Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God. The gospel of the power of God and the faith of man

I. Veneration of the Mother of God in the days of Her earthly life

From the Apostolic times to the present day, all those who truly love Christ pay respect to the One Who gave birth to Him, raised and protected Him in the days of childhood. If God the Father chose Her, the Holy Spirit descended on Her, God the Son dwelt in Her, obeyed Her in the days of her childhood, took care of Her, hanging on the cross, then should not everyone who confesses the Holy Trinity bow to Her?

Even in the days of Her earthly life, the friends of Christ - the apostles - showed great care and devotion towards the Mother of the Lord, especially the Evangelist John the Theologian, who, fulfilling the will of Her Divine Son, took to himself and cared for Her as a Mother, from that time as the Lord spoke to him from the cross: "Behold thy mother".

The Evangelist Luke painted several images of Her, some with the Eternal Child, others without Him. When he brought them and showed them to the Blessed Virgin, She approved of them and said: “The grace of My Son will be with them,” and she repeated once in the house of Elizabeth the song she sang: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior”.

However, the Virgin Mary, during Her earthly life, shied away from the glory that belongs to Her as the Mother of the Lord. She preferred to spend her life in silence and prepare for her transition into eternal life. Until the last day of Her earthly life, She cared about being worthy of the Kingdom of Her Son, and before her death she prayed that He would deliver Her soul from evil spirits that met human souls on the way to heaven and sought to capture them in order to take them to hell . The Lord fulfilled the prayer of His Mother and at the hour of Her death He Himself came from heaven with many angels to receive Her soul.

Since the Mother of God still prayed that she might say goodbye to the Apostles, the Lord gathered to Her death all the Apostles, except for Thomas, who by invisible power were brought to Jerusalem that day from all corners of the universe, where they were present at Her blessed transition into eternal life.

With sacred chants, the Apostles buried Her Most Pure Body, and on the third day they opened the coffin to once again bow to the remains of the Mother of God, together with the Apostle Thomas, who then arrived in Jerusalem. But they did not find the body in the coffin and returned to their place in bewilderment, and during the meal, the Mother of God Herself appeared to them in the air, shining with heavenly light and told that Her Son had glorified Her body, and She, resurrected, was before His Throne. She promised to be with them always.

The apostles greeted the Mother of God with great joy and began to honor Her not only as the Mother of their beloved Teacher and Lord, but also as their heavenly helper, patroness of Christians and intercessor for the entire human race before the Righteous Judge. And wherever the Gospel of Christ was preached, His Most Pure Mother began to be glorified.

II. The first enemies of the veneration of the Mother of God

The more the faith of Christ spread, the more the name of the Savior of the world was glorified on earth, and with Him the One who was worthy to be the Mother of the God-Man, the more the hatred of Christ's enemies towards Her increased. Mary was the Mother of Jesus. She showed an unprecedented example of purity and righteousness, besides, She, having migrated from this life, was a powerful, albeit invisible to bodily eyes, support of Christians. Therefore, everyone who hated Jesus Christ and did not believe in Him, who did not understand His teachings, or rather, did not want to understand as the Church understood, who wanted to replace Christ's preaching with their human philosophies - they all hate Christ, the Gospel and the Church , transferred to the Blessed Virgin Mary. They wanted to humiliate the Mother in order to destroy faith in Her Son, to create a false idea of ​​Her among people, in order to be able to rebuild the entire Christian teaching on other grounds. In the womb of Mary, God and man united, She was the One Who served as a ladder for the Son of God, who descended from heaven. To strike at the veneration of Her means to strike Christianity at the root, to destroy it at its very foundation.

And the very beginning of Her heavenly glory was marked on earth by an outburst of malice and hatred towards Her by the infidels. When, after Her holy death, the Apostles carried Her body for burial to Gethsemane to the place chosen by Her, John the Theologian carried in front the branch of paradise, which three days before the Archangel Gabriel had brought to the Holy Virgin, having come from heaven to announce to Her about Her forthcoming transition to the heavenly abodes.

"In the exodus of Israel from Egypt, the house of Jacob from the people of the barbarians", - the Apostle Peter began psalm 113, and "Alleluia" was picked up by the entire assembly of the apostles and their disciples, such as Dionysius the Areopagite, who was also miraculously brought to Jerusalem then. And when this sacred song was sung, which is called among the Jews the “great alleluia”, i.e. great “praise God,” one Jewish priest, Athos, jumped up to the stretcher and wanted to overturn it and throw the body of the Mother of God on the ground.

The audacity of Athos was immediately punished: the Archangel Michael cut off his hands with an invisible sword, which remained hanging on a stretcher. The amazed Athos, experiencing excruciating pain, in the consciousness of his sin, turned with a prayer to Jesus, hated by him until then, and was immediately healed. He did not hesitate to accept Christianity and confess it before his former co-religionists, for which he accepted a martyr's death from them. Thus, an attempt to offend the honor of the Mother of God served to Her greater glorification.

The enemies of Christ did not dare to show their disrespect for the body of the Most Pure One by brute force, but their malice did not stop. Seeing that Christianity was spreading everywhere, they began to spread various vile slanders about Christians. They did not spare even the name of the Mother of Christ and invented that Jesus of Nazareth came from a low and immoral environment, and His mother was friends with one Roman soldier.

But the lie here was too obvious for this fiction to attract serious attention. The whole family of the Betrothed Joseph and Mary herself were well known by the contemporary inhabitants of Nazareth and its environs. “Where does this wisdom and power come from? Is not this the tecton, the son of the tectons, Joseph, the son of Mary, and the brother of Jacob and Josiah and Judas and Simon? And are not His sisters here in us?” - said His compatriots in Nazareth, when Christ revealed His unearthly wisdom before them in the synagogue. In small towns, everyone's family details are well known; the purity of married life was then very strictly observed.

Would Jesus have been treated with respect and allowed to preach in the synagogue if He had been born of illegitimate cohabitation? The law of Moses would have been applied to Mary, which commanded that such persons should be stoned; more than once the Pharisees would have taken the opportunity to rebuke Christ for the behavior of His Mother. Meanwhile, the opposite was true: Mary enjoyed great respect, in Cana she was an honored guest at the wedding, and even when Her Son was condemned, no one allowed themselves to ridicule or blame His Mother.

III. Attempts by Jews and heretics to discredit the Ever-Virginity of Mary

Jewish slanderers soon became convinced that it was almost impossible to defame the Mother of Jesus, and on the basis of the information they themselves had, it was much easier to prove Her laudable life. Therefore, they leave this slander of theirs, already picked up by the pagans, and try to show at least that Mary was not a virgin when she gave birth to Christ. They even say that the prediction of the birth of the Messiah as a virgin never existed, which is why it is completely in vain that Christians think to exalt Jesus by the fact that the prophecy was fulfilled in Him.

There were Jewish translators who compiled new translations of the Old Testament into Greek, and in them they translated the famous prophecy of Isaiah: “Behold, a young woman will conceive” (Isaiah 7, 14); they claimed that the Hebrew word "aalma" means a young woman, not a virgin, as it stood in the sacred translation of 70 interpreters, where that place is translated "Behold the virgin in the womb will receive".

They wanted to show with a new translation that Christians, on the basis of an incorrect word "aalma" they think to ascribe to Mary the absolutely impossible - the birth without a husband, while in reality the birth of Christ is no different from other human births.

However, the malice of the new translators was clearly revealed, as from a comparison of different places in the Bible it is clear that the word "aalma" means "virgin". And not only Jews, but also pagans, on the basis of their traditions and various predictions, expected that the Redeemer of the world would be born from the Virgin. The gospel clearly stated that the Lord Jesus was born of a Virgin.

“How will it be when I don’t even know my husband”, Mary, who had taken a vow of virginity, asked the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to Her about the birth of Christ. And the angel answered: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”(Luke 1:34-35).

Later, the Angel also appeared to Righteous Joseph, who wanted to let Mary go out of the house, knowing that She had conceived without entering into marital cohabitation with him. Archangel Gabriel said to Joseph: “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for what is born in her is from the Holy Spirit”, and reminded him of the prophecies of Isaiah about the conception of a virgin (Matt. 1, 21-25).

The frozen rod of Aaron, the stone without hands, receding from the mountain, seen by Nebuchadnezzar in a dream interpreted by the prophet Daniel, the closed gates seen by the prophet Ezekiel, and many other things in the Old Testament foreshadowed the birth of a Virgin. Just as Adam was created by the Word of God from an uncultivated and virgin earth, so the Word of God created flesh from a virgin womb for Himself when the Son of God became a new Adam in order to correct the fall of the first Adam.

Only those who reject the Gospel can and could reject the seedless birth of Christ, while the Church of Christ from time immemorial confesses Christ "incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary." But the birth of God from the Ever-Virgin was a stumbling block for those people who wanted to be called Christians, but did not want to humble their minds and be jealous of the purity of life. The pure life of Mary was a reproach to those who are unclean in their thoughts. In order to appear as Christians, they dared to deny that Christ was born of a Virgin, but began to assert that Mary remained a Virgin only « until gave birth to her firstborn son, Jesus.".

“After the birth of Jesus,” said the false teacher Helvidius in the 4th century, as well as many before and after him, “Mary entered into married life with Joseph and had children from him, who are called brothers and sisters of Christ in the Gospel.” But the word "until" does not mean that Mary remained a virgin only until a certain time. Word "until" and those like him often signify eternity. Scripture says about Christ: “In His days righteousness and abundance of peace will shine until the moon is gone”(Ps. 71, 7), but this does not mean that when the moon is gone at the end of the world, the truth of God will not be; on the contrary, then it is she who will triumph. Or what does it mean: "befits him to reign, "until" He will put all his enemies under his feet."? Does the Lord really only have so much time to reign until His enemies are under His feet?! The Savior in the Gospel says to the apostles: “Behold, I will be with you all the days until the end of the age.” So, at the end of the age, will the Lord depart from His disciples? Is it possible that when they judge the twelve tribes of Israel on twelve thrones, they will not have the promised fellowship with the Lord?

It is also wrong to think that the brothers and sisters of Christ were the children of His Most Holy Mother. Titles "Brother" And "sister" have the most varied meaning. Denoting a certain relationship between people or their spiritual closeness, these words are used now in a broader, then in a narrower sense. In any case, brothers or sisters are people who have a common father and mother, or only a common father or mother, even descended from different fathers and mothers, if their parents later (widowed) married (half-brothers), or if their parents connected by close degrees of kinship (cousin brothers).

From the Gospel it is nowhere seen that the brothers of Jesus named there were or were considered the children of His Mother. On the contrary, it was known that Jacob and the others were the sons of Joseph, the betrothed of Mary, who was a widow and had children by his first wife. Also, the (cousin) sister of His Mother, Maria Kleopova, who stood with Her at the cross of the Lord, also had children who, with full right, due to such a close relationship, could be called the brothers of the Lord. That the so-called brothers and sisters of the Lord were not the children of His Mother is also clearly seen from the fact that the Lord entrusted His Mother before His death to His beloved disciple John. Why would He do this if She had more children besides Him? They would take care of her themselves. The sons of Joseph, the imaginary father of Jesus, did not consider themselves obliged to take care of their, as they considered, stepmother, or in any case did not have such love for her, with which native children treat their parents, and which the adopted John had for her.

Thus, a careful study of the Holy Scriptures reveals with complete clarity the groundlessness of the objections to the Ever-Virginity of Mary and puts to shame those who teach otherwise.

IV. The Nestorian heresy, which proclaimed the Mother of God only
the Mother of Christ, and
IIIEcumenical Council.

When those who dared to speak against the holiness and innocence of the Blessed Virgin Mary had to be silenced, then an attempt was made to destroy the veneration of Her, as Mother of God. In the 5th century, Archbishop Nestorius of Constantinople began to preach that only the man Jesus was born from Mary, in whom the deity dwelt and dwelt in Him, as in a temple. He first allowed his presbyter Anastassy, ​​and then he himself began to openly teach in the church that Mary should not be called the Mother of God, because. She did not give birth to the God-man. He considered it humiliating for himself to worship an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

Such sermons caused general embarrassment and concern for the purity of the faith, first in Constantinople, and then in all other places where rumors of the new teaching reached. St. Proclus, a disciple of John Chrysostom, who was then the Bishop of Cysia, and later the Archbishop of Constantinople, in the presence of Nestorius delivered a sermon in the church, in which he confessed the Son of God, born of the flesh of the Virgin, who truly is the Mother of God, for already in Her womb, during conception, the Divinity was united with the Infant conceived from the Holy Spirit, Who, although born of the Virgin Mary by human nature, was already born true God and true man.

Nestorius persisted and did not agree to change his teaching, saying that it was necessary to distinguish between Jesus and the Son of God, that Mary should be called not the Theotokos, but the Mother of Christ, because. Jesus, born of Mary, was only a man - Christ (which means the Messiah, the anointed one), similar to the former anointed ones of God - the prophets, only surpassing them in the fullness of communion with God. The teaching of Nestorius, therefore, was a denial of the entire economy of God, for if only man was born from Mary, then it was not God who suffered for us, but man.

St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, learning about the teachings of Nestorius and the church sentiments aroused by him in Constantinople, wrote a letter to Nestorius, in which he urged him to adhere to the teaching that the Church had professed from its foundation, and not to introduce anything new into it. In addition, St. Cyril wrote to the clergy and people of Constantinople to be firm in the Orthodox faith and not be afraid of Nestorius' persecution of those who did not agree with him. St. Cyril reported everything to Rome, St. Pope Celestine, who, with all his flock, was then firm in Orthodoxy.

St. Celestine, for his part, wrote to Nestorius and urged him to preach the Orthodox, and not his own faith. Nestorius remained deaf to all convictions and answered that what he preaches is the Orthodox faith, and his opponents are heretics. St. Cyril still wrote to Nestorius and composed 12 anathematisms, i.e. outlined in 12 terms the main differences between the Orthodox teaching and that preached by Nestorius, recognizing as excommunicated anyone who would reject at least one of the terms compiled by him.

Nestorius completely rejected everything stated by St. Cyril, and wrote his exposition of the teaching he preached, also in 12 parts, anathematizing, i.e. excommunication from the church, anyone who does not accept them. The danger for the purity of faith grew ever greater. St. Cyril wrote letters to Tsar Theodosius the Small, then reigning, his wife Evdokia and the sister of Tsar Pulcheria, asking them to also take care of church affairs and curb heresy.

It was decided to convene an Ecumenical Council, at which the hierarchs, gathered from different parts of the universe, would decide whether the faith preached by Nestorius was Orthodox. The city of Ephesus was chosen by them as the place of this III Ecumenical Council, in which the Blessed Virgin Mary once resided with the Apostle John the Theologian. St. Cyril gathered his co-bishops in Egypt and together with them went on ships to Ephesus. John, Archbishop of Antioch, traveled by land from Antioch with the bishops of the East. Roman Bishop St. Celestine could not go himself and asked St. Cyril to defend the Orthodox faith, and in addition, he also sent two bishops and the presbyter of the Roman church Philip, to whom he also gave instructions on what to say. Nestorius and the bishops of the district of Constantinople, the bishops of Palestine, Asia Minor and Cypriot also arrived in Ephesus.

In the tenth Kalends of July according to Roman reckoning, i.e. On June 22, 431, in the Ephesian Church of the Virgin Mary, the bishops, headed by the Bishop of Alexandria Cyril and the Bishop of Ephesus Memnon, gathered and took their places. In the middle was placed the Gospel, as a sign of the invisible heading of the Ecumenical Council by Christ himself. First, they read the Creed drawn up by the I and II Ecumenical Councils, and then they began to read the documents and read the letters of Cyril and Celestine to Nestorius and the answers of Nestorius that preceded the Council. The council recognized the teachings of Nestorius as impious and condemned him, recognizing Nestorius as deprived of the pulpit and priesthood. Thus, the resolution of the Council clearly expressed its belief that Christ, born of the Virgin, is the true God incarnate, and since Mary gave birth to a perfect man who was at the same time perfect God, She rightly should be revered as the Mother of God.

At the end of the meeting, the decision of the Council was immediately communicated to the people who were waiting for it. All Ephesus rejoiced when they learned that the veneration of the Holy Virgin was protected, especially revered in this city, of which She was a resident during her earthly life, and a patroness after her transition to eternal life. Everywhere one heard the joyful glorification of the Ever-Virgin and the praise of the fathers who defended Her name from heretics.

The council had 5 more meetings, at which it confirmed the condemnation of the Pelagian heresy, which taught that a person can be saved on his own, without the need to have God's grace. The Council also recognized that the teaching of the Orthodox Ecumenical Church is sufficiently fully and clearly set forth in the Creed approved at the Second Ecumenical Council, which is why it itself did not draw up a new Creed and forbade henceforth compiling other creeds or making changes to the existing one.

The latter was violated several centuries later by Western Christians, when in the seceded Roman Church an addition was made in the Symbol that the Holy Spirit proceeds “and from the Son”, which addition was approved by the Roman popes from the 11th century, although until that time their predecessors, starting with St. Celestine, firmly adhered to the decision of the III Ecumenical Council and carried it out.

This is how peace, broken by Nestorius, settled in the Church. The true faith was defended and false teachings were denounced. At the Third Ecumenical Council, the teaching of the Church about the Mother of God was firmly and clearly confessed. Previously, those who slandered the immaculate life of the Virgin Mary were denounced by the Holy Fathers, and now they proclaimed to everyone about those who belittle Her honor: She gave birth in the flesh to the Word, which exists from God the Father, and became flesh: let it be anathema” (i.e. excommunicated from the Church - 1st anathematism of St. Cyril of Alexandria).

V. Attempts by iconoclasts to reduce the glory of the Queen of Heaven and their shame

After the Third Ecumenical Council, Christians, both in Constantinople and in other places, began to resort even more zealously to the intercession of the Mother of God, and their hopes for Her intercession were not in vain. She showed Her help to numerous sick, helpless and distressed people. She repeatedly appeared as the defender of Constantinople from external enemies, once even showing in a visible way the reverend. Andrey the holy fool His wondrous Protection over the people who prayed at night in Blachernae Church.

The Queen of Heaven gave victory to the Byzantine kings in battles, which is why they used to take with them Her icon of the Hodegetria (Guide). She strengthened the ascetics and zealots of the Christian life in their struggle against human passions and weaknesses. She enlightened and instructed the fathers and teachers of the Church, including St. Cyril of Alexandria, when he hesitated to acknowledge the innocence and holiness of John Chrysostom.

The Blessed Virgin put songs into the mouths of the compilers of church hymns, sometimes making famous singers incapable and not having a song gift, but pious workers, such as St. Roman the Sweet Singer. Is it any wonder, therefore, that Christians tried to exalt the name of their everlasting Intercessor? Holidays were established in Her honor, wondrous songs were dedicated to Her, Her images were revered.

The malice of the “prince of this world” armed the “sons of apostasy” once again to raise a battle against Emmanuel and His Mother in the same Constantinople, which now, as before, revered Ephesus, the Mother of God as its Intercessor. Not daring at first to speak openly against the Chosen Governor, they wanted to reduce Her glorification by forbidding the veneration of the icons of Christ and His saints, calling it idolatry. Here, too, the Mother of God strengthened the zealots of piety in the struggle for the veneration of images, revealing many signs from Her icons and healing the severed hand of John of Damascus, who wrote in defense of the icons.

The persecution of icon worshipers and saints ended again with the victory and triumph of Orthodoxy, for the reverence paid to icons goes back to those depicted on them; the holy saints of God are revered as friends of God, for the sake of the grace of God that has settled in them, according to the words of the psalm: “I’m very honest about your friends”. The Most Pure Mother of God was glorified with special honor in heaven and on earth, even in the days of the desecration of the holy icons, she showed through them such wondrous miracles that even now we remember them with tenderness. The song “Every creature rejoices in You, O Gracious One” and the icon “Three-handed” remind of the healing of John of Damascus in front of this icon; the image of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God - about the miraculous salvation from the enemies of this icon, thrown into the sea by a widow who could not save her.

No persecution of those who honor the Mother of God, and everything connected with the memory of Her, could not reduce the love of Christians for their Intercessor. A rule was established that each series of liturgical songs ends with a song or verse in honor of the Mother of God. Many times a year, Christians in different parts of the universe gather, as before, in the temple to praise Her, to thank Her for the good deeds and to ask for mercy.

But the adversary of Christians is the devil, who "Like a roaring lion walks, looking for someone to devour"(1 Peter 5, 8), how could he remain an indifferent spectator of the glory of the Most Immaculate? Could he admit himself defeated and stop fighting the truth through people who do his will? And so, when the whole universe resounded with the gospel of the Christian faith, when the name of the Most Holy One was called everywhere, the earth was filled with temples, the houses of Christians were decorated with Her icons, then a new false teaching about the Mother of God appeared and began to spread. This false teaching is dangerous because many cannot immediately understand how much it undermines the true veneration of the Mother of God.

VI. "Jealousy is not according to reason." The perversion by the Latins in the newly invented dogma of the "Immaculate Conception" of the true veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When those who condemned the immaculate life of the Blessed Virgin, who denied Her Ever-Virginity, who denied Her dignity as the Mother of God, who abhorred Her icons, were exposed, when the glory of the Mother of God illuminated the entire universe, then a teaching appeared, as if elevating the Virgin Mary high, but in reality rejecting all Her virtues .

This teaching is called on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, but was accepted by the followers of the Roman papacy. It consists in the fact that “the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the first moment of her conception, by the special grace of Almighty God and special privilege, for the sake of the future merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all filthiness of original guilt” (Pope Pius IX Bull on new dogma). In other words, the Mother of God at her very conception was preserved from original sin, and by the grace of God she was made impossible to have personal sins.

Christians did not hear about this until the 9th century, when for the first time the abbot Paschazi Radbert expressed the opinion that the Holy Virgin was conceived without original sin. Starting from the XII century, this idea began to spread among the clergy and flock of the Western Church, which had already fallen away from the Universal Church, and thus deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

However, the members of the Roman Church did not all agree with the new teaching. Divided in opinion even the most famous theologians of the West, so to speak, the pillars of the Latin Church. Thomas Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux strongly condemned him, while Duns Scott defended him. From the teachers, the division passed to their students: the Latin Dominican monks, following their teacher Thomas Aquinas, preached against the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, and the followers of Duns Scott, the Franciscans, tried to plant it everywhere. The struggle between these two currents continued for several centuries. And on one side and the other there were individuals who were considered among the Catholics the greatest authorities. It did not help to resolve the issue that some reported that they had a revelation about this from above. Nun Brigitte, famous among Catholics in the 14th century, in her notes spoke of the appearances of the Mother of God to her, Who herself told her that She was conceived immaculately, without original sin; and the even more famous modern ascetic Catherine of Siena claimed that at the conception of St. The virgin was involved in original sin, and she receives revelations from Christ Himself.

Thus, neither on the basis of theological writings, nor on the basis of miraculous phenomena that contradict each other, the Latin flock could not figure out for a long time where the truth was. The popes of Rome until Sixtus IV (end of the 15th century) remained aloof from these disputes, only this pope in 1475 approved a service in which the doctrine of the immaculate conception was clearly expressed, and a few years later forbade condemning those who believe in the immaculate conception. However, even Sixtus IV did not dare to assert that such is the unshakable teaching of the Church, why, having forbidden to condemn those who believe in the Immaculate Conception, he did not condemn those who believe otherwise.

The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, meanwhile, gained more and more supporters among the members of the Roman-Papist Church. The reason for this was that it seemed very pious and pleasing to the Mother of God to give Her as much glory as possible. The desire of the people to glorify the Heavenly Intercessor, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the deviation of Western theologians into abstract reasoning, leading to only apparent truth (scholasticism), and, finally, the patronage of the popes after Sixtus IV - all this led to the fact that the opinion of the immaculate conception, expressed by Paschasius Radbert in the ninth century, was already the universal belief of the Latin Church in the nineteenth century. It only remained to finally proclaim this as a church doctrine, which was done by Pope Pius IX, who, during a solemn service on December 8, 1854, declared that the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin was a dogma of the Roman Church.

Thus, the Roman Church added yet another departure from the teaching that it professed while it was a member of the Catholic Apostolic Church, which faith is unshakably and without change, and up to now is maintained by the Orthodox Church. The proclamation of the new dogma satisfied the wide circles of the people belonging to the Roman Church, who in the simplicity of their hearts thought that the proclamation of the new teaching in the Church would serve to the greater glory of the Mother of God, to whom they, as it were, make a gift; the ambition of the Western theologians who defended and developed it was also satisfied; and most of all, the proclamation of the new dogma benefited the Roman see itself, since, having proclaimed the new dogma with his authority, the pope of Rome thereby openly arrogated to himself the right to change the teaching of the Roman Church and placed his voice above the testimony of Holy Scripture and Tradition. Hence the direct conclusion was that the Roman popes are infallible in matters of faith, which the same Pope Pius IX also proclaimed as a dogma of the Catholic Church in 1870.

Thus changed the teaching of the Western Church, which had fallen away from communion with the True Church. It introduces new and new teachings, thinking the more to glorify the Truth, but in reality distorting it. While the Orthodox Church humbly confesses what she received from Christ and the Apostles, the Roman Church dares to supplement this, then from "jealousy is not intelligible"(Rom. 10:2), then deviating into the superstitions and contradictions of a false mind (1 Tim. 4:20). It could not have been otherwise: what "The gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church"(Matt. 16:18) only the true, universal Church is promised, and the words come true over those who have fallen away from her: “Just as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it is on the vine, so you too unless you are in Me.”(John 15:4).

It is true that in the very definition of a new dogma it is said that a new doctrine is not established, but only proclaimed, as churchly, that which has always existed in the Church, which many saints of the father adhered to, excerpts from whose works are given. However, all the above sayings speak only of the high honor of the Virgin Mary, Her purity, give Her many names that determine Her purity and spiritual power, but nowhere is it said about purity in conception. Meanwhile, the same holy fathers in other places say that only Jesus Christ is completely pure from all sin; yet men, as born of Adam, bore flesh subject to the law of sin.

None of the ancient holy fathers says that God miraculously cleansed the Virgin Mary even in the womb, and many directly point out that the Virgin Mary, like all people, endured a struggle with sin, but was the victor over temptations and was saved by her Divine Son.

The interpreters of the Latin creed also say that the Virgin Mary was saved by Christ, but they understand this in such a way that Mary was protected from the filth of original guilt in view of the future merits of Christ (Bulla on the dogma of the Immaculate Conception). The Virgin Mary, according to their teaching, as if in advance received the gift that Christ brought to people by His suffering and death on the cross. Furthermore. Speaking about the torments of the Mother of God, which She endured standing at the cross of Her beloved Son, and in general about those sorrows with which the life of the Mother of God was filled, they consider them to be an addition to the sufferings of Christ, and Mary is our co-redeemer. According to the interpretation of the Latin theologians, the Virgin Mary in the work of the Atonement stands next to Christ himself and rises almost to the level of equality with God. There is nowhere else to go. If all this has not yet been finalized as a dogma of the Roman Church, then Pope Pius IX, having taken the first step in relation to this, indicated the direction for the further development of the generally recognized dogma of his Church.

Thus, the Roman Church, in its desire to elevate the Blessed Virgin, follows the path of Her complete deification, and if even now her authorities call Mary the complement of the Holy Trinity, then soon we can wait for the Virgin to be revered as God.

A group of thinkers who still belong to the Orthodox Church have embarked on the same path, but are building a new theological system, basing it on the philosophical doctrine of the Wisdom of Sophia as a special force that binds the Divine and creation. Also, developing the doctrine of the dignity of the Mother of God, they want to see in Her a being that is something in between God and man. On some points they are more moderate than the Latin theologians, but on others they are perhaps already ahead of them. Denying the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and freedom from original sin, they, however, teach about Her complete freedom from all personal sins, seeing in Her a mediator between people and God, like Christ. This desire for the deification of the Mother of God is observed mainly in the West, at the same time as there, on the other hand, various sects of a Protestant character, along with the main branches of Protestantism: Lutheranism and Calvinism, generally deny the veneration of the Mother of God and Her prayerful invocation.

But we can say in the words of St. Epiphanius of Cyprus: "the same harm in both of these heresies, and when the Virgin is humiliated, and when, on the contrary, they glorify Her beyond her due." The Holy Father denounces those who render almost divine worship to Her: “Let Mary be in honor, let the Lord be worshiped.” “In excess of what is due, one should not honor the saints, but honor their Lord. Mary is not God and did not receive a body from heaven, but according to a promise, she was prepared to participate in God's economy. But, on the other hand, let no one dare and insanely insult the Holy Virgin.

The Orthodox Church, highly exalting the Mother of God in her songs of praise, does not dare to ascribe to Her that which is not reported about Her by Holy Scripture or Tradition. “Truth is alien to all exaggerations and belittling: it gives everything a proper measure and a proper place” (Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov). While glorifying the virginity of the Virgin Mary and the courageous enduring of sorrows in Her earthly life, the Fathers of the Church reject, however, the idea that She was the mediator between God and people in the sense of the joint redemption of the human race. Speaking of Her readiness to die with Her Son and to suffer together with Him for the common salvation, the famous father of the Western Church, St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, adds: “But the suffering of Christ did not need help, as the Lord Himself had predicted long before.” The same holy father teaches about the universality of original sin, of which Christ alone is an exception. “Of all those born of women, there is not one completely holy, except the Lord Jesus Christ, who, in a special new image of a virgin birth, did not experience earthly damage.” “Only God is without sin. All those who are born from a wife and husband, i.e. carnal union, are guilty of sin. Therefore, whoever does not have sin was not conceived in this way.” “Man alone, the Intercessor of God and men, is free from the bonds of sinful birth, because He was born of the Virgin and because, being born, He did not experience the contagion of sin.”

The quoted words of the ancient teachers of the Church testify that in the West itself the teaching, which is now spread there, was rejected there before. Even after the fall of the Western Church, Bernard, recognized there as a great authority, wrote:

“I am horrified to see that now some of you have desired to change the state of the most important things, introducing a new feast, unknown to the Church, disapproved by reason, unjustified by ancient tradition. Are we really more knowledgeable and more pious than our fathers? ... You will say that we should glorify the Mother of the Lord as much as possible. This is true; but the glorification given to the Queen of Heaven requires discernment. This royal Virgin has no need for false glorifications, possessing true crowns of glory and signs of dignity. Praise the purity of her flesh and the holiness of her life; marvel at the abundance of the gifts of this Virgin; worship Her Divine Son; exalt the one who conceived without knowing lust and gave birth without knowing sickness. What else needs to be added to these virtues? It is said that one should honor the conception that preceded the glorious birth; for if conception had not preceded, then the birth would not have been glorified. But what can be said if someone, for the same reason, demanded the same honoring of the father and mother of St. Mary? Equally, they can demand the same for grandfathers and great-grandfathers - ad infinitum. Let them not say that St. The Virgin was conceived by the Holy Spirit, not by man; I affirmatively say that the Holy Spirit descended upon Her, and not that which came with Her.

“I say that the Virgin Mary could not be sanctified before Her conception, since she did not exist; if, all the more so, She could not be sanctified at the moment of Her conception, because of sin with inseparable conception, then it remains to believe that She was sanctified after she was conceived in the womb of Her mother. This sanctification, if it destroys sin, makes her birth holy, but not her conception. No one is given the right to be conceived in holiness. The Lord Christ alone was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and He alone is holy from His very conception. Excluding Him, what one of them says about himself applies to all the descendants of Adam, both from a sense of humility and from a consciousness of the truth: "Behold, I was conceived in iniquity"(Ps. 50, 7). How can one demand that this conception be holy when it was not the work of the Holy Spirit, let alone that it came from lust? The Holy Virgin will, of course, reject that glory which apparently glorifies sin; It will in no way justify novelty, invented contrary to the teachings of the Church, novelty, which is the mother of imprudence, the sister of unbelief and the daughter of frivolity.

The above words clearly reveal both the novelty and the absurdity of the new dogma of the Roman Church. The doctrine of the complete sinlessness (immaculate conception) of the Mother of God: 1) Does not correspond to the Holy Scripture, which repeatedly speaks of sinlessness "The only Advocate of God and men, the man Jesus Christ"(1 Tim. 11, 5), but about the rest of the people it is said: “Who is pure from filth? No one, even if only one day lived on earth "(Job 14:4).

2) This teaching also contradicts Sacred Tradition, contained in numerous patristic writings, which speak of the high holiness of the Virgin Mary from Her very birth and of Her purification by the Holy Spirit at Her conception of Christ, but not at Her own conception by Anna.

3) The teaching that the Mother of God was cleansed before her birth, so that the pure Christ could be born from Her, is meaningless, because. if the pure Christ could only be born if the Virgin was purified while still in the womb of her parents, then in order for the Virgin to be born pure, it would be necessary that Her parents were also pure from original sin, and they would again have to be born from purified parents, and so on, going on, one would have to come to the conclusion that Christ could not have been incarnated if all His ancestors according to the flesh, including Adam himself, had not been cleansed from original sin first; but then there would be no need for the very incarnation of Christ, since Christ came to earth to destroy sin.

4) The teaching that the Mother of God was preserved from original sin, as well as the fact that She was preserved from personal sins by the grace of God, presents God as unmerciful and unrighteous, because. if God could save Mary from sin and purify even before birth, then why does He not purify other people before birth, but leaves them in sin? It also turns out that God saves people and in addition to their will, predestinating some to salvation even before birth.

5) This teaching, apparently aimed at elevating the Mother of God, in reality completely denies all of Her virtues. After all, if Mary, still in her mother’s womb, when she still could not wish for anything good or evil, was preserved by the grace of God from all impurity, then by that grace she was preserved from sin even after birth, then what is Her merit? If She was placed in the impossibility of sinning and did not sin, then why did God glorify Her? If She remained pure without any effort or without any motive to sin, then why is She crowned above all? There is no victory without an enemy.

In this, the righteousness and holiness of the Virgin Mary was manifested, that She, being “a man like us,” so loved God and surrendered to Him that by Her purity she exalted high above the rest of the human race. For this, foreshadowed and pre-elected, She was honored that by the Holy Spirit that came upon Her, She was cleansed and conceived from Him, the Savior of the world. The doctrine of the grace-filled sinlessness of the Virgin Mary denies Her victory over temptations, and from a conqueror, deserving to be crowned with crowns of glory, makes Her a blind instrument of God's Providence.

Not exaltation and great glory, but humiliation of Her is the “gift” that Pope Pius IX presented to Her and all the others who think that they can glorify the Mother of God by finding new truths. The Most Holy Mary is so glorified by God Himself, so exalted by Her life on earth and Her glory in heaven, that human inventions can add nothing to Her honor and glory. What people themselves invent only darkens Her Face from their eyes. “Brethren, beware that no one will deceive you with philosophy and vain flattery, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ”- wrote the Apostle Paul with the Holy Spirit (Col. 2, 8).

This is such a "vain flattery" is the doctrine of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary by Anna, which at first glance elevates, but in fact humiliates Her. Like any lie, it is the seed of the "father of lies" the devil, who managed to deceive many who do not understand that they are blaspheming the Virgin Mary. Along with it, all other teachings arising from it or akin to it must be rejected. The desire to elevate the Blessed Virgin to equality with Christ, giving Her maternal torment at the cross equal importance with the sufferings of Christ, according to the teachings of the papists, or that “the human being of the Mother of God, together with the God-man Jesus, together present the full image of man”, according to the teachings of the Sophians, is equally vain flattery and seduction of philosophy. About Christ Jesus "bear masculine nor feminine"(Gal. 3, 28), and Christ redeemed the entire human race, which is why in His resurrection “Adam rejoiced and Eve rejoiced,” and by His ascension the Lord exalted all human nature.

Also, that the Mother of God is the “complement of the Holy Trinity,” or the “fourth hypostasis,” or that the Virgin Mary is “a creature, but no longer a creature,” all this is the fruit of false thinking, dissatisfied with what the Church contains from the times of the Apostles and trying to glorify the Holy Virgin more than God glorified her.

The words of St. Epiphanius of Cyprus: "Some who are mad in their opinion about the Holy Ever-Virgin herself have tried and are trying to put Her instead of God." But in madness, what is brought to the Virgin, instead of praising Her, turns out to be blasphemy, and the Immaculate One rejects lies, being the Mother of Truth.

VII. Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God

The Orthodox Church contains about the Theotokos what Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture have reported about Her, and daily glorifies Her in her churches, asking Her for help and protection. It is known from tradition that Mary was the daughter of the elderly Joachim and Anna, moreover, Joachim came from the royal family of David, and Anna from the priestly family. Despite such a noble origin, they were poor. However, this did not sadden these righteous people, but the fact that they did not have children and could not hope that their descendant would see the Messiah. And so, when one day, despised by the Jews for their barrenness, both of them in sorrow of soul offered up prayers to God, Joachim on the mountain, where he retired after the priest did not want to offer his sacrifice in the temple, and Anna in her garden, lamenting her barrenness , then an angel appeared to them and said that they would give birth to a daughter. Overjoyed, they promised to dedicate their child to God.

After 9 months, their daughter was born, named Maria, from early childhood she showed the best spiritual qualities. When She was three years old, her parents, fulfilling their promise, solemnly led the little Mary to the Jerusalem temple, Who herself ascended the high steps, and by the revelation of God, who met Her, was led into the Most Holy of Holies by the High Priest, bringing with Her the grace of God that had rested on Her. in a hitherto graceless temple. (It was a newly built temple, into which the glory of God did not descend, as in the Tabernacle or the Solomons.) She settled in the premises for the virgins that existed at the temple, but she spent so much time in prayer in the Holy of Holies that, one might say, she lived in it . Adorned with all the virtues, She set an example of an extraordinarily pure life. Submissive and obedient to all, She did not offend anyone, did not say a rude word to anyone, was friendly to everyone, did not even allow a bad thought.

Despite the righteousness and purity of the life that the Mother of God led, sin and eternal death manifested their presence in Her. They could not but manifest themselves: such is the exact and true teaching of the Orthodox Church about the Mother of God in relation to original sin and death. She was not a stranger to sinful temptations. After all, God alone is without sin, and man will always have in himself what still needs to be corrected and improved in order to fulfill God's commandment: "Be holy as I, the Lord your God, am holy"(Leviticus 19:2). The purer and more perfect someone is, the more he notices his imperfections and the more unworthy he considers himself.

The Virgin Mary, who gave herself entirely to God, although she protected from herself every inclination to sin, felt the weakness of human nature more than others and ardently desired the coming of the Savior. She in humility considered herself unworthy to be and a servant of the Virgin who had to give birth to Him. So that nothing would distract Her from prayer and attention to herself, Mary gave God a vow of celibacy in order to please only Him all her life. Betrothed to Elder Joseph, when Her years did not allow Her to stay at the temple anymore, She settled in his house in Nazareth. Here the Virgin was honored with the arrival of the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to Her about the birth of the Most High from Her. "Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women... The Holy Spirit will come upon You and the Power of the Most High will overshadow You, therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”(Luke 1:28-35).

Humblely and submissively Mary accepted the angelic gospel. “Then the Word, as He Himself knows, descended and, as He Himself willed, moved, entered Mary and dwelt in Her ... As lightning illuminates the hidden, so Christ purifies the hidden nature. He cleansed the Virgin, and then was born to show that where Christ is, purity is manifested in all its strength. He cleansed the Virgin, having prepared it with the Holy Spirit, and then the womb, becoming pure, conceives Him. He cleansed the Virgin with Her purity, and therefore, having been born, he left the Virgin. I do not say that Mary became immortal, but that, radiant with grace, She was not indignant at sinful desires... The light settled in Her, washed Her mind, made Her thoughts pure, sanctified Her virginity” (St. Ephraim the Syrian).

Mary did not tell anyone about the appearance of the Angel, but the Angel himself announced to Joseph about the miraculous conception of Mary from the Holy Spirit, and after the birth of Christ, with a multitude of heavenly hosts, he announced the gospel to the shepherds. The shepherds, having come to worship the Newborn, said that they had heard about Him. Mary silently listened and kept in her heart the words about the greatness of her Son. After 40 days, She heard Simeon's prayer of praise and a prediction about a weapon that would pass through Her soul. After that, she saw how Jesus progressed in wisdom, heard Him teaching in the temple at the age of 12, and kept everything in her heart.

Although grace-filled, She did not yet fully understand what the ministry and greatness of Her Son would consist of. The Jewish concepts of the Messiah were still close to Her, and her natural feelings forced Her to take care of Him, protecting Him from, as it might seem, excessive labors and dangers. Like no other person, She had the same feelings as Christ, meekly enduring maternal sorrow when she saw Her Son persecuted and suffering. Rejoiced on the day of the Resurrection, on the day of Pentecost she was clothed with power from above. The Holy Spirit descended upon Her and taught Her everything and guided her into all truth. Enlightened, She began to work even more zealously to do what She heard from Her Son and Redeemer, in order to ascend to Him and be with Him.

The end of the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos was the beginning of Her greatness. Adorned with divine glory, She stands, will stand both on the day of judgment and in the next age, at the right hand of the throne of Her Son, reigns with Him and has boldness towards Him, as His Mother according to the flesh and as one in spirit in spirit, as having created the will of God and others taught. Loving and merciful, She manifests her love for Her Son and Her God in love for the human race, intercedes for it before the Gracious and, bypassing the earth, helps people. Having experienced all the hardships of earthly life, the Intercessor of the Christian race sees every tear, hears every moaning and prayer addressed to Her. Especially close to Her are those who work in the fight against passions and are zealous for a charitable life. But even in everyday cares She is an indispensable helper.

“All those who grieve with joy, and the offended intercessor, and the hungry nurse, strange consolation, overwhelmed shelter, visiting the sick, the weak cover and intercessor, the rod of old age, Mother of the Most High God Thou art, Most Pure” (stichira Hodegetria). “The hope and intercession and refuge of Christians”, “the unsleeping Mother of God in prayers”, “saving the world with her unceasing prayer”, “day and night she prays for us and the scepters of Her kingdom are affirmed by prayers” (from various Mother of God prayers).

There is no mind and words to express the greatness of the One Who was born in a sinful human race, but became the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim.

"Gospel of Mary"- an apocryphal text written in the 2nd century in Coptic, found in Cairo in 1850 by Dr. Karl Reinhardt (English) Russian, but first published only in 1955. This text appears in the Codex Berlin (Ahmim's handwritten book). This the manuscript contains fragments of three texts: the Gospel of Mary proper (Magdalene), the Apocryphon of John, and the sophia of Jesus Christ (Pistis Sophia). the first to the sixth and from the 11th to the 14th.

Only a small fragment has survived to our time.

...(Pages 1 - 6 are missing)

7. ...the matter will then be destroyed or not? The Savior said: "All beings, all creatures, all creations abide in and with each other; and they will again be resolved in their own root. For the nature of matter is resolved in what constitutes its only nature. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" Peter said to him: "If you have made clear to us all things, tell us this again: what is the sin of the world?" The Savior said, "There is no sin, but you are those who commit sin when you do things like the nature of depravity, which is called 'sin'. That is why good has come into your midst to things of every nature in order to direct it to its root." Then he continued and said: "That's why you get sick and die, because

8. you [love] what deceives [you]. He who comprehends, yes comprehends! Matter gave birth to a passion that has no likeness, which came from excess. Then there is confusion in the whole body. That is why I said to you: Be strong, and if you are weak, strengthen yourself before the different forms of nature. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Having said this, the blessed one took leave of them all and said:
"Peace (...) to you! My peace (...), 15 get it for yourself! Beware that someone does not mislead you, saying: "Here, here!" For the Son of man is within you. Follow him! Those who seek him will find him. Go forth and preach the gospel of the kingdom. Do not

9. set a limit other than what I have established for you, and do not give the law as a legislator, so that you will not be seized by it.
Having said this, he left. They were in sorrow, shed profuse tears and said: "How shall we go - we are to the Gentiles and preach the gospel of the kingdom of the Son of man? If they did not save him, how will they save us?" Then Mary stood up, greeted them all and said to her brothers: "Do not weep, 15 do not grieve and do not doubt, for his grace will be with you all and serve as protection for you. Let us rather praise his greatness, for he has prepared us and made us people" .
Having said this, Mary turned their hearts to good, and they began to reason about the words of the Savior.

10. Peter said to Mary: "Sister, you know that the Savior loved you more than other women. Tell us the words of the Savior that you remember, that you know, not we, and which we have not heard." Mary answered and said, "That which is hidden from you, I will proclaim it to you." And she began to say to them 10 these words: “I,” she said, “I beheld the Lord in a vision, and I said to him: “Lord, I beheld you today in a vision.” He answered and said to me: “Blessed are you, for you did not flinch at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is treasure." I said to him: "Lord, now tell me: he who contemplates a vision, does he contemplate with his soul [or] with the spirit?" The Savior answered me and 20 said: "He does not contemplate with the soul and not with the spirit, but the mind that is between the two - and [the one that beholds the vision, and he [that ...

...(Pages 11 - 14 are missing)

15. ... him. And lust said: "I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie, being mine?" The soul answered and said: "I saw you. You did not see me and did not recognize me. I was like a garment for you, and you did not recognize me." Having said this, she departed in great jubilation.
Again she came to the third power, called "Ignorance". She asked the soul, saying: "Where are you going? Deceit has seized you. But you are seized. Do not judge!" And the soul said: "Why do you judge me, although I did not judge? I was seized, although I did not seize. but I, I knew that everything is subject to resolution, whether it be earthly things,

16. be heavenly." Having eliminated the third power, the soul rose higher and saw the fourth power in seven forms. The first form is darkness; the second is lust; the third is ignorance; the fourth is mortal jealousy; the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh; 0! the sixth is deceit flesh, the seventh furious wisdom. These are the seven dominions of wrath. They ask the soul, "Where do you go, who kill people?" or: "Where are you going, who swallow up spaces?" what entangles me is destroyed; my lust has come to an end, and ignorance has died. In [the world] I was allowed

17. from the world (var.: world) and in the imprint of the imprint from above. The bonds of oblivion are temporary. From now on, I will reach the rest of time, eternity, in silence.” Having said this, Mary fell silent, as the Savior spoke to her up to this point.
Andrew answered and said to the brothers: "Tell me, what can you say about what she said. As for me, I do not believe that the Savior said this. After all, these teachings are other thoughts."
Peter answered and said about these very things. He asked them about the Savior: "Did he speak to a woman secretly from us, not openly? Should we all turn and listen to her? Did he prefer her over us?"

18. Then Mary burst into tears and said to Peter: "My brother Peter, what do you think? Do you think that I myself invented this in my mind or am I lying about the Savior?"
Levi answered and said to Peter: "Peter, you are always angry. Now I see you competing with a woman as opponents. But if the Savior considered her worthy, who are you to reject her? Of course, the Savior knew her very well. That is why he loved more than we are. Better let us be ashamed! And having put on a perfect man, let us depart, as he commanded, and preach the gospel, setting no other limit, no other law, than what the Savior has said."

19. When [...] and they began to leave, [in order to] proclaim and preach. Gospel of Mary.

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Question #1920

About the "Gospels" of the contactee with demons Sergei Tsvilev

Alexei , Kremenchug, Ukraine

Good afternoon, Father Oleg!
Thank you very much for answering question #1912. Now everything is starting to become clear.
In order for me to finally decide on my attitude to this topic, let me ask the last question: is the “Gospel of the Transfiguration from the Mother of God (http://oris.chat.ru/map.htm) and the Gospel of the Transfiguration from Christ (http ://www.oris-light.net/) dictated by the Mother of God herself and Jesus Christ? You said that you have the opportunity to receive an answer from the Lord.
Thanks in advance, Alexey.

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

Alexei, may the Lord and His Most Pure Mother enlighten you!

The links you indicated lead to the site of a certain Sergei Tsvelev, who called himself "Oris", who is an occultist and a conductor of demonic ideas and influences. All his words about Christ, the Mother of God, repentance and other similar things are nothing more than a crafty cover for his poisonous, false and blasphemous teaching. His so-called "Gospels" were dictated not by the Mother of God and not by Jesus Christ, but by the crafty demons behind him. Even the first apostles of Christ pointed out that along with them, the evil spirits sent false apostles, appeared to people in the form of bright angels and even Christ Himself. That they should reveal a false "Gospel" covered with many sublime words and "spiritual" thoughts and ideas.

I spent time and read the "Gospel", blasphemously attributed by Tsvelev to the Mother of God, and I can say the following about this work. Despite many plausible statements and even formal coincidences with the truths, this "gospel" refers to those that the holy Apostle Paul rightly anathematizes:

" 6 wonder that you are so quickly passing from Him who called you by the grace of Christ to different gospel,
7 which, however, is not otherwise, but only there are people who confuse you and want to turn the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven began to preach to you not what we preached to you, let him be anathema.
9 As we said before, so now again I say: whoever preaches to you something other than what you received, let him be anathema".

Nowhere and no one told us about another newest Covenant of God with people. All events from the first to the second coming of Christ fit into the conditions of the New Testament. God cannot be a liar or covenant-breaker! In the New Testament, He highly honored the Mother of God and bestowed Her as a great helper, intercessor and intercessor for people, but did not place her above the New Testament or outside this Testament. All the requirements, conditions, commandments, threats, and promises of the New Testament are found in the books of the New Testament. The Church for all ages has accepted only four Gospels, reflecting the gospel of Christ and His first apostles. There can be no new gospel.

The worldwide preaching of the gospel, about which the Lord spoke, will be the preaching of the same Evangelion that the chief apostles preached: Matthew 24:14: "And it will be preached this gospel of the kingdom (and not some other or new) throughout the world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come."

Knowledge will be multiplied, facts will be added and new conditions will be taken into account, but all this will be in line with the New Testament and in accordance with the prophecies of Scripture. That is why demons are trying so hard through various false Christs, false teachers and false prophets with their new teachings and "gospel" to lead people who believed them out of the conditions of the New Testament and, thereby, bring them under the apostolic anathema, making them enemies of God.

To all these and similar novoslovniks (new "evangelists"), we say on behalf of Christ God:

John 12:
48 Whoever rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge for himself: the word that I spoke (he already spoke in His earthly life and will no longer speak in some new Gospels or a new word that cannot judge people on the last day), it will judge him on the last day.
49 For I did not speak of myself; But the Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment what to say and what to say.
50 And I know that His commandment is eternal life. So, what I say, I say as the Father told me".

Mark 13:23:"Behold, I told you in advance All".

Everything has been said by Christ and there is no need to add more.

God the Father is higher and greater than all. His word was repeated to us, and once and for all, by His Son Jesus Christ. That is why no one can say another word or change the first one.

All people who lived by the providence of God within the limits between the first and second comings of the Lord Jesus Christ will be judged according to one originally preached Gospel, which at the end of time will be preached again: Rev. 10.11:"you should again prophesy".

That is why all the people of the New Testament period will be judged by this Gospel (Gospel). Any new "Gospels", no matter who they are attributed to, divide people into less and more "evangelized". It turns out that everyone who lived before "Oris"-Tsvilev (that is, before the beginning of the 21st century) was deprived of the "good news" of the Mother of God and the "new" "Gospel" of Christ. Those who, by the grace of Tsvilev, were "fortunate" to accept these "Gospels", enter into a kind of "newest" Covenant with God. True, in the system of Tsvilev, the Last Judgment of God does not correspond to the Orthodox tradition and the teachings of the Church.

"Born January 25, 1954 (For horoscope lovers- at 13h. 30 min. by Moscow time) in the village of Maryinka, Donetsk region. Now he lives in Yalta.

In 1978 he graduated from the Crimean Agricultural Institute. For many years he seriously and in-depth studied oriental martial arts:karate, judo, kung fu, dim mak("the art of delayed death"). Written on the basis of his own many years of training experience three large books that made up the collection "The way of karate - from student to master", which was published in 1992 in Moscow.

In 1990 while writing a series of books under the general name "Initiation or Spirit of the Warrior", for the first time involuntarily came into contact with his Leading Mental Plane, after which he regularly began to receive information, which formed the basis of a unique series of books under the general title "Life between lives or Revelations of Aquarius", dedicated to the most detailed description of the process of dying, the posthumous fate of the human Soul, its relationship with Cosmic Hierarchies and features of the preparation of the Soul for its another incarnation on Earth. This cycle is the most detailed and most detailed epic about the posthumous existence of the Soul.

Gospel of the Transfiguration
Mother of God

Gospel of the Transfiguration
Rejoice, I tell you!

I open the Gospel for you -

Revelation of my Word -

as a notice of the imminent opening of Heaven.

Spiritually cleanse yourself through My sacred "Gospel".

The Holy Spirit speaks by the Spirit and will be received by the Spirit!

The Perfect Spirit says to the one who manifests,

and the manifested - opening,

and in this -

The mystery of the perception of My transcendent "Gospel".

Enter and let it be revealed to you! Hear everything!

Amen, I tell you!

Destined for the whole world
has already come true in the depths of hearts,
and now the holy Mysteries of God,
open only to a select few
the mysteries of Christ,
be announced through my word
to the whole world and people of the Earth!

The time has come for the Word to be revealed everywhere
and therefore I, Living Sophia the Wise,
open again to the whole world!

May the light of Christ's Truth engulf everyone!

The word of the Paraclete, the Confessor of all who seek the Protection of the Mother of God and the Transfiguration in the coming age! My word, spoken secretly and in secret, may it become the property of all! Be sanctified and blessed, and be filled with the world of the saint - the Verb of My fiery transcendent "Gospel"! Behold, I tell you, the Sovereign Ruler and the Word of Absolute Truth!
And let all flesh be transfigured
breath of grace,
and let every cell be imbued with Love,
and may your hearts be filled with blessed joy,
and be delighted in your mortal body,
transfigured to the Throne of Glory!

It is ordained to be revealed to My Word precisely on this day and hour, and this day will be written in the Book of Life as the beginning Last Revelation of the Most Pure for the preparation of the human race for the transcendental anointing of myrrh and the acceptance of the seals of the Paraclete. Behold, children, hearken to Me, the Blessed and Merciful!

The meaning of time, written in Heaven, is the days of the last Repentance!

Oh my children! Never before have I been as close to you as now, communion with Me has always required great effort and a spiritual leap from you. Now, I, the Mother of God Herself, who gave the world my Divine Son Jesus Christ, is next to you, My children, and easy to open A touched heart, the Light of Christ's Love, yearning and childishly pure.

Oh my children! I speak very simply for all the true ones who have sought the Truth, and My Word is inaccessible to those who rejected Me. and still continue to crucify my Son. I, the Queen of Heaven, come to you mostly in dreams, in order to mysteriously, in a dream, anoint the sleeping Eye of his Heart. Otherwise, blind and helpless before the enemy, you would have perished long ago. I Myself speak to each of you - separately and in private, but not everyone hears Me, for they are blind and deaf.
My beloved, my wonderful ones!
Accept the Word that will save you!
Do not reject the voice of Truth,
do not renounce the Divine Light!
Now My Word is miraculously revealed simultaneously in all ends of the earth, is miraculously given to My chosen ones, and will be received just as unusually by anyone who wishes to wake up from a drowsy sleep. Wipe the eyelids of your Souls and sober your minds,in order to explore your Souls and cast out lies from there, which can overshadow your mind and spiritual vision at the hour of a decisive choice.

I will say: the Holy Spirit must take possession each of you, my children, for nothing is so valuable in the eyes of the Most High as the absolute, sacrificial, total surrender to His Will. Seals of decay, corrupting knots and ancestral bonds of damnation are immediately removed. With each of you I will speak quite simply, so that everyone hears Me, for My wounded and loving Heart will not rest until the last of My children is finally cleansed from the filth of this world and transfigured in other dimensions.

This decaying world needs the Word of Truth and the fiery witness of the Life-Giving Cross. And here I am, the Queen of Lights, I give you the Cross, My children! Here is the sign of the Cross and the Protection of those who started before you and gloriously fulfilled their work. Accept this Cross from My hands and walk with it joyfully, and be sanctified miraculously in the clean reservoirs of the newly baptized.

Everyone who listens to My Word, let him be ready inwardly for the spiritual perception of the Terrible Verb Truth, for there will be many among you who will receive a mortal blow during the reading of the "Gospel of the Transfiguration" - the wrath of God will be poured out on them through My Word because of the abundant overflow of the Cup of their sins and they will be struck as by a thunderbolt. Others, devoted to Me and My Son, I will console with the Word, cleanse and exalt in the Spirit.

But everyone who heard and did not heed the Word of the Proclamation is thrice insane - there is no more difficult understanding of madness today. I beg you renounce the mind in favor of the Heart , for from you now, for the miraculous Transfiguration of your old flesh, only an open and crucified heart by the Truth is required. As long as the devil's lie grows its poisonous fruits in your heart and sows whole fields of dope and opium in it, madness will remain your lot. Only the Life-giving Cross of Repentance heal from spiritual wounds- and get better, and the Lord will have mercy on you.

All the dates have approached, and if you do not pray and repent of your sins, then everyone will perish. Who will be saved, he is already awakening , and whoever does not wake up will perish without being born, like a child crushed in the womb. Who is the True Spirit - we are always persecuted and have the seal of the One to Whom we are completely devoted: simple, open, ardent and sacrificial. It emanates the quality of spiritual Fire through the purity of aspiration and the boldness of jealousy.

Follow the Word by faith, for I'm not talking to you ambiguously, but directly. Do what I saychecking my fiery word with the voice of your conscience . And praise the Savior! Praise him, all the sons of the Earth! For the hour of trial is very near, after which the era of Eternal Joy is coming.
And the testimony of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Sensitive souls listen meekly to the Lord
and bow their heads
before My Word of Truth.
Praise to the one who listened
and woe to the forsaken!

The Casket of time is being opened and the measure of terms is being fulfilled, and the Holy Spirit is penetrating the firmament! Hear every spoken and blessed Word of My, which is revealed in all human languages ​​and transcendentally transfigured throughout the earth. The fallen human race is given the last opportunity for correction.

The Lord spoke on Sinai, revealed himself mysteriously to the prophets, was imprinted in the deeds of good ascetics and disciples-apostles, Anow His Word has been revealed through Me, His earthly Mother , throughout the Earth to sprout Love in the hearts of the faithful. May the Souls of the righteous receive the handwriting of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in their hearts! Amen!

Now, through Me, the Queen of Heaven, the Lord strengthens the faithful and proclaims the gospel to the fearless, and the Holy Spirit leads all those who are hungry to the Truth of Christ. I will reveal everything to you, My children: what, how and when you need to do so that the holy Word finds all those who hear and see, for the enlightenment of the heart and the delight of the Spirit of which it is intended. revealed mysteriously, My word will never cease forever until it fills the whole earth and all hearts, like spring water, gushing into a reservoir, soon fills it to the top. Amen and blessings of the Virgin!

Everyone who receives the Word receives Christ Himself into his heart.: at first, God - as a breath and desire, then - as the Holy Spirit, the breath of Fire, and, finally, the Face Not Made by Hands is miraculously imprinted on a person right in the heart. Thus, through the "Gospel of the Transfiguration" you accept the sonship of the Father of Lights by press.

Those who, under the guidance of the dark
and the enemy of false instigation,
will claim that my Word
supposedly there ischarm ",
Anathema will come upon me
and will be given to them for endurance
with o r b and frightening e,
not to resist
Providence of God!

Ask such, cunningly dressed in the clothes of the evil one, My children, can the spirit of malice and the enemy of Christ voluntarily reveal to people the Mysteries of the Cross, call to Love and sorrows, to the last prayerful repentance and spiritual sobriety? Can the Truth of Christ be delusion?

O unfortunate and orphans! Only a sly and sweet lie is charming, therefore an impure heart, according to a covenant with the enemy of the human race, hates the Spirit of Truth! So say, children, and always act according to your conscience, testing your heart only and not being afraid of anyone.

According to faith, everyone will be rewarded!
Lord help!

The hour of the proclamation has come, has come Age of Proclamation- an olive branch in the hands of the Archangel Michael. Everyone who partakes in My Word is blessed. Blessed are those who stretch out their palms in prayer to the Paraclete - the Sweetest Spirit, to Christ Who opens. I tell you: the New Age is coming, and before - quick decommissioning of the old.

Having read My Word and believing in My Divine Immutable Aegis, look for signs and portents , May the Hearts tremble, and then a living, fiery, heartfelt prayer will be given to the seeker. Let the Uncreated Fire and the Divine Light from the three Thrones of Truth be opened, and let your hearts shine with Love, and let the ashes of old clothes be burned and your mind be enlightened by the Holy Trinity Eternal Sophian Wisdom.

May they not be deafened, may they not be blinded! I Myself, the Living Queen of Heaven, will help you break the covenant with the evil one. I will give My sharp swords to many, and let them cut old knots and ties that cannot be broken in any other way. And then the walls of the temple, set up by Satan, will collapse. Amen! Word of the Virgin!

By My power, I have already replaced the death torments for many people here on earth. I will not leave a single one of My children in hell, but for those who, due to thoughtlessness or ignorance, have been guilty here, and there I will not allow excessive torment: in my hour I will weaken the Fire of hell that consumes and will rapture up to My Angels. But listen: the fire of hell is blazing in My Heart too, children, for the pain of each of the tormented is reverberated in Me a hundredfold, just like the grief of My Son Himself on the Cross. Save, Lord, and have mercy!

Many have already been baptized in the Church with the Spirit and water. The hour has come for human souls to pass through the fiery furnace of the Uncreated Light,in order to exterminate the corruptible beginning with repentance , received by the whole family of Adam according to the old covenant with the prince of this world. The action of the corrupting root in man is interrupted only by the Fire of the Holy Spirit. In the crucible of the Transfiguration the root of your decrepitude will burn and the eternal Spirit will be tempered for the confirmation of the Glory of the Lord.

None of you, children, through My Word "Gospel" transcendent, does not escape the knowledge of the truth, and therefore everyone will be tested by the Lord to the last. I know that the grace of Repentance will soon pour abundantly throughout the world: Souls will begin to open, repenting of their sins and accepting the true faith. That is why the Judgment of God is called merciful And righteous and it cannot by any means be called judgment in the ordinary sense, for everything will be doneprescribed by the Eternal Law of times , summing up the entire history of the earth.

May your eyes be opened to see the Grace of God, enduring to the last, extracting the criminal Soul from the bottom of hell and treating it as carefully as only a mother treats her own daughter. Blessed is he who hears the Word of Truth in this world. For so insignificant are the sighs of his heavy, worthless sufferings and his small crosses in comparison with the amazing joy that awaits him in the transfigured centuries. Those who have accepted My faithful Word in their hearts will be consoled a thousandfold.

The heart must be sensitive, for My voice is quiet and humble. To whom the Lord opens his hearing, he will hear, but woe to the deaf and stupid. Those who did not heed will soon perish in terrible torments, for the Lord admonished everyone for a long time and called to Himself. Many rejected - and died, for sin is grievous in knowledge, no one pleads ignorance. Everyone was warned - hearing and reading "Gospel" Mine or guessing about it, for I speak not only visibly, but also invisibly, with each one separately.
Word of the Virgin!
Blessed is this Word, the Unfailing Source of Truth:
Souls are watered with the joy of repentance,
hearts will be filled with angelic grace
and paradise will be restored to the whole earth.
But woe to those who do not heed! For heavy suffering of the tax collectors await him and a long enlightenment under the veil of hellish torment, until he sees the truth and appears before the Court of God in repentance, with downcast eyes. Therefore praise the Savior for your small crosses and sorrows, for you don’t even know what you deserved for your grave sins.

Woe to the unfortunate who rejected both Me and My Living Word! Tremble, successors of Cain's race, for a veil of lies covers the eyes of your Souls and your very hearts are mired in the lies of Beelzebub and feed on it. Suffocate in your wickedness! Under the guise of gifts, you will eat cadaveric poisons from the prince of darkness and call poisoned smokes grace. Satan breathes freely in the stench of chamois. So you, having received the spirit of Satan, will be pleased with fetid fumes, and your serpent's mouth will call this infamy "grace."

Behold, I say: both from those who accepted and from those who rejected My Word - there will be a double demand. you, those who hear the Word, be prepared to live it. Is it not for this that I speak and console so much, so that other worldly cares will be forgotten and they will begin to live by My Word?
Blessed are those who live by the Truth of Christ - their mouths speak the Truth and dissolve the sacrificial Blood of the Savior in their vessels!
Blessed are the long-suffering ones for Christ's sake - consoled at the end of days!
Woe to those who honor Me, but continue to live in passions- Do not expect any indulgence, for you desecrate My Most Pure Face with one mention!
Woe to the smoldering, spiritually decaying, fading in the Spirit- neither God nor the devil needs such. Those who follow the external path fall into a terrible state of complete necrosis of the Soul.
Woe to the cowardly and wavering- it would have been better if they had not been born and not come into the world. Their hearts become dead because they do not see clearly, they do not ignite. They did not know humility, did not heed the voice of conscience and went the way of lies.
Woe to those who set up their work in fornication- their souls, like their fruits, will turn to dust and scatter in the wilderness.

Woe to those who do not know me and the Son of God- they were not even born into the world at all, for they are like babies crushed in the womb.

Woe to those who carry stony soil in their hearts,in which the seed of God cannot grow inward to be strengthened and bear useful fruit. The Path of Truth is a narrow path, and those who do not follow it remain obedient slaves of the enemy, serve a black mass in the devil's lair.
Lord Most Pure and Holy,
clean up this dirty puddle -
a collection of sin, vice and madness!
Behold, I say to you, accursed deceivers of all stripes, who did not know the true God and did not receive Him tenderly in their hearts. Leave your evil and dark deeds, and may your conscience convict you! Repent, repent quickly, for the last hours of your sinful world are running out!

your days already every single one is numbered. Soon you will see and accept the Glory of My Son, and here is My Omophorus to relieve suffering: pray repentantly and be strengthened in the Spirit, and increase your zeal, for your strength is still not enough to cope with what lies ahead of you. Everyone must be born in the Lord Christ, for which reason he should be born in his heart from Him. Those births are holy and easy, but they come to them with sorrows and illnesses.

And the help of the Queen of Heaven!
Live in the Lord
Christ is coming!
The world is divided by you, but not by Me! Tell me my children Isn't the whole world Orthodox for those who have absorbed the sorrows of all people? Isn't everyone a son of Her, and isn't everyone a daughter? Indeed so! Behold, sorrows are My fullness, My breath is in sorrows. You will be clothed with sorrows, you who have received Christ, and from the rags of your sorrows you will sew for yourself golden robes of angels. In the meantime, secretly strive for the acquisition of the Spirit, open the Souls to your neighbors and live in purity of prayer.

Only the pure in heart will not fear the God of Truth and The Judgment of Times for them is like a long-awaited end to long-awaited waiting, like death, in which they expect to be resolved with Christ and depart into Eternal Life. Dying, a person comprehends the whole meaning of the past and the present.

Therefore, do not be afraid: Death is a spiritual birth, while earthly life is only the contemplation of a spiritual fruit. Burn with faith for the purity of the Lord's Love, in order to take on the image of the Bridegroom's Bride and, in Repentance, enter the Kingdom of God.
Blessing of the Virgin!
Jesus, Quiet Light,
cover all those who ask and repent!
God, merciful God,
stretch out your right hand on the perishing,
spiritually blind and murmuring!
The fact that I began to open up everywhere on many of My icons is a sign of the imminent Transfiguration of all earthly matter. So and From now on, the face of Christ will miraculously be imprinted on all living things: plants, trees, minerals... For My Age is coming and about My Name : The Lord Himself blessed the millennium Mother of God, Mothers of the World as a glorious paradise life of the righteous in Heaven, in the Divine City of Lights and Saints.

Listen, children: didn't I bring the Light of Transfiguration after the Lord? Have I not revealed to you the joy of life in the coming age in the form of those transfigured by the Light of Repentance? O my disobedient children! Treat with winged minds and admiring hearts to the coming age of the Transfiguration. The Holy Spirit travels all over the earth and dwells in the faithful. Receive the Spirit, destined for the world!

O child, visibly and invisibly I will open soon all over the world, for the true God wants salvation for all. Today shrines have clearly spoken, ancient icons have begun to miraculously transform, and tomorrow forests and stones will speak to you. And you will hear the voice of the trees, and you will know the language of the birds, and the creature from the bottom of the sea will be revealed to you, and all the animals and birds that were brought to Adam and received names from him will become your friends.

And the transcendent bright City of Lights has already been built for you in Heaven - luminous walls and golden-domed cathedrals with crosses, and wide streets anointed with amber and azure, and gates adorned with pearls, emeralds and rubies.

Over the world opened already The New Age, - the holy overflows of Light, the blessed Cathedrals ascend, admire, and all seven Heavens are now open to the earthly wanderer. Raise your hands to the mountain and make a sign with a low bow. Behold, Jesus, the Son of God is stretched out to you and receives the Souls of the righteous into His eternal bosom for Marriage.

Adam fell and you rose. Lucifer was cast into hell, and you are taken up. The fallen, redeemed race took their chosen places and ascended to Heaven. Se, stretched out his hand - hell and closed. Behold, with His single glance, He brought Fire down to the earth and crumbled dust and old dust from the withered bodies.

Rejoice, rejoice, my children! Rejoice in your hearts, for this is not the end, but the Transfiguration. Don't die, but change! The grace of God is such that everyone now has the opportunity to be saved, whatever the degree of his fall. And all the true children who have found Him for ages praise the Lord!

The days of the Mother of God are coming, the Light of the Most Pure is spreading throughout the Universe! A sober eye will see clearly, a vigilant heart will see, a merciful soul will perceive, a fragrant mind will be enlightened, and a winged transformed man will admire grief!

I, the Queen of Lights, bless the new world, the new earth and the transformed time. In a pure heart, the temple of the Lord was built, the incense was fragrant, and the Angels of Light descended in the Glory of the God of Truth! Behold, I raise My new creation to My Eyes!

Children My meek! Cross the eternal thresholds in the joys of the heart and delight in the fragrance of myrrh, myrrh, incense and roses. I will anoint your feeble bodies with marvelous oils, I will wash in the font of Novogradskaya all My true ones, cleansed by tears of repentance. Come to me, holy and worthy, good and believing! From the very bottom of hell the Lord brought you to the Light.

But my God, my God! It is terrible and disgusting for me to see from the heavenly City of Lights the terrible gatherings of your big cities! Your Spirit has failed, grace has gone, this world has perished. The earthly destiny is heavy: shed blood, tears and mournful crosses ...

Behold, I will sweep away all your sodoms and gomorrahs from the face of the earth, I will mix the earth with hell in the flame of Fire and populate the martyrs of hell. O vile cities of yours - miserable leprous pustules, gigantic bleeding wounds with poisonous swarms and fetid heaps!

And the dust will shake off from him, and the whole will be transformed! And with My all-seeing and incinerating eye I will pierce through, I will test every Soul, and hardly anyone from the evil family can withstand My gaze, only the truth-seekers. Behold, then I will pour healing oil on their crippled Souls, and their ulcers will quickly heal, and they will cease to fester.

Thus, the half-decomposed flesh of the old Adam will soon rise and miraculously transform in the Uncreated Light. The radiant Light shrouds and transforms already many of the living, their faithful hearts are filled with blissful joy. Great will be the joy of the saved, woe to the blind and deceived!
Save me, God,
all the people of this sinful earth!
Spirit of the Holy Fire descend upon you,
let the flames of my fiery chariots burn your decay
and the radiance of the Light of Lights!
But what are you all doing, people, being at the very edge of your death! How much arrogance and pride, how many decrepit and worthless cares! Two thousand years have already passed, and your sin is still the same - strive to combine Christ with mammon, worship Christ and Caesar. But no one can work for two masters! I tell you - one of the two. Amen! Testimony of the Mother of God!

Is not the extreme fall of the world a sign of the approaching "It is finished..." on the lips of the Divine Lamb? Therefore, get ready to shed blood, if you are of the seed of Abraham and the lineage of Isaac, of the house of David and of the blessed Christ, are called good.

Tremble, tremble the race of Cain! To Me, Angels of Judgment! To the right and to the left of Me are the warriors of the Most Pure One, the army of Hosts, the winged cavalry of Elijah. Let loose the reins of your horses, fire-breathing warriors! Draw your swords from their scabbards, lower your visors and fasten your helmets, for the hour of the last battle with the prince of the fallen world has already come.

I Myself, the Militant Ruler and the Living Queen of Heaven, stand with a sword smashing ahead of all the holy host of heaven. The force is irresistible! Spears in the hands of the Archangels! A double-edged sword smashing with fire cuts through the enemy rati and the bloody poisonous snakes crawl away into their dark holes.

Soon I will bring down a cleansing Fire from heaven, and at once rubbish will be swept from the face of the Earth! And the formidable Angels of vengeance will walk with the sickle of Truth here and there, ruthlessly uprooting empty tares. And the Age of Transfiguration is near andcame the end of the old order of the earth.

The former order of time has become obsolete, while the new one has so far only been proclaimed, but has not yet been revealed in its entirety and strength. Previously given by the efforts of many years and Lives, now it will be given in some days and weeks. For I say to you: different order of time.

Consolation of the Virgin!
Rejoice, inconsolable!
Nowan hour of patience is like a year of continuous warfare, and a minute of overcoming temptation is more precious than decades of well-fed life, and even bitter sorrow is much sweeter than the honey of drunken joy. The tree of sorrows is the tree of Love and Knowledge. If you turn to the Lord not with fears and threats, then terrible omnipresent signs and crushing suggestions. A true disciple of Christ is not afraid of disasters, or cataclysms, or upheavals, or even the very End of the World, for the Glory of the Lord always stands before the eyes of his heart and protects him from everything more reliably than any shield.

The Lord's sermon began with the words: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" Rising up, he only said: "I'll be there soon". So I reduce My Word to one - unified universal repentance and the insight of each of his sins.

I don't want to talk about anything else but sincere Repentance, for your whole family has already entered the land of the penitent, into the world of repentance and weeping, into the wilderness of the suffering and praying. On the path of repentance, the publican martyr is reborn, and, seeing the hell of the heart on his cross, ascends into the vales of the saints. The temple of the inner man is the place of standing before Christ the Crucified. Behold, children, a short way - serve the Lord.

Now the time has come for stern men, rich in grace, sober in mind and full of eternal Wisdom. And you will know for yourself: as the decrepit earthly ties are broken and your hearts turn to My Son - Eternal Love, you will begin to receive great strengthening, shrouded in uncreated Light. Others will be freely transported through the air - I will give angel wings to many chosen ones and I will create great miracles everywhere.

Help you, Lord, to be so exhausted in Christ that nothing but tears remain. Would like to say that - and tears hail; if they stretched out their arms to embrace their neighbor, and their hearts would shed tears of repentance... There will be many victims today, according to the number of crowns. Your sacrifice is from the patience of sorrows. Lord have mercy!

Look: I, the Most Pure Theotokos Herself and the Queen of Lights, have been appearing all over the Earth for many years, apparently opening in hundreds of churches, monasteries, hundreds of thousands of people have visibly seen Me, but how many of them have repented? Have the hearts of many been touched and wept?

Is it too much to ask of you? Just: open your hearts to the Son of God and be present with Me in this hour, when the destinies of the whole world are decided above the world. Turn the gaze of your hearts to grief - and strive for the triumph of the Cathedral, where the Church is eternal, and the lamps are lit in the Temples of the City of Lights.
Love the Lord everyone
with all my heart,
calm down and bend your knees,
break down, mourn and cry out everyone,
having seen their grave sins!

From now on, with the help of My ubiquitous appearance in the world through the Divine Word " Gospels of the Transfiguration", I - the Living and Transfiguring Mother of God - exist not only on icons, in churches and monasteries, but also in the hearts of all who sincerely expect and love Me and My Son, as the Mother of God to come. When many icons begin to miraculously transform and smell fragrant,this will be a sign for you to the fact that the soldiers of Elijah will soon come down and the decisive battle will begin in the Universal war - spiritual warfare.

The True Secret of Icons, my children, hidden from you, because The mystery of icons goes back to the mystery of the Tree of the Cross. There are many mysteries, children, which you do not yet need to know, as unprepared and immature in Christ. One of the sides of the icon is the revival of matter . Understand the icon as a consecrated tree brought from the era of the Holy Spirit, which is about to come to the New Earth and be established in the New Heaven. Grace will then be on all objects such that even stones will begin to theologize; and the air itself will be abundantly filled with the wonderful fragrance of Divine texts.

In the last days the icons will come to life and the saints will descend from them. The relics will scatter, the temples will be desecrated and destroyed, and the honest icons of the heart, not made by hands, will be sanctified even more! The relics of the venerable elders and holy martyrs will be restored incorruptibly, who accepted death for Christ's sake, and then the Lord will go around the lamps of His temples on the holy battlefield, and will mark with His seal all those who humbly serve the Liturgy in them.

For all those who have made a covenant with me, I open up Alive and forever enter the secrets of the heart, and every faithful warrior of the Most Pure One is filled with grace. And only the one who is able to think of Me as such - a living and trembling, sobbing and perforated Intercessor for the salvation of the Adam family - is the one of My Spirit and My Covenant, the son of the promise of the Mother of God.

Through the Son - the way to the Father,
and through His Mother is the way to the Son.
Here is one of the Sacraments of the Covenant,
opened now
sincerely penitent hearts.
When I Myself, the Living One, soon also come into your world, then I will also have to endure terrible humiliation from you. I will speak a lot to those with My weeping Heart, in simple words I will call for Repentance, humility and prayerful vigil. Haughty and high-minded blind men, Pharisees, incited by the prince of lies, like chained dogs, will hate Me with fierce hatred, and will call Me with the last words, and will turn away in disgust, and will mockingly hurl words of monstrous blasphemy: "This is not the Mother of God, but a simple nun!" Or even worse.

But I will still come to you, My children, dressed in a tunic of meekness and patience, and I will teach you how to save your Soul in the coming disasters and I will repeat to many My stories about the earthly days of the Lord and about Mine as well. And one by one, many will reject Me.

And I will stand at the entrance to the temple, like a simple wanderer, and I will spend the night in sheds and at the thresholds of rich houses, for I will not reach the ears of my heart. And if someone opens it, then, having seen the wanderer, he will not let him into his house for the night, disdainful. And that will be the last test for the entire fallen human race, for apparently I will appear simultaneously throughout the world.

AND when everyone has already rejected me, the great wrath of God will fall, metal hail will fall and fiery lightning will shine in abundance, firmaments will open and entire cities will be wiped off the face of the earth, and then there will be unbearable anguish and unbearable burning in the hearts, necessary for the mournful piercing of the Eye of the heart.

See, I see:
sleep, sleep, sound sleep everywhere on earth...
The bewitched, the damned and the dead at heart sleep
all my children!
The path of Transfiguration is hard, but what joys! Mournful earthly lot - but what extraterrestrial bliss! Years of shyness - hours of patience: 1 th, 3 th, 6 -th and 9 -th - according to the time of Christ crucified! Be still in expectation and trembling, and rejoice solemnly in the Spirit. See, I promise you: taking pain beyond measure will not experience pain, but everyone who is afraid of an unbearable cross and sorrows, knows the full measure of suffering. Therefore I say to you, fear nothing if you are the true Spirit of Christ.

Here , already in this century , on sinful earth, be sanctified and covered with the clothes of angels, and the inner vessels are fragrant with purity, and proclaim to the God of Lights the blessed Hosanna with all the celestials, saints and righteous. Exhaust, My children, your blinkered vessels and empty them from the corruptible and mortal, and let eternal fullness and the fragrance of heavenly paradise enter into them.

Do not give rest to your flesh, for a calm and well-fed flesh is an ideal target for the charms and cunning of demons and demons. Now, children, all the living and the dead have flown here, for from here the just Judgment of the Lord will begin, here all your Souls will stand before Him, here now is hell, and paradise, and earth, gathered together.

Have no hopes for earthly, transient things. The most dangerous suggestion of the enemy is about the need for external asceticism. Those who are devoted to the outer path are miserable hypocrites and cunning before God, for they go to the Souls by secret fox paths and hope to cover up their criminal traces.
every thought and care
about the well-being of the old man
onuntransformed earth -
antichrist spirit .

Think, my children, and listen: true spiritual compassion is possible only if you are completely detached from anyone and nothing. Until all your old ties are cut off, all your pity will remain purely external, flawed and vulnerable, for do you not choose some with a passionate heart and reject others at the same time?

Do not seek love from your neighbors - receive And those wounds from enemies. And your neighbors will betray you, and they will lay their crosses on you, while your enemies will console you with sorrows.

There are many evil Souls in the world now, full of secret hatred for their neighbors. The spirit of gloating, the wishes of evil and death prevailed in most of the living. Each such Soul is a direct "parishioner" of the black prince's cave. And each wish of malice by the inner man is sent to one of his three vile altars: "curses", "blasphemy" or "hatred", and sometimes all three.

The enemy makes three covenants with the Soul. First testament- secret and, as it were, unconscious. His bonds are not strong and, under the action of the Holy Spirit, they are torn apart by the Fire of repentance.

Second testament: the enemy approaches almost obviously, and the Soul enjoys the dark power, realizing its cooperation with the demons and complicity in their actions. The enemy gives a special strengthening power to the Soul that has made a covenant with it. There is a special demand for such a Soul: it descends immediately, passing through fifty tiers of hell. On the fifty-first - a foul-smelling lake.

If for the majority of the human race, who have made a covenant with the devil, as if in a thin dream, demonic malice is unknown, then he who has made a second covenant with the evil one is judged at the Court as having deliberately sold his Soul to him, and their fate is mournful: eternal death, decay.

Oh oh third stage serving the devil and I don’t want to mention. These are frank sorcerers and witches, in which the crafty prince of darkness himself enters and acts. This is a kind of reverse side of the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

So they acquire Beelzebub, Leviathan, or another terrible monster. And he enters them, and does his black deeds: he sets fire, approaches, tempts and performs all those actions that the Lord allows the tempter-spirit.

And lo, I say to you: Adam and Eve, and their kind were tormented by weak demons, patronizing in the upper tier of the underworld. And over time, more and more serious sins were of this kind, and the cup became more poisonous from century to century and year to year. Now the demons from the very bottom of hell tempt the unfortunate race. I send the army of the Savior - the great archangels of Purity and Holiness, and may they miraculously strengthen My faithful.

Everywhere I talk about the most important things, but almost no one hears because of the general dishonor. Hearts are dead to the Lord, and heavenly calls are unanswered...

A word about enemies

Listen, My children, and remember: not only friends and neighbors, but also your enemies are also given to you for the correction of the soul and the purification of the old, for the sanctification of the heart by the most pure Christ's Love, for all the same and impartial. For as you gain insight and cleansing from decrepitude, your attitude towards others will also change.

Forgiven enemies lighten the Cup of your sins, and the unfortunate one himself collects burning coals on his head, for by the permission of God, the same spirit of malice enters the enemy fighting you, which, having caused you suffering and sorrow, will cleanse and humble you truly, as defeated by the Lord, and not by you.

Listen: there are no people, no enemies, no friends, and there is only you and God. Fussing and trying to change something, you insult the all-good Providence. Change yourself - everyone around you will change.Therefore I say: look at all people as if they were children and sick people.

Learn to love those who hate you, The Lord Himself will convict and shame with the most holy Right Hand of Truth. Have the Lord before you day and night, and the power of witness will be multiplied in the hour of temptation. May the Light descend on each of you, My children, from the radiance of My Son! Amen and the blessing of the Virgin for centuries!

Until you read in the enemy of the messenger of Christ , you will not be able to honor your neighbor, not to mention Love. When you humbly accept the cross and give yourself as a sacrifice, then, filled with the spirit of Love, you will cease to distinguish between loved ones, friends and enemies.

My children! It's hard for you to even imagine how many secret sorcerers in the world collect sensual tribute for the underworld. Not those of them the most dangerous, which are specially occupied with black magic; there are hundreds of thousands of invisible "evil eyes" - all sorts of people so sick that, unknown to themselves, they are connected to hellish sources. In case of "innocent" communication with such people, the currents of hellish . Understand the responsibility of all communication:not a person, but through him.

Don't judge them, don't rebuke them. Leave humbly, bowing your heads in deep repentance, as at the Last Judgment. For the enemy, exposed, secretly will not be slow to shoot arrows and inflict terrible damage on them. Therefore, be humble before everyone, including before the servants of Satan. And are there many others in this world?

Truth is in compassion, in merciful forgiveness. Forgive everyone, and your enemies, as the Lord forgave everyone on His Cross. Do not take up arms against enemies, but pray for them,lest you harden your hearts ! Do not delight in the truth of this land. The truth of God is the Judgment inexpressible.

Weep not so much over any sin, children, as over hardness of heart. He who condemns and hates everyone is worse than the last fornicator, worse than a murderer, a slanderer, a thief, a robber. And how many, to my horror, I see among the pious, who go jealously to churches, who consider themselves righteous and have cold hearts, indifferent to the sufferings of their neighbors.

Se, I say: The heart is the Throne of the Savior! The Son of God is crucified in the inner! This is where the true treasure and treasure is! A heart that weeps in repentance reveals God in himself , he begins to see clearly and begins to hear angelic choirs, and sensitively empathizes with the suffering of his neighbor, and mourns him, and takes on part of his burden, and sees God, the world, and himself in it.

Is not My Word a test of Life and the trembling of faith: to hear the Living Mother of God Herself? Will the lie of the Heart allow to stand before That Which is the Holy Water of Truth?

So, love, children, your enemies as good messengers of God, so that, having been cleansed through temptation and the cross, you may receive from the Holy Spirit the gift of all-human and all-creature Love, to which the Lord called, saying: "Love your neighbor as yourself". Help you, Lord, to see clearly in the Spirit through Repentance, to prostrate your Soul in humility and open your heart to the Lord in love for His Holy Providence!

And when the enemy prompts you to rise up, to hate, to be indignant - think that EVERYTHING WILL PASS. Everything will pass, My children, I tell you, everything will pass, except Christ. What God has given is His Will. What you sent, then accept. What fed, for that and give thanks. And if he gives bitter medicine, then that is your cross.

Therefore, be ready for the decisive battle and love your possessed neighbors who hurl thunder and lightning at you: not they and demons through them; not you, but the Spirit through you, children! The enemy speaks with an evil spirit, prophesying only malice and hatred, but you listen meekly and strike with humility - this is the lot of the wise.

Look at the fate of everyone who tramples and persecutes you as a terrible and sealed secret of the whole world. You need to learn, children, to see clearly and in the hidden, to convict the sleeping with meekness, to disturb the drowsy with humility, to find the one hiding with sincerity - and all this is in yourself, within yourself, My children. The fullness of the humble faith of the sons of God is to be content with what God sends.

There are many legends about the Virgin Mary, sometimes different from those to which people who read the Bible are accustomed. According to the orthodox version, the Mother of God is a Jew. However, many mystics of East and West believe that in fact the Virgin Mary is from a noble Parthian family. Numerous legends store information about the countries visited by the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, as well as about the miracles performed by her.

Birth and youth of the Virgin Mary

A Christian sect, the Bogomils, believe that Saint Mary was born in the royal Parthian family of the Desposins. An ancient Parthian prophecy said that a Goddess incarnate would come to earth. The mission of the Virgin is to give birth to the king of kings, the deity of deities, the heavenly anointed by the immaculate conception.

The prediction of the Magi came true - the divine baby was born. A cloud of divine light (farrah) shone over little Mary. The Mother of God was brought up in the Parthenon by old maids who dedicated themselves to God. Gradually, the Virgin Mary went through one initiation after another, she learned the secrets of man and the universe itself. The highest point of initiation was to be the virgin birth from God. As we know, this is exactly what happened - the Mother of God conceived and gave birth to the future Savior of the world.

According to legend, Christ and his Mother visited many countries, where they convinced people of the truth of the new spiritual path. It should be noted that in most states Parthian preachers were perceived quite favorably - and only in orthodox Israel they were treated with hostility. Jesus was arrested and his followers were subjected to the most severe persecution.

Reclusion on Nightingale Mountain

Mary had to hide from Jerusalem. She and two myrrh-bearing women found refuge on the Nightingale Mountain, which is located near the Greek city of Ephesus. The apocryphal significance of Nightingale Mountain is very great - it is believed that this is Mount Horus, the sacred capital of Atlantis.

For the last 15 years of her life, Mary was a recluse, dictating scrolls about the life, sacraments and teachings of her son, Jesus Christ. Among the common people, these texts were very popular and were called the Gospel of the Virgin.

The Inquisition destroyed these Gospels, as well as those who kept the sacred books. As a result of such "cleansing" of the legends, there were practically no traces left.

Mystics from all over the world came to Nightingale Mountain - Siberia, Solovki, Kievan Rus, Europe and Asia. The messengers of the Sanhedrin tried in vain to find where the Mother of God was hiding: the Lord himself protected his chosen one.

Seraph Rose

The Virgin Mary told the chroniclers her spiritual experience and the spiritual experience of her Son in order to preserve the invaluable experience for future generations. This is the origin of the book "Rose of the Seraphs", or the Bogomil gospel of the Virgin.

One of the chapters of the Book tells about the Hyperborean Christ, who appeared as the Bridegroom of the wedding meal. In his hands was the Holy Grail. The Gospel contains many prophecies and divine revelations about the future of the entire human civilization, about the general transformation, about the emergence of a new God-manhood.

As you know, the Orthodox do not accept the Gospel of the Virgin. The book gained great popularity among Christians, Sikhs, Sufis, Hesykhats, etc. The Virgin Mary is called differently by all nations. For example, among the Slavs it is Lada, among the Scandinavians it is Diana, among the Jews it is Ashera, among the Syrians it is Ishtar.

It was on Nightingale Mountain, according to Bogomil beliefs, that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place. Dormition is not death, but union with the heavenly Beloved. Invisibly, the Mother of God is a good protector of all mankind.