Two sides of the tablet. How to take drugs correctly

The Life Guards Ulansky of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Regiment stationed in Peterhof ... Dictionary of the Petersburger

day- noun, m., ??? Morphology: (no) what? day, why? day, (see) what? day what? day, what? about the day; pl. what? days, (no) what? days for what? days, (see) what? days than? days about what? about days 1. Daylight is called daylight hours, as opposed to night. ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

Day of the motorist and road builder in Ukraine- "Day of the motorist and road builder" Kyiv Type prof ... Wikipedia

Miner's Day in Russia: the history of the holiday- The Miner's Day holiday was officially approved in September 1947 at the suggestion of Dmitry Onika, Minister of the Coal Industry of the Western Regions of the USSR, and Alexander Zasyadko, Minister of the Coal Industry of the Eastern Regions of the USSR. Celebrated in…… Encyclopedia of newsmakers

Medical Worker Day in Russia- Every year on the third Sunday of June, Russia celebrates the Day of the Medical Worker. It was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 On holidays and memorable days. The skill and professionalism of all employees ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

Teacher's Day. About profession and holiday- To the material "For what are you grateful to your teachers?" The professional holiday of educators International Teachers' Day was established by UNESCO in 1994 and is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of October. In Russia until 1994 ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

Day of the worker of the security agencies of Russia- December 20 marks the professional holiday of employees of the Russian special services responsible for the security of the individual, society and the state, the Day of the worker of the security agencies. It was established on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 20 ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

DAY- DAY, day, husband. 1. Part of the day, a period of time from morning to evening. Sunny day. Day off. "The day rises crimson and magnificent." I. Aksakov. “The day is already turning pale, hiding behind the mountain.” Zhukovsky. 2. A day, a period of time in 24 hours. January 31… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Realtor Day- Type unofficial holiday otherwise Realtor's Day Established by the National Council of the Russian Guild of Realtors in 1996 Russia is celebrated Celebrating the third Saturday of December or February 8 Realtor's Day unofficial professional ... ... Wikipedia

Day of spring equinox- The time when the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator is called an equinox. The Earth at this time is in such a position in relation to the Sun, when both hemispheres, from the equator to the poles, heat up ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers


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OH MY GOD, WHAT'S WITH YOUR FACE??? - a recent acquaintance tragically exclaims, immediately after the first "hello, how are you."
- Ichthyosis ... but what ... - I already shudder, goofed from the pressure.
- OH. Well, don't worry - IT WILL GO!!! - a friend, apparently expecting to hear something like “burnt”, immediately tries to console me.
- It won't go away, it's incurable. But I'm not worried - you have to answer something.
- POOR!!! Tell me then, WHAT do you do to make IT look BETTER???
- Eh... better? - I take out a mirror from my bag and see my usual face there, - What do you mean? Everything seems to be fine...
- ….!!! - a friend understands that something has gone wrong, cannot withstand the unexpected hopelessness of the scenario and ... runs away so as not to call me ever again.

Real dialogue, by the way. With some variations, such dialogues happen periodically. They are uncomfortable, of course, for all participants, but for me it is usually easier. I, at most, remain at a loss and quickly switch. But the interlocutors often feel unbearable torment from the fact that my answers do not allow me to “steer on the positive”. They feel guilty and ashamed because "they themselves touched on a sore subject." They remember these situations for a long time and, just in case, avoid further contact with me. This is sad, and most importantly, unfair, because usually everyone has good intentions. Therefore, let me be the person who will explain where the logical trap is, and what is important to understand in this topic, for the common good.

The thing is that different people have a very different inner feeling of the “norm” (as something good, pleasant and correct). And some people live relative to me, for example, in a completely different universe. And the phrase books “How to communicate with aliens” were somehow not released for them. Therefore, they measure me according to themselves - according to the coordinate system where it is good to be healthy and beautiful. And sick and “special”, and even more so, non-standard appearance - to be bad, you need to avoid this if possible.

Much is different in my universe. First of all, it's good to be me. My body suits me, I have mastered it and love it, along with all the limitations and features. I don’t feel it as bad, and I don’t see myself in the mirror as “terrible”. I have never had and never will have another kind and another body, so I am just me. Adjusted for self-esteem - I am a beautiful 35-year-old woman, brown-haired, I have ichthyosis. Do you understand? Ichthyosis is part of my identity, old and familiar. For me, it's like having skin in principle.

Therefore, I always feel strange when people, wanting to compliment, say that my disease is "almost not noticeable." Or they say that I look good today - because my face is indistinguishable from the faces of other people. Or, when I say that I am disabled and refer to my experience, they warmly answer that they do not perceive me as a disabled person. Or they say that "it's just skin."

Less delicate people still sometimes say “well, is it really necessary to emphasize it like that”, or there, “you can find a photo where everything is normal and nothing is visible”.

No, my strange feelings are not at all connected with the fact that many of these phrases are definitely insincere (you see, ichthyosis is such a thing that it is quite difficult to miss it).

It's about the fact that at this moment I fall into some kind of logical crack. The fact that all my life has been a part of me, for some reason people do not see it, and for some reason they like this fact!

How to react so that no one is offended is not at all clear.

Is it worth it to be happy for people at this moment - after all, they clearly have less mental discomfort when I look “good” by their standards?
Or should I be reminded that by saying this, they are expressing a desire that this important part of me - the disease - be less often explicitly present?
Or maybe it’s better to say right away that I don’t have such tension on this topic that healthy people have? And therefore, an accidental resemblance to a “normal person” will not cause me any special feelings ...

I'm probably not the only one experiencing this phenomenon. Therefore, let me teach you now one neutral lifesaver phrase for situations in which normativity puts pressure on you and you want to say something, but there are fears of getting into a mess. This phrase sounds like this:

Dear person! You never leave me indifferent.

And that's it, no awkward situation has been created, you can continue to communicate. Magic!

In fact, this kind of indifference concerns not only diseases and disabilities. This very measure, according to which some processes, phenomena and states should be as invisible as possible, creeps into a bunch of places. Including, where it is absolutely not needed.

For example, a mother of three children is approvingly told that she has a figure like that of a nulliparous.
Gay is told that he is well done, does not look like a gay and in general.
A fat woman is told that she looks cool, because. This dress makes her thin.
A feminist is told that it's great that you can talk to her about ordinary topics, and not just about women's rights and patriarchy.
A depressed person is told that he is right, courageously, quietly fighting and not complaining.
The victim of the beating is told that she felt much better when she stopped writing only about it.

You see, it is not at all a fact that it is as important for people to hide this part of themselves as it is important for you not to see it. Maybe it's exactly the opposite. Maybe someone wants to be identified through this part, despite all its "negative bonuses". Because that's what made a person who he or she is. This gave me a sense of belonging to my group. Maybe it even became a reason for pride, and certainly, at least, this is not always a reason for shame.

Sometimes it is very, very necessary - to give a person the opportunity to identify through this part. Do not ignore its existence and do not try to "glamour" it. Even if you yourself did not identify yourself that way. Because in truthful self-presentation there is a lot of self-care, support and support. And in response from you, too, there can be a lot of support. Because there will be the main thing - "I see you entirely."

You see me?

I am Katya, I am 35 years old, I have ichthyosis.

"Take these tablets 1 2 times a day after meals." We have all heard this recommendation many times. And now let's think about how accurate it is and whether it requires additional guidance. After all, prescribing certain drugs, the doctor expects that they will be used correctly.

Rule 1. The multiplicity is our everything

When prescribing pills several times a day, most doctors have in mind a day - not the 15-17 hours that we are usually awake, but all 24. Because the heart, liver and kidneys work around the clock, and, therefore, microbes work without interruption for lunch and sleep. Therefore, the intake of tablets should be divided as evenly as possible, this is especially true for antimicrobial agents.

That is, with a double dose, the interval between taking each dosage should be 12 hours, three times - 8, four times - 6. True, this does not mean that patients should jump out of bed every night. There are not so many drugs, the accuracy of which is calculated per minute, and they are usually prescribed not in tablet form. But nevertheless, 2, 3, 4 times a day is not when it is convenient for the patient (“now and in an hour, because I forgot to drink in the morning”), but at certain intervals. In order to avoid interpretation when taking a double dose, for example, it is justified to prescribe a specific time for taking a pill: 8:00 and 20:00 or 10:00 and 22:00. And the patient is more comfortable, and it is impossible to understand in two ways.

Rule 2. Compliance, or adherence to acceptance

With short courses of tablets, things are more or less normal: we usually do not forget to drink them for a couple of days. With long courses it's worse. Because we are in a hurry, because stress, because it just flew out of my head. There is another side of the coin: sometimes people mechanically, half asleep, drink the medicine, and then forget about it and take more. And it's good if it's not a potent drug.

Among doctors, before complaining about this to patients, they suggest conducting an experiment on yourself: take a jar of dark glass with 60 harmless tablets (glucose, calcium gluconate, etc.) and take one daily. There were a lot of experimenters, but those who after two months did not have from 2 to 5-6 “extra” tablets left were few.

Everyone chooses ways to deal with such “sclerosis” for themselves: someone puts medicines in a prominent place, ticks on the calendar help pedants, and alarm clocks, reminders on a mobile phone, etc. help those who are especially forgetful. Pharmaceutical firms even produce special calendars where you can mark each appointment. Not so long ago (although, as usual, not in Russia), hybrids of an alarm clock and a mini-first-aid kit appeared, ringing and giving out a pill at a certain time.

Rule 3. Before or after a meal is important

According to the relationship with meals, all tablets are divided into groups: “do not care”, “before”, “after” and “during meals”. Moreover, in the mind of the doctor, the patient eats strictly according to the schedule, does not have a snack during breaks and does not drive teas. But in the mind of the patient, an apple, a banana and a candy are not food, but food is borscht with a cutlet and compote with pies. Unfortunately, these beliefs also contribute to misuse of medications.

"Before meals". For starters, it's good to understand what the doctor means when he says "take 30 minutes before meals." Does this mean that after taking the pill you need to eat thoroughly, or is it just the medicine taken on an empty stomach?

AT most cases, prescribing medicines “before meals”, the doctor means:

  • that you did not eat anything (nothing at all!) before taking the pill;
  • that at least for the specified period after taking the medicine, you will also not eat anything.

That is, this tablet should go into an empty stomach, where it will not interfere with gastric juice, food components, etc. From my own experience, I can say that I have to explain this many times. Because, for example, the active ingredients of macrolide preparations are destroyed by an acidic environment. In this case, eating a candy or drinking a glass of juice two hours before taking the medicine or one hour after can drastically affect the result of treatment. The same applies to many other drugs, and the point is not only in the gastric juice, but also in the timing of the drug from the stomach to the intestines, absorption disorders, and simply in the chemical reaction of the components of the drug with food.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, when you need to eat exactly at the specified time after taking. For example, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrinopathies. Therefore, for your own convenience, it is better to clarify what exactly the doctor had in mind when prescribing the drug “before meals”.

"While eating": everything is clear here. Just again, specify what to do and how much to eat with a pill, especially if your meals are organized according to the “Monday-Wednesday-Friday” principle.

"After meal" significantly fewer drugs are taken. As a rule, these include agents that irritate the gastric mucosa or contribute to the normalization of digestion. "Food" in this case often does not mean a change of three meals, especially if the drug needs to be taken 4-5-6 times a day. Some limited amount of food will suffice.

Rule 4. Not all pills can be taken together

Most tablets should be taken separately, unless the "bulk lot" is agreed with the doctor separately. This is not very convenient, but it is impossible to conduct studies on the interaction of all drugs in the world, and swallowing pills with a handful, it is easy to get an unpredictable effect already at the initial stage. Unless otherwise specified, at least 30 minutes should elapse between taking different drugs.

Now about compatibility. Often, patients like to bring their own creativity to the treatment. For example, “I am taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, and since it is probably harmful, it’s not bad to drink more and vitamins or something else at the same time». And the fact that vitamins can neutralize the medicine or lead to unpredictable consequences while taking the main drug is not taken into account.

Hepatorrotectors, vitamins, combined remedies for colds and herbs, recommended by a beloved grandmother, can be taken during treatment only after consulting with your doctor first. If you are being treated by several specialists for different reasons, they should be aware of each other's appointments.

Rule 5. Not all pills have fractional dosages.

Tablets are different for tablets, and not all of them can be broken to be divided into several doses. Moreover, some tablets are coated, damaging which can affect the properties of the drug. Therefore, the absence of a “separating strip” should alert - most often such a pill cannot be divided. Yes, and dosages of one-fourth or even one-eighth of the tablets also raise questions - it is almost impossible to measure correctly in such cases. If such an appointment was made by a doctor, you can ask him what this is fraught with. Well, we won’t even talk about self-treatment once again.

Rule 6. Medicines, with rare exceptions, are washed down only with water.

Not tea, coffee, not juice, not, God forbid, sweet soda, but personalized water - the most ordinary and non-carbonated. There are even separate studies devoted to this issue.

True, there are certain groups of drugs that are washed down with acidic drinks, milk, alkaline mineral water and other separately specified drinks. But these are exceptions, and they will definitely be mentioned at the appointment and in the instructions.

Rule 7

Direct prohibitions, as well as indications of special ways of using them, appear for a reason. A chewable or suckable tablet that you swallow whole will take a different time to work or not work at all.

The form of release of the drug is also not chosen by chance. If the tablet has a special coating, it should not be crushed, broken or cracked. Because this coating protects something from something: the active substance of the tablet from stomach acids, the stomach from the active substance, the esophagus or tooth enamel from damage, etc. The capsule form also says that the active substance should be absorbed only in the intestines and within a certain time. Therefore, you can open the capsules only as directed by a doctor, with an eye to the instructions.

Rule 8. There are special cases, but they must be evaluated by a doctor.

Different doctors have their own treatment regimens that have been tested over the years, and sometimes the dosage and method of using drugs may differ for different groups of patients. In the same way, if there are patient characteristics (comorbidities, individual reactions, etc.), the prescription can be adjusted specifically for this case. At the same time, the choice of the drug and the method of its use are influenced by factors that are not always obvious to a person without medical education factors. Therefore, if your grandfather with hypertension took the same drugs according to a different regimen prescribed by the world's best doctor, this is not a reason to drink them the same way. Take pills like any other medicines, it is necessary without amateur performance, while absolutely any innovations not agreed with the doctor are superfluous.

Leonid Schebotansky, Olesya Sosnitskaya

Two sides of the tablet. How to take drugs correctly.

So, you returned from the clinic with a pack of prescriptions and a small bag of medicines ... It's time to decide on the time of taking the drugs. Many will be surprised: "For what?" After all, the recipe says in black and white: "Take 1 tablet 3 times a day." What is incomprehensible here? .. However, just behind these lines (1 vol. 3 rubles / day) lies an important medical secret.

It is written "day" means "day"

The fact is that microbes, unlike people, due to their illiteracy, do not distinguish day from night and, therefore, do not go to bed at night. Harm around the clock. And the cure is not a reinforced concrete fence from the neighbors; to put it once - and protection for life. The medicine is rather a kind of "not long-playing" record. The song is flowing as long as there is enough factory in the gramophone. And usually 4 to 8 hours are enough ... Therefore, we remember the main rules for taking medications:

The medicine is taken around the clock at regular intervals.

This statement is true not only for taking antibiotics, it is true for all drugs prescribed by courses. That is, everything that is prescribed for long-term use is used according to this rule.


Let's say the doctor prescribed a medicine that should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. Well, let's move the brain gyrus, how to schedule an appointment?

There are 24 hours in a day, divided by 3 doses, it turns out 8. The number eight means an eight-hour interval between each dose of the medicine. Next, choose a convenient start time for you. Well, like 8 am. Arrange? There is nothing to lie in bed for a long time, it is better to go to bed earlier. And then we went at regular intervals, for us they are also 8 hours. As a result, the prescription to take the medicine 1 tablet 3 times a day means taking the drug around the clock in this case at 8 am, 2 pm and 24 am.

The leaflet-insert (it is called so because it is enclosed in a box for any medicine) is a document more informative than a medical prescription. Although it is written primarily for doctors, the inquisitive patient will find many interesting information. For example, after how many hours will the maximum concentration of the drug be reached and in what organs? When will half of the drug be bound by the liver and excreted by the kidneys (the so-called half-life)? When does the drug leave the body at all (elimination period)? Why do you need to know all this? To get well soon!

In order for the drug to act more effectively and with maximum impact, the medicine needs to be “helped with the head”.

Not so: I accepted and forgot, but constantly realizing that your assistant and protector is inside you, now his strength increases, you feel better, but now the strength of the medicine is already running out, it's time to run to the pharmacy for help ...

In one gulp?

Everyone who has been in the hospital at least once has come across such a picture: a nurse walks around the wards with a tray, like a red-haired peddler girl, and distributes pills to patients in small plastic containers. Someone one or two, and someone four or five tablets.

Grateful patients immediately all this multi-colored scattering down their throats in one fell swoop and some water on top, which is called for polishing. Is it correct?

If several drugs are prescribed for daily intake, it is necessary to take them not “at once”, but gradually, in random order, with a time interval of at least 30 minutes.

The fact is that any medicine, no matter how magically it is called, is ultimately just a chemical formula in a beautiful wrapper. And the more drugs are taken at the same time, the more chemical formulas mixes in our stomach. What kind of miracle drug will be obtained as a result of such alchemy - no Nobel laureate will explain to you. Theoretically, in the same leaflets, inserts, in the column "interactions with drugs", it should be indicated which drugs your drug is contraindicated to meet. But these data are not always exhaustive; to check the compatibility of your medicine with all possible drugs, pharmaceutical companies and a hundred years is not enough. Therefore, in that section, those contraindications that have been studied and therefore known are usually indicated. And those that are unknown and not studied, respectively, are not indicated. So let's not experiment. Make a schedule for taking your medications, in about half an hour increments.

It takes on average 30 minutes for the active ingredients of the tablet to be completely absorbed into the blood through the duodenal mucosa.

By maintaining such a time interval, you exclude the possibility of drug interaction with each other, which means that the effectiveness of the drugs taken remains at a fairly high level. And by the way, a real money saver. Not a single molecule of the drug will fly out, as they say, "into the pipe."


Break up the bones of the brain. So, to the drug prescribed to us (see problem 1), one more medicine is added, which should also be taken three times a day. That is also around the clock every eight hours. For taking two drugs, we have the following schedule for taking:

The first medicine is taken at 8, 16, 24 hours.

The second medicine is taken at 8.30, 16.30, 24.30.

If three or more drugs are prescribed, the schedule becomes even more complicated. On the one hand, this creates a number of inconveniences, you need to constantly remember about medicines, it is not always convenient to use them at work, you must always have water on hand, etc.

Of course, it is more convenient to swallow the whole handful at once according to the method of a peddler nurse and forget about the pills until dinner. But. We are not talking about convenience, but about how to get the maximum benefit from the drug and save money, firstly; and secondly, do not harm your body. What harm are we talking about, because we drink medicines for health? Of course, for health. But, using any drug, keep in mind the following.

Any medicine works in three main directions:

  • therapeutic, that is, it heals (they took a pill - the head passed);
  • side, one - heals, the other - cripples (the head has passed - the stomach is sick);
  • negative, it is even worse with him (head hurt more).

Remember that any medicine is like a wagon and two small carts (sometimes very small, microscopic): where the wagon with benefits goes, there are carts with side and negative effects. Any, even the most harmless medicine helps in some ways, but in some ways it is sure to harm.

There is no and cannot be an absolutely safe medicine for health, just as there is not and cannot be the best pill in the world. The faster it helps you, the more dangerous it is and the more likely complications.

Later, we will talk about dosing patterns for children and the elderly and what the “average patient” is and why weight is the main parameter for calculating drug doses. Why uncontrolled medication is dangerous and why it is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Here's what you need to know:

- research doesn't support the idea that eating more often increases your metabolic rate

- There is some evidence that frequent, small meals can increase protein synthesis, but this has only been shown in studies where the amount of protein ingested was very low.

- it is better to experiment with different frequency of eating and find out what works best for you. In addition, you should take into account the lifestyle, and it is different for everyone.

You have probably come across statements that small, frequent meals are the key to success. It speeds up metabolism, satisfies hunger, improves blood sugar control. But is there evidence and justification for this position? Let's turn to scientific facts and research.


Proponents of the aforementioned way of eating claim that it helps them maintain their metabolism at the right level. They are based on a theory that states that your body strives to maintain a sufficient level of energy (ie body fat) to survive the next period of fasting. Therefore, when you keep your body without food for more than a few hours, the body feels a lack of energy and goes into "starvation mode", it starts to save energy. Indeed, the body slows down the metabolic rate to conserve energy.

While these claims may seem logical at first glance, there is very little evidence that this is indeed the case. Scientist LeBlanc found that feeding a dog 4 small meals elicited twice the thermogenic response as a large single meal with the same amount of calories. A follow-up study by the same author showed that humans also responded to more frequent feedings with increased thermogenesis.

On the other hand, many studies have failed to show that meal frequency has a measurable impact on energy expenditure. That is, according to some data, there is no increase in the intensity of metabolism in response to frequent meals.

The reason for the increase in body temperature due to frequent food intake is the thermal effect of food (in Russian scientific and medical literature more often the term specific dynamic action of food is used - SDDP).

In simpler terms, ADDP is the energy expended on the digestion of food, which is partially dissipated in the form of heat. Different macronutrients have different temperature effects - protein digestion requires the most energy, and fat digestion, on the contrary, the least energy. The AFDP of a regular mixed meal is about 10% of calories consumed.

So, with this in mind, let's look at how food distribution will affect the amount of ADRV with a diet of 2400 kilocalories per day. If you ate 800 kcal three times, then SPDP will be 80 kcal per meal. There were 3 meals in total, therefore, the total SDDP for the day was 80 * 3 = 240.

Now let's imagine that you ate these 2400 kcal in 6 meals. At a time, you will eat 400 kcal, therefore, the ADDP of one meal is 40 kcal. We multiply by 6 meals and we get the same 240 kcal spent on digesting food as in the case of three meals a day. Assuming macronutrient content and total calories remain constant, there is no difference between 3 and 6 meals for thermogenesis.

Hunger and satiety.

Proponents of frequent eating often say that this method allows you to control the feeling of hunger and satiety. It is well understood by everyone that body weight control is, first of all, a function of energy balance - we consume more calories than we expend, and therefore gain weight; if a calorie deficit is created, then we lose mass.

It is claimed that with long breaks between meals, there is a tendency to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). If this period lasts long enough to restore blood sugar levels, our body signals the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) that we need food, especially simple carbohydrates. Hunger sets in and you end up eating more than you need. This sets up a vicious cycle of overeating and uncontrolled secretion of insulin, all of which is a recipe for obesity.

However, studies have not confirmed the above assumptions. While some scientific studies have shown that people weren't as hungry when meals were spread out throughout the day, others failed to find differences in feelings of hunger at different feeding frequencies.

Some studies have shown that eating three meals a day is even better at satisfying hunger and promoting satiety than six meals a day. What's more, the evidence varies when it comes to how the number of meals you eat affects the release of hormones that affect hunger. In general, the statement that it is better to distribute meals throughout the day is at least questionable and most likely individual factors play an important role here.

insulin level.

Another claim often made in support of frequent meals is that this method of eating has a positive effect on insulin levels. According to the hypothesis, eating a large amount of food at a time causes a “spike” in blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to a sharp increase in insulin levels. Given the role of insulin, it can be said that a higher and more dramatic rise in insulin levels triggers mechanisms that increase fat storage. Sounds ominous, but this claim has a very shaky foundation.

A number of studies have shown that more frequent meals have a beneficial effect on glucose homeostasis. This means that there is a decrease in the sharpness and intensity of the rise in insulin levels and a decrease in insulin concentration. But most important issue here is what we will conclude from this? From the point of view of weight loss, it is perhaps unrealistic to answer this question clearly.

The scientist Munsters and colleagues proved that although the rise in insulin glucose levels is much less sharp and intense against the background of frequent meals than with fewer meals, nevertheless, there is no difference in fat oxidation between these two groups. Simply put, both groups of subjects (3 and 6 meals a day) burned the same amount of fat. This study is worth noting for its tight control and methodical nature. Scientists made it so that the same people during the experiment used both diets, but exactly the same type and amount of food. What's more, the subjects were lean, healthy adults, so the results of this study are more relevant to athletes.

Outcome: those who focus on insulin levels as main reason gain / loss of fat mass, direct their thoughts and aspirations in the wrong direction - the main enemy is an excess of calories, not insulin.

Body construction.

Estimating the short-term effects of frequent meals gives us a basis for speculation about the potential long-term effects of this approach. However, the only thing that really matters is if you eat often, does it make your body better? This is really hard to figure out.

The study most often cited by fast food proponents involved competitive boxers who were put on a 1200 cal per day diet for two weeks. One group consumed this number of calories in two meals, and the other in six meals.

At the end of the study, the group that ate more frequently retained large quantity muscle mass compared to those who ate 2 times a day. While these results are intriguing, it should be noted that the study period was very short. So to postpone these results for a long time would be speculation.

What's more, the total protein intake was only 60 grams per day, far short of what a professional athlete needs to prevent catabolism. This fact also does not allow us to draw any unambiguous conclusions based on this study.

A recent study by Archiero and colleagues also supports eating more frequently. Briefly, the study involved a complex system in which two groups sat on a high-protein diet at a rate of 35% of all calories, they ate 3 or 6 times a day for two months. Both groups showed about the same fat loss (2.5 kg in people who ate 3 times a day, 2.7 kg - 6 times a day). As you can see, there is no significant difference.

However, the group that ate more frequently gained 0.6kg of muscle mass, while the 3-meal group lost 0.9kg. That is, the difference is approximately 1.5 kg, for two months it is not significant.

Again, the results should not be taken for granted. In this study, the participants were overweight women not involved in any sports. Who knows what results serious athletes would show?

Unlike the above studies, a number of other scientific studies show that there is no benefit to more frequent meals. For example, Stout's well-controlled, randomized, crossover study showed that in middle-aged and normal-weight people, there was no difference in fat loss between the two groups (meals 1 or 3 times a day).

So what can we take note of?

- people who claim that more frequent meals increase metabolism are greatly exaggerating. At best, research on this topic is highly controversial and leaves more questions than answers.

- There is some evidence that eating small meals frequently can have a positive effect on protein synthesis, but this has been shown in settings with very low protein intakes (less than or at the lower end of the DV). ordinary person). To accept these conclusions as valid for an intensely trained athlete consuming much more protein (>1.6g per kg of body weight) is pure speculation.

- if you are a professional bodybuilder and your goal is to win prestigious competitions, even small changes in your body structure can make a difference in your performance. Therefore, if your goal is to reduce the amount of fat as much as possible without affecting muscle mass, then by useful advice for you to experiment with different meal frequencies and see what works best for you. Individual characteristics always influence the results of a particular method.

Therefore, choose the frequency of eating that is more suitable for your lifestyle. If you like spreading out meals over many times a day, then do so. On the other hand, if you prefer to eat infrequently, but densely, then this is also a viable option. Just be consistent in your approach - there is some evidence that messy meals without a defined diet have a negative effect on metabolism.

Author - Brad Schoenfeld
The translation was made
especially for the site,
Tsatsulin Boris.

I remind you that the task of the translator is to translate the article into Russian and adapt it for understanding, i.e. convey the material without distortion and make it as accessible to the reader as possible.
If you have interesting articles and materials on English language- send links to the PM, the most interesting ones will be translated and published!

Scientific articles and materials:

1. LeBlanc J, Diamond P. Effect of meal size and frequency on postprandial thermogenesis in dogs. Am J Physiol. 1986 Feb;250(2 Pt 1):E144-7.

2. LeBlanc J, Mercier I, Nadeau A. Components of postprandial thermogenesis in relation to meal frequency in humans. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1993 Dec;71(12):879-83.

3. Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR. Influence of the feeding frequency on nutrient utilization in man: Consequences for energy metabolism. Eur J Clinic Nutr. 1991 Mar;45(3):161-9.

4. Taylor MA, Garrow JS. Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber calorimeter. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Apr;25(4):519-28.

5. Kinabo JL, Durnin JV. Effect of meal frequency on the thermal effect of food in women. Eur J Clinic Nutr. 1990 May;44(5):389-95.

6. Ohkawara K, Cornier MA, Kohrt WM, Melanson EL. Effects of increased meal frequency on fat oxidation and perceived hunger. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Feb;21(2):336-43.

7. Hill JO, Anderson JC, Lin D, Yakubu F. Effects of meal frequency on energy utilization in rats. Am J Physiol. 1988 Oct;255(4 Pt 2):R616-21.

8. Stote KS, Baer DJ, Spears K, Paul DR, Harris GK, Rumpler WV, et al. A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults. Am J Clinic Nutr. 2007 Apr;85(4):981-8.

9. Speechly DP, Rogers GG, Buffenstein R. Acute appetite reduction associated with an increased frequency of eating in obese males. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1999 Nov;23(11):1151-9.

10. Speechly DP, Buffenstein R. Greater appetite control associated with an increased frequency of eating in lean males. Appetite. 1999 Dec;33(3):285-97.

11. Smeets AJ, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Acute effects on metabolism and appetite profile of one meal difference in the lower range of meal frequency. Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun;99(6):1316-21.

12. Leidy HJ, Tang M, Armstrong CL, Martin CB, Campbell WW. The effects of consuming frequent, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in overweight/obese men. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Apr;19(4):818-24.

13. Cameron JD, Cyr MJ, Doucet E. Increased meal frequency does not promote greater weight loss in subjects who were prescribed an 8-week equi-energetic energy-restricted diet. Br J Nutr. 2010 Apr;103(8):1098-101.

14. Leidy HJ, Armstrong CL, Tang M, Mattes RD, Campbell WW. The influence of higher protein intake and greater eating frequency on appetite control in overweight and obese men. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Sep;18(9):1725-32.

15. Solomon TP, Chambers ES, Jeukendrup AE, Toogood AA, Blannin AK. The effect of feeding frequency on insulin and ghrelin responses in human subjects. Br J Nutr. 2008 Oct;100(4):810-9.

16. Jenkins DJ, Wolever TM, Vuksan V, Brighenti F, Cunnane SC, Rao AV, et al. Nibbling versus gorging: Metabolic advantages of increased meal frequency. N Engl J Med. 1989 Oct 5;321(14):929-34.

17. Jenkins DJ, Ocana A, Jenkins AL, Wolever TM, Vuksan V, Katzman L, et al. Metabolic advantages of spreading the nutrient load: Effects of increased meal frequency in non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Am J Clinic Nutr. 1992 Feb;55(2):461-7.

18. Arnold LM, Ball MJ, Duncan AW, Mann J. Effect of isoenergetic intake of three or nine meals on plasma lipoproteins and glucose metabolism. Am J Clinic Nutr. 1993 Mar;57(3):446-51.

19. Bertelsen J, Christiansen C, Thomsen C, Poulsen PL, Vestergaard S, Steinov A, et al. Effect of meal frequency on blood glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids in NIDDM subjects. Diabetes Care. 1993 Jan;16(1):4-7.

20. Rashidi MR, Mahboob S, Sattarivand R. Effects of nibbling and gorging on lipid profiles, blood glucose and insulin levels in healthy subjects. Saudi Med J. 2003 Sep;24(9):945-8.

21. Munsters MJ, Saris WH. Effects of meal frequency on metabolic profiles and substrate partitioning in lean healthy males. PLOS One. 2012;7(6):e38632.

22. Iwao S, Mori K, Sato Y. Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control in boxers. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 1996 Oct;6(5):265-72.

23. Arciero PJ, Ormsbee MJ, Gentile CL, Nindl BC, Brestoff JR, Ruby M. Increased protein intake and meal frequency reduces abdominal fat during energy balance and energy deficit. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Jul;21(7):1357-66.

24 Aragon AA, Schoenfeld BJ. Nutrient timing revisited: Is there a post-exercise anabolic window? J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013 Jan 29;10(1):5.2783-10-5.

25 Finkelstein B, Fryer BA. Meal frequency and weight reduction of young women. Am J Clinic Nutr. 1971 Apr;24(4):465-8.

26. Areta JL, Burke LM, Ross ML, Camera DM, West DW, Broad EM, et al. Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during continued recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. J Physiol. 2013 May 1;591(Pt 9):2319-31.

27. Garrow JS, Durrant M, Blaza S, Wilkins D, Royston P, Sunkin S. The effect of meal frequency and protein concentration on the composition of the weight lost by obese subjects. Br J Nutr. 1981 Jan;45(1):5-15.

28. Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA. Beneficial metabolic effects of regular meal frequency on dietary thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and fasting lipid profiles in healthy obese women. Am J Clinic Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):16-24.

29. Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA. Decreased thermal effect of food after an irregular compared with a regular meal pattern in healthy lean women. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):653-60.