Sodom sin: what is it, description, meaning in Orthodoxy. Sodom sin

Sodom sin

Let's start with the fact that it exists of two types: 1) when a man and a woman are engaged in, as they say now, anal sex; 2) sodomy, or male homosexuality. We are now interested in the first, because in the story of the death of Sodom and Gomorrah, we are clearly talking about a woman, as we saw above.

How did the ancestors treat Sodomy love with a woman? This question interested me even after I read in the book that the Incas, Mayans, Aztecs and other ancient peoples of America depicted overwhelmingly sodomy scenes with the participation of a woman on drinking vessels - 31% of all drawings depicting love men and women. Male homosexuality is only 3% there.

Why did the ancestors attach so much importance to Sodomy love with a woman? At one of the seminars, I asked women directly what they feel when they make such love. At first, there was a tense silence in the room. It turned out that many women remembered the pain that men caused them by making such love. After all, for the most part they are impatient when they make love - peruns, in a word.

After removing pain from women, I again asked the same question. And then the women started talking. The meaning of what has been said is the following. One cannot be distracted from this love, as in ordinary love, when a woman, looking at the ceiling, thinks about something of her own. This love makes you fully present in it. The pleasure in it is different than in ordinary love, sharp. And the most important thing for me as a researcher of the mind and its states: a woman is completely in the power of a man, this is a state of complete subordination and the absence of "I".

By the way, the name Scheherazade stands for "se dick and ass." Or: Scheherazade - sugar-ass - sugar ass.

That is, earlier, through Sodomy love, women could learn the state of complete humility and humility before a man, before life - what the Orthodox Church is trying to achieve from them today, forcing them to wear a headscarf at the entrance to churches. When you become nothing, you can experience the state of "Everything".

And men, making Sodomy love with a woman, also had the opportunity to come into contact with these states, but through a woman - that's why, in my opinion, scenes with this kind of love were so common in ancient American culture, which, judging by many data, was very closely related to ours (see, for example,).

Now, when Troy is destroyed, people, taken by the mind and its desires, make love out of lust and to get pleasure, and before making love served as a passage to the world of reason and wisdom. In our time, when the self-enclosed mind-ego rules, engaging in any kind of love increasingly locks a person into a prison of desires - just look at the total, like a hurricane, the spread of pornography throughout the world. So Sodomy love leads nowhere now.

What about male homosexuality?

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"Sodom" sin is called because of the name of the city of Sodom, where vice and debauchery flourished in the time of Abraham. To satisfy their lust, the inhabitants of the ancient city resorted to coercion and violence. This even applied to the angels who were sheltered by the righteous Lot.

« They had not yet gone to bed, like the inhabitants of the city, Sodomites, from young to old, all the people from all parts of the city, surrounded the house and called Lot and said to him: where are the people who came to you at night? bring them to us; we get to know them"(Gen. 19:4-5).

The sin of Sodom is often associated exclusively with sodomy, but it has a broader meaning.

« The people of Sodom were evil and very criminal before God» (Gen. 13:14).

The mention of two cities is connected with the depravity of the inhabitants. Sodom and Gomorrah are mired in depravity. Only one righteous Lot with his family had to escape the just punishment from the Lord. The Old Testament describes how, while Lot was leaving the city, fire and brimstone were poured on him.

« Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, like them who committed fornication and went after other flesh, having undergone the punishment of eternal fire, are set as an example"(Jude 1:7).

Sodom sin in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, Sodomy sin includes sodomy, fornication, and any sinful passion of a person that does not apply to marriage. Only about carnal relationships in marriage in the Bible does it say " a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they shall be [two] one flesh"(Gen. 2:24).

Sodomy, widespread in Sodom and Gomorrah, is classified as a number of grave sins: “ Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakia, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor predators - The kingdom of God will not be inherited "(1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
The Bible also mentions fornication, which also flourished in Sodom: Run fornication; every sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the fornicator sins against his own body. Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price"(1 Corinthians 6:18-20).

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to talk about the sin of Sodom in confession.

The Church's View of the Sin of Sodomy

St. Gregory of Nyssa believed that the sin of Sodom is important not only for the soul of the person himself, but also offends the whole family of the sinner:

“... Fornication is the fulfillment of lust, done with someone without offense to another, and adultery is slander and offense to an alien union. This includes bestiality and sodomy, because these sins are adultery against nature. Inasmuch as an offense is caused to an alien race, and, moreover, contrary to nature ”(Canonical Epistle of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, to Lithoius, Bishop of Melitinsky, canon 4).

The prophet Isaiah compared his contemporaries with the first Sodomites, pointing out their sins: Hear the word of the Lord, princes of Sodom; listen to the law of our God, people of Gomorrah!"(Is. 1:10). Jesus Christ compared His Second Coming to the judgment by which the Lord judged the inhabitants of Sodom: but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all; so it will be on the day when the Son of Man appears"(Luke 17:29-30).

Scripture clearly and unequivocally speaks of the severity and significance of Sodom sin for the human soul, which is why it is so important to mention it in confession. The sin of Sodom is eradicated by repentance.

« If your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; if they are red like purple, they will be as white as a wave. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the earth; but if you deny and persist, the sword will devour you: for the mouth of the Lord speaks"(Is.1:16-17).

Fornication in the Church is also called “civil marriage”. Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko : “The phrase “civil marriage” has entered our language as a substitution of concepts. A civil marriage, in fact, is a marriage registered under the civil laws of a given society, and the Church treats such a marriage with respect. This is what is said in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. On December 28, 1998, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church noted with regret that “some confessors declare civil marriage illegal or demand the dissolution of a marriage between spouses who have lived together for many years, but due to certain circumstances did not marry in the church ... Some pastor-confessors people living in an 'unmarried' marriage are not allowed to receive communion, identifying such a marriage with fornication. The definition adopted by the Synod states: “Insisting on the need for church marriage, remind the pastors that the Orthodox Church respects civil marriage.”

Renunciation of Christ and fornication with adultery put up a wall between a person and God, through which it is difficult to offer prayer to relatives and lovers, and even to priests. Just as renunciation of the Son of Man leads to falling away from the Church, so fornication, if it is not dissolved by the deepest humility and repentance, leads to the loss of faith. We know this both from the example of the laity and from the example of priests, some of whom, having committed adultery, were deprived of their rank (according to the 25th Rule of the Holy Apostles and the 3rd Rule of Basil the Great) and became full-time militant atheists. They were recognized by their shifting lascivious eyes, -
Archpriest Gleb Kaleda.

The Church unequivocally condemns the sin of Sodom and offers ways of liberation from pernicious passions:

“He who knows his weakness from many temptations, from bodily and spiritual passions, will also know the infinite power of God, delivering those who cry out to Him with prayer from the bottom of their hearts. And his prayer is already sweet. Seeing that without God he can do nothing, and fearing a fall, he tries to be relentless with God. He is surprised, thinking about how God delivered him from so many temptations and passions, and thanks the Redeemer, and with thanksgiving receives humility and love, and no longer dares to despise anyone, knowing that as God helped him, so He can help everyone, when he wants"- wrote the Monk Peter of Damascus.

At the moment, with might and main it is customary to interpret the word "sodom" - as a term denoting various forms of sexual perversion. This includes homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, masturbation, as well as perverse heterosexual contacts. Simply put, by sodomy, we mean any non-vaginal sexual intercourse that does not result in the conception of a child. But are we so licentious that we think it is as if the Bible that was once written lists in detail all forms of non-vaginal intercourse? Is a person even looking for “strawberries” there?

Sodom sin in dictionaries

Of course, any solid explanatory dictionary cannot bypass the term Sodom fornication. For example, the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language explains the term sodomy as just,. In different languages, the use of this term can be radically different, especially today, when homosexuality is strongly supported by the world community.

In the German explanatory dictionary "Duden", sodomy, means only contact with animals, that is, bestiality. He also points to homosexual contacts, but only as an outdated understanding of the word.

In the US, the interpretation is stricter - this is both anal and oral contact with persons of any gender.

And in jurisprudence, the term sodomy is still actively used. True, he means unnatural sexual contacts and incest.

Sodomy in the Bible

In Orthodoxy, the sin of Sodom originally meant sodomy. In Catholicism, this was reached only in 1215 with the advent of the Inquisition. Then the terms "sodomy" and "sodomy" became identical in the name of the royal lawsuit against the Knights Templar (to whom the king owed too much money). The Templars, including, were accused of sodomy, and then successfully burned. Prior to this, in the Catholic Church, Sodomy had to be confessed, even when it meant only an extramarital affair between a man and a woman.

Later, Christians decided to make the concept of sodomy even more extensive. Once in Paris, a Christian man was tried for sexual intercourse with a Jewish woman. Saying that this is sodom, because sleeping with a Jewish woman is like "sleeping with a dog." Those were the fun times.

Speaking of how to confess the sin of Sodom, the Bible also does not cover it; modern priests do it for it. For sodomy, communion was forbidden for the next 20 years. Today, this punishment is even more extensive, and communion is allowed only before death. In the temple, one who repented of sodomy must stand in the porch, since he is “the worst of all”, it is not allowed to touch the shrines. In confession, the priest should not name the term sodomy, but what you have done, for example: homosexual contact or sexual perversion, anal or. At the same time, it must be said about the period of being in sodomy and the number of such contacts.

Sexual perversion in the Bible

Contrary to our belief in the correctness of the interpretation of sodomy, the Bible is in no hurry to expose the literal meaning of the term. So, the term sodomy appeared because of the two cities destroyed by the Lord - Sodom and Gomorrah, whose inhabitants were wealthy, impious, inhospitable, in general, they forgot about God.

Two angels arrived in the cities to "investigate the situation". They stopped at Lot. In the evening, a crowd of residents lined up in front of the house, simply hating strangers, they demanded that Lot take the guests out in order to “know” them. "Know" in the biblical sense does indeed mean sexual contact.

Lot refused to do this (although he did not know that men are angels), he offered two daughters of virgins to the intolerant people. They refused and began to advance. Then the angels interceded for Lot, made the local population blind and took Lot and his daughters away from the doomed city.

However, the Bible says that: “That was the sin of Sodom, your sister: proud, well-fed, contented, careless, she and her daughters did not help the poor and the needy.” In this case, the scripture clearly gives an answer to the question why the city of Sodom was destroyed, and the desire to "know" the guests is not at all a key factor.

What is sin? This is a transgression of the commandments of God. The Lord gave us commandments. And when we sin, we trample them. It's like breaking the law. If one or another law is violated, then punishment will follow.

Same here. There are everyday sins, there are grave ones, and there are especially grave ones. Sodomy sin - what is it? What sins does it refer to? And how to deal with it? Read about all this in the article.

Sodom and Gomorrah

These two words have already become household names. When it comes to something disgusting, licentious, violating all norms of morality, one can hear the mention of two ancient cities. Why exactly them? And what is this - Sodomy sin? Where do these names come from?

Sodom and Gomorrah are two very famous biblical cities. Sodom chose Lot for his permanent residence. What could attract this city? With their extraordinary lands. They were fertile; there was plenty of food in Sodom. That is why its inhabitants became jaded to the point of impossibility. Where laziness and satiety - there is a vice. More and more new passions annoy lazy, jaded people. They forget about the poor, become like animals and strive to satisfy their perverted needs.

The history of Sodom sin is outlined in the subsection below.

Sodom sin

We found out what kind of cities these are - Sodom and Gomorrah. Now let's talk about what Sodomy sin is.

In Orthodoxy, Sodomy sin is a painful craving for members of the same sex. What the modern world calls homosexuality. This sin is an abomination before God. People exposed to it will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If they do not bear the fruit of repentance and do not reject this sin during their lifetime.

Why sodomy?

What are the sins of Sodom? Intimate relationships with members of the same sex, as we found out above. But why exactly this sin was called Sodomite?

The people who lived in that city were corrupted beyond measure. They gravitated toward members of their gender. When they did not get what they wanted, it came to violence and coercion.

It got to the point that people, mad with lust, decided to "know" the angels who came to Lot's house. From all over the city, residents flocked to his house and called Lot to talk, demanding that he take out his guests. This was the last straw of the Lord's patience. He destroyed the city with fire and sulfur rain. Now Sodom rests at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Lot was righteous and God brought him out of the city before destroying Sodom. Lot was ordered not to look back, but his wife could not stand it and looked back. Immediately she turned into a pillar of salt.


What is the list of sodomy sins? This is homosexuality and other perverted sins associated with fornication. This also includes entering into intimate relationships with animals, the dead and other indecencies of the present world.

As we can see, today Sodomy sin is the norm. Especially in the "friendly" West. Some countries legalize same-sex marriages. In Russia, thank God, there is no such madness yet. But not everything is going smoothly for us either: there are similar couples.

This is called to be treated with tolerance. But how can an Orthodox Christian calmly relate to what is condemned by the Lord God, and take it for granted? It's hardly possible. Sin, especially such a grave one, will remain a sin. No matter how they justify it or call it. She is an abomination and an abomination.


As we said above, fornicators and other sinners who are carried away by all kinds of perversions will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Does this mean that everything is lost for them?

God is merciful. And if a person living in Sodom's sin repents of it, he will be forgiven. But he must not just come and confess his Sodomy sins at confession, drum it out very cheerfully, receive forgiveness and ... go back to doing the same thing. No. The penitent must hate his sin. Hate with all your heart. Forever turn away from him. And offer sincere repentance. Want to fix your life.

What is the right way to repent? First of all, you need to change your life. Stop living in this sin. As for the rest, it is better to ask the priest. Perhaps the priest will impose some kind of penance for the sin of Sodom. You can secretly distribute alms, help those in need. All this is discussed with the priest individually.

The most important thing is never to return to sin again. Imagine that you are mired in manure. From head to toe smeared with them. It's disgusting, right? Sodom sin is much more disgusting to God than manure is to us.

The day has come when the manure is washed away. I had to go to him for a long time, tearing off the dried crusts of shit from myself. Now there is nothing left, the man is clean again. He goes outside and sees a huge pile of shit. Will a person want to lie in it and get dirty again? Hardly.

So it is with sin. It is unlikely that a person who sincerely repents of him will want to come into contact with the sin of Sodom again. Again, stain the soul and stink before God stronger than a dunghill.

How to Prepare for Confession

Sodomy sin - what is it? The answer to this question has been received. We found out that this is prodigal unnatural sin. It belongs to the category of especially serious.

Let's talk about how to prepare for confession. It is no secret that it is shameful to confess such a thing. There are vile thoughts in the style: "But how can I tell the priest? What will he think? Maybe it's not necessary?"

We will answer, as in the famous Soviet comedy: "We must, Fedya, we must!" If you are going to confession, then you should never hide your sins. This is a mockery of God. He sees and hears everything. The priest is the conductor between Him and the confessor. Let's put aside the feeling of false shame and tell everything. God still knows what we will talk about. And you should be ashamed before you start to sin. We usually do the opposite.

How to prepare for confession?

    Write sins on paper. So it will be easier when you come to the lectern. Write everything, without hiding.

    Decide when you're going to confession. It is advisable to confess on Saturday, at the evening service. On Sunday morning, this is more problematic, because there are a lot of communicants in the queue, and the priest cannot devote much time to confessors.

    If you are absolutely ashamed to talk about the sin of Sodom, give the priest a piece of paper with your confession. Just first say that there is a sin that you are ashamed to talk about. And wait for the priest to say that.

    If the priest gives penance, there is no need to refuse and argue about this. Instead, take it with joy. Better to be punished here than in the Hereafter.

    Keep in mind: the priest has every right not to admit to communion. You should not be indignant, it is better to listen carefully to what the priest advises. And follow his instructions.

How is Sodomy justified?

Nowadays, homosexuality is justified by mental disorders. This is absurd. It turns out that those who pass laws on such marriages also have mental problems at the "official" level? Then what are these people doing in government?

What is this - sodomy sin? We now know that he is abominable before God. And you can't justify it. It can only be cleansed by sincere repentance and revision of one's own life. What we are seeing in the world is just some kind of madness. They try to disguise sin and present it as the norm. And those who rebel against are ridiculed and silenced.

No matter how they shout to us from the blue screens that homosexuality is the norm, this is a lie of pure water. Sin has never been and never will be the norm. Therefore, you should not believe the information that the "tolerant" comrades are so intensely imposing on us.


We now know what the list of sodomy sins looks like in Orthodoxy. Let's highlight the main aspects of the article:

  • Sodom and Gomorrah - Biblical cities that the Lord destroyed.
  • The inhabitants of Sodom paid for their sexual perversions. They overflowed the cup of God's patience when they encroached on the angels who visited the house of the righteous Lot.
  • Sodom was destroyed by fire and sulfur rain. Now this city is at the bottom of the Dead Sea.
  • We already know what Sodomy is. This is a very grave sin. It can be redeemed only by repentance and a complete revision of one's own life.
  • There is no need to be ashamed to confess this sin. The sooner a person is cleansed of it, the better. It is not known when the Lord will call each of us and when we will have to answer for sins.
Holy Scripture i.e. The Bible clearly describes the sin of Sodom.

God's attitude towards unnatural same-sex relationships is for the first time in the Bible expressed in the history of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which "... having been subjected to the punishment of eternal fire, are set as an example" (Epistle of Jude 1:7).

As the Holy Scripture writes, "The inhabitants of Sodom were evil and very sinful before the Lord" (Genesis 13:13), and "... the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very heavy" (Genesis 18:20-21 ). And when the Lord decided to destroy these cities, "Abraham said: Let not the Lord be angry, what will I say one more time: maybe there will be ten (righteous. - Approx.)? He said: I will not destroy for the sake of ten" (Genesis 18:32 ). But, alas, there were not even ten righteous people there, except for Lot, for all "... from young to old, all the people from all parts of the city" (Genesis 19:4), were struck by an unnatural vice. "And the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord from heaven" (Genesis 19:24), completely destroying the people, "acting haughtily, obviously doing evil, and set them as an example for posterity"(Third Maccabees 2:5).

The desired events unfolded like this:

"And the Lord said, The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah, great is it, and their sin, it is very heavy; I will go down and see whether they do exactly what the cry against them, which ascends to Me, or not; I will know. And the men turned from there and went to Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before the Lord, and Abraham came up and said, Will You destroy the righteous with the wicked [and the righteous will be the same as the wicked]? Perhaps there are fifty righteous people in this city? and you will not spare this place for the sake of fifty righteous people, [if they are] in it? Will the Judge of all the earth act unjustly? The Lord said: If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, then I will spare [the whole city and] the whole place for their sake. Abraham answered and said: Behold, I have decided to speak to the Lord, I , dust and ashes: maybe up to fifty righteous people will be missing five, is it possible that for lack of five you will destroy the whole city? He said: I will not destroy if I find forty-five there. Abraham continued to speak to Him and said: Perhaps forty will be found there? He said: I will not do this even for the sake of forty. And Abraham said: May the Lord not be angry, what will I say: maybe there will be thirty there? He said, I won't do it if there are thirty there. Abraham said: behold, I decided to speak to the Lord: maybe there are twenty there? He said: I will not destroy for the sake of twenty. Abraham said: May the Lord not be angry, what will I say one more time: maybe there will be ten there? He said: I will not destroy for the sake of ten. And the Lord went, ceasing to speak with Abraham; Abraham returned to his place (Gen. 18:20-33).

And those two angels came to Sodom in the evening, while Lot was setting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and rose to meet them, and bowed his face to the ground, and said, My lords! go into your servant's house and spend the night, and wash your feet, and rise in the morning and go on your way. But they said: no, we spend the night on the street. He begged them strongly; and they went to him and came to his house. He made them a feast and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. They had not yet gone to bed, like the inhabitants of the city, Sodomites, from young to old, all the people from all parts of the city, surrounded the house and called Lot and said to him: where are the people who came to you at night? bring them to us; we get to know them. Lot went out to them at the entrance, and locked the door behind him, and said [to them]: My brothers, do no harm; here I have two daughters who have not known a husband; I'd rather bring them out to you, do with them what you please, only don't do anything to these people, since they came under the shelter of my house. But they said to [him]: Come here. And they said: here is a stranger, and wants to judge? now we will deal worse with you than with them. And they came very close to this man, to Lot, and came up to break down the door. Then the men stretched out their hands and brought Lot into their house, and locked the door [of the house]; and the people who were at the entrance to the house were smitten with blindness, from the smallest to the greatest, so that they were exhausted, looking for an entrance. The men said to Lot, Who else do you have here? son-in-law, whether your sons, whether your daughters, and whoever you have in the city, bring everyone out of this place, for we will destroy this place, because the cry is great against its inhabitants to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were taking his daughters for themselves, and said, Get up, get out of this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. When the dawn broke, the angels began to hasten Lot, saying, Get up, take your wife and your two daughters that you have, so that you do not perish for the iniquities of the city. And as he hesitated, then those men [Angels], by the mercy of the Lord to him, took his hand and his wife, and his two daughters, and brought him out and set him outside the city. And when they brought them out, one of them said, Save your soul; do not look back and do not stop anywhere in this neighborhood; flee to the mountain lest you perish. But Lot said to them: No, Lord! Behold, Your servant has found favor in Your sight, and great is Your mercy, which You have done with me, that You have saved my life; but I cannot escape to the mountain, so that trouble does not overtake me and I do not die; behold, it is closer to run to this city, it is small; I will run there, - he is small; and my life will be saved [for your sake]. And he said to him, Behold, I will do this also to please you: I will not overthrow the city of which you speak; make haste, save yourself there, for I cannot do the work until you get there. That is why this city is called Sigor. The sun rose over the earth, and Lot came to Segor. And the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord from heaven, and overthrew these cities, and all this region, and all the inhabitants of these cities, and [all] the growth of the earth. Lot's wife looked behind him and became a pillar of salt. And Abraham got up early in the morning [and went] to the place where he stood before the face of the Lord, and looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and all the expanse of the region and saw: behold, smoke rises from the earth, like smoke from a furnace. And it came to pass, when God was destroying [all] the cities of this region, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of destruction, when he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt" (Genesis 19:1-29).

Below are the hallmarks (small images around the perimeter) of the Holy Trinity icon depicting the events described.

Left sash and right sash icons
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20

1. Abraham at the gates of the city sees angels approaching.
2. Abraham worships angels.
3. Abraham and Sarah prepare for the reception.
4. Slaughter of the calf.
5. Abraham and Sarah receive angels under the Oak of Mamre.
6. An angel proclaims to Sarah the birth of her son Isaac.
7. An angel says goodbye to Abraham
8. Abraham sees them off.
9. He leads them to the gates of the city.
10. He brings them to the walls of Sodom.
11. Lot meets the angels and greets them.
12. He brings the angels into his house and offers them food.
13. The inhabitants of Sodom surround the house of Lot.
14. The inhabitants of Sodom are trying to enter the house of Lot.
15. Heavenly fire strikes the crowd.
16. Lot agrees to leave the city with the angels.
17. Lot invites his sons-in-law to leave the city.
18. Lot with his family and angels leave the city.
19. Heavenly fire strikes Sodom. Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt.
20. Abraham contemplates the fruits of God's wrath.

Later, leading the Jews into the "Promised Land", God warned: "If anyone lies with a man as with a woman, then both of them have done an abomination: let them be put to death, their blood is on them" (Leviticus 20:13), then He still once again emphasizes: "Do not walk according to the customs of the people that I drive out from you; for they did all this, and I resented them(Leviticus 20:23).

Sodom and/or Gomorrah is mentioned in a negative context by the prophets Isaiah (Is. 1:9-10, Is. 3:9, Is. 13:19), Jeremiah (Jer. 23:14, Jer. 19:18, Jer. 50:40, Lamentations 4:6), Ezekiel (Ezek. 16:46-56), Amos (Amos 4:11) and Zephaniah (Zeph. 2-9).

If in the words of the prophet Jeremiah: "But I see a terrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem: they commit adultery and walk in lies, they support the hands of evildoers so that no one turns from their wickedness; they are all before Me - like Sodom, and its inhabitants - like Gomorrah" (Jeremiah 23:14), change some words: "But in authorities of many Christian states I see terrible things in the world: they commit adultery and walk in lies, they support the hands of evildoers so that no one turns from their wickedness; they are all before Me - like Sodom, and its inhabitants - like Gomorrah", then we get a statement of modern morals!

More than once I had to read the statements of the apologists of sodomy and lesbianism that the reason for God's wrath against the Sodomites and Gomorrians is not their unnatural inclinations, but ... inhospitality and generally their evil disposition. To which they can quote the words of St. Apostle Jude (not Iscariot): "As Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, like them committed fornication and went after INOYU flesh, subjected to the punishment of eternal fire, are set as an example ... "(The Epistle of Jude. 1: 7), clearly confirming the true reason for the destruction of cities - the spread of unnatural sexual relations in them, combined with fornication. The expression for "other flesh" should not be understood , as heterosexual relationships, because "those who fornicated and went for INOYU flesh" - would look like a tautology - "butter oil".

This is confirmed by the words of St. Apostle Peter: "... and if the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, having condemned to destruction, turned into ashes, setting an example for future wicked, and the righteous Lot, weary of the conversion between people violently depraved delivered (for this righteous man, living among them, daily tormented in a righteous soul, seeing and hearing lawless deeds) "(Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter. 2: 6-8).

The Holy Apostle Paul explained reason occurrence of sexual perversions in humans:

“But how, having known God, they did not glorify Him as God, and were not thankful, but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened; calling themselves wise, they became foolish, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image like corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things, then God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, so that they defiled their own bodies. God gave them over to shameful passions: their women changed their natural use to that which was unnatural; similarly, the men, leaving the natural use of the female sex, were inflamed with lust for one another, men doing shame on men and receiving in themselves the due retribution for their error.

And as they did not care to have God in their minds, God gave them over to a perverse mind to do indecent things, so that they are full of all unrighteousness, fornication, deceit, greed, malice, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malevolence, blasphemers, slanderers, haters of God. , offenders, boasters, proud, inventive for evil, disobedient to parents, reckless, treacherous, unloving, implacable, unmerciful. They know the righteous judgment of God, that those who do such things are worthy of death; yet not only do they do it, but those who do it are approved” (Romans 1:21-32)

It seems that the pendulum of history has swung deeply back: "They know the righteous judgment of God, that those who do such things are worthy of death; but not only do they do it, but those who do it are approved" (Rom. 19:32). How relevant are these words spoken 2000 years ago!!! Holland, Denmark, USA, Canada, South Africa, Spain, UK… which country is next to legalize Sodomy marriages?

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? (First Corinthians 6:9).

And remember: "We know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing that the law is not made for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious, the ungodly and sinners, the depraved and defiled, for the offenders of father and mother, for murderers, for fornicators, sodomists, predators, (slanderers, bestialists,) liars, perjurers, and for everything that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was entrusted to me" (1 Timothy 1: 8-11).

We recommend reading.
Modern Sodomy sin.

A source of information:
According to the site:
To Truth.

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