What do hikers eat while hiking? Travel food: what to bring? Bean soup with meat

Probably, there are no such people who do not like hiking. It is only difficult to get together, but the process itself is very exciting, filled with various adventures and pleasant gatherings around the fire. But in order to feel comfortable, you must first take care of nutrition. After all, walking causes appetite, and given that a lot of effort is spent during a hike, then food should be complete and high-calorie.

Do not forget that you need to take products with a long shelf life. All homemade "soboi" should be eaten on the first day. Everyone knows that a constant attribute of a tourist is canned food. However, do not forget that they weigh a lot, so you have to carry this load on your back. Calculate how many cans you need. Also, experienced tourists are advised to take only stew. This is the meat that will add strength. Canned fish is not worth it. They really want to drink from them, and it’s not a problem to catch fresh fish on a hike. Take with you different types cereals, if possible, some potatoes, lard and onions, salt and various spices.

Hike will give you new tastes of familiar dishes

And now, finally, a halt and you can start cooking.


The tourist's first meal is porridge. Everyone cooks it the old fashioned way: they boil water and pour in grits. But it's better to do so. Soak the cereal in water. Then hang the bowler hat on the fire and pour finely chopped lard there, and later onions. After all this is thoroughly simmered, we throw in the grits. If necessary, then pour a little water, salt and bring to a boil. That's all, super-porridge is ready. Believe me, your friends will be surprised by the new taste of plain porridge. You can use any cereal, but it works best with buckwheat or pearl barley.


How can you not cook your fish soup on a hike, especially since everyone loves to go fishing in the evening. Please note that for a good fish soup, it is advisable to use different types of fish. When the water boils in the pot, throw in the bay leaf. Carefully wrap the fish in cheesecloth and lower it into the water as well. Then add potatoes. It should be coarsely chopped. In principle, nothing more is needed for the fish soup, however, many people add pearl barley. As they say, for an amateur. When fish soup almost ready, you need to add 100 grams of vodka to the soup. Don't forget to add spices to taste. And the final touch of culinary art: before serving, take a branch from the fire and put it out in a pot. This will give the ear a special flavor.


Many cannot do without potatoes, well, people do not eat up without it. Of course, you can approach the preparation of potatoes formally, or with imagination. It can be baked in coals. Although it is more difficult, it is still better than corny cooking in a pot. If you cook, then in uniforms!


Stew is a favorite dish of all tourists. You can, of course, warm it up by the fire and eat it as a hot dish. But this would be irrational. It is best to add it to cereals and soups. After all, then the dish becomes more rich, high-calorie, and most importantly, much tastier. Before serving porridge or soup with stew, throw raw branches into the fire to make thick smoke. Porridge will surely absorb it and acquire a completely unique taste. Believe that your colleagues have never tried such a dish with the aroma of real forest smoke.


If you forgot to take tea with you, then it does not matter. It is impossible to stay in the forest without this drink. Believe that herbal teas will replace the best Ceylon tea for you.

When cooking on a hike, feel free to experiment, because hungry tourists are omnivores!

If you take a pack of pickled cheese such as feta cheese, cheese, fetax, etc., on a hike, you can cook a very simple, but very delicious salad(or appetizer) from tomatoes! Pickled cheese in vacuum packaging is well stored, but how it can be used to diversify your camping table - this recipe will tell.

I cooked this cabbage pie on an alloy, and baked it in an oven made of stones. If very briefly, this camping pastry is prepared as follows: we start yeast dough, in a cauldron we stew cabbage with carrots and onions. We heat our stone oven well with wood. We form a pie from dough and cabbage, after which we bake it until golden brown.

I cooked this pizza with sausage on an alloy. The value of this recipe is that pastries are prepared in just one pan without the use of ovens and other benefits of civilization. If very briefly, then we need to knead unleavened dough, make a sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise, use thinly sliced ​​​​tomatoes and sausage for the filling.

Rather than a recipe written here, it’s just the very idea of ​​​​serving pancakes cooked on a hike on the water. As it turned out, pancakes with blueberry jam and condensed milk on the 7th day of the hike are so delicious that I decided to just tell everyone about it!

When hiking, I very often try to cook cabbage soup, because this is a very homemade soup. And if there are no problems with this soup on a rafting trip, then for a hiking trip, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is a whole event, since, as a rule, cabbage is worn exclusively in a dried state on a hiking trip. Here I propose to get acquainted with the recipe for cabbage soup cooked from fresh cabbage, dressing for sour cabbage soup and stew.

For those who like to get out on the alloy, I want to tell a recipe for cabbage soup, from fresh cabbage. To do this, I took selected, the freshest cabbage, dried herbs, dried bell pepper, which he boiled in a large camping cauldron and, after cooking, mixed it with a roast of fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions and a can of stew. It was delicious and very satisfying, which is a big plus for any camping soup.

When you are not the first (and not even the second or third) day on a hike, you begin to understand that you want something that is usually not cooked on a hike, for example, fatty (in good sense) and rich mutton stew shurpa. Well, if the boys wanted shurpa, then it needs to be cooked, but since you are on a hike, then you need to cook shurpa from the products available.

When going on a hike, you can take a couple of packages of semi-finished mashed potatoes with you, and after modifying it a little, you can get a very tasty and interesting side dish. In a nutshell, for such a transformation of an ordinary mashed potato diluted with water, it is enough to add a little powdered milk when diluting the powder, beat the mashed potatoes well, and then season the whole thing with onions fried in a small amount of oil.

I cooked this soup with mushrooms on a hike when we were lucky enough to find some oil in the taiga. Before preparing the soup, the mushrooms were boiled to get rid of bitterness. Prepared boletus were thrown into a cauldron, where one of the most "camping" soups available to almost every tourist was prepared from them, potatoes and frying (made from onions and carrots).

It’s not often possible to make a salad on a hike, but if you took a small fork of fresh cabbage with you on a hike and you managed to get flasks, you can make this salad. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the cabbage and wild garlic (this is another name for the flask), mash them with a little salt, season with mayonnaise and serve the salad to the table.

The simplest camping flask salad that any tourist knows. The flask needs to be cleaned, cut, salted, poured with a small amount of vegetable oil and serve to the camp table!

A simple camping salad of peas and cabbage that can be prepared both at home and on a camping trip. In order to prepare a fresh cabbage salad, we need a tomato, a can of green peas, an onion and, of course, cabbage. Also, you can add any vegetables that you have on hand with you on a hike to the salad. This salad is very nutritious and contains a huge amount of vitamins. It will be a wonderful addition to any travel table. I also want to note that the number of vegetables is taken based on the number of people.

Eggplant stew recipe. Like any camping dish, it is very simple to prepare: we clean and cut vegetables, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil onion, we throw eggplants to the onion, then carrots, greens, garlic and simmer everything until cooked.

If on the rafting you have an abundance of vegetables and have a pack of feta cheese and a jar of olives with you, you can please your comrades on the hike with such a Greek salad. The salad is full of vitamins, but the whole unusualness of this dish is the place of its preparation. Go not every time on a hike you can find such a salad !?

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic - a simple camping snack that cooks very quickly. The basis of this dish is smoked sausage cheese (which is well stored in field conditions), and, of course, tomatoes. To cook tomatoes with cheese, you just need to grate the cheese with garlic, season them with mayonnaise, and spread the resulting cheese mass over the circles of tomatoes. In this form, tomatoes with cheese and garlic are served at the camp table.

Food on the go. Food - choice. Camping utensils, food. What to eat, what to eat while traveling?

What food to take on a hike? What utensils to use? What to eat while traveling? (10+)

Meals on the trip

Before you start packing for a hike, you need to know that there are different ways to travel. Professional tourists usually divide trips into water, hiking, skiing, mountain, cycling, sailing, car and so on. Moreover, each of these types has its own categories of complexity. Sometimes beginners confuse a serious hike with a picnic (or just a one-day outing). But, it should be borne in mind that a picnic is a walk, the main purpose of which is entertainment in a small company (or a large one) with a snack (or barbecue) in the fresh air. Most often, in such "hikes" there is no restriction on the products that you can take with you. But a completely different thing is a serious trip to nature, when most of the time you have to be on the move, according to a set schedule, with small halts. That is why in this case food supplies, their weight, energy value and usefulness are calculated.

The main task of nutrition on a hike is to restore energy reserves in the body. To arrange a gourmet restaurant in field conditions is still not possible. So, when choosing food, think about its nutritional value, weight, storage capacity and, which is also very important, the ability to be easily digested and absorbed. On a journey, contact with an unfamiliar microflora is inevitable. So it is better to take bifidumbacterin (bifidobacterium concentrate) with you and consume it before meals. This will ensure normal stable digestion. A little about the importance of bifidobacteria. Another very important thing in the same vein is the thorough chewing of food. The acid in our stomach is pretty good at disinfecting foods. But this requires that the gastric juice has access to microbes. If the microbes hid in a piece of poorly chopped food, then indigestion cannot be avoided. They say that sandwiches spoil the stomach. It is not true. Stomach and intestines spoil badly chewed sandwiches.

Camping utensils

Initially, you should clarify what dishes you need to take with you and exclude. The most important advice: “do not take glass or ceramics with you!” Jars, glasses, glass bottles and cups should be left at home. After all, these items are quite fragile, therefore, they can easily break. Moreover, glass / ceramic dishes usually weigh much more, and believe me that every gram in a serious trip will count. The next thing to remember is that you will be hiking for several days, so you should stock up on a kettle for the company (2 is best - one for tea, the other for food), you should know that the volume is calculated at about 300-400 grams per a person, so you need to take a bowler of the appropriate volume so that no one is left hungry. You should also take care of the bowl, mug, spoon and knife. It's best not to use a fork. It is best to take dishes from stainless material, and recently thermo mugs have gained popularity, which for a long time retain heat / cold of the liquid poured there (for example, tea or spring water). Each participant in the trip should have a personal set of dishes (plate, spoon, mug). Products are recommended to be put either in plastic containers or in bags that can then be burned in a fire.

Product selection

Never take perishable foods with you on a hike, such as boiled / fried foods or ready-made salads. But cereals are an indispensable part of your portion. You can take pasta, buckwheat or other cereals. It is best to take canned or dried meat, but for the first 2-3 days, salted meat is perfect, which can then be put in a pot. A lot of salt prevents it from spoiling, and then you won’t have to throw it into soup or porridge. white death". You can also take vegetables that will not wrinkle (like tomatoes, for example), as well as beans, dried mushrooms, nuts, a small amount of spices, dried fruits, bread (for the first days, and then you can prepare crackers), salt. Such food is simply shuffled, weighs a little, and also helps to restore the strength that was expended on the transition. It does not hurt to take a bar of chocolate or chocolate bars with you, firstly, they contain the glucose necessary for the body, and, secondly, they will improve your mood when you sit at the fire in the evening. By the way, coffee and tea should be carefully packed in special hermetic and closable containers.

So what conclusions can be drawn from the above information? Take with you on a hike following products:

  • canned food: fish, stew;
  • dry foods: mushrooms, herbs (you can also dry them), vegetables, meat;
  • salted meat for the first days;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, etc.;
  • cheese and smoked sausage (it usually lasts longer than, for example, boiled);
  • pasta;
  • drinking water;
  • chocolate and cookies (light) for tea, you can also take condensed milk;
  • salt, spices, sugar, coffee, tea.

Drinking water

You should also pay attention to the presence of water, because without it a person can live much less than without food. Moreover, in the campaign a person sweats, respectively, loses a lot of moisture. That is why you should take a bottle of water with you at such events. Of course, this does not include cooking. But the route should be calculated in such a way that each overnight stay is located as close as possible to water resources (springs, wells, etc.). Remember that you should not take too much supplies with you, because you will have to carry it all yourself.

Usually on a hike, food is taken 3 times a day, as expected: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, in the morning you need to eat light, but at the same time nutritious foods. In this meal, you should not overload your body, because in an hour you will move on, and a full stomach will be a big obstacle. It can be porridge (for example, oatmeal, rice or millet) with condensed milk or dried fruits. Meat is best avoided for breakfast. For a snack (lunch) it is best to make sandwiches. After all, uncovering the pots, making a fire - all this takes a lot of time, and you still have to go to the place of spending the night. The main meal usually takes place at dinner. Here you can already roam: cook porridge with meat / stew, drink tea with chocolate ...

Leaving the parking lot

Remember that when leaving the parking lot, you should carefully inspect it for the presence of remaining debris. In no case do not leave it behind you and to the maximum pick up after others. Things that are burned can be burned in a fire, and the rest will have to be carried with you to the nearest trash can, which is likely to be only in the village. The fire should be carefully extinguished so that not a single ember can start a fire.

Proper Diet

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that every day a woman who plays sports spends about 2.5 thousand kcal. But on foot trips, participants spend about 3,000 daily, and sometimes more. Therefore, knowing the energy costs and the energy value of the products, you can make a list / amount of food that is needed for the trip. If such an event is not too difficult, then this list (for each day) will be as follows:

  • meat (in the form of canned food or dried) - 150 grams;
  • cereals - about 90-120 grams;
  • cheese - 50 grams;
  • chocolate - 90 grams;
  • pasta - 90 grams.

The remaining products are already calculated in a personal way, or the supply manager distributes them independently. At snacks, you can give out sweets and / or dried fruits. And never forget that the main goal of any hike is to enjoy "communication" with nature!

First and second courses , as well as teas support and strengthen your strength in any campaign. And for this you only need water. Cooking time is reduced by 3-4 times, and the assortment will surprise the most sophisticated gourmets.

Diverse vegetable side dishes, meat , herbal teas and berry chips - all this splendor of taste weighs nothing, because it is prepared using innovative drying technology. Thanks to this, all nutrients, vitamins and minerals are preserved in the products, everything that is so necessary for the body to recover after active loads.

You don’t need dishes, you don’t have to carry them all day in a backpack, you don’t need to wash them, but just pour water into a special thermo package , wait 15 minutes and tasty and healthy food is ready.
Such food for active tourism is just a godsend - tasty and easy!

Have a nice trip!

About tourist everyday life in jest and in earnest - notes of tourists.

"What are tourists, and why they do not die of hunger."

V.V. Geller

1. What is tourism.

Since the word has now become surprisingly multifaceted, it is worthwhile to agree on terminology in advance.

We are talking about sports hiking trips, the purpose of which is to pass a certain route, which includes a number of natural obstacles of a certain complexity, in a limited time.

Translated into Russian, we leave point A and drag backpacks with everything necessary for survival to point B for two to four weeks, and along the way we climb rocky walls, cross stormy rivers, wind through cracked glaciers, and so on.

At the same time, time is really limited, because every single day the backpack settles on the shoulders at dawn, and finally leaves them in the late afternoon (sometimes it is when it gets dark). And "finally" in this case means "until the morning." And since a person is a pampered creature and unsuitable for life outside a city apartment (and it’s not clear as soon as the ancestors won the championship in evolution), this backpack comes out oh so heavy, although there is only the most necessary things: no curlers, no hair dryers, not even a talking mirror, not to mention a favorite sofa and a warm toilet.

The result is a sport that, although it does not give such an intense load as running, biathlon or hockey, it surpasses even chess in the duration of this very load. And don't laugh, chess is not only a sport, but also one of the most exhausting, you have to keep in great physical shape. I had to see how some wise men got to the bottom of one grandmaster, so he gave them a dozen and a half exits by force in a row on the crossbar, the guys only thanked the Almighty that they didn’t get into a fight on their own heads.

But back to tourism. We have sports with long-term loads, both daily and by the number of days in the campaign. Yes, even in incomprehensible conditions. Either in winter (cold), then on the river (wet), then at a height (cold, wet and there is nothing to breathe).

Accordingly, the issue of restoration is acute and tough. And what is recovery? Sleep and food! To put it simply: eat and sleep.

2. How we eat.

As everybody. Mouth. We put, we chew, we swallow. We try to do this three times a day, but it turns out bad, due to the fact that a person is a pampered creature and is not able to eat raw meat, eating fresh grass. He wants to cook everything, fry and so on (and again we will be surprised and bow to the ancestors, because they somehow managed without fire).

But cooking takes time, and it is usually sorely lacking, because time on a hike should be spent on the main and main occupation of a tourist: carrying heavy loads at high altitude over a long distance, fraught with risk to life. Especially during daylight hours. Especially in winter, when it is not enough, but very little.

Therefore, it is impossible to eat according to Feng Shui and other newfangled theories: five times a day, turning your face towards Mecca and thanks to Allah, the Merciful. It doesn’t even work in Domostroy when you eat breakfast yourself, take lunch from a friend, and dinner from your wife. If the wife and friend are also on the route, they have to be fed, and if they are not there, how can you take them away from them? Worse, even on the recommendations of dentists and other specialists in maxillofacial surgery, sanatoriums and boarding houses (such as breakfast-lunch-dinner and sometimes afternoon tea) do not come out. Breakfast and dinner are still obtained, but with lunch, it's stressful. No time to cook during the day!

Therefore, with all the richness of the choice of tourist food systems, they all come down to one single scheme: breakfast, dinner and something to chew on between them. And since the energy spent on constantly rearranging the legs on horizontal, inclined and other surfaces, and all sorts of useful substances, generously squandered by the body, must be replenished, breakfast and dinner on hikes should not be random, but according to science, which differs from Feng Shui, like an Arabian stallion from a dead donkey. Well, or sane from a true believer. Therefore, we will analyze each food separately.

3. Breakfast.

A glass of yogurt and a boiled egg will not do here, because the next normal meal will be no one knows where and no one knows when. Most likely in the evening, but not sure. Therefore, they eat thoughtfully and thoroughly in the morning, although quickly. Temperature environment customizes. And other weather factors: wind, snowfall, all kinds of snowstorms, called blizzards.

The basis of breakfast is porridge. Someone adds meat to it, someone milk, all without exception - butter. Cereals are chosen accordingly: rice, buckwheat, pasta, millet (extremely rare, because it takes a long time to cook), hercules, wheat groats. The last two - for milk, the rest - for anything. Although it is possible to mix oatmeal or wheat with meat, the meat has not yet spoiled a single porridge. At the end of the campaign, they can also “feed” zabatsat. This is when the remains of all cereals are boiled in one boiler. There is no exact recipe, what is left, so much is poured. But producing compound feed is overkill, I think.

Peas have never been used because of the long cooking time.

The porridge is accompanied by a rye cracker. Not because of the special usefulness of rye, but because the black crackers come out strong, they crumble less in a backpack. And if they are properly dried, then you will break your teeth rather than the resulting product. In principle, this cracker is completely optional, but, in order to avoid serious bodily harm, you should not deprive a Russian person of bread.

The second (and last) course is tea. Maybe coffee or cocoa, chicory or other exotic, but most often tea. A certain sweetness is attached to tea, most often a banal cookie.

Actually, that's all.

Just do not forget that breakfast is being prepared and consumed in pitch darkness, because the tourist must meet the dawn already under a backpack. And pre-dawn twilight - too.

4. Dinner.

Dinner differs from breakfast only in that the group is in a hurry not to the route, but to sleep. That is, in a hurry a little slower.

Therefore, porridge from approximately the same assortment is cooked in the same way, meat is also added to it (sometimes milk is also added), a cracker is also added, and a cookie or some other gingerbread is given to the drink. It also happens that the onion is cut into several pieces and handed to each piece. To crunch on the teeth.

They make more tea than in the morning, after a day of running you want to drink a lot. According to science, this is called "the reaction of the body to a violation of the water-salt balance", and without scientific wisdom - "dry". Almost like a hangover, only in the evening. However, in the morning - too, but who will spend precious morning seconds on warming up excess water ?! So you can go completely to insanity: heat water for brushing your teeth, for washing ...

5. Snack.

What in theory replaces lunch. There are many varieties, but everything can be reduced to two types: with tea and without tea.

In any case, sausage, cheese, some sweets (sherbet, halva, “chocolate sausage”, etc.), nuts, dried fruits, crackers are distributed (because it’s not good to explain to a Russian person ... see above). And all this is washed down with tea in the first case or water in the second.

Tea may not be tea, but coffee, cocoa, and so on, the snack is still called “with tea”. Tea is obtained from a thermos filled in the morning or (very rarely) boiled for a snack.

Water is taken from the nearest stream, lake or swamp. Depends on a situation. Sometimes disinfected, but usually nothing.

6. Pocket food.

It is issued to each tourist in the morning and placed in a special "stash bag", after which it is used by each at his own discretion. Some have two stash bags to store sausage separately and halva separately, but most consider such aesthetes dudes and do not bother with such difficulties, because bacon in chocolate is tasty, healthy and generally a national product of our closest friends and relatives (and disagreements with they are temporary and do not concern us very much).

Pocket food grew out of stash bags, where the most enterprising individuals put everything that they could not finish at breakfast, dinner and snacks. Some groups still do not give out anything specifically “for pocket money”. Others distribute all the snacks there and do not make a special stop for the day's food (again, time is saved). Most give out snacks in part.

Dried fruits and nuts, sweets (if any) move to the stash. “Passage chocolates” can also be attributed to pocket food. They are handed out on passes and peaks, such as a holiday. Evil tongues say that this tradition arose due to the fact that the leaders always forgot the forms of the pass notes, and then the piece of paper is freed ... They lie, of course, but the fact that most of the notes are on the wrapper and scribbled is nothing more than an accident, and in general not the truth, but a vile lie!

Here, in fact, is the whole classic layout. If you forgot what (for example, sugar and lemon) - do not blame me.

7. About fuel.

It seems to be off topic. No one breathes gas on hikes and does not pour gasoline down their throats, although it is possible and necessary to think about this topic: according to the calorie content of one glass of liquid fuel, a person will have enough for the whole day. It is a pity that our stomachs are rather weak for this food. Such is the sadness! But fuel is spent exclusively on the preparation of this very food. The fact that tourists cook exclusively with wood is a widespread misconception. Bonfires are a good thing, but very laborious, and in some places completely impossible. In the mountains, the forest only grows up to three thousand meters, and in the tundra it is completely absent as a class.

Yes, and in the forests ... Recently, a terrible beast “director of the reserve” has wound up there. In terms of harmfulness and ferocity, it is many times superior to the goblin of the most terrible pagan tales. And his subordinates, although they cannot pronounce the word "huntsman", have absorbed the kikimor skills with their mother's milk. This evil flies to the fire faster than mosquitoes on a white girl's body or flies on ... don't think it's honey.

And it’s much faster to light a burner than to look for dry branches. While the crowd is bringing firewood to a decent fire, you can cook, eat, and fall asleep. If, of course, you can. That is why the majority have long ago given up on fires and pretend to be tough climbers even in the swamps of the East European and West Siberian lowlands.

But every beauty has back side. You have to carry fuel. And if for one day this weight is inferior to an ax and a fire rope, then for a couple of weeks, and even more so for a month ... 50 grams and for 30 days plus packaging ... It turns out not weak! And also the price. Especially when you consider that fuel is prohibited for transportation on trains and planes, and buying gas in the village of Pasrud, Ayni district of independent Tajikistan, is not a problem ... It simply is not found there! It is not even in Dushanbe! With gasoline it is easier - to choose from: yellow and blue. In three liter jars. Disgusting quality. That is, blue is disgusting, and yellow is blue, diluted ... Do you remember “Gentlemen of Fortune”?

In general, you have to buy gas in the alpine camp! At the price of gold nine hundred and ninety-ninth test. And the issue of fuel economy is also becoming an economic one.

And how to save it? And so the tents are not heated with burners, lovers of hygiene procedures are invited to use the melting products of nearby glaciers, and smoking participants are used to burn nylon ropes.

All fuel goes to cooking. A pot filled with Ash-two-O in a liquid or solid state is placed on a burner, which, to the best of its meager strength, tries to convert the water into a gaseous state. That is, melt, heat and boil. This process directly depends on two parameters - the power of the burner and the coefficient useful action device. Moreover, the more powerful the burner, the less fuel will be spent on heating and boiling (and this is not a mistake, the gain from reducing the burning time covers the increase in every minute consumption). And the more efficiency - here and so it is clear.

Moreover, cooking systems have long appeared that increase this coefficient so much that they boil the prescribed volume of liquid for a few minutes. Everything is fine. But!

After boiling water, you need to cook food. And this process does not depend on the power of the burner, nor on the magical efficiency. It is supposed to cook rice for twenty minutes, so it will boil for half an hour. This is less than four thousand. And above - until the boss announces that "hot is never raw." Because the water boils there at ninety degrees (and the right angle does not depend on the height above sea level, this anecdote is older than me), and rice is unusual for this. As a result, the sea of ​​fuel goes to hell! The same one, with terrible difficulty not found in the capital of independent Turkmenistan, bought for big money from a huckster in a high-mountain tea house and dragged on its own hump to hell, where there is no water and no rice is cooked!

In addition, all these magical cooking systems for marketing purposes are equipped with extremely delicate inner surfaces of the pots. That is, do not touch it with an aluminum spoon: one “scratch” - and put out the light, drain the water. The plastic ones don't work either. Wooden - yes, but who in our time carries wooden spoons on a hike? They break on close scrutiny. How do you wash this bowl? Don't rub the sand! And if it's on fire...

1. Main dishes

The ones that are the same for breakfast and dinner and in finished form are porridge with meat or milk.

The foundation - groats. What is her problem? Long time to prepare. Precious gas burns, seconds, from rest and deeds selected into minutes merge, those into hours, and the cursed rice seems to be mocking the poor fellow, who had a difficult share of the cook.

Therefore, the main task of the manufacturer is to reduce the cooking time of cereals. And if this very cereal does not need to be cooked at all - the people are a tourist benefactor of their ... No, they will not erect a golden monument in full growth. And kind word few will remember. Russian people! Cursing is always welcome! And the taste is lousy, and the price is crazy, and the packaging is not the same ... But they will buy. For the taste and packaging are correct, the price (not so big) recoups on fuel economy, and the mat is our national conspiracy from evil spirits since pagan times. So as not to jinx the benefactor. They eat tasteless flakes and do not buzz very much. Because disgusting is disgusting, but the pan is clean! And fuel again!

The same applies to the rest of the main course ingredients. To meat, mostly. Actually, boiled-dried minced meat in boiling water is normally bred.

2. Tea and other hot drinks. And cold at the same time.

You can offer them.

But the exotic is quite interesting. The essence is a mixture of crushed freeze-dried berries. It can be brewed like tea, or it can be diluted in cold water right in the voucher bottle. I spread it in the morning, the Morsik is ready for the first halt.

3. Snacks and pocket food.

The main problem of this food is the packaging of products before the trip. The classic lazy approach boils down to a bag with a mixture of nuts, raisins and dried apricots, from which the caretaker distributes zhmenka to all those who suffer in the morning. The zhmenki at the caretakers are different, and therefore either in the middle of the campaign the bag shows the bottom, or three last days the people are fattened by the mixture, and only half a bag remains.

People who are lazy not at home, but on the route, diligently pack portions for each man-day in thin polyethylene. It's terribly comfortable in the mountains. But hanging and unpacking three hundred eighty-gram bags by hand is not for the faint of heart.

Therefore, such “snacks”, packaged in a factory way, are a test thing.

Probably enough for now.

Dried vegetables, vegetable mixtures, cooking bases, ready-to-eat meals.

Kolesnikova I.Yu.

The ways of using these products (they are always indicated on the packaging) are very simple and accessible to any tourist, even without culinary skills.

In the range of LLC "Healthy Food":

  • 23 ready meals
  • 19 mono-products for cooking according to your own recipes
  • 7 vegetable mixes
  • 3 Herbal Teas for Rejuvenation

Organization of hot meals

The implementation of the regime - the standard daily routine (including food intake), has a positive effect on human health and performance.

This is most facilitated by three hot meals a day. It not only helps to adhere to the daily routine adopted under normal conditions, but also allows you to more rationally replenish the energy costs associated with the movement along the route.

It is important that breakfast is high-calorie (about 30% of the total caloric intake of the daily diet), small in volume, easily digestible.

For example, you can use the following fast food products from Healthy Food to make breakfast:


  • Potatoes with vegetables
  • Sprouted wheat porridge with berry additives or rice porridge with various vegetable or fruit and nut components
  • Rice porridge with dried apricots, nuts and honey

Target lunch- Restoration of substances and energy expended by the body. Such a lunch should contain a high percentage of animal proteins (which means we are talking about meat), a large amount of carbohydrates. Lunch should include the bulk of food containing indigestible foods rich in fiber, the longest lingering in the stomach. Calorie lunch 30-35%.


For lunch, you can cook one of the following dishes:

  • Buckwheat porridge with meat
  • Potatoes with meat
  • Soup Kharcho with meat
  • Potatoes with meat

Meaning supper- fully restore the energy expended before lunch (which cannot be achieved by lunch alone), prepare the body for movement along the route the next day. It is necessary that the assortment of products included in dinner contribute to the restoration of tissue proteins and the replenishment of carbohydrate reserves in the body. It should include white cereals, fish dishes. Dinner calorie 25%.%.


  • Potato "Oriental"
  • Pea soup
  • Instant porridge

Hot food should be plentiful, since the feeling of satiety depends not only on the calorie content, but also on the duration of its stay in the stomach. Food, even very high-calorie, but small in volume, cannot cause a feeling of satiety.

Hot food should be varied. It is not recommended to cook dishes from the same products at the same meal (for example, soup with noodles or pasta and vermicelli garnish for the second course).

Dry food has a negative effect on the body of a tourist, depletes his strength. However, it is not possible to completely avoid it in a tourist trip, even if it is the simplest in terms of complexity. Even with three meals a day, the gap between breakfast and lunch is 6-8 hours. It is during this period that the greatest load on the body falls, and already 1.5-2 hours after breakfast, energy costs need to be replenished. Therefore, every tourist for a snack in easily accessible places should have stock of fast digestible products: sugar, glucose, dried fruits, dried berries, a mixture of nuts with raisins.