush. In the fall, the swimsuit is dug up, divided into separate divisions with roots and shoots, then planted in a prepared place. Before the onset of cold weather, new bushes take root safely. If the division of the bathing suit is carried out in the spring, this can be done until the moment of flowering.

Important! Young bathing bushes need mulching.

The use of bathing suits in folk medicine

Although kupavka is a rather poisonous plant, it is often used in alternative medicine. As a rule, in medicinal purposes use only the European variety. All parts of the plant are suitable for treatment. They are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties.

Flower extract helps to cure dropsy and scurvy, rhizome decoction - scabies. And an infusion of leaves is an excellent remedy for angina pectoris, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The aerial part of the bathing suit is used in choleretic preparations. It also serves as the basis for ointments against abscesses, boils, infected wounds.

Important! Use a bathing suit folk treatment it is possible only under the supervision of a homeopath, since it is poisonous.

Swimsuit in landscape design

Trollius, despite its widespread use in folk medicine, is actively used to create rock gardens, design artificial reservoirs, to complement buildings in the Swiss style.

The bathing suit with other colors of purple, dark blue, lavender looks unsurpassed. A successful pair for the trollius will be cornflowers, sleep-grass, primrose, catchment area, oxalis, delphinium.

Bathing suit, photo in nature

Video "Swimsuit, the legend of flowers"

Bathing suit: description

Genus bathing suit (Trollius) belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is represented by 30 species of perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants. The habitat covers the northern hemisphere, where the bathing suit is found in the composition of the meadow herbage. It is also characteristic of the mountainous landscape. The genus probably received the Latin name from the ancient German word “troll” - a ball, because of the spherical. But this is only one of the versions. Popular belief says that the swimsuit is a favorite plant of magical forest dwellers - trolls, therefore it is quite possible that the name of the genus is given from the German word “Trollblume” - a troll flower.

Swimsuits have a racemose - numerous adventitious roots depart from the rhizome in a bundle, and the main root is absent. A dense network of cord-like adventitious roots is located near the soil surface. The aerial part is formed by a rosette of simple palmate-lobed or palmately divided juicy green leaves on long petioles. As a rule, it is formed in the first year of the plant's life and reaches 15-40 cm in height and the same in diameter. Simple or branched stems covered with sessile leaves only in the upper part. The swimsuit blooms from late spring to mid-summer of the second year of life. With age, the number of peduncles increases. Depending on the species, the flower of the swimsuit is more or less closed, but in any case there is a small opening on top for the summer of pollinating insects. Sepals in number from 5 to 20, arranged in a spiral, overgrown, painted in orange or, resemble petals, fall off after flowering. Petals, on the other hand, were transformed into nectaries, and their length - less than, greater than or equal to the size of the sepals - is a species feature, as is the color of the stamens and pistils. Fruits - leaflets with a spout, open in July - August along the inner seam. They are collected in spherical infructescence, carry black shiny oval seeds.

Swimsuit landing

The swimsuit is unpretentious to growing conditions. Under natural conditions, they live, in the garden they are recommended to be placed in sunny places. It should be remembered that the brighter the area is illuminated, the more moisture the plant will need. Optimal soils - drained, which is especially important for drought-resistant species - bathing suits of the Jungar, Altai . They must be rich organic matter, with a pH level of 5.5-6.4 (close to neutral). The recommended soil mix consists of leafy soil and sand (1:1:0.5), to which chopped sphagnum moss can also be added to keep the substrate moist longer. Stagnant groundwater is undesirable. Swamping negatively affects the growth and development of the plant.

Bathing suit: care

During growth and flowering, from May to July, bathing suits need moist soil, so watering is necessary in dry weather. In August - September, watering is reduced. The swimsuit is responsive to the introduction of complex. They are fed three times per season: in April (with a predominance of nitrogen), in July and in September. (peat or humus) are brought in in spring (April) and autumn (September), mulching the bushes. During the entire growing season, it is recommended to add soil to the base of the bush, since the bulk of the bathing suit's roots are concentrated at the soil surface. Fading flower stalks are recommended to be cut to stimulate re-blooming. Yellowing leaves should not be cut before the end of the growing season (until August-September), as this negatively affects the quality of flowering next year. After dying, the leaves are removed, leaving the bases of petioles 2-3 cm long. The swimsuit does not like frequent transplants, it grows successfully in one place for 5-10 years, but it is recommended to divide the plant in the fifth or sixth year of life to rejuvenate the plant. The swimsuit is winter-hardy without shelter in central Russia, the most frost-resistant representative of the genus - Ledebour's bathing suit .

Diseases and pests of the swimsuit

Bathing suits do not suffer from pests and diseases. Occasionally, they can be damaged by fungal diseases - smut, septoria, for the prevention of which it is necessary to remove dead leaves in the fall. When a focus of infection occurs, plant residues are destroyed, treated with fungicides.

Swimsuit: reproduction

The swimsuit reproduces vegetatively - by dividing the bush, cuttings, and also by seeds.

The bush is divided in late April - early May, late August - early September, or in the middle of summer, after flowering. It is recommended to divide five-year-old plants that are well developed and capable of active growth. The bush is dug up, the roots are washed, with a sharp knife or the rhizome is divided into several parts so that each division has 3-4 renewal buds. Too small delenki take root for a long time. Sections are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or. Delenki immediately, preventing drying out, are planted in a flower garden, deepening the root neck to a depth of 2 cm at intervals of 30-40 cm (6-8 pieces per 1 sq.m). The very next year, young plants are able to form 5-6 flower stalks and bloom profusely.

As cuttings, shoots are used at the base of the bush, which are formed in spring, as well as summer rosettes with a piece of rhizome. The cuttings are rooted in May - July in a mixture of peat with sand or perlite after treatment with a root formation stimulator (for example, Kornevin).

Bathing suit seeds are sown immediately after harvest, in July - August, or in autumn, in October - November. Seeds are sown in soil or a box dug in the garden, in a mixture of peat, sand and leafy soil (2: 2: 1). Shoots appear in spring, in mid-late May. Seedlings need watering and shade from hot sunlight. At the stage of the first pair of true leaves, seedlings dive at a distance of 8-10 cm. In preparation for the first winter, it is recommended to cover young plants with spruce branches. Bathing suits in culture bloom in the 2-3rd year, at this age in April - May or September they are transplanted to a permanent place. You can also sow the seeds of the swimsuit in April - May after at a temperature of +2 ... + 4 ° C for 3-4 months.

Swimsuit in flower beds

Yellow-orange sunny flowers of bathing suits look especially impressive against the background of the blue sky, water. Swimsuits are magnificent in plantings near, with spots on, in the middle ground, from the sunny side of tree and shrub groups. miniature species (swimsuits stemless, dwarf) are notable among the stones in the neighborhood with with a shard, . After flowering, in July-early August, the plants lose their decorative effect, the yellowing leaves are removed, and by autumn the basal rosette grows again. Given this feature, you need to use partners with a lush rosette of leaves - , . Good combinations with , large-leaved, gravel blooming at the same time as the bathing suit. From shrubs, low-growing varieties will become good neighbors , .

Types of bathing suit

European bathing suit (Trollius europaeus) depending on the growing conditions, it has a height of peduncles from 40 to 100 cm, the size of leaves and flowers increases accordingly. Light yellow or golden, almost completely closed flowers, formed by 10-20 sepals, reach 5 cm in diameter and adorn the plant from the end of May for a month. The nectaries are colored orange and are hidden under the sepals, like other parts of the flower. The nose of the leaflet is short, looking inward.

Bathing suit the highest (Trollius altissimus) differs from European bathing suits openwork deeply dissected leaves and a large peduncle branching almost from the base 1.3-1.5 m tall. It bears greenish-yellow flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. The nose of the leaflet is longer, directed upwards.

Asian swimsuit, or Frying (Trollius asiaticus). Rosette of leaves 20-30, rarely 40 cm in height, peduncle reaches 40-50 cm, up to 70 cm in cultivation. Orange-red sepals are equal in size or slightly shorter than nectaries. Varieties and forms vary in the degree of dissection of the leaf, the saturation of the color of the sepals and the doubleness of the flower.

Bathing suit Chinese (Trollius chinensis) differs from the previous species in the greater height of the peduncle - up to 100 cm. In July, it bears open golden-yellow flowers with long nectaries.

Bathing suit large-petal (Trollius macropetalus). Powerful peduncles up to 80-100 cm tall from the end of May for 3 weeks are decorated with wide open flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The nectaries are directed upwards, they are twice as long as the sepals. Rosette 30-50 cm tall is formed by large, up to 15 cm in diameter, three- or five-parted leaves.

Bathing suit Altai (Trollius altaicus). Rosette reaches 30 cm in height, stem - 80-90 cm. Sepals from 10 to 20, they are twice as long as nectaries, sometimes have a reddish tint on the outside. The flower is ajar, black pistils and purple anthers are visible. Flowering lasts from the last days of May for a month. The fruit-leaflet has a nose bent outwards.

Bathing suit semi-open (Trollius patulus) forms a rosette of palmately separated leaves with a serrated edge up to 20 cm tall. Straight, almost non-branching stems up to 35 cm tall bear medium-sized wide open flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, consisting of 5-10 golden sepals. Flowering time is mid-May-June. After flowering, the stem is greatly lengthened. The nose of the leaflet is straight or bent outward.

Jungar bathing suit (Trollius dschungaricus). The rosette is formed by slightly leathery three- or five-parted leaves with a small number of teeth along the edge. Golden-yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, open, with dark pistils, adorn the plant from the end of May for 2-3 weeks. The height of the peduncle depends on the place of growth and ranges from 10-15 cm in the mountains to 40-50 in the meadows of central Russia, in culture the height is 50-65 cm. The size of the rosette changes accordingly.

Swimsuit of Ledebour (Trollius ledebourii). Peduncles up to 1 m in height bear large, up to 6 cm in diameter, open orange flowers, the nectaries of which are at least 1.5 cm in length, but not longer than the sepals. Flowering time - mid or end of May - June. In culture, the height of peduncles can reach 1.2 m, and the diameter of the flower is 8 cm. The height of the rosette of leaves is 30-50 cm. see above).

Bathing suit stemless (Trollius acaulis)- a miniature plant with a dense rosette of carved leaves and open juicy yellow flowers about 2 cm in diameter towering above it at a height of 10 cm. They consist of five sepals. Flowering time - May-June.

Bathing suit dwarf (Trollius pumilus). From the center of the rosette, formed by carved leaves with a finely serrated edge, straight peduncles 15-30 cm tall appear in May-June, bearing relatively large (2-3 cm in diameter) flowers, consisting of five golden sepals.

Reader's bathing suit (Trollius riderianus). Stems 30-40 cm tall in late May-June bear large flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The sepals are broadly oval in shape, painted in light orange or yellow. The nectaries are short, not exceeding the stamens. Rosette 20-30 cm tall, formed by five-parted leaves up to 10 cm in diameter.

Bathing suit is beautiful (Trollius pulcher). Flowers 3-5 cm in diameter are formed by orange-yellow sepals (at least 10 of them). Peduncles 35-40 cm tall appear from early to mid-May to late June. Delicate thin leaves form a rosette up to 20-25 cm tall. In culture, the height of the rosette increases to 45 cm, and the height of the stem - up to 100 cm.

Bathing suit cultural (Trollius x cultorum, Trollius x hybridus)- a plant of hybrid origin, among whose parents are European, Asian, large-petal and Altai bathing suits. The rosette is formed by palmately dissected leaves of a juicy green color with a clear venation. Peduncles 60-90 cm tall bear large, up to 7 cm in diameter, cream, light yellow, yellow, orange, orange-red flowers, often double. Varieties vary not only in appearance of the plant, but also in terms of flowering - from early May to mid-July.

During growth and flowering, from May to July, bathing suits need moist soil. The swimsuit is responsive to the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. Fading flower stalks are recommended to be cut to stimulate re-blooming.