What awaits the twins in May. happy day kaleidoscope

You need a breath of fresh air, so use May to clear your mind, get away from conflicts and annoying problems.

Work, career. Gemini May 2017

For professional affairs best time- the second half of the month. During this period, you will be able to meet with old friends, former colleagues and achieve understanding on many controversial issues. Of course, the matter will not do without disagreements, but this time they will no longer be so categorical. There will be a good trend towards the settlement of the long-standing conflict, and it must be used. However, rushing forward and starting new business in May is still not worth it. Try to step back a few steps and reflect on what and why you are doing everything. This will help you formulate an idea, find an area for applying your own energy, if not now, then a little later. The end of the month will bring another conflict with partners, but this time Mars is on your side, your confidence will noticeably increase, and you will be able to adequately respond to stubborn opponents.

Money. Gemini May 2017

The financial situation this month may be unstable. And the point is not that there will be no income, but that expenses will increase. Until the end of June, it is unlikely that anything will change, so be careful in all financial activities and do not forget about savings.

Love, family. Gemini May 2017

In personal life - no peace, no war. Lovers will have to "lick" the wounds of the past months, and in some cases this process will be quite successful. So, in the middle of the month, “reconnaissance in force” is possible, its goal is to find out what your passion really thinks about you. Most likely, the answer will be positive, but, as they say, the “sediment” of past disagreements will still remain and may periodically remind of itself. At the beginning of the month, both lovers and spouses are advised to go on a trip. New places, unusual countries will allow you to take a different look at relationships and significantly improve them. Family people can settle some of the complex issues related to children and, perhaps, meet with children living in other cities or countries. In general, May is not bad at all for all kinds of cleaning - on your own table, in the country, as well as in your thoughts and in your heart. Star vibrations speak of transformations, reorganization, change of orientation. Take advantage of this and then the new cycle, which will begin after the birthday, will go much better.

May 2017 is an interesting month for love and relationships. Personal life will please you, and not only with new opportunities, but also with amazing twists of fate in existing circumstances and even a return to what was before.

Mercury, the heavenly patron of Gemini, on May 4, 2017 ends the period of retrograde and resumes movement in the forward direction. You will feel a surge of energy, become self-confident and easy-going.

Passionate Mars remains in your sign all month. If you want to conquer the subject of your interest, rely on its support, because it stimulates desire and initiative. The influence of this fiery planet is especially favorable for Gemini men, but Gemini women will also feel more energetic and determined.

In mid-May, Mars forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your house of love. A beneficial planetary influence will be expressed in positive events: good news, reconciliation after a quarrel, or falling in love. Love affairs that begin at this time promise to develop into a stable relationship. Those who go on trips have a good chance of a romantic meeting.

The planet of love and harmony Venus, located in the house of friendship, encourages social activity, participation in public events, meetings with friends. It is conditions like these that give single Gemini the opportunity to meet someone special. Friends will take on the role of mediators in love and relationships. Maybe they will introduce you to someone or help you sort out some love situation.

On May 21, 2017, the Sun moves into your sign, the love atmosphere acquires radiance and brilliance. If you already have a soulmate, there are more opportunities to spend time together.

When it comes to family life, some of you will have to face the need to make a serious choice. And even if the final decision is not yours, you still need to take an active part in the discussion.

Gemini career and finance horoscope for May 2017

There comes a successful period for work, it gives a powerful impetus to career development. Gemini is capable of significant achievements in professional field. In the end, you will achieve your goals, get positive results even in cases that have exhausted all your strength.

This is the time when initiative is welcomed. Mars is in your sign, making you persistent and adventurous. If you're planning to start a new project, don't wait for a better time - the time is now! Take action, because the stars are on your side.

In May 2017, there will be shifts in the financial plan, money will begin to come. Achievements at work will bring you not only honor and admiration, but also an increase in income. Generous promises to be the last decade of the month when the Sun enters the Gemini money house.


This month you have an abundance of vitality. To realize additional energy, you need to be physically active. However, caution is advised, as planetary influences tend to make you hasty and inattentive, so there is a risk of injury and accidents. Take care of yourself!

Do not rush to make the final choice. You will have many options, but only one option is perfect.

love horoscope

May 1st to 10th. This is a difficult time for love relationship- too many planets are concentrated in the sign of Taurus. Sociable and changeable Gemini women will find it difficult to attract serious and stable partners, and you don’t need it. Be philosophical about temporary difficulties in a love relationship.

May 11 - May 20. An active period of meetings, love and romance begins. This will contribute to love and dating. However, the negative aspect of Saturn will make you too distrustful, perhaps even justified. Now you better be on your guard than trust everyone.

May 21 - May 31. Once again, you will be convinced of the correctness of your conclusions regarding your beloved. There is a high probability of a serious quarrel, even a temporary separation. It’s just that now you are not able to compromise and are set up in a very combative way. Everyone around, even your chosen one, must unconditionally obey you or disappear from your life. Romantic date. You will meet your admirer on a crowded city street. This will happen at rush hour, and he confesses his sympathy to you at the moment when, for example, the crowd will carry him out of your subway car.

Family horoscope

Gemini will love active weekends, home will not be bored. You drive everyone to the premiere of the film, then to the gym, then to courses foreign languages. Quarrels with your spouse and other household members are possible precisely because your activity will exceed the energy resources of your loved ones. No one can withstand such a frantic rhythm. Secret of happiness. You need to give yourself and others a rest from time to time. Good films, visiting a beautician will help with this. Relax, without you, chaos will not begin in the family.

Holiday Horoscope

The twins are used to grabbing onto several things at once, which is why rest sometimes turns into hard work. You should not combine watching your favorite movie with exercising on the simulator or listening to pleasant music with taking water procedures. One activity can offset the positive effect of another. Place of power. Library, computer room, places where information is accumulated and stored.

Horoscope of work and money

At the beginning of the month, you can go into the shadows. But it will be the calm before the storm, you are preparing for a breakthrough. In May, you are able to come up with a brilliant project and beat all competitors. However, the fight will be intense. In a word, serious trials await you, and you will cope with them brilliantly. It is not a fact that after that you will have friends among your colleagues, but you will be able to win. Purchase of the month. There will be no unplanned purchases. Most likely, you will acquire a technique or gadget that you have long dreamed of.

Horoscope health

It's going to be a challenging month for your health as Gemini will be negatively affected by Mars and Saturn. The period is fraught with injuries and exacerbation of chronic diseases, so it is important to be careful and respond responsibly to even the most minor ailments.

Horoscope for May 2017 for Gemini men

Love. In love life, many Gemini men will prove to be demanding and picky fans. And if you take into account the fact that they usually do not go into their pocket for a word, you will have to go through a lot of unpleasant minutes in the course of communication. Everything can annoy him: from how you look to what you cook. Humble yourself, most likely, he is dissatisfied with himself.

Tone. The Gemini will feel a real surge of strength if they defeat someone in a dispute. And since they are born debaters, the only thing left is to find an opponent. Most of the month will be devoted to various proceedings.

Finance. Anyone who encroaches on the monetary interests of the Gemini during this period will obviously not be lucky. Your loved one will shut the mouth of any competitor, prove that everyone around him is wrong, and as a result get what he wanted.

Hobbies. Any Gemini man is always happy to expand his horizons and replenish the treasury of knowledge. He will be happy to attend some seminar or course, read an interesting book, go to the theater or concert hall. In sports, your chosen one may prefer running, swimming, or athletics. Team games this month are undesirable for him.

Horoscope for May 2017 Gemini child

0-6 years old. Baby Gemini will be very capricious, excitable and will start to quarrel with everyone. If there are prerequisites for neurological problems, now they may worsen. You need to turn to specialists, be examined, take a course of massage.

7-12 years old. Month of quarrels and reconciliations with friends. It will be hard for you to endure this, because everyone around is to blame, except for your child. Restrictions only piss him off. Difficult situations will need to be discussed with him point by point.

13-17 years old. Some Gemini teenagers may become depressed due to the inability to achieve what they want, while others, on the contrary, will actively demonstrate their protest. Several options are possible here - from a quarrel with all your friends and a change of circle of friends to complex love relationships and the problems associated with them.

Read the monthly horoscope 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Gemini in May 2017 will try to protect themselves from emotional wounds and for this purpose they will surround their heart with a “three-meter fence”. Apparently, tired of disappointments, heart dramas, sleepless nights spent in a state of painful uncertainty, you decide to do just that. But will you be right in your desire to isolate yourself from the outside world? The answer to this question is known only to you. If you experience psychological comfort only after you isolate yourself behind a “three-meter fence”, then this is exactly what you need in this period of life.

It is much more important to understand why you, a very bright and cheerful person, suddenly decide to become a recluse or a recluse? Most likely, in the first decade of May, you will once again encounter the injustice of fate (we are talking about a major quarrel with someone close to you that will break out through no fault of yours, or about the betrayal of a person whom you completely trusted). Having experienced this pain, you will draw a number of disappointing conclusions. They are already known to you - you will withdraw into yourself, you will think a lot, dream, make plans in which there will no longer be a place for all-consuming trust in anyone. If you have a permanent partner, he will probably be wary of noticing your May moods. If you try to fence yourself off from him, it may end badly. Your marriage will not survive that harsh moment when the spouses have breakfast together at the table, while each of them thinks about something different, looking thoughtfully to the side. The estrangement that arose between you at the end of this spring may be the first step towards divorce. That's why, if you love your marriage, please give your significant other the "keys" to the fence behind which you hide your heart.

Single Gemini will spend May 2017 not so dramatically. You will try to get rid of all life's cataclysms and spiritual disappointments with your classic means (endless parties and other entertainment). True, this time this crazy mess will not bring you the proper pleasure. With its help, you will not be distracted from sad thoughts, but only immerse yourself in them even more. It’s good that your faithful friend will be next to you, who, once again delivering you home from an alcohol party, will understand that you need to be pulled out of the clutches of the “green snake” as soon as possible. A friend will do everything to make you give up dubious pleasures, take care of yourself and restore your emotional balance not with the help of alcohol and parties, but much safer and effective means(with the help of books, communication with a personal psychologist and engaging in favorite hobbies).

Now a few words about what you can expect in May 2017 from the sphere of your finances. Your income will not increase yet (if they increase slightly, then only due to some kind of chance). But you will notice that the authorities somehow look at you differently, with a kind of undisguised interest. This means only one thing - you are the main candidate for a promising position that will be vacant in mid-June (perhaps a little later).

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of May 2017 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2017 year of the red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

Horoscope for May 2019: Gemini is faced with the need to reformat their goals in life, as well as formulating a new strategy to achieve them.


Try to realistically and soberly assess your potential, so as not to take on what will later seem to you an unbearable burden. This will require a balanced and close study of information, more related to financial matters. Do not be afraid to resort to workarounds - this will help to avoid mistakes and losses, and more often remember the proverb that says that the smart one will not go uphill!

The end of the month is not the best time for representatives of the zodiac house. In the last decade of May, it is unlikely that it will be possible to insure against losses and material losses. Due to the mass of work that has fallen on you, and especially the routine part of it, Gemini during this period is at risk of overworking and, as a result, even more confusion in the work process. You should be careful especially for those whose work cycle is based on workflow. At the end of May, a fatal mistake may be made, the consequences of which are still very long time will darken your life. The easiest thing you can do is get scolded by your superiors. In the worst case, you will hear accusations of financial dishonesty addressed to you.


May 2019 is generally a favorable month for the representatives of the sign, but to a greater extent this applies to personal life. Harmony and trust reign in the Gemini family. Many will see the zodiac house at the end of spring, they will have the opportunity to take a breath and relax a little. Vacation will be a great opportunity to spend time with your soul mate. After a few days spent together, many couples will feel pristine freshness in relationships, especially intimate ones.

The family budget also has a good prospect - this is what the horoscope for May 2019 promises. The Gemini, if they make at least a little effort, will be able to recover the money owed to them for a long time. The amount of debt returned in May will become the basis of your financial independence in 2019. May will also be favorable for resolving legal issues: litigation is likely to be resolved in your favor, and this will strengthen not only family budget Gemini, but will also increase social status and weight in the eyes of others. Forewarned is forearmed! Try to take into account the advice of the stars when planning things for May 2019.

Gemini women

May is generally favorable for representatives of the zodiac house of Gemini. It pays to be on the lookout at the end of the month. The last decade of May may be the time when they have to deal with problems due to their own intemperance in statements and judgments. In addition, Gemini women are often distinguished by the desire to keep everything and everyone under tight control. It is likely that in May the scythe will find a stone, and you will have to face ill-wishers who will spread rumors and speculation about you, which are based on half-truths. And it will make your life very difficult. You should not be strongly imbued with this issue, soon everything will be decided by itself, and the truth will prevail. But still, some conclusions from the situation will have to be drawn in order to successfully avoid similar situations later.

Gemini Man

Throughout the month, and especially its last decade, Gemini men will have to get rid of unnecessary things. This will affect both quite material things and moral values. The stars predict that some representatives of the sign will even have to end even friendships or friendships if the Gemini feel that they are creating obstacles to progress and personal growth.

In May 2019, many representatives of the sign will need to spend money on completely unpredictable things. It is very likely that your relatives will need financial assistance. Think carefully about all your decisions and do not refuse those who need your support - very soon the situation can turn 180 degrees and you yourself may need help.

twin children

Small representatives of the sign in May 2019 will be stubborn in many matters. But moms and dads should not forget what sign of the horoscope their child belongs to, because most of his character traits are not only genes, but also what he inherited from the stars! Don't be harsh on your child. The main goal for parents this month is to make sure that the behavior of the Gemini child does not harm his health and the health of others.

Teenage Gemini in May 2019 will defend their independence and independence in every possible way. Adults should be sympathetic to such behavior of a daughter or son. And be sure that the first love that covered your child with his head will not be able to interfere with a good end to the school year!


The health of Gemini due to the influence of star patrons in May 2019 is in relative stability. New sores are not expected, but chronic diseases already existing by this time can cause trouble. To a greater extent this applies to the digestive system. Exacerbations of pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis or stomach ulcers will not put the representatives of the sign in a hospital bed, but they will not do without a visit to the attending physician. The trouble with many Gemini is that they lack organization and patience to complete the course of treatment they have begun. This, by the way, is the reason that the vast majority of representatives of the sign have a huge bouquet of chronic diseases by the age of forty. Try to faithfully follow the doctor's recommendations in May. This is the period when any care for one's own health is especially effective.

Horoscope for May 2019, Gemini is faced with the need to revise their plans in life.
The twins, whose work is related to the workflow, need to be very careful: a fatal error is possible.
High probability of debt recovery.
Horoscope for June 2019 Gemini.